HomeMy WebLinkAbout4411RESOLUTION NO.OC11 A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNQL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORRMG THE MAYOR TO E%ECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT ANO MEMORANDUM OF UNOERSTANDING WITH THE SFATTLE-KING -0OUNTV DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REL4TING TO A LOCAL HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENTPROGRAM GRANTFOR 2009 ACTNITIES WHEREAS, ihe Seattle-King County Department of Public Healih has agreed to reimburse additional funtls in the amount of $19,955.51 to the Ciry of Aubum for the City's Local Hazartlous Waste Management Pmgram; antl WHEREAS, the Seattle-King County Department of Health Memorantlum of Understantling for ihe Local Hazartlous Waste Management Pmgram for 2009 aclivities specifies the atlministrative procedures and monetary reimbursement regarding implementation of the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CIN COUNCIL OF THE CITV OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City ot Aubum are authonzed to execute conVact amentlment number one (D31965D) antl a Memorantlum of Untlerstanding with the Seatlle-King County Department of Public Health related to the Local Hazartlous Waste Management Pmgram for Resal W on No. 011 Oclober28,2008 Page 1 2009 adivities. A capy ot saitl contract amentlment is attachetl here[o and designated Exhibit"A"and incorporated by reference herein. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrotive procedures as may be necessary ro carry out the tlirections of ihis legislation, including pmviding for the expendiNre and appropriation therefore in appropriate butlget documen[s. Section 3. This Resolu[ion shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. _ Datetl and signed this ~~day o( C -~F12~,&~ , 2008 CITV OF AUBURN ~ PETER B. LEWIS MAVOR aesoweon rvo. aan ocrocerze,zooe Paqe 2 ATTEST: ~e~~. Da elle E. Oaskam, Ciry Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM. iel . ei , CityAttomey aesowtion rvo. 4411 octoeerza,zooe Pa9e 3 CONTRACTAMENDMENT Paee+oisroWiaage: CONTRACTNO. D37965D PROJECTNHME LocalHazaNOUSWasie Management Pmgam pqTE EMERED 1I1I2008 CONTRACTOR CityafHUbum qMENDMENTNO. 1 ADDRE55 25WMainSVeet pATEENTERED V1I2009 Hubum, WA 980014998 AMENDMENTREOVESTEOBY FMENOMENTAFFECTS El Scopeofservices TimeofPeKOrmance PHSKC ~ Compensetion Organiution ❑ MetM1Otl of Pxyment ❑ Reliance v5nallow El TeiinsenE.COndtlians Name ❑ ResNtsofSenices 1. PurOOSeofAmentlmen[TM1isNmentlmentatltla519,955.51infuntlingbedentl rvices antl evenis conJUC[eE as petl of [M1e Lowl HazaMOUS Waste Management Progam iM1rougM1 12I31I2009 as auNOriretl by iM1e 2009 Annuel King County Butlget antl changes Con4acl bollePlate languege In Nuo sections. 2. AMEND' ConVac[TOte1516,306.49 TOFEAD: Caninc[TOUI$36,163.00 3. AMEND'. Con4aclPerioLLJanuary 1,4008-Decamber31,3008 TOREHD. Con[radPeriodJanuary1,3008-December91,R009 4. AMENDExM1ibi[I,SCOpeofWOrkbyadEingtheatlacM1etlEZM1ibi[I-3009,SCOpeof Work. 5. AMEND ExM1ibitll,BUtlgetllnvoirebyaJJing[M1eattacM1etlEZM1ibit ll-2009, Butl9¢tllnvolre. e. AMEND'. Sactionll.A.TERMANDTERMINATION: "GOnVact aM1all commee on tM1e ist day of January 2440, antl sM1all terminate on the 31st tlay o! December 2008..1 TOREAD'. Sx[ionll.A.TERMANOTERMINBTION. "ConVact sFall co w on Ine lst day o( January 2008, antl sM1all terminate on IM1e 3 st tlay of December 2009..:' AMEND'. Sec[ion OFPAYMENT'. The County sM1all mdk¢ payment to tM1e ConVaclor not more tM1an 45 tldys anere mmplete and acarate invome is recerveer TO READ'. 