HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-20-2000White River Valley Historical Society Board and Annual Meeting Minutes December 20, 2000, 1:30 to 2:30 Board Members Present: Marissa Armstrong, Earl Averill, Al B'Hymer, Bud Kuhlman, Debbie Maguire, Maxine Moergeli, Charles Natsuhara, Walter Pacheco, Bill Peloza, Dick Pickett, Doris Ramstead, Mike Stevens, Daryl Thompson, Hans Torklep, Mae Yamada Board Members Excused: Libby Dykstra, Earl Hagen, Mike Hamilton Board Members Absent: John Meneghini Staff Present: Patricia Cosgrove, Dick Deal Guests Present: Bill Andrews, Michael Cassella-Blackburn, Roy Gustaves, Mel Sinex, John Throop, 1. Call to Order and Approval of Minutes President Stevens called the meeting to order and asked that the minutes be approved as ammended to read, section I, sentence two: "it was decided," to "it was the consensus of the board members present." APPROVED It Annual Meeting of the Historical Society A. Members present unanimously approved a change in the bylaws that had been proposed last year. Section IV. Meetings will now read: "The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in Ja f- -December." B. Vice President and Chair of the Nominating Committee Stevens presented the proposed slate of officers for 2001: Mike Stevens President, Marissa Armstrong Vice President, Dick Pickett Treasurer, Debbie Maguire Secretary. The Committee further recommended Dr. Michael Cassella-Blackburn, Charles Natsuhara, Walter Pacheco, Dick Pickett, and Mike Stevens. for board terms expiring 12/31/03. The Committee also honored John Meneghini as a Board Member Emeritus. A motion was made by Bill Peloza to close the ballet, this motion was seconded by Hans Torklep. All members in attendance voted unanimously to accept the ballet as presented by the Nominating Committee. III. Treasury and Committee Reports A. Treasurer Pickett reported that in November the operating revenues were 82% of the monthly budget, and the operating expenses were 91%. Memberships and admissions were down. B. Mike Stevens noted that the new chair of the Public Relations Committee will be Debbie Maguire. The committee met and decided that their goals for 2001 will include expanding the distribution of the newsletter, promoting the web site and exploring new programs that can be presented in the Muckleshoot Room. C. Bill Peloza provided the final report on the Harvest Masquerade Ball. Eleven committee members raised a profit of $10,200! Sponsorships were up, attendance was down, and spending per participant was up. Great work everyone. IV. Staff Report A. Patricia Cosgrove reviewed the museum's schedule for holiday hours and staff vacations. Curator of Education Barb Williams spoke on the schedule of classes, lectures and classroom visits upcoming in 2001. VI. New Business A. Outgoing President Kuhlman asked that the incoming Vice President Marissa Armstrong chair a task force to review the bylaws. Dick Pickett and Debbie Maguire agreed to serve on that effort. B. Incoming President Mike Stevens thanked Bud Kuhlman for his year of leadership. During this time we have enhanced our relationship with the schools, completed a building fund drive, successfully hosted our second Harvest Masquerade Ball, and had a good time while so doing. The board unanimously thanked Bud for his great leadership. Next Meeting, January 17, 2001 at the Library