HomeMy WebLinkAboutREZ09-0003 Exhibit 1 t AUBURN Number of Pages 10 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASI I I NG'I'ON Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 Department: Planning and Attachments: See Exhibit List Budget Impact: N/A Development Administrative Recommendation: The Hearing Examiner recommends approval to the City Council of the Fiorito Business Park Rezone along with the staff recommended conditions of approval. , Background Summary: OWNER/APPLICANT: Applicant: Gary Volchok, CB Richard Ellis 701 Pike Street, Suite 2100, Seattle, WA 98101 Owner: Fiorito Brothers, 1100 NW Leary Way, Seattle, WA 98107 REQUEST: Rezone approximately 10 acres from C-3, Heavy Commercial, to BP, Business Park LOCATION: 1050 M Street NW; Parcel Numbers: 1221049041, 1221049042, and 1221049043 EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Heavy Commercial SEPA STATUS: DNS issued on January 18, 2010 Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arfs Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: Z Building ❑ M&0 ❑ Airport ❑ Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. ❑ Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Seivices ❑ Planning & CD El Fire Z Planning ❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other 21 Public Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Information Services Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Cail for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: Staff: Chamberlain Meetin Date: Februar 17, 2010 Item Number: AUBURN * MUIZE THAN YOU IIvIAGINED ,4yenda Subjecr: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Uafe: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the surrounding properties are: Com rehensive Plan Zonin Land Use Pro'ect Site Heav Commercial C-3, Heav Commercial Vacant North Heav Commercial C-3, Heav Commercial Vacant South Light Industrial EP, Environmental Parl< 15"' Street NW District East Heavy Commercial C-3, Heavy Commercial Costco Wholesale warehouse West Li ht Industrial M-1, Li ht Industrial SR -167 i - ~ = a `.A ~ Emei id ~ - ti• f e t S D ow ns , ; Auburn Airport ~ ~ ~ - Zoning Lu CI Light Commercial Disinct _.IC: Crntral euiner OiStri[: CMeavy Commercial Di:trc: CN Neih6orhood ShopPinp C~,s;nDUC Do~':ntov:n Urban Cenler ■EP Environmental Park District institutfonal Use Uistntt ~F ~ ~-1 ~ Lakeland Nill; South PUO "T LF Airpo rt Landing field Oi.tri_t ' 1-. Idl Light Industnal District ~ I_l 1d2 Heavy Indus;rial District - ■Pi Pubhc U.e C>ictnr.t ~PUD Planned Unit Developmznt Rl ResidenUal 1 DU/A[re RS Residen:~al 5 UU/Acre ~ R7 Re.idennal 7 OU/ACre ■IR10 Residential 10 DU/ACre R20 Residential 20 DU/ACre :RC Residentrel Con,ervancy ■RhIHC Revdential hlanufactur?d/taobile Home Uni ; . I RO Residmtial Ofhce Dutric: 0 RO-N Re.iden;ial of(ice District (no;p,:el) IiTV Terrar,@ Vit.~ UMC Uncles:ifled Vse District ?aae 2 or 10 - Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Gary Volchok, CB Richard Ellis, on behalf of Fiorito Brothers Ina, has applied for a contract rezone fora 10 acre property located at 151h Street NW and M Street NW, approximately 1500 M Street NW. 2. A Comprehensive Plan Text amendment was applied for concurrently with the rezone on June 17, 2009. However, after further review of the reguested land use action and the Aubum City Code, staff determined that a text amendment was not necessary. 3. The Business Park (BP) Zone is allowed pursuant to Aubum City Code (ACC) Chapter 18.36 and is intended to provide a suitable area for industrial, professional office, service, and commercial uses within a planned, well managed site with high quality development standards. It is also the intent of this district to allow flexibility with regard to development standards and uses if the flexibility results in an atmosphere of superior architectural, site and landscape design. This district may be applied to any site within the city designated as "region serving" in the comprehensive plan, which is zoned commercial or industrial. In addition, the comprehensive plan identifies specific locations appropriate for business park development. The subject site is within the City's "region serving area" (Exhibit 15) and has a commerciai zoning designation. 4. The C3 (Heavy Commercial) zone allows for a variety of uses ranging from automobile sales to professional offices (see ACC 18.30.020). The intent of the C-3 zone is, "The intent and objective of the C-3 district classification and its application is to provide for the location of and grouping of enterprises which may involve some on-premises retail service but with outside activities and display or fabrication, assembling, and service features. This zone is intended to accommodate uses which are oriented to automobiles either as the mode or target or producing the commercial service. The uses enumerated in this classification are considered as having common or similar pertormance standards in that they are heavier in type than those uses permitted in the more restrictive commercial classifications." 5. The intent of the M-1 (Light Industrial) zone is, "The purpose of the M-1 light industrial zone is to accommodate a variety of industrial, commerciai, and limited residential uses in an industrial park environment, to preserve land primarily for light industrial and commercial uses, to implement the economic goals of the comprehensive plan and to provide a greater flexibility within the zoning regulations for those uses which are non-nuisance in terms of air and water pollution, noise, vibration, glare or odor. The light industrial/commercial character of this zone is intended to address the way in which industrial and commercial uses are carried out rather than the actual types of products made. The character of this zone will limit the type of primary activities which may be conducted outside of enclosed buildings to outdoor displays and sales. Uses which are not customarily conducted indoors or involve hazardous materials are considered heavy industrial uses under this title and are not appropriate for the M-1 zone. An essential aspect of this zone is the need to maintain a quality of development that attracts rather than discourages further investment in light industrial and commercial development. Consequently, site activities which could distract from the visual quality of Page 3 of 10 1 Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 development of those areas, such as outdoor storage, should be strictly regulated within this zone." 6. Pursuant to ACC Section 18.36.030, uses listed as permitted, administrative, and conditional in the M-1 zone and uses listed as permitted in the G3zonemay be considered fora Business Park zone. Theapplicant requests a variety of uses be permitted as part of the Business Park including warehousing and manufacturing. Please see Exhibit 12 for the complete list of recommended permitted uses by staff and Exhibit 3 for the complete list of uses proposed by the applicant. 7. There are specific development and supplemental development standards that are applicalile to a Business Park zoned property outlined in ACC Sections 18.36.050 and 18.36.060. 8. As part of a Business Park rezone, a conceptual site pian is required. If the rezone is approved by the City Council then a final site plan is submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval. The conceptual site plan shows an approximate 95,250 square foot building with associated parking, landscaping, andstorm drainage facilities. As a tenant has not been identified for this site, detailed analysis of parking, traffic, and storm drainage facilities will be done when there is a tenant. 9. A goal of the Business Park zone, as stated above, is to provide a location for a mix of uses that could include retail, office, or warehouse. 10. Pursuant to ACC 18.68.030 and 18.68.040, all applications for a rezone shall be reviewed by the Planning Director prior to the scheduling of a public hearing. After review of the application, the Director shall determine which of the following two processes should occur to properly hear the rezone: a. If the rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan, then the Hearing Examiner shall conduct a public hearing on the rezone and make a recommendation to the City Council pursuant to ACC 18.66.170. b. If the rezone is in conflict with the comprehensive plan, or there are no policies that relate to the rezone, or the policies are not complete, then a comprehensive plan amendment must be approved by the City Council prior to the rezone being scheduled for a public hearing in front of the Hearing Examiner. The Planning'Commission shall conduct a public hearing on the comprehensive plan amendment and make a recommendation to the City Gouncil, This application is consistent with the comprehensive plan, as outlined below in the conclusions portion of the staff report and is therefore being processed pursuant to Process A specified above. 11. The applicant filed an environmental checklist that addressed the comprehensive plan amendment and rezone. The checklist was revised on June 23, 2009 to identify adjacent critical areas (Exhibit 5). 12. On January 18, 2010, the SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposed Business Park rezone. The comment period ended February 2, 2010 with no comments received and the appeal period ends February 16, 2010 (Exhibit 6). 13. Pursuant to ACC 18.68.040, notice of a public hearing shall be given at least 10.days prior to the public hearing and in accordance with ACC 14.07.040. The public hearing notice was published in the Seattle Times on February 3, 2010, provided to the property owners within 300 feet of the subject site, and posted on the subject property meeting this requirement (Exhibit 9). Page 4 of 10 Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 14. The City Council changed their roie in quasi-judicial approvals giving that authority to Hearing Examiner to make decisions with the.adoption of Ordinance No. 6184 on October 6, 2008. Since rezones areapproved by Ordinance the City Council is still the decision maker on rezones with the Hearing Examiner making a recommendation on the proposal. 15. As part of the 2006 Annual Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, the City initiated several land use map changes from sn industrial designation to a commercial designation. The subject property was part of those amendments with the City Council approving a land use change from Light Industrial to Heavy Commercial along with a subsequent rezone from M-1 to C-3. Afterfour years of not being able to secure a tenant for the site under the C-3 zoning, the applicant requested a Business Park rezone in order to allow additional uses, primarily industrial. 16. M Street NW abutting the subject property to the west is a non-residential collector and this road classification supports the rezone requesL However the current roadway is not constructed to current nomresidential collector street standards. Any future development of the subject site will require frontage improvements at a minimum includes curb, gutter, sidewalk, street trees, street lights, and a bike lane. 17. The subject sites access is from M Street NW which ties into 15ih Street NW. This intersection is located within approximately 350 feet to the 15'" Street NW/SR-167 on/off ramps, which are controlled by the Washington State Department of Transportation. Once a tenant has been identified and the final site plan submitted for review, the City will further analyze the traffic impacts of the project and identify appropriate traffic mitigation that may be warranted as a result of the tenant. CONCLUSIONS: ACC Chapter 18.68 provides certain criteria for approval of a rezone and ACC Chapter 18.36 has specific requirements that shall be met for approving a Business Park zone: 1. The rezone must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Comment Poiicy LU-3 states that areas on the valley floor which are suitable to supporf large scale economic development project should be reserved, for the most part, for uses which support Auburn's role as a regional employment and commercial center (to be known as the Region Serving Area). The subject site is within the designated Region Serving Area and proposed to be developed with a 95,000 square foot building that will support a range of commercial and industrial type uses. Policy LU-109 states that highly visible areas (lands visible from SR-167 or SR-18) which tend to establish the image of the city should not be used by heavy industrial uses. The subject site is visible from SR-167, particularly from the southbound direction. Staff recommends several design standards ~ be applied to the development of this site as part of the contract rezone to insure that the project has a high quality visual appearance. Policy ED-8 states that Auburn should continue to provide an economic base not only for the Auburn area but also for the south King County and north Pierce County region. The subject site is located centrally in Auburn and will provide a range of commercial and industrial uses that will provide jobs and economic growth within the region. Page 5 of 10 Agenda Su6ject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date`. February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 The Economic Deveiopment chapter of the Comprehensive Plan discussesthe impacts of Streamlined Sales Tax on the City of Au6urn. Aubum and similar cities have fiistorically invested in infrastructure to support businesses engaged in warehouse and distribution activities. With the passage of streamlined sales tax, new warehouse and distribution facilities do not provide the sales tax revenue to support the infrastructure needs of these types of uses. The applicant proposes that warehouse and distribution is a permitted use as part of the business park. The Business Park zone states that uses in the C-3 and M-1 zones may be permitted in the Business Park zone. Under Finding 9, a goal of the Business Park zone is to provide a location for a mix of uses that could include retail, office, or warehouse. Staff iecognizes that requiring only retail atthis bcation has not proven successful; however, the recommendation is to permit only warehouse and distribution in the rear portion of the proposed building and require retail in the front portion of the building that is visible to SR-167. Under the recommended conditions of approval, staff requests dhat a minimum of 25% of the building be retail. " Policy UD-9 states that the visual impact of large new developments should be a priority consideration in their review and approval. Staffs recommendation includes design standards for the project to develop under. 2. The rezone must be initiated by someone other than the City in order for the Hearing Examiner to consider the request. Comment The rezone has been initiated by the property owner, Fiorito Brothers Inc. and applicant, Gary Volchok. 