HomeMy WebLinkAbout6323 ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 2 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6215, THE 2009-2010 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 6226, 6246, 6278, 6285, 6299 AND ORDINANCE NO. 6313 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2009-2010 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "An WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2008, adopted Ordinance No. 6215 which adopted the City of Auburn 2009-2010 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City' Council at its regular meeting of March 16, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6226 which amended Ordinance No. 6215 which adopted the City of Auburn 2009 - 2010 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of Juty 20, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6246 which amended Ordinance No. 6226, and WHEREAS, the Aubum Cify Council at its regularmeeting of December 21, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6278 which amended Ordinance No.6246, and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 21, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6285 which amended Ordinanee No.6278, and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Councif at its regular meeting of April 5, 2010 adopted Ordinance No. 6299 which amended Ordinance No. 6285, and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of June.21, 2010 adopted Ordinance No.-6313 which amended Ordinance No. 6299, and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2010 budget; Ordinance No. 6323 August 2, 2010 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget. The 2009- 2010 B,iennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, ' Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expentliture amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the - application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invatid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor - is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after'its passage, approval and publication as provided . by law. - - - Ordinance No. 6323 August 2, 2010 Page 2 of 3 INTRODUCED: AUG 1 6 2010 _ PASSED: AUG 16 2010- APPROVED: . . AUG t e 2010- , - PET R B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam . City Clerk APPR ~ D O M• ' D el B. Hei City "Attocney " PUBLISHED:A , , Ordinance No. 6323 August 2, 2010 Page 3 of 3 . cirr oF ausuRN 2010 BUDGET AMENDIIIENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget AmendmeM # 7 Ordinance 6323 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACGOUNT# lDESCRIPTION BUDGET AAAENDAAENT BUDGET ADJUST. GENERAC FUND 001: REVENUE: Cerd Gem89 700,000 (300,000) 400,000 Reauee Gambling Tax revenue perOrd. , 8315 on 7/082010 Interfund Rentals - 300,000 1 300,000 InteRund rent irom utilftiea tor City Hell Mnax - - - , Capital Leeee . ' CHANGE IN REVENUE - - EXPENoITURES: Non DepartmeMal Cepital Lease Urteresl , 482,000 300,000 7 782,000 City Hall Mnex Capiml Lease Debt Service Prineipal 184,000 1,090,000 1,274,000 Vetley Comm DeM Refinam9np Detil Serviee Irrterest 66,900 (38,000) 28,9DO Velley Comm Debt Refineneing Transfers Out 2,307,600 3,600 2 2,311,200 Trerinfer out ro Firo Pension 8 Rei'ref for Flre . Inarance Premitim . CHANGE IN EXPENDITURES 1.355.600 " 1.355,600 Designated Ending Fund Balance ~ 1,060,300 2,000 1,062,300 najuat Endinp Fund Balenoe Undesignated End'mg fund balance 8,030.788 (1.357.600) 6.873:768 Adjuat Endinp FwG Balenee FUND 102 ARTEWAL STREET EXPENDITURES ' Debt Service Pnnci I 130,400 7,000 137,400 Debt SeMce inaease fw PYVTFL 08-851- pa . 