HomeMy WebLinkAbout3766 , - I ' I . . . ' iI. . A . r 4 f. ♦ . . . . 1 . . ~ , ' • . ' •ORDINANCE N0. 3 7 6 6 2 . ' AN ORDINANCE"OF THE CIT,Y OF.'AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADDING TO AUBURN CODIFIED 3 CITY ORDINANCE'CHIIPTER 15.08 (UNIFORM CODES ADOPTION) WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (WAC) PROVIS,IONS 296-1506-200 THROUGH 296-150B-255 ¢ (STANDARDS:FOR•MOBILE HOMES,:COMMERCIAL COACHES, AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLES) AND ADOPTING THE SAME BY REFERENCE. 5 • 6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 7 Section l. There is herewith added to Auburn Codified City Ordinance 8 Chapter 15.08; (Uniform Codes Adoption) Washington Administrative Code (WAC). 9 Provisions 296-150B-200 through 296-150B-255.(Standards for Mobile Homes, 10 Commercial Coaches, and Recreational Vehicles) and adopting the same by 11 reference. 12 Section 2. Three copies of the above provisions adopted by reference 13 shall be on fiYe in the office of the city clerk and shall be made available 14 at all times to the public. 15 Section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administra- 16 tive procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of tHis 17 legislation. " 18 Section 4. This Ordinance shall'take effect and be in force five (5) days 19 from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. 20 . 21 INTRODUCED: JUNE 7, 1982 22 PASSED: JUNE 7, 1982 23 , APPROIIED: NE 7 19 24 - 25 M A Y . 26 ATTEST: 27 City C1 k 28 29 . APP OVED ASY0 FURM; ' / 30 i y ~£orney 31 P iSHED: JUNE 11, 1982 . 32 - Ordinance No: 3766 6-2-82 . , . , ' . ' . r . . b :.1._7 . . . •x`~ . . ' . . CIII ~.i h~lnVtS-... . . , . . ~'~C '+A'1 . • , . . ' , - ~•:~61~~1 ~CI"~., . _ MAY z 8 1982 Chapler 296-1508 WAC~ S'1'ANDARDS POR MOUILE HOM1:S, COMMI3RCIAL COACH4S, . AND RL•'CRI:ATIONAL VLHICLLS ' WAC 296-.15013 -200 General installation requiremenls for mobile homes. 296-150D-205 Inst'allation perinits. 296-15013-210 Inspections. " 2A6-150i3-215 Requirements for local jurisdictions. . 296-150f3-220 Inspection by local jurisdictions. 296-150B-225 Building site prepar3tion. 296-150U-230 Foundation system fool-ings. 296-15.0[3-235 Foundation system piers. • 296-150Ei-240 Foundation system plates and shims. 296-15013-295 Foundation Eacia. 296-150a-250 Anchorirrg systems. " 296-150li-255 Assembly. ~ NIiW :;(:C'1'ION ' WAC 296-1 5 013-2 0 0 GEN3iRAL INS'PALLATION RI:QUTRIs'ML•'N7'S POIt MOBILE EIOML•'S. (1) A11 mobile homes shall be 'in- stalled in compliance with the national manufactured ~~ou"io9 proceclural anii en,torcemenl regulations' in sub- parts F and I of 24 C.F.R.`Part 3282 adopted as of April 1, 1982, which are incorporated into these rules by this reference. A HUD-labeled mobile home shall also be in= stalled in compliance' with the mobile home manufac- turer's irrstallation recommendations. The recommenda- tions tnust be approved by HUD. The manufacturer shall send two copies of its approved installation recommen- ilations to the department. . . A mobile home not' labeled by HUD shall also be in- stalled in accordance wilh installat}on recommendations provided by a professional engineer or architect li- i:ensed in Washinyton, • (3) I1'o the extent that the installation of a mo- bile home is not covered by a manufacturer's, engi- neer's, or architect's recommendations, the mobile home :;hall comply with the installation requirements 'set out• in WAC 296-1508-225 through 296-150R-255. (4) No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or oL-her entity may insl-all a mobile home unless he, she, or it owns the rnobile home, is a licensed mobile home dealer, or is a contractor registered under chapter 18.27 RcW. (5) In those areas that are (a) recognized as flood plains by the Washington State 'Department of Ecology or Lhe Fzderal Lmergency Management Agency, or (h) hazardous because of the probability oE earth- quakes, ground slides, avalanches, or hiqh winds, the local jurisdictions may set requirements that are nec- essary Lo eli.minate the hazards. ii I.,j041282-01 -1- . a• l Y t . . . J, '5.