3. Pursuant to ACC Section 18.36.020, a conceptual approval is the first step in a Business Park rezone. The rezone shall be a contract rezone and shall include an agreement that establishes the type, square footage, and general location of the uses; the location and size of the park; restrictive covenants; public improvements; and the responsibilities of the owner/developer. Comment The proposed business park is approximately 10 acres in size which meets the required minimum area as required under Section 18.36.050. At the conceptual site plan stage, the application proposes a single structure that is approximately 95,250 square feet. When a final site plan is submitted, staff is not opposed to multiple structures as long as the total square footage does not exceed 95,252 square feet. As stated in the application materials (Exhibit 3), the applicant proposes several uses from both the C3 and M-1 zoning districts. Staff concurs with the majority of the proposed permitted uses with the exception of bingo halis and cold storage plan[s (Exhibit 13). As discussed under response number 1, the Business Park zone states that uses in the C-3 and M-1 zones may be permitted in the Business Park zone. Under Finding 9, a goal of the Business Park zone is to provide a location for a mix of uses that could include retail, office, or warehouse. Staff recognizes that requiring only retail at this location has not proven successful; however, the recommendation is to permit only warehouse and distribution in the rear portion of the proposed building and require retail in the front portion of the building that is visible to SR-167. Under the recommended conditions of approval, staff requests that a minimum of 25% of the building be retail. Frontage improvements will be required when the property tlevelops and any necessary utility improvements depending on the tenant of the building (e.g. fire flow). As mentioned above under Finding 16, staff will review the traffic impacts once there is a tenant and a project is submitted for permits. Page 6 of 10 Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Dafe: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 4. Pursuant to ACC Section 18.36.020, a Business Park zone sball only be approved when the owneddeveloper has demonstrated that a public benefit will result and the project contains architectural, site, and landscape design standards that are significantly superiorto those typically required in the other industrial and commercial zones. Comment The applicant proposes to construct a development similar to the Opus Park site, which was a Business Park, originally approved by the City Council in 1997 (Ordinance No. 4962) and subsequently revised in 2001 (Ordinance No. 5607), and located south of the SuperMall (See Section D of Exhibit 3). The applicant proposes the project site will have landscaping, a master sign plan, lighting, and architectural features similarto those constructed at the Opus Park site. Staff reviewed the proposed elements to the Fiorito Business Park Rezone and provided a comparison outlined below: Re uired b Code Ap licant Pro osal to Exceed Standard a. Fronta e landsca in - 5 foot width T e III a. Pro osal 10 foot width landsca in b. Architectural elements - Comprehensive Plan b. Applicant proposes similar architectural features policies to address visual impact of large as the Opus Park site. developments however, City does not have design standards for the C-3 zone c. Parking lot landscaping - 100 square foot c. What shown on the conceptual site plan is code lanter island eve 10 stalls. minimum. d. Signs permitted individually by tenant d. Applicant proposes to have a master sign plan for the business park. e. Recreation facilities are not required as part of e. Provide a trail along the wetland buffer that commercial develo ment. could otentiall connect to the Interurban Trail. Staff concurs that the applicanPs proposal exceeds the standards required by code in regards to landscaping, a master signage plan, and providing a trail. While the architectural elements are not a code requirement and the applicant is proposing similar project look to the Opus Park site, staff is concerned with some of the features at the Opus Park site such as blank walls, no awnings over business entrances, and the building scale appearance. Staff recommends design standards be applied to the project as outlined in Exhibit 14. 5. No significant impacts on the public infrastructure shall occur that cannot be effectively mitigated by the development of the business park. Comment The proposed Business Park is not anticipated to have significant impacts on the public infrastructure that cannot be effectively mitigated. There are existing utilities available to the project site; an 8 inch sewer main and 8 inch water main. Depending on the eventual tenant of the subject site, there could be a need to upgrade the water main to meet fire flow requirements. Frontage improvements will be required along M Streel NW to meet the City's non-residential collector standards. As previously stated, a detailed traffic analysis will be provided and reviewed by staff at the final site plan stage and atenant is identified. 6. If the approval of the business park requires a subdivision of the property, the preliminary plat may be processed concurrently. Page 7 of 10 Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 Comment The business park does not require a subdivision of the property; however, a lot line elimination will need to be processed concurrently with the final site plan approval process to remove the parcel line going through the property building. Staff recommends a condition of approval to address this. In addition, the Washington State Supreme Court has identified othergeneral rules for rezone applications (see Parkridge v. Seattle, 89 Wn.2d.454; 573 P.2d 359 (1978)): a. Conditions in the area must have changed since the original zoning was establfshed if not consistent with the comprehensive plan. Comment The proposed business park rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan as analyzed above under response number 1. b. The proposed rezone must bear a substantial relationship to the general welfare of the community. Comment Also a requirement of the Business Park zone, the applicant must demonstrate a public benefit. The proposed rezone implements the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan by providing economic development within the Region Serving Area of the City. By meeting the conditions of approval, the development will be constructed under design standards that would not otherwise be required if developed under the C-3 zone as well as providing additional landscaping, and potentially recreational facilities along the access road that could potentially connect to the Interurban Trail. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based upon the application and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the staff report, staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner recommend to the City Council approval of the rezone with the following conditions of approval: 1. A lot line elimination shall be processed concurrently with the final site plan approval. 2. The applicant shall submit a traffic impact analysis, storm drainage report, and wetland report as part of the final site plan approval process. 3. The permitted uses shall be those uses identified in Exhibit 13 with the exceptions previously noted. 4. The project shall comply with the design standards as outlined in Exhibit 14. As part of the final site plan submittal and review process, the applicant shall submit building elevations demonstrating how the proposed building complies with the Fiorito Business Park Design Standards. 5. The general location of the proposed building to be developed on the subject site shall be consistent with the conceptual site plan dated February 5, 2010. The proposed storm drainage facility may increase depending on the outcome of the final site plan review which could impact location of parking spaces and will be reviewed as part of the final site plan review process. Page 8 of 10 Agenda SubjecL Fiorito Business Rark Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 6. A master landscape plan shall be prepared for the entire project site. A minimum ten (10) foot wide landscape area sha1F be constructed along the M StreetNW property frontage. The expanded landscape area along the top of slope area of M Street NW as it rises to intersect 15" Street NW shall be designed in an innovative way and create a gateway into the project. The master landscape plan shall be prepared and submitted as part of the fnal site plan process. 7. A mastersign plan shall be prepared and approved by the City that coordinates the exteriorsigns of the individual tenants. The sign regulations outlined in ACC Chapter 18.56 for the G3 zone shall apply for size, height; and number of signs permitted. Signage shall be part of the architecture of the building and not an afterthought; however, the architectural design of the tenants' logos is not intended to be altered by this condition. The master sign plan shall be prepared and submitted as part of the final site plan process. 8. All exterior lighting shall be designed and constructed such that the direct illumination does not unreasonably spill over on adjoining properties. The exterior lighting shall be coordinated for the site; including both parking lot lighting and building lighting: The exterior lighting plan shall be prepared and submitted as part of the final site plan process. 9. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided that connect the parking areas to building entrances. Pedestrian connections shall be clearly defined by textured paving, including vehicular lanes, such as unit pavers, stamped wncrete, or scored concrete. These walkways shall be shown on the final site plan. 10. The concept of a recreational trail adjacent to the wetland area on Parcel 1221049041 shall be part of the final site plan review process and potential connection to the Interurban Trail explored. 11. Amendments to this Business Park rezone may occur as follows: a. The Planning Director may interpret the words and meaning of certain conditions in order to resolve conflicts in implementation. b. If changes to the language of the rezone are required, such proposed changes shall be reviewed by the Planning and Community Development Committee of the City Council, or its successor. If the change is minor, less than 10% change, then the Committee shall make a recommendation to the City Council. If the change is major, greater than 10% modification, then the Committee shall refer the change to the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner shall conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to the Ciry Council. c. Amendments to the rezone shali only be initiated by the property owner of the City. EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit 1 Staff RepoR Exhibit 2 Vicinity Map Exhibit 3 Application Exhibit 4 Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit 5 Environmental Checklist Exhibit 6 Combined Notice of Application (NOA) and SEPA Determination Exhibit 7 Affidavit of Posting NOA and SEPA Determination Exhibit 8 Affidavit of Mailing NOA and SEPA Determination Exhibit 9 Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 10 Affidavit of Posting Public Hearing Notice Exhibit 11 Affidavit of Mailing Pubic Hearing Notice Exhibit 12 Aerial Photograph Page 9 of 10 Agenda Subject: Fiorito Business Park Rezone; Application No. Date: February 3, 2010 REZ09-0003 Exhibit 13 Staff Recommended Permitted Uses for Fiorito Business Park Exhibit 14 Design Standards forthe Fiorito Business Park Exhibit 15 Map 32, Urban Form, Auburn Comprehensive Plan Staff reserves the right to supplement fhe record of the case to respond to matters and in(ormafion raised subsequent to the writing of this repoR Page 10 of 10 - see 715 ~ue , ----1745 .I S I' s aAnmlvi. ~ r < € N. ~ rAf / _ 37TH 3 e ~ ti ~ , S7 I Ii~ir , 1 C~ C.1n;iLi~T rv > ~Is M ~ $a /(ss~'rs~~u' LU PAIiA ~'L !Y'.1N~1 ~"'~$J ~ Q I I i + d' as:ix i S ^2967f1 }si ~ 5~i F -'rt vv I s afdpn _F'__ q M il 1• 5 596,: P„i`~v1vl" i Qsrun!~..s x, i« ~si \p sn6m I ~ 1 : o (5 n ~b di~. i ¢ r~ 5 ~a~~~'~ g'1.*~i a ^'ni 1 rls s a S 299 N ~ ~ ~c I_aj29 TI e. ~ ST l s r> s ~`-i 5T ~ I M1it. 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INA 98101 i "fclephone aa<i Pas:206-442-2720 apd;206-583-87:53 ~ en,ail:yan~.voiclioh~u/cq/'p.com-; ,i Owncriil'mo5e'th:i.r(oncuiiocL:'1'bthcrshcct) . Narnc: Fio,tifo Brofners / , ~iaii[ng:~.ddress: 1100 Learv Wav NE. Seattle.'NA 98107 ~ Telcpheuo and Fax: 206-789-6110 I . I tm:til: ~ t ~ I Signature See,alLzr.ic;d Laae_2 of 2_.-------- r Fnyinccrr:lrchiteciurci(')thrr. i Nutnt: oafqhBLISF,f1 COIISUItlflq EnqIf1B°f5. {I1C. i\failin.- .idurrss: 18215 - 72nd Avenue S. Kent. WA .ri8032 j't'clcplioitr. ,mi Pa.r:425-75i-6222 ana 425-251-8782 =mai1_ I Dr,scriptioo of IYoposeci Ae!ior------ . - I. Comprehens:ve ?!2n amer,dment text c.hange or.ly, under Cti2Fter 14, Cnmprenznsi ve F'Iztn map. Hejvy ( Commerciat cataccry to ailoev'Gr BP, OUSinesS Parrts, ur.der'criferia !ur uesignpt%on' anU 'apumpria[= ! irnol~r,7ei?I::lic~ cn,eagcs Iq-i t 2nC ia-te. Pv ie ol':kpplic_Hiun Rer tL.ed t(:bcck all t6at A ~ ?.u~ainisctii~~c Appeal' -i"Rezonc (silc specificl' Area ~Vide ~ ~ i:\dministra[ive Use Pe:nvr I Short Ptat Annexatior.' jpccial 6s~ep(ien" ~ F,oumd:~ry l..ine:~djuetn~ent ~ JpecHome Qecupatien Pennii' f I✓---'' Comprchznsivc PI-an Amendmeur(T.st ur %Iap)" Substan[ial tiLorchac Duaelupmzui* r j 1 C'onditioual l:s: Permii" f SurFace;.-linin~yer;rui` j i ~ C;:i[iiaf r1t~. s V:u'imier` E I Ten:porsry 1_;::c Pc:rmit ~ ~ ~ L~.iupme::i •1~reenicut' ~ V,uiancr"' F:nviroi;mcr.la! Rcvicw (CEYA)' 'Plcasz non~ thal pu6!:: noiuicntion is ~ i fir,;il Plet :equircd. :1 ;eparate eust is c-Iiarged L. Preli:ni;;:iry PI: t' I for [he signs. Ch`; pe'epnres sinns but ~ -i PI;D s n, Fl;:::\pi,rov,l L applicanrresronsib;c Cur;imt pwting. ~ t- . IiL3iU119L1IB i.;tic i.CC2l(j fUtl' ~ G -~4 -rJ? ~ 'h N . lj"@'•(: ~ . „ pi,.<<or> ~ iilh~, ; ~i 21~09 /~U;„.~t)F:~J rt, ±E,.•: ~ . ......jjj~~~ a, ylurrning, l3rrilditr;, aird C'onolirurit1= Deparrinew LN'i"I'F,:ft FR0M P'RpPT:RTY Olb'VER GRA\TIiYG AU"PL1p217A'Cf01''I'0 AC7' (:t copy (if this letter inust be submitted fur e:ich properly olvimr imolved) Ftop,rr: z.ci: c*;-i•.Zas, in, I JeaA r. i p(z,-rC , heiiigilu[yswom declare tEtai Cam dic eW~ier qf'Lhe pro~,erty ROE`LR'I'Y Oq~'£•i:.j ~ Tnvoived in thc npplica!ion.. [ hereby grsnt _.IrSR'C to acrun my Schaif'. t fitti.hzr dec(arz diat alI s[atcmcnis..i±tswen, and information hcrein submittcd i3 in all respects tntc :md eurcct tn the bcst kni~•.vlecl~•u3 d lief. / LtC Sigr,ature - C)aic ~;:C7..-~'F!! <')O,,r;-~ .'-,(IdIi.55 : MP , 2009 .Subscribcd~md s~'.'urn to before mz this ~ t eaJo_~ , tiuiary Public i1i and [ur tl,e State of SVashin~ton. _ T0~1M~----p~ kU~,,L-.8~.;.I_e _ _ _ ~ y_-- Residin., at _ / se 9 ,~~s MAY yrm= _ ~ 2013 ~ • ~ ~i '•.~R~U~~ P razc ~„r_ AUBURN * i~'tOR.C: 1 fi:\N1`C?U i.N li\'v'IN EC? COMME0.CIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICFS CBRE . CB RICHARD EILIS Gary L. Volchok 701 Plke Sireet Flrst Vice President Sulte 2100 SeaTtle, WA 98101 CB Rlchard Ellls Ina 206 442 2720 Tel Brokerage SeMces206 583 8753 Fax 206 947 1600 Cell gary.voichok@cbre.com www.cbre.com June 1, 2009 Mr. Dan Balmelli Barghausen Consuiting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72na Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 RE: Authorization to Process Comp Plan Text Amendment and Confract Rezone Dear Dan: Per our conversation, Gary Volchok of CB Rfchard Eliis, Inc. quthorizes Barghausen to process a Comp Plan Text Amendment and Contract Rezone on the Florito site located on M Street in Auburn, Washington. Please contact me with questions or concerns. Respectfully,r CB RICHARD ELLIS. , . Gary L. Volchok First Vice President 206.442.2720 , IUhl i 2009 . ;~t; ; tv~eerst~xeaa~~'D'a~cs APPLICATION NO.: SEP09-0015 APPLICATION FEE: $727.00 ' DATE FIILED: June 15, 2009 T.R. RECEIPT: STAFF PROJECT COORDINATOR: - Revised June 23, 2009 ENVIRONIIAENTAL CHECKLIST TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLlCANT A. BACKGROUND: 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Comqrehensive Plan Test Amendment lieaW Commercial. and Con[ract Reronc of [he Fiorito Proucrtv. Parccl Nos. 1221-49041, 1221049042, and 1221049043 2. Name of Applicanr. Garv L. Volchock, CB Richard Ellis [nc. ' 3. Address and phone number of applicanl and contact person: Please Print Applicant: Agenf (if applicable): Garv L. Volchock, CB Richard Cllis, Inc. BarQhausen Consul[ine Ent,ineers. (nc. 701 Pike Street, Suitc 2100 18215 - 72nd Avenue Sou[h Seattle WA 98101 Kent WA 95032 (425) 25 1-6222 Signalure: Signature: Fax number (425) 25 1-8782 E-inail address dbalmellcdbari~hausen.eom 4. Dale checklist prepared Junc 15, 2009 . ' S. Agency requesting checklist City of Auburn, Washingto❑ b. Froposed iiming or schedule (including phasing, if appticable): 2009 Comprchensive Ylan "1'cxt Amendment Application and Con[ract Rezonz from C-J to E3P, E3usiness Park, by end of calend•ar year 2009. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activily relaled to or connected wilh this proposal? If yes, explain. N o. 8. List any environmenlal information you know about thal has been prepared, or will be prepared, direcUy related to lhis proposal. Nonc rcquirzd For proposed actions. J lUm '4 009 ENVIRONMENTAI CHECKLIST ,Page 4 Of 17 ae.iiea 1130;2004 . ` " 1353 .i.003 tloc i12;6•O.il . 9. Do you know whelher application§ are pending (or governmental approvals o( other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No. , 10. List any government approvals or permits lhat will be needed for your proposal, if known. City staff recommendation, Planning Commission rccommendation, and Cfty Council action needed ro approve the proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment and Contract Rezonz from C-3 to BP, Business Park. 11. Give brief,.complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and sile: There are several questions laler in fhis checklist lhal ask you to describe cerlain aspecls of your proposal. You do not need to repeat Ihose answers on thispage. Comprehensive Plan Amendment, text change only, under Chaprer la, Comprehensive Plan map, Heary Commercial category to allow for BP, Business Parks, wider "criteria for designation° and "appropriate implementation" on pages 14-I l and 14-12. To rezonz the parcel numbers noted above trom C-3 to BP, Business Park, due to location, proximity [o SR-167, and development of adjacent parcel. 