HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM III-C~ CITY OF AUBURN ~ PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE CITY OF August 2, ZD1 D , r~ - «g SAS H I N GT~N ~ DRAFT MINUTES I.~ CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rich Wagner called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m, in Conference Room #1,~ located on the second floor of Auburn City Hall, One East Main Street, Aubum, Washington. Committee members present were; chairman Rich Wagner, Vice-Chan Bill Pelaza, and Member Virginia ~ - Ha~ugen. Also present during the meeting were; Mayor Peter .B. Lewis, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, City.EngineerlAssistant Director Dennis Selle, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, ..Director ~ of Human Resaurcesl Risk and Property Management Brenda Heineman, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Traffic Engineer P.ab[o Para, .Engineering Aide:Amber Mund, Pro~ec# Engineer Ryan Vondrak, street Systems Engineer Seth Uvickstram,~ Transportation PlannerlGra.n~s Manager . Chris Hankins, Maintenance and Operations. Manager Randy Bailey, Planning Director Kevin Snyder, Environmental Protection Manager Chris Andersen, Planning Manager Elizabeth - Chamberlain, Facilities Manager Lisa Torres, .Assistant City Attorney Steven Gross, Councilmember John Partridge, Citizen Wayne Osborne, Aubum Good 01' Days Connie Henke and Department Office Assistant Heather Bartlett. - ll. CONSENT AGENDA A: APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved b . Member Haugen, seconded by Chairman Wagner, ~ that the Committee y approve the Public Works Gammittee minutes for date, July 19, 2410. Motion carried. B.. APPROVE RIGHT-OF~WAY USE PERMIT N~.10-09 FOR MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER BUS STOP En ineerin Aide Mu~nd reported that the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe has applied for a two year , g g _ . Right-of-Vllay permit to place a .bus stop on 1l Street SE, 30 feet west of R Street SE. The ~ ~ur ose of the bins step is to transport tribal members to and from the. Muckleshoot Health and , ~ - p p . UUellness Center: Chairman Wa ner asked if 30 feet back from an intersection is a typical distance for a bus stop. 9 _ Mund confirmed that 30 feet is a typical. distance and stated that they chose this distance to rohibit parking in front of the bus stop but still allover parking behind the bus stop. p Public Works Director Dowdy informed the committee that City staff has: ^iooked at the sight to make .sure it was a safe location far a bus stop for ADA.citizens, considering this is a truck route for Miles Sand & Gravel. Member Haugen expressed her concern for the safety of citizens. Member Hau en asked if the City would be liable if an accident were tv occur at the bus stop 9 being that this is City Right-of Way. Director Dowdy stated that this is the safest location for the bus stop ~to serve tribal members living in this area. The committee reviewed the map showing the location of the potential bus stop. - Chairman 1Nagner asked if there are any plans to put crosswalks at this location. Director Dowdy replied that there are no crosswalks planned for this location. Page 1 Public Works Committee Minutes Au4ust 2s_2Q10 DRAFT MINUTES It was moved by Vice-Chair Pelota, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee approve Right-of-Way Use Permit No. 10-09 for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Health and tiNellness Center Bus Stop. Motion carried 3-0. C. APPROVE RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT N0.10-13 FOR AUBURN GOOD OL' DAYS FESTIVAL AND FUN RUN Engineering Aide Mund stated that there are no changes to the permit or the map from last ,year.-The committee had no questions, . , It was moved by Vice-Chair Pelota, seconded by. Member .Haugen, that: the Committee approve Right-of-Way Use Permit: No.10=13 for the Auburn Good 01' Days Festival and Fun Run. Motion carried 3-0, D. APPROVAL TO INITIATE PROJECT CP1017, 2010 ARTERIAL & COLLECTOR CRACK SEAL PROJECT Chairman Wagner asked Street Systems Engineer Wickstrom how often the Pavement . Observation Survey takes place. Wickstrom stated that the Pavement Observation Surrey is completed approximately every 4 years, the fast survey was done in 2006 and the annexed areas were done. in 2008. ner stated that he fr ~ uentl travels 105` Place and has noticed that 'the road Chairman Wag eq y breaks down earl . ChairmanWagner asked Wickstrom if it was in the budget to add 1D5~' Y y Place to the project, stating that the nartf~baund portion of the road is the worst. Wickstrom responded saying he will assess