HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-08-2011 * *CITY OF_ * - COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 1NASHINGTON - March 8, 2011 4:00 PM ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM 1 , 1 EAST MAIN ST, 2ND FL AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER - 4:00 PM " II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - A. " Februa ry 15, 2011 , III. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT COMIIAITTEE MEMBERSHIP IV. lNAY 12T" CITY COUNCIL RETREAT PLAPINING V. COU9VCIL-IVIEMBER HAUGEN'S CONDUCT RELATIVE TO CITY - COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE VI. ADJOURNMENT , Page 1 N CITY OF ~ . * COUNCIL OPERATIONS- COMIVIITTEE * V1IASHINGTON ~ February15', 2011 4:30. PWI CONFERENCE ROOM 3 CITY HALL, 2ND FL MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Ricti Wagner called the meeting fo otder at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room 3 located on the second floor of Aubum City Hali locafed at 25 West Main Street in Auburn. Members in attendance included Chair Rich Wagnec, Vice Chair Sue Singer, and Member Nancy Backus. Also in attendance were Councilmember Virginia Haugen, City Attorney Daniel B. Heid; and City Clerk Danielle Daskam. II. APPROVAL OF MYNUTES A. February 3, 2011- Motion by Vice ° Chair Singer, second by Member Backus to approve the February 3, 2011 minutes as distributed. Motion carried unanimously. 3-0. BII. COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE . Committee members 'reviewed, a proposed amendment to the Council Rules of Procedure, Section 16.1(G) to add a new subsection 3 to read: . 3. In cases of alleged misconduct or violations of the City Council Rules.of Procedures (ROP), the person suspected of the alleged misconduct or violation of the ROP shall be . afforded the opportunity to respond, which opportunity shall . be given, with advance notice, in an open meeting of the Council Operations Committee (COC) prior to fhe COC Page 1 Council Operations Committee. Februarv 15,2010 making any recommendations regarding censure or reprimand or other disciplina .ry action.. _ Motion by Vice Chair Singer, second by Member Backus to recommend approval of City Council Resolution No. 4686, amending the Council Rules of Procedure; and forward the Resolution to the full Council for consideration. Motion :carried unanimously. 3-0. IV. CITI( COUNCIL- RETREAT PLANNING Committee members discussed 'pceparations for a spring retreaf. Committee members discussed whether the, retreat should be focused on visioning or budgeting. Upon further discussion, the Committee agreed that a one day budget retreaf will be held in late April or early May. The . date of the retreat will be determined by Chair Wagnec based on the. timing and viability of the street maintenance utility legislation passing,the State legislature. Committee members, agreed that the retreat will primarily included transportation related issues. Items for discussion include: • Transit &trails , . • Financing for SOS Program • Downtown Transportation • A/B Corridor (effect on Auburn Avenue) • Amtrak, Sounder, Metro and Pierce Transit • Elecfric Car Charging Stations • Improved Route from Lea Hill _ • Bonding Capacity- General Obligation Bond for Transportation • Community Center - Veterans Village • Diversity • Economic Development • Animal,Services Vice Ghair Singer recommended that. in light of the spring retreat, the Committee of the Wfiole meeting scheduled for May 4th be cancelled. Location of the retreat will be at. the Auburn Golf Course clubhouse ` meeting room. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business; the meeting adjoumed at 4:58 p.m. Page 2 _ , Council Operations Committee Februarv'E5, 2010~ APPROVED THE DAY OF , 2011. Rich Wagner, Chair Danielle Daskam, City Cierk , Page 3 2011 AUBURN CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES counciioommineeszo++ A$ 12131/+0 7:30 am Ric, Weener Approved by Resolution 4670, 12/20/2010 PLANNING 8~ PUBUC WORKS MUNICIPAL FINANCE DOWiVTOWN' LES GOVE COMMUNITY 3:30.pm SERVICES REDEVELOPMEHlT COflAMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ist & 3rd Monday 3:3o pm 6:00 pm 4:00 pm CAMPUS 5:00 pm PCDC & PWC meet 2nd 8 4th Monday 1st & 3rd Monday 2nd & 4th Tuesday As Needed 2nd & 4th Monday tlv as needed Lynn Norman, Chair Rich Wagner, Chair Bill Peloza, Chair Nancy Backus, Chair Lynn Norman, Chair Rich Wagner, Chair Nancy Backus, Vice Ch. Bill Peloza, Vice Ch. Sue Singer, Vice Ch. Lynn,Norman, Vice Ch. Nancy Backus, Vice Ch. Lynn Norman, Vice Ch. John Partridge Virginla Haugen John Partridge Rlch Wagner Sue Singer Biil Peloza • Land,use, Zoning • Water • Police • City Budget • Downtown Agreements Capital & Operating Policy: • Code Enforcement • Sanitary Sewer • Solid Waste • Capital Facilities Plan • Dntn. Operating Policies • Community Center • Building Permits • Storm Drainage • Airport • Finance • Activity Center • Annexation • Right-of-Way Management • Community Services • Human Resources DRCLiaisons: • Economic Development • Golf Course • • ADA, Downtown Assoc. • Streets Municipal.Court • Human Services • Cemetery ' • BIA, Bus.lmprovement Area COUNCIL • Cultural Arts, Pubiic Art ~ Maintenance & Qperations . Animal Control Legal • Urban Core Task Force RATIONS • Equipment Rental • Information Servioes OPE • Museum, Olson.Farm • Telecommunications • Engineering (utiiises, tratnc, • Cable N • City Real Property As Needed • PefkS design sfandards, maintenance) • Facilities Management • Communications • Emergency Planning RiCh We Chair • Transportation (a,rrent Pw COMAAITTEE OF 9ner, • Capital Improvement Plans capital proJects, Pw ciP**, • Senior Center FC Liaisons: (PwciP- overstgnt). •-FaRners' market • Tourism'Board THE WHOLE (COUI) Sue Singer, Vice Ch. • Transporta6on pon9-term TIP' oversight, trat~c efrdency) 5th MondaY in anY month Nancy Backus planning 81and use, TIP') PWC.LIaiSOns: MSC Liaisons: or as needed • TTT Committee • Airport Advisory Boacd Sue Singer, Chair . • Committee Structure PCDC Liaisons: , (Transportation, Transft & Trails) • Cemetery Board • Committee Membership • Planning Commission Rich Wagner, Vice Ch. • Special Transportation • Farmers' Market Board • Whole Council Issues • Human Services Commis'n • Parlcs & Recreation Board Advisory Committees • Broad impiication issues • Council Rules of Procedure • Museum Board TIP: 6 year • No Council vote taken • Annual Visioning Retreat ' • Multicultural Roundtable Transportauon ?k ' • Arts GOmmisslon Improvement * pg~;~ * • Urban Tree Board Program - King County Library .~_aIP DEPUTY MAYOR Capital. Improvement pg~THANYOUy~►~,qGINEp'. SUBSiIIg@r Plan • Act in absence of Mayor r. _ _ . , . . . . . COUNCILMEMBERS' ADDITIONAL LOCAL, REGIONAL 8 NATIONAL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS (most!of these are made by Mayor Pete Lewis) • Alternate to all committees Nancy Backus, Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA) B'oard, NLC (~,Nat'I;League of Cities) Finance, Admin. & Intergov: Relations, Pierce Co. Regional Council alt., JDA • CounGlmembec-tralning ; Virginla Haugen, Law Enforoement Officers & Fire Fighters (LEOFF) Boarcl' • Support cooperative ~ Lynn Norman, Puget Sound:Regional Council (PSRC) Growth Managemenf Policy BoaYd,.CEOFF BoaM, JDA (Joint DeteRnining Authority Pierce Co.) CounCilmember relations : John Partrfdge. Regional Law, Safety and Justice • Helpmalntaln.COOperative ; 8111 Peloza, WRIA9 Board,.King.Co. (Water Quality,Solid VVaste,:Flood'ConVol District) NLC Energy, Environment & Natural Resources, Farmers' Market BoaM CounCil-Mayor l'elatlons ; Sue Singer, PSRC (Past President, Economic Development Brd; Transportation Priorities)' Aubum Tourism Board, Suburban Cities PubUc lssues Committee Altemate • Chair'Comm. Of'the Whole E Rich Wagner, VRFA, Arts Commission, Pierce Co. (Piryailup Rvr Wtrshd CnG, Regional Access Mobility Partnership (RAMP), Regional Council), KC Solid Waste, JDA . : . POTENTIAL DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL RETREAT TENTATIVELY TO BE HELD THURSDAY, AAAY 12, 2011 , The Retreat theme will be 'franspoitation Budgets and Vision, near term and 20 year term, with several other topics discussed at intervals 'in order to break up the intense .transportation discussion. - (1) TRANSPORTATION topics suggested by Council Operations Committee (COC) on February 15th. (Italics indicate goals from the Council Vision 2030 Retreat October 2010, priority ranked out of 79 goals) (1.1.1) Bonding capacity - General Obligation Bond for Transportation (1.1.2) Financing for the Save Our Streets (SOS) program (1.1.3) Improved route from Lea Hill (10179; Continued commitment to SOS.Program) (13179, Pursue street bond (and otherways)to bring a!I arterials to at least 70% pavement condition rating) _ (51179, Fund and build infrastructure within the Green Zone) (1.2.1) Downtown Transportation (1.2.2) A/B Corridor (effect on Auburn Avenue) (3179, Revitalize and redeve%p Urban Center with extended areas) (29179, Improve and expand public parking opportunities) 00179, Continue efforts to inake Auburr►'s Urban Center more pedesfrian friendly) .(44179; Complete °AB" St corridor and develop adjacent areas) (113.1) AMT,RAK, Sounder, Metro and Pierce Transit (1.3.2) Transit & Trails (7179, Continue advocacy for AMTRAK stop in Aubum (25179, Instifute inner-city shuttle service (4817, Build south end trail loop and horse trail) (Not prio►itized, Complete connections from Downtown to the: Interurban. and White River Trails) °(Not prioritized, Complete Green River trail ) . (1.4.1) Electci.c Car Charging Stations retreat511topics.doc 311111: 12:10 pm Rich Wagner P892 1 Of 3 (1.5.1) Additional Transportation goals discussed at the Council Vision 2030 Retreat October 2010 (26179, Complete link road from SR164 to SR 18) (27179; _Encourage.development of neighborhood west of.C St by extending sky bridge across C St:) (32179, Complete SR 164 improvements) _ (35179, Complete "M" St underpass) - (43179, Development of airport a►ea, including runway extension, new commercial area, and new entrances on "8" St and "D" St.) (49179, Complete SR 1671SR 18 interchange) (56179, Add haul route from "R" St. to: Ellingson) (57179,.. Rebuild cross town connector bridge over train yard) ' (59179, Complefe "1" 3t corridor with appropriate buffers) (75/79,: Increase SR 167 to four /anes each side) retreat511topics.doc 3/1/11 12:10 pm Rich Wagner P8982 Of 3 (2) OTHER topics suggested by Council Operations Committee (COC) on February 15th. (Italics indicate goals from the Council Vision 2030 Retreat October 2010, priority ranked out of 79 goals) ' (2.1.1) Economic Development _ (5179, Develop working relationships with universities) (9179, Develop 5 Economic Development Districts for density; business and community (11179,. Develop environmental building, commercial and technology in the Green Zone adjacent to the Aubum Environmental Park including rezone and marketing plan) (12/79, Seek opportunities to partner and work with fhe Muckleshoot Indian Tribe) (17179, 119arket Aubum as a regional entertainment center) (19179, Create Aubum Way South redevelopment plan) (42179, form Green Zone Task Force to get eommunity input on planning and development) , (52179, Development of Golden Triangle area) (65179, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe's economic development area) (66179, Rezone area south of the Super Mall to, commercial) (70/79, Development of Emerald Downs area) ~ (2.2.1) Animal Services (15/79. Improve animal control) (22/79, Pursue development of off-leasli dog park(s)) ~(2.3.1) Community Center - Veteran's Village (8179, Work toward unffication of new communities with centralized communication and outreach to bring , fhem into the existing community) (18179, Develop Community Center at Les Gove Park) (2.4.1) Diversity (1179, Explore name change, location and diffecenf partners for eommunity festivals / celebrations such as Good OI' Days) . (23179, Plan for diverse housing types in