HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-2004 White River Valley Historical Society i Board Meeting JITNE lG, 2004, 1:45 to 2:30 Muckleshook Room, White Kiver Valley Musewn a . lloard Members Present, Lorianne Claudon, Kathrine t Iansen, Nicole Karwhite, Debbie Maguire, , Ann Mehl, , Ellen , Morrison, Janice Nelson, Gordy Nishimoto; Kathy Lcwis, JB Rupert, Mae Yamada, Larry Miller and Mike Mc Dermott . . StafC Present: Patricia Cosgrove, ICristen I3rullahu, aud Karen Haas , . - _13oard members flbsenh Michelle Mars6maii, Valerie [?ellack, Mike I-[amilton, Gordy Nishimoto and ]B 2upert 1. Call To'Order, Approval of Minules Meeting called to order by Debbie Maguire at 1:45pm. Miuutes approved as colrecled- .ian ' Cavanagh was present. The financial report should reilect a May's report to be $520.00 gift shop revenue line entry. The deficit for thc month sliould be $1,921.00 and Uudget surplus should be $4,053. II. Chair Report President DeUbie Maguire reporled lhat volunleers needed to iun the King County Fair Booth July 21-25"' please contact DebUie if you are able. llL Committee Reports A. Harvest Ball Report Nicole Karwhite passed out sponsor request sheets asking each board member to contact possible sponsors by plione. Larry has secured a$2,500.00 sponsor- Aubum Regional Medical Center YEAHL~rry!!!!!!!!tittttii B. Treasury Repart was made Uy Ann Mehl: May 13udgct YTD Aclual v Reveimei $4,822 . $4,808 $32,704 $24,040 Expenses: 5,416 5,905 29,986 29,525 rret ($594) ($1,097) , $2,718 ($s,ass) Note: Excludes Harvest Ball and City of Auburn I3udget Aml reported that we are ahead of budget; the Finance Committee Quarterly meeting will be held July 13 at 10:00AM. , . C. Building improvements Patricia Cosgrove repoited on building improvemenls funded by the $20,000 grant from the County are as follows Accoustical improvements for Muckleshoot room & garage doors installed in the storage area, leaving approximately $4,000 wliicli cau hopefully pay for . iiliprovenieuts for the floor in the Towu Center exhibit area. . IV. Staff Report A. Patrica is on schedule foi- great healUi -"Chankyou to the great support from Staffl!! B. State support- August 13°i a publicity meeting will be held lo review our grant and pick . our ranking thaf will effect us for the next 2 years. Meeting closed by president DeUbie Maguire at 2:30. ls`Nicole 2od by Ann Nex[ Board Meeting: July 21, 2004, 1:30 to 2:30 Muckleshoot Room, White River Valley Museum