HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM 1 PLT10-0007 * Exhibit 1 crnr oF Number of Pages 10 AGEIVDA BILL APPROVAL FORIVI WAgenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 Department: Planning'and Attachments: See Exhibit List Budget lmpact: N/A Development Administrative Recommendation: . Hearin Examiner a rove the Prelimina Plat of Sti 's Meadow Background Summary: - - OWNER/ APPLICANT: Stipp's Meadow LCC, 4238 SW 314th Street, Federal Way, WA 98023 REQUEST: The proposal is to subdivide a 4.47 acre parcel into 18 single family residential lots. This project received preliminary plat approval in 2006 for 14 single family lots. The City of Auburn updated its residential zoning code in June 2009 fo density based residential zoning which now permits additional lots in the R-5 zoning district". The road network and general lot layout will remain the same as the original preliminary plat. Storm drainage forthe project is being addressedin a combined storm pond with Mt. View Estates project and will be located within the Stipp's Meadow project. LOCATION: The proposal is located at 32810 56~' Avenue South within thd SW of Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian; King County, Washington. Parcel Number: 9262800325. EXISTING LAND USE: Single Family Residence to be demolished COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential SEPA STATUS: Adoption of Existing Environmental Document Mitigated Determination of Non Significance issued November 24, 2010.: Reviewed by Council 8 Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: 0 Building ❑ M&O ' ❑ Airport ❑ Finance ❑ Ceme.tery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal. Sery: ❑ Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services ❑ Planning & CD . 0 Fire 0 Planning ❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works O Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other Z Pu61ic Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Information Services Action. Committee Approval: ❑Yes . ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes E]No. Call for Public Hearing Referred to Until Tabled Until Councilmember: _ Staff: Chamberlain Meetin Date: March 30, 2011 Item Number: ' - '$U. RN* MORE THAN YOU llvIAGINED Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses the subject property and map showing the adjacent zoning: Comprehensive Zoning Land Use Plan Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single Site Residential family residence North Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single family Residential residences South Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single Residential famil residence West Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single family Residential residences East Public/Quasi Public P-1, Public Use Mt. View Cemetary District .~,gma= gs l 9262axm ) I 2A2800207 M28=0 S26280= S2620= o ~ I I ' Y . q2- is~...-..' 1 ~ I 14210490M i i 9282800286 W62800Z70 92628O280 9262800273 ~ L 1 ~ - t. View Estates 2262800296 ~ 06109~~~ 9.'62800~',85 . ~ M~tl2 'po-'S--QAP.aC~ 'l~_ 8]6280Ql13 92628=20 926M01025 I ~ 1421649011 9262BOa16 I I 8262800343 1 92fi2B0Q130 _ 14.^1099017 ~ , 826280LDW i fff Q Zoninp ~ 926S41 142104906' I ^p~ Cl liqht Commercial District ~ - ---L / ~C2 Centrel Business District MC3 Heevy Commertial Distric[ 14Z5D4 CN Nciphborhood ShoDDinp Distnct _f/-' V6ZyppAtO 9262800405~ f ~ _ DuC Downtown Urben Centcr s~~~ ~ ■EP Environmental Park District ~~0 117104 I Institutional Usc District _ Lakeland Hills South PUD 142104= 2 ;...Lf Airport landing ficld District hfi Lipht Industrial Distritt 0 M2 Heavy Industriel District UP; Gublic Use DistriCt ■PUD Planrted Unit Development R3 ncsidential 1 DU/Acre R5 Residential 5 DU/Acre R7 Residential 7 DU/Acre R10 Residmtial 30 DU/Acre R20 Residential 20 DU/Acre RC Residentiel Conservancy ■RMHC Residential M1lanufacturcd/MObile Mome Units ■RO Residential Offitt District ■RO-H Residential Qfftt DistriM (HOSpital) ■ N Terrace View 'UN [ Unclassified Use DistriM Page 2 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's MeadowPreliminary Plaf; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Phil Kitzes, of Stipp's Meadow LLC, submitted an application for a preliminary plat on November 24, 2010 for an eighteen (18) lot single family residential development. This project received preliminary plat approval in 2006 for 14 single family lots. The City of Auburn updated its residential zoning code in June 2009 to density based residential zoning which now permits additional lots in the R-5 zoning district. The road nefinrork and general lot layout will remain the same as the original preliminary plat: Storm drainage forthe project is being addressed in a combined storm pond with Mt. View Estates project and will be located within the Stipp's Meadow project 2. The subject property is located at 32810 56th Avenue South, Auburn, WA. Parcel Number: 9262800325. 