HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-2004 C,6yf~1 0~~ . Wl-I1TG RIVLR VALLGY I-IIS"COIt1CAL SOCIL'1'Y , BOA12D MGETING M1NU'fLS PEBRUARY 18'I'H, 2004, 1:30 "I'O 2:30 Y.M. ~y - Board Members Present: Valerie Bellack, Lorianne Claudon, Kalliriue I-lansen, Nicole ICarwhite, Debbie Maguire, Mike Mc Dennolt, Ann Mehl, Larry Miller, Gllen Morrison, Janice Nelson, Gordy Nishitnoto, jm ep~y~a~q Statf Preseut: Patricia Cosgrove, Alyssa ~Ihrley Morcin, Krislen Bruhahn, and Karen Ilaas. Board tnembers abscut: Mike Ilamiltou, Katliy Lewis, Michelle Marsivuau, .TB Rupert, Mae Ylmacla; Dick Picketl, 1. . ; Call to Order,: Welcome Yresideiit Debbie Maguire called the iuecling lo ordcr al 1:30 p.ui. aiid asked for llie _ approvalof the tninutes.i, Aime Mehl mcvcd aud KaUirine [lanseu secouded the approval of the minules. ' II. Chair report, Dick Pickelt is leaviug the board:as he has a new opporluuily wilh a bank in'Pacoma. Debbie passed out crossword puzzles to !test your Wliile River Museuun knowledge. IIL Treasury and Committee Reports A. Montlily Pinatice Report Amn Mehl preseiit the January 2003 finaucial reporL Bollom line: monthly DeGcit of: (1,453.) YTD DeFiciC of; (1,453.). - ' Operating ResultOExcludes I-Iarvest Ball & City of AuUuni) Januarv Budget Y!TD - BudRet Revenue 3,179. 4,808 i. 3,179:. 4,808. Expenses 4,631. 5,905 4,631.. 5,905. . Net Detc[c: r;asz~T ($1,097.~1 ($4-~452-1 ($1,097.) -03,541- Major Variauce this inontli, for reveuue: Nol inucli activity duc to closwe of Museum the f rst half of themonth aud inenibersliip & aiuwal cainpaign - alrcadyl/8 oCbudget Variance for expeuses is the correction for insurance of $1144. ! Closed 2003 approxiutatel;y;$4,500 over Budgell!! Largely due to the succcss of: Ilarvest f3all, , Shirakawa book sales . aud Membership. i B. . Audit Task Pace On Fe6 10°i the;Audit was performed by J13~ Rupert, Gordy Nishimoto and Larry Miller.'1:he 2003. Commillee reconuuondalions as presenled by Aiin: , 1. Review of year-enci figures: , a. Annual ReVenue Lxceeded the Budgel by $9,826. b. Expenses were over Budgel by $5,349.1 c. Nel gaiii fo'r,thc year,of $4,727; beat oiir Uudgeled gain by $4,477. ' 2. Reinvestiitg Endowinent Fuuds ~a.We liave approximately $25,000 o£lCiei$49,000 fund availablelo iuvcsl by lhe eud of the first quarler. ' b: /1uu is working wiUi someone @ Wash. Mut Aiid Mikc McDermolt is also gctling other iuformalion. We will review lhis inCo al the uext Pinance Committee. ineeling scheduled in April and have an inves(ment plan to present lo the board at lhat time. ' ~d. We.still have $20,000 loaned to tlte operaling accounl that Patriciajfeels'.will be able to pay back by the eutl of the yeaC. At Uhat timc we will look at invesling tliose additioual Cunds. 3. The variauce report sliowing any variances from llie budge,t 10"/0 or more each month has been clianged to;a quarterly report. Presented @ April, July & OcL Board Mcetings. ~ CnA 0 t ¢pu, %V0.r1'P/, 4. Budget Revision: a. A[ler.reviewiug aclual year-end figures from 2003, the Finance Commiltee has revised a few items on the 2003 budgeL See Budget RGVENUE: TROM '1'O 2003 AC1'UAL McmUership $ 7,000 $ 8,000 Actual $ 8,508 . Harvest Ball 22,000 24,000 Actual $26,647 IncrenshigiRenenue: $3,000 EXPLNSES: FROD1 :1'O. 2003 AC'1'UAL Janitor &Contract. $ 5;200 $ G,5.00,.. - Ac,tual $6,579. $6,872 Accountant,, - : Utililies 8,600 7,800 nclual.7,573. Equip; Maint. 1;500' 1,300 Actual 1,253.. 1,097 HarvestBall. `9,300 8,500 Aclual 7,338.. [nsurance . 2,300 . 4,400 ilclua14,390. D/O Ins. Etc. Iwcreasing Crpenses: $Iy600. , Ne[Increase iie Renentte ftan $940 to'$2340_or $1,400 proposed surplus " Re: Luuraucc, Staff will galher competi.livc bids for review at the next Finance Commiltee iiiecling, and prescn(ation at!a Collowiug boarcl ntceling. I ~ - C. ' Haryest Mas,yuerade Ball ` The Ball will be helil on Salurday Oct. 23 at lhe SeaPac Hilton. Eulertainrnent is still _ beiug researchcd. Mike has'already secured 2 sil,ver donatjons-Kallierine and Larry. FIc will be rewarding board utembers.wilh coffee cards for iecruiting sponsorships and a drawing Cor a 50$ gift certificate for your favoritc restaurant will be givem to onc lucky baard member. D. Collections Committee Alyssa shared. a list of items considercd for accession aiid deacccssion and some of the issues.they address to arcive at their discussions.j E. Membersliip Commitlec , . Gordy shared that the Cily will be proclaimiug tlie, mouth of March as White River Museum Mouqi. We are going to pursue aII Council Persons lo join lhe museum. IV. StaffReport j: A. . Olson fartn update ; . _ PaQ icia reEiorted that tlie last of the State grant would be used to repair lhe back wall oC the barn: We are uow entering lhe new season of grant writing for worlc to be.done in the fuluie. ~ i V. New 13usiuess'aud Cvents , A. March 30; 5:00 to 7:00 LxhiUit Opening , "Aubuni Yard: The Nortlieru Pacific Railway's Weslem TenuinaP" B. Marcli G, Pirst Saturday Pamily Lvenl, "°I'hreads of the YasC' ; VI. Adjournment . ' ' Presicicut Debbie Maguire adjourued lhe mccting al 2:30p.m. Nicolc I" and Ami 2 Next Board Meetiug: March 17, 2004, 1:30 to 2:30, Mucklesliool Room, White River Valley Museum ' Respectfully submitted by: Lorianne Claudoii, Date: Mar 2004. I i . ; ,