Downtown) (31179,: Pursue -SEARCH housing initiative) . (37179; Integrate public efforts with efforts of service clubs and faitli: community) (40179; Develop one-sfop multi-service center) ' retreat511topics.doc 3/1/11 12:10 pm RiGi Wagner Page 3 of 3. This'document, regarding Virginia Haugen's conduct as an Auburn City Councilmember, was drafted in consultation with City Attorney Dan Heid, for discussion by the Auburn City Council Operations Committee (COC), pursuant to one of the Committee's duties, described in the City Council Rules of Procedure, Section 16.1,, (G) (2), which reads, in part: The Council Operations Committee sha11 also evaluate and recommend to the whole City Council any actions, responses or sanctions for violations by Councilmembers of these Rules of Procedure, which recommendations sha11 be considered, voted andlor acted upon by the City Council in the normal course. This document will be discussed at the COC using the process described in the City Council Rules of Frocedure,,Section 16.1 (G), (3), which reads, In cases of alleged misconduct or violations of the City Council:Rules of Procedures (ROP), the person suspected of the alleged misconduct or violation of the ROP shall be afforded the opportunity to respond, wtiich opportunity sha11 be given, with advance notice, in an open meeting of the Council Operations Committee (COC) prior to ttie COC making any recommendations regarding censure or reprimand or other disciplinary action. Below are examples of conduct by City Councilmember Haugen that may increase the City's legal liability costs or increase costs in liability cases. Primarily her conduct increases the risk of.higher litigation exposure and potential costs to the City for such things as: (a) Litigation costs arising from her public statements that proposed street designs may be unsafe even though they have been designed by City engineers using nationally recognized safety criteria, (b) Diminished City negotiating position for the costs of contracts that carry the potential for litigation, , (c) Diminished Gity negotiating position for real estate acquisitions, (d) Diminished City bargaining position for labor contracts, (e) Interference with developers' project plans, Below are examples of her questionable Councilmember conduct: (1) Councilmember Haugen testified without City authoriza.tion at a March 3, 2010 City of Kent Heaiing Examiner hearing on the Verdana development, where the City of Auburn was involved in a lawsuit with the developers, saying, according to the Kent Reporter newspaper: haugen030311.doc.doc 3/3/11 10:55 pm Page 1 of 2 "This development will have a significant impact environmentally," potentially weakening the City's position in the lawsuit. (2) In 2010, according to Jeff Tate, City Development Services Manager, he received a call from Satpal Soha1, who has, applied for permits to build a hotel in Auburn. Soha1 said that he had received calls from several local hotel operators who told him that Councilmember Haugen liad called them to encourage them to oppose lus project. (3) In 2010 she communicated encouragingly with a citizen who had complained to the City that the 8th &`R' Street NE project would reduce the safety of her travel, implying that a lawsuit might be filed. (4) In 2010, according to Mayor. Rete Lewis, she has spoken with various City labor union representatives regarding wage and benefit negotiations, in violation of the Rules of Procedure arid the City's labor negotiation process, undermining the City's negotiation position: (5) In 2010, she violated City Council executive session privileged communication with regard to real estate acquisition of the Marvel building by speaking with a newspaper reporter about , City plans. (6) She sends many emails to Mayor Lewis accusing and implying that the Mayor was irivolved'in illegal collusion with private developers, where tliere appears to be no basis for - . . such accusations of implications. (7) In 2010 she violated City. Council-executive session privileged' communications with regard to -waste.collection. contract negotiations in ways that were likely to interfere with or have potentiallitigation implications. : Over the past several years Councilmember Haugen has lazgely ignored mentoring by Deputy Mayor Singer with regazd to improvirig her Councilmember skills. . haugen030311.doc.doc 3/3/I 1 10:55 pm , Page2 of 2 MAK C ITY OF COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE * WASHINGTON March 8, 2011 4:00 PM ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM 1 1 EAST MAIN ST, 2ND FL AGENDA MODIFICATION The following documents are transmitted to support agenda Item IV. May 12th City Council retreat, and Item V. Councilmember Haugen's conduct relative to City Council Rules of Procedure: IV. MAY 12T" CITY COUNCIL RETREAT PLANNING . • Memo regarding documents from the City Council Vision 2030 Retreat • "Dots" goal prioritization process results • Broad visioning discussion • Visioning Retreat "parking lot" topics V. COUNCILMEMBER HAUGEN'S CONDUCT RELATIVE TO CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE • March 7, 2011 Revised Discussion Paper • Council Rules of Procedure, Resolution No. 4686 amending the Rules of Procedure Page 1 November 1, 2010 From: Rich Wagner, Chair, Council Operations Committee To: , Nancy Backus Virg'inia Ha.ugen Lynn Norman John Partridge _ Bill Peloza Sue Singer . Subject: Documents from the City Council Vision 2030 Itetreat Attached are the following documents generated at the Vision 2030. City Council Retreat, that will fielp guide staff activities and Council decisions, both near-term and. over the next 20 years. , They are three-hole punched so that they can be inserted into your Retreat binder. (1) The results of our "dots" prioritization of the 79 goals and projects that have been , - . identif ed over the past nine years, including several new ones added from the Retreat. Note on . the last page there are four goals that were inadvertently left off of our "dots" process. (2) The Vision, Mission and Strategies that`we fine-tuned through considerable discussion. (3) A list of comments that were made during-our Broad Visioning Discussion. Several of these comments were added by Kevin Snyder as-new goals to our list for "dots" prioritization. Let him know if there are some comments on this list that may not have gotten their fair amount _ of goals discussion and prioritization. (4) "Parking Lot" items that various Couricilmembers asked to have followed up in Council , committee meetings since we didn't have time to discuss them adequately at the Retreat. I believe we all feel that the Retreat was very productive, and for.the most part, also enjoyable. Staff support was great. Our facilitator; Greg; nudged us toward tangible results without ` steering too much. Mayor Lewis provided important input without "taking over" this meeting of the City Council. Councilxnembers provided heart-felt, innovative, respectful, arid professional iriput that helped_each of us decide how we would prioritize the long list of City goals. , We should be proud of our work. cc: Pete Lewis - Greg Prothman Attachments resultsmemovision2030.doc.doc 10/30/10 11:30 pm Page 1 of 1 "Dots" Goal F'rir,ritizatior7 Process Results fron7 tfie Auburn City Council Visian 2030 Retreat 10/28&29/2010 updated 11/1l10920am Rich Wagnei - filename: vision2030goalsdots.xl The "dots" process is intended to give only a general idea of Council priorities. Each Councilmember had 20 dots that are counted in the "Dots Total" column as " 1 " each, and 6 super-dots that are counted as "3" each. • Vision: As a city of wgivnal signifrc;ance, protl(I of it5 small tvwn he),ifage, as welt as the cliversify of rts puoplo ar7d nr,ighborhoads, Auburn offers an opportunity for high quality-of-life for people of aIl ages. Mission: To provide a service-oriented government that meets the needs of our citizens and business community through efficient and professional management with responsive and accessible leadership. ' Strategies: (In the table below, Goals are assigned to the Strategy where they have the most influence even though some goals support multiple strategies). •"One Auburn": A strong sense of community, allowing all people to appreciate each through celebration and working together to solve problems cooperatively. • Sustainability: Economic viability, coupled with environmental stewardship, while planning and acting for our future. • Quality: Striving for the best in people, projects and services. • Livability: Providing a safe and desirable community. 3 Super-dots highlighted line ref # Goal Description Strategy Do~tal Nancy vir9inia Lynn John Biu sue Ricn 1 Explore name change, location, different partners for community "One Auburn" 17 1 1 1 12 1 1 r`t~srlvals / celebrations such as Good OI' Days 2 Create medical / hospital overlay district Livability 14 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 Revitalize and redevelop Urban Center with extended areas "One Auburn" 12 3 3 3 3 4 Promote stability in rieighborhoods and the downtown Livability 11 3 3 1 3 1 5 Develop working relationships with universities Sustainability 9 1 1 3 3 1 s Ensure that Auburn is a safe and secure place to ►ive or have a business Livability 9 1 3 2 3 7 Continue advocacy for AMTRAK stop in Aubum Livability 9 1 1 3 1 3 8 Work toward unification of new communities with centralized communication and °One Auburn" 9 1 1 3 1 3 outreach to bring them into the existing community , . . 9 Develop 5 kr.onomic Devolupmer7t Districts for density, business & commmunity Sustainability 8 3 1 1 3 10 Continued commitment to SOa Program Quality 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 . 11 Develop environmental building, commercial and technology in the rreen Zonc adjacent Sustainability 7 1 1 3 1 1 to the Auburn Environmental Park (AEP) including rezone marketing plan) 12 Continue to seek opportunities to partner and work with the Muckles'lioot Indian Tribe "One Auburn" 7 3 1 1 1 1 13 Pursue street bond (and other ways) to bring all ~~i t~~i to at least 70% condition index Quality 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 rating page 1 of 4 line ref # Goal Description Strategy ToDots tal Nancy Virginia Lynn John Bin sue aicn 14 Preserve former Carnegie Library atid former post office Quality 6 1 1 3 1 . . 15 Improve aiiirfijal eontrol Livability 6 1 1 3 1 is Improve lighting for pedestrian safety Livability 6 3 1 1 1 17 Market Auburn as the regional entertainment center Livability 6 1 1 3 1 18 Develop Con7in{anity Cehter at Les Gove Park "One Auburn" 6 1 1 1 3 19 Create Auburn Way South Redevelopme:rt Plan Sustainabiliry 5 3 1 1 20 Encourage publir art on downtown buildings (and throughout the city) Quality 5 1 3 1 21 Develop recognition program for historic preservation by residential/business owners Gluality 5 3 1 1 22 Pursue development of off-Icyash dog park(s) Livability 5 1 1 3 23 Plan for diverse housing types in Downtown "One Auburn" 5 1 3 1 24 Study feasibility of relocating the airport to the Academy area Sustainability 4 3 1 25 Institute inner city shuttle service Livability 4 1 1 1 1 26 Complete Iir7k raac1 from SR 16:1 tn ;R 18 Livability 4 1 1 1 1 27 Encourage development of neighborhood west of C St. corridor by extending Sustainability 3 1 1 1 sky briclge acros4 C St. 28 Develop L-:riviroruniental Park Sustainability 3 1 1 1 29 Improve and expand public parking opportunities Livability 3 3 30 Continue efforts to make Auburn's lJrban (,erjioi inora peclestrian friendly Livability 3 1 1 1 31 Pursue SEARCH housing initiative Livability 3 1 2 32 Complete SR 164 improvemc:nis Livability 3 1 1 1 . 