HomeMy WebLinkAbout6338 u ORDINANCE NO. 6 3 3 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6215, THE 2009-2010 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 6226, 6246, 6278, 6285, 6299, 6313 AND ORDINANCE NO, 6323 AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY_ OF AUBURN 2009-2010 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2008, adopted Ordinance No. 6215 which adopted the City of Aubum 2009-2010 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of March 16, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6226 which amended Ordinance No. 6215 which adopted the City ofAubum 2009 - 2010 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of July 20, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6246 which amended Ordinance No. 6226, and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 21, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6278 which amended Ordinance No.6246, and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 21, 2009 adopted Ordinance No. 6285 which amended Ordinance No.6278, and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 5, 2010 adopted Ordinance No. 6299 which amended Ordinance No. 6285, and WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council at its regular meeting of June 21, 2010 ; adopted Ordinance No. 6313 which amended Ordinance No. 6299, and WHEREAS, the Aubucn City Council at its regular meeting of August 16, 2010 adopted Ordinance No. 6323 which amended Ordinance No. 6313, and Ordinance No. 6338 . December 1, 2010 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additionai funds to the various funds of the 2010 budget; WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITI( OF AUBURN, , WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment'.of the 2009-2010 Biennial Budget The 2009- 2010 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by. reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized. to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A". A copy of said Schedule "A" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is he,ld to be invalid, the remainder of such code; ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not_ be affected. Sectiora 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives ofithis legislation. Section 4: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Ordinance No. 6338 December 1, 2010 Page 2 of 3 INTRODUCED: DEC 6 2010 PASSED: DEG 6 2010 VED: DEC. 6 2010 ~ . PETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: " Da eile E. Daskam ' City Clerk APP VED S TO FORM: n' I B. e , City Attorney PUBLISHED: Ordinance No. 6338 December 1,2010 Page 3 of 3 CtTY OF AUBURN 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment # 8 Ordinance 6338 CURRENT - REQUESTED REVISED BUDGET ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET ANIENDMENT BUDGET ADJUST. GENERAL FUND 001: REVENUE: Court Interpreter ` - 11,160 11,160 Court Irrterpreterreimbursement Recreational Classes 616,500 25,000 1 641,500 ' tncrease Reereation Reyenue - Proeeeds of Gen Long Tertn Debt - 1,069,000 1,069,000 Valley Comm. Debt Refinanang Trensfer In 81;300 1,440,813 2 . 1,501,913 Transfer in from Fund 438,to dose hind CHANGE IN REVENUE 2,846,773 2,645,775 EXPENDITURE3: Parka Supplies 9,500 4,000 1 13,500 Increase Reaeation expenses Miscellanaous Charges 6.700 3,000 1 9,700 Increase Reaeatian expenses PrvTessional Services 173,200 18,000 1 ''.191,200 Inaeese Reereation expenses Non Departmental Building - 543,567 2 543,567 Building purchase to close Fund 438 Other Improvemenis - 246,769 2. 246,789 Other ImprovemeMs purduse to Gose Fund 438 Transfer Out 1,675,100 650,277 3' 2,325,377 7ransfer Out cash balance fromFund 438 dose out to Fund 122 CHANGEJN EXPENDITURES 1,466,813 1,465,613 Designated Ending Fund Balance 1,062,300 1,062,300 - Adjust Ending Fund Balance Undesignated Ending fund balance 6,6TS,166 1,080,160 7,753,326 Adjust Ending Fund Batance 2.646.773 FUND 121 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA EXPENDITtJRES Professional 5ervices 46,000 13,300 59,300 ADA Professional Services Undesigneted Fund Balance 44,696 (13,300) 31,396 Adjust Ending Fund Batance FUND 122 CUMULATIVE RESERVE REVENUES Trdnsfer In 650,277 7 650,277 Transfer In from General Fund 650,277 ' EXPENDITURES Ending Fund Balance 4,947,187 650,277 5,597,484 Adjust Ending Fund Balance sso,zn , FUND 124 MITIGATION FEES EXPENDITURES Transfer Out-Traffic Impact 2,578,600 95,880 4 2,672,680 7raffic Impact Fees to Fund 328 far Mohawks Plastics Designated Fund Balance 3,039,388 (95,880) 2,943,506 Adjuat Ending Fund ealarroe FUND 321 PARK CONSTRUCTION REVENUES EEQBG Enetgy Grant 198,400 12,100 6 210,500 lncrease grant funding tor Game Farm Park IigMin9 Pro1ect Transfer In 2,489,300 (478,100) 8 Reduce 7ranafer In from Fund 328 -REETt Community Center for Debt Service 1,267,300 3,278,500 Increase REET 1 Tranafer in per 2011-2016 CFP New Merket Tex Credit 2,738,600 {2,738,600) - Reduce New Market Tax Credit per 2011- - 2016 CFP - (1,937,300) EXPENDITURES Construction Project 7,320,600 12,100 b Increase