HomeMy WebLinkAbout673 ."".. -' ... ,4 '0, ~.:' OhDI~:i...L;-':~~ F0. b6jj. O';,DI pl'ovi confirLling tLe fSiO,eEJE';lcllt r;8SC~:;i:- , 1 1 J .. ..-. ~ "..h -i-- '!... ". , ;'''': ," -- ,J, ., d-i' meL:, ro,l.. c:e:rCITleCl lIO u;,l; G1<' 00:'~<)l.l. OYl cne GtbY:1~7 O.L ';}ebruoxy, 1929 t b~7 tObe Cit~~ ~:nsilleeTt ~~OT tli8 cost of .IC}18 i_,.pYO~lC ,lutlt il"l T/Jc>.-~.l Imp:rovn18nt Dib"C~.'ict ITo. 94, iD tbe Cit:' elf ~,-'),b!lrll, j' s')_c:~rlCe of Ord'l"(:Qr:-'" ":., r'b~O h"sQCd "'l)'jQt;:Ol -10 ,,-,--,;:1 p"'J~rl'dnl-la -i'o'" +1--'8 r11'''_ ..~,-^'.......v...... ..L,V. V ' t J:1L..........\..; ..t:1.. ~...)\_~u ....." .J....,/ ,c---....lA.t ...... V _ ..... b ....L. ..J... ILL LA. l...) ;~2ition of T10neys collected Oll 2flid aS2e8S1~lcDt. ,jT:_-I"':;I(~~.l.S i ~lf; l}IJ tic e ::-j ~~;J ~iJ e e 11 -3 i v 8Yl t fj U.t 0 b j e Q t:; i 0218 t iJ '~> c= UE;SC;::~Tlel1t unl ',ssl8sLlent l'oll hercir: ftcI' r.lentioncdJ'J1Jld oe heLrd'~nd determined by the City Council, ,it tLt- Cit:' Hall iy. the C::.'~r:1E ..L -'~1, 'Nashington. on the 5th da~7)f 1.Iarcn . 1929 , J.t the bOU1< of 8 o'clJck .P. E., at iG]~ ~;iL',e tte Cit2 COJ,J:wil .,JCJ',:L~Lli Llcet s:Gd Leur appei..ils and oejections of c~j'i:7 ,,11 fCrSOl1B cl~Limin3 tobe agsrieved by s,:licL u_.8seESLlent; 8Jld iHJ.:;hEAS t116 time for filin:3 objections or taking an appeal hE1S .pe,ssed Ell1d 110 objeGticJ:!:lS -~_~ c:t"e..lco }}:-;.Vf beell filed; El,.lld ,r:I3i~ji.iw t}}E" Gi t~; CQ1.111Cil l~u#s carefu11:i' e:X)J.I~lil1ed aId CJ011Sidered Sl)_Cll ,s-sEeeSLler1t 8.D,i asse8SLlel1t roll fll1d is fl111~7 f1.dvised ill -LTJG lJreTlli~~es; U,U, :-1Dld_;:l?O;.,D, :::',I';';; CL,'Y)OiJ}IOIL Oii' OR D.t., I IT ,AS FOLLOE: CI=)~[ OJ:' ....U~3Ul\lJ DO Section 1. 11bat tbe assessment 'nd 8.ssessnent roll cert ified "":;0 the Cit;~' Cail;:ei1 on P:e Gth da-:< of Februnry ,1929, by the Cit:7 Erlgil1eeT of tl~c Cij~:<-. of ..L:'-~l"L.:-~l~'~l fUl' tLe \Josts -Jf .I:;bt::: irny:coV(;~ll(:~llt of all that portion of LI Street li. .E., ill t'ne Cit of ",iue~',rn, sit'u"te oetween lIain Street East <nd Sixtl:: Jtreet IT. B., in si..Lid Ci t~' of LLi.burh, b~7 tbe grading of s'lid pO:l.'tion of I,I Street l~. B., and b;j< the constri1ction in scd.c1 p04,<tion of L. street IJ. b;. or" botb sides thereof, of e'oncrete Dr,l 8prlent sidc',-JDlks, Juri th(~ doing of o.tber,JQrk incidental the:reto. constit11tin3 I,ocu.l ILlIH'JVer:.ent District no. 94. in tbe s~iid Ci ty 'J f AJ.1burl1, in purS11u,nee of O~cdirlunce 1:0. 660 of sc,id ci ty. passed Angu:::t 21, 1928, '.lncl the levy ;,nd cL'Lr.jE'; of the cost of said Lq)rove- ment as sl101'vn upon the sfJ.icl rlsSeCi3,:lCnt rol" and t'hereb~; apportioned upon the ad jo i !li113, Gent iguous !j,nd c'pproxiliH,rt e 1)1; s und parce 1s of lancl specially benefited. in d,ccord5:;,nce Nith tIJeLTvs of the state of .iusbington and ardine-meE! no. 660 of tbe suicl Ci t;j7 of ,Aubru;:n, are hereby approved and confi:n,18(i in ,111 respects, and: tbe Ui ty 1ireasurer is herc- b~7 directed to call.ect suld (,lsSe8~Ylt:nts ic1'1 may be paid without interest, 'penalty o:c costs, aithilJ tLir:':;;7 (30) days after due notice shc:ll hu.ve been given to the OWTlers of tLe l):J..'opertYiIi thin said assess- Gent c1h,t:rict public'Ltion in the 1!l?Umer provided by law, and if said '''se- e s Q.L y,f: S 'h e "1,0 'j~ "," '1' u.'1 "J.~ +-1- -i ,", i'1. -i ',' +" ('''0) d""'''::' 'C',' 01'-' i~ '1' e d- ,-;;- R 0 f '; 1~ C> CN...., "-,-cll,,,...L..v U ~ V .l:-'\....... ,J v..............J. ;.;........L._ u\.<' v LA.-JU...L-.o... ~l v j C".U J _ .......1-....... first publioation of said notice, the same shall bear in'terest there- after at 't;}Je rate of....-e!:(ht (g..). lJer cent per annuw. o~ (j) Section 2. The Til'Jneys oollectecl upon su,id assessment, 1i.py~--:oved and confirf:led by this ordinance, are hereby ordered to be placed in locioll improvenent Jund, district E'J. 94, tLe special fund. created by Ordinancc~ llo. 660, unJ all warrants dr-mvn for U--IS p'.iymcnt of said im- 'prove;JeYr~ sball be issued on ,Jnd payable o'nly out of said local improvement fund. Section 3. j,1his Ordinance shall tal:e effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its p;--;ssage, al;proval cwd Imblic(ltion 1 v .. .- ,4 . --. as required by law. Introduced March 5, 1929 pussed ~ ~ , 1;;J29 .l..pproved ~~~-, 1929 ~ Attest: />d~ ' ~-'./~ 'l ( ';'t2/v...-/o/~-.-4f/V Ci ty YO.lB rk Approved as to J!'orm ~)<~^A~{~~~~ , . .l; it:, .."t 't .] r lie y Published ~_ 7 if , 1929.