33 Proactively work with BNSF to encourage h~ifler ,re,',c; at ;~-3i1 y,11 d Livability 3 3 34 Include the area on Auburn Way So. from 'F' St. to 12th St. Livability 3 1 1 1 in Les Gove Community Campus 35 Complete 'M' Street underpass Livabiliry 3 1 1 1 36 Develop Olson Creek complex from Olson Farm to the Golf Course Livability 3 3 37 Integrate public efforts with efforts of scruicEz 0!il,s at-ici ft,ith eoininurjity "One Auburn" 3 1 1 1 38 Continue efforts to partner with, fund and enhance human services "One Auburn" 3 1 1 1 39 Promote continuous community outreach by "One Auburn" 3 1 1 1 ]rivolving ciiizens arid t}usines:;e3 in their City government 40 Develop one=star multi-seruice center "One Auburn" 3 1 1 1 page 2 of 4 line ref # Goal Description Strategy ToDots tal Nancy Virginia Lynn John Bill Sue Rich 41 Interlocal Agreement between 3 cities, Auburn School District, Green River Community "One Auburn" 3 1 1 1 , College to raise childrens' edLIcatiuri oplions 42 Form Green Zone Task Force to get community input on planning & development Sustainability 2 1 1 43 Development of airport area, including runway extension, new commercial area and new Sustainability 2 1 1 entrances on 'B' St. and 'D' St. 44 Complete A/B St. corridor and develop adjacent areas Sustainability 2 1 1 45 Development of the F3obertsuti / V.,IIoy I3rive=in properties Sustainability 2 1 1 46 Provide fiber optic corridor throughout downtown, beginning with the AEP Green Zone Quality 2 1 1 47 Pursue creation of Valley AI! Ages Marching Band sponsored by Cities/Schools Forum Livability 2 1 1 48 Build sou#h encJ trail loop and horse trail Livability 2 1 1 49 Complete qR 167 /SR 18 interchange Livability 2 1 1 50 Review zoning codes in Urban Center to allow increased development/density Sustainability 1 1 51 Fund & build IritN1stri.JctLi1°e within Green Zone Sustainability 1 1 52 Development of Golden Triangle area Sustainability 1 1 53 Restore Whiio Lake Sustainability 1 1 54 Develop / improve Multi-Care site Sustainability 1 1 55 Restore Mill Creek Sustainability 1 1 56 Add haul route from 'R' St. to Ellingson Livability 1 1 57 Rebuild cross cown connector bridge over train yard Livabiliry 1 1 58 Neuv Post Office Livability 1 1 59 Complete'I' Street eorridor from 40th St. to 277th St. Livability 1 1 60 Complete f-', io-rce County annexations "One Aubum" 1 1 . 61 ,,,,f i ~ (Stuck) neighborhood "One Aubum" 0 62 Complete I"t,amas annexation "One Auburn" 0 63 Build out'I` Street corridor with appropriate buffers Livability 0 64 Add commercial zoning to inclustrial areas Sustainability 0 65 I`:~mckleshoot Indian Tribe's economic development area Sustainability 0 66 Rezone area south of Super Mall to commercial Sustainability 0 . . 67 'f f` facility Sustainability 0 page 3 of 4 line ref # Goal Description Strategy Dottal Nancy Virginia lynn John Bill Sue Rich 68 Promote pride in Auburn - It's More Than You Imagined "One Auburn" 0 • 69 Redevelopment of'C' St. SW and 15th St. SW properties Sustainability 0 70 Development of Emerald Downs area Sustainability 0 71 Complete gateway projects Quality 0 72 Pursue opportunities for indoor and outdoor f~ir Jlil i- ; Livability 0 73 Complete City Hall Plaza Livabiliry 0 74 Develop espresso / jtaict, li,si;~ I I,le i,i cu I s~ a~~~ >,l10 1; >ii I1~11.0 i uI f~iarI r,i ;il L'IVabillty 0 (seasonal concessions) 75 Increase SR 167 to four lanes each side Livability 0 76 Complete Green River Trail (inadvertently left off of prioritization list) Livability 0 77 Develop criteria for reviewing City owned properties (inadvertently left off of prioritization list) Sustainability 0 78 Influence restoration of NVV Auburn agricultural properties (inadver[ently left off of Sustainability 0 prioritization list) . 79 Complete connections from downtown to the Interurban and White River Trails Livability 0 (inadvertently left off of prioritization list) page 4 of 4 Broad Visioning Discussion City Council Visioning 2030. Retreat October 28, 29th 2010 - Closer sense oficommunity : Driving Range at Golf Course , Expand Airport in another iocation -Airport can be amenity for business and pleasure Best of Best coming to City -Good business environment -Good quality of life for citizens Change Demographics - More diverse income status Economic Development to improve economic status Have ezisting vital work force in downtown -1f you build it they will come Need to clarify definition of "affordable" Provide housing in downtown Auburn that people working there can afford Avoid losing core of City -Maintain community identify -Focus on downtown not as exclusion of cify but fo support rest of city Have to have successful mix in downtown `-Define incentives for people :that work there & develop housing types _ Build on.City's Main`street asset and sense of community needs this Keep essential vitality of downtown but keep it current & vibrant . Balance of wider city view in planning efforts 5 business areas densify/comrnunity Need to deal with legacy issues of past decisions "Around town" need to keep wider City focus: broadet focus than just downtown -Have business centers developed , What parts of community to develop? Develop Auburn community around 5 estab'lished business disficts. Broad Visioning Discussion1.doc:doc 11/1/10 Tamie Bottiell &Rich Wagner Page 1 of 3 Build connection not walls - Bring different communities to community centec. Use Human Senrices Center as an - element for one Auburn. Need more focus on residents in Hispanic residential neighborhood around downtown. How to better integrate Lakeland Hills community into rest of the eity. Licensing means membership Council: get more involved in Lakeland HOA Other areas to focus on for walkability, connection to community on both Lea Hill and West Hill Discuss pro/cons of having neighborhoods/communities more recognized -create neighborhood hubs Walk ability- Concept w/multiple applications, connections, communities Boards/Commissions - review them to see if focused on, mission on task with mission: council presentation on boards/commissions can help them see big picture . in their work Auburn should continue to develop as an educational center -what can City do to keep students here as they turn into professionals Joint distance learning centers: WSU, UW, Academies, training for business new hires and opportunities with Green River Community Gollege Get larger businesses to participate in community/education of community Banners/signs in other parts of community getting message out around town for community events/gatherings Preserving the Past; Specific:, buildings from our past need to be preserved ie., old - Post Office, Carnegie Building, Mary 01son Farm, Dr. Ferguson and Ballard House Historic Preservation: Prescriptive or incentive based? Broad Visioning' Discussion1.doc.doc 11/1/10 Tamie Bothell & Rich V1%agner Page 2 of 3 City Statement on its interest in preserving buildings/sites -Plaque / recognition -Property Tax Abatement if on historical register -Utilize service clubs to a"ssist -Railroad houses off main street - historic designation -Walking tours around City -Community pride Partnerships: action rather than strategy to accomplish other strategies: -Community festivals -Good OP Days: Need to revamp Should not be focused downtown Mulfiple venues/activities around town Inclusive of whole City -Tourism Board involvement -Some level of city support -Tourism Board: hosting Festival at Airport Market off leash dog park and pet:friendly hotels Environmental Park/Green Zone. Fully developed Scientific business area Need to fin additional moneyto support building out Economic opportunities conservation w/green zone businesses/residents Need to find a way to match growth #o infrastructure Future planning for GMA Make specific acknowledgement and have it as goal Neighboorhood pockets in centers of excellence/development Innovative housing Do more advance planning with the hospital , Broad Visioning Discussion1.doc.doc 11/1/10 Tamie Bothell & Rich Wagner Page 3 of 3 , Auburn City Council Visioning Retreat October 28t' & 29th 2010 Parking Lot Topics Do we want to get out of the probation business? Do we want to get into the firing range business? Domestic violence prosecution & corrective measurers Inclusion of Councilmembers at neighbochood meetings - Zoning considerations and other programs to encourage home ownership Concenttation of sex offenders living in certain areas city and what can be done? Explore possibility of combining one=stop center for human services with the Communify Center. : Extended Urban Center "areas" to include Les Gove Campus Capacity Vs. ridership of Lakeland Shuttle, demographics of ridership and what are fhe costs Preserve historic house behind Library (Ballard House) Roads and utility infrastructure including high tech communications integrated into Environmental Park Discussion on adding the_word inclusive into,mission statement Council training on cultural diversity Animal Shelter COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMITT.EE (CUC) MEETING, MARCH 8, 2011 AGENDA ITEM V: COUNCILMEMBER HAUGEN'S' CONDUCT RELATIVE TO CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE (ROP) . MARCH 7, 2011 REVISED DI3CUSSION PAPER ADDING CLARIFICATION OF THE ROLE OF THE COC AND ADDING REFERERNCES TO ROP SECTIONS THAT MAY APPLY TO POTENTIAL ROP VIOLATIONS BY COUNCILMEMBER VIRGINIA HAUGEN This document, regarding Virginia Haugen's conduct as ari,Auburn City Councilmember, was drafted in consultaxion with City Attorney Dan Heid, for discussion by the Auburn City Council Operations Committee (COC), pursuant to one of the Committee's duties, described in the City Council Rules of Procedure, Section, 16. 1, (G) (2), which reads, in part: The Council Operations Committee sha11 also evaluate and recommend to the whole City Council any actions, responses or. sanctions for violations by Councilmembers of these •Rules of Procedure,: whicfi recommendations shall be considered, voted and/or acted upon by the City Council in the norrrial course. This document will.be discussed at the COC using the process described in the City Council ROP, Section 16.1 (G), (3), as amended by Resolution 4686, February 7, 2011, which reads, In cases of alleged misconduct or violations of the City Council Rules of Procedures (ROP), the person suspected of the alleged misconduct or violation-of the ROP shall be afForded the opportunity to resporid; which opportunity sha11 be given, with advance notice, in an open meeting of the Council Operations Committee (COC) prior to the COC making any recommendations regarding censure or reprimand or other disciplinary action. Note that the Council Operations Committee is not an "ethics committee" but rather it is a committee formed by the City Council on February 2, 2004 in order to conduct City Council : business in the most efficient'way possible. Nor do the Rules of Procedure address "ethical behavior", they are simply procedural rules. Below are references to ROP sections, that may have been violated by Councilmember Haugen: Section 2, Council Meetings: . Reference to RCW 42.30 regarding confidential executive sessions. Section 6.3, Councilmembers, Obligatiori to the Public Agency:: Notwithstanding the right of Councilmembers to express their independent opinions and exercise their freedom of speech, Councilmembers should act in a way that reflects haugen030611.doc.doc 3/6/11 220 pm , Page 1 of 3 . positiyely on the reputation of the City and of the community.. Councilmembers shall also interact with other members ofthe CityCouncil and City stafF in ways that promote effective `local Government. . Section 6.4, Councilmembers: Councilmember are expected to;participate in training offered by individuals, agencies, entities and organizations, including but not limited to the Association of Washington Cities and the State of Wasliington, so as to afford the Couricilmembers the opportunity to better understand their roles as City Councilmembers. Section 15.5, Council Relations With Staff: Councilmember shall not attempt to change or inteifere with the operating rules and practices of any City department. Section 17.4, Council Representation and Internal Communication: Councilmembers sha11 not knowingly communicate with an opposing party or with an opposing attorney in connection with any pending or threatened litigation in which the City is a party or