12 Location oF the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, iocluding a street address, if any, and section, rownship, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur overa range of area, providethe range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal descriplion, sile plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submil any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans . _ , . _ submitted.wilh. any,permit applications.r.elated lo this checklist. The proposed project is located on an undeveloped parcel tolaling appi'oximately 6 acres locuted along the east side of'M' Sh'eet N.E., north of its intcrsection with 15th Sh'cet N.E., and east oCSR- 167. "1'he project is also located within a poition of Section 12, "Co«mship 21 North, Range d East, \-Villamette Meridian, in tlic City of Aubum, King County, bVashington. See the Vicinity Map in the Appendix for the exact project location. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS t. Earth: A. General description of the site (check one): ✓ Flat, _ Rolling, _ Hilly, _ Steep slopes, _ Mounlainous, _ Other B. What is the steepest slope on the sile (approximale percent slope)? Thcre are no oi7-site stccl~ slopes C. What general types of soils are found on the site ((or example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. According to Ivtap Sheet 16 of the United Sta(cs Deparunent oL AgricultLire Soil Conservation Scrvice, the sitc is classified as Oridia silt loam (Os). Ser the enclosed soil map and soil t) pe descriptians in the Appendix. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECI<LIST PH90 S O( 17 R?vSe~~OG200d us~.oo~coapzis~a~~ D. Are lhere surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? I( so, describe. , There. are no surface indicators of unstabic soils and the applicant is unaware of unstable soils in t6e immediate vicinity. . E. Oescribe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any fiiling-or grading proposed. Jndicate source of fill. Not applicable. F. Could erosion occur as a result o( clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. G. Aboul what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project.construction (for ' example, asphall or buildings)? N/A H. Proposed measures to reduce or conlrol erosion, or other impacts to the earth. Not applicable. 2. Air. A. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dusl, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is compeled? If any, generally describe and_give approximate quantities if known,. , , . . Not applicable. B. Are there any off-site sources o( emissions or odors thal may affect your proposal? I( so, gener211y describe. No. G. Proposed measures lo reduce or conlrol emissions or olher impacts to air, if any: Not applicable. 3. Water: A. Surface: 1) Is there any surface waler body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands): If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what sVeam or river it flows inlo. a=4a~-~~~o-sar~aee-water'-~odies-in-k{~e-t+m~ec#iate-~-ieiraiFy-e1=44ae-5+te There is what ekc believe to bc a Catcgory I[I Wetland located on a portion of Parcel No. 1221049041. This parcel is to be devetoped in the future, and a Full wetland repat will be provided at the timc of project dcvelopment, oncc the Comprehensive Plan Arnendment and rezone requesis havc bcen reviewed and approved. F_NVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Page 6 of 17 RemS^U IiJ012004 1363 d OU] Ooc 112 51041 In addition, Mill Creek, a Class II Stream, is located approximately 628 feet north of the subject site. The creek crosses uncler SR-167 and travels in a northeasterly direction • toward the 29th Sheet.and 'M' Street cross-intersection. The creek is channeled in areas along the street right-of-way prior to its crossing into what is predominanNy an agricultural area adjacen[ to the Emerald Dorvns Race Track. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (wilhin 200 Feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not applicable. This requcst is for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezonrrequest only, and no development will take place at this tilne. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge materiai Ihat would be aced in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area o( the si[e that would be af(ected. Indicate the source o( - fill malerial. Not applicaGic. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not applicable. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year (loodplain? I( so, nofe location on the site plan. Yes ✓ No According to F6MA FU2M No. 53033C12531', the site does not lie wi[hin a 100-year floodplain (see Appendix for FEMA FIRNO. - 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials lo surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No; not applicable. B. Ground: ' 1) Witl ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged tc ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic lanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; indus(rial, containing any toxic chemicals; agriculWral; etc.). Describe the general size of the syslem, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) is (are) expected to serve. None will be discharged. ENVIRONMENiALCHECKLIST Page 7 of 17 Re+iseJ IQOROOJ I}694 ,003.0oc(12,6I04I C. Water Runoff (including stormwater): . 1) Describe lhe source oF runoFf ( including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where wiil this water flow? Wiil this waler (low intorother waters? If so, describe. Not applicable. 2) Could wasle materials enter ground or surface waters? ff so, generally describe. No. D. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface,.ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Not applicable. 4. Plants: A. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: . deciduous iree: alder, maple, aspen; other. evergreentree: fir, cedar, pine, other. ✓ shrubs. ✓ grass. pasture. crop or grain: _ . . _ . wel soil plants: cattail, buttercup, buUrush, skunk cabbage, other. water plants: waler lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other. , . other iypes of vegctntion. 6. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None. C. Lisl threalenqd or endangered plant species known to be on or near the site. No threatenecl or endangercd species are known to exist on or near lhc site. D. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on . the site, i( any: Not applicable. 5. Animals: A. Check any birds and/or animals that have been obseroed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: " Birds: hawk _heron _eagle _ songbirds ✓ other, sonl:birds Mammals: deer bear elk beaver ✓ other. small rodents Fish: _bass _salmon _trout _herring __shell(ish _olher: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKUST P'd90 8 of 17 aeh:ea ijwizoa ~ 151~ OOl aa: I~ 2ioro<~ B. List any lhreatened or endangered gpecies known to be on or near the sile. The applicant is unaware oF any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the. site. C. Is the site part of a migralion route? If so, explain. According to the City of Aubum, the site is located within the Pacific Flyway for migiatory birds. 0. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Not applicable. 6. Energyand NaturalResources: A. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet lhe completed projecfs energy needs? Describe whether it will be used (or heating, manufactuiing, etc. Nonc. Not applicablc. B. Would your.project a(fect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? I( so, generally describe. No. Not applicable. C. What kinds of energy conservation features are induded in lhe plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures lo reduce or conlrol energy impacts, if any: Nonc. Not applicable. 7. Environmental Health: A. Are there any emironmental health hazards, including exposure lo loxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste Ihal could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. t} Describe special emergency services that mighl be required: Nonc. Not applicable. 2) P(oposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None. Not applicablz. B. Noise: 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may a((ect your project (for example: treffic, ' equipmenl. operation, other)? EuviaoNMENraL criECi<us1 Page 9 of 17 a,„-a iau:mw i ls]+ xa r.oc I1z1am+I Normal noise from existing trafric on SR-167, located west of the projec[, and the Union Paci£c Railroad, located east of the project, will occur but will not affec[ the proposed project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated witfi the project on a short- ' term or a long- term basis (for example: traftiq conslruc[ion, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. None. Not applicable. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or conlrol noise impacl, if any: No mcasures are proposed to reduce or con[rol noise fmpacts for this proposal. Future devetopment will provide on-site landscaping, wltich will help to reduce anii control impacts from existing noise, as well as normal noise created from a project consistent with the approved rezone. - 8. Land and Shoreline Use: A. What is the currenl use of the site and adjacenl properties? The site and the adjacent parccls to the nor[h and south are vacant propzr[ies. To the west of the site is SR-1 67 and [o the eas[ of the site isthe Washington Costco Wholesale warehouse. B. Has lhe site been used for agriculture? i( so, describe: - - The site may havc been uscd far farniing and grazing in the past. C. Describe any structures on the site: There are no strucwres on site. D. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Not applicable_ E. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The cun ent zoning classi fica[ion of the site is C3, Heavy Commercial. F. What is the currenl comprehensive plan designalion of the site? "Che cunent Comprehensive Plan designation of the site is lieavy Commercial. G. II applicabie, what is the curren( shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. FI. Has any parl of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify: No. ENVikoniMENraL cH[cKUST Page 10 of 17 ue+;sea ;wrzaa ❑6"a.oV3.acc 0 2;6ro1 . 1. Approximalely how many people would reside or work in the completed project? N(A J. Approximatety howmany people would the completed project displace? None. N/A K. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None. Not applicable. L. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and , plans, if any: Tfie proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment and Rezone of the subjcct property frum C-3 to BP, Business Park, is intended to make dhe future development of this propzrty morc compatibic with-the existing development in the inmiediate area. 9. Housing: A. Approximately how many unils would be provided, i( any? Indicate whelher high, middle, or low- income housing. None #Units . _High _Middle _Low B. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicale whelher high, middle, or low- - . . . income.housing._.... .__.#Units -High _Middle _Low . C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None. Not applicable. 10. Aesthetics: . . A. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), nol includiny antennas; whal is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? No[ applicable. B. What views in the immediale viciniry would be altered or obstrucled? None. C. Proposed measures, to reduce or conlrol aesthetic impacts, if any: None. 11. Light and Glare: A. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly oceur? ENVIRONIvIENTAL CHECKLIST PagB 11 Of 17 aahsza ino,aoc. - i 3634 bU] ~o[ 112:6i041 None. 8. Could lighbor glare from the finished project be a safety hazard orinterfere with views? No. C. What existing of(-site sources of light or glare may aifect yourproposal? None. D. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None. 12. Recreation: A. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The Fmerald Downs Racetrack is locatcd approximately I,500 feet east of the subject property. Gaines Park is loca[ed approximately I mile [o the wcst of the site. B. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. --C.Proposed measures--lo- reduce or control impacts-on-recreation, induding--recreation,-indudiny._..._..__ recreation opportunities to be. provided by lhe projecl or applicanl, i( any: None are proposed, none are wananted. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation: A. Are lhere any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservalion registers known lo be on or next to thesi[e? If so, generally describe: None to our Imowledge. B. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeoloyical, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Not to our knoxvledge. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None are proposed. 14. Transportation: A. identily pubGe streets and highways serving the site. and describe proposed access to the existing slreet system. Show on sile plans, if any. EMVIRONNIENTAL CI1ECfCLIST Pa9e 12 Of P aa,,sea irx»zoc+ 11634 003 eo: 11 ~61041 ~ The proposed project is located across the east side of 'M' Stree[, north o£ the 'M' Sveet atid 15th $treet intersection. On- and off-ramps for SR-167 are located adjacent to the sou[hwest comer of the site. B. Is site currenQy served by publictransit? _ Yes No If not, what is the approximale distance lo the nearest Iransit_stop? 03 mile C. How many parking spaces would the compleled project have? N/A How many would Ihe project eliminate? N/A D. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? Ii so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private): No. This proposal does not anticipate that the Cily will require street improvements. E. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity oO water, rail, or air transporlation? If so, generally describe: No. The proposal wlll not use warer, rail, or air transportation. Union Pacific Railroad traclcs are located appro7cimately .I,000 feet to the east side of [he subjectproperty. 1 F. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed projecC? N/A . If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. G. Proposed measures to reduce or conlrol lransportation impac[s, if any: None proposed, none required for either proposal (Comprehensive Plan l'ext Amendment or Conhact Rezone). ' 15. Pubiic Services: A. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: (ire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: No. B. Proposed measures to reduce or wntrol direct impacts on public services, if any: No measures are proposcd or warranted. 16. Utilities: A. Check utilities currenUy available at the site: ✓ Electricity ✓ naluraf gas ✓ water ✓ refuse service ✓ telephone ✓ sanitary sewer _septic system _other: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Page 73 of 17 Ha+seu ~~]m~GO+ iiss.~.uu~.ooc I:z~cro+~ B. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the . general construclion activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed: Electricity: Puge[Sound Energy Natural Gas: Puget Sound Energy Water. Ciry of Aubum Refuse Service: City of Auburn Telephone: Qwest Communications Sanitary Sewer: City of Aubum Cable "fV: Comcast C. SIGNATURE: - The above answers are true and complete to the bestoPmy knowledge. I understand Ihat the lead agency is relying on themto make its decision. OWNER AGENT SIGNATURE: ~ ~C-e DATESUBMITTED: 7 Ia-ttI~~ V~S S~~"~S-~O EDIVIRONMENTAICHECKLIST P3y0 14 O( 17 Re.uN 1/30200n 11614 .003 DOC fI Zlfi{Ol1 -SOIL CONSERVATION SERYICE . " KING I,UUrv l r nrc~, SOIL LEGEND iLei;r.r cnoioml Iener b IArmbiul ww of1M socl.no . A secbd wvuel leue~, A, B. C. O, E. d F, md+ro1=a ihe clam ef +Iope. Symbol:wuhwn a:fovc I.n,, w~ Mo.e of neariv I.vd sotls. NMBOL NNIE ~ ' . A9B Ald.ood qrov.liY satdY 1.M 0 1. 6 perceT slopaz AyC Aldeiwood qm.elly su.dy laom, b m IS perrono zlope. . ` AgD Nderv.ood grwelly snidy leam, I$ roJ0 p~meN slopes . AMF Nde-eoJ nnd Kii:ao sotls. vnY smep AmEl WeN:, Aldem.ood maie,iol, 0 m b pencemslopea ~ . . AmG Arania, AIJen.wd mu~n~al, 6 1o IS yn•cem.+lop.. ~ , no b~..~.. E..reu • BeC 8eauaRe gm..ellv+anJY Im-. 6 1. IS percm~ Japez , ' -a pep 9vwozlle g.avelly aandy,loom, I$ ro 30 percem slopes C4P CwL.'Ite 9owlFi =~.ti1 -...c J: ~:an: .4,. . 6h , 8e11inyMm zilr Imm I ge O'IS<IX f 1lt lwm ' 6q. Bmklay :,b Ioam ' - C6 Cms1a1 9eoc1ez Fo Earim6n, ztll Imm . Ed Edye.+i=kfi-sonJy loam . . Er8 Ev...n 9.n.elir .ondr loun, U io S x.«m :Iox.. . ' Fvc Evereu gmrdlY +amlY loam. 5 io IS pmcm1 loPm ' E+D E.... n y.av.lly sondr Imm. IS 1o 30 a-m :lop.: EwC E.v.n.A1J.rv+uad gmwlly sw.JV A ro IS P~-mi sly.es 1 ' InP InJ4onola-loomv fene snnA. 0 1. < percem .lopes . - InC IoJfo-lo lao, (m + od. G 1. IS vKCe slop.s ~ ' "nD Indiaoola Iwmy Fiue smd, IS 1o 30 pamenl slov- Kt~wnsiOlmm.I1oOa.~=,ne~oo~s . i KyC KM1SOV+iit Imm, 9 1. IS po-.1 sinnn. . Kof) Knsovsi6lmm,I51oJ0a-.1 0a11 KsC Kloos 9.ad~lly I..emy :a.A, 6 to 15 1-1-1 slooes Na A1:.-A ollwia: Imd MeC Ne:4w•.cry qro.ellY loomv sanJ. 21. IS'pL mr sloers • . Ng N~wbap ~~Ir Iw.. Nk Nmksn<k +ih im- Ne w«~nn .mdy Imm b bcm n~~ >Os Q'iJ:u:il, Im..- . ~C O+oll q.o.dlr I-. O'o i5 oereen. .lav- O.D D+a11 q.ovellr Im,n. IS 10 25 .love: 0.P Moll gm..lly Imm. to re 15 v«emr .loye. Pc Piich~k I-my (i- aa,w . . . Pk Pildn.c4line .on,lv Imm Pv P~.i stlry day laam Pr Fwoll„p h- :o..lv I- RuC Rog- litk sandr 1u+.