HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-2004 WI-II1'E RIVLR VALLGY HISTORICAL SOCIE'I'Y l4'~ BOARD MEETING MINUTGS ' MAKCI-I 17, 2004, L30 TO 2:30 P.M. Board Members Present: Loriannc Claudou, .lau C1vatiaugli; Milce Hamilton, Kathriue . Hansen, Nicole Karwhite, Kathy Lewis, DeUbie Maguire, Michclle Marshmau; ~Ann ivlehl, . Lany Miller, Lllen Morrison, Janice Nelson, Gordy Nishimoto,.IB. Ruperl, Mae Yamada Staff Yreseut: Yalricia Cosgrovc, ICrislen Brulialin. Board meroGers abseul: Ualerie I3cllack, Mike Ivlc Dermoll 1. Ca11 to Ordei, Welcomc . PresidentDebbie M~iguire called the meeling lo ordet at 1:30 p.m.and asked for thc approval of the miuutes: Thc corrcclions are as follows as reporled by Anne Mchi Janua 'ry I3udget Y1'D Budgct Reveuue: $8,173 $4,808 $3,179 $ 8;178 Expenses , 4,631 5,905 4,631 5,905 Net-Swplus:, $3,547 ($1,097) ($1,452) $3,547 Jan Cavanaugh was present at lhe last mceling, which was uol rcflected in the minulcs. Theboard'approved theamendiiients lo-the miuutes moyed by ICathy seconded by Nicole. II. Chair.repor(. A. President Maguire reporled lhat long-time board member Dick Picket.resigned from the boarcl due to,a cliange;of employinent location. Dick now works in Tacoma-we are very sad to see him leade. B. Pree Weduesday's - A shect was passed arouud asking Uoard members to inilial the listor add to the list of prospccl businesses. ICristiu will be seudiug out packels to the board lo add your endorseiiient lo tliis reyuesL. The Free;Wednesday progr,am is supporled by local busiuesses - an ad is placecl iu the paper for the ntuseutn showing Ute Free Wednesday busiuess as the sponsor, it costs$150 a week or $500 a month. C. AKCI-IO-We liave applied for an award fiont lhe Association of King County Historical Organizations lo honor~Kie valuaUle support the City of Auburn provides cultural, heritage. ; , I , III., 'Treasury and Coiilmiltee Reports, i A. Treasurer's Reporl Bottom Line: Monthly Deficit of: <1,298. > YTD Surplus of: 2,248. ; Operatiug Resultsi (Excludes I-tarvest Ball & City of Auburn) Pebruary L3udg I et ~ Y"CD . Budgel Revenue: 13,301 $4,808 $11,479 $9,617 Expenses: 5,099 ; 5;905 9,731 11,810 NetSutplits: ,($1;798) ($,1,097); $1,748 ($2,193) Note: :This year's budgeted revenue incrcasecl by $7,1400 and budgeleel expenses increased by $5,310. So we are doing well to Ue ahcad of this year',s budget so earl"y in the year. Lzcellenl job by the stafP.! ' . Also:'rtiuended llie.lanuary 31st minules to iuclude a:cliangc in llie'I'reasurers Report. Under ` revenue, an Operalious Grant of $4999. was not incliuled which lhereby changcd'our revenue tolal for Jauuary 2004 Crom a deficit of <$1,452> lo a surplus of $3,547. T'his also changcd our YTD figures to the saiue, siuce that was the firsl iuoulh of ow fiscal year. ' , Also asked'lhat in those same minules, item (B) Audit'I'1sk Force, #3--cliange to rcad: 'I7ie variance report showing airy variances froiu the budget 10% or more each moulh hasbeen clianged to a quarterly report. This report will be presenled at meelings followingtiie eud of eaclt quartei: Motion to.accept the Treasury Keport by Nicolc seconded Uy Gordon and. approved. - , - ' B. Ilarvcst Masquerade Ball The Ball will Ue held on Saturday Oct. 23 at tlie Sea'I'ac Hilton. Enlertaiiunent details are being firmed up witli BoGby Medina and the Red Hol Band is being perused. Our lheme this year is, Its Going To Be Red Ilot, and we already can thauk siiver sponsors, Mike M, Nicole anil : Larry; Go1d 5ponsor Kathrine; and 'Cable Spottsors Mike H. and JB. We all are looking forwatd to Lairy in his Red 1'op Hat!!i!! Nexl meeting nf 8:30 April 13"' (tlie second 'Cuesday of.the inontlt) don't forgel everyone is welcome!!! I!! C. Membership Commitlce _ Gordy aitnouuced that the Yroclamatiou was announccd al the City Council Meetiug' altended.by Anu, Patricia, Kristin and Gordy. The Meuibership drive packcls wcre mai(ed wilh about 8 responses to date. D. ' Olson fanir updale ; Mike reported lhat the last of the State grant would be used lo repair the east wall of the barn. A meeting was held wilh JB; Mike, Patricia aud Janice to pul logclher an Operalious Plan qlat will need to be approved by the city. This plan is requiced to slai t opcraling and will benefit graut applications. Please review it and provide commeuts lo Pat~,-icia. Allhough Olson Parm is owued by the City of Auburn, we; are planning to help the Parks lleparlmenl operate the site, as we have more'access lo privale grants aud the Musewn slaff are well qualified to provide piograms. IV. Staff Report A. Karen is busy witli Oral IIislory program largetc<1 at llle IIigli Schools along wiUi Kindergarten and 3rd grade programs all ready up and running very successfully. The. High Scliool program will bring;the Character of Eliza.TaneiJones to life and allow the kids to iiiteiview her about her tripi on the Oregon 7'raiL Then•Karen will eucourage the kids to interview - elder members of lheir. family as part of this new curriculum. B. Patricia reporled that the Sustaiued Support,Granl we have applied for has us raled as "2°~. itt the couuty tliat meaiis an addilional $6,500 awa[ded this year and agaiu the following yeac Also the Seattle Foundatioii lias awarded us a$5,000 tliat pays Yor salaries ihis year. V. New Business and Events . A. . March 30, 5:00 to 7:00 Lxhibit Opening "Auburn Yard: Northern PacificjRailway's Weslcrn TermiuaP" B. April 3, First-Saturday, "Name That Tool!" : ~ . . VI. - :Adjourument ' - President Debbie Maguire adjoumed the meeting at 2:30 p.m. Nicole 151 and KalGy 2"d. Next Board Meeting: April 21, 2004, 1:30 l0 2:30, - Respectfully submitted by: Lorianne Claudon, Date: A'pril.G, 2004. ,