in connection with any disputed claim involving the City without prior approval of the City Attorney, unless the Gouncilmember is individually a party to the litigation or is involved in the disputed claim separate from the Councilmember's role as a City official. , Primarily Councilmember Virginia Haugen's conduct relative to the Rules.of Procedure of the City Council may increase the risk ofhigher litigation exposure and potential costs to the City for such things as: (a) Litigation costs arising from her public statements that proposed street designs may be unsafe even though they have been designed by City engineers using nationally recognized safety criteria, (b) Diminished City negotiating position for the costs of contracts tliat carry the potential . for litigation, (c) Diminished City negotiating position for real esta.te. acquisitions, (d) Diminished City bazgaining position for labor contTacts, (e) Interfering with developers' project plans. haugen03061 l.doc.doc 3/6/11 2:20 pm Page 2 of 3 Below are specific examples of Virginia Haugen's questionable Councilmember conduct: (1) Councilmember Haugen testified without City authorization at a March 3, 2010 City of Kent Hearing Examiner hearing on the Verdana development; where the City of Aubum was involved in a lawsuit witli ttie developers, saying, according to the Kent Reporter newspaper: "This development.will have a significant impact environmentally," potentially weakening the City's position in the lawsuit. (2) In 2010, according to Jeff Tate, City Development Services Manager, he received a call from Satpal Sohal, who has applied for permits to build a;hotel in Auburn. Sohal said that he had received ca11s from several local hotel operators who told him that Councilmember Haugen had called them to encourage them to oppose his project. (3) In 2010 she communicated encouragingly with a citizen who had complained to the City that the 8th &`R' Street NE project would reduce the safety of her travel, unplying that a lawsuit might'be filed. (4) In 2010, according to Mayor Pete Lewis, she has spoken with various City labor union . repres"enta.tives regarding wage and benefit negotiations,, in violation of the Rules of Procedure and the City's labor negotiation process, undermining the City's negotiation position. (5) In 2010, she violated City Council e_xecutive session privileged communication with regard to real esta.te acquisition of the Marvel building by speaking with a newspaper reporter about City plans. (6) She sends many emails to Mayor Lewis accusing and implying that the Mayor was involved in illegal collusion with private developers, where there appears to be no basis for such accusations of implications. (7) In 2010 she violated City Council executive session privileged communications with regard to waste collection contract negotiations in wa.ys that were likely to interfere with or have potential litigation implications. (8) Councilmember Haugen has largely ignored mentoring by Deputy Mayor Singer with regazd to improving her Councilmember skills through training opportunities. haugen030611.doc.doc 3/6711 2:20 pm Page 3 of 3 RESOLUTION N0. 4 6 8 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . : . . _ . . : AUBURN, WASHINGTON, : AMENDlNG THE.. . CITY,,;:. COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE. AS ADOPTED BY - ORDINANCE.N0:.5802 AND AMENDED BY RESOLUTION . NOS. 4282, 4429, 4467 AND 4615 WHEREAS, on February 2, 2004, fhe Aubum City Council adopted Orclinance - No. 5802 approving the Rules of,Procedure ofithe City Councii; and ~ WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5802 also provided that future amendments or modfications to the Counal. Rules of Procedure could be acxomplished by . 'Resolution properly infroduced .and passed by the City,Council; and WHEREAS, on December.12,-.2007, December 15, 2008, April 6, 2009, and July 6, 2010, the City Council passed Resolufion Numbers 4282, 44291 4467, and 4615 respecfively, which Resolutions adopted ` certain modficafions to the Council .Rutes of Procedure;.and WHEREAS., the Council Cornmittee on Comm,ittees has recommended additionaf modificationstb-the Rules of Procedure. • N01N, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY~.OF--AUBURN, WASHIiVGTOiV, :IN A'REGULAR MEETINGDULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH. RESOLVES' AS FOLLOWS: . Sec_bon 1. The Rules of Procedure of •the= City Council, as adopfed by Ordinance No. 5802 on February 2, 2004, amended by Resolution No. 4282 on December 12, 2007, Resolution No. 4429 on December 15, 2008, Resolution No. Resolution 'No. 4686 . February 11, 2011 . Page 1 of 2 4467 on April 6, 2009, and Resotufion No. 4615 on Ju{y 6, '2010, are hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit "A°, attached hereto and incorporafed herein. ~ Section 2. . The Mayor is hereby authorized to impiement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the direcfives of-this legislation. Section 3. This Resolufion shafl take effect and be in full force and effect upon passage and signature hereon. . . . . DATED and SIGNED th'is o~ day of 2011. . ` . TY O P M.FR B.'LEWIS, MAYOR ' ATTEST: Da ' fle E. Daskam, City Clerk APMT O OR M: - Danie[ B. He ` , City Attom bsg~ _ . . Resolution No. 4686 February 11, 2011 - • • Page 2 of 2 , . , . _ • . . . CI'IY OF ~ WASHINGTOIV ' 4 . • . . . • . RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY- COUNC1LrOF ' THE CITY OF AUBURN, IIVASHIIVGTON . . TABLE OF CONTENTS . , SECT{ON 1 - AUTHORITY 2 . . SECTION 2 - COUNCIL MEETIWGS - . . . , .2 SECTION 3- ORDER OF BUSINESS OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 4 SECTION 4- COUNCILMEMBER ATTENDANCE AT, MEETINGS .8 SECTION 5- PRESIDING OFFICER,- DUTIES g , SECTION. 6 - COUNCILMEMBERS g SECTION. 7 = DEBATES 10. SECTION 8-- PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AND MOTIONS 1.11 . SECTION 9 - VOTING , 13 SECTION 10 - C011AMENTS, CONCERNS AND TESTIMONY TO COUNCIL 14 SECTION 11 ="PUBLIC HEARIN.GSAND APPEALS ' 14 SECTION 12 - DEPUTY MAYOR SELECTION PROCESS 15 SECTION 13 - COUNCIL POSITION VACANCY .15 SECTION 14 - COUNCIL MEETING STAFFING 16 SECTION 15 - COUNCIL RE LATIONS WfTH STAFF 16 . SECTION 16 - COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARDS 97 . , SECTION 17 - COUNCIL REPRESENTATION & INTERNAL COMMUNICATION 20 SECTION 18 - TRAVELAUTHORIZATION . 23 . . SECTION 1.9 - CONFIDENTIALITY . 23. SECTION 20 = ENFORCEMENT OF RULES OF PROCEDURE 23' . . RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ' THE CITY :OF AUBURN," WASHINGTON. SECTION 1 - AUTHORITY The Aubum City Council hereby establishes the following rules for the conduct of Counci[ meetings,proceedings and business. These rules shall be Jn efFect .upon ¢adopfion by,:resolution :of Council 'and until such time as'they are amended or- new rules are adopted in ttie.manner provided by these niles.. SECTION 2 -'COUNCIL MEETINGS . All meetings of the City Council shall be open to #he public and all pertons shall be.. permitted to attend any meeting of this ' body; except as provided 'in RCW Chapfiee' . 42.30: . . - . : . : Thie City Clerk shall be responsible for preparing agendas for all. City Council meefings - pursuant to the authority of Section 2.03,100 of ttie City Code'. : . . . . The .City Clerk shall cause..to be prepared action minutes of all of #tie Council meetings.' which minutes shall contain an acoount of all -official actions of the -Council. Council meetings shall be electronically recorded and. ~etained for the period oftime as provided by.State law. ~ . . 2.1 Regular Meetings - In. accordance_ with Sections 2.06.010 and 2_06.020..of the. Cify Code, the regular' meetings of the, City Council .shall: beld on- the,first and th'ird Mondays of every month at in.the City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West :Main Street, Aubum, Washington. The regular meeting 'location may be . changed by a majority vote of the City Council. . : Regular Council meetings will begin at the hour of 7:30. p.m. A quorum shall constitute four or more Councilmembers for.the,.transaction of : business. ~ 2.03:100 AAeeting wordinafion duties. The mayor or the mayor's designee shall be responsible for the preparation of agendas. for the meetings of the council and of the various boards, commissions and committees of the city,, and for including in those, agendas the iteems and issues appropriate for "oonsideration. by'the oouncil and the . various- boards, commissions and committees of the city. Ttie mayor_ or the mayors designee shall also tie responsibte for,publishing notices for meetings and for public hearings for.the. meetings of the'council and the various boards, commissions and committees of the city, and for setting the dafes and times for said public hearings,: except in those instances when setting dates and times for pubiic hearings is required by statute to be done through council re.solution.. (Ord. 5761 § 1, 2003.) Page 2 AU$jjRN*MORE THAN YOU 1MAGINED . In fhe event that a scheduled Council meeting* falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at 7:30 p:m. on -the first business day following the holiday. The Mayor shall be seated af #he oenter of the dais,.and the- Deputy-Mayor sliatl 'be seated .to the Mayor's...'smmediate ieft. When the Deputy. Mayor., is acting as the Presiding Officer, in : the absence of tthe Mayoc, 1he _Deputy .Mayor shail be _seated . in the. center of the dais:. The.seating arrangement for the other members i of the Council shali be as'drected by the Comm'ttee onCommittees [See ACC (Ord. 3916 §I, 1983; 1957 code 1:04.010); ACC 2.06.020 (Ord. 3759 § 1, 1982; 1957 code § 1.04,020); ACC 2.06.030 (1957 code § 1.04.060); ACC ' 2.06.080 (1.957 code.§ 1:04.090):] . . . 2.2 Special Meetings - In ac:cordanoe with Section 2.06.040 of the City Code and Section 35A.12.110 RCW; a special meeting of the City Councii may be called by . the Mayor or any three members of the .Council by written notice delivered to: each member of the Council at least 24 hour.s before the time specified #or the proposed meeting; provided,;~ however, that no ordinance or -resolution shall be passed, or contract lef or eritered into, or bill for the.pay,merit ofi money. allowed, . at any special-=meeting ynless public notice of such .meeting. has been given by . such notice to the. local press, radio and television as will be reasonably calculated to inform the city's inhabitants of the. meeting. [See ACC 2.06.040 (1957 code § .'1.04.070).] 2.3 Emergency IVleetings - Emergency meetings may be called by the Mayor, in accordance with Section 42.30.070 RCW, when : by reason of fire, . flood, earthquake, or other emergency, there is a need for expedited action by the City Council ..to, -,meet the emergency, in whi.ch case, the meeting site notice . requirements otherwise applicabfe shall not apply.: 2:4 Executive $essions - A. Council meeting that is cfosed except to the Council, . the Mayor, City Attomey and authorized _staif inembers and/or consultants ' authorized by the Mayor. The public is restriCted from attendance. . Executive sessions may.be held during Regular and Special meetings-of the City Council and during Councii Commiftee meetings,.and will be announced. by the Mayor or Chair. Executive session subjects are. limited to considering such . matters as peRnitted by State law.. [See former ACC 2.06.070 (1957 code § 1.04.080).], 2:5 Cancellation of Meetings - Meetings may be canoeled by a majority vote of the Council and proper notice given by the City Cletlc. Page 3 : '.AJBLMN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED S.ECTIOiV ~3 - ORDER OF BUSINESS OF REGUL~►R~ COUNCIL ~VIEETING . _ _ . AGENDA. . . Ail items to be included. on the ,CounciPs agenda for consideration should be submitted . . . . . . . . . . . to ~the City. Clerk, in' iull by 12:00 Noon on ~the Tuesday preceding: each regulat Council . meeti ng. The City Clerk .shall then prepare a proposed agenda: aocording #o ttie order. of~ business; 'for,approvai bY tFie. Mayor, or fiis/her designee. A final agenda will ttien. be ' . . . . prepared by the City Clerk :and 'distributed :fio -C.ounalmembers as ttie official:.agenda for ' the meeting. The agenda focmat of the. Regular City Council meeting shall be as fiollows: . 