the street to see if it is suitable for crack leaf repairs. Wickstrom stated that this project is funded by the 105 fund, Arterial Streets, Director Dowdy stated that the utility tax is dedicated to Arterial Streets. Member Haugen asked how long the tax has been dedicated to the Arterial Street Fund. Mayor L-ewis stated that this is the beginning of the fourth year. It was moved by Vice-Chair Pelota, seconded by Chairman Wagner,. that the Committee approve to initiate project ~CP1 D1?, 201 D Arterial & Collector Crack Seal Project. Member Haugen voted against. Motion carried 2-1. E. AWARD CONTRACT N0.10-20 TO PCI DEM~CON ON THEIR LOW BID OF $166,352.40 FOR PROJECT NO. CP1014, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS DEMOLITION PROJECT* ~Vondrak} Chairman Wagner asked if there was information the committee should know about-the interaction of the Party Wall Agreement and the demolition contract. Human ResourceslRisk and Property Management. Director Heineman informed the committee that these are'two separate issues. The City is paying only forthe demolition of the Crites Huff and Marvel Buildings with this award. The 1924 Party Vvall Agreement states that if we alter or demolish the building we are responsible for replacing the adjoining waif. In working with Business Bank, they have expressed interest in using the money for the wall towards demolition of the building Page 2 Public Works Committee Minutes August 2~ 2010 DRAFT ~[INUTES . ~ ~ because it has no value. To settle the Party Wall Agreement the City' has entered .into an agreement with Business Bank allowing them $30,000 for the wall that they mush use toward demolition of the building. Vice-Chair Pelota asked if the demolition of Charlie Wang and the Liquidation build%ng were .going ~to take place at the same time. Director Heineman stated that the banks are working with our contractor but it is not certain if~demolitivn will occur at the same timer ~ ~ Member Haugen asked how the projectrs being funded. Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak stated that the project was fully funded by the Local Revitalization. Fund ~L. R. F.}, a state grant. Director Heineman cleared up.some confusion by explaining to the committee that~there are two separate walls, not a common wall, that adjoin the Crites Huff building and the,Charlie Wang building. The purpose of the 1924~Party Wall Agreement was so that if damage were done to the wall it~ would be replaced. . ,Director Heineman expressed the benefit to the City for the $30,000 agreement wi#h Business , Bank stating that it would cost the City much more to build a new wall. Business Bank accepted the, offer because they want to demolish the building. Member Haugen .asked where the $30,000 for the Pai"ty Wall Agreement is coming from.. Finance Director Shelley Coleman stated .that it is~ separate from the demolition ~antract ~a.nd ;is being funded by the same L.R.F. Grant i'rom the state: It was moved by Vice-Chair Peioza, seconded by Chairman Wagner, that the Committee award contract No. 10-20 to PCl Democon on their low bid. of $1 fi6,352.40 for project Na. CP1014, Commercial Buildings Demolition Project. Member Haugen .voted against. Motion carried 2-1. ~ 1 II.I. ISSUES There are no issues for the committee. IV. DISCUSSIGN AND INFGRMATIGN A. RESGLUTIGN N4.462$ AUTHGRIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TG EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH REID MIDDLET4N TG ASSIST THE CITY AT THE AUBURN MUNICIPLE AIRPORT Finance Director Shelley Coleman: informed the committee that this resolution is for stormwater inventory and mapping at the~~Aubu~ Municipal Airport. The resolution states this resolution is for taxiway improvements but this has to~~do with mapping and inventory and this will be changed to reflect that before taking it~ to council. . Pelota asked if this has to do with the drainage issues at the airport. Director Coleman stated that,this has to do with drainage issues such as flooding and standing water at the airport, We must f nd out what type of infrastructure we have at the airport- in order to remedy a solution to the drainage issues. . Chairman Wagner asked if the fundsforthis come from the Taxiway Grant. Director Coleman stated that the funds do not come from the Taxiway Grant; they come directly from .the Airport Page 3 " August 2, .2010 Public Works_Comm~ttee Minutes DRAFT MINUTES . Fund, which comes from airport revenues and hanger rentals. A budget amendment:wll be on the next budget amendment that is coming forward for review. Chairman Wagner asked if there would. he a budget amendment coming far the actual improvements that are