•. Lna IS f2n0' . Ragm, lin. ondr Iw.,. IS,0 25 wa~ca.u .lo,s RdC Ro9.arl.dianolaasimloUm, slopin9 • RdF. Rognw,lndia~do o+•oaar.on, modemmly m~ep ` ❑e Rm.oncW loan. Rb Rwer..ash . y Snlal .~h leum - Sn Semnam"h:in i.nm Sm Slinlcm ~m,vL . S6 Swole -k unn.~r 51, S; stl, Imm So Snohomhh tl sl Imm SodlomisA :ilr lo.m, tl.~c4 =m(ncc ' - So S,,ba. s:b Iwm i., Tvk-la mod. . U. U.ban la,.d Vlo Ylwllo+ill< slll loam IL. m0~s ~ of 11- vN1s . bLl. tlha.. IM1O, ol rh< a11+.rs In 11 e~.uea.,bm ii hnx bem em~mlleJ-ll --qM1 fu 0L. ~.t2~~ed usc ofihe .a~l:. ~ . - Ap--O to 20inches, black (10YR-2/I) sandy loam, thick_.7he nezt layer is yollowigh-red sphagnum dnrk grayish broan (10YR 4/2) dry; moderate, pent that extends to a depth of about 60inches.. . Eine, granular structure; sligh[ly hnrd.,-very Orcas soils are used mostly aswildlifo habitat. friablo, slightlysticky, slighqy plastic; mnny roots; slighUy acid;abn+pt, smooth Orc¢s peat (Or).,__7his level or slightly concuvo boundary. 10 to L2.. inche"s thick_ soil is~in~trregularly shaped areas that range from tg--10 to SO inches, darkgrayish-.6rown (2.5Y 4/2) 2 to about 10 acres in size. Slopes are less than 1 sandy loam, light brownish gray (2.SY 6/2) percent. dry; many, medium, prominent, yellowish-red Representative proFile of Orcas peat, under wild ' (SYR 4/8) and brown (7.5YR 4/4) motties, very cranberries, 600 feet north and650 feet west of the pale brown (lOYR 7/4) and eeddish yellow eas[ quarter corner of sec. 8, T. 24 N., R. 6 E.: .(7.5YR6/8) dry; tfiin platy structure; hard, fvery friable, nonsticky,nonplastic; fewroots; Oit--0 to 6 inches, dark redlish-brown (SYR 3/2) . slightly acid; clear, wavy bomndary. 19 to 24 ' sphagnum peat, very pale brown (lOYR 7J3) dry; - inches thick. so£t, s on .822g--30 to 60 incl~es, dark-gra SY 411) sand P g1": m°nY roots; extremely.acid; Y~ Y clear, smooth boundary.6to Sinchesthick. l0am, light gray (SY 7/1).dry; coimnon, fine, 00- 6 to 60 inches, yellovish-ted (SYR 5/6, 4/6, proroinent, s[rong-brown (7,SYR 5/6) and 418) s ha " reddish-yellow (7.SYR 6/6) mottles, yellmaish dr Peat, verypale brown ((pYR 7/q) broWn (10YR5/8) and gale broum (2.SY 7/4) dry; Yt'soft, spongy; few roots; extremely acid. massive; slightly hard, very Friable, nonsiicky, 'f7ie Oil horizon ranges from dark reddish brown to : nonplastic; -few roots; slightly acid. reddish 61ack. Only slight decomposition lias oc- curred. Tlie oi2 horizon is uniformly sphagnum pea[ Ttie A horizon ranges from black to very dark [hat ranges from dark.reddishbrown through yellow- . 6roun and is as much as 15 percent gravel. The B ..ish red to vory pale brown, , hoTizon commonly is sanely loam that in places is Some arets mapped are up to 20 percent included stratiL3ed r~ith silt loam and loamy sund. It is as Seaf.tle and 'Pukwila mucks, and some are up to S per- much as 35 Percent gravel in some places. lfie U cent the we[ Uellingham soils. horizon is mottledgray, dark gray, and dark grayish penneabiLit is ve browri. Y ry rapid. There is a wacer table at or close to the surfnce for severalmon[lis Souie areas are up to 5 porcent included Seattle, each-year. In areas where the water table is con- 7lakwila, and ShaJCar soils; and somc are up to 5 trolled, [hc eFFective rootinp depth is GO inches percent hlderwooA and Everett soils, at Che slightlY or more. [n undrained areas,rooting depth is higher clevations.. In thc area nor[hves[ of Auburu, in tlie Creen Rivec Vatley, Uiere are arcas oE Norma restricted_ The available water capacity is high. ils that h8ve an organic surface la1"er as thirk u Ru~roFf is ponded, and there is no erosion hazard. 7his soil is used mos[ly as wildlife habitat. inches iri so~oe places. Also incJuded are small Cnpability unit VIIIw-1; no woodland classification. eas of Norma soils thaG have a a silt loam surlace layer. Pezmeability is modera[ely rapid. 'Ihe seaswial water table is a[ ur near Che surflce. in drained Oridia Scries areas, the:effec[ive roo[tng depth is 60 inches or more. In undrained areas, rooting deptli is ces[ric[- 'flie Oridia series is made up of somewhat poorly ed. 7he available wa[er capacity is moderately high drained soils tha[ formed fn alluvium in river to high. Runoff is stow, and the erosion hazard is valleys. S7opes are 0[0 2 percent. The annual ;,slight. S[remn overflmu is a severe hazard in precipitation is 35 to 55 inches, and the mean. annu- places. al air [empera[ure is abou[ 50° P. The frost-free 7his soll is used mostly for pasture. Orained seuon is about 200 days. Elevation ranges from ~areas are used for row crops. Capabili[y unit [[[H-3; about 0 to 85 fect. !woodland group 3N2. in a re.presenlativc profile, the surFace layer is dark grayish-Lrown siit ]oam about 9 inches thick. Orcas Serics The subsoil is grayish-brown, dark grayish-brovn, The Orcas series is made up oE very poorly drained todaPdep[hiuf 60yinchessorimoreay laam that eztends organic soils [hat formed in sphagmnn moss and small Oridia ;oits are used for row crops and pasture am0utlts of Lab[ador [ea and cranberry plants. 'fhese and [or urban deveiopment. ' soils arc in basin; on the undulating, rol " . glacinted uplanJs. Slopes are 0:o L pcrc ean Oridia silt loam (psj. -'I'h(s gen[1y undiita[ing al precipitation is 35 m GO inches, and e c m suil is in irregularly shaped areas. Slopes are nnnual uir temperatulre is about 50° F. The Prost- Ics: than 2 percen[. Areas range from 10 to more Eree Season is 160 Cu 180 days, Elevntinn ranP,es than 200 acres in sizc. from 100 to S00 Eect. Represencative profile of Oridia sitt lo:un, in In a representa[ive proEile, the ;urfacz layer is pas wre, 850 Fec[ norCh, 620 fect cast of the dark reddish-brown sphagnum peat aboul 6 inches sou[hwes[ corner oC sec. 12, T. 22 N., R. 4 G.: ! 21 Ap--0 to 9 inchas, darkgrayish-brown'(lOYR'4/2) Ovall Series - tieavy silt loam, light bmwnish gray (2.SY . ' ' 6/2) dry;few, fina, promiuent, stmng-brown "lha.Ovall series Is mado up bf.well-drained soils ° (7.5YR 5/6) mottlos, reddish yellow (7.SYR that overlie-weathered ande5lte breccia at a depth 7/6) dry;moderate, madium, granular struc- of 20 to 40 inches. Theso soils foxmed in glio"'at` Wre; hard, friabie, sticky, plastic; many deposits on uplands. Slopos ara 0 to 75 perc~ / roots; medi~ acid; abivpt, smooth boundary: 7he annudl precipitation is 45 to 65 inchcs, anithe . 9 to 11 inches thick. - mean amnml air temgerature is atiout 52° F. The ' 021g--9 to I7.inches, grayish-6rown(2.SY5/2) heavy frost-free season is. about 150 days. Elevation silt loam, light gray (2.SY 7/2) dry; many, rangas from 300 to 1,000 feet. madim,"prominent, Crown (7.SYR 4/4) mottles, Tn a reprosentative profilo,.the surfpce layeris srrong brown (9.SYRS/6) and.vory pale bmwn vcry dark brown and very dark grayish-brown loaan (LOYR 7/3 and 7/4) dry; moderate, medium.and and graveily loam ahout ll.inches thick4 The sub- coarse, subangular 6locky structure; haid, soil is derk-bmwn gravelly loam about25 inches friable, sticky, plastic; manyrootsr slightSy fhick-. Weathered andesite is at a depth oF about 36 acid; clear, wavy boundary. 6 to l0~inches inchas. thick. . Ovall soils are used for timber and pas[ure. D22g- V to 42 inches, dark grayish-6roxm (2.SY 4J1) . silt loam and fine sand, white '(2.5Y 8/2) dry; finc sand :is light gray (lOYR 6/1) diy; Ovall gravelly 1o:un, 0 to 15 percent slopes mottlos are many,large, prominent, brown (OvC).--Thisgently sloping to rolling soll is on (7.SYR 4/4) and strong brown (7.5YR S/6) and uplands. Areas are somewhat rounded to nearly medium, prominent, very pale brown (IOYR 7/4) rectangular in shapeand range fxom 40 to more than and rexiJish yellow (7,SYR 6/6) dry; silt loam 160 acros in size. is massive, Aard, friable, sticky, p4astic; Ropresontative profile of Wall-gravelly loam,0 fine sand is singte grain; loose, nonsticky, lo 15 percent slopes, in forest, 1,500 Eeet west and nonplas[ic; common mots- neutral• abxupt, 2,200 fce[ south of Uie northcas[ corner of sec. 5, . smooth boundary_ 7.3 to'26 inches~thick. T. 26 N.,.R. 7 E.: 623--42 to 54 inches, dark grayish-broem (2.SY 4/2) 01--2 inches [0 0, leaE litter; abundant roots. silty clay loam, light gray (SY 7/2) dry; qll--0 Co 4 inches, very darkbrown (lOYR 2/2) grav- mottles are many, large, prominent, strong- elly loam, dark grayish brown (lOYR 4/2) Jry; brown (7.SY0. 5/6) and medium, promioent, yellow moderaCe, medium; granular s[ructure; soEt, (IOYR 7/6) and brownish yc]loa -(lOYR 616) dry; very friablc, s[icky, piasfic; many roots; a discontinuous strong-brot+n (7.SYR 5/6).and strongly acid; clear, smooth boundary. 3 to 5 dark-bcown (7.SYR 3/4) ortstein layer.l/A inch inches tliick. \ [hick; massiva; hard, friable, st3cky, plas[ic; A12__4 to 1~1 inches, very dark gcayish-brown R few roo[s, neutral; abxupt, wavy bowndary. 9 3/2) gravelly loam, qrayish brown (lOYR Z) ' to 15 inches thick. Ary; ioodernte, mediiun, granular s[ivcture; 624g--54 to 64 inches, gray (SY 5/1) heavy silt loam,, , . ~;ray (SY 6/1) dry~ few, mrdiion, prominen[, dark- 'lightly harcl, very friable, sticky, plas[ic; many roo[s; SCrongly acid' aLrup[, uavy bound- brown (7.SYR 4/A)~mottles; massive; hard; £ri- ary. 5 to IS inches thick. able, s[icky, plastir, few rooCs; very strong- R21--11 to 24 inches, dark-brown (LOYR 3/3) gravelly ly acid. loam, grayish 6roan (lOYB 5/2) dry; wenk, fine, 91ic 0 hori.xon is mottled dark gray and dark gray- subangular Llocky structure; slighCly hard, ish btown to olive gray. [t is dominantly silt very Eriable, sticky, plastic; common roo[s; loam but contains layers of silty clay loam, fine slightly acid; clear, wavy boundary. 6 to IS sand, loamy.fine sand, and very fine sandy loam. The inches hiick. sanJy lenses commonly occur LeloN a depthoF 20 D22--24 to 36 inches, dazk-brown (lOYR 3/3) grnvelly inches. to:wi, brown (lOYR 5/3) dry; wcak, fine, sub- Some areas mapped are up to IO percent inciusions angular blocky structure; slightly hard, -Eri- oE poorly drained Puget and Woodinville soiis; and aLle, sticky, plastic; few rwts; siightly some are up Co 10 percent dhe well-Jrained Newberg acj.d; ab nipt, irregular boundary. 6 to 38 and Puyallup soils. inches thick, penneabiliCy is moderate tomoderately slow in I10-36 inches, weathered andesite. the subsoil. '11ic seasonal high water tnble is nt a depth of 7 to 2 feet. In drained areaz, thc effec- In piaces thcrc is a thin loam surfnce layer. The [iverooting depth is 60 inches or uo:e. in un- 8 horizon is 2oam or g:avclly loam that ranges from drained areas, rooting deptii is restricted. Avai]- daik brown to dark yellowish brown. Dep Ui to thc able vater capacity is high. Runoff is slow, and weatheced andesite rnnges from 20 to 40 inches with- the crosion hazard is slight Thc flood hazard is in very short distances. The andesite is commonly moderate. soft and fractured in the upper E to 10 indhes. T1iis soil is used for row crops and seeded grass Some mapped areas are up [u aQ percent incluJed pasture and Eor urban dcvelopment. CapaLili[y uni[ Aldenrood gravelly sandy 1oam, and some are up [0 5 IIw-2; wooALuid group 3v1. percent [he poorly drained Norna, Tukwila, and I Zl ~ . .;,.~..~m.m,,,~. , y ,r'~....~..., i . i ~4. - t ' _ + _ ' . i ~ a' 'q`.~.' ' - \.a " ~ty ~ t `C} . . •c. V . ti' I ; ~ I~ ~ i tir•:. _ ' I : ' • , ~ ~'Q ,1 ~ - : ; , _ - ' ' _ _ __n ' ~Q_~ `1.- l . - ' ' _ % d , ~ . _ . ' + . ~ ~ _ , ~ . ~ ' i "Q' =-,I ' 4 . " .:~1.. ~ _ _ _ _ ,3. ~ i . i F(~ ' ~I ' • ~ ~ ~ V ' . . I p~ _ ` . . . ~ .~,.~`.l _ ' . L: • j . . _ . . ' - : . _ : . I ~ i ~ _ ,.i .v , ~ ' - _ , j, ' ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ; ~ - - ~ - ~:r _ „ " . N ~ ~ . . j' . f_.y , i ~ '~tJ' ~ ~ - ~ - . ~ ! - . ~ y .,.1 ` i sr ~ i . ' a ~1' { ~ . ~ - - C , I _ . - •y I 41._ ..jlt~ -~_~~S ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Y I r( ~ ' !3. - _ f.y ~1'$ i.. ' ~ ='y i I ' / ~ A ~ 1 a' ~l ~ _ ' ~ I ~~1 ` ~ ~ k' - ~ ~U1Cl `\I ~Jr. I.~~ ~I e'• ~I _ ' ~ ' ~ V.~, , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~1~ -`N ! r ~ . ~ `!`_.^Fi--R W_ ~ ; 1 L ~ \ ..I is~yy~Y~ . r•. : , tl Y ' . ~ ' L ~ /$~!!N''~{ (pµ~]] . rY ~ ..~e _ i u . ~~y.ij't R~I~`X~M~' Al''r. ~ I~PR~1,~._e„~ _ ~O 1 ~ . .~:-tt~-1'°-'~-dl- ~--.-__.i4.._. ~ zr' 'Re .Oe z RtiUr a6e' os D~i' Ue 1 O U _ ~ - - ~ - = a , ; : Na ~ ' .,p` • I ~ . v ~ r ao ~ ar . ~ No ~ i ~ ~ i ~sr • s Os ~ . F ~ ' . 4 ~ 2 ~ ~ ''~C r.. ; -F-- . •N ~ ~ C In°- ~Il ~ I~'~~~-- - ~ `'y.:_. ' 1 i ~ a. a ' j . ' ~ . ZONE APPROXIMATE SCALE W FEEf ' 49 500 p 500 ~ AP G RM3fi8 ~ ZONE A - _ I NATIONA! FLOqD IHSURAHCE PA06flAM 6 . s ~~i, . - _ . ._..;d€~S?~., ~ ~ I P` FIRM ' pp y0 ~ZONE X fLUOD IHSURANCE RATE MAP 500 YEAR FLOOD ~ CODITAINED IN NWERT ~ IffNG COUNTY, . ~ ~ . WASHINGTON AND _ INCORPORATED ARFAR i ~ ~1 " PANEL 1253 OF 1725 U ~ ISEE M.V INDIX PoP V4iEt5 NOT FPINTFGI ~ S 1 T~ ~ I NMqyS, ~ AV ~ COMMUH(IY NUMAB~ ~A4El 91Ett N - ~ I .uwti rn w umn .z. i - 50~ YEAR FLOOD F~S~E= u'"°"`°"''"°''.f." n°^ CONTAINED IN CULYERi Zi ~ ~ RM389 ~ I PX I I MAP pUtABEA ~ 53033C1Z53 F ~ ~ MAp REYISED: } ~ MAY 16,1995 ~ ~ ~ o Fcdaal EmaBOC~' hLnagcmmi Pymry' ~ TTI~ ia an oR.tlal copy of ~ poM11o0 IN tM a0ow ~sbnncW EooG T~P. 1: ~ ~ wr eztnnec u~InO Fi.11T On.Llnw TN~ m~0 a~ na.rolect cMnOm a/ GmenGmellT WNiCI~ mvr Ili'A GOYIf TYGt EubeQuOnt t0 ths CY~ OI1IM tltle dxk. For t~¢ Ic[ast Orotluct Inbrmation about N~tlonal FlooC Insuranc~ Propmm ~ooa mnpe cpeck tM FEMA Flootl Ma0 Stvn at+.wLmecp<ma.gov 1520 Weekday: Sepf. 25, 2004 thru Feb. il, 2005 • • Be sum :o rtn0 me 5 . ~~~+'or vnis rovve. , ToACBUFLY, Eh'UMCLAW (Weekday): ~xr.o:e 2cL Tv . :.v 5 i-5 15cr 5: tiE 15: S: 5W 6ch S: SE 37nd 5: SE Cii[:!a Av ' L L L 6 6 S TCanei[ n h L ' 4cE dv Yike 5 SpOkene 5]92nd A SC tiC ROidr'ay AUhu.'nM'ey 5 nLLbY:c'day 5 6'¢1:5 S:Claa S:GBan 5:27ua 5:33. 5:39>a S:Slem 3~15D., 3 :3 ]pnI:4 Bp.~ 4 :1Cpm4 <:15pm C:]SFm 9:)9pm 1:51pn S:Wpa J:SGpn 3 :59pm 4 :1J0~5 4 :36pm5 i:57D•Tg ':OLpTS S;CSpmg c:09pn 4:17pm a:l]pm 4 155pa5 5 :1Cpm 5:20pn 5:34pm 5 N6p. 5 54pm i:Japm 4 :c1:m 4 :59pm 5:21,n5 5:36pm 5:45pm 5:49pm 6;01pm 6::4pm <:5"/pm _.Sp.e 5:21pm5 5:1 4pm5 5:59pm5 609o.m5 E:12pa5 O)D-, S:iSpa 5:33D. S:SiynS S:OEpn 6::6pn 6:30pn 6:i2ps 5:;^.p., ::35^vn 5:4 3yv 557 ~,5 6:13pm§ 6:3 4 pn5 6::3ca5 6:16 pm5 - >:06pa S:l;pm e6pmti ' 6 :4 5Dm4 7:00p15 iF09an5 711pm4 - 1'o wGSUAN, SE.aTTLE (Weekday): . crCEEir. av 32:+a s: 5_ Ech sc s[ s: sa 15ch sc ;:E acn ;.v s <ch f.l• 9c.".:.v f i w TLi 5]: 4 f 6 " wel's ..cbumWay 5 ncbucn Wa/ 5 Roadvey n Sc n? 5?71nC 5 Spokmz 'jnlversicy Hw+¢_1 , 5::11r S:l6vr.n 5:25am 5:1:en 5:57 ev4 E:!J[rt,S ' O:un 5;22em 5:3Cen Mn" 5:41ar.. S:SIar. 6 ::3ea5 6:16ar..£ 5:)lan5 5:51m 5::4a-. 6;0:ae. 6::Aaa 6:40anS 6:53a:.5 . 5:3:em S~S, E:O:ca S:Cien 6:laec. 6:2¢" 6:5:w5 7 :o=sv5 7 ::Oamf a.Gi.n 6.Z.en 6:3 0¢n 6:36t,, 6:44mn 6:;9em 7 :20na5 ~:iaes5 ':40an5 6.56um 7 :03am 1:10an 7 :2 4. '/:Gb TS B:COUnS e:06am$ ]:!aam 7 :i0m 7 :38. >:a]aa 8 ,0ae.>5 6 :18e,n5 e:24.,4 ::6en 5:a*. di03n.o 5 :16av eJ9aa5 6:52"S A:SB.S . 5:_?pa 34pn 5 :4 5pr.. S:SOp:+ 5:0:p'. 519:., 5 :3 1'-: 5;35pn f:39pm 6;:4pm 6:56PT ]:OOFm irCOJa la?n ]:25P']:39G^ . (i Ic:/.4':N! I OOOSU 1 no I~cx h.ibi t~Yle,ra9 20Rouec 902015?So?OTine~able4o20W eekday.htm 17132004 • , ,i Cl1'Y OF k + AtiBURN Peter B. Lewis, Mayor WAS H INGTON 25 West Main-Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.aubumwa.gov # 253-931-3000 Cp Notice of Application and Determination of Non-Significance SEP09-0015 and REZ09-0003 Fiorifo Business Park Rezone Description of Proposal: Proposal to rezone approximately 10,acres from C-3, Heavy Commercial to a Business Park zone. Pursuant to Auburn City Code this type of rezone is processed as a contract rezone that outlines specific permitted uses for the subject site. Proponent: CB Richard Ellis, Gary Volchok; 701 Pike Street, Suite 2100, Seattle, WA 98101 Location: 1500 M Street NW; Parcel Numbers: 1221049042, 1 22 1 049043, and 1221049041. Application Filed: June 17, 2009 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone combined Complete Application Date: July 21, 2009 Notice of Application Date: January 14, 2010 - Rezone application only Studies Submitted with Application: Traffic memo prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest, dated November 2008. Other Permits and Plan which may be required: None at this time but future applications include a building permit, grading permit, and FAC. Statement of Consistency and List of Applicable Development Regulations: This project is subject to and shall be consistent with the City of Auburn Zoning Code, Surface and Stormwater Management Ordinance, Street Standards, International Building Code and International Fire Code. Lead Agency: City of Auburn The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 4321 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. The final staff evaluation documents requirements for this proposal should the rezone be approved by the Auburn Ciiy Council. This information is available to the public on request. AUBURN * MURE THAN YOU IMAGINED This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date issued below. Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on February 2, 2010. Any person aggrieved of the City's determination may file an appeal with the Auburn City Clerk within 14 days of the ciose of the comment period, or by 5:00 p.m. on February 16, 2010. Responsible Official: Kevin Snyder, AICP Position/Titie: Interim Director of Planning and Development Department Address: 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001 253-931-3090 Date Issued: January 18, 2070 Signature: Note: This determination does not constitute approval of the proposal. Approval of the proposal can only be made by the legislative or administrative body vested with that authority. The proposal will be required to meet ail applicabie regulations. i:ti6E i ' I, ~?1 ci1-roF ~ F, E ,.i C t f t.;? ~,L~ T~U4, ~ i~T 1 3~~L:J JC\l.~! ~010 JRN 20 Rin 9 ~52 wnsxiNGroN AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF APPLICATION and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Application No.: SEP09-0015 and REZ09-0003 Applicant: Gary Volchok Location of Posting Board: 1500 M Street NW Required Date of Posting Notice on or before: January 19, 2010 • Date of Public Hearing (if appiicable): February 17, 2010 I certify that on JA Ai °i 0(~ Z(1/ 0 I did erect the land use posting notice board(s) at the location(s) above, which included a X Notice of Application, posted within 14 days after the application was determined complete (ACC 14.07.020). And/Or, X SEPA Determination, posted on the subject site pursuant to ACC 16.06.090. I declare under penaity of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. `T6FF Name (please pririt or t~ Date Signature U NOTE: This affidavit musf be returned to the Planning, Building and Community Deparlment within one week of the notice date to assure this application does not continue on hold and to - assure that a scheduled hearing is nof postponed ACC 1.27.070. Planning, Buiiding & Community 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 9313090 www.auburnwa.gov - * .y~ ~E@neRs9e ~ cirYOE n_~RN ~ WASHINGTON i AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF APPLICATION and $EPA DETERMIMATION Application No.: SEP09-0015 and REZ09-0003 Applicant: Gary Volchok Location: 1500 M Street NW Date of Notice of Application: January 18, 2010 Date of SEPA Determination: January 18, 2010 I certify that on I sent the: X Notice of Application, (within 14 days after the appiication was determined complete ACC 14.07A20. And/Or, X SEPA Determination, posted on the subject site pursuant to ACC 16.06.090 T he notice for the above referenced application was mailed to all property owners Iocated within 300 feet of the Subject Property. Said Notice was mailed pre-paid stamped through the United States Postal Service. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Eliza th Chamberlain, Principal Planner Planning, Building & Community 25 Wesl Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 9313090 www.auburnwa.qov - . . :k CITY OF Ati-nouiRN Peter B. 6ewis, Mayor - WAS H[NGTON 25Wesf Main Streei * Auburn WA 98001-4998* www.auburnwa.gov *253-931-3000 E$hilbAt ot NOTICE Ptrim9ss r 6fJ"'q9c1 PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING: February 17,2010 at 5:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AUBURN CITY HALL APPLICATION REQUESTED: REZONE -from G3, Heavy Commercial to BP, Business Park APPLICATION NUMBER & NAME: REZ09-0003 Fiorito Business Park Rezone PROPONENT: CB Richard Ellis, Gary Volchok; 701 Pike Street, Suite 2100, Seattie, WA 98101 PROPERTY LOCATION: The property is iocated at 1500 M Street NW. The site is within the Auburn, King County, Washington. Assessors Parcel Number: # 1221049042, 1221049043; and 1221049041. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposal to rezone approximately 10 acres from C-3, Heavy Commercial to a Business Park zone. Pursuant to Auburn City Code this type of rezone is processed as a contract rezone that outlines specific permitted uses for the subject site. AUBURN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. CONTACT: Elizabeth Chamberlain, Principal Planner echamberlain@auburnwa.gov 253-931-3092 All persons may comment on this application either in writing to the address below or by submitting written or oral testimony during the public hearing. Written comments in advance of the Public Hearing must be received by 5:00 P.M., February 16, 2010, at the Planning and Development Department, 25 West Main Street, Auburn WA 98001. Any person wishing to become a party of record and receive ' future notices, copies of the Planning arid Development staff report with recommendation (one week prior to hearing), Hearing Examiner recommendation must notify the Planning and Development Department by providing their name and mailing address and referencing the application number - REZ09-0003. City of Auburn Department of Planning and Development 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001- 4998 253-9313090 For citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this hearing, should contact the City of Auburn within 10 calendar days prior to the meeting, as to the type of service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the lype of request, the availability of resources, and the financial ability of the City to provide the requested services or equipment. AjJ$v}ZN h MOR[ TFIAN YOU IMAGINED w ~aaib~r; l 0 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF LEGAL NOTICE BY STAFF Application No.: REZ09-0003 Applicant: Gary Volchok, CB Richard Ellis Location: 1500 M Street NW, Auburn, WA Date of . Public Hearing: February 17, 2010 I certify that on February 4, 2010 I did affix a Notice of Public Hearing for the above referenced appiication, as required by Auburn City Code 1.27, 14.07.040 and 18.66.130, to the land use posting board erected at the above site. This notice was posted at least 10 days prior to the date of public hearing noted above. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Elizabeth Chamberlain ' Name (please print or type) ~,QAiV~(/►~2(i ~~~.lN~ ~Lr ~ Signe Februarv 4, 2010 Date G:1Hearing Examiner\FORMS & FORM LETTERSI^Affidavit OF Posting - Staff.doc C1TY OF AUBURN - WASFIINGT'ON AFFIDAVIT OF MAILIiVG OF LEGAL NOTICE Appiication No.: REZ09-0003 Applicant: Gary Volchok, CB Richard Ellis Location: 1500 M Street NW, Auburn, WA 98002 • Date of Public Hearing: February 17, 20.10 • • I certify that on February 2, 2010 I did send a Notice of Public Hearing for the above referenced application, as required by Auburn City Code 14.07.040 and 18.66.130, to all property owners located within 300 feet of the affected site. Said Notice was rnailed pre-paid stamped through the United States Postal Service at least 10 days prior to the public hearing date noted above. I deciare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. ~ ' , , ~ ~~~~-Elizab(A Chamberlai , Principal Planner Exhibii 12 Number o, - Pages 1 Aerual Photograph of Subject Site anc9 Viciraity 1500 M Street NW REZ09-0003 Fiorito Business Park Rezone - ~ - - - - - _ - - i ~ p~ ~ r ~ • - - - I ' , , ~ -•r ~ ~ I r~ ~ ~3"~ '1►` .j.,~ - _ _ 1~ I; 1 _ . ~ ~..___..a \Fe - 1 • ~~L~ t~~ ~ ' I . ~ . ~ ir. • ' ' ~1 1 .l:' , . - ' - j~~ ~ . 't.'r .7.•I . , A~ \,.~.r. I i . ` ~l'~ • '4 ~ ~ ,y G 1 ~1 ~ - - i, II~ } r. ~ ` +r0'i-• - ~ ~ ~ _ - . . . . - ~M " _ ' . ~V` ~ •~;n~ ~Sw~a}. E . ~ ~ 'r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ RX Y ~ ~ .y~~C Ah • y... ~ + ~ • ~M• . ~ ~ , ~ t~,,~~. . ~ ~ . ~ i~ f ~ .:a~..•~~' ' / . t I a' _ _ _ ' 'n N .Il. * _ : ~ p N~ 5 a - • • f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' . : • . ~ , , 3. , ~ 1r'y~,~~ . . ~ s. ' ~ ~ . ~ :~1 " . t~ - ~ ~ ~ ~:4 , ' . . " , ' . . - - • i ~GK~ ~ ,y . . - _ , - ~ , _ . - . , _ 2 Yi4. ~ , t•S'y. Y F~' " 1~ .4, i~ _ r ~,,,.x. ' ~r;L • , ~ ~ ~ h ' ~ ~ tl 4 / aa . . w. ~a: . ' } t ~ ~ r. .fC ; ~ 'Ta~ ~ . Mli~ ~y r,•. ~y,/i - - . ` . ~r• ♦,.{.1: ~ Ot ' ♦ ~ . , . . N, r . ~M' F _ ' d^~'y'~ ."N ~~III'7'~ _ /~I • - ~ ~ . t;,, ti _ ,yy ti c ~ Exhibit 13 Number of Pages 2 StaffRecommended Permitted Uses Fiorito Business Park Rezone PERMITTED USES ENTIRE BUILDING REAR PORTION BUILDING ONLY 1 Arcades YES YES 2 Art, music, and photography YES YES studios 3 Auction houses, excludin animals YES YES 4 Automobile re air services YES YES 5 Automobile sales, new and/or used YES YES 6 Automobile or truck rental YES YES 7 Automobile washes YES YES ~ 8 Banking and related financial YES YES institutions 9 Buiiding contractor services, YES YES includin stora e ards, if screened 10 Civic, social, and fraternal YES YES associations 11 Delicatessens YES YES 12 D cleanin and laund services YES YES 13 Equipment rental and leasing, does YES YES not include heavy construction e ui ment 14 Hotels YES YES 15 Laund , self-service YES YES 16 Lumber ards YES YES 17 Mini-stora e warehouses YES YES 18 Motorc cle sales and.service YES YES 19 Personai service shops YES YES 20 Printin and ublishin YES YES 21 ProfessionalOffices YES YES 22 Recreational vehicle sales lots YES YES 23 Restaurants YES YES 24 Retail stores and shops, inciuding YES YES department and variety stores as listed in ACC Section 18.30.020 WW 1-32 . 25 Re-u holste and furniture re air YES YES 26 Storage warehousing, limited to NO YES being incidental to principal ermitted use on ro ert 27 Truck sales with repair as YES YES secondary use 28 Health and h sical fitness clubs YES YES 29 Household movers and stora e YES YES 30 Janitorial Services YES YES 31 Manufacturing, assembling and YES YES packaging of articles, products and merchandise when conducted entirely within an enclosed building and if 1 job per 1,000 square feet is created. 32 Printing, publishing, and allied YES YES industries including such processes as lithography, etching, engraving, binding, blueprinting, photocopying, and film rocessin 33 Research, develo ment and testin YES YES 34 Small a liance re air YES YES 35 Warehousing and distribution NO YES facilities, to inciude wholesale trade not open to the general public. This inciudes motor freight transportation as an incidental use but specifically excludes motor freight transportation as the rinci al use of the ro ert36 Other uses may be permitted by YES YES the Planning Director if the use is determined to be consistent with the intent of the Fiorito Business Park Zone and is of the same general character of the uses ermitted in this list Exhibit 14 Number of Pages 2 DESIGN STANDARDS FIORITO BUSINESS PARK REZONE 1. STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO SITE DESIGN A. Parking Lots 1. Surface lots shall have a planter bed that includes at least one tree, a minimum of two inch caliper at the time of planting, shrubs, and groundcover. B. Pedestrian Walkways 1. Ped"estrian connections not less than five (5) feet wide shall be provided through parking lots to building entrances and sidewalks. 2. Pedest[ian connections shall be clearly defined by textured paving, inciuding across vehicular lanes, such as scored concrete, stamped concrete, or unit pavers. , C. Lighting 1. Only City approved standard fixtures shall be uses for public sidewalk lighting. 2. All site lighting shall be shielded from producing off-site glare and so that the direction of the light is downward. 3. The maximum height allowed for parking lot lighting is 24 feet. 4. Site lighting should be appropriate to create adequate visibility at night, evenly distributed to increase security, and coordinated with adjacent landscaping to avoid casting long shadows. D. Screening of Trash and Service Areas 1. Trash and service areas shall be placed away from streets. 2. All service, loading, and trash collection areas shail be screened by a masonry fence and planting, with similar character to the design of the building it serves. II. STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING DESIGN A. Entrances 1. Main entrances should be oriented so they are visible to the public right-of-way. 2. Building entrances shall have awnings a minimum of four (4) feet deep and cover the entire door width. B. Landscaping adjacent to Building(s) 1. To provide visual transition of the joining of a building to the site, a minimum four (4) foot landscape space between the exterior wall and the horizontal paved surfaces, except at entrances/exits, loading docks, and service entries shall be provided. A mix of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and ground cover shall be included. C. Building(s) Facades 1. All new buildings shall include on the fagade visible from the public street, public recreational facilities, or the freeway shall the foliowing: a. Varied courses or panel of mateYial b. Articulated wall panels with accentuated joints, edges, or reveals visible from the street. c. Windows, doors, or other openings over at least 20 percent of the building. d. Articulated roofline or buiiding base. D. If concrete blocks (concrete masonry units or "cinder blocks") are used for walls that are visible from a public street/freeway, pubiic recreational facility, or pedestrian route, then the concrete block construction must be architecturaily treated in one or more of the following ways: 1. Use of textured blocks with surFaces such as split-face or grooved. 2. Use of colored mortar. 3. Use of other masonry types, such as brick, glass block, or tile, in conjunction with concrete blocks. 4. Use of decorative coursing to break up blank wall areas. E. If concrete tilt-up structures are used for walls that are visible from a public street/freeway, public recreational facility, or pedestrian route, then the concrete wall must be architecturaliy treated in one or more of the following ways: 1. Provided a textured scale to be visually perceptible at the distance viewed by the public 2. Provide a pattern or composition created by casting relief in the exposed face of the concrete. 3. Create compositions with horizontal profiles; a repetitive pattern applied to multiple panels is acceptable. - } v v.wDlt . k - ' ~ ' ~-rr••~n. ~n~~-.~. ~ . . . . - . ~ E . - . . _ . . . . ' • r y -A, 167 ,::;:•,v ~ rn.u~ ~i .rw e m. oF ~sYT h.. . L - - _ _ ~.w., _ _ . _ • - _ _ ' mtMOl ~ ~ l~~` I TT R - ' _ h ~ r'~^ - ~ _ ~ - w ~ ,v . ~..w+' ' • . _ , . - . ~ ~ " " W.. , . mW. .,r . ~ i . ~ . . ~ ~4 Xnruc I .,i^ - _ . ~ . . s'~ . - . , _ . C I ~ NI u \ P ftw~f - ~ - ~ } ~ . M ~ +e~ cnllf:4' ~ H ~ ^ ' ~ _ • 1 . ' , ; ' i xi ...~h. r r-. ~ I rn~nxm ;I J IF, ~.DwN CVN~ ["J ~ V _ 18 ~ , . _ • _ y k_rrm LL lt,N," r r _ I _ , ` ~ S ' ~ ~ .:a~r t~ - .•t _ . .r~zi• . ~ ~ . _ y 0.9` . _ e 167 ~ ' . a -'N~~~~• ' (S4 ~ ni -S~ 7 Z y/.c` 4 - F•' _ - . ti ~ ~ \ . t- _ 1 .i . . . ( q . , y M _ . ~ Tqpk6 PS ~ ~ - ~ CITY LIMITS Cill' °r ~ MAP 3.2 AUBURN 0 PAA WASnI..cTO. N URBAN FORM URBAN FORM i ioN si iowu is ror, cnviaLU. ~ CO M M U N ITY I:I~:taIT.1:NCf rllR1'OSI~:1 OM.Y nM) f]()I?ti NOT I 1\CI i I'QI ;.A.I.S ?:1015 I~1_(;'I' ~1~Cf:titi~Rtl.Y ItIT1U:sf:YC r V~C" r,~t-clCRn^IIIC . . _ . . . ~ ~ . _ . . pCCl~Cnl ' - _ . ~~w.~r~r ( l3 i ORDINANCE N0. 4 9 6 2 2 3" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR .4 THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 15TH STREET AND "O" STREET SW, WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN; 5 WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM M-1 (LIGAT INDUSTRIAL) TO BP (BUSINESS PARK). 6 7 WHEREAS, Application No. REZ0004-95 has been submitted to . g . . . . the Council of the City of Auburn, Waehington, by the SOUTH 9 10 SEVENTH CORPORATION, requesting the rezoning of the real 11 property hereinafter described in Section 2 of the Ordinance; ~ 12 and ~ 13 WyEREAS, said request above referred to, was referred to cli 14 p 15 the Hearing Examiner for study and public hearing thereon; and ~ 16 WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner, based upon staff review, 17 held a public hearing to consider said petition in the Council 18 Chambers of the Auburn City Hall, on March 19, 1996, at the 19 conclusion of which the Hearing Examiner recommended the 20 approval of the rezoning of said property; and 21 22 WHEREAS, the City Council, on April 7, 1997, considered 23 said request and scheduled a closed record hearing to be held 24 on April 21, 1997; and 25 26 - Ordinance No. 4962 April 29, 1997 Page 1 1 WHEREAS, the City Council, on April 21, 1997, conducted a 2 closed record hearing and at the conclusion of which affirmed 3 4 the Hearing Examiner's recommendation for rezone baaed upon 5 the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions, to-wit: 6 7 FINDINGS OF FACT $ . . . 