HomeMy WebLinkAbout602 4.> "'- -- ..- ... ORp-IHAHCE n Q_ 60~ AN ORDIlliJICE Fixing the a:nount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estiT.ated expenditures of the City of Auburn for the yedr, 1926, less the total of the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, inclu:3..ing available surplus, and such expenditures as :1re to be :aet fro:;l bonds and warrant issues, and the expenditures for sal[.1ries and wages, maintenance, ope ration and capital out 1 '.1:Y' of the Public Librd.ry 0 f the Ci ty of Auburn, for the year, 1926. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Auburn has hereto- fore, pursuant to the pravisions of Chapter 158 of the Session Laws 0 f the Stat e 0 f W'c.l.sh ington fo I' the year 1923, duly fixed and determined sepr.::,.tel;l each iten: of the budget of the City of ",uburn, for the year 1926 and by ordi11'.;:.nce, duly p...dopted said budget as so fixed and deteru.ined; and WHEREAS, The County Assessor of King County, Washington has duly certified that the total assessed valuation of all of the property situate within the present corporate lLJits of the City of Auburn, as equiliz ed and fixed by the County and std.t e Bo ards of Equalization for the year 1925 is $1,898,72.8, and thfit the assessed valuation of all property situate within the cocpor~te limits of the Cit;;7 of Auburn, as such corp:orate limits existed 111'1::11' to the 5th da~7 of Dece~1ber, 1911, as equclized and fixed by the County and State Bo:ards of Equalization for the year, 1925, is the sum of $1,151,082; and :,\lH?atEAS, Sail1 b~dget he ret 0 fa re fixed _no.. deter;;lined and .:1dopted by OrdiuJ.nce as do resaid provided for the follo':7ing expenditures during the year ~. D., 1926, viz: As interest und re'le,ption fund for 3er:cT:J.l refund- ing bonds _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 2,302.16 all of ':l11ich is to be I' ised by taxation ag,dnst t}~e ticxable property situ.te ',vittin the old corporate lioi ts of the 0i ty 'of _,-uburn, as s11cb carpor'te lLl".its exhited prior to tbe 5th day of DeceLlber, 1911; As int ere st ane1 rc1e,.lpt ion fund for municipal Building bonds, _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,898.72 all 0 f \7b i;;h is to be r,;.i sed. by tax..... t ion agrtinst --'.11 of the t,L};:c~ble property of the Oit~7 of Auburn; As interest und Tcde,;ption fund for Park .donds - - all of ',vhich is to be r~;ised. by taxation against all Q'f t}~c taxable pT01Jerty of the Cit;l of Auburn; 1"( 949.36 As s.....l~j.ries ar.d wage s t l,:aintenance, and ope r,,,,t i01: and. c D.lJi tal ou tl2.Y 0 f and for the l'ubLic JJibrary of the City of Aubur'n - - $2,998.00 froill which is to be deducted the su:n of - - -:"; 150.00 as esti~tlted receipts for fines, etc.,' le aving to be r,..i sed b~l t....x':.:..t ion ag inst :.J.11 of "cbG tc.xd,ble prope rt;y 0 f the Oi ty of Auburn the sn:n of _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -',' 2,848.00 -1- ~, .. . "" -.' .. And :tS curTEmt expcndi tures of the Oi t;;l of Auburn for salaries and. VI,ges, ;;1aintel1"Dce and operu.tion lr..d c:.<.pi tal outlay, after deducting therefrom the estimated revenues of said City from sources otter tLaD t~x",tion, including available surplus, - - - - - $21.835.00; NOW, ~iHERBFORE, The City Gouncil of the City of __uburn do ordain as fo llows: Section 1. ~hat, in order to ruise said ~Qn of $2,302.16 as interest an,l reie.iption fund for general refunding bonds, there be und is bereby levied upon all of the real and personal pro rty within the corpor..:-te limits of the City of Auburn, as such corporate limits existed pri.)r to the 5th da~' of Decelllber, 1911, as sllown upon the ~sseSs~Ent roll of King Co~nty, Washington, for the year A. .D., 1925,.":'s equ'ilized and fixed b;;r the Ooanty and State Hoards of Equaliz:J.tion, a tax of t\VO (2) mills on each ::.;.nd every dollar of equ~lized assessed valuation thereof. Section 2. 