HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-10-2009 C ITYOF DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE N ~ WS H I N N February 10, 2009 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lynn Norman called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. in the Council Conference Room located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. Committee Members present were: Chair Lynn Norman, Member Sue Singer and Member Gene Cerino. Staff present included: Mayor Pete Lewis, Planning, Building & Community Director Cindy Baker, Assistant Planning Director Kevin Snyder, Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, City Engineer Dennis Selle, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Construction Manager Larry Dahl, Parks Maintenance Manager Mike Miller, Economic Development Manager Dave Baron, Cultural Arts Manager Laurie Rose, Visual/Public Arts Coordinator Maija McKnight and Planning Secretary Renee Tobias. Audience Members present were: Gary Hahn, John Nelson and Greg Watson II. MINUTES Chair Norman noted a correction to a bulleted item under City Hall Plaza Conceptual Designs. It should read "Create a dry creek bed for sustainable message and rain garden". Member Singer moved to approve the January 22, 2009 minutes as amended; Member Cerino seconded. The minutes were approved as submitted unanimously. III. ACTION A. Downtown Sidewalk Guidelines Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain distributed three option drawings of proposed downtown sidewalk guidelines at a typical street intersection; (1) Current adopted sidewalk guidelines, (2) Option presented to the Committee in October 2008, and (3) Option presented to the Committee at the February 10, 2009 meeting. Committee discussion ensued. Vice Chair Singer moved to approve the February 2009 Proposed Downtown Sidewalk Standards; Member Cerino seconded. Motion carried. B. Street Trees Along City Half Frontage Principal Planner Elizabeth Chamberlain provided a background on the status and maintenance of the Red Sunset Maples planted in the sidewalk cutouts around City Hall. There is an immediate need to replace trees along Division Street that were removed for construction. Additionally, other sidewalk trees around City Hall, where there is also existing landscaping directly behind the sidewalk, should be removed where the sidewalk is lifting from tree roots and is a safety hazard. Parks staff proposes removing trees where there is Page 1 Downtown Redevelopment Committee Minutes Februarv 10, 2009 competition from nearby trees and if replanted, recommends smaller growing and upright branching tree species. Committee discussed various options for trees and sidewalk replacement. Committee agreed that the trees on the west and north side of City Hall will be removed as existing vegetation exists behind the sidewalk and the existing street trees are impacting the sidewalk. Where the trees were located will be filled in with concrete. The construction along Division Street will be installed per our sidewalk design guidelines with 2x2 scored pattern. Removal of trees on Main Street, if any, will be held off until work on the Plaza commences. Vice Chair Singer moved to permit removal of the existing street trees on 1St St NW between A St NW and N. Division Street and A St NW between W. Main and 1S' St NW. Member Cerino seconded. Motion carried. Member Cerino moved to have the 2x2 scored pattern be utilized for the replacement of sidewalk as a result of the utility construction for the Auburn Professional Plaza project. Trees will not be installed as there is existing landscaping directly behind the sidewalk. Vice Chair Singer seconded. Motion carried. IV. CITY HALL PLAZA FINAL CONCEPTUAL DESIGN John Nelson, with Maul Foster Algoni, presented two options (A & B) for the City Hall Plaza Renovation Concept. Both options reflect recent Committee discussions; Option B is more accurate as consensus was to eliminate the elevated kiosk area at the plaza corner at Main/Division Street. Other changes incorporated in the long term vision would be to accommodate glass canopies; one could be a rain umbrella with interactive water feature and art depicting cultural history. A long term idea would be to install glass canopy above the main City Hall entrance. The canopy would portray an awning fan shaped using glass similar to the Transit Center. Committee reviewed the proposed preliminary budget, identifying which elements would be short and long range projects. Funding source will be discussed at the Council's retreat on February 12, 2009. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Downtown Redevelopment Committee, Chair Norman adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. APPROVED THIS 3rd DAY OF March 2009. Ly n orman, Chair Rene S. Tobias, Planning Secretary Page 2