HomeMy WebLinkAbout603 ./. .. , . , >-4 ..-...-.---. . .. . . . . i --'- --,. ORJI1~1~~ NO.6Q3. " AU QRJIlfAlJCJi:: e~ta"bliS};'l_1.ng in t~~e treasury of the C~r..tv of A,U- b;n: ~ t'~d t~ be mown as "S~con:1 str-eet CondeJOJ.1ation FUnd"; Tlre.- VL~lW:; t..a t a...l moneys to be pai d into the treasury 0:/ tlle City ot Auourn on account ot the cost and expense ~ tIle condemning appro- priating and taking by the City of AUburn ot certain l~nds ter the purpos~ et laying off, opening, ext en1ing and establishing Secen1 street S .]i. as provided by Ordinance N"e..51.f..S of the o.rdinances ot tl~ City of AUburn shall be paid into. and credite~ to said Secend street Con1emnation Fund;: providing that all such cast and expense (excs}?t compensation for legal services ),and all the cost and ex- ' pense af spreadiI1.g,levying and co~l.ect1tl.g tIle assessments far such improv~ment against the property specia~ly benefited thgreby,Shal~ be paid by warrants drawn upen said S'3cond str-aet Cendenmat10n F1.ult.;: and prov1:1ing that any warrant to. 'oe drawm upen said fund Which shall net be paid far want ef fundS upon presentation to the City Treasurar Shall bear int,arest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from tlle date of SUCh presentation until: ca~led as provided bylaW.. Tlle City Ceunci~ af the City of AUburn dO ordain as follows: s'~ction -1. Tllat tll'.~re is her~!bY establiShed in the treasury of thid City af AUburn a fund to. be knawn as "secend strget Condemna- tian FUnd"; that all meneys to. be paid into. the treasury at the City of Au'ourn en account af the cast and expense af the condemnin&, appropriating.d.amaging and taking, as previded by Ordinance l'To..,51+5 af' tlle ordinances of t:n.e City ef AUburn, bY tlle C1tyaf AUburn of certain landS far the purpas~ aflayillg off,apening,extending and establiShing af S9cend street S.]:.- in said city, sllall be paid into. and cr?1it~~d to. said. S~econd str~et Candemnatian FUnd; and that a1:1 sucJ:"~ cest and expense, except compensation for legal services, and all th~ cost and eTgenSe ef sprea:1ing,levying and cellecting the assassuents fer SUCh ilw~rav~m~nt as pravid~1 for bY said. Ord.inance Na.5~5 against the praperty to. be specially benetit~d thereby Shall be paid bY warrants drawn upon said s~cand str'~et Condelnna- tion FUnd. S;,~ct1an 2. Tl1at all warrants to be dra\Vll upan said. s;~cend street C ond;'mmation FUnd Shall bS SUbstantiallY in the fallowing form, te- wit: "S]lQ:Ol~ S TRD T C olr.JEMlTA TI on Ftf.N:J WAID1A.lif~ Ha.__ Ameunt ~__ Interest Tatal *__. TO. the Treasurer ot the City af AUburn: pay to--------- ::;61lara frem any illon~-ys in second. <.. streeflSand~~ml1atlon FUn~-fer the con- demnation of s',:~cond. stree~ S.E. :lund:~r Ord1nance .L\la.-5lJ.5,not ath- erw1S-'i'~ apprepriate d.. . Tnis ~~rrant is not a general debt against tne City af AUburn and. is payable anly out of the proceedS from tIle callectian af snecial ass~ssm~nt made fer the cond.emna~ian fer Wfii~h it is issu- e1,and b~2.rS inter~st at the rate af e1gnt,( 8 per c'0nt per annum from date of presentatian until calle ' , AUburn,Washingtan, )'192__ ~ , "- . 1: ,..... _6 . _.-1__.... <~ Section 3.. That any warrant to. be drawn upan said Second Str"~0t Con1emnatian Fund WhiCh Shall nat be paid far want af fundS upon presentatian to the City Treasurer Shall bear inter est at the rat~ af 8 per cent per annum trom the date ot SUCh prsentation unt1fcalle1 as previd,ad bylaw.. Intra1uced Octeber 20.192.5. Passed Octeber 20,1925. Approv~d Octaber 2i,1925. Attest: ~~JL7 ./)// .---, /L tUVIP4!" '{/o~~~y!;Lk. -,m~r. Approv'3d as to. farm. -J:1~tt~d~~. PUbliShed Octaber 22,-l92.5.