002 M ST NEJ HarveyRd - Undesignated Ending Fund Balance 1,007,363 (7,000) 1,000;363 AaJuet Endinp Fund Balance FUND 117 DRUG FORFEITURE FUND REVENUES Forfeits & Seizures 300,000,.. _ 20 OOO : r. 22 O,000 vNE7 selzed a rortetted asseta 20,000 IXPENDITURES liitergovemmental Payments 20,000 . Cily otAubum'a pcNon of VNET SWAr . . . . . vehieb 20,000 FUNO 230 CITY HAIL ANNEX 2010 ASB BOND DEBT • REVENUES 2010B BOnd Subsidy - 223,400 223,400 . 2010B LTGO Mnex Tax Subsidy Transfer In - 260,800 3 Transfer In REET 1(rom FurM 328 for debt • eerviee 450,000 4 710,800 Tranafer In fiom Fund 505 inteAund rent to , pey OeEt service 934,200 EXPENDITURES Debt, Service Principal - 260,000 260,000 201on LTGO Mnex Prindpal Debt Serviee Interest , 35,700 2010A LTGO Annex Interest . 638,500 674,200 20708 LTGO Mnex Iriteiest 934;200 FUND 231 LOCAL REVITALIZATON 2070 C&D BOND DEBT REVENUES Locel Revitelization Sales Tax Cred'R - 62,500 62,500 MoveC trom Fund 328, a mos LRF Sales Tax Credit " . ' .2010D BOnd SubSidy - 72.100 72,100 2010D LTGO LRFTax Subaidy . .-5 Transfer In REET2 hom Fund 328 tor Loeal Transfera In - 253,700 253,700 Rmritellietion dam service 388,300 EXPENDITURES Debt Service Principal 105,000 105,000 2010C LTGO LRF Pdneyal DBbt SBrvice IMereSt 14;700 2070C LTGO LRF IMerest 206,100 220,800 2010D LTGO LRF Interoat Ending Fund Belanee 62,500 62,500 AdJuat Endinp Fund Belenca - 388,300 C:\Documents and SettingslkhollislLocal SettingslTemporary IrRemet Files\OLK7416M 7 Schedule A.XLS 8110/201010:58 AM - s - ~ ciTr oF nueuRN 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENT °SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendmerrt # 7 Ordinance 6323 CURRENT REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT#lDESCRIP110N BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. ~ FUND 327 PARK CONSTRUCTION REVENUES Property Tex - 100,000 100,000 Parks Prop 2 Levy Cantnbutions 8 Donations 1,000,000 (220,000) 780,000 eoys 8 Gine cwb donation (120.OOD) EXPENDITURES End'mg Fund Balence 427,968 (120,000) 307,968 AAjust End'mp Fund Balenee (720,000) FUND 328 CAPITALIMPROVEMENT PROJECTS REVENUES Locel Revitalization Sales Tax Credit 250,000 (250,000) - New Fund 230 aeahed ro pay lowl . ReWtalitetion debt aervice . , Irderest Eemings - Nctes - 34,100 34,100 6Merfund ban tor goM 8 UD 350 note (215,900) EXPENDITURES ` - ConsWCtion Projecl3 - (664,300) Cily Hell Pleze moved W FuM 330 in BA96 Debt Service Principal 563,000 (563,000) - New runa ueated w pay cky Hau Amiex ' - . debt serviee . Debt Service Principel 750,000 (150,000) - Newtund «aerod m pey Wcal RevRal'aation debt aervice D9bt SeNiw trlterest 166.000 (166.000) - New fund created to peY Ciy Hap Armex debt service . Debl Service IMerest 700,000 (100,000) - Newtund ereatad to pay Local Revitauzation . tlobt aenite Transfer Oul-REET 1 1,855,000 260,800 3 Transter Out REET7 to Fund 230 tor City . ' Hall Mnaz Oebt. _ Trensfer Out-REET2 91,500. 253,700 5 Transter Out REET2 m Fund 231 tor Loral Revtlaliza8on Debt ~ , . End'mg Fund Balance 3,040,530 912,900 3,953,430 /+djust Ending Fund Balanee (215,900) FUND 430 WATER DCPENDITURES , Professional Services 509,000 (199,500) 309,500 Reduce budget per2D17-2012 tiuEpet Ending Working CapRal 2,294,399, 199,500 2,493,899 Adjurt Eet. Endinp WoAcinp Capitel FUND437SEWER EXPENDITURES Int_ergoverrimerrtal Services 10,911,600 288,400 11,200,000 In«easdto renea Memo's iate inaease Ending Working Capital 3,035,344 (288,400) 2,746,944 Adjust Est. Endinp woAdnp Cepital % FUND 438 AIRPORT REVENUES. Federel Grents - 349,800 6 349,800 Rumvay Liphting Faderal craM Awerd SteteGrants 8,400 6 8,400 Rumny liphtinp Smte match , 358:200 ~ EXPENDITURES Professionel Serviees 455,400 75,000 530,400 Reid 6Aiddleton eonusd Construc[ion Projeccs 75,000 375,000 8 Runwey upht Projea , 100,000 550,000 Hanper Roof Repeir Ending Warking Capital 900,742 (116.800) 783.342 Adjust Est. EnCinp WoAcinp Capital _ 358,200 FUND 437 GOLF EXPENDiTURES ProfesSioriel Serviee8 . 