3.1 Call to order. ' The Mayor shall call the meeting to order. 3.2 Roll'call. . . The City Clerk will call the roll. Counalmembers may request to'be'excused from a meeting by requesting the -same of -the Mayor in advance of the meeting. The reason fot the request shall be given at the time of the request. . 3.3 Flag salute. . The Mayor,. Councitmembers and, at times, invited guests will- lead the 'flag salute. ,3.4 Annodnoements, Proclamations=and Presentafions A proclamation is defned as an official announcement made by the Mayor or the Cify Council regarding a non-controversial event, activitji or special interest_group which has. a major bity-wide impact. 3.5. Appointments Appointing individuals to various committees, boards and commissions. 'Confirmatio.n.of appointrnents, where'confirmafion is called for, may.be.preceded by discussion in executive session, where appropriate. 3.6 Agenda modfications . Changes to the Councal's published agenda are announced at this. time: . Page 4 AUBURN* MOEZE THAN YOU 1MAGINED . 3.7 Public Hearings and Appeals . Individuals may commerrt on publia 'hearing and appeal items, provided that . when an.appea! is .a closed°:record appeal, the matter shall be considered -based on'information; evidence=and documents in- the tecord. Ar~gumerrt. on tFie appeat - ..shall'refer onlyto matters, informati on, documents and evidence presented at the . underlying hearing from which the appeal is taken, and no 'new information; . evidence -or documerrts may tie added; and argument on the 'appeal may only ; . deal with information, evidence and dociiments in the record. The Mayor will - , state the public hearing and/or appeal procedures before each hearing. ~ 3.8 Audience Participation -Memb.ers of the audience may comment on items relating to any matter related . . to City- business under the Audience Participation period: Comments are limited' . . to'.three (3) minutes per person, and a total. of fifteen (15) minutes per topic. Groups who have a designated speaker may have a total of-ten (10) minutes'to speak. Public comments sign-up forms will be.available at the Ciiy C(erk's desk , at each meeting for use of those citizens wisfiing "to address- the Council~ The . . Ciiy 'Clerk shall serve as timekeeper. The Presiding Officer may make. . exceptions to the. audience participation time restrictions when -warranted, in the. - discretion of the Presiding Officer. Citizens may aiso speak on_individual agenda items on the printed ~agenda at the ~ : time they are considered by the Council as requested by the Mayor. . 3:9 Correspondence . 3:10 Council Committee Reports , Council Committee Chairs report on action and activities of their respective ...Council-Committees. In giving Committee Reports,.the Chair or other committee member giving'the Repoit is encouraged *Ao defer detailed ~ reporting regarding resolutions and ordinances that are• on *the cucrent Council agenda. .7hen.; during discussion on a motion, the Chair or other coriimittee member is encouraged to give-a description of the intention, or process of consideration of-the ordinance or resolution. 3.1T Councilmember Reports Counci{members may - rePort on significarrt actiriities since the last 'regular meeting: Counci{member reports are to include: only information . coming'from appointed positions. Councilmember reports are to be directed to fellow Councilmembers. - ~ 3.12 Consent Agenda . . Page 5 . • ,,j,J$[JRN: * MORE THAN -YOU 1MAGINED Approval of the.Consent Agenda; including items considered to tie routine*and' . non-contcoversial, .may be approved by • one motion: - Items. on the Consent- Agenda :include 6ut are. not - limited to the following. Any. Counc~'Imembet may remove any item -from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. . A. Approval of minutes. . . . . . . . B. Fixing dates for public hearings and'appeals. . C. Approvaf. of daims and vouchers, bid awards and contracts. ~ D. Approval of surplus property. E. Other items. designated~.by the City Council: 3.13 -Unfinished Business . Unfinished business.of a-general nature. 3.14. New Business . . . . , _ Business, other than. ordinances and resolutions, that has not been previously . before.the City Council. . . . . 3.15 Ordinances All ordinances shall be in writing, and. the titles thereof shall be read aloud, by the ~ City Attomey prior to a vote being caffed on their adoption,. provided that any. councilmember may :upon request, have a full teading. of the text of a proposed; . ordinance prior to the vote on its adoption. It shall not require a second. fo ttie :request for a fulf reading of an ordinance. It is further ptovided, however,. tfiat the requirement.for a.reading of the title of the proposed,ordinance, or a full reading of thetext..of the proposed ordinance may be waived -upon, a motion. duly made, seconded and approved by a majority of the councilmembers in attendance at . . the council meeting. . . After a motion to adopt an ordinance has been made and seconded; •the . Councilmember making the motion is encouraged to. give a very brief -descripfion. of the. issues involved with the ordinance, without simply re.peating the ordinance . . fitle.-as tead by the City Attomey and may choose to. comment on any :results of . Committee action regarding the issue. . Discussion. and debate by the City Council on ordinances .wiN be held prior to the vote on an ordinance. Councilmembers shafl decide whether or not to amend the ' ordinance, or direct staff to further review the proposed ordinance. . Page 6 ~TT riV BURN 'k MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED An ordinance sha(I be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Couricil, - Provided that adoption'of -any -ordinanoe that grants or revokes,a franchise or. license shall require-. the :affiimative vote of at :least a. majority of the * whole . membership of the Council,. and Provided ~that public emergency - ordinances require a.vote. of a majorify plus one'of the whote Council membership. A public . , emergency ordinant;e is. one designated to. protect public. health "and safety, public property; or public peace.: . 3.16 Resolutions All resolutions shall be in writing, and the titles thereof shall be read aloud by the City Attomey prior to a vote being called on their passage, provided 'that any councilmember may upon request; have .a full- ceading: of the text of a proposed resolution.prior to.the vote on its passage.. It-shall not require a second to the' . request for a full reading of a:r.esolufion. It is further provided, however, that the . requirement for a reading of the tittle of the proposed cesolution, or a full'reading _of the text of the. :proposed resolution. may be waived upon a mofion duly made, . seconded and approved by. a majority of the councilmembers .in attendance at the council meeting. . . . . . After a motion to pass a, resolution has been made and seconded, 'the Councilmember making the motion is encouraged to give a very brief description . of the issues involved with the resolution withhout simply repeating the resolution . title as read by the City Attomey, and the councilmember may choose to comment on any results of. Committee action regarding the issue. Discussion .and debate by the -City. Council on cesolutions will be held prior to the . vote on a resolution. Councilmembers shall decide whether or not to amend the resolution, or direct staff to further review the proposed resolution. , .A resolution shall: be passed by a majority, vote' of a quorum of the. Councii; Provided that passage of any resolution for the payment of money sha11 require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the Council. 3.17 Adjoumment. Recess - The foregoing agenda may be interrupted for a stated time as called by the Presiding Officer to recess for any reason, including executive sessions. (See former ACC 2.06.110 (Ord. 5687 §'1, 2002; Ord. 4166 § 2, 1986); ACC 2.06.120 (1957 code §1.04.120.); ACC 2.06.140 (1957 code § 1.04.140.); ACC 2.06.170 (1957 code § 1.04.190.); ACC 2.06.180 (OTd.. 5835 § 2, 2002; 1957 code § 1.04.200).] Page 7 . AUBURN ~ MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED SECTION 4- COUNCILMEMBER ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS .4.1 'Councitmembecs shall attend Regular Council meetings. Counci{members will . iMocm: the Mayor or the City *Clerk if. they are. unable to attend any Regular Counal meeUng, or rf they : knowingly - will - -be., - late to , any meetin 0 . If A - Councilmembet has informed the Mayor or- City Cleck .that .he - or she is.- unable -to attend such meeting; the minutes for that meeting will show:the Counci[memtier as having .an excused absence for that meeting...Provided : that. excessive oT- prolonged absenoes shall be addressed by the, City Council'on a case tiy case . basis. [See ACC 2.06:050 and, RCW 35A.9-2:060] . . . : . 4.2 Counalmembers-shall attend the meetings. of the Council Committees to which they aie assigned; including meefings of the Council.Committee of the: Whole to . . . which afl Counalmembers.are assigned. Councilmembers wilt iinform:~the Chair of such* Council .Committees or the City Clerk if they ' a're unable to attend any- meeetings of sudh Council Committees,.or shall-so.inform tFie Chair orCity Clerk,if -they. knowingly will- be. :late. to,".any such Council'Commitfee, meeting. If a Councitmember has informed the Chair or City Clerlc that: he or.she is unable to attend such Committee meeting, the minutes for that meeting will'show the Councilmember as having. an excused absence for that meeting. Provided that excessive or prolonged absences shall be addressed, by the City,Council' on acase by case ,basis. . . . 4.3 Councilmembers shall attend -the Special Meetings .of : the .'City. Council: Councilmembers; will inform. the -Mayor or the City Cfeck if they are unable to . attend any. such meefings; or shall so. inform the . Mayor 'or- City Clerkif they . . knowingly will be late to any such Special, meeting. If a Councilmember has informed fhe -Mayor or City Clerk: that he or she is unable "to attend such :Special meeting, the minutes for that meeting will show the Councilmember as having an ~ excused absence for that meeting. Provided that excessnie or prolonged absences shall be addressed by the City Council on a case by case :tiasis: . , 4.4 Attendance at Council Committee meetings and Special. meetings will not, be considered °regular meetings° for the purposes of RCW 35A.12.060; applicable to Regular City Council meetings. However, in addition-to the application of' RCW 35A.12.060 -to Regular City Council meetings, unexcused absences from any Regular, or, Special meetings; or Committee meetings, shall constitute a. violation of these Rules of Procedure. SECTION 5'- PRESIDING OFFIC.ER -~DUTIES . : ~ 5.1 Conduct of Meetings Page 8 11A= . lJBtJRN ~k MORE THAN YOU 1MAGINED • , . The Presiding Officer at all'meetings of the Council shall be the Mayoc,and in.the absence of the • Mayor, the. -Deputy Mayor wiU act..in that capacity. if, , tioth 'the Mayor and Deputy AAayor are abserrt and a quorum is preserrt, the Counal shal! elect one of its members to serve as Presiding Offioer until the retum of the . . Mayor or Deputy Mayor. [$ee former ACC 2.06.090 (1957 oode § 1.04.100)4 " . . 