` . . . Nr.w sec-rroN WAC 296-150B-205 INSTALLATION PliRMT'PS. '1'he owner or L-he installer of a mobile home rnust obtain an in- • stallation permit froin the department, or from a local en[orcement a9enry *approved by the department, before it installs a mobile home that wi].1 be used.as a resi- dence on a buililiny site. • • (1) 'Phe owner or installer must provide the ,fo1= lowing information on the application for the permit: - `(a). the name, address, and telephone, number oE the owner; . (b) the manuEacturer and dealer oE• the mobile home to be installed; ti . (c) the manufacturer's. serial ;~mber, if known, of the mobile home; .(d) .the name, address, and te.lephone number of the installer, and the installer's mobile home dealer license nwnber or contractor registration number; and (e) the address or' location of the proposed building siEe. (Z) If the mobi.le home will be insta,lled on prx- vate property, and hot in an apNroved mobile home park, the application must provide a description of Ghe . cii''ina9e and Che preparation in addition Lo thc inEormation required by subsection (1). (3) The applicant shall include.with the applica- tion the permit Eee set by WAC 296-150B-990. If the aoplicant applies to the department'and not to a local juriSdiction, Clie app.licant shall. also include with the . application a certificate stamped or signed by'the local jurisdiction Chat states that the applicant has obtained all permits and complied with all requirements uE the local jurisdir.tion Chat must be obtained or com- plied with befure the installation of' the mobile home: 'rhe depactment will not issue an installation permit if • these requirements ar.e not mel. Ni:el sr•.c•r1oN • WAC 296-1508-210 INSPECTIONS. occupy, or allow or suFfer another ~1) No person rnay inobile home bctore the installation ofthet~obilePhome p S has been inspected and approved. '1'he installer shall request an inspection after all aspect,s ut- the installation, otheC L'han in- stall.ation of the foundakion Eacia, have been com- pleted. 'Phe department or the local enforcement agency will inspecl the installation within five. business days after it receives the reyuest. If the inspection is not completed within five business days, the tenant or owner may occupy the mobile home at his' or her own risk. Occupancy beEore insp'ection'does not imply de- partrnenlal approval. (3) The department or the local enforcement a9ency shall approve, the installation of a mobile home, and allow the mobile home to be occupied, if: (a) .the instal.lation complies with the installa- tion requirements of Ehis chapter and the cor~'9itions of tha insCallation permit; and . L;/041282-01 -2- , . . •i . . . . ' . I (b) the installer or owner provides verification, signed or stamped by the building o£ficial of the local ; jurisdiction, thal- the install.er has complied with local permit raquirements and olher 1oca1 regulations. (4) IP the insl-al:lation does not comply with sub- section (3)(a), the department or the local enfoicement sgency shall provide the insta].ler wi.th a list of cor- rectiuns Chat the installer must makc. ..The list.,ot- ' corrections shall stale a date by which the corrections - must be completed. The department or lhe local en- . Eorcement ayency shall reinspect the installal-ion after_ the corrections are completed. If the items that•re- quire correcCion do not.endan9er the health or safety.; • of' the occupants, or substantially aEEect the habit- ability o[ the mobile home, the department or the local en.Eorcement agency may permit the owner ot the mobile home to uccupy it. NI:W SLiCPION WAC 296-150D-215 REQUIIifiMliN'PS or•• r,ocnr. JURISDIC- 'PIONS. L.ocal jurisdictions 'may entorce L-heir regul.a- tions thaC govern the installation of mobile homes if the reyulations. do not conflict with the installation requirements ot this chapter. ~ ' NLw sccTiota WAC 296-15Qll-220 INSPECTION BY LOCAL JURISDIC- '1IONS. IL a local jurisdiction curtently,reyul.ates end ~inspects installations of mobile homes, the local ju- risdiction may continue to inspect installations of mo- bile homes until January 1, 1983;, without complying with the requiremQnts in this section. 