3ection III.B LOMPENSATION ANO METHOD OF PAYMENT' 'TM1e Counry sFall make paymenllo tM1e Contactor not more than 30 tlays efler a complete and accurate Imoice Is received' 8. AMEND: SecEOnV1.6MAINTENANCEOFRECORDS/EVALOATIONSAND INSPECTIONS: "The results entl recoNS ot saltl evaluatlons aM1all be mainW inetl and tlisclosetl In aaortlance witM1 RCW CM1apter 0341' TOREAD'. SetlionVI.GMAINTENANCEOFRECORO5IEVALUATIONSNNO INSVELTIONS: 'TM1e resulW and recoMS of sald evaluations sball be maintainetl and tliscloutl In accoNance wtlM1 RCW Chapter 62.58 HII otM1er terms and contlitions of Ne onBinal conVecl sball remain uncM1angetl. IN WITNESS HEREOF, tM1e patlies M1ereto M1ave causetl Nla amendment to be exewletl and msmmea on me aate nnt wrmen. KIN COUNi FOR K C ryExxWive ozte /c1 /gB/B-g c r J Sign ure Pel~~ ~ C-ew ~ s Name (pieese Type or pnnt) NOV 172008 ~ EXIi@ITI-2009 DlNbSIJ NIEMORANIIUM OP LT'DER4TANDING ON TIIE IACAL HAZARDO➢8 WASTE MANAGGMENT PROGI4IM FOR 2009 ACi1VIilES ThcLOCeI Hazeodous Waste Manegemonl Plav (hereefter rekrrei ro as the "Vlno°) es upda¢d in 1999, s adopmd by tM1eparlucr agwcies (King Coum) Solid Wenc Dlvlsloq Seatlle Poblic USlities, King Couuty Watu and Land Resunoccs Divislov eud the Seattlo-King Cowty Departmcn[ of Pobllc HaulcM1) enA eLLics loceled in King Counry.'ITe WashivgWV Stak DeqarMrnmf Xwlogy in rordence witM1 RCW 90.I05220 subsequrntl}~ approved the Vlen. TM1eCity ls an aofiveen0 valued peMCV N the regional I.ocal HuauNOUS Wasm9lana6emeutProgmm (M1areaftar refemad lo as thc ~.ProC am TM1Cpovpose of[his 6xFibit is m dafine tM1elams and condl0ous associatW with the Vmgrem's funAing af City ectivities pcefrrmW oudev the auspicac of the Plan enA as nppmved by Ne Pmgmrti s ManagementCoordinmionCOmmi[ICC(hcreNe&vefrredtoasMe`RNCC"). ThisAgoccmevtfitlhu defincs the rcspousbilities ofthe City nnd SeaNnKlvg Coouty Depattmentaf WblicHaultM1 MiF raspad m iM1e wre@e ofPm6ran manicc Scooe of Work 'ITe CITy of Auburn will essist in tM1C promo[lou ofnaW ral yard wa m one Aubum neigFborhood, end reatennd mail a unvsletter to Auburn ruidents on tM1C pmpcv dlsposal of hwseM1old M1azardous wasta, Ne L' fycla NluM1ingion Pmgeem ond the ose of lesstoxic and y+een clcaning Produot op[ious. Resoous b'fCu ofthe Narties Therea0ons16111[lu oftlie panies m tM1is Convact sFall be es 611ows: A. I M1e City I. "1 FeCityyM1nlldwdo0eudsubmit projerApropomisandbud6evequesta'mthePropain's Cou[raot Adminisnemc Funds provlde4 b the City by [M1e Local Hezardous Wesle Mavegement Program mrsuant ro this Convacl sFall beosed to implemwt Fazardous wasta pragrems nnd/or savlecs as approved by the MCC. 2. Povalmbursemwt[haCi[ysM1nllsubmillM1e[o11ow1ugrotReCOUtraot Adminisnamr: a) Ani ce (sccExidbit 11}ImoicassM1ouldbescn[mtheCOnvectAdministramofor eppro al andpepncnt. 6J A briatdescription of activlty sacomplisM1eO and Ponds axpwded In necordeoce wiN the scopcofwork. c) CoPles of Invoiaes far expendimres ora linenciel stltemw[Preparad 6Y the City's financadepetlmevc ThetluancialAaRmanasM1onldinelodevcudoruames,adescrip6on afurvices pmvideQ dule paid wd a eM1eck ov warrartnumbu. 3- 'I'M1a Ciiy shell mHfyMe ConnaR Adminisnvmroo la[cr thav Deoember I S[F regarding the unt aCautslavdlvg expenditures far which the City has vot }~et sobmlhed nraimbursement aequeci. Q Iiisihomspous1611TyoftheCirymwmplywllhellnpplleebleownTy,sateanNocCaderel reporting mqulrcmev6 witM1 respad m the mllutlon end Vansf ofmodvare riskwesries. TTc Ciiy shall rc0ort m the Conhna Adminismumr lhc quentlry, by rypq of moderuie nsk nasu colleraad usiv6 Proprem Nnds. TFe CitY shvll elso Orovlde [M1e Cono-act Administremo with H!MyJOwmuiO~vobom09'oc wpies of 2PA's Nov-I Ievnrdous WasteMeNPoSt ov slmllar 6rm, azweiahd with the cranspotl of moduate oisk wnstceollcc[cd tlvouph Program-fundW evants. . The Ciry is solely rasvonslblc foe eny end ell sp10s, Iwks or other emergandas ansing ai the 5clltlles essocialed with the City's even¢ or lv euy otM1Cr way essociated with activitiac mvtluelcd wHAln tl.e soope ofMis Connaa. In the event of e s0ill ov oMev emergeney, the Giry is responsibin Cor complYiv6 wlth ell appliwble Imvs and regulmions. fi. '!he Cit1 agrezs m eppmptleltly eclmowlN6e the Progmm in all mWin produceJ-in pan or Iv rholc-wtlM1 Pm6~m fundc 'Ifia intwt aClhis pmvislon ls ro fntlhu svwglhev this ragional patlnusM1ip in the publlc's mlud. Thc Clry a6rees m provida the Nopum wiiM1 wplu of ell medle makrlal pmdowd Por lacal hvardous wasie memgcmcu[ cvcuts or aetivities [ha[ M1eve been Cunded by the Fogem. Thc Gty alw a6rees ro allow tM1a Nogrem W rcpmduceme4ie mahrials crw6d witF Pmgam moury provlde4 thet the Progrum ccedits MeCiiy as tM1COd6ioeror oPNannetuial. 