9 1. The South Seventh Corporation, owners of a 15.2 acre 10 Parcel of property located at the southwest corner of 15th and "O" Street SW, filed an application on May 5, 11 1995, requesting that a business park be established on a' the subject property. ~ 12 Q 2. Surrounding zoning and Zand uses in the vicinity include ~ 13 C-3, SuperMall, to the north; the City of Algona to the (a 14 south; M-1, Boeing offices, to the east; and M-l, flood Q storage ponds, to the west. The Comprehensive Plan ~ 15 designates the site for light industrial uses while land ~ 16 to the east and west have a eimilar Comprehensive Plan designation. The SuperMall to the north is designated 17 for commercial uses in the Comprehensive Plan. 18 3. The property is currently vacant and is zoned M-1, Light 19 Industrial. The Auburn Zoning Code provides for Business Park pursuant to Chapter 18.36. The SP district is 20 intended to provide a suitable area for industrial, professional office, service and commercial uses within a 21 planned, well managed site with high quality development 22 standards. 23 4. The Zoning Code allows for the establishment of any site within a"xegion serving" area as illustrated on the 24 Comprehensive Plan which is zoned either commercial or 25 industrial. Map 3.2 of the Comprehensive Plan entitled 26 Ordinance No. 4962 April 29, 1997 Page 2 i "Urban Form'° illustrates Ehe subject property to be 2 within the region serving area of the City. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Business Park district 3 Comprehensive Plan designation. 4 5. The approval process for business park includes two 5 steps. The first step is the conceptual approval of a business park by the Hearing Examiner and City Council. 6 This process is a rezone process as established by the 7 Zoning Ordinanceat Section 18.68.030. The second step is final approval of the site plan by the Planning 8 Director following the approval• of the BP diserict for ' 9 the site by the City Council. 10 61 The BP district is implemented by a contract rezone including an agreement which establishes the type, square 11 footage, and general locations of the uses, the location ~ and oize of the park, appropriate,restricti.ve covenants, ~ 12 public improvements, and the responsibilities of the O 13 owner/developer. ~ ~ 14 7. The Zoning Ordinance authorizes only those uses approved ~ 15 by the contract rezorie in the HP district. The uses ~ which are established in the contract are drawn from uses 16 listed in the M-1 zone which are permitted outright ae well as those allowed by an administrative or conditional 17 use permit, and those uses listed in the C-3 zone which 1$ are permitted outright. The Ordinance allows any procedural or substantive conditions to implement the BP ly district. 20 8. The application submitted liated 17 different uses which 21 the applicant would like to have considered within the HP district. While theee uses were listed, the 22 environmental review of the project considered a 10 screen, 3,200 square foot cinema, an automobile service 23 station with convenience store, a 70,000 square foot 150 24 room motel, and two restaurant uses approximately 7,200 to 7,400 square feet in size. 25 26 Ordinance NO. 4962 April 29, 1997 Page 3 i 9. Commercial zoning of the property lying across 15th 2 Street to the north was approved by the City in 1993 for the construction of a two million plus square foot 3 shopping complex known as the SuperMall. The initial 4 phase of this development has been constructed and opened for business in the Fall of 1995. 5 10. When the City wae going through the rezone process for 6 the SuperMall, concern was raised by the City that the 7 SuperMall would create uncontrolled spin-off or strip commercial development on adjacent and nearby properties. 8 Such development would not be in the best inteYest of the City and while concern was raised, there was no 9 development moratorium placed on any of the adjacent 10 properties. 11 11. At the time of the public hearing on this rezone, the opponent of the rezone, to wit, the SuperMall, presented ~ 12 subetantial evidence about the availability of other ~ 13 properties in the vicinity for rezone which evidence was ~ O directly contrary to evidence presented by the same party ~ 14 during the hearings on the development for the SuperMall. t0 ~ 15 12. Commercial development around the SuperMall should be ~ 16 carefully regulated. The City's desire to carefully regulate such development has been evidenced by the 17 adOption of Policy LU-74 adopted in April, 1995 prior to submittal of the subject application. New development is 18 required to meet certain criteria as set forth in Policy 19 LU-74. 20 13. Prior to the approval of the HP district, in accordance 21 with Zoning Ordinance Section 18.36.020, the owner/developer must demonstrate a public benefit will 22 reault and that proper architectural, site, and landscape deszgn standards have been implemented which must be 23 significantly superior to those required in an industrial 24 zone. The project contains eight lots which will be subdivided into six lots and a design scheme will be 25 coordinated such that each lot will share parking, 26 Ordinance No. 4962 April 29, 1997 eage a 1 access, be connected with pedeatrian walkways, have 2 similar landscaping, and signing, lighting, and common architectural featurea. The project will look like one 3 planned development as oppoaed to 8 individual, unrelated 4 uses that are allowed to happen with the existing zoning. 5 14., The Ordinance also requires that no significant impacts on the public infraetructure shall occur which cannot be 6 efEectively mitigated. 7 15. Assurances need to be made that preclude the appearance 8 • of a strip or unplanned, •piecemeal development and promote uses that are consistent with the Comprehensive 9 Plan Policy LU-74. While the application listed 17 10 potential uses, the list of potential uses to be incZuded within the contract rezone for this parcel should be as 11 follows: ~Y 12 Automobile service station 0 lg Banks and financial institutions ~ Convenience grpcery store ~p 14 Daycare O 15 Delicatessens and restaurants ~ health and physical fitness clubs 16 Meeting rooms and/or reception facilities Motels 17 Personal service shops 18 Professional offices Secretarial services ly Theater (cinema) or comparable indoor commercial entertainment 20 21 16. The environmental review £or the project considered the impacts of the development and operation of various uses 22 listed above. Additional environmental review may be required for any of the other uses which may be developed 23 in a BP dietrict. In order to give predictability to the 24 development and provide assurances for neighboring property owners, if there are other uses proposed, other 25 than the service station, motel, restaurant and theater, 26 Ordinance No. 9962 April 29,.1997 Page 5 1 those uaes should not generate more traffic or provide 2 further impacte or increase the building area above that which was originally proposed and considered as part of 3 the environmental review process. I£ any project were to 4 exceed thoae limitations, then an amendment to the contract rezone would be required in addition to further 5 environmental review. 6 17. The Final Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was 7 issued on February 15, 1996, containing 26 mitigating conditions. The Final NIDNS was appealed, and a small • g portion of the •traffic analysia was remanded 'to the Responsible Official for further review. The appeal was 9 ultimately denied. 10 18. The development of the SuperMall and the adoption of the 11 BP zoning district constitute a change in circumstance ~ which justify the consideration of a new zoning ~ 12 designation for the site. ~ 13 ~ 14 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW C) ~ 15 ~ 1. The BP zonin desi nation ma be a 16 9 g Y pproved on the site. The development proposed on the site meets the intent of 17 the BP district. It wi11 provide superior architecture, site and landscape design, than what otherwise is 18 required by existing M-1 zoning. It is within the 19 "region serving" area of the Comprehensive Plan and the property is properly zoned to allow for a BP designation. 20 2. With the development of the SuperMall, there has been a 21 change in circumstance which warrants consideration of a 22 different use on the property other than the existing M-1 zoning. The aite will be developed in a manner which is 23 not conducive to strip type commercial development. 24 3. There is no le al authorit for restrictin or 3 Y g precluding 25 the proposed development. 26 - Ozdinance No. 4962 - April 29, 1997 Page 6 1 2 4, The proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Policy LU- 74 which was written specifically to address development 3 near the SuperMall. 4 5. A planned busineas park is more superior to having small 5 uncoordinated development. A planned bueineso parlc can be more thoroughly and carefully regulated than can small 6 uncoordittated development under different ownerships. 7 6. The existing zoning on the aite can allow for much more 8intense uses which could generate even more•traffic. 9 7. There is limited vacant land that available and/or ready 10 for. development. In any event, the City is not in any way persuaded that it is permissible to consider the 11 speculative cumulative impacts of future development and each separate land use decision. The City, the ~ 12 ro onent and the o ~ P P , pponent, are all represented by p 13 counsel. The Hearing Examiner has done independent legal ~ reaearch. No authority £or considering the speculative ~ 14 cumulative impacts of future development has been Q 15 discovered. ~ ~ 16 17 For each of the above referenced reasons, the 18 19 recommendation of the Hearing Examiner to the Auburn City Zp Council on this rezone from M-1 (Light Industrial) to BP 21 (Business Park) is hereby approved. 22 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF AUBURN, 23 WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 24 'l5 26 Ordinance No. 9962 April 29, 1997 Page 7 1 section 1. The above cited Hearing Examiner's Findinga 2 of Fact and' Conclusions, are herewith incorporated in this 3 4 Ordinance. 5 Section 2. The following described property located on 6 the southeast corner oE 15th and "O" Street SW, situate in the 7 City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington, be and , g . . . . . the same is heYeby rezoned from M-1 (Light Industrial) to BP 9 10 (BUSiness Park) and legally described as follows: ~ 11 Lots 1 through 8, inclueive, Auburn 400 ~ Corporate Park Div. 1, according to lhe ~O 12 plat thereof recorded in Volume 128 of 13 Plats, pages 97 through 99, inclusive, in C,p King County; Washington. O 14 ~ 15 3ection 3. For each of the above reasons, affirming the 16 recommendation of the Hearing Examiner to the Auburn City 17 18 Council on this rezone application is conditional approval, 19 subject to the following conditions: 20 21 1. The types of uses to be allowed within the subject businesa park shall be based upon the following: 22 Automobile service station 23 Sanks and financial institutions 24 Convenience grocery store Daycare 25 Delicatessens and restaurants 26 - Ordinance No. 4962 April 29, 1997 . Page 8 i Health and physical fitness clubs 2 Meeting rooms and/or recepCion facilities Motels 3 Personal service ahops 4 Professional offices ~ Secretarial,services 5 Theater (cinema) or comparable indoor commercial entertainment. 6 7 2. The general location of the buildinga to be developed on the aite shall be consistent with the site plan dated 8 November 14, 1995 and revised 3-3-96,.and the preliminary plat dated 12-15-95 and revised 3-8-96. 9 10 A. Zf the motel is not built as proposed on Lot 1, then the lot may be developed with no more than,two buildings. 11 The minimum size of a building foot print shall be 15,000 ~ square feet and the maximum building square footage for ~ 12 tlie lot shall not exceed 70,000. p 13 cn B. There shall not be more than one building built on each ~ 14 of Lots 2, 3 or 4. The square footage of the building on O 15 Lot 2 shall not be less than what is currently proposed ~ for the service station. The square footage of the O) 16 buildings on Lote 3 and 4 shall be a minimum of 5,000 square £eet and a maximum of 10,000 square feet. 17 C. The theater shall be limited to a maximum of 15 screens.' If the theater is not built on Lot 5 than no more than 3 19 buildings may be placed on the lot. The smallest size of the building to be 7,500 square feet and the aggregate 20 square footage shall not exceed that of the theater as 21 illustrated on the aforementioned site plan. 22 3. If there are uses proposed to be built on the site other than what was analyzed as part of the environmental 23 review, file # SEP0017-95, then additional environmental 24 review may be required as determined by the SEPA regulations. In no case shall the development of this 25 proposal, with uses other than those analyzed as part of 26 Ordinance No. 9962 April 29, 1997 Page 9 i SEP0017-95, be allowed to exceed 483 daily vehicle trips 2 in the PM peak hour. When uses, other thail those analyzed as part of SEP0017-95, are proposed then at the 3 time of submittal for permits the applicant shall provide 4 evidence to the City that provea that traffic generated by the project will not cause the 483 daily vehicle trips 5 i:n the PM peak hour for the entire plat to be exceeded. 6 4. Prior to the occupancy of any building on any lot the 7 street, that connects 15th to °O" Street, shall be constructed to the standarda as outlined in Section • 8 • 17.12.100 of the City's Land Division Ordinance'. ' 9 S. A master landacaping plan shall be prepared for the 10 entire development thaC,provides for similar type and size of landscaping materials for all the parcels of the TV 11 development. Each parcel that is to be developed shall M be consistent with. the master landscaping plan. O 12 ~ 13 A landscaped berm shall be provided along the 15th Street ~ frontage. The size of the berm, and type of planting Q 14 materials shall be consistent with the other landscaped ~ berms that exist on either side of 15th Street. ~ 15 Deciduous trees shall be a minimum of 3 inches in caliper 16 at the time of planting; all other plant sizes shall meet the Zoning Code requirements. The landscaped berm shall 17 be constructed and planted prior to occupancy of any 18 building with the business park. 19 6. The exterior facadeo of all buildings shall be designed in a manner such that each building has a common 20 design/architectural feature(s) so that all buildings 21 Will be compatible with one another. 22 7. A master sign plan shall be prepared that coordinates the exterior signs of the individual tenants. The 23 architectural design of the tenants' logos are not 24 intended to be altered by this condition. To avoid the appearance of a`strip commercial' development and to be 25 consistent with the sign requirements of the SuperMall 26 Ordinance No. 4962 April 29, 1997 Page 10 i the £reestanding signs identifying the tenants that have 2 frontage on 15th Street shall be limited to 12 feet in height. if the eign is placed on the building eide of 3 the landscaped berm, then the sign may be increased by 4 the height of the berm. Sign height shall be measured from the grade adjacent to the berm to the top of the 5 sign or sign structure. 6 S. All exterior lighting shall be designed and constructed 7 such that the direct illumination does not unreasonably "spill over" on adjoining property. All light standards 8. within each parcel, other than the light standards on the 9 public streets, shall be of similar design. ~ 10 9. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided that connect all of M the parcels to one another. ~ 11 lZ 10. The applicant shall prepare plans £or conditions 5, 6, 7, ~ 8 and 9. The plans may be individual plans or an element ~ 13 of another plan. The Planning Director shall be 0 responsible for reviewing and approving the plans ~ 14 associated with these conditions. 15 11. The conditions of the Final Mitigated Determination of 16 Non-significance, file #SEP0017-95, are incorporated herein by reference. In addition, the final MDNS has 17 been remanded to the Responeible Official. Any new 18 conditions which may occur as a result of the remanded FMDNS are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 19 12. The contract rezone as required by Section 20 18.36.020(A)(1), of the Zoning Ordinance, shall be 21 executed between the property owner and the City prior to any permits being issued. 22 13. Amendments to this ordinance may occur as follows: 23 24 A. The Planning DirecCor may interpret the words and meaning of certain conditions in order to resolve 25 conflicts in implementation. 26 - - - - Ordinance No. 4962 Apri1 29, 1997 Page 11 1 2 B. If changes to the language of the ordinance are required, such proposed changes shall be reviewed by 3 the Planning and Community Development Committee of 4 the City Council, or its successor. If the change is minor, then the Committee shall make a 5 recommendation to the City Council. If the change is major, then the Committee shall refer the change 6 to the Hearing Examiner. The Examiner shall conduct 7 a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council. $ . . . . . Amendments to this Ordinance shall only be initiated by 9 10 the property owner or the City. a?' m 11 0 Section 4_ Upon the passage, approval and publication of CID 12 N 13 this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City O j~ 14 of Auburn shall, cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the ~ 15 office of the King County Auditor, Division of Records and 16 Elections. 