5:7 ' The Presiding Officer . A. ' Stiall preserve order and -decorum at a!I meetings of ttie- Council and cause the- removal of any person- from any meeting for disorderly conduct; B. Shali obserye and enforce all rufes -adopted by the Councit; • C. Shall decide a[I questions on order,. in accordance with tFiese rules, : subject to appeaiby any Councilmember; . D. Shall recognize Councilmembers in the order in which they request the . floor, - giving every councilmember who wishes' -an opportunity to speak, provided that the mover of'a motion shall be permitted to debafe.it first, and provided ;that the Presiding Officer may also a11ow discussion of an issue prior to the s#ating of a motion when such discussion would facilifate wording of a motion; E. May affix approximate time limit for each agenda item;- F. When matters on the agenda are placed, or are able to be placed under . more than one classfication or category, as defined by the Order of, Business, and the matters invotve or are closely related to other subject matter, then the Presidirtg Officer may, in the Presiding Offoers. .discretion, present such matters before the Council, for discussion, consider and vote; -at a d'rfferenf place in the agenda without the necessity • of any vote thereon, notwithstanding tlieir Mitial different placement on the written agenda. . : : . . . . [See former ACC-2.06.100 (1957 code § 1.04.170.); ACC 2.06.190 (1957 code § 1.04.210).j SECTION 6 - COUNCILMEMBERS. . 6.1 Remarks..-. Councilmembets. desiring to speak shall..address the presiding officer, and when -recognized, shall confine hirNherself to the quesfion under debate. . , ' Page 9 , . . AU$(JRN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINID , 6.2 Questionina.. - Any member of the Council, including the Presiding Off.cer, *hatl, have -#he right to quesfion any individual, :including .members of #he staff, -on maiters germane.,to the issue property before the Council for discussion. .Und"er no, circumstarices.shall such questioning be conducted in :a manner #o tie. extent . . . that. such~would constitute a:-cross-examination of.-or an'.attempt to ridicu.ie or . degrade the individual being interrogated. . 6.3 Obliaafion to the Public Aoencv. - Nofinrithstanding the right of Counalmembers fo express their independenf opinions and exercise their freedom.of speech., Councilmembers .should act in a vway that reflects positively on the. reputation. of the City and of the community. Councilmembers shall also interact witti othei~ members of the:'City Council and City. stafF in ways that pcomote efFecfive: local govemment:. . 6.4 Councilmembers are expected. to. participate in training offered by individuals,: . agencies, -entities. and organizations including but .not limited. to the Association . of Washington Cities and the. State of Washington, .,so as, to .afFord, the Councilmembers the opportunity to better understand their roles as C.ity Councilmembers. . . 6.5 Councilrnembers are encouraged to participate in assignments :to regional.; . state and ~national committees, agencies and organizations to. 6etter reptesent the interests of the:City of Aubum. . . . [See former ACC 2.06.130 (1957 code § 1.04.130).] . SECTION 7 - DEBATES 7:1 Saeaking ;to the _Motion. - No `member of the Council; includ,ing the Presiding. . Officer, shall speak more than iwice on the same motion except by. consent of . the: majority of the Councilmembers present at the time the motion is before. the CounciL 7.2 Interruipfion..-:No member of the'Council, inciuding the Presiding Officer, shall . interrupt or argue with any other member while such member has the fioor, other than -the Presiding Officer's duty to preserve order during ineefings as provided in Section 5.2a:of these rules. 7.3 Courtesv. A11 speakers, including members of the Council, which includes the Presiding Officer, in the discussion, comments, or debate of a.ny matter or issue shall address _their, remarks to the Presiding Officer; 'be 'courteous in their language and deportment, and shall not engage in or discuss or comment on personalities, or indulge in derogatory remarks or insinuations in.respect to any other member of the Council, or any member of the staff or. the pubic, but.shaU at. all times confine their remarks to those facts which are germane and relevant to fhe question or matter under discussion. Page 10 AUBURN N10iZE THAN YOU 1MAGINED 7.4~ Transgression:'= If a member of the Council shall transgress these rules on ~ . debates, the Presiding Officer shall call such .member ~to order, in whichcase. :-such member shall -be silent except to explain oc oontinuk in order: ff. the ' 'Presiding Offioer stiaU •..transgress 'these rutes on - debate or fait to call such •member toorder, any oflier member' of ttie'Council may, under a point of order, call the Presiding,, Officer or such othet member- to order, in which casethe Presiding Officer or'suck memtier, as. the `case.may tie, shall be silent except to explain or continue in order. , . ` 7.5 - ChaUenqe to Rulinq. - . Any membet . of. the ~ Councif, including the - Pcesiding . Officer, stiafl have -the :right to challenge any action or ruling ofi the Presiding Officer, or member, as #he. case may be, in which case the decision of the --majority of the 'members-of the Council, present; including the Presiding Officer; . shall govem. ` '[See,former ACC 2.06.130-_(1957 code 1.04.130):] SECTION 8- PARLIAMENTARY-PROCEDURES AND MOTIONS '8.1 Al1:Gity Council meeting.discussions shall be govemed by ROBERTS RULES OF :ORDER, NEW/LY REVISED (latest edfion).. 82 ~ If a motion does not receive a second, it dies:. Matters that do not constitute a motion incfude nominations, withdrawal of motion by"the.person making the . motion; request for a roll call vote, and point of. order or privilege; therefore a ~second is not needed: . 8.3 A motion that receives a tie vote is deemed to have failed, provided that except where- prohibited by law;"the Mayot, as Presiding OfFcial, shall be allowed to vote : to break a tie vote. 8.4 WFien :making motions, Councilmembers shall be clear and concise and -not 'i.nclude arguments for the motion within the motion. 8.5 After a motion has been made and seconded, the Councilmembers may discuss their opinions on the issue prior to the vote. 8.6 If any Councilmember wishes to 'abstain, from a vote on the motion pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 hereof, that Councilmember shall so advise the Cify Council, and shall rernove and_-absent himselflherseff from the deliberations and considerations of the motion,.:and shall have no.furttier participation in. the matter. Such advice shall be given prior to any discussion or participation on the 'subject matter or as soon thereafter as the Councilmember perceives a need to abstain, provided that, prior to the time that a Councilmember gives advice of an intent to Page 11 ~ AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU 1MAGINED abstain from an issue, the Counalmembec shall confer with the City Attomey to . determine if tfie basis for.the Councalmember's intended- abstention corifiorms to the requiremerits of Section 9:.:If the intended abstention can 6e'.an#icipated .in.- • advance,, the conferenoe -with 'the City Attomey should..o,ccur prior #o the meeting at which the. subject mattec would be coming before the City- Counal. Ifthat . cannot be done, the Councilmember should advise the. City 'Council that helshe has an. ""abstention question" that. he/she would : want #o review . with.. the Cily Attomey, in which case, a brief recess rnrould,be: afForded the Councilmember for. ' that purpose. . _ . . : ~ , . 8.7 _ A motion may be withdrawn by the maker of the motion at any fime w"rthout the consent:of the Council. . . • . . . . . 8:8-- A motion to tablejs nondebatable and shall prectude.all. amendments or debates- . of the issue under consideration. 'A-motion to `table is to be..us.ed ininstances where- circumstances or situations arise which necessitate the intefruption of the, . Councilmembers' consideration. of the maiter then before them: A motion to table; if passed,. .shall cause the . subject matter . to be tabled until the intecrupting'.- circumstanoes or situations have been resolved, or until a time*-oertain,, if. . . specfied in the.motion to table. To -remove an. item frorn the table. in.advanoe. -of . the time certain requires a finro-thirds' majority vote. . 8:9 A motion to postpone.to a certain time is debatable; is arnendable itn'd may be reconsidered at .the same meeting. The question being postponed 'must be .considered at a. later time at the same meeting, or to a fime certain. at a future Regular.or.Special.City Council meefing. .8.1_0 A motion to postponeindefinitely is, debatable, is not amendable, and 'may be .reconsidered at-the sarre meeting only if it received an affirmative vote. 8.:11 A'motion to call for the question shall close debate on ;the main motion and is not . . debatable.: This motion must receive a second and fails wifhout a finrathirds' vote; debate is reopened if the motion fails. 8.12 A motion to amend is defined as amend.ing a motion that is on the floor and. has been. seconded, by inserting or adding, striking out, striking out and inserting, or substituting. , 8.13 Motions that cannot be amended include: Motion to adjourn, lay 'on fhe.table, roll call vote; point of order, reconsideration and take from the table. A: motion to . . amend an amendment is not in order. - 814 Amendments, are' voted on fi_rst, then the main motion. ~as. amended -.(if the amendment teceived an affirmative vote). - Page 12 p . tiUBURN 'k MORE THAN YOU 1MAGINED . . . . . . . . . i 8.45 Debate. of the mofion onlyoccurs after tFie 'motion has been moved and ~ seconded. . ; > 816. The .AAayor, City,Attomey or :City Cleric shoutd. repeat the motion prior to voting. 8.17. The : City Clerk will - take.. a-roli call vote, if requested by the.. Mayor, a , . Councilmember, or as require.d by law. . . 8.18. When a-question _ has. been :decided, any Councilmember who ; voted in the • majority.;may, move for. reconsideration. In : order to . a.ff.ord Councilmembers who . voted in the majority _ the potential basis foc a motion for ' reconsideration, . Councilmembers who voted in the majority may.inquire of.Councilmembers who . voted -with the minority: as to the reasons for, their. , minority -vote, if not stated . . , ,during debate prior to the vote.. . . 8,19 :The City Attomey shalt act-as the Council's, parliamentarian and.shall decide all questions of irrterpretations of-these rules which. may arise at a Council meeting. 8.20 These rules may be amended, or new rules adopted, by a majority vote of the full Council. . [See fomner.ACC 2.06.160 (1957 code § 1.04.180.); ACC 2.06.170 (1957 code § 1.04.190.); ACC 2.06.200 (1957 code § 1.04:220:); ACC -2.06.210 (1957 code § 1.04.230).j SECTION 9 - VOTIIVG .9:1. Voice vote - A'generalized.verbal indicafion by:the.Council as a whole o# "yea or . nay" v.ote on a matter, the.outcome of which vote: shall be recorded in the official minutes of the Council. Silence of a Councilmember during a voice vote shall be recorded as a.vote witli the prevailing side, except where such a Councilmember abstains because of a stated conflict of interestot appearance of faimess. 9:2 Roll callvote - A roll call. yote may .be requested by the Mayor or by any . Councilmember. " 9.3 Abstentions It is the responsibility -of each Councilmember to vote when requesfed on :a matter before the'. full Council: However, a Councilmember may abstain from discussion and voting on a question . because of a stated conflict of interest or appearance of faimess: 9.4 Votes bv Mavor - Ezcept where prohibited b.y, law, ttie Mayor, as Presiding OfFicial, shall be allowed to vote to break a tie vote. [$ee former ACC 2.06.150 (1957 code § 1.04.150).] Page -13. " AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU 1MAGINED ~ $ECTION 10 COMMENTS, CONCERNS AND TESTI~IIONY TO-~ COUNCiL . . .10.1 Persons. addressing -the ,Council, -who are not specifically scheduled on. fhe . . agenda, will be requested to step up to the podium,.give their.name:and address - for the record, and Iimit their remarks to three (3) minufes,: in addition to filling out . the speaker sign-in sheet available at the City Clerk's~ desk: All •remarks will be . . addressed to the Council as a whole. The City Clerk shaU serve as timekeepec. - fiFie= Presiding Offcer may-make exceptions to the time restrictions of,persons -addressing the- Councilwhen warranted, in- the discretion,ofthe Presiding~O.fficer. 