HomeMy WebLinkAbout604 ^. ") . ~, . _. ~.. ...-.;.,! --==- o H D I J.. 1... lJ C B H o. G04 .boll O~,~.) ..'.1 G~ ':';J~:~il:g ~~'.>*~.L~-L.._.i.. ~~L.e 8.88S33 ,{~t ().,ili"iS~.;t€ "~d',C:::;>-"'J/'~ r.:;=:~ ,;__'~';'~it;': to J"Lc U5i:~'_~cil 0::.. tbe .~ . __ ~t.4....l~"~'.'- L .. , 1~~-~5, -c)~7 tl1c stl~( ts "lle~rs'CQ;.L.ittGC; ~"~..::;'f:.:..'~'r f'Jr tf'C C02,t8 of the L;.prove- :'.c:'t i:. 1JJ~1 L,".2.'J~.-c ,.'-..~~ DL':,-':;l'L;t I!o. 89 iL the Cit~- Jl Lu,b'l:rn L. )'lrscLJ.n:;cJf U i.n.L:':C .0.501, ):,J.s;:cllIuy 10, 1925~~:::l \~r'.)- Vl i1:8 fJr tJ-o .', J:::;iti..'~l of ,.JL;:';:~ '<)Jl1cctcd J:r~ said, assess...cyrt. '.:~L:HE.i:..S JJ.c ll..'ti::;c L~s 'L,'ccn given tho.t objections to the 'i:':~ ess.lcnt o.:::,bess...Lt roll l:crcin.:.fter..el.tioYled, '.Jou1cl. bc tLurl letcr,~ined t~c Uity Council t t~e City H~ll in tte Cit~- 'Jf .~,l.G"LrYl, L tJn, on tJ~c tr. 1;:;.:' Jf O::;tooLr, 1925, c:.vt 8:00 P. I,I., ~Lt ',"/l_i::.;l_ -1_.:....._ ~. Ui-~~7 Co~':_rlcil. ',I:J~L1J .ilcct t.J l-le0..r a9})(;,-~ls JJjcc:tLJL.G _..fl ",; ..",,-.11 ~ I'8JLSJ..;.._1..iL3 tu be .l~ i ev c a. 1j~t S L1.id. (is E~ C ~'i ~~-il_.le 1~ t; r~:::Cl + -~ ~J~ __l~L~g abjections J:J ~ (; Q t i 'J :1~) t }~: L l~ e t Cl [j ,- ( Jlc1 t~.ll_iT~g O-r~ "tj ~__ :.1--. So) file J.. ; eMA.~ (,j.. ~:;eal h 8 r)D.S;~;Ed 11J r~'}~C Uit~i C'J~lrl0il }-}~B c,.-'"rcf-~ll-l~l CX(1__jir~c~d LJ.nd. CJll~3i:lc::.'ccl sccb ccSscs;;,;cnt uLl c::,;::;scs:,;._,Cl:t roll c.:.nd is )lQ';: fully advised iT: t}lC rr(111is6S; T~C),..t, 1. .r,o' t 1. '-', T',"<1 C-'J"}l~"=j I::':: C I'L'Y ',--'1 '_ "._ -i.:.. .):J DEL ..,'~ . . '-...-I . '" . ". ,S '.;'1 O~! 1. .L L t' ~~ c _:;;;::~ c ;.: s _,c ll. t........~.'. 1.1 8.8 s 8 t~ c,,'_ Yl t .:cg ~l...-. GO LL1C'.L tJ the iJiJc,/ i):k.cil Jl:~2;c jS~_ cl'J.~7Jf __ 4~~-' 19~~5, 0;-/ t>e 3tl"..;CtS ':'C~7S CD,.:':.:l::..t"ee3l1 e 0Lt;] .:c.nsi11l'G';:--- Jf the Ci"~~' 0:' . ,It;l::CY-l f.:n::}c c;o;:~ts ,)f the i::lpr'JVS__J:mt .Jf_ll t11 t 1,-j-:.;.ti0Yl Jf Jivl3iJll S:.:.:cc_t S. sit;1. tc bct:Jeen t};c north L.::.:3iwcl lLEe .)f iirst dt:rc:.:.t S. .:.:., ~:tJ:l .;,,0.. .'8;:;t;"ll. (.;. s-'..:;:;:Cci-'''+ lillC :;;,01'08S s:;;~icl Di',-L;::,':'.l.' stl'cct S. -'che ::.'i t::;f WU~7 Jf~LIC1'~ C;,,"c-::;f::: 'br.nc}l Jf tJ".e l'iO:;:tLcl'l. lJ.l;;ific H.:.;,il'.lG.Y Co., Go:"'':'' -I;]:" ':'~, Lor:. Jf L 3-'c. u. .I. 81 tu,::.te bct/cen 't:>.:. l'lJrt{j ... :r3in.;.11illSJI j)'....::..st ;3trc; t d.!. ___' ';0:1 J;..;c.