'Phe local ju- risdiction may retain jurisdiction. until January 1, 1583, by inEorminy the department in writing of its in- tention to do so. Deginnin9 January 1, 1983, the de- partment saill inspect installations of mobile homes in that local jurisdiction if the local jurisdiction has noticomplie.d with the requirements. ` If a local jurisdiction does not currently regu- , late and inspect installations of mobile homes, the local jurisdiction may not begin to inspect mobile homes until it, has complied with Lhe requirements oE this section. (1) '1'he department may authorize a local juris- diction to issue permils for and.inspect installal-ions of mobile homes, and to enLorce the installation stan- • dar.ds of tiiis ChapLer, if the ldcal jurisdictjon: (a) adopts an ordinance in which the local juris- diction: (i) e:;plicit.ly asswnes the responsibility Eor en- • forcing the inst.all.ation sCandacds of this chapter; (ii) names Che.local enforcement agencies to which the loca:L jur.isdiction delegates its respansibility; 1W011282101 -3- . ~ • , ; (iii) states that the local enforcement agencies shall provide the qualiEied personnel necessary to ad- minister and enforce the installation`standards oE this chapter; (iv) ac9opts by reference the departnient's instal- lation standards and its inspection and enforcement rules; and (v) sCates the effective date of the assump,tion o[ responsibility; • " (b) sends two certified copies of the ordinance to the department at least'30 days before .Ghe'effective ' date oE the assumption;'and . (c) demonstral-es that it can properly.adminisker and implement the installa~tion, inspection, and en- forcement provisions of Lhis"chapter. (2) '1'ha local jurisdiction must submit to the de- partment wriCten evidence that it has complied with the provisions of subsection (1). (3) The local jurisdicl-ion may charye fees for permits and inspections that do not exceed 115 percent oE ttae fees charged by the department. (4) 'Phe' local jurisdiction shall forward to 'the department a report describing all permits it issued not later than the Eifteenth day of the month following the month in which iC issued the permits. 1'he rePort shall include the permit,nwnber• the name, address, and telephone nurnber ot the. homeowner; the names of the manufacturer, dealer, and installer oE the mobile home; and the serial ilumber oE the mobile home. (5) Phe local jurisdiction's inspectors must be . certiried by an independent certifying authority 'ap- proved by the department, 'such as 'the International ConEeience of Iluilding OEficials, or must have Lour years oE experience as a journey level plumbec, elec- trician, carpenter, heaLing or ventilation craftsper- son, as a building inspector or superpisor oE building construction, or in the manufacture or 'inspection oE hoinzs; mobile homes, trailer coacheS, faqtory-built struc.tures, commercial structures, travel trailer.s, or camp cars. College training in electrical or mechani- cal engineeriiig or architecture may*be substituted year for year Lor a maximum of two years of experience. NEW SliCPION wnC 296-150II-225 BUILDING SITL•' PRLPARATION. A mo- bile hume may not be installed at a building site un- tess the ground at the site has adequate cpmpaction and - load-bearing ability to meet the support requirements of wAC 296-150B-230.;'. The installer shall impcove the ground on which a mobile home is to be installed as nacessary Eo provide a proper base fot the mobile home. The install.er' must ensure that the area beneath the mo- ' bila home has adequate drainage. To provide adeyuate driinage, the instal.ler may need to slope the.finish . grade or install drain tile. ' y . r/041232-01 -4- _ . ~ . . . . . ' . . : . NLw siJcTrON , WAC 296-150B-230 E'OUNllA'PION SYS'PL:M POOTINGS. (1)' Footings shall be constructed of: ' (a) solid*conGrete or an approved alternate that is at least 3 1j2 inches thick by 16 inches square; or (b) two 8-inch by lo-inch by 4-inch solid con,- creCe blocks that are laid with'their joint parallel to' the main frame lon9itudinal member. , (2) Footings shall be: . - ' (a) evenly bedded and leveled; (b) placed on firm, undi.sCurbed, or compacted soil that is free of organic material; (c) centered