8. TM1isprojwtshellbeadminiskred611oanClnrknilhnCLLyo[AOburq25W11ain5treeq Aubum, at(29) 931-5L03, Qcclazk~)aubumwa gov) or M1ar dasignee. 9. pue9ionsocuoncememgaNingenyksueassoeiahdwithMisHxFibitMatmnnotbaM1andled by IIm ContrectAdmiuistnror sM1OUId be refaresi lo iM1e LHWMP Progyam Administretor for resolution. B. Seallo-KineCOOntvDwertmenmWublicHrzlih 1. Seettle KinyCountyDCOeovncn[ofPOblicHwlthsM1nlladminisie5vialNoanachr4COUVwq Netransfu o! Nogram funds w HC Clry for hezardous waste managament evenb antl actIVlNCS. 1 Withlulcv(1O)worklnpdnysotrewivingnreqnen[oorclmborsemevtfromtheCity,tFe Conmct Admininremr sM1ell etihu uoriy the Ciry ofany uceptions w tFC rcquee[which heve bcev Ideutified or sM1AI pmcass the requcst fov Oeymeut. lfwy caceptions to the rcquesi arc made, tM1is shall bc dove by written mtifiwtion m the CVry pvovldln6 ffiereesou foo such xoeprioa 'Ihe Connact AdminlsveWV wlll m[ authorize payment fo udiviiiu end/or expendiwrer thavare nav ivdodW in the swpa of work, unlcss fie swpe M1as been amended. The Conhact Adminievawe eGalns the d6ht [o withhold all or purtial peJancn[ 1[tlic Glty 's omplele (eg. thry do rot ivelvde Oroper dxumentalion ofaxpenJiwres [or mvolccs are inc whicF almburscmevHS being requestW) oc em not covsls6v[w1M the mbmitted swpeoC n'ork. c Pmeiem Contacn lay Wetsou Paul Shallow I.FIWMPPmgeemAdmLiistracor LHWMPCOVVacAAdministretor 150 Nlekermu Streat. Suiie 100 401 Pifth Avanue, Suite 1100 Seetllq WA 98109 4eattlc, WA 98104 206-352-8163 206263-8489 tuvwnso~'dk'uawumveov paolsM1allow@Mngwuntygnv n-~my a1~oxinm,09 eoo WCAL Pmm: ThePny ofAUburn 25 W Main Sheel, Aubvq WA 98001-4998 F.XHItlrt 11-209 BudgeNOeoim T¢ PeW SM1allaw,LHWMP ConivaGAdmioistretor Seetlle KngCoonryDapatlmwwlPUbFeHCeItF 401 FINh Amuua, Suitc 1100 SaWq WA 98106 Coutrac1:O39965D 4009W ,2009. Iu psv[ormenw ofa eIS^ad Ca^n%ot between Kng Connry aiid ffia qty o[AUbum, I M1creby cenlfy thettFa fllowioyuxpa.ttswerelnourreddtrtingthe arovo-mentioneJ pmiodoftimc Sib nW¢ Deta Companenl Oeecri tian Budgel CurrenlFxpmcec PreviousChnBecs Balaoa IIIiNFAncafiou Y19,95551 . HHN ColleGion 'fOTAL SI9,955.51 Por HaeItA IAyvlmrnt Qse Ooly I.ooalHarerdous NasW Mnos6emrnt Progrem Approval: PeulSM1all Oate 11'~u)'tlnc. mrniz\eubum09.JOc A , ~ CO►vTw4CT # D37965D • CONTRACT AMENDMENT / CHANGE ORDER AMENDMENT # 2 , ^ PROJECT NAnnE: Local Hazardous Waste Management Program PHSKC PROGRAM MoNITOR: P. Shallow CorvTwAcTOR: CityofAuburn 25 W Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 ORIGINAL CONTRACT START DATE: 1/1/08 AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 1/1/10 This amendment effects the following changes: CHANGES TO CONTRACT BOILERPLATE 1. Purpose of Amendment: This Amendment adds $20,120.09 in funding to extend services and events conducted as part ofthe Local Hazardous Waste Management Program through 12/31/2010 as authorized by the 2010 Annual King County Budget. 