grent funded Game Fertn Park lighting projed expenses (1,906,200) 5,424,500 Reduce project expenses pei 2011-2016 CFP Ending Fund Balance 307,968 (41,200) 266.768 Adjuat Endirtg Furtd Balance (1,937,300) Cmocuments and SettingftricharlLocal SettingslTemporary Intemet File9\OLK1161Schedule A v2.XLS 12/1/201011;35 AM CITY OF AUBURN 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendment ~ 8 Ordinanee 6338 CURRENT REQUESTED RE1/I8ED . BUDGET ACCOUNTDE3CRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET ADJU$T. FUND 328 CAPITALIMPROVEMENT PROJECTS REVENUES REET 1 900,000 (300,000) 600,000 Reduee estimated REET t revenue REET 2 900,000 (300,000) 600,000 Reduee estimatetl REET 2 revenue Transfer In 665,000 95,880 4 760,880 Transfer In,from Fund 124 Traftie Impact feea for Mohawks Plastics (504,120) EXPENDITURES Other Services & Charges 474,100 (436,100) 38,000 Reduce budget frn City Hall AnnexReal Eatate Excise Tax Transfer Out 2,115,800 (478,100) 6 1,637,700 Reduce Transfer Out ro Fwid 321 tor Debt Service for Community Certter Ending Fund Baiance 3,953,430. . 410,080 4,363,510 Adjust Ending Fund Balance (504,120) FUND 430 WATER REVENUES Revenue Bond Proceeds 4,000,000 8,100,000 12,100,000 Revewe Bond Proceeds _ 8,100,000 EXPENDITURES Debt 5ervice Interest 35,400 562,200 597,600 2010 Revenue Bmid Debt Service Ending Working Capital 2.493,899 7,537,800 10,031;699 Adjuat Eetimeted Ending Working Capitsl 8,100,000 FUND 431 SEVYER REVENUES Revenue Bond Proceeds 5,400,000 5,400,000 Revenue Bcnd Proceeds 5,400,000 EXPENDITURES - Debt Service Interest 23,600 251,400 275,000 2010 Revenue eond Debt Service Ending Working Capital 2,746,944 5,148,600 7,895,544 Adjust Estimated Ending Working Capital ' 5,400,000 FUND 432 STORM REVENUES Storm Service Charge 5,689,000 600,000 8,269,000 Increase Storm Service Charge revenue Revenue Bond Proceeds 2,500,000 2.000,000 4,500,000 Revenue BwM Proceeda 2,600,000 EXPENDITURES Debt Service Interest 210,300 210,300 2070 Revenue Bond Debt Serviee ' Ending Working Capital 1,728,582 2,389,700 4,118,262 Adjust Estimated Ending Working Capitsl 2,600,000 FUND 434 SOLID WASTE REVENUES Department of Eeoiogy 32,100 " 2,420 7 34,520 Inerease Solid Waste Grant Revenue King Courrty Recyding ReimbursemeM 26,700 17,380 7 38;080 Inaease Solid Waste GreM Revenue Household Hazardous Waste 21,000 (880) 7 20,120 Inerease Solid Waste Grent Revenue 12.920 EXPENDITURES Suppfies 13,600 1,700 7. 15,300 Inaease Rerycling progrem prorimotior, graM funded Professionai Services 37,000 3,600 7. 40,800 Inaeasegrent funded professional services Communications 20,000 9,920 7 28,920 Inerease grant iunded eommunieetions eicpense Advertising 9,200 (2,500) . 7 6,700 Deaease grarrt funded advertising expense 12,920 G:\Documents and SettingslcricharlLocal SettingslTemporary Intemet Filel10LK11 B1Schedule A v2.XL5 12/1/201011:35 AM CITY OF AUBURN 2010 BUDGET.AMENDMENT "SCHEDULE A" Budget Amendmenf S 8 Ordinance 6338 . CURRENT RE4UESTED REV[SED BUDGET ACCOUNT#/DESCRIPTION BUDGET AMENDMEN7' BUDGET_ ADJUST. FUND 416 AIRPORT EXPENDITURES Construction Projects - 550,000 100,000 650,000 Hangar Roof Repair Ending Working Capital 783,342 (100,000) Adjust to Estimeted Ending Working Capital, (75,000) 608,342 Adjust to corteU Budget AmendmeM #7 (75,000) - FUND 438 COMMERCIAL RETAIL FUND REVENUE3 Proceeds from Sale of Fixed Assets - 790,336 2 790,336 Sale of Fixed Aseets to close out Fund 438 . 790,336 EXPENDITURES Trensfer Out - 1,440,613 2 1,440,613 Transfer Out to Generel Fund to close Fund 438 Ending Working Capital 650,277 (650,277) 3- Adjust Ending Working Capital 790,336 ' FUND 606 FACIUTIES REVENUES Interlocal Grsnt - 13,000 13,000 GraM funding for Resource Conservetion Manager 13,000 EXPENDITURES Other Weges 10,000 14,400 24,400 Resource Conservation Mansgerwages Benefits 211,900 2,600 214,500 ' Resource Canservatian Menager benefits Ending Working Gapital 307,539 . (4,000) 303,539 Adjust Estimetsd Ending Working Capital ' 13,000 FUND 6181NFORMATION SERVICES REVENUES COPS Technology.Grant 150,000 B. 150,000 COPS Technology greM per Rea.4643 on Sept. 20,2010 ARRA -EdwardByme(JAG) - 71,100 8 71,100 Carryforvrerd,ARwWAGBymeGrant Award to fund- Video Surveillance'system fof new perking feeility - Res 4526 oh 9N9109 221,100 EXPENDITURES Communioations 94,000 6,500 100,500 Carry forwaro uS projeet expense budget Miscellaneous charges 169,900 15,500 185,400 Cerry forvvard I/S projed expense budget Capital Equipment 452,000 71,100 9 Carty forwerd Grerrt funded -video surveillance systerri for new qeAcing garage ' (8r0904) -Res 4526 on 9l09/09 - 105,000 628,100 Certy foiward I/S project expense.budget Construction projects 34,500 150,000 8 COPS grarrt funded -cp1022 277th to Valley Comm. Fiber projecl per Res. 4643 37,000 221,500 Discovery Playground Security system Ending Working Capital 3,546,577 (164,000) 3,382,577 Adjust Ending Working Cepital 221,100 , 7ota1 Revenue 17,816,986 Total ExpenditureslExpenses . 17,816,986 . C:\Documents and SettingslcrichadLocal SettingslTemporary Intemet FileMOLK11 B\Schedule A v2.XLS 12/1/201011:35 AM