in a line directly u~.der the main. , Erame longitudina.l members on both sides of a mobile, home; end (d) spaced not more than 8 Eeet apart, and not more than 2 Eeet Erom the'ends of the main. frame. A closer spacing may be required; depending on the load- ' Ueariny.capaciLy of the soil. (3) A mobile home with more than one section must . have center line blockiny at end walls and at any ot.her poinl of connectiun of the sec,tions of the mobile home , Chat are,a ridyebeam bearing support. t3locking is also reyuir.ed at buLh ends oE a door openiny that is 6 Leet or more wide in an exterior wall. (4) The load-bearing capacity of a load-bearing support or footing may be not less.than the actual live and dead loads combined or 80 psf, whichever •is yreUler, unless a soil analysis justifies a lesser • load-bearing capaci,ty. Fill shall be compacted to, a minimum 1500 psf. (5) If a mobile home requires footings on its ex- terior perimeter, the footings shall be installed below the frost line. Footings for the main frame longitudi- nal members must be recessed only iE Irost heave, is. likely to occur. (6) Footings shall be constructed so. that thece. is at least 13 inches clearance between . ttie bottom, oE the main chassis members and the ground level. " N}:W SL•'CTION p ' WAC 296-1505-235 FOUNllA7'ION SYSTEM PIERS.. An in- staller must build and oosition piers and load ,bearing supports or devices Eo distributp the required loads evenly. An installer may use manufactured piers or load-beaeing suNports or devices L-hat are'lisL-ed or ap- proved for the intended use, or may build piers that' comply with the following reyuirements. All blocks •must be concrete blocks. (1) A piee may be _rnade of a single stack of II- inch by II-inch by 16-inch blocks if the blocks are not stacked more than three blocks high., A pier.made of a sinyle stack of blocks shall be insl-alled at a riglit ' angle L-o the inain frame longitudinal member and shall be capped with a 2-inch by B-inch by 16-inch wood or ' concret:c block. ~ _ L/091282-01 -5- 1~ ~..{:~~1L. . . . . . . t f$~~ . . . . v$:Y•• ; . . . ,::1.. ' ' ' . . . . . . . (2) A pier may be made of a double stack ot 0- inch by 8-inch by 16-inch blocks if the blocks are not , stacked mure than 5 bloc.ks hiyh. Each rowof blocks.in such a pier shall be stlcked at right angles to. the , abutting rows of blocks. A wood block must be of hem- • Cic, douglas fir, or spruce pine fir. The pier shall be capp4d with two 2-inch by p-inch tiy 16-inch wood or cuncretc blocks. The pier shall be installed so.that the joint between the cap blocks is aL riyht angles lo the main frame longitudina]. memGer. (3) A pier may be made with more thzin five rows of blocks if the stached blocks are filled with 2000 psi concreCc or mortar. A licensed architecE or pro- [essional engineer must approve a foundation system that includzs a' pier that is higher than 72 inches (9 • blucks) high, or in which more than 20 percent of the piers exceed 90 inches (5 blocks.) hiyh, (4) 'All blocks shall be set with the cores pla,r_ed • vertically. tJF:W :;I?C9'l0N. . ~ . . . . WAC 296-1508-240 I'OUNDATION SYSTEM PLATES AND SHIMS. An installer may fill a gap between the top oL- a pier and the,main Erame with a wood plate that is not •more than inches L-hick and two _opposing wedye-shaped. shi.ms that are not more 'than 2 inches thick. Wood plates and shims must be of hem-fir, douglas fir, pr sprucc pine fir. A shim shall be at least 9 inclies wide and 6 inches long. The installer shall fit the shim properly and drive it tight between the wood plate , or pier and the main frame to ensure that the mobile home is level and properly supported a'E al.l load- • bearing points. A block that abuts a wedqe-shaped shim shall be solid. Nr:w SLCTION ' WAC 296-150U-245 I'OUNllATION FACIA. A mobile home shall have an approved foundation facia around its en- tire perimeter. The wood. of the facia shall be, at least 3 inches from the,,ground unless it is pressure- treated wood. Metal `fasteners shall be galvanized, stainless steel, or otheY corrosion-resistant material. Ferrous metal members in contact with the earth, other than those that are 9alvanized or stainless steel', shall be coated with an asphaltic emu1s:*1on. 