2. AMEND: Contract Total $36,162.00 TO READ: Contract Total $56,282.09 ~ 3. AMEND: Contract Period: January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2009 TO READ: Contract Period: January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2010 4. AMEND Exhibit I, Scope of Work by adding the attached Exhibit I- 2010, Scope of Work. ' 5. AMEND Exhibit II, Budget/Invoice by adding the attached Exhibit II - 2010, - Budget/Invoice. , 6. AMEND: Section II.A. TERM AND TERMINATION: "Contract shall commence on the 1 st day of Januarv 2008, and shall . terminate on the 31st day of December 2009..." TO READ: Section II.A. TERM AND TERMINATION: "Contract shall commence on the 1 st day of Januarv 2008, and shall terminate on the 31st day of December2010..." All otherterms and conditions of the referenced contract, including any amendments, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to be executed and instituted on the date first written. NG COUNTY ON ~ OR King Co t y Executive Signature 0 Date Name (please type or pnnt) ~ I~~ '7-A&/Om ~ Date ~ r) 2 2v^09 . . . . . : . . . . x t.' c.. _ 4 I ~ . EXHIBIT 1- 2010 . D37965D MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. ON THE LOCAL HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2010 ACTIVITIES The Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan (hereafter referred to as the "Plan") as updated in 1997, was adopted by the partner agencies (King County Solid Waste Division, Seattle Public Utilities; King County Water and Land Resources Division and the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health) and cities located in King County. 1'he Washington State Department of Ecology in accordance with RCW 70.105.220 subsequently approved the Plan: The City is an active and valued partner in the regional Local Hazardous Waste Management Program (hereafter referred to as the "Program"): , The purpose of this Exhibit is to define the terms and conditions associated with the Program's funding of City `activities performed under the auspices of the Plan and as approved by the Program's Management Coordination Committee (hereinafter refened to as the "MCC"). This Agreement further defines the responsiliilities of the City and Seattle-King County Department of Public Health with respect to the transfer of Program monies. Scope of Work The City of Auburn will assist in the promotion of natural yard care to one Auburn neighborhood, and create and mail a newsletter to Auburn residents on the proper disposal of household hazardous waste; the E-Cycle Washington Program and the use of less toxic and green cleaning product options. Resaonsibilities of the Parties The responsibilities of the parties to this Contract shall be as follows: A. The Ci 1. The City shall develop and submit project proposals and budget requests to the Program's Contract Administrator. Funds provided to the City by the Local Hazardous Waste Mariagement Program pursuant to this Contract shall be used to implement hazardous waste programs and/or services as approved by the MCC. ' 2. For reimbu.rsement the City shall submit the following to the Contract Administr ator: a) An invoice (see Exhibit II). Invoices should be sent to the Contract Administrator for approval and payment. b) A brief description of activity accomplished and funds expended in aecordance with the scope of work. • c) Copies of invoices for expenditures or a financial statement prepared) by the °City's finance deparfinent. The financial statements should include vendor . names, a description of services provided, date paid and a check or warrant number. , DAProgram FilesWeevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\auburn10[1].doc 1 of4 r w ~ 3. The City shall notify the Contract Administrator no later than December 15t' regarding the amount of outstanding expenditures for which the City has not yet submitted a reimbursement request. .4. It is the responsibility of the City to comply with all applicable county, state and/or federal reporting requirements with respect to the collection and transfer of moderate risk wastes. The City, shall report to the Contract Administrator the quantity, by type; of moderate risk waste collected using Program funds. The City shall also provide the Contract Administrator with copies of EPA's Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest or similar form, associated with the transport of moderate risk waste collected through Program-funded events. 