HomeMy WebLinkAbout4012 RESOLUTION NO. 4102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT WITH PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. FOR UTILITY SYSTEM FACILITIES WHEREAS, on April 4, 2005 under Ordinance No. 5905 the City of Auburn granted Sprint PCS a Conditional Use Permit for a Type 1-D wireless communications facility and associated radio equipment to be stored in an enclosed structure adjacent to field three of Game Farm Park at 3030 R Street, Auburn, Washington, and WHEREAS, the Conditional Use Permit Ordinance recognized that Sprint PCS would lease an area at Game Farm Park from the City of Auburn to accommodate the construction of the wireless communication facility, including individual equipment enclosures which would house electrical equipment supporting the antennae, and WHEREAS, the Conditional Use Permit Ordinance also recognized that Sprint PCS would connect the wireless communication facility to existing electrical and telephone services, and WHEREAS, Sprint PCS has requested that Puget Sound Energy provide power to the wireless communication facility, and Resolution No. 4102 September 26, 2006 Page 1 WHEREAS, Puget Sound Energy has determined that an additional underground vault must be installed along an existing distribution line located within Game Farm Park in order to accommodate the needs of Sprint PCS; and WHEREAS, in order to fulfill the power upgrade for Sprint PCS, Puget Sound Energy has requested that the City of Auburn grant an easement for the purposes stated herein; WHEREAS, in order for the City to permit such use of City property, an agreement is needed to protect the interests of the City; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to grant an easement for the purposes stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH RESOLVES TFiAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Auburn are herewith authorized to execute an Easement in substantially the form of the agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, denominated as Exhibit "1" and made a part hereof as though set forth in full herein. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Resolution No. 4102 September 26, 2006 Page 2 Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. DATED thiscG_ day of 00 e4IA~,Y , 2006. CITY OF AUBURN ~ PIETER B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: ~ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP TO FO M: ' ~ Dgrei B. id, City Attorney Resolution No. 4102 September 26, 2006 Page 3 RET.11R,T lil ADDRESS: ~ PugetSourlqErrer9y,lnc. , A~h: ;WW Department (J. Mai) 20070223000408 at~ aoX ~ease ~ est-oew :"l@we~ WA;: 98009 pUGET SOUPD EN HRS 33 • 00 PAGfi003 0 4 KING C2~JNTY !0l0up4 EASEMENT REFEREWCE#::'. r ; GRAPITOR:- ','CITY'QF AU4IfRN', a Wxihington 1nianiaapa►xorporation GRANTEE: PUGET SO~JND ENER~II,;1NC. SHORT LEGAL: Pq,rtlon of.tracas 60,;Bt artd 71, W~bt AitbiJim Five Acre Tracts ASSESSOR'S PROf'~7X''CAX pARC,EL: 9t8280-q*:-.:; :•;:;i: For ar►d in consideration of One, Doltar ($1,;00) a~id olfier qtblua,ylecolnsideration ip 'hand paid, C1TY OF Al1BURN, a Washington munlcipal corporation ("Gianto~' herein); hereby:conveys ~nd:cwarrants to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington Corporatitin ("Graqtee' herein), fdr the 'puryoses hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easemeM overi. under, alongr`acYOSS,; artd, fhrough ;he'*llowing described reai property ("Properly" herein) in King CouMy, WashCngton: TRACTS 60, 61 AND 71 OF TH9 PIAi 00;. WEST AUBCIRN;;-'F1VE,,-ACRE TRACT8 RECOROED IN VOLuMe 15 OF Pu►TS;i Pdc3E,,12, RE(:ORDB QF KINCi' COUNTY, WASFIINGTON. Except as may be otheiwise set forth herein Grentee's righ#s: shail bAexetcisedup.prl thiit pottion.af th9 Property ("Easement Area" herein}:described as follows: q~ ~~h oft , each side of a An Easemirn Are~:.severt. feet in wldth having three and one-ttalf (3:5) leet of $u., centerline,described ~s foibws: &EE F.XHIBIT;"A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REfERENCE yIADE A PART;#IERiOF: A. P4►po" Grekee shall have the right to use to EasemeM Area to oonafxuCtr; opGrete;'•:maiMain, repair, repiaCe, improve,;temo"*, etetargd''rone or more