10.2, 'Any person rnaking personal, impertinent or slandetous remarkswhile ~ aiidressingjhe Council shall be barred from further audience pacticipafion~ by the Presiding- Officer, untess permission to continue is- granted, by a majority vote.of : the Council. . jSee former ACC 206.130 (1957 oode 1.04130)] - . . SECTION 11 - PUBLIC HEARING$ AND APPEALS - 11.1. Quasi-judicial hearings require a decision be made by the-Council. using .a certain process, which may 'include -a recordof. evidence considered and specfic findings made. The following procedure shall apply: A. The Department Director of the department (most) affected by the.subject matter of the hearing, or said Director's designee, will p'resenf, the Ciiys . : position and. findings. Staff will _!ie available. to respond `to Council questions. _ B. The proponent spokesperson shall speak first and _ be allowed (10) , minutes. Council may ask questions. C. The opponent spokesperson shall be allowed ten .(10) minutes -foe presentation and Councit may ask questions. D. Each side shall then be allowed five (5) minufes for rebuttal; -with the proponent spokesperson speaking first, followed by the opponent ~ . spokesperson: E. The City Clerk:shall serve as timekeeper during these hearings, F. After each proponent and opponent spokesperson hav.e used . their . speaking time, Council may ask further questions of the speakers, who shall be entitled to respond but limit their response to the question'asked.Page 14 AUBURN *MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED 11.2 Public hearings where.a general audience is in attendance to present arguments -for*ot against a pubiic issue: ' A. The Depar#ment - DireCtor or -designee shall present the issue to tthe . Council and respond to'questions. B. A person : may speak for three (3) minutes. No 'one rriay speak for a second time until everyone who wishes to speak has had an opportuniiy to . speak: The Presiding Officer may make excepfions to the fime restrictions of persons speaking. at a public hearing when warranted, in the discretion of the Presiding Officer. , • C. The City ClerFr shall serve as timekeeper-during these hearings. D. After the speaker has used their allotted time; Council may ask questions of the speaker and the speaker may respond, but may not engage in ~ further debate. E. The hearing will'then be closed to -pubfic participation and open for - discussion among Councilmembers. F The Presiding Officer may exercise changes in the procedures at a particular meeting or hearing, but the decision to do so may be. overruled by a majority vote of the Councif. , SECTIOIV 12- - DEPUTY MAYOR SELECTION PROCESS 12.1 Biennially at the first meeti.ng of a new Council, or period;ically, the members thereof, by majority vote, shall designate one of their members as Deputy. Mayor - for such -period as the Council may'specify. The Deputy Mayor shall'seFve in the , absence or temporary disability of the Mayor.. 12.2 tn the event of extended excused absences or disability of a Councitmember, the remaining members by majority vote may appoint a Councilmember Pro. Tempore to serve during the absence or disabifity. . [See former ACC 2.06.090 (1957 code § :1.04.100).] . SECTION 137 COUNCtL -POSIT10iV VACANCY 13.1 In the event that an unezpired Council position becomes vacant, the City Council . has ninety (90) days from the occurrence of the vacancy to appoint, by majority Page 15 . AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED vote of a quorum of the Counc'i.l, a qualified person to fill the vacancy pursuant to State, law. The Council may make such appointrnent at itsnext regular meeting, ~ or at a special meeting calted for that purpose. [f the Counal does not appoint'a person within the ninety (90) day period, the Mayor may make the appointment from among the persons nominated `by memtiers of the Council. SECTION 14 - COUNCIL IVIEETING STAFFING 14:1 . Department Directors shall aftend all meetings of the Councit ;unless excused. 14.2 The City Attomey shall attend all meetings of the Gouncil unless excused, and - shall upon request, give an opinion, erther written or oral* on legal questions. The City Attomey shall, act. as the .Council's parliamenWrian. The Assistant City Attomeyshall attend meetings when the City Attomey has been excused. • [See former ACC 2.06.060 (1957 code § 1.04.160).] SECTION 15 - COUNCIL REL:ATIONS-WITH STAFF 15.1 There will be mutual respect from both City staff and Councilmembecs of their respective roles and, responsibilfies-when, and if, expressing criticism in, aputilic. meeting. : . 15.2 City staff will acknowledge the Council as policy makers, and the'.Councilmembers will acknowledge City staff as administering the Council's poticies. . . . 15:3. All written informational material cequested of City staff by . any individual ' Councilmembers shall be submitted to (or made available =-to) all. . Councilmembers, unless directed otherwise by the individual . receiying . Councilmember(s), or unless other reasons preclude such, distribution, in which case the reasons shall be communicated to the Councilmembers by the Mayor or designee. . 15:4 . Councilmembers shall not attempt to coerce or influence City. sta,ff.. in' ttie selection of personnel, the awarding of contracts, the selecfion of consultants,. the processing of development applications or the granting of Cify licenses ot: . permits. , . 15.5 Councilmembers shall not attempt to change or interfere. with the operating -rules ~ and practices of,anyCity department. - ~ . . Page 16 AUBURN MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED 15.6 No Councilmember shall, direct the Mayor to lnitiate any action or.prepare any report ~that. is significant in nature, or ~initiate any project oc study without the consent of a majority of the Council. ..15.7 lndividual requests fot information can be made -directly to Departrnerrt DiTectors unless otherwise determined -by the Mayor. .If the 'request would create a change- . . in work -assignmenfs oc. City staffng levels; the . request musf. be_ made through the-Mayor. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 15..8 Councilmembers shall.treat Ciiy sta.ff with courtesy and respect. 15.9 Any:written communication with staff shall also include the Mayor as a recipient , SECTION 16%, - COUNCIL COMMITTEES. AND- CI.TIZEN. - ADVISORY BOARDS . . . . 1.6.1. The Standing Committees of the City Council of the City of Aubum are as follows: . A. PUBLIC WORKS: . Makes recommendations to the City Council as a whole. on policies relating to waterand sanitary sewer utilfi,es,, storm. drainage, -streets and ~policy matters involving construction, engirieering, right-of=way use, street . vacation. and *equipment maintenance and operations. This-Committee will coordinate equipment rental and• utility matfers with the Finance . Committee. . The Committee.will senie as ttie Council's liaison for the Transportation, Transit and Trails Committee and special transportation advisory committees. B. FINANCE: . In addition to the normal monitoring of the financiaf expenditures of the approved budget, 'this Committee will make recommendations to the City Council as a whole on policies relating to human resources, municipal. court,. legal, information . services, 'and."City. real property transactions , including sale, lease; acquisitioh, and donations. 'This committee will coordinate property transactions with other -appropriate Council . Committees.. .The Committee will serve ~as Council's liaison for the Tourism Board. - C. PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: . Makes recommendations to the City -Council as a whole on policies relating to - land use •planning and zoning, code enforcement, annexation, . building, permRs; human services, parks,cultural arts and public art, museum, Mary Oison Farm, commun'ications, and economic development. , Page 17 -AUBjJRN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED : . . ' . The Committee will serve as the Council's liaison for the Arts, Commission; : . King County u~brary, Urban Tree ~ Board; Parks and Recreation Board; Planning Commission, :Human SerVices Committee, Museum board and Mutticultural.Roundtabie. . . D. MUNICIPAL SERVICES: . . . 'Makes recommendations to- the City -Council ' as a whole on poliaes . relating :to police, animal control, emergency planning, oonimun.ify -seivices; telecommunications, solid waste, airport, sen'or center; Aubum Intemational Farmers' Markef, golf cburse and cemetery. . The Committee . ~ will serve as the Council's liaison for the Airport Advisory- Boarei and . . : -Cemetery board.. . . . , . E., LES. GUVE COMMUNITY CAMPUS COMMITTEE Makes recommendations to the City Council as _ a whole on .policies . reiafing to development and ongoing use of. the Community CerrteT arid:. Activity Center facilfies at Les Gove Communiiy Campus. ~ . F. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE y, . Makes recommendations to : the City Councii as a whole on policies . relating . to devefopment in the Downtown ' Urban Core,. downfown . . development --agreements ~and operating policies. The Committee: v+rifl, . senre as: the Council's liaison for the Aubum .Downtown Association, the Business Improvement Area Board and the Urban Core Task: Fo'rce. G. COUNCIL OPERATIONS COMMfTTEE: Thereis created and established a Council Operations Commitfee for the . ciiy council, the appointment, duties and functions thereof to be as follows: . :1..Appointment. Membership of the Council Operations Committee,..shall . . consist of three.. Councilmembers having the longest tenure onthe City . ..Council, Longest tenure is to be calculated as the tofal length of consecutive service as a Councitmember. The Councilmember with the -longest tenure--shall automatically be the Chair of the Council Operations ~ Committee. In. the event two or more members have equal tenure, the Chair- and members of the . Council Operations Committee shall be ' selected on the basis of the largest number of votes reeeived at the most recent general-election(s) in which the Councilmembers were. respectively . elected. tt is p.rovided, however, that Councilmembers whose term of office will expire.;prior to or during the first meeting: of a,new City Council ~ and who have not been re-efecfed or appointed to another term of offioe . extending beyond fhe first meeting of a new City Council shall not serve ' Page 18 ACTBURN 'k MORE THAN YOU 1MA.GINED on ;the new., Council.'Operations Committee or be allowed.to vote on the . approval of the meriitie-rship of the new committees. . . 2. Powers and Functions: The. iuncfiori of the Council Operations . . C,ommittee is to supervise the formation ariii rriembership of all standing committees of:the City:Council: TFie Council Operafioris Committee shall, . sutiject to the approval~of a majorify of~the entire City Council, designate all of ttie standing committees of the City. Counal. In:. addition, the 'Council . . ` Operations Committee, shall, biennially-at the first meeting of a new City 'Council,, or periodically, submit a'list :of the ~'proposed members of all standing committees of.the Ciiy Council for approval by a: majority vote. of . the entire City Council. The Counal' Operations Committee shall also . recommend the, Chair. for each 'standing oommittee of the City Council, which recommendations shall also be "subject to approval by a'rriajority vote bf the entire City Counaf. The membership of all standing committee.s of the City Council shall . consist exclusively, of Councitmembers. Each chair of any standing'comm;ittee of the:City Council'shall, in the absence of a' quorum at a meeUng- of his/her particular standing committee, have the authority to;appoint.a non-member of the standing committee, from the City Council- to 'that ' standing committee 'for that meeting to create a quorum for that.Ineeting, or in the chair's absence the vice-chainnan shaU be able to appoint:another Councilmember to that paficular.committee in the absence of %a. quorum. . The function 'of the Council Operations Committee is- also to pr.opose amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the City Council to the full City Council,'and to address issues re(ating to the whole City Council 'and make recommendations for action by the full City Council relative to such issues. The Council Operations Committee shall also evaluate and recommend to the whole. City Council any actions, responses or sanctions for violations by Councilmembers,of these Rules of Procedure, wfiich recommendation shall be considered, voted and/or acted upon by the City Council in the normal course. 