HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-C-1 * C[T1' OF * AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM ~ WASHtNG7"ON Agenda Subject: Amendment No. 1- Consultant Agreement No. AG-C- Date: August 10, 2009 350 ' Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: ' Public Works Scope Summary, Budget Status $ 0 Sheet Administrative Recommendation: City Council grant permission to enter into Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Agreement No. AG-C-350 with Parametrix, Inc. for design for Project No. CP0817 - 2009 Sewer and Storm Pump Station Re lacement Project. Background Summary: The consultant is under contract to perform design services for the replacement and/or upgrade of two sewer pump stations (Ellingson and Dogwood Sewer Pump Stations) and one stormwater pump station (White River Stormwater Pump Station). The original contract included preliminary and final design of the Dogwood and Ellingson Pump Stations and an evaluation of the White River Stormwater Pump Station to determine what retrofitting or replacement is necessary to meet current and future station demands. The evaluation of the White River Stormwater Pump Station resulted in the following findings: • pumps have lost 25% of their original capacity • station does not meet current fire codes • pumps cannot be easily accessed for maintenance because of overhead power lines • station does not meet current safety codes and standards for accessibility and maintenance • structure roof and doors are worn and have less than 5-years of functionality remaining • station wet well and substructure are in good condition and have adequate capacity for re-use From these findings, staff is recommending that the pump station be re-built as follows: • utilize the current wet well and substructure with modified maintenance access points • re-construct the above ground portion of the station, including the walls and roof • replace the existing pumps with submersible pumps that can be easily accessed and removed for future maintenance • make modifications to the building layout to meet current fire codes • replacing the existing generator Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ❑ Building ❑ M&O ❑ Airport ❑ Finance p Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. ❑ Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services ❑ Planning & CD ❑ Fire ❑ Planning ❑ Park Board SPublic Works O Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other 0 Public Works ❑ Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: Wa ner Staff: Dowd Meetin Date: : Au ust 17, 2009 Item Number: V.C.1 I AUBURN *MORE THAN YOU rMAGINED I~I Agenda Subject: Amendment No. 1- Consultant Agreement No. AG- Date: August 10, 2009 ' C-350 The anticipated not to exceed amount for this amendment is $430,000 for the design services associated with the White Mountain Trails Stormwater Pump Station and increases the agreement total to $1,476,265. W0817-2 A3.16.9, 04.8.1, CP0817 ' I I ~ I , Page 2 Of 2 AG-C-350 - 2009 Sewer and Storm Pump Station Replacement City of Auburn Amendment No. 1 Scope for Design, Survey, and Environmental Services - Summary This Scope of Work is for an amendment to add final design of the White River Storm Pump Station to the existing Scope of Work for the 2009 Sewer and Storm Pump Station Replacement. This scope includes final design (including plans, specifications, and estimates), survey and base mapping, architectural design, acoustical design, environmental documentation and permitting, utility coordination, and bid phase support services. Project Description The existing scope for the 2009 Sewer and Storm Pump Station Replacement includes design services for complete replacement of the Dogwood and Ellingson sanitary sewer pump stations and preliminary evaluation of the White River storm pump station. The evaluation of the White River storm pump station has been completed, and major refurbishment and upgrade of the pump station is recommended. This amendment provides for final design of the recommended pump station refurbishment and upgrade. The scope of work for this amendment includes ten tasks, each of which is briefly described below. Task 1: Project Management and Controls This task will be continuous throughout the project duration, which is planned to be approximately 9 months. It will include the work necessary to set up and plan the design effort; monitor schedule, scope, and budget; maintain communication and project coordination with the City; and close out the project. Task 2: Quality AssurancelQuality Control This task provides for internal quality control reviews and quality assurance for all project deliverables Quality control reviews will be performed after deliverables are assembled and before their submittal to the City. Task 3: Client Design Review Meetings and Workshops This task includes meetings between Consultant staff and City staff at key milestones in the project. These meetings provide a forum for open dialog between the City and the Consultant to discuss project requirements and comments on project deliverables. Task 4: Pump Station Design This task includes civil, mechanical, structural, and electrical design engineering for the refurbishment and upgrade of the pump station. Based on the recommendations from the evaluation of the White River storm pump station, the Consultant will develop design submittals for the City at the 10%, 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% milestones. As appropriate at each successive milestone, the Consultant will develop and revise technical memoranda, plans, specifications, and cost estimates throughout the design process, with the 100% submittal including bid-ready plans, specifications, and cost estimate. 2009 SEWER AND STORM PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY W0817-26 PAGE 1 0F 2 Task 5: Survey This task involves field survey to define the Ordinary High Water Mark of the White River adjacent to the site, as well as minor modifications to the project base map generated under the original project scope. Task 6: Architectural Design , This task includes architectural design services for the pump station building, including floor and roof ' plan layout and building finishes. This effort will be performed by a subconsultant under the direction of the Consultant, and will be incorporated in the design submittals at the milestones identified in Task 4. Task 7: Acoustical Design This task includes acoustical design services for the pump station equipment and standby generator, including establishment of baseline noise conditions and recommendations for mitigation of potential construction noise impacts to residences located very close to the pump station. This effort will be performed by a subconsultant under the direction of the Consultant, and will be incorporated in the design submittals at the milestones identified in Task 4. Task 8: Environmental and Permitting This task includes documentation of existing environmental conditions and preparation of a mitigation plan for compliance with City critical areas and land use requirements. This task also includes preparation of Shoreline, Flood Hazard, and Building permit applications. Task 9: Utility Coordination This task includes coordination with the existing utility owners in the project area to identify and resolve potential conflicts with the proposed improvements. T'he majority of the coordination for this project will be with Puget Sound Energy, which maintains overhead power transmission lines passing over the existing pump station building. Task 10 - Bid Phase Services This task includes assistance in addressing technical questions and requests for information which may arise during the project bid phase. This effort will include written responses to contractor inquiries and preparation of contract Addenda when necessary. 2009 SEWER AND STORM PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY W0817-26 PAGE 2 OF 2 BUDGET STATUS SHEET Project No: CP0817 Project Title: 2009 Sewer and Storm Replacement Project ~ Consultant Agreement Initiation Date:12/15/2008 0 Permision to Advertise Date: August 11, 2009 Advertisement Date: 0 Contract Award Award Date: Q Change Order Approval ~ Contract Final Acceptance The "Future Years" column indicates the projected amount to be requested in future budgets. Funds Bud eted Funds Available Funding 2009 2010 2011 Future Years Total 431 Fund - Sewer (2009 Pump Station Replacment) 750,000 750,000 431 Fund - Sewer (Ellingson) 1,500,000 1,500,000 431 Fund - Sewer (Dogwood) 1,100,000 100,000 1,200,000 432 Fund - Storm (2009 Pump Station Replacment) 500,000 500,000 432 Fund - Storm (White River) 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total 1,250,000 4,100,000 100,000 0 5,450,000 Estimated Cost Funds Needed Activity 2009 2010 2011 Future Years Total Design Engineering - City Costs 45,000 30,000 75,000 Design Engineering - Consultant Costs 989,938 515,000 1,504,938 Property Acquisition 15,000 15,000 Construction Estimate 2,841,000 767,000 3,608,000 Construction Contingency (15%) 427,000 115,000 542,000 Construction Engineering - City Costs 282,000 77,000 359,000 Construction Engineering - Consultant Costs 141,000 38,000 179,000 Total 1,049,938 4,236,000 997,000 0 6,282,938 431 Sewer Bud et Status 2009 2010 2011 Future Years Total Funds Budgeted (750,000) (2,600,000) (100,000) 0 (3,450,000) Funds Needed 750,000 2,336,000 450,000 3,536,000 Project Contingency 0 264,000 0 0 0 Funds Required 0 0 350,000 0 86,000 432 Storm Bud et Status 2009 2010 2011 Future Years Total Funds Budgeted (500,000) (1,500,000) 0 0 (2,000,000) Funds Needed 300,000 1,900,000 547,000 2,747,000 Project Contingency 200,000 0 0 0 0 Funds Required 0 400,000 547,000 0 747,000 in the Budget Status Sections indicates Money the City has available. 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