utiliiy syatems for putposes of transrfiipision,`distri6u6on and sale of electricily. •Such•systertis may indude, but are not limited to: Underground.facilitip5:'':;Conduits, lines, cables, vaults, switches and transformera for electdcity; iber optic ~ble and'othef~ lines, cables and facilities for communications; semi-buried or ground- mo.u~te¢.f~cf4it'[es apd pads, manhple'3:'~ters, fixcures, attachments and any and all other facilities or ap'purtenanaes rieoess'ary or convenienTto any or all of the foregaing. Following the irijtial Con~hucti'orf of al~.oc, a ptirtion, of its systems, Grantee may, from time to time, construct such additional facilitie~ as k may feqaire fot such sy§tems:; Grantee shall have the tight of access to the Easement Area over and across the Propelfy tb enabfe GPantee to ezercise its rights hereunder. Cirantee shali compensate GraMor for any damage tb1hp.PYopBity c$used by tlie ekercise of.such right of access by Grantee. 2. Essement Ares Clearing- .andalla9n4 tenanPe. (irante,e sha11 have the rfiyht to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees or other vegatation in the Ea'semerd A[ea. GrantBe shall also have the right to control, on a corrtinuing basia and by any prudent'and reasoriabCe means, lhe estabJishii`ient and growth of brush, treea or other vegetation in the Easement Area. , 3. Grantor's tlse of Easement Area. Grdntor reserves the dght to uae 1he.Easement Area for any Qurpose not inconsistent with the rights herein gtanted, •:provided, hrnNever, (3fAttitor shall••hof .oonstruct w malntain any buildings, structures or other objects on the EaSement:'Area;end 'Gratitor 6hall do no blasting within 300 Teet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior written consen.J•: ~ 4. Indemnity. Grarrtee agrees to indemnify Granto'r,from and;again'st lialiility;9ncurred,py 1'itaMar as a result of GrarHee's negligence or the negligence of Grantee's agent8.or Contradors in tkie exerase of tlie.rights herein granted to Grantee, but nothing herein shall requfre GraMee to (itdemnify trantor fqt thaf pbrtlon of any such liability attributable to the neglfyence of Grantor or the negllgence of others'' b. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue untiYsuch dme awGrenfeeCeases to use'tlle, Easement Area for a perfod of five (5) succesetve years, in which event, this ea'semeht shalk':terminate;~nt! atl ,(jghts' hereunder, and any improvements remaining in the £asement Area, shall reverC t4 at otheMrij48 become tlfie property " of Grartor, provided, however, that no abandonment shall be deemed to heve"occurred 4,4eas6n df G(aatee's ~ fallure to initially install its systems on the Easement Area within any period of time from the date heraof, Nk.ViewCemeUry WOk 10.5043406 / RW-082034 ' Page 1 of 3 Bdr=SE T~ REQ~IRED . Ca -~s D~otl : . ~ .~ef* , . . B.;Succea+eots and Assigna. This easement and the covenants herein shall be cwvenants n+nning wtth the land and Bhall tnure to the beneflt of and be binding on the auoceasors, heirs and assigns of both parties hereto. • OAl'Ep ttil's. day of .2007. l ~ GRAN70R:•~~'GRANTEE: " City of Autwm, Pugot 3ound Energy, lnc., a Washington V'Washt i L!~Toratfon corparation ~ BY: ~~cr ~•i~ . ,:~e-w r:s ; ITS: RealEstatQReDfBB@ntative BY: r.:. Attest: ~Q~40 ~ S7ATE OF WASHINGTON ) • ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) • Qn this day of . • :''2007 ,before me, the undersEgned, a ty Public in nd for the StaEe of Was ton, co , missionecf and swoPh,., peraonally:,appeared and ' ,:topn~e known tp, be the perSCns who signed as . ` and City of;i4uburrt, the muniGpal::corporati , that executed the withM and foi'ogoin istnjmerrt; and . adOowlodgeC1 seicf insttumant to be their free 8nd voluntdi.ry act and deed and the free and vbluxOa'ry act and dee8'of•aefd:inuntcipWcorporetbn for ihe uses and purposes 'therein meMionad; and on oath stated that th¢y WiBre authorized .io @iecute the said inetrumetn Gn behaN:uf saitl muniapal corporation. IN;WiTN5SS~Wd6I have hereunto set my hand and offiaalseal',the da.y..ahd y~' flrst above wriKen. ' RtC/y'~~,, . A~ . 0?'q,qyh9m ~(Signature o N i ° . . ATHY A. RICHAaDSON: ` .s •,.:m ~y B'A ~P~l~?'