3. The subject property is zoned R-5, 5 du/acre. The proposed use is consistent with the R-5 zoning designation within the Auburn City Code (ACC) Chapter 18.07 as well as the Comprehensive: Plan designation of Signle Family ResidentiaL 4. Water will be provided by the Lakehaven Utility District. 5. Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the City of Aubum. 6. Requirements of ACC Chapter 15.74 Land Clearing are applicable to the site. 7. No state or federal candidate threatened or endangered plant species has been identified on the site. 8. No state orfederal candidate threatened or endangered animal species or habitat has been identified on the site. 9. The proposal will not have significant adverse environmental impacts on .fish and animals, water, noise, air quality; environmentaf health, public services and utilities, and land and shoreline use . provided the attached conditions of approval are met. 10. Pursuant to ACC Chapter 15.74 and City of Auburn Design Standards, a temporary erosion and sediment control plan is required to be approved and implemented on the site priorto and during site _ development. Potential significant adverse environmental impacts associated with erosion and sedimentation from this development are adequately mitigated through compliance with th"is regulation. 11. Pursuant fo ACC Ghapter 13.48 and City of Auburn Design Standards, a storm drainage plan_ and subsequent installation of an approved stormwater management system on the site is required. Potential significant adverse environmental impacts associafeii virith increased stormwater runoff from this development are adequately mitigated by compliance with this regulation. 12. The applicant has completed a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the proposed traffic from the project, per requirements of Chapter 19.04 ACC. The-City's traffic division has reviewed and accepted the TIA, prepared by Christopher Brown & Associates., dated December 2005 with revisions dated May 15, 2006 and June 22„2006. The proposed preliminary plat adds only 4 single family lots from what was previously approved. The City's Ttansportation Planner determined that the addition of 4 single family lots to the project did not require a new TIA. 13. The project will add approximately 18 new PM peak hour trips to the transportation network. Traffic impact fees are assessed at building permit issuance or can be deferred if the applicant complies with Ordinance No. 6341. ' ~ Page 3 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 14. Any work through geologic hazard areas shall comply with ACC 16.10.100(E)(2) and ACC 16.10.170. 15. To mitigate noise impacts associated with the proposal, all construction shall comply with ACC 8.28. 21. The applicant shall mitigate school impacts through the payment of the school impact fee in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 22. Fire impacts generated by the project are mitigated through payment of the fire impact fee in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 23. The applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation :plan, pursuant to ACC Section 17.12.210 and City of Aubum Design Standards. 22. Fire hydrants and mains capable of providing the required fire flow shall be provided in accordance with the City of Aubum Design Standards. Fire hydrant location shall be approved by the Fire , Marshal. 23. Per Table 10-1 Minimum Street Design Requirements, City of Auburn Construction Standard, :local residential streets are required to be a minimum of28 feet between the curbs; and parking is allowed on one side of the street only. "No Farking this side° signs, in accordancewith City,of Aubum „ standard details; shall be instatled prior to occupancy of structures on the site. 24. Auburn City Code 13.16.060(M) requires the maximum distance between hydrants for a single-family use district shall be 600 feet, measured as the fire vehicle lays its hose. This puts any house in the area with 300 feet of a fire hydrant. , 25: A Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit is required prior to site work commencing. 26. A Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice permit is required prior to land clearing activities commencing on site. 27. A Combined Notice of Application, Adoption of Existing Environmental Document, and Public Hearing Notice was issued on March 2, 2011 (Exhibit 5). The City received one comment letter on the project (Exhibit 8). The public hearing notice was issued a minimum of 10 days priorto the public hearing as . required by ACC 18.70.040: The notice was also posted on site and mailed to adjacent property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. ~ CONCLUSIONS: ACC Chapter 17.10.070 provides certain criteria for approval of a Preliminary Plat: 1. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare-and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and schools. Staff Comment The proposed 18 lot preliminary plat includes provisions for storm water, access; watec, sewer, recreation/open space, and schools. The proposed cul-de-sac road to the serve 15 of the 18 lots meets the City of Aubum design standards for a local residential street. Three of lots will directly access South 328th Street. Page 4 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 Water will be provided to the project through Lakehaven Utility District. The applicant provided a water availability certificate as part of the application to showadequate water supply exists for the project (Exhibit 10). Sewer is provided through the City of Auburn. , Adequate provisions are made for schools through the payment of school impact fees at the.time of - building permit issuance. Sidewalks do not currently exist in the vicinity. Sidewalks will be provided along South 328th Street the length of the subject property frontage as well as the cul-de-sac road senring the project providing pedestrian access. The proposed project of 18-lots does not reach the threshold of 50 units for requiring dedicated park space as stated in ACC 17.14.100. However, the City assess a park impact fee at the building permit stage of the project to address impacts to the City's park system by the project. 2: Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan. Staff Comment Comprehensive Plan Elements The following "section provides the text from the Comprehensive Plan and how PSE's project is in conformance with the plan policies: Land Use Goa17: Residential Development To emphasize housing development at single family densities, in order to reestablish a mix of` . housing types appropriate for a family ociented community, while recognizing the need and desire for both lower density and higher density housing appropriafely located to meet the housing needs of all members of the community. Policy LU-17: Residential densities in areas designated for single family residential uses should be no greater than 7 units per acre. Objective 7.2: To designate land for the development of new single family homes. Objective 7.3: To promote the development of quality single family neighborhoods which relate the design and types of residential areas to importanf natural and manmade features. Policy LU-26: Emphasis shall be placed upon the mannerin which the recreational needs of the residents shall be met in the approval of any residential development. Comment The project site is 4.06 acres: With 18 lotsr proposed, this yields a density of 5 dwelling units per net acre. Recreational needs of the residents are met through.the assessmenf of a park impact fee at the building permit stage. The proposed project rneets the density of the R-5 zoning district and land use designation of Single Family Residential and assists the City meeting its housing targets and growth management objectives. 3. Conformance of the proposed subdiVision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the City Council. Staff Comment 4. Gonformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of this title, as enumerated in ACC 17.02.030. Page 6 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminar y Plat; PLT10-0007 . Date: March 24, 2011 • The purpose of this title is to regulate the division of land lying within the corporate limits of the city, and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and prevent or abate public nuisances in accordance with standards established by the state and the city, and to: . o Prevent the overcrowding of land; 0 Promote safe and convenient travel by the public on streets and highways; o Promote the effectiye use of land; • Provide for adeguate light and air; , 0 Facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, storm drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites forschools and school grounds, and other public requirements; . • Provide for proper ingress and egress; • Provide for the expeditious review and approval of proposed land divisions, which comply with this title, the Aubum zoning ordinance, other city plans, policies and land use controls, and Chapter 58.17 RCW; , o Adequately provide forthe housing and commercial needs of the citizens of the state and city; - • Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance by accurate legal description; • Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Aubum comprehensive plan Staff Comment The proposed preliminary plat meets the general purposes of the Land Adjustment and Divisions Ghapter of the Aubum City Code. The proposed lot size meets the R-5 zone regulations of a minimum of 6,000 square feet per lot but and an average lot size of 8,000 squaee feet. The lots in the vicinity vary in lots size from 9,800 to 3 acres. As mentioned under Comment 1, the proposed plat makes adequate provisions for water, sewer, storm drainage, fire access, and ingress/egress. Addressed under Comment 2 is how the project complies with the Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The ' proposed preliminary plat will develