HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-2004 WIIl1'E RIVER YALLEY HlS'fORICAL SOCIG7'Y F30ARD AND STAFF RGTREA'i' . JANUAItY 21, 2004, 1:30 TO 4:00 Y.M. . , . ; Board Members Present: Valerie Bellack, Lorianne Claudon, Mike Hamillon, Kathrine , Hansen, Nicole Karwhite, Kalhy Lewis, Debbie Maguire, Michelle Marshman, Mike Mc , Dermott, tlnn Mehl, Larry Miller, EIlcn Morrisou, Janice Nelson, Gordy Nishimoto, Dick Pickett, JII Rupert, Mae Yamada Slaff Present: Yatricia Cosgrove, Alyssa Sliirley Morein, Kristen I3ruhahn, Karen Ilaas. Guest Present: Linda Cowan I. Call to Order, Welcomc PresidentDebbie Maguire called her first meeting.to order at 1:30 p.m. and welcomed board members, new and retuming. Linda Cowan presented information on the two new levy proposals. One is for funding of activities the second is for new buses, both.are replacement funds, not new taxes. Linda then lead the group in[a,getting Jo kqowyou.mixer, during which we all shared information on;an artifact we had on ancl how it relatecl to us. II. Organization of the IIistorical Society. Patricia explained that the Museum is a Non pro£t 501 C-3. 'Ihis was established in 1961. In 1989 the Historical Society entered.,into a very.stabile management partnership with the City of Auburn. The board is,composed of cight members appointed by the Mayor of AuUurn anJ nine elected Uy the Histodcat Society. The mission oFthe museum is to preserve and share Iiistory. We display 40 to 50 percent of our collection, and have a very active education program-sharing hislory. The revenue,for our operaling budget is 1/3 raised by the IIarvest IIall, Frce Wedhesdays, Rental E,xhibits, I'acility Rentals, Memberships and other earned revenue. Olson Farm is owned by the City, and is being dcyeloped by the Museum. A key grant is due in May of 2004, ttius the Olson Farm Committee and sta1F are in the process of deve(oping an operating plan to support that application. III. Responsibilities of Board Members. The Secretary records board attendance. If you are unable to attend a meeting please contact Loriamie at 253-833,5565 or lorianne@vallevpontiaacom. ' The board is encouraged to attend openings or events and please bring a friend. Lach Board member is on a;committee of their expertise, as well as the Ilarvest Ball. Additionally, we encourage you to network aud ctieer lead the nwsewn in the community. 1V. Treasures rcport AnnMehl wasjasked to present the December 2003 financial report and we ~ received a brief summary of the end of 2003. . I3ottom line: monthly lleficit oF (3;618) Y7'll Swplus of: 4,727. Operatiiig Result(DLxcludes I ITrvest 13a11 & Cily of AuUuni) December 13udKet Y"I'D BadKet. Reveime 3,008. 4,567 57,477 54,800. Expenses 6,726 5,463 72,059. 65;550. . NecDeficit: ' ($3,718:) ($896.) ($.14,582.) ($10,750.) Major Variance this moiith: Revenue: $1048: In Mcmbership Revenuc ' Expense's: Insurance Lxpenses oE$1 144. Closed 2003 approximately $4,500 over I3uJgeU I I Largely due to the success oF. f larvest Ball Shirakawa Book Sales and Membership. The Finance committee consis(ing of Ann Mehl, Dick I'ic,kett, !I3 Rupert and Mike Mc Dermott will mect Peb 4"' at 10:30. On Feb 10lh tlie Audit will be perfonned by JD Rupert, Gordy Nisliimoto and L1rry Miller V. Museuiu Administration 104 ' A very inCormative presenlation was done by Alyssa on the state of our collections as well as ia sample of sortic artifacts and t6e issues raised in their care. Karen demonstrated a showed and fell Iesson she does with filin grade sludents. Our staff consists of Alyssa Shirley Morein a.half-lime employee who is the Curafor oPColleclions. She came to iis this sumnier. Kristen I3iuhahn is our half-time bookkeepedadministrative assislant. lanet Wells co-ordinatcs our volunleer sta(T, she is also part time. Karen Haas is our Curatocof Education. 1'liis:ycar she has tha added challeiige oPcreating an oral histoiy program so will be working lhree-quarters lime. Yatricia is the Museum Director and is eniployed full time. , VI: Misc. ; KOMO 4 iiivited the Musewn to parlicipate as a public service announcement on Wednesday, Januacy 281h. Llisa lones (aka. Karen Haas) will.be'our speaker. ' On: January 25 t' Valerie 13ellack will receive a Spirit Award Gom °Uniquely ' Auburd' orgaiiiz<ltionl Way to go Valerie!' ~ Vll. Acljournment.. President llebbie Maguirc adjourned the meeting at 3:50p.tn. Mike Iiamilton I" _ and Nicole Karwhite 2°d ~ The next meeting is PeUiuary 18 at 1:30. , Respectfully submitled by: Lorianne Claudon ' Date: Jaii 21, 2004. ; . ,