identified.: Chairman VlJagner also asked if once the inventory is complete if there will be improvement design and improvement implementation. Director Coleman stated that this resolution is for inventory and mapping only. Chairman~Wagner then asked, if~ at some point there wou~ld~ be a t request far consultant money for design and improvement implementation, which would come from the Airport Fund. Director Coleman confirmed there could be: Chairman Wagner asked if there. was enough money in the Airport Fund to cover~the costs.. Director Coleman shared with the committee that~there is enough money to do this project and to do some of the hanger roof projects, The City v~rih have to look at the costs for design and 'improvement implementation. to see if we have the funds or if there are any airport grants available. . Vice-Chair Peloza asked if there was around $900,000.40 in the Airport Fund now. Director Coleman stated that was correct. Chairman VlJagner asked if most. of the drainage issues were located near the north boundary .of the airport and if the City had.a good inventory at~that ;location already. City EngineerlAssistantDirector SelleStated that. there is a difference between the public storm utility system and the on site airport system.. This is inventory of the on site airport system. that ties into the public drainage system. B. IDeX AND CITY 4F AUBURNIWSU AGREEMENT Planning Director Snyder discussed the memora_ ndum distributed at the meeting. Chairman Wagner asked who the action .committee would be for this agreement. Director Snyder told the . committee this agreement will be an action item for fnance potentially at the August 16, 2010 Finance Committee Meeting as well as at City Council. Director Snyder stated that he does not expect any on site work to occur until at [east August ~ 25. The City has already done a budget~adjustment to the-storm fund for this agreement although there may be an additional budget amendment to that adjustment. The City will have the funding source firm by the August 1~6 meeting. Chairman Peloza asked what the 15°/0 MTDC stands far on the budget sheet. Director Snyder stated they would spell the acronym for future documents and that the 15°/o is for auxiliary costs, such as sales tax. . Chairman Peloza asked why the City is paying 52°/a .for the first payment. Director Snyder responded by stating that this is a progress statement approach and it is intended to cover start up costs and operational costs for the first third of the project. Chairman Wagner' added that though we do not see much output by the~first payment, the University has committed professors for a certain length of time..The professors spend more time in the. frst~half of the . project preparing students to do their~work than in the second section of the project. Chairman Wagner stated that, his first proposal was to pay in thirds, but he then was~told that in order to get the professors~and students committed there needed to be a 52°/o first payment for -the project. Member Haugen expressed her concern far the homeless situation in downtown Auburn. Page 4 Public Vllorks Committee Minutes Au ust 2 2010 DRAFT MINUTES Chairman Wagner asked if the committee would see this at the August 16 meeting. Director Snyder informed the committee that this would be on the agenda for the August 16 meeting and then it will be taken to the' Finance Committee for action the same night. C. GRANT STATUS UPDATE Director Dowdy discussed the purpose of the Project Grant Status Sheet. Chairman Wagner suggested that the committee give a brief overview of the Project Grant, Status Sheet. and bring it back to the next committee meeting for more detailed discussion. Chairman Uvagner asked for an overview of the format .and explained why the City thinks this document will ~be helpful. Director Dowdy stated that the titles at the top of the columns explain what funding we have and what funding we need for each project. This _sheet is in response to various Council Members request to have something that they could take with them tv outside meetings that shows current funding for City projects. Vice~Chair Peloza stated that he would. like to see a column that shows the local source details. Transportation PlannerfGrants Manager Hankins states that the sources for ~Iocal funding can be found'in the Transportation. Improvement Plan TIP}. Chairman 1Nagner stated that most of what the Council Members are looking for is listed in the Recommended Funding Saurce~s~IProject info column. Hankins told the committee that this is more of a summary and does not include the' specificdetails. The specifics can be added but they are included in the TIP document and other project sheets that are associated with individual projects, Chairman Vvagner suggested that ratherthanadding details about local funding it might be better to have mare detail regarding the pending grant applications.. City EngineerlAssistant Director Selle stated that there could be a footnote added that states, "For details and cast breakdown see the TIP". Chairman V1la ner asked that the cellscontaining NIA be filled in with specifics pertaining to the . 