HomeMy WebLinkAbout596 :::;;....--- ._"'--..",,-.;.> ""'" ~. . ~ , /'. , , o R DIN A NeE. NO. 596. -0-0-0-0-0-0 -0- AN OHDIUiU~C]: aIJprOvins a.nd confirmi.ne the ;J,Gsessment and the nsoe s~ent rnll ~~~tifiGd to tile Gity Coun~il on the 4th day of A~8ust, 1925, by the Streets and Alleys Oo~nittee and tllG City Bnzineer for the costs of tile im'Jrovc:1Cnt in Local Improvement Di strict No. 87 in the 01 ty of Au1urn, in pursuance of Ordinance No.. 575, pa.ssed Februflry 17, 1925.. and Ft' oviding for the d ispo S.i tioz:,. . o~1._.m12.'.e.~, c.....o.11.1. ected on said assessment. " ~!..1!.~ tt/t~~~~7~. WKE:Jl;-~AS dU€lYiotlce has been given th'lt obj actions to the aS~J e.3:;';len t ::., '1:.1 t"'w 0.;;; ,,0',0 n .lent roll herei nafter :,1entio ned 'Noul :~_ (~ -':::d 'l,~termined by the 01 ty Ccun;~ i 1 at e Ci ty '1a'11 A."1,",,,,, "r:.,';'" tn'" 0"1 +l-n l.,t ,1,p',-' ,..'f'Sentem b"'r' 1995 ,,,t,,...... ,...... .' '4"" ",)lA.3" j..i., ,. ;,,:"'~......:o,,' ~L.# ,'<,.....;,." ~~... ~~,i....... ....~:a "'~A:'''..J:~J.l.. , i"" I.. V., " ....., . at 8:00 o'clock, P.M., at ~lich time the City Gouncil wo~ld meet to hp.:tr al)peals and o"bj act ions of an:;' and a:n XIDQ"~ pCTsons ol,,'i :'!in; tC' 118 agdri(~V'ed by s:.1.id ~ctssessr!lent; a.nd \~Tl{(1ILE f>'3 TTfi; '1' IT.IJj':l'{)l'(;?I JJnTC} O~6JSCT IC~}TS or~ T l~JCIIT8- !\.~I "l.S:'}';:3'1.1 hi).[; IJ,9.G13ci, and no objections thereto have been so filed; ;3.nd r'T!-IT1:RRA.:-l the Ci ty '"'ounci.l has caref'tlLy eXa.i~ined a.!1d c()n~:id,2~"cd su.ch a,:>:;;.~;:u:n;,::~nt ard n.:,;SeGi1:-10nt roll and is now fully advised in the premises; HOY!"('\,:1~. TiIE CITY comrc IT.. 0:8' 'l'H;i; 0 ITY 0 J? AUBURN DO OHDAIN' AS 1-"OLLOYlS: Section 1. Thftt the tl.~3 f)eS~Jr;lCllt and aS6e~)s:'~ler1t roll ce!.ti.fie~. to tho Ci ty Council on the 4Fl dny of AUGust, 1925, :J:r t}:~-c r_Jtrsets ~rnj~ /\llcys CO;1l1~}i tts3e ~~rld t11e Cit21 ~rici!lee't~ of tl~c Cit~!:)f AU,J~J.rn fyc':ilC CCH;!ts of the bllrrovement of all tho.t :portion of C street .3.E. in the Ci ty of Auuurn Hi tuate XJli between the southerly m:<r'Z:rL.l li11e of of t:ae r igh t-of-way ')f the "Palmer-Cut-Off Bra.nch'. of the lTorther::l }'a::ifi::: 1~D.j_lw:1.Y CO~111)8.ny and Ninth Street S.E.., a.l1 in the City 0 f Auburn, by the grading of 8o.i,i port ion of 0 r.Jtreet S.3. and t,hc do ing of other work incid.ental thereto, constituting r~ocal l.rrrprOVC1!lcnt "Distri~t 1'10. 