HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-2005White River Valley Historical Society Board Meeting Minutes November 16, 2005 Board Members Present: Jean Farrington, Mike Gerber, Dan Harris, Doug Hedger, Warren Kinggeorge, Kathy Lewis, Mike McDermott, Ann Mehl, Larry Miller, Janice Nelson, Gordy Nishimoto and JB Rupert Board Members Excused: Pat Bailey, Jan Cavanaugh, Mike Hamilton, Michelle Marshman and Mae Yamada Staff Members Present: Kristen Bruhahn, Janet Wells, Alyssa Shirley Morein and Betsy Bruemmer Guests: Dan Scamporlina, Parks, Arts, and Recreation Planning/Development Director, Tammy Balint, Columbia Bank Call to Order and Approval of Minutes: President Larry Miller called the meeting to order at 1:34 PM and asked for the approval of the minutes. Mike McDermott motioned, Kathy Lewis 2nd and the motion to accept the minutes were carried. President Miller introduced Alyssa's temporary replacement, Betsy Bruemmer and also Tammy Balint who will be filling in for Doug Hedger while he is overseas serving in the Air Force Reserves. Chair Report: President Miller stated that directional signs are in the process of being made at the King County Sign Shop. They should be ready in a couple of months. Treasury and Committee Reports: Gordy Nishimoto gave a report for the Nominating Committee. We currently have 4 members not returning and one prior unfilled position. Judi Roland and Ron Beyersdorf have agreed to serve on the board but that leaves 3 yet to be filled positions. The committee is continuing to work on this and the City of Auburn will be placing an advertisement in the newspaper regarding board positions available. Larry Miller, Jan Cavanaugh and Gordy Nishimoto will again hold their executive positions leaving only the treasurer's position open. Ann spoke to the board with regards to what is required of the Treasurer. Ann Mehl presented the treasurer's report. Because of the success of the Harvest Ball October's numbers are looking much better than September's bottom line. One of the investments was called and the money was transferred into an account earning 3% interest. What to do with that investment will be discussed in the 4th quarter finance committee meeting. The treasurer's report was accepted with Jean offering a motion and Gordy a 2nd The 2006 budget was presented. The budget committee consisted of Jean Farrington, Ann Mehl, Doug Hedger and Mike McDermott. Discussion was held with regards to the utilities costing more and Kristen presented information with regards to the analysis she prepared showing why our utility expense has increased over the past several years. It was noted that Staff and Board P/R has increased due to the fact Patricia will be attending more conferences and meetings promoting the museum. The 2006 budget was unanimously approved. Dan Harris made the motion and Mike McDermott the 2nd Alyssa Shirley Morein presented two new accessions; a 1930's egg crate and a Diamond Mineral Springs bottle. Also presented was a new collections policy. The new policy is a "cleaned up" version of the old policy. Questions and clarifications were presented and Larry Miller wanted clarification if there was a policy included for unwanted donations being unclaimed by their owners. Alyssa will research this subject. The policy was presented for approval. Kathy Lewis motioned and Ann Mehl 2nd. Approval was unanimous. Harvest Ball: Profit to date is $25,053.47. All expenses have been presented and there are a few income items still outstanding. Bills have been sent. The extra profit came from the auction and raffle items. Cakes: $4,975; Raffle: $3,240; and Silent: $4,865. There were many comments made that this was the best harvest ball to date. Thanks were given to Diane and Kathy for their great work in gathering the auction items and to the Casino for the wonderful cakes. Next year we need to have more people "working the floor" for the raffle sales. Staff Report: Volunteers: Janet read an email she received saying how much fun was had by a family at the Saturday event. Also, mentioned how wonderful the volunteers were. Gordy Nishimoto was a volunteer that day and said they were very busy - 64 visitors - and it was a lot of fun. Next Board Meeting: Next board meeting December 21 st at the Museum Adjournment: 2:37 PM Respectfully submitted: Kristen Bruhahn on behalf of Jan Cavanaugh, Secretary