9 column ~t~le. Selle suggested that fully funded projects be moved into a separate sect~an. vUagner concurred. Trans ortation PlannerlGrants Manager Hankins informed the committee that there are utility p projects at the end of the report that are not included in the TIP, but do have grants available. Utility projects wil! also be moved into a separate section. Chairman Wagner. asked that committee members review the. draft before the next scheduled meeting and suggested that members bring their TIP to the meeting for reference and a cont'rr~ued review. Director Dowdy asked that a reminder be .added to the agenda to remind members to bring their copies of the TIP. D. CAPITAL PRGJECT STATUS REPaRT Item l - CP1011-Tacoma. Pipeline 5 & B St_ NE Intertie: Chairman vllagner asked what the - progress was on the project. Utility Engineer' Repp informed the committee that the contractor has been selected and the City is waiting for the fabrication of the pressure reducing valve, which will be 6-8 weeks. Currently we are still on track to begin work the end of August. Chairman 1Nagner asked if it would be early or late September that the project. would be complete. Repp stated that completion depends on the contractor and how fast they are able to do the work. The City of Tacoma needs to install a meter and they are fabricating the section of Page 5 Public Works Committee Minutes Aucust 2,.2010 DRAFT MINUTES stainless steal high-pressure pipe for the City that will be the connection between the two vaults. The City of Tacoma is aware of our schedule and they have been invited to pre construction meetings. Chairman Wagner asked if September was the time the City is most likely to see a.water .shortage. Repp stated that the end.of~August and.,the first part of September are usua~fy when the City sees some of its highest demands for water. . Chairman, Wagner asked. if there were any legal issues that.needed to be complete in order for the water to be turned on when construction is complete.. Director Dowdy explained that there is an agreement with Tacoma. for the actual account set up that Tacoma's :Attorney and the City's Attorney are drafting. Repp stated that the City is working on an emergency agreement with - Tacoma that will be~ used while the long-term agreement is put into effect. Item S - CPOl01- 8~' & R Street Traffic Si nal:.Vice-Chair Peloza asked if signage would be in place before the start of construction scheduled for next week. Director Dowdy informed the ~ committee of a letter he has produced that will be mai~led~ to neighborhood residents within :the next few days regarding construction. Each Council Member will receive a copy of the letter in their.mailbox at City Hall. signage will be in place wellbefore you see construction taking place. . Item, 14 - CP0922 =City Hall Plaza In~raveme~nts:, Chairman Wagner asked if the funding amount had increased on~this project. Mayar Lewis said there have been no funding changes to this project. . Chairman Wagner would like a review at this committee even though .the project. is being . managed by the Planning Department. City EngineerlAssistantDireaor stated that this item could be brought to the next committee meeting for and overview of what the project looks like. . Currently the project is at about 99°/o complete with the design' phase. . Item 13 - C524A SCADA S stem Im rovemen#: Vice-Chair Peloza asked that information ~be provided on critical and preventative ma_'rntenance for critical utility facilities. Selle stated that they are currently working on providing information to the committee. ~ . Member Haugen asked what type of mvn~toring we have at our well sites. Selle stated that we . have 24 hour ? day a week monitoring. Sometimes a failure is gradual and sometimes a failure is sudden, it depends on the scenario. Wagner stated that the City is looking into a SCADA system that will upgrade ali of the City`s pump systems to a 2010, technology system; currently the City has a ~19fi0 technology system, Selle stated that the committee Chas asked for' a discussion on SCADA, which will occur at one of the next two meetings. We are looking at two options,. what. it will