-~C ; ' i (pririt or ctamp name oi Notary) : • . : NOTA Bl4 and for the State o, f 1Nas~gfon, residing ~ ~ • ' ,~C'~ : ate: , V~ 'My Appointmerrt Expires: % Ck. z-CZ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ^ On this day ot'• ?",0,0/'`l;/Q.N . , 2007, before me, the undersigned, a Nqtary P ic in d fpr the Sfate of W9sh, gtok duly oommissldried. and swom, personaliy appearedo known t beons who sig e s ./dP,2 v4° end0'~ that executed the wdhin and foregoing instrume , and acknowledqed said in$tiuMent td ~t5e, their Otie and voluntary act and deed and the free and voluntary act end deed of said mupicipql,;corpd~a4itin ioA" the ~sea and puiposes therein mentio~d; and on oath stated that they were authorixed to execute'tFae said in,strurthiiirrt o6 behal#.of said municlpal CorporaGon. IN ESS WHEREOF I have hereunto se y hati<# and offlci'al seal th *dey,and year,flrYtistrve wrtten. = oF+'~~O7,.i,~ (Si ature of Notary) , (Print or stamp name of Nota NOT Y UBC in and for the State~df W,ashin'gito», residifig at ,gf I . MY Mvointment Expires: "1~11 .1 Mt. View Cemetery . W08105043406 / RW-062034 • Page 2 of 3 i , • EXAIBIT A Proposed 7' Wide PSE Easement Description Tkiat pkon:of Tracts 60, bl and 71 of the plat of West Auburn Five Acre Tracts recorded in Volume 15 of Plats at Page 12, records of King County Washington, said pon being an, ease.ment 7 feet in width lying 3.5 feet on both sides of the following :descril~ed ~ntczline: ,Cozr~iencirig atihe Northw`est c(y mir of said. Tract 60; Theiice;•South b 1°26'07:' *,est a1oi~g,tt6 west'li~e of said Tract 60 and the east xight of way lirie o~ 58t~': A`ventte South,..~~ri,;unopen~ righ~'of way) a distance of 300.60 feet; Thence leavijig said,:east.:~ghX~of ~r.Ay Iine;;Sou~ .89°57'04" East a distance of 225.39 feet to the True Point of Beginni~g of.this cq6t~lihe description; Thence South S4°48'S;5" West a dista'ce etif 2~`:31 feet; Thence South 35°49'10".;~ast a:distafice;.nf 4,5.6~•feet;.'•:.:. Thence South 67°13'10" West~a diS'~te o~23:34 feet to~?the begin~ing of a tangent cuzve to the left having a radius of I08.87 fOet; Thence southwesterly and southerty::along said ~urve;~gh a.;6entral angle of 64102'06"..an arc length of 121.68 feef'to ttie begir.wing of:a nqn-tasigenf'curve to thejeft having a:radius of 519.52 feet (the radius ce4ter beais Spith.a~#); Thence'southerxy and southeasterly along said~ ourv,e•'~hrougli a cen,&"4l a~gle iof 1Z'°34'22 , an arclength of 114.00 feet; Thence along a lirie non-tangent to last said curve Souf1:•.14°~4'15~~~ast a d~istance~of 39.49 fept; Oence:Soutti 16°:12'11" East a distance of 30.75 feet; 7"henQe South 00 14'0W~ -W-est a distance o£ 41.69 feet; Theri6c:South 6 5°45101" East a distance of 8.92 feet; -Thence Soutlx: 422'22";,West a distance of 106.53 feet; Th6n9e,Sc~a~th p l° 1;0'O1'.`~ East a di-stat~ce o€ 70.36 feet; Thence South a4°~2'16W.est:'a distance of 41.95 feet; Thence South ~4°40'31 "~est a dis~tance: of .87.81 feet; Thence North 89°28'47"'"V~?`est ~'distance of l'7;58 feet; Thence South 03067'01" E~st 4 distance of 20.:feet,:-iyore or less, to the north margin of Mountain View Drive and.1hetemunus Qf thiES ceuterline..description. The sidelines of this easemerit'ar-e'fo he ~ shortenecl or len.~ened so as to intersect T::~i: e ~ themselves and terminate in said nortfi margin pwAS"y~ of Mountain View Drive. ~ G s 54~0: ~'d+~Q ..r••• gJ.. . `PSE 7-Foot Easement Desc.doc 01/18/2007 c` . '''A . " S. 328 ST Not 0 en . . ~ . ~~1 OftTHW.~S'~"'CQRNER TRACT ::•$0, W~SI' AUBURN ' '►~S ~IVE ACRE XACTS ' . . ~ G. o . N ~ •:rRO0''°~sE F,ASEMrENT ~ S~'8$57'Q4":;E i60 20' . 225.39.'; ' . Coiw~baNuln.., Building~: ` . ~ C: ~ (D R-1os.a7 Q«64 02'OB'~/ S 88'48'23" E(R) 5 5• 0 Z ~ ~~:,•,',#1 Lr1 14.00 ` , R+~519.62' l~-12'M'22' ~ ~ ~ . 00 uNE rnguE UNE 6EAR3NG OIS7ANCE Lt S 64'4868 W 22.31 . L2 S 3549 10 E 46.63 L3 S 87' 13 10 W 23.34 S 14 2415 E 39.49 'PROPOSEp' S 18*12 11 E 30.76 EA,SEMrNT ~I 'r L8 :5 04•1 aoa w 41.69 S 8S'43 01 E 8.92 .:La s 2112w 10e.53 , S.: `orrs °s. ~ ~ aa:sa s7.s1 • :~"~+i~~• ~.2 rN 882847 W: • •.~..57.58 S 0 OZ03 E •.20.8 . L12I t . , . . I . M r (Y16. VI~E.if, iV.E ~ - ~ • - EXHIBIT MAP TO ACCOMPANY PS~~~tASEMN`f" City of Auburn Public Works - plot date 01/18:.,2007 , ti