5. The City is solely responsible for any and all spills, leaks or other emergencies arising at the facilities associated with the City's events or in any other way associated with activities conducted within the scope of this Contract. In the event of a spill or other emergency, the City is responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations. 6. The City agrees to appropriately acknowledge the Program in all media produced - in part or ' in whole - with Program funds. The intent of this provision is to further strengthen this regional partnership in the public's mind. 7.. The City agrees to provide the Program with copies of all media material produced for local hazardous waste management events or activities that have been funded by the Progam, The City also agrees to allow the Program to reproduce media materials created with Program money provided that the Program credits the City as the originator of that material. 8. This project shall be administered by Joan Clark at the City of Auburn, 25 W Main Street, ~ Auburn, at (253) 931-5103, (jeclark@auburnwa.gov) or her designee. 9. Questions or concerns regarding any issue associated with this Exhibit that cannot be handled ' by the Contracf Administrator should be referred to the LHWMP Program Administrator for resolution. B. Seattle-King County Department of Public Health 1. Seattle-King County Department of Public Health shall administer, via the attached Contract, the transfer of Program funds to the City for hazardous waste management events and activities. 2. Within ten (10) working days of receiving a request for reimbursement from the.City, the Contract Administrator shall either notify the City of any exceptions to the request which have been identified or shall process the request for payment. If any exceptions to the request are made, this shall be done by written notification to the City providing the reason for such exception. The Contract Administrator will not authorize payment for activities and/or expenditures that are not included in the. scope of work, unless the scope has been amended. The Contract Administrator retains the right to withhold all or _ partial payment if the City's invoices are incomplete. (e.g. ,they do not include proper documentation of expenditures for which reimbursement is being requested) or are not consistent with the submitted scope of work. ' C. Program Contacts DAProgram FilesWeevia.Com0ocument Converter\temp\auburnl0[1].doc 2 of4 e. . K • ,Jay Watson Paul Shallow . _ LHWMP Program Administrator LHWMP Contract Administrator 150 Nickerson Street, Suite 100 401 Fifth Avenue; Suite 1100 Seattle, WA 98109 - Seattle, WA 98104 206-352-8163 206-263-8487 ~av.watson(@kin c~ ounty_,izov paul:shallow(~a,kingcounty.g6v I DAProgram FilesWeevia.Com0ocument Converter\temp\aubuml0[1].doc 3 of4 M • EXHIBIT II - 2010 ' Budget/Invoice ' LOCAL HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM From: T'he City of Auburn 25 W Main Street, Aubum, WA 98001-4998 To:. Paul Shallow, LHWMP Contract Administrator Seattle-King County Department of Public Health 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100 Seattle, WA 98104 Contract #D37965D Period of time: 2010 to , 2010. In performance ofa signed Contractbetween King County and the City ofAuburn, I hereby certify that the following expenses-were incurred during the above-mentioned period of time. Signature . Date Component • Budget Current Expenses Previous Charges Balance Descrition $20,120.09 HHW Education HHW Collection $20,120.09 TOTAL For Health Department Use Only Local Hazardous Waste Management Progam Approval: Paul Shallow Date ' D:\Program FilesWeevia.Com\Document Converter\templauburnl0[1].doc 4 of4