HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-2004 ~ 40 Wliite River Valley I-lislorical Sociely I3oard Meetiug . May 19, 2004, 1:30 to 2:30 ` ' i Muckleshoot Room, White Kiver Valley Muscum . Board Membcrs Present, Lorianne Claudon, KaUirinc Ilansen, Nicole Karwlii(e, Debbie Maguire, Ann Mchl, Gllen Morrison, Janice Nclson, Gordy Nishimolo, Mike 4lamillon, Katliy Lewis..113 Rupert aud Mae Yamada.', J'y, Cava.+,q,414 Slaff Yresent: Alyssa Shirley Morein; Krisien 13ruhahn, and Karen f[aas. Uoard members abseut: Michelle Marshman, Valerie I3ellack, Palricia Cosgrove, Larry Miller and Mike Mc Dermott L Call'fo Order, Appioval of Minutes and liilroduclions Meeling called to order Uy Debbie Maguire at 1:30pni. Minules from npril 21,2004 clianged lo reflect Bill Peloza scratched frotii I3oard Merobers present and'lhe treasury report changcd to show $600. Shelving cost $200. $400 quill rack expetise. Molion carried lo accept mimrtes wiUi changes by Mike IIamilton and Nicolc IEarwhite. Il. Chair Report . -Debbie Maguire A. Healtli Update on Palricia, she will be oul for 6 weeks to recover from surgcry Alyssa and Kristen will cover. Thanks for the cxlra eCforts. B. Museum Garage Renovations (Yeah! Mike I-Iamilton) Tlte City will be doing Uhe electrical Mike aild friends are doing the carpentry, and we will supply the matenals costing ' approximately $1,200. The garage door will Uc inslalled in 3 weeks in time for the 4~~' of July. . C. AKCHO Awards=WRVM Gerlificate Cor King Couiity Snapshots-lhis is in recognition for Crossing Orgauizalional Boundaries. lII. Treasuty and Comiuittee Reporls A: Treasury Report-Ann Mehl April 13uJget Y'1'U [3udget ~ Revenue: . $3713 $4,808 $27,882 $ 19,232 Expenses: 5,364 4-52° 5,905 #SV 24,183 23,620 NetSwplus: ($I,651) ($1,097) 3,699 ($4,388) Note: Excludes I{arvest Ball and City of Auburn Budget, B. Harvest Masquerade Ball -Ellcn Morrison - Spousorships-We slill need namiug sponsor aiid keep up selling the table sponsorships. - Thank you Gordy for volunlccring to be lhe Yrocurement captain - Tlie uext meeting is at Nicolc's on June 8"' St 5:30. C. Olson Fann -Mike Hamilton - Stafe Grant Application Yending (2005-07) to support our quesl for $242,950. - A loiu' with Slale Legislators Pam Roach, Dan Roacli Steve Johnson, Jan Sabaro all visiled the Olson F1mi. Mike Ilamilton did an awesome job. We are slriving to connect to our legislalive lcam, should tliey need to go to bal for us. A grant panel will review lhe application laler this summer, and should we gel a low rauking, then the legislators can add our requesl in as a line-ileui. More later... IV. Staff Report A. Collection Storage Upgrades -Alyssa S6irley Morein shared lhe collections storage uUgrades report. This was a plans and progress report. Alyssa is moving Uirough this list quickly as she gets familiar with the collection. B. Oral History Program -Karcn Ilaas reported on lhe 3 steps she took wilh lhe high school dasses to discover their oral history. She is very happy wilh the interesl from lhc kids and volunteers alike. V. New Business -Debbie Maguirc A. L,eI'euske Pliotography Exhibit, opening poslponed one monUi. Meelivg closed by presidetit Debbie Maguirc al 2:30. i" Mike I-Iamilton 2"d by Nicole Karwhile. . Next Board Meeting: June,16, 2004, 1:30 l0 2:30 Mucklcshoot Room, White River Valley Ivluseum