17 18 Seetion S. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement lg such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry 20 out the directions of this legislation. 21 22 23 2.4 25 26 Ordinance No. 4962 April 29, 1997 Page 12 i Section S Thie Ordinance ahal'1 take effect and be in 2 3 force five days from and aEter its passage, approval and 4 publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: ~ 6 - 'rr 7 PASSED: C43 8 . . P` ~ 9 APPROVED: ~ ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ ~ 12 CHARLES A. BOOTH - MAYOR 13 ATTEST: 14 15 _ J~~~t~~~N4y2~~ 16 Robin Wohlhueter, City Clerk 17 18 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 19 1 20 21 ~ Michael J. Reynolds, 22 City Attorney 23 24 PUBLISHED: 25 . 26 Ordinance No. 9962 April 29, 1997 Page 13 ~~2an~n4: _ n t'LTL"P.?1!}FNiC aAt~ , a G ORDINANCE NO. 5 6 0 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE BUSINESS PARK DESIGNATION APPROVED IN ORDINANCE NO. 4962 FOR THE 15.2 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 15T" STREET AND "O" STREET SW WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, the City of Auburn approved and adopted Ordinance No. 4962 changing the zoning classification for the 15.2 acres of property Iocated at the southwest corner of 15t~' Street and "O" Street SW, as legally described in ~ ~ Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, from M-1 ~ 0 o (Light industrial)to BP (Business Park); and > WHEREAS, Ordinance 4962 established a list of permitted uses, 0 N approved a site plan and provided for a number of performance standards for a 0 ~ specific development on the subject site pursuant to ACC 18.36; and WHEREAS, the 15.2 acre site was not developed as approved and provided for in Ordinance 4962 and remains a vacant site; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn has received a request to amend the previous Business Park zoning designation to include a revised list of permitted uses, a new site plan and a new list of performance standards; and Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 . Page 1 ' WHEREAS, the Business Park zoning designation authorized 6y Chapter 18.36 of the Auburn City Code and approved in Ordinance 4962 remains in force on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Exarniner, based upon staff review, held the required public hearing to consider the request to amend the previous Business Park zoning designation approvai in Ordinance 4962 in the Council Chambers of Auburn'City Hall on November 14, 2001; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the November 14, 2001 hearing, the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a new list of permitted uses, a new ~ site plan, and a new list of performance standards; and ~ o WHEREAS, the City Council on November 19, 2001, considered said ~ ~ request for amendment and affirmed the Hearing Examiner's recommendations ~ 0 for a new list of permitted uses, a new site plan and a new list of performance •o 0 N standards based on the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Decision, to wit: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Auto Nation USA Corporation, the owners of a 15.2-acre parcel of property located at the southwest corner of 15th and "O" Street SW, have filed an application requesting that the Business Park District, that is currently established on the subject property, be revised. The Business Park Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 2 t-~----r----_ , (BP) District zoning is allowed pursuant to Chapter 18.36 of the Auburn Zoning Code. The 8P District is intended to provide a suitable area for industrial, professional office, service and commerclal uses within a pianned, weli managed site with high quality development standards. 2. in 1995 the City of Auburn approved the zoning for a Business Park at the subject property. That approval allowed for the foliowing: , Automobile service station Banks and financiai institutions v. Convenience grocery store ~ Daycare ~ Delicatessens and restaurants o Health and physical fitness clubs ~ Meeting rooms and/or reception facilities Motels o Personal service shops N Professional offices ~ Secretarial services ~ Theater (cinema) or comparable indoor commercial entertainment. 3. The property has, however, not developed and is currently vacant. The current proposai would also allow for some of the previously approved uses except for the molel and theater. There is also requested to have warehousing, manufacturing and other light industrial uses. Please see Attachment #1 for the complete list of proposed uses. - Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 3 , The site plan is also proposed to be revised to reflect a new layout forthe buiidings. Two alternative site plans have beert submitted for review. The site ~ plan identified as "SD1" illustrates two large buildings. Building "A",is ihe southern most building and fronts on Boundary Boulevard. It is approximately 208,989 square feet in size. Building "B" is the northern most building and fronts on 15'" Street SW. Building "B" is approximately 106,718 square feet in size. The buildings would share a common loading and unloading area that would ba located beiween the two buiidings. ~ ~ ~ U O ° It is envisioned that Building "A" wouid have most of the warehousing and industrial uses. Since Builciing "B" has frontage on 15'h Street SW and is 0 ~ across from the SuperMall, the non-industrial uses would likely be within this c 0 building. The applicant has also requested that building "A" could be up to three separate buildings and buiiding "B" could be up to rivo separate buildings. The total square footage wouid, however, not be greater if there were multiple buildings. An alternative site plan identified as "SDl-retail" has also been submitted that illustrates a"retail pad" at the intersecting corner of 15'" and "O" Street SW. This could be a freestanding commercial use such as a gas station. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 , Page 4 4. Pursuant to Section 18.36A20, the BP district shall be implemented by a contract rezone and shall include an agreement thaY establishes the type, square footage and general locations of the uses, the location and size of the park, restrictive covenants, public improvements, and the responsibilities of the owner/developer. 5. Pursuant to Section 98.36.030, only those uses authorized by the ~ contract rezone may be ailowed in the BP District. The uses that are ~ ~ estabiished in the contract are drawn from those I(sted in the M-1 zone 0 ~ which are permitted outright as well.as those which are allowed by an ° administrative or conditional use permit; and those uses listed in the C-3 ~ ~ zone that are permitted outright. Section 18.36.030 also aliows the Hearing Examiner and City Council to establish any procedural or substant(ve conditions to Implement the BP District. 6. All of the uses listed in Attachment #1 are allowed within the existing M-1 zone with the exception of the art, music and Photography studios; bakery and pastry shops; dry cleaning and laundry services; hobby shops; small animal hospitals; pharmacies; meeting rooms and/or reception facilities; retail sales of . automobils parts, flowers and house ptants, furniture and home furnishings, Ortlinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 5 _ ~_.._.-i--r--- - - - . ~ household appliances, nursery and horticuitural products, office supplies and equipment, photographic equipment including finishing; schools, including art, . ~ business, barber, beauty, dancing, driving, martial atts and music. All of these uses are permitted in the C-3 zone and therefore can be permitted as part of the Business Park. 7. Pursuant to Section 18.36.020, the approvai process for business parks includes two steps. The first step is the conceptual approval of the business park by the Hearing Examiner and City Council. This process cn ~ is the rezone process as established by Section 18.68.030 of the Zoning 0 o Ordinance. The second step is the final approval of the site plan by fhe ~ Planning Director once the BP District has been approved by the City ~ a Council. N O O N 8. In 1993, the City approved additional commerciai zoning on the property that lies across 15th Street to the north of the subject property. The zoning allowad for the construction of a two million (plus) square foot shopping complex, also known as the SuperMall. The initial phase of the SuperMali has been constructed and opened for business in the Fall of 1995. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 . Page 6 ~ . 9. When the City was going through the rezone process for the SuperMall, there was concern raised that the SuperMall wouid create uncontrolled "spin off or strip commercial" development on adjacent or nearby parcels, that would not be in the besY interests of the City. While there was concern raised, the City did not put any type of moratoria on developing the adjacent properties. 10. While there are limited opportunities for additional commercial rn ~ development near the SuperMall any such development should be 0 o carefully considered. This is evidenced by the following Comprehensive ~ Plan policy the City has recently adopted regarding deveiopment near 0 the SuperMall. c" ~ m w LU-74 Additional commercial development of land near the SuperMail shall be limited to those properties whose comprehensive plan designation and existing zoning (or a possible rezone to business park designation) allow for commercial uses. This development must meet the following conditions: a. If the new development is on industrially zoned property, the development shail be limited to office, entertainment, or other uses, e.g. motels, which complement the uses at the SuperMall. General retail uses would only be allowed in limited instances and only if incidental and subordinate to another use on the site. b. Small, individual commercial developments are discouraged. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2007 Page 7 _ - c. 7he traffic impacts of the commercial development shail receive significant consideration and will be mitigated as referred (n this Plan. 11. The subject request to modify the existing business designation is generally consistent with this policy in that the general retail that fs being proposed is limited and incidental. 12. The Business Park that was previously approved was approved in part . because it would have provided for a more coordinated development ~ than the prior M-1, Light Indusirial zoning and lot layout would have ~ ~ Q provided. The subject property is currently divided into 8 separate lots. 0 b ~ The proposal is to "adjusY" the 8 lots into 3 or 4. While there will be c separate lots, the design scheme will be coordinated such that each lot N ~ will share parking, access, be connected with pedestrian walkways, have 0 ~ similar landscaping, signing, lighting, and common architectural features. In summary, the project will look like one planned development as envisioned with the previous business park zoning. 13. Section 18.36.020, of the Zoning Code, requires that before a BP District is approved that the owneNdeveloper shall demonstrate that a public benefit will result and the project contains architectural, site, and landscape design standards that are significantly superior to those Ordinance No. 5607 . November 16, 2001 Page 8 - , required of the industrial zone. As previously mentioned, the project wili continue to provide features that will provide for a public benefit that were previously envisioned by the prior approval. 14. Section 18.36.020 also requires that no significant impacts on the pubiic infrastructure shall occur that cannot be effectively mitigated. The environmental review process for this project took several months, and the pubiic infrastructure was carefully reviewed and appropriate mi#igation Q, measures imposed. Implementation of the mitigation measures will ensure that ~ b no significant impacts to the pubiic infrastructure wip occur. ~ 0 -Q 15. Whlle all of the uses that are listed could be allowed within the BP ~ District, it is appropriate to calculate each use and limit the range of uses in N G order to ensure that any use developed within the sub)ect property is consistent, complements and is compatible with any other use that is developed. Assurances aiso need to be made that preciude the appearance of a"strip" or unplanned, piecemeal development and promote uses that are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policy LU-74. 16. The environmental review for the project considered the impacts of the development and the City on September 7, 2001 issued a Finai Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 9 f _i_------ Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS) for the proposed project. The MDNS contained 15 mitigating conditions that addressed soils, storm drainage, erosion control, flood water storage, wetlands, and traffic. 17. Related Comprehensive Plan policies: GP-18Flexible land development techniques including, but not limited to, clustering and planned unit developments (PUDs) for the development of residential, commerciel, and industrial properties shall be considered to implement this comprehensive pian. a. ~ LU-66 The City shall encourage the grouping of individual ~ a commercial enterprises along commercial arterials to promote the ~ sharing of parking areas, access drives and signs. Such grouping 0 can be encouraged through land division regulations, sign ~ G C= regulations and development standards. LU-74 Additional commercial development of land near the SuperMail shall be limited to those properties whose comprehensive plan designation and existing zoning (or a possible rezone to business park designation) allow for commercial uses. This development must meet the following conditions: a. If the new development is on industrially zoned property, the development shall be limited to office, entertainment, or other uses, e.g. motels, which complement lhe uses at the SuperMall. General retail uses would only be allowed in limited instances and only if incidental and subordinate to another use on the site. - Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page lo b. Small, individual commercial developments are discouraged. c. The traffic impacts of the commercial development shall receive significant consideration and will be mitigated as referred in this Pfan. LU-109 The grouping of uses which wiil mutually benefit each other or provide needed services will be encouraged. a. Compatible commercial uses may be permitted in designated industrlal areas, particularly ttlose that primarily senie industrial ' businesses or their employees. b. Pianned deveiopments (such as "office parks") which provide a C" mixture of light industrial with supporting commercial uses are v, encouraged. 0 ~ ~ c. Uses which support industrial and warehouse activities should.be ~ located near those uses. r-- ~ ED-2 The Auburn Thoroughbred Racetrack, the Muckleshoot Casino, and the SuperMall of the Great Northwest offer opportunities for o economic diversification that should be optimized by the City. N 18. The contents of the case file REZ01-0002, the environmental review file SEP01-0010, and the case file and environmental flle of the prevlously business park approval (file #'s REZ0004-95 and SEP0017-95, respectively) ars hereby made a part of this record. CONCLUSIONS It is has concluded thak the revision to the existing Business Park designation may be approved on the subject property, if properly conditioned, in that: Ordinance No. 5607 Novem6er 16,2001 Page ll - '1-l_-_T------ - 1. (t is consistent with the previous Business Park approvaf and It meets the infent of the BP District in that it will provide superior architecture, site and landscape design than what othervvise is required by the previous M-1 zoning on the subject property. It is within the "region serving" area of the Comprehensive Plan and the property is properly zoned to allow for a BP . designation. 2. There have been no moratoria or other restrictions placed upon this property that would preclude this development. rn ~ 3. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Policy LU-74 0 o which was written specifically to address development near the SuperMall. a 0 4. Development will be coordinated as to use, architecture, traffic, signage, N and utilities in much the same manner that was used in the approval of the ~ SuperMall. This will ensure compatibility with not only the SuperMall, but the ~ light industrial uses in the area. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS For each of the above reasons, the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner to the Auburn City Council on this rezone application is approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. The types of uses to be allowed within the subject business park shall be consistent with those as listed in Attachment #1. Ordinanca No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 12 1"T-r- 2. The general loca4ion of the buildings to be developed on the site shall be consistent with the site plan identif(ed as "SDi" and revised as of 3-6- 01 and/or the site plan identified as "SD1-retaii" and revised as of 7-13-01. A. Building "A" may be up to three separate buildings however any cumulative square footage of any combination of buildings shali be approximate to 208;989 square feet. B. Building "B" may be two separate buildings; however, any u. ~ cumulative square footage of any combination of buildings shall be U n ~ approximate to 106,718 square feet. 0 n, 1. At least 25% of the totai square footage of the north G O facade of building "B" shall be glassed area. If there is more than one building, then each bullding shall meet this requirement. The purpose is to provide pedestrian type features as well as be more visually compatible with the commercial uses across the street. (As opposed to a large blank concrete wail typicaliy associated with a warehouse). At a minimum, the first 20 feet of the buliding interior, that is visible (at eye level) through this glassed-in area, Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 13 I-i'T---- shall contain tenants/uses that are similar to typical retail and or service use(s) which are oriented to "peopie activity" that may include but not be limited to office, lobby, customer counter, product sales or display, dining area, or showroom. These uses could be separate uses or incidental to another use within the same building. There shall not be permitted in this first 20 feet any v~ storage/warehousing or manufacturing/assembly activities. ~ a ~ 0 ~ ~ C. If there is a separate freestanding commercial pad as ~ illustrated on site plan "SD1-retail", the parcel shall be no larger than N C ° 30,000 square feet and contain no more than one principal building on the pad. An accessory or subordinate building such as an espresso stand or similar use may be allowed. The architectural features of the building(s) on the pad shall be consistent with architectural features of Building "B" 3. Since there is a wide range of uses that can potentially be permitted in the business park and each may have a wide range of parking - - Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 14 'T'T--~~--•- needs and traffic generation characteristics, it is important that a monitoring plan be esteblished: 7he plan would ensure that the ultimate development of the business park does not exceed the amount of traffic that was analyzed and expected as well as ensure that parking Is provided that meets Zoning Code criteria. A. The cumulative development of the Business Park shall not exceed 199 daily vehicle tcips in the PM peak hour as analyzed as part of SEP01-0010. At the time of each submittal for permits or other similar ~ ~ o approvals, the applicant shall provide evidence to the City that proves ~ that traffic generated by the project will not cause the 199 daily vehlcie trips In the PM peak hour to be exceeded. The 199 daily PM vehicle 0 C trips may only be exceeded if the applicant prepares a traffic study that .o N proves, and the City of Auburn accepts, that there will not be any mitigation measures required beyond the payment of traffic impact fees for the additionai traffic generated. If the City concludes, based upon traffic study, that additional traffic mitigation measures are required, then the amendment process outlined in condition #12 wiil be followed which may also inciude revisions to SEP01-0010. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page IS _ . B. Each use proposed within the Business Park shall meet the off- street parking standards as required by the Zoning Code. The site plan iilustrates approximately 288 parking spaces for the site. The cumulative number of parking spaces for the mix of uses seiected may exceed this total by no more than 50%, but in no case shall the minimum number of parking spaces required by the Zoning Code be lessened. At the time of ' each submittai for permits or other similar app'rovals, the applicant shall ' provide evidence to the City that proves that the requirements of this ~ ~ condition and the parking standards of the Zoning Code are being met. c~ 0 ~ 4. A master landscaping plan shall be prepared for the entire development ~ that provides for similar type and size of landscaping materials for all the c.a •o parcels of the development. Each parcel that is to be developed shall be consistent with the master landscaping plan. A landscaped berm shail be provided along the 15th Street frontage. The size of the berm, and type of planting materials shall be consistent with the other landscaped berms that exist on either side of 15th Street. Deciduous trees shall be a minimum of 3 inches in caliper at the time of planting; all other plant sizes shall meet the Zoning Code Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page t6 1-T~-__ requirements. The landscaped berm shall be constructed-and planted prior So occupancy of any building within the buslness park. 5. The exterior facades of aIl buildings shall be designed in a manner such that each building has a common design/architectural feature(s) so that all buildings will be compatible with one another. The design shall be generally consistent with the illustration tiUed "SEP01-0010, Elevation Rendering. ExhibiY". c> 6. A master sign plan shall be prepared that coordinates the exterior ~ ~ Q signs of the individual tenants. The architectural design of the tenants' logos ~ 0 ° are not intended to be altered by this condition. To avoid the appearance of a o 'strip commercial' development and to be consistent with the sign requirements N ; o of the SuperMall, the freestanding signs identifying the tenants that have N frontage on 15th Street shall be limited to 12 feet in height. If the sign is placed on the building side of the landscaped berm, then the sign may be increased by the height of the berm. Sign height shall be measured from the grade adjacent to the berm to the top of the sign or sign structure. 7. All exterior lighting shall be designed and constructed such that the direct illumination does not unreasonably "spill over" on adjoining property. AII Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Pa9e I7 _ r-~-----r-- light standards within each parcei, otherthan the light standards on the public streets, shall be of similar design. 8. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided that connect ali buildings and all parcels to one another and to the public sidewalks. 9 The applicant shail prepare plans for the above conditions #14,5, 6, 7, anil 8. The plans may be individual plans or'an element of another plan. The Planning Director shail be responsible for reviewing and approving the plans associated with these conditions. The plans shali be approved prior to ~ issuance of applicable permits. ~ 0 c~ ° 10. The conditions of the Final Mitigated Determination of Non- significance, file #SEP.01-0010, are incorporated herein by reference. 0 N 11. The contract rezone as required by Section 18.36.020(A)(1), pf N the Zoning Ordinance, shall be executed between the property owner and the City prior to any permits being issued. 12. Amendments to this ordinance may occur as foltows: A. The Planning Director may interpret the words and meaning of ' certain conditions in order to resolve conflicts in implementation. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 1R --r-7---r- B.. If.'changesto the language of the ordinance are required, such proposedchanges shall be,reviewed bythe Planning and Community Development Gommittee of the City Council, or fts successor. Ifthe change is minor, then the Committee shall make a recommendation to the City CounciL lf the change is major, then the Committee shall refer the change to the Hearing Examiner: The Examiner shall conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Councii. Amendments to this ordinance shall only be initiated by the property owner or the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE'CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ~ Section 1. Purpose. To amend Ordinance No. 4962 in which the City ~ d of Auburn's established the Business Park (BP) District zoning designation for 0 " 15.2 acres of property located on the southwest corner of 15t" Street and "O" ~ Street SW in the City of Auburn by providing for a new list of permitted used, a N o new site plan, and a new list of performance standards estabiished in this N Ordinance 5607. Section 2. The above-cited Find(ngs of Fact, Conclusions and Conditions are herewith approved and incorporated in this Ordinance by this reference. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between Ordinance No. 4962 and this ordinance regarding the list of uses, the site plan, performance standards or conditions of approval, this Ordinance No. 5607 prevails. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 19 . _ . . -f- Section 3. Constitutionalitv or Invalidity. tf any section, subsection clause or phase of th(s Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionaiity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, as.it is being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed adopted and approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that nay one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause or phase be declared invalid or ~ unconstitutional. ~ ° Section 4. Recordinq. Upon the passage approval and publication of 0 v this Ordinance as provide by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall ~ cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor, ~ G, Division of Records and Elections. N Sectlon 6. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shali take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Ordinance No. 5607 November 16, 2001 Page 20 - INTRODUCED: Deoenber 3, 2001 PASSED: Decenber 3, 2001 APPROVED: Deoeniber 3, 2001 ~ _ CHARLES A. BOOTH MAYOR ~ ~ ~ U n O R-- O CV G O N Ordinance No.5607 November 16, 2001 Page 21 ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk AP ROVEDASTOFORM: • • ~ ~ Michael J. Reynolds, ~ ° CityAttorney 0 ~ Published: 0 ~ ' G • Q N . Ordinance No. 5607 November 18, 2001 Page 22 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. LOTS 1 THROUGH 8, AUBUI2N 400 CORPORATE PARK,DIV.`!, ACCORDING - TO TfE PLAT TAEREOF REGORDED IN VOLUME 128 OF PLATS, PAGES:97 THROUGH 99, RECORDS OF KING COUN'I'Y, WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. rn ~ ~ U O O v ~ 0 cv G O N ordinance 5607 Exhibit "A" I -r- - ATTACHMENT'p 1 PERMIrtED USES BLDG "A" BLDG "B" REfAIL PAD I Arf: rtwsic ond phologrophy tNdns. NO YES NO 2 Aufomobie senke clations wilh irrcidrntd ca wash. NO NO YES 9 bae7cridPOSMshoP]. NO Y6 YES. 4 Bpnking antl (abtatl finonciol InsliNtions. NO YES YES 5 BWtling controcfor services. YE[ YES NO 6 Carelakerquoters. YES YES NO 7 Commerdal recreoNOn. NO YES ~ NQ rn ~ 8 Daycora. YESr1; YES YES ~ 9 DelicotesseruanCresfaixonls. YF5('il- YES YES . . n lo Ofy cleaM ontl lau o rg nOry services 7FS(-2) YESI'7) NO , 11 Equfpmenl rentd ond lo¢drg. Y6 YES NO 11 Grocery staes. N4 NO YES 13 Haolth ontl physicG fllneu cluGS. NO YES YES 14 Hobhyshopc NO YES NO cv G 15 3rt1d9 aNt110f 1103pit013, dOBi f1Df atlpw W hidC NM M NO YES NO ' N kann¢b. 16 Mealirg rovms ond/orrecepHOn fooLfies. NO Y6 NO 17 Penondservicashops. NO YES YES i8 Phorrqcin. NO YES YES 19 PrlntinpantlpubElJng. YES Y6 NO 21 Roleaional offiCas. YES YES YES Relad sdes ol Me lolbwing and simior rehted gootls: ANOmoWa pafls. cam(wfers, flowen qed rypwe danh, h.mihxa arW lwme hmishirgs. 9Cryen otW ' . 21 fom wppfies. hvCwue -inducLng eImk{c[i. haoprg. ryp Y6 YES Wmtaig. 8km. Point. wehPoPec. and rehfetl gaods, hmselwM opplionca.nmery onC horticviWral - ' pro0Mts. otfice rVPPllei ontl equipmenl. 1 oamDhlc ui antinclud finbIving. 72 Heuphoftfery pnq Nmihxa repo'r. Y6 YES NO ~ SUwoh, incNrlnA W. business. borbet. beauN. NO YE5 NO dondn . divin , mortla cah arxl music. ___~T^f_ , V PERMITfEO USES 9LDG "A" BLCIG "B" RETMI PAD . y< Secrelorioiservices. Y6YES- NO ' 25 Cold itwofle plonh. YES NO NO 16 Nouseholtl movers aod storoge. YES NO NO D JonlfvAOlservlCOS. YES YES NO - 38 JobhairJngondvocalbnolrehobiGlofion. YES YES NO MOm/1oCNrin9. OSfMnbMg ana paCkaginp ol aMCles. .29 pfOdUCls ond merchan07se hom prevlOUSly qepaetl YES 7ET. NO theNC v naMOl rtrolenW. . Mmutaclurng, qocefsk+9, aendn9 and pockoging . . ol Iha toUowing: I.) Da'vy.qoduds ond by-producls sVCh os mill:. Ceam, cheese and buMer. includng ihe . prxessirp ond bolffmg of flWd rt+2k ond ueam. 2) ~ puy, phrnnocauflcab, lo0ehies, and cosrtrelip.7j ' ~ JO Footl ond klnWed Wodvcls AmHed to activitias svch ai YES YES '-NO confacfionery products. bokery poclucls, antl - o bevetagas boNCng. d.) Soaps, tlalerganh, antl olher Q hwsahald deaners hom previowly prepored rwturd . o maleriab ard rwllnvdving Ihe usa ol fiqVitl bleacA, -or idcNaina. rigLAd . Monulactuing. procestinq. heaNrg. auembGng and 31 pockaging of aMCles. produci: amerchandsa hom YES YES NO . ~ previpusfy preporetl lerto,s. nonferrous ar dbYod p malals. MonVlaChlAng BitaUliihmMh rngo9ed k+ elettronic. ~v 71 wlomotfve, anospaca. ndssdo. a'vhartre. orrelolcd YES YES NO ' •o morwfoc i assembly xliviMp. 'N ~ MornAacMirp.MOCeuin9.auemblirgontl YES YES NO . ' ka i ol acision com nenis and Pod.ch, MarnilacMing, ussemWing, packaging antl ' 34 devebprtwntof computttaquipmentandsoHwara. YES YES NO ' ondfNotetl oeiuctz. 35 Rmearch. Oe+ehpmmf wid lesl'vg ot a pe+mifled YES YES NO use. ~ Ra1wlo.d~.MdasalehbdeotproWCh y~ YFS NOrr~Wactwed. ocessed a Wsembled or+ule. 37 Waehovstg antl a6fibutlon tatlHnes, to inclutle YES Y6 NO . wholecaln hade nol an lo Ihe neral btic. . OMar vrtdar uses which Ihe pbnNnp d'aeCl« finAS 78 <ompalida arW cwuulenl wiM tha pr'vicipal Y6 YES YES permitted usef descriGed In Ihis 9VSfness Pok. ('1 I fime usee ara limiled to ierving ttre orvsile uses In Buiding "A". _ ` ('1) limiladiowhdnoleoccwnh.nolopenlogenardpu6fic. 1'31 um0ed ro retoi. oPen l0 9ene+al pubic. • I CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN i FORfiO BUSINESS PAPoC REZONE ~I ~ A POflT10N OF T}E NW 1/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSWP 21 N, RANGE 4 E., WM. Z N Q 0 I,:flll il W ~ W Z T j a ¢ ~ r~o' z o:oT~ UT1Lf11ES/SEHVICES ENGIFIEBi/SURVEYIPLMINER SITE ~ [f) ¢ a~ ' a u w i s v~ Q caxsu mc u a s.wc. J . arc a weum atn iexis ~za +.mic wm~ a inun scmxcs a o eax sio>i x[rrt. sawz W 3 zs vrsr ww m¢cr vmc. u veii~-s»> (ss) n~-rnz Z wewui. W~ saooi ~ leaol xu-~i~i f~u) zsi-e>ez r~ surrs \ I ~ N Z S~TE DATA Izvl s3i-~ax cwr~cr: uw a.wnu/ ro+ws i r.u m 1 W cc I. MYPESSILOGMMI:'Y SIPEFf N.W. CMGA fl&E Cp1YlWKA1qN5. WC. ~ ~ U m arc a wewH wm weuxx .xaam OYYNER VICINITY MAP c~q y Z m z. uu ~ w~ ivio~sowi. -saz. -swI urwn srmx¢ a o aax ae wei~n. ~m seaoz 1. tROSS 4~c MG/MU af euvNfss vMlt: :io rc. wU~n~n. o seacr ~(en) e24-22m rommo aromis O 0 21 (ns) sn-w~a rne i~m x.w. ~em x~r ~ t sum[ u seio~ ¢ Etmwc usc: vrurt v.ur ao-.rowa mc ~r (sumri au mn.n: nuar rumo ~ O n rz s 5. ~OVJSm 115G BUSIN6$ PAF( LVSIPICi iIoi o ~MFSi $pM FNFM~Y M191MM. W~ 9GW3 p~p ~ 6. EYISTYG EOMNG xUW W4YEi111 (fJl ~OS -%M ShM{ rvE f'~) 911-]Ofa ~Qrrn • BOLEWC. W.19W59 l. F%ISNlL [CY1PENFHSM1£ flA4 CESCIUIqN: MFAN LOY4EACVL I IYBI E)5-SP] YNWI: LB. PPIMPL E1t15 MIBVFN $L1NpL qSiNiLi 1WB IBW] 59VIMLAl1ER YMNWIY. SUiE 1W 6. W28W GRGWIN A9FA: N0: WIMIN CIh 114IR 915 fWIIM Si NE NYMHA YM 9BIM ~ Fl.Y.Ei SMMO ENEFLY IUBLNN. 96V] _ 9]I-~91p i 9. YIWYIIM Wi IAG 10 X. Fqt 9USINF55 PMK U3 -'.dM AYfNUE NE (353) ~IEM.C. V4 98'hB 10. YWOIUY LOt M101N: IqNF flEWIflfD 2n-sn3 < _ - - tt, YWWW L0T DEPM: NONE REWWFD i @. W%IWY LOt CO+EPwGE: NONE REWIPm - - ~ - - - - - - . . . - - _ _ . . - _ _ u'_ _:G _ t3. YAYINW BULLDINL HflGM: 45 i£!T -v- ia. saL mc omou vu ~aw (oe) - - 'M' STFEET Nyy - _ _ - co Q ^ 15 . VFOPoSm BULLDIW' SF16~LN5/NEIGM IIWfAipMS: W ~ ~ fAdll (SINFFh: 30 iIIf z NI Q FFIAYMO HJNEREWIPED xoci+r 35 rzn m J im v.wKwe srxes 23- uy. ru<wxc svrcrs ~ 4 ' ~ 3!l A 110 rorK rrnaHC sarccs ~ ' / ✓ ~L...~~~~ ' ~ . T~~,~~ ~`~~Ra3~°~ ~ '~'^,~~'u~ { ~ ~ I ~ I I ¢ Z ~ O W ~r waecMa s ~ d~ . . j af~}Sa .1 1 I G s~i I ~I ~ y' 1 6' S 4. "'j, ~~~e I ~ .~I I ( a.tye kRf / ! s o.~ ej9 a~'}7 'S; 8 R' ~v I a? / i ~ wE7L aRE4 Y~ , . p j'•.ft ~ i a tEW BU~OQ9C' ~.'`5~' t~t'~ 252 9F t ~s A NBJ]0' - ~~4' b:i S~IS~S i~ .I bl ' N z~ i . ' 1 ~~~.~,€"r'~;~ •~SF,'~ ~ il~l,. ~ ¢oNm o~ t t y'~ F wf I i P~^ W~ " MONO Y , _ _ i- . . t . tY~ 5ti¢ ~ ~ . e ~ [,s v~: ~ m W p ~ 8 _,=,,,zssr.~ - ~ ~ ' . - ~ N-- ^ - _ ac,i _ - - -----0~ : r-"--------- " - - - ~ , ~ i = A ~ ~'~i I , ~ ~r 3 tb EX ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 67YJC'i C09T ,C0 I:f I D5TAwUIION aDG °A,4CEC 2 1 9 I i ~ ~ d F S2 rI- ~