70,500 (20,000) 50,500 Reduce budpet per 2077-2012 budget Ending Working Capital 208,668 - 20,000 228,668 nduat Est. Endnp Working Capitel C:1Documerrts and Settingskkho11is1Local Settings\Temporary intemet Files10LK71118A# 7 Schedule A.XLS 8l10201010:58 AM 7 i CI71f OFAUBURN 2010 BUDGET AMENDWIENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget AmendmeM # 7 Ordinance 8373 CURRENT REOUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT#/DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. FUND SOS FACILI7IES REVENUES Intertund ReMals 2,597,510 450,000 4 3,047,510 Imertund Rent irom utliitiea kr City Hell . . . Mnex 450,000 D(PENDITURES Transf9r Out - 450,000 4 450,000 Tranafer Out to Fund 230 debt serviee for u4lities ~ 450,000 FUND 550 EQUIPAAENT RENTAL EXPENDITURES Construction Projects 350,000 - (317,000) 33,000 Retluce Conmructlan projeets par 2011-2076 CFP Ending WoAcing Capital 4.540,654 317,000 4.857,654 Adjuat Est Enainp WoAcinp Capital FUND 611 FlRE RELIEF 8 PENSION REVENUES Trensfer In 60,000 3,600 2 63,600 Increase Transter In trom General Fund tor . . . . ' . . Fre InaurancePremium 3,600 Undesignated Ending Fund Balance 2,789,242 3,600 2,792,842 ndjust Endinp Fund ealance , _ 3,600 Total Revenue 1,818,400 TotalExpenditures/Expenses 1,818,400 CADocumerrts and Settings\khollislLocai SettingslTemporary Intemet FileslOLK73\JBA# 7 Schedule A.XLS 8110l201010:58 AM 8 AIRPORT FUND (435), • capital Facitities Plan - Enterprise Funds Project Title: Runway Lighting Replacement and Electrical Improvements Project No: Cpxoooc • Project Type: Project Manager.. GaPCia Description: Replace wRh new - airpoit runway edge lights which are failing This project also includes improvements to the airport runway and taziway lighting eledrical to rrieet current FAA standards. Additionally one set of Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) (south end) will be replaced with a new system. The electrical system will also be improved to carty the load more evenly (balanced) between the runway lighting system and the taxiway lighting system. Progress Summary: Fufure Impact on Operating Budget None Budget: . 2010 YTDActual 2011 10 Budget Budget Expenditures Budget Balance Adopted Budget - Budget Amendments Adjusted Budget - - - - ACtivity: 2010 YE 2011 Year End - Funding Sources: Prfor to 2010 Estimate _ 2011 Bud et 2012 Bud et Proect Total UnrestrictedAi►portRevenue - 16,800 - - 16,800 Grants (Fed,State.LocaQ - 358,200 - - 358,200 Other ' Total Funding Sources: - 375,000 - - 375,000 CapiffiI Expendltures: Design - 75,000 - - 75,000 Right o/ Way - - - - Construction 300,000 - - 300,000 Total Expenditures: - 375,000 - - 375,000 Forecasted ProjecYCosr Total 2015 2014 2015 2016 2011-2016 Funding Sources: Unreshicted AirpoR Revenue - - - - ' 16,800 Grants (Fed.State.LocaQ - - - - 358.200 Other - Total Funding Souroes: - - - - 375,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 75,000 Righf o1 Way - - - - - Coristruction 300,000 Total Expenditures: - - - 375,000 Grant / Other Sources: Fetlerei grant (FAA) and WSDOT - 9