~ti.:.::.'l:' .'...C:::':)8:3 L ('1;'""-....1..1'.+ '::.~ <" .-!_,'>, "i -i. ";':".r~f.: or') ,"1. ';('T'''~' (:"'+: _(,_r~..p (l-~ Y1/);' ;J -..J.J..e,-" v '...1. .~. (j".;'~_,-- ~ ,._ '_~ ~....... ~ ~~.... _i..__....,.......;.~...v..... ~ ....,,,.-...u V..l........ ,............_......'.....4,j. of the northern Ed-cific R..i.iLltiY CO.t U.LL tlLt 1JJl~ti...!.,Jf B street '-'. '.I. sLt'u:c-'ce bet:ceL -'::tc .Ji'tl: Ll..rgil1r:.l line Jf L St. S. 10'1. ~J.'),'JCil ,,',--;':'~C2.'-<' ~:jC'JGS B 3:::::,',-ct S. .f. :'.;.l~d 'tLL:cd 3~::tcet S. vi., u, Ll. t:.:.'c.~c . ~.'~iL.)'':,~ j!'i::,',.:>t Street S. .s., .eiri;t StTcct S. J.t 3c-JJ :)tr ct S. i~;. ;;:;~J. 3_8.:.3. stl'C t J.N., sLtn c bct./Gen " (' + c', ,'" 0':,' ..... ,"< "--. J. ',' ',,{,', ~_; '~u'l 'r't l' 'J" n ,) -r I ;In"., l' I~{l i. ~ ..) v....... f~ '-..- I.) d. ..i.....,I. 4' ,);..! -~ ~, t..:.. LJ ~J. ,~.t .:...k-' ..'...'1. -- - - --... - ~ 3~~:;:est S. E. .i:.cd3tn.ct 3. \1. ;,,:"t',l .~c 1)c~.:ec.:l" L street S. B. t~:e :.c1. tJf .:.':: t:.G Sc'~'=le '1.' ..;;u:;,. JJr ..::lcb 'J-: L c ITorth'~rn Pacific R_.:.ibn~~T Co., 1 h: 1;LC Ci"u~' of ..",'\.tT;urn, ~':-~i2..,j ~~~ 'by tbe grc..1Ln[), ) .Vi'i~g D1 gr.,n:l Jf ull of B,::.L. :c:=iJ::~s:J-: JLvisian StrLet J., stl'cst S. ., B Street S. W., ~irst S~rc(t :. l~., J!lirst Stn;:ct S..I., Sec)1.'} st::.:c t S. .r::.,Sccolld'- S~:::cct s. '.'J., ThiI'd. street S. i:. uncl i'bLed. St:ccct s. ';I., ~J.ni b~7 cLing J-: ';J'..,._l.r -....!"r..I. 1.,iC.;..~P...t 1 ...~.'(',..e.+O n." ~'~-I.l,ti.,.,21 rOC'll I""'rrJvn ..-,,'t J. ';8L'''1''~'+ ._ ~ ..:0._ _............._ ..... U;t"":...t. \) . U'~ d..' W.j.,.., ',J,'_ ..........J..b J. ~ .lll.J;" ~.~....\,;.J..... '..l... v_ v\J J. 89 ll; ~;::~ C.:Lt~r of .ulnun ill lm:c8;,1.u.nqc 'JI OrrlirLllCC Ho. 591-)f \. . '. ~ -l.- ~<';~~~~~?'-' l, 1 ,.' '- -, - --- .. L: Gi ~~', )~SSeQ L~lY 19, 1925 ,.lllQ tte lEvy end charge of the cost J1 saiil ~ ~?.J\.re ~erltv",E 8!