'Phe foundation facia shall have ventilation open- inys w.ith a net area of aE least 1 1/2 syuare feet Por each 25 linear feet of Eacia. The openings shall be designed to provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides oE the mobile home. The installer shail locate the openings as close to the corners oP the mobile home as practical, and shall cover the openings with corrosion-resistantwire mesh or louvers. L/0412E32-01 -6- , . • . ; Dryer vents and hot water, tank pressure relieE valves shall exhaust on the exterior of the foundation Eacia: The facia f:or each section of a mobile home shall have an opening of at least lit inches by 24 inches, wilh a cover of metal or pressure treated woqd, ' to allow access tu the crawl space. NEW SECTION • PJAC 296-150ll-250 ANCIiORING SYS'PEMS: An anchoring system Eor a single-section or rnultiple-section mobile • home shall meet Che Pollowing requirements (a) where ~ required by local buildiny codes or (b) where the hori- zontal wind load can exceed 15 pounds per square Eoot • at ground level or lhe 'uplift windload can exceed 9 pounds per syuare foot at ground level. (1) Cornponents of the anchoring system shall have a resistance to weather deterioration that is at least ec7uivalent Lo that of a zinc coating thal- is not less thaii 0.3 ounces per square foot of coated surEace. Cut e(9yes of zinc-coated strappir}g do n6C need lo be coated. An installer shall install, preload, 'and ad- just a ground anchor in accordance with the anchor man- • ufacturer's instructions. The installer must supply a copy of the instructions to the deparl-ment.or the local enl'orcement agency, as appropriate. A ground anehor, wlien installed, must be able to resist a working load ' of 3;150. pounds in the direction of the tie plus a 50 percent overload (4,725 pounds total) without failure. I'ai].ure occurs if the point of connection of a vertical tie to an anchor is withdrawn more than 2 inches at 3,150 pounds, or when the point of connecl-ion of a di- agonal tie is moved more than 4 inches; horizontally when a load of 3,150 pounds is applied a~ 95 degrees f.rom the horizontal. Groiind anchors shall be marked with the manutacturer's identification and model number in a location that is visible after the anchor is in- • stalled, The manufacturer of a ground anchor.must pro- vide instructions with each anchor that specify the . kinds of soil for which the anchor is suitable. (3) If concrel-e slabs or, continuous Eootings are used to transfer the anchoring loads to the.ground, the Eollowin9 cequirements apply: (a) Steel rods cast in concrete shall be able to - resist the loads and corrosion as specified fbr ground enchors. ' (b) A deadman anchor may be used in place oP a listed anclior. It shall be constructed of solid con- crete at least 6 inches in diameter and 2 feet Tong; rein[orced with two #4 deformed steel rods; and in- sl-a,lled at least. 5 feet below the surLace of the yround. (c) A concrete slab may be used in place of a 9round anchor if it provides holding strength equal L-o that required for ground anchors. (9) Tics shall be of cable, strapping,,or other appeoved mal-erials. Ties shall be fastened to ground anchors and drawn tight with turnbuckles, yoke fas- teners, or other approved tensioning.device!!s. T./041282-01 -7- ~ y. } , . . . . . , . . . . . . . '1'ension devices shall end in clevis, forged, or welded eyes. tlook ends are not permitted,. Tension de- viees shal.l. be desiyned to prevent sel~-disconnection ~ i1 the tie becomes slack. Cable tie eyes shall be se-- cured with L-wo U-bolt cable clamps or an approved equivalent. 