take to do the ,complete system and if there is any ability to phase the system in over time. Wagner asked that building improvements be included ~in the overall review of the SCADA . Improvements when brought forth fo the'committee. Item 35 - CP0638`-15~' Street NW Culvert Maintenance_ : Chairman Wagner asked if . Environmental Protection Managar Chris .Andersen was. able to get the funds moved from this project to CP~819 - Mill CreeklPeasley~ Canyon Culvert Replacement. Director Dowdy ~ , confirmed that Andersen was able to get the Department of Ecology to move the funding. . ~ Page fi - Public Uvorks Committee Minutes Au ust 2 2010 DRAFT [MINUTES Item 34 CP0906w 2009 Gatewa~P J,e,ct_ City EngineerlAssistant Director Selle answered questions by Member Haugen regarding the location of the project. Item 38 - CP1002 2010 Local Street Pavement Preservation: Se[le verified that bath items 3l and 38 are Save fur Street ~S~S} program projects, one for 2009 and one for 2D14. ADDlT1~N~4L D1SCl1SS10N !TENS Howard Hanson Damn Update Ma or Lewis briefed the committee on his meetin with Colonel Wright of the Army Corps of y 9 Engineers. Colonel vvr~ght 'rnformed Mayor Lewis that the Army Corps of Engineers would be . announcing on August, 9 that the chance of dam failure has decreased due fo the~grout curtain that has been installed. The Army Corp of Engineers is now evaluating its ability to raise the pool Qf , water behind the dam higher than they were able last year and we can look forward to a future announcement of what this means. The funds the Army Corps, of Engineers. have received from the government will bet used to install a drainage tunnel system with wells that will allow water to flow through the wells and out the . riverside of the dam without weakening the structure. The drainage 'tunnel system is scheduled to be complete next year. Mayor Lewis discussed the amount the City.has spent on flood prevention since the Howard Hanson Damn issues began, The Public vVorks Department and Sarah.Miller from Emergency Management~are working togetherto promote grant reimbursements, though FEMA has never given a reimbursement unless a disaster has occurred. Currently the funds have been paid from the Stormwater Fund. Chairman Vvagner stated that the committee did not want funding for flood control to came from the Stormwater Fund on a continual basis. Mayor Lewis told the committee that funds have been used from the Stormwater Fund and asked that this item be placed on the next agenda. for further . discussion so they may, discuss the funding issue. Vva ner expressed his concern for funding to remove, the floodwalls in ~ place along the river. Mayor 9 Lewis responded stating that he has discussed his with Colonel vllright ar~d if the City does not take down the floodwalls when it is time, the Army Corps of Engineers will take them down at their expense.. Director Dowdy reminded the cvmm~ttee that the Army Corps of Engineers has~ust begun work of the drainage tunnel system and will not be instructing us to remove our floodwalls, this year. The Corps is very conservative and until they know they have a solution they will not advise the City to remove floodwalls. The City has time to plan and program the f nancial burden of removing the floodv~alls. Chairman Wagner asked if there have been any additional entry points created through the floodwalls. Mayor Lewis stated that there have been a few selective locations where entry points have been added. The City is trying to keep the floodwall as whole as possible. Director Dowdy added that the black, plastic protecting the floodwalls is designed ~to last only 4-~ years in the sun. If the Corps has not reached a solution to the dam issue in 3-4 years, the plastic will need to be replaced due to floodwall .stability issues. ~ . Pagel f Public Works Committee Minutes ~ ~ ~ Au u5t2 2014 DRAFT MINUTES Annex Conference Room Committee Needs Director Dowdy asked the committee for input an what we can do to accommodate the needs of the committee for graphical, drawing, and voice ampli~cation_needs. Wewill try to have Information Services ~IS~ and Facilities at the next meeting to discuss these needs. Chairman Wagner stated that the white board. is not functional in its current location because it is placed beh.ind~the audience. The committee will bring ideas~to the next meeting to discuss possibilities further, Director Dowdy will express concerns from the committee to IS and facilities prior to the meeting. ~ , V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m. ~ - Approved this day of , 2410. Rich Wagner . ~ Heather Bartlett: Chairman Public Works office Assistant. Page 8 h