HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-2004 White River Valley Hislorical Society Boazd Meeting - Nov 17, 2004, 1:30 to 230 Muckleshoot Room, Wlute River Valley Museum Board Members Present: Jan Cavanaugh, Lorianne Claudon, Kathrine Hansen, Debbie Maguire, Ellen Morrison, Gordy Nishimoto, Iviae Yamada, Mike Mc Dermott. Kathy.Lewis, Larry Miller, Amt Mehl and Jaiuce Nelson . ` Staff Presenr Kristen Bruhahn, Alyssa Shirley Morein and Patricia Cosgrove. Board members absent:. Valerie Bellack, Mike Hamilton, Nicole Karwlute, Michelle Marshman, and JB Ruperf - Guest:. Dennis Swanson 1. Call To Order and Introductions Meeting called to order by Debbie Maguire at 1:45pm. : Minutes.approved after clazification of tlie headings on tlie montlily ireasurers report by Katliy and Jan. Dennis Swanson was presenfed a plaque thanking him for his contribution of lumber to the Olson Fazm. He shared some insiglit inlo rurming and owning an Antique Saw Mill. II. Treasury and Comuultee Reports A. Treasury Report-Aml Mehl _ October 13uJget YTll Uudget _ Reveuue: $41434 $4,808 $54,889 $48,080 Expenses: 5,873 5,905 59,218 59 050 Net lleficit: ($1,439) ($1,097) ($4,329) ($I0,970) Note: Excludes Harvest Dall and City of Auburn E3udget The new budgeYwas presented for 2005, Aim explained the projected changes. The budget was approved with a small numbering change motion made l7y Kathrine and seconded by Kathy. , B. The Nominating Committee (Lorianne Claudon, Larry Miller, Mike McDermott) aruiounced it's slate. A motion was made by Kathrine Hansen and Seconded by Debbie Maguire to accept these nominations. MOTION APPROVED Ternis to Expire 12/31/05 . - Paf Bailey (Mayaral Appoinlee) Teinis to Expire 12/31/06 - Jean Parrington (Mayoral Appointee): Terms to Expire 12/3 U07 ' - Mike IVIcDennott (Elected by Society) - Douglas Hedger (Mayoral ,Appoinfee) - Mike Gerber (Mayoral Appointee); - Cafhy Pickett (Mayoral Appoinlee) Dan Harris (Elected by Society) ~ . ' Officers: Larry Nliller, President; Gordy Nishunoto, Vice President; Ann Mehl, Treasurer; Jan Cavaiiaugh,ISecretary ' C. Harvest Ball- Ellen sltared tlie great news of the successful Red Hot Event's net profit $19,520:06. Several ideas for next years event were discussed. Mike Hamilton the winner of the Starbucks drawing for bringing in sponsors, i thaiilcs to Mike McDermott for donating this prize. , D. The Collections Conunittee met to review possible iucoming donations to the inuscum's artifact collection. Curator Alyssa shared the list of reconunended additions, and siiowed some items to the Board. III. Staff Report A. Grants- This spriug theboard will be asked to help attract State fundiiig"for Olson Parm restoratioii by letter writing, gettnig on line, and meeting ui person wilh the legislators. IV. Adjourn . _ Meeting closed by president Debbie Maguire at 230. ls`Nicole 2"d by Ellen. Next Board Meeting: Dec 15, 2004 . 1:30 to 2:30 Muckleshoot Room, White River,Valley Museum i . , i i ~ ' . . . . i . . I . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . i - . . . . ~ f