3. In cases of alleqed misconduct or violations of the Citv Council Rules of Procedures (ROP). the person susaected of the alleged misconduct or violation of the: ROP stiall be afForded .the opportunitv to respond, which opqortunitv sha1l_6e..Qiven...with advance no#ice..in an oqen meetinq of the . . ; Council Operations` Committee (C(3C) orior - fo the . COC makinq any . recommendations reaardinQ censure or -reprimand . or other. disciplinary action. . 34. Meeting - Dates. The, Council— Operations- Committee shall meet biennially. upon. the seating of each new City Council or more often as . needed. Page 19 ~7T . t1U BURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED t. . . , [See former ACC.2.06.220 (Ord. 4319 2, 3, .1989; Or.d.. 3937 §.1., _1984; Ord. 3606 . : 1, 198.'! ; Ord: 2786 1, 1974; Ord. 2745 § 1, 1973; 1:957 cbde §'1.04,240).] . 16.2. The Mayor or :a majority of the. City Councii =may establish - ;such 'ad hoc . , committees, as ~m:ay- be appropriate. to consider "special .matters that require special app~oach oremphasis: Such ad hoc commiitees may be.; established and - ' matters referredto ; them. at; study sessions., without the requiretnent that such establ.ishment-.orrefen~al-take place at a tegular City:Council mee#irig. The Mayoc shalt appoint Council representatives tb. intergovemmental councils,. .boarcls and ' committees, including such ad hoc committees: . ~ 16.3 Ad 'hoc. council ~co.mmittees shall consider all ..m- atters referred to. them.. Ttie chair of sucii ad hoc committee shall report tb 'the City Council the.findings of the committee. Committees may refer ifems, to the Council witFi no 'committee recommendation. . . - : . 16.4 Advisory Boards, Committees and C_ommissions:established by .'ordinance, . consisting of citizens. 'appointed 'pursuant to the establishing, Or~d.inance antl serving in- the capacity and for the purposes indicafed:. in..the Ordinance; shall ad as an advisory committee to the City Council. 16.5 Committee Chairpersons shall have broad. discreti on in, conducting. ttieir . . meetings. They will generally follow R-o6erts Rules of Order;. Newly Revised... . , 16.6 Committee Chairpersons, or a majority of the memliers of the: Comm'ittee, :may allow audierice participation that is r+elated to-the a enda item tiein discu . g . . g ssed by the Committee, and audience participation regarding sutijects falling 'within the areas of responsibility of the Committee may come' from any nort-member of the Committee, including members of the City Council who are in attendance: . 16.7 Committee Chairpersons shall approve a!I agenda iterns and may, ~ at their discrefion, remove. or add agenda items during the course, of the meeting. 16.8. Prior to publication of the agenda in which minutes are to be :approyed by the ,Committee, the Committee Chairperson, or the peron wo will be .presiding over tfie meeting, sha[I review the draft minutes of Committee meetings. . . . SECTION 17.. - COUNCIL REPRESEiVTATION. INTERNAL CONiMIJNICATION ~ ~ 17.1 If a Councilmember appears on behalf of the City before another govemmental agency,.a community organization,, or through the 'media, for'the purpose of . commenting on-an issue, the Councilmember~needs to state the majority position of the City Council, if known, on such issue. Personal opinions and comments which differ from those of the Council majority may be expressed if the Page 20 ~TT 1 it,JBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED • . ' Councilmember, clarifies that 'these statements._do not represent the. City Councit's position. . . 17.2 Councilmembers , need to have other Councitmember's concurrence befote - representing another Councilmembei's view or position, -with !tie'media, another . goverriment agency or community organization. . 17.3 Councilmembers shal! not knowingly communicate with an opposing party or with . an opposing: attomey in connection with any pending br threatened litigation in wHich the~City -is -a party or.in connection with any disputed claim involving the City without the prior appro.val of the City Attomey, -unless the Councilmember is . individually a-party to 'the Ifigafion or is involved in the disputed daim separate . . from the .Councilmember's -role as a City official. 17:4 - Communication among . Councilmembers shall conform to the following patameters: . , A. To' assure that -communication on agenda items occurs to the greatest extent *possible at the public meetings,: and to avoid ;even, the perception that ernail is being used as "sequential meetings,° Councilmembers should refrain from emailing Councilmembers about such agenda items. Councilmember5 should be prepared to communicate about matters that are on upcoming Committee agendas or Counci( agendas at the public meetings. If Councilmembers wish to ' share information with other councilmembers about- matters that are on upcoming agendas, the councilmembers should forward that .information to the Mayor for distribution in the cbmrriittee or council meeting packets. B. Councilmembers may communicate via email to other Councilmembers, including to a quorum of a Council committee or the full City Council about matters within the 'soope of the Committee's authority or related to City _ business, but not yet-scHeduled on upcoming Committee or Council - agendas, to indicate a desire that cerfain items be incfuded on upcoming _ meeting agend'as; provided that Councilmembers shall never ask for responses from tlie other Councilmembers in that communication. C. Email communication ang Councifinembers. relating to City operations should also include.fhe IUlayor as a recipient/addressee. D. Councilmembersmay -email the Mayor about City business without . limitations or restrictions. 17.5 internet & Electronic Resources/Equipment Use. A. Policy. It is the policy of the City Council that Intemet and electronic resources equipment use shall conform'to and be consistent wfth the Page 21 . . AuBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED requirements of City of Aubum Administrative :Policy and . Procedure. 500- : - 03, "Intemet & Electronic Resouroes/Equipment Use -Elected Officials° adopted hereby and 'incorporated herein by this reference. . !t is important to note that all letters, memoranda, and interactive computer rommunicatiori irnolving City Counciimembers 'and. member's of advisory boards and commissions; the subject of which relates tottie oonduct of govemment or the performance of any govemmental ; funcfion; with exceptions stated by the Pubtic Records Act (RCW 42:56); are public records. B. Electronic Communications. (1) . Informal messages with no retention value and that"do not relate to . _the funcfional responsibilify of the recipient or sender . as a, public offcial; such as meeting notices, remindeis,.telephone messages: . and informal notes, do not constitute a public record. Users should° delete these messages once theiradminEStrative purpose is served: .(2) All other messages that relate to the functional responsibility 'of the . recipient or- sender,.as a public official c,onstitute a public reoord.- - . Such records are subject to public inspection and copying. (3). Electronic. comrnunications.that are intended to be shared. among-:a . quorum. of the City Council or Council Committee, whether concurrently or serially, must be considered in iight of the Operi , Public -Meetings Act. If. the intended- putpose of the electronic - communication is to have a discussion that should be held at an . open meeting, the electronic discussion. sha{I not occur. Further, the. . use of electronic communication to forrn a collective decision of the Council shall not occur. . . (4) : Eiectronic communication should be used cautiously when seeking _ tegal advice or to discuss matters of pending :lifigation or other . confidential City business. In general, elecE.tonic _communication is . discoverable in Irtigafion, and even delefed electronic communication is not necessarily removed from the, system... Confdential electronic communications should not be shated -w~h . . . individua{s other than the intended recipients, or the attorneY-client . privilege protecting the.document from disclosure'may be waived. . (5) Electronic communication befinreen Councilmembers and between Counci(members and staff shall not be. transmitted to the public or. I news media without the filing of a pubtic disclosure request with 'the City Clerk. Page 22 ~7~T riUBURN'k MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED . . • . (6) As a cautionary note; if an elected public official uses his .or het personai - home computer to' send electronic communications , . , dealing with City business, the electronic communications and electronic records-may*be subject fo' discovery demands and public : disclosure requests. That possibilify ampl'fies the need. for caution in how one uses electronic communication for City business. SECT[ON 18 - TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION , .18.1 In accordance with-the Crtyof Aubum .Vavel- policy; approva{s or expenditure of . travel. related costs and/or approval of specfic travel -events. or acWities by ; Councilmembers beyond:.the authority provided in the travel poficy shall be as follows: ttie cequesting Councilmembershall submit hisJher request to ezpend . travel retated costs and/or -request for authorization for specific trave( purposes to the Mayor to be included on an upcoming Council meeting agenda in. advance of the date(s) of : such expenditure or travel. The* City Council may pursuant to a motion, approve the request by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council at , the meeting in which.the mattet is considered: SECTION 19 - CONFIDENTIALITY 19.1 Councilmembers. shall keep. confidential all written materials and verbal information provided to'them during Executive Sessions, to ensure that the City's . position'is not compromised. Confidentiality also includes information provided to Councilmembers 'outside of :Executive Sessions when the information is , considered by the exeinpt from. disclosure under exemptions set forth in the Revised Code of Washington. SECTION 20 - ENFORCEMENT OF RULES OF PROCEDURE 20:1 Councilmembers.shall conform their conduct to the,requirements; standards and expectafions set forth . in . these Rules of Procedure. In addition to and nofinrithstanding whatever other enforcement mechanisms may exist for legal, ethical or practical obligations on Councilmember performance. or conduct, violafions of , these Rules of Pcocedure by Councilmembers may- be enforced by action of the City Council through sanctions - such as votes of censure: or letters of reprimand, and such other action as may be permitted by law. , . . Page 23 Aj JBURN*MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED ~ . ~ City.Council Rules. of Procedure:. ~ . ~ . . . . . . . - . . . . . ~ ~ . Adopte_.d:. .Feb.ruary 2, 2004 ~ . ~ . ~ . . Ordinance No. 5802 . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ • _ ~ ~ . . . ~ Amended by- Resolution 1V6. 4282-, December 17, 2007 . ~ Amended.-by Resolution~ No: 4429, December 15, 2008 ~ . ' ~ Amended. by Resolufion 'No. 4467, April 6., 2009 ~ . ~ . . . Arnended by Resolutiori No. 4615, July 6,:2010 Amended bv Resolution~ *No. 4686. 201 1 . . . . ~ Page 24 AUBURN 'k MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED