HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM V-A-1r . CITY 4F _ * CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Y, . * . s. _ _ August 2, 2010 1:30 PM WASHINGTON I. CALL To ORDER A, Flag .Salute Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 1:3o p.m. and led those . ~ ~ ~ ~ in attendance in the.Pledge of Allegiance. . B, Roll Call Councilmembers present. Rich Wagner, Sue Singer, Nancy Backus, B~II ~ Pefoza, Lynn Norman, Virginia Haugen, and John ,Partridge. ~ . Directors and staff members present: Information Services Director Lorrie~Rernpher; Chief of Police Jim .Kelly;Finance Director . . Shelie Coleman; Planning and Development Director Kevin Y . Snyder; Assistant: City Attorney Steve Gross; Human Resources ands PropertylRisk Management Director -Brenda Heineman.; Public 111fork5 Director Dennis Dowdy; Parks, Arts and Recreation Director Daryl Faber; and City Clerk. Danielle Daskam. . C, Announcement and Appoin~nents . 1. Announcements a~ ~Procla~mation -Farmers Market Vveek . Mayor Lewis read acid ~ presented a proclamation to Joanne Macnab, manager of the Auburn International Farmers Market, declaring the week of August 1-T, . 2010. as Farmers Market Ulleek in the city. b~ Auburn Lnternational Farmers Market Art Project Awards ~ ~ Farmers Market Manager Jeanne Macnab explained that. in ~OO9 the Auburn. Market organisers solicited ~ . the help of the Auburn High School ~ career and . ~ Page 1 ~Ci of Auburn Councii Meetin Minutes Au ust~.7 ZDtQ . .technical education department in promoting the grand opening ~of the Auburn International Farmers . Market. V11itl? the help and dedication of Diane Sarr, her Drawing ~ 2 ,and Graphic Design. students have once .again created one of a kind compositions .that ~ , .reflect the ~connectaon ..between farmers, vendors and . their community. Twenty-three compositions went on dis ~la June,1~3t" at the Market's second aeason pY _ opening day.: The entire community was given an ~ opportunity to view the ,students' ~ artwork and vote for ~ ~ . . , the artwork to be used, as a, romotional poster for the ~ P 2011 Auburn International Farmers Market. Three fnalis#s selected by Market shoppers were forwarded to consideration by theFarmers M.a~ket Advisory ~ Board. Finalists .included Jordan Capellaro, .Mariana Rubio, and the contest winner Matthew Arquitt. ,Mayor Lewis, Councilmember Peloa ~ and Farmers Market Manager. Joanne Macnab presented the three finalists with certificates of achievement and a chocolate memento from ~osanko's Chocolate.. The f finalists were congratulated by Mayor Lewis and the City Counci~lmembers.. Mayor Lewis a,Iso commended - ~ ~ members of the Farmers Market .Advisory Board for their commitment-to the market. 2. Appointments There was no appointment for Council consideration. D. Agenda Modifications Agenda, modifications included a revised Resolution. No. 468, ~ a change to the spon.sor~ng committee for Resolution No. 4629 from . Finance ~Commrttee to Municipal Services Committee, and - transmits'Exhibits Aand Brelated to Resolution No. 4630. II. CITIZEN INPUT, PUBLIC HEARINGS,& CORRESPONDENCE A. Public I~Qearings~ ~ . ~ . No public hearngwvas scheduled:for~this evening. . Page 2 . Ci of Auburn Council~Meetin Minutes ~ Au ust 2 200 B. .Audience Participation ~ . this is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the City Counci! on any issue. Those wishing fo speak ane remr'nded to sign in on the form provided. No one from the audience requested to address the Cou.nciI. , C: Correspondence There was no correspondence for Council review. II1. COUNCIL C~INMITTEE REPORTS - A3.T.fi ~ . A. Municipal Services Chair Peloza reported the Municipal Services Committee met July .26, 2010. The Committee reviewed Resolution No. 4595 related tv tow company rotation list agreements and Resolution No. 4628 ~ . authorizing a consulting services agreement with ~ Reid Middleton. The Committee discussed the quarterly reports for the gvif course and the Copper Falls Restaurant operations. The Committee was briefed on the red light photo enforcement program, shopping cart ordinance enforcement, and freworks. The next.regular meeting of the Municipal Services Committee is scheduled for August 9, X010 . at 4:00 p.m, B. Planning & Community Development ~ ~ , Chair Norman reported the Planning and community Development. Committee met July 26, X01 D. The Committee approved a consulting services agreement with Susan Black and Associ~a~es for services related to design and development of a new neighborhood ark on Lea Hill ~ at 1 ~4t" and 316t" Street. The Committee p discussed Ordinance No. 6321 #o extend the effective date of . Ordinance No~. 6Z~9, the conditional approval~of a special area~plan for Roberkson Property Group. The next regular meeting. of the ,.Planning and Comrnunity~Development Committee is scheduled for August 9, 2010 at 5:00, p.m. C. Public Works . Chair Wagner reported the Public Works Committee met this afternoon at 3:3~. The Committee approved right-of-way use permits for the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and the Good GI' Days parade. The Committee also approved initiation of Project ~ No. . CP1017, the 2014 Arteriai ,and Collector Crack Seal Project, and recommended the bid award of Project .CP1014, Commercial Building Demolition. The Committee discussed Resolution No. . ~ ~ Page 3 t Ci of Auburn Council Meetin .Minutes Au ust ~ Z~1D 4628. ~ relating to a consulting services agreement with Reid . Middleton, a consulting services agreement with Washington State University Institute for.,Sustainable Design for an Integrated Design Experience ~I~DeX},Project.. The Committee afso~discussed grants for transportation projects. and the capital projects status report. ~ . The next regular meeting of the Public Works Committee is scheduled for August 16, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. D. Finance Chair Backus reported the Finance Committee met this evening :at . . ~ 6:00. Thee Committee approved claims and payroll vouchers;, Resolution No. 46.34 approving an agreement between the City and, Business Bank for demolition of~ adjoining buildings. The Commitkee also discussed Resolution No. 469 relating to a. grant. . for airport runway lighting, a consulting services agreement with Washington State University Institute for Sustainable Design for an Integrated Design Experience ~IDeX~ Project, Ordinance No. 6323 . related to 2~1 o Budget Amendment No. 1, and a report from Mayor Lewis on the status of Howard Hanson Dam. 'The next regular . . meetin of the FinanceCommittee is scheduled for Augus#11G, 9 201 0 at 6:00 p. m. ~ . E. Les Gove Community Campus Committee Chair Wagner reported- the Les Gove Community Campus Committee met ,July ~22, 2010. The Committee discussed human services ~benefts and uses of a new community center. The Committee also discussed facility use policies for the new ~ _ community and activity ,center, an update on ;the activity center . ro'ect,~and commun centerdesi n elements. p J tY 9 F. Downtown Redevelopment There was ~ no ~ report from the Downtown Redevelopment Committee. G. Council Gpe~a#ions Committee . Chair Wagner reported the Council Gperations Committee will meet ~vn August 5 and 11 to discuss the Council retreat agenda . and planning. IV. REPORTS 5 ~ A# #his #ime the Mayor :and Ci#y Counci! may nepor# on signifcan# i#er~s ~ . associa#ed wl#h #~ieir appoin#ed posi#ians on s#afe, regional anal local arganiza#ians. _ . Page 4 Ci of Auburn Council Meetin INinutes Au ust ~ 201i~ A. From the Council De u Ma or Sin er re ooed that she had the pleasure of p tY Y g p . entertaining the Council President from Auburn's .Sister. City of Tamba, Japan., Deputy Mayor Singer also reported ~ that she attended ~ an Economic Development District Board meeting ~ ~ . . ~ representing the King County Suburban Cities. Councilmember Partridge reported that he attended the Reaching _ fut. Fair Committee meeting which included discussion of the program budget and planning for the upcoming Reaching but Fain on October 7t" at the Performin Arts ~ Center. ~ ~ Councilmember 9 v ~ Partridge also attended an open house for the Korean Presbyterian . Church, the annual Sons of Italy picnic, the KAT Sister City events,; and the Regional Law, Safety, and Justice Committee. Councilmember Pelota reported on his attendance at the Airport . Advisory Board meeting which included discussion of .seasonal . . flooding, the Water Resource Inventory Area ~ ~WRIA} 9 annual ` ~ Duwamish-Green River ~taur, the WRIA 9 monthly management . meeting, the Auburn International Farmers Market Advisory Board meeting, and meetings on the lower green River drainage issues. . ~ ~ B. From the Mayor . Ma or Lewis reported on several meetings with Colonel .Wright Y from the Corps of Engineers regarding the status of .Howard Hanson Dam, meetings with Auburn's pastors regarding ~the~' code . ~ violations at the Pines Apartments and moving the residents to safe . habitable residences, the Suburban Cities Association meeting, and ~perativnal and Executive Board meetings of the Puget Sound , Regional Council. Mayon Lewis also noted a number of visits to the. City, including representatives from the City's Sister City, Tamba, Japan; student visitors from China and Okinawa, Japan; and a .group of women students from Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. ` Ma or Lewis announced that the, United States Department. of Y .Energy. awarded a ~1 ~ million ~ grant to Forest. Concepts LLC ~n Auburn. The rant , is ~ funded through the U.S. Department of g Energy Small Business .Innovation, Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program. V. ~C~NSENTAGENDA . Page 5 Ci of Auburn Council Meetin Minutes Au ust 1 ~0'ID A!1 matters listed on the.. Consenf Agenda are considered by the City . ~ Counci! to be routine and wlll be enacted by one motion in ~ the form listed. A. Minutes. 1. , Minutes of the July 19, :2410 regular City ~Counci.~ ~ . meeting. r, B. Vouchers . F4.9.2, F4.9.5 1. Claims ~ . Claimscheck numbers 396838 through 3912fifi in the amount of $1,525,312.44 and dated August 2, 2010. Payrol [ Pa roll. check numbers 529429 to ~~29533 in the amount of Y. $327,011.11 and .electronic deposit transmissions in the amount of $1,186,915.60 for a grand total of $1,513,926,1? for the pay period covering July 15 tv July 28, 2010. . .r C. ~ ~ Cantract~ Administration 1. Consultin Services Contract with Susan Black & .g . Associates Landscape Architects A3.16.5~ Council .approve Agreement for Consulting Services between City of Auburn and Susan Black Associates ' Landscape Architects De u ~ Ma or Sin er moved and Councilmember Wagner seconded to P tY Y 9 . . approve the Consent Agenda. Upon the request of Councilmember Haugen, Public Works Project. No. CP 1014 was removed. from the Consent Agenda and moved to ~U of nished . Business. . MGTIGN TG APPROVE THE CGNSENT AGENDA .CARRIED. 6-1. Councilmembe.r Haugen voted na. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Public .Vlrarks Project No. CP1014 X4.4.1 ~P1614 ` ~ Page 6 . Ci of Auburn Council Meetin Minu#es Au ust 2 2410 City Council award. Contract 10-Z0, Project Number CP1014, Commercial Buildings Demolition Project, tv PSI Democon on their low bid of $161,920.00 plus Washington State sales tax of $14,432:4D for a total contract price of $166,352.40 Deputy Mayor Singer moved .and Councilmember, Wagner ~ . seconded to~ approve Public Works Project Nv. CP10~4. _ Councilmember ~Haugen spoke against Public Works Project No. CP1014. ~ ~ ~ . . ~ MOTION CARRIED: 6-1. Councilmember Haugen voted no. VII. NEIN BUSINESS . There was no new business. . VIII. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ~ . A. Qrdinances . There was no ordinance for Council consideration. B. Resolutions . Resolution Nv. 4598 01'.8 ~ . . A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, . 1Nash.ington, approving and authorizing 'the execution of Police Department Tow Company Rotation List Agreements Gvuncilmember Peloza moved ~ and Deputy Mayor Singer seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4598. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7-0. . 2. Resolution No. 4fi28 . 04.4.9. ~ A Resolution. of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the ~layvr and City Clerk to execute an agreement with Reid Middleton tv assist the Gity at the , f Auburn Municipal Airport Councilmember Peloza m~oved~ and' Deputy Mayor Singer secondedto adopt Resolution No. 4628. . Pagel Ci of Auburn Council Meetin Minutes Au ust2 200 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. l-~. 3, Resolution No. 4fi~9 . F5.4.2, 04,4.9.2 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, . iNashington, authorizing the Auburn City Council to accept grant ~fu:n~s in the amount of One Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars x$175,949}, from_the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Adm.in,istration, ~to rehabilitate Runway 1fi134, Lighting Phase 3}~, .including , . construction and authorizing the execution of ,the grant agreement therefor .Councilmember Peloza moved and Deputy ~~Mayor Singer seconded tv adopt Resolution No. 4629. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. l-0. r ~ 4. Resolution No: ~fi30 A3.13.4 ~ A Resolution of the .City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authoiizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute . agreements befi~reen the City of Aubu~ and Business .Bank for demolition .of adjoining buildings partyy-wall Councilmember ~ Backus moved and Counciimember Norman seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4639. MOTION CARRIED.. 6-~ . Councilmember Haugen voted no. lX, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business tv come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. APPROVED THE ~ DAY OF AUGUST, 2414. 1 i Peter, B. Lewis, Mayor ~ Danielle Daskam, City Clerk 4 l Page 8 Ci of Auburn Council Meetin Minutes Au ust 2 2010 City Council agendas and minutas are available to the public. at tl~e City Clerk's Cffce, an the City website, acrd via. a-mail. Complete agenda packets one available far review at the City Clerk's ~ftice and of the Library. Internet: httpaiwww.aubu~rnwa.go' ~ ~ Page 9