87 in the City:) f Auburn, in pursuance of ~din~mce lb.. 5'15 of :FQrl City. :?D.ssed ~'ebruo.ry 17, 1925, and the levy and. chm'ge of the cost af said ilnrJrc)vement as shown on H"l.id a.8Be'.3;.:L~t1t roOll and t~_'lereby apI)Ortion uIJon tl1e acljoining, C ontiguoas ;l.nd a,mroxim2,te lots and 1);:.;.1'ce18 of land s1)€c:!.al1,y benefi ~ted, in a;'~()l'dn.nco with the l~,ws of t}--w :":)tate ~f VI ash- ington and Ordinance No. 575 of t~'1.e Ci ty of i'ubal' \1, are hereby approYf.d in all 1"Gsnects, C'.tHl t::1C City TreanUc':l1' i'1 l1crebv di;:'G~ted to ~ollect. ;Jaid n,sseSB!1ent, ~vllioh may oe l)aid without l'n+""''''''+ '-er1a~tu 0" '"0'''+''' "[.1."01- ,i.-, ?,() ~""r'" .,.-f'-t'(-'", d'le noti,.,,,.> . ....".;...~. ';...~:..I, ~J. -*--...Y ,~v' ~ J.~l . t..._,,;,_~"'''~ > ,,,,,,:."V..."}J ~~ ....._~, '~I.. i .1..--.'....- 3:0.a2.1 h:3.ve been gi ..ren to the ovnwrs of the property '/Ii thin said assess :lent distriet by l"lublication 1ft the manner pro- vided. by law. and if s~l.id, 8.SSCf3C";1e:1ts be not r:dd v:itl:in thirty (30' days from t~A 1nte of first publication of said '")0': i.:::c;, t(H.~ ~;a'ne shall bear interest thereafter at tl1e rate ~~ spwan (7~' ~P'" ~pnt ~o~ anp1lffi \MI .4, -."'...... ~ \.. i -J I ~/ """'" ,. -.,...... ',- i,J ..i.;,..I\.."" ""- ... '- '... . Seetin 2. 'lh,;.t the moneys collected upon s9.id a.sse:3S;i1ent. approve(l and conf-L::<nea. 1)'y this or'linanee, ~:rre heI'e1J)1' oreier-eel t:J l)e T)l~l"ce{l i11 loc;-?~l i!n..uro"'t\yf'~3::1E~Ytt; 'f _tnd I '.1,)'_' <,.3 t,.::": ~,+," '....J. '-:),. P-,.7, t~" r: ... .",.,,~ ~ ." '1 co" n'~ "" ;", r, + ,'" ~ h,r 0"" ,di n-I.Y'" p N:" _, '_._ '.' "'" ___~.' '_.......",'.:.:~__ .;., A';' \../.. '-',.l......c...'~._".. o...'..'t ...'..-. r.............,""" ..... -...1. 575, and all wa.rrants dn.n7n and 'bQn'~s L:;s:.:.ed for the Ii,3,Y::1E:nt ')f :3 '.1. i..: '.:1 il,il.l'.,' \J V e ,;~e I,' t ~J. l1all bP.". ~""',88 'H.'d 0 t.1.. n.'1cl. :)':'..:."/.,,,.,1)2 e 0:) onlY. O.'."~ ~ - . (7 of 0,.",1 lonl im:o~oveOle"+' f"~'\'(I//foL;'1. /' <L"h /41 """"&//;"1 Mt- Ii"",? #~<' ,c'b-/,7 'Ji1J ~,t;,'l4L c;);"/' . -, _.l . t ~ , 1'. , . Section 3. Thi:~ 0rl:.:1c:.~-lC(: ~~l?J_l tn}7r?: cf~~'cct 8,.11(1 be in force flY8 cl:(:::l from aud 8..fte"!' its pass'1ge. apl)Toya,l a.nd publication as required oy law. Introd.l.lr;e1 September I, 1925 . Sel=;tembs1" .., 1925 ..1.., . Septembs:r 1~ 190,5 " Pa.s ~1 e(1 Appr oved ]!A ~{()}\ A T::l~3T : ( a./ . . . ~ - '.cf'ty CI~=~fK'-~~--- Approved as to form ~~~. -------.. C ITY ATTOnXl'~Y Publi.3hed L~ Scntenner -- ,19 ')5" ...I,; _m........______