'ihat, in o.::der to r2.dse s::.;.id S1lL11 of $1,898.72 as interest and redemption fund for municipal builiing 'bonds, there be and is hereby levied upon all of the real and personal property wi t}~in the present corpor_ te limits of the Oi ty 0 f Auburn, as shovm upon the assesamer..t rolls of Ling County, Washington for thE year, "d D., 1925, ,cS cqna,ll.zed Stnd fixed by the County and St te Bo:..::.rds of Equ,.lization, J. tax of one (1) mill on each and every dollar of the equalized aSses~3ed valuation thereof. Section 3. ~hajt in order to raise said sum of $949.36 as int ere st and redeTIlpt 10 1: fund on ~i~15, 000.00 E\.l.rk bonds, there be and is bereb~: levied ul)on all of the real and personal property ':Ii thin t},e pre sent cor pl)ra te li::1i t s 0 f the Oi ty 6f Auburn, as sho fill upon the assessl.1ent rolls:)f King County, Washington, for the ye:J..r, ;.\.. D., 1925, as equ_olized .J.nd. fixed by the County and Stu.te Bo.J,rds of Equdlization,an additional tax of one-half (t) mill on each and every dollar o~ ~he equ~lized assessed valuation thereof. Section 4. That, in order to raise said sum of $2.848.00 for the support of the Public IJibr::1ry of the Cit~7 of ~_uburn und pur- su~nt to the provisions of Ordinances llo~. 205 and 283 of the Ordinances of the Gity of Auburn, there be and is also hereby levied upon all of tbe real ;..;.nd person~l property within the pre- sent co Tporate 11.::1 ts of e Gi ty of auburn, as slloiim llDon the assessQent rolls of King County, Washington, for the year A. D., 1925, as e qualizei by the County and St ~ite Boards of Equ'.;.lizat ion, an adclitionn_l ti.lX of one and o::le-half (It) ::1ills on each ,~~nd every :1011,.:..1 of the equ,lized assessed valuation thereof. Section 5. That, in order to raise said sum of $21.835.00 t::> assist in meeting the current expenditures of the City of .~uburn for the ;year L. D., 1926, t:here be a.nd is also hereby levied upon all of the real and personal property within tbe pre- sent corporate limits of the City of Auburn, as shown upon the assess":lent rolls of King County, Washington, fa r the year, l:... D. t 1925, as equalized and fixed by the County and state Boards of Equalization, an uddi tional tax of ~leven and one -half (ll-t) mills on each and every dollar of the equalized assessed valua- tion thereof. Introduced Uctober 6, 1925 Eassed October 6, 1925 Approved October 6, 1925 -2- '\ << l .. .' .. ... . a~~ A!l'TES T : /'n {1-afL2~~ , {;Lp "'. Ci'ty Ole rk Approved as to form: &r~..,,~j, ~. t orney Published October 8, 1925 STATE OF 'W ASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 ~ss. J I, n_n_A!.._9_!._:j?~~!_~}'_<!_____nnh_n' the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o.n_~9_~_, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDINANCE _~~~~~~~__~~_~_~~~~~~_.?E_:~x levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures o~ the City of Auburn for the year, 1926, less the total of the estimated revenues 'fromnS-ou-ices -ot}ler- -th-arintaxatio-n:: -- 111ciud1 ng -avalraore-s-ur pTus-,nand such expenditures as are to be met from bonds ~nd warrant issues, and the expe nel 1 t-ure-i -fa-r - safaiIe-i- ~;nd-wU:ges-,-- mal fit-enanc e -,--operatHirCanct- c a pi tal out~~'y-_g1._!;~~_~_~QJ._~~n~!P!'_~~YnQL_~tl~__~!~X_~!_~_~~~!E.!nt:.~!__~~_~_~~_:~, 1926." " I further certify that said Ordinance No. n~~_~_n was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of tll(~ said 'rhe City of Auburn, and pub- - 1. 1 d '. . 1 d b 1 .' Tl Sent inel IS Ie as proVH e y aw III Ie ____n__ ___n___nnn______n_n_ ____ a weekly ~lewspaper published in the City of Aubul'l1, and of general circulation therein, on ~ ~ . eighth , October 25. the _.::._"nnnnn________n_ day of n________n______n_.__n_nn' A. D., 19n__. . -Witneli8 my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this n_nn_n__ 15th day of . . ---------------