_()\7Y1 l11>J21 sui.:l &sf:-,e[;~lT~lei~~t -roll ~_l~cl t}lc?cby :ctlJned :l:;Jll ":Lo ;)tJining, CJ,"JG",c:10:lS :.nd roxLJ .to lots ~al~'l J!(~l"(;cls 'Ji' l~.:.na. tl ci.'l.l:/ 'bCl1c~:Lted L:,U~;Oi?;.~::;,,:'l;:;e rL.tl.< ';c;,.c 1,:J.."~.:-s of t}}8 3t tc :Jf .t .::tJl'l 'uil-iU O:r:..li~':'~:h:--:Ge to. 591 -Jf tJ-:c uit;/ of ;_~.tb-llr!l, <.J..re :_',,*Y8by j"\lCQ u..YlCl 8D~"i~~il't..lcd i:c all :rc e;Jts, , Ci.nd tLl; i-Ji ty 'j.'~"C::O)l'L1' if. hereby direuted to 6011ect said aDsess:Jcnt \~J}--~ich rnu..:7 IJe 1)~11d. \7itlJolJt illt(:'Yl.st, halt~1 o:c cost \'.rl' -f'l"jl' '" +-'hl ,'-:-:~r (':;';''') ,l c,,!c" ,"'-{.'" ,;I-,e- Y'I) +-1" ne o'n .11 ".....T(\ bee.:-: "i7,'," to . ~ v. .... U .!. ........... uti v -....I _. (......J. ...:.1.... -"- \.J '- J.. ~ ,J. v ...... __ \J.. "J ....i..1 ~ __ ___ II - '- --- ,-' .....- .... 0}-~e ~aVlncrs ;Jf tJ-~'~ ...1"'0I~;""'~"~~. .'lithin s.J..id:j.ssesU;:.l(:llt diEJtI'ict by c(ll)licC1tion irl tl}c ~J}lrlll(;-.t :.....J"\7ided. b~' 18.\v, if sL:.i:J ,~~E,?C8~3c~_ y...ts bo> c, .,}()t "'[1. l'd ".Ti i'~'.i v; SC'l'" +1; i 1'-:-:" ('.~,n) ~ .,-;0 f';~O" i~l'" ," ,,+c' 'J ," +loe \".> J. j,;-" ".~ V...l~.1..... Ck....i.. U..L........._ lJe/ 'f./V -..A.........iJ U J_..... _,-'-I. v...J.V .A-.......iJ ~ v...... firt1t ]Jl1b"lic tiOll of st:icl L.otice, tne S~.l.rne 81.':_..11 bej.T intel'8Bt th:::::e fter at tile r,te)f seven (77'0) per Gent. per annu:J. 33CTIOIJ 2. The T~o~':eY8 collected 11pon said asscS3;~~ntt apyrovGd ani GOf"fir::ci b:' t}:is:rcdin:.;.nce, are l::creb:;.' O.CQ01'ed. to be pL,l.ced in 108i.l L~p:rJ';(;.l(;llt fl.lYld .Jistrict La. 89, t':,c sp...:cial fund created. by Ordirur:Ge Wo. 591, all warrants dr.J.vvn___ud. boncls iosued for tr:e }Ju';;'n1Cht of saii improvEent shall be issued OL and }Jay,ble onl:,.' out o:f said loc..cl improvement fund. SECTInn 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and. be in force five days from ~nd a~tcr its passage, ap rovul and publica- tion as required b;) law. Introduced October 20, 1925 Passed october 20, 1925 Approved October (~fi/ti- _.------L~~-.. - "'_ :r;V~YOR 20, 1925 A'J.'jlEST: ~ Approved uS to form: tiOAk:~' ~., "., A I~ \ 1'-'\, . \'o;,"1\7~'--- -. '---~ .eL... .L~rl.OH...;.i'JY '-- - -"'. publisricd October 22, 1925