'Pie materials must resist a workin9 load of 3,150 • pounds with no more L-han 2 pe[cent elongation, and must „ withstand a 50 percent overload (4,725 pounds total)`. Ties shall connect the 9round anchor to the main frame lonyitudinal member. Ties may not connect to steel outrigger beams that fasten4to the main fram?, unless the manuEacturer's. installation instructions specifically approve the connection. Diagonal ties must lie at least 40 degrees Erom `the vertical. Vertical ties must be substantially ver- tical. Ik a vertical tie is not substantially verti- cal, the anchor. must be placed outboard of the tie's connection to the main fcame. A cabl.e Erame tie shall be connected to the main traine'by a 5/8 inch drop forged closed eye bolt lhrough a hole drilled in the center of the I-bearn web, or by an approved alternative. The installer shall reinforce the web iE necessary to maintain the strenyth of the 1-be~m. . The installec shall space the ties as evenly as Practical, and shall locate a tie within 8 Eeet of each end oE the mobile horne. The inslaller may aLtach two or more ties to a singlG ground anchor if~the anchor Cin carry Lhe total required load. The installer shall' install vertical ties at each detached corner oE a . clerestory roof and of add-on sections of expandable mobile homes. , As a miniinum, the installec shall install the fol-. l.owiny number oE ties for each main frame longitudinal member: Lenyth of tiome (feet) Number= of , . Number of „ (excluding hilch) Vertical Ties Diagonal.Ties 32-54 . Z 3 • 55-73 z. 4 Multiple section mobile homes require only diagonal ties. Vertical ties are not required. NEw sr:cTzoN WAC 296-1508-255 ASSEMBLY. (1) Sections of a mul- tiple section mobile home shall be aligned, closed, and securely fastened at the required points along the r.idge beam, endwalls, and :,floor, line. Heab ducts, electcic<il connections, and other Lixtures and connec- tions required between sections of a mohile home shall be properly installed. The floor of the mobile home sha7.l be leve.l within the tolprances given in the fol- . l.owinq table.. Tolerances may not exceed the followin9 amounts (L eyuals the clear span between supporl-s, ..twice the 1eii9th of a cantilever) : p~ . 11091242-01 -8- * N . , . ; , . . . . , Ploor: i/zao RooE and Ceiling: L/180 Neaders, t3eams, Girders (Vertical Load): L/180 td'a].ls and Partitions: L/180 ' (2) `Phe installer shall provi'de adequate clear- . ance to ensure that the cross-over heat duct does not touch Che ground and is not compressed. The installer ;,hall insulaLe the cross-over duct at the intersection. 'Phe installer shall insulaEe and seal areas of poten- tial air leaks to ensure that the mobile home is air- ti9ht, and shall seal areas oE potential water leaks with metal Elashiny or trim, if reyuired, and with ' putty L-ape or other approved caulking to e.nsure the mo- bile home is watertight. (3) The water pipe connection to the mobile.home shall have a main shut off valve in compliance with 29 , CF12 3280.609(b)'adopted as,of April 1, 1982. In all other respects, utility connections to the mobile,home, including water, sewer, electricity, and gas, shall comply w.il-h local codes. Accessory structures attached to or locat-ed next lo a home, such as awning$, car- ports, garages,.porches,.or steps, shall be constructed in conformance with local codes. 9 . 'i f../041282-01 -9- • ~ . STATE OF WASNZNGTON) ) Ss. COUNTY OF KING . ) I, Coralee A. McCOnnehey, the duly appointed, qualified City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation and Code City, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the fore- g oing is a full, trve and crorrect copy of Ordinance No.3766 of the ordinances of the City of.Auburn, entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGi'ON, ADDING TO AUBURN, CODIFIID CITY ORDINANCE CHAPTER 15.08 (UNiFORM OODES ADOPTION) WASHINGTON ALMIDTISTRATIVE CODE ([dAC) PROVISIONS 296-150B-200 THROUGH 296-150B-255 (STANDARDS FUR NOBILE HGLNES, CONIMII2CIAL COACIES, AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLES) AND ADOPTING THE SAME BY REFIIRIIVCE. Z certify that said Ordinance No. 3766 was duly passed by the Council and appznved by the Mayor of the said City of Auburn, on the 7th day of ' JtIlle A.D., 1982 . . ~ I fvrther certify that said Ordinance No. 3766 was published as provided by law in the Daily Globe News, a daily newspaper pablished in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the llth day of Jtme A.D.. 19 $Z . . . WZTNESS my hand and the offical seal of the City of Auburn, this. 21st day of .Tima . A.D., 19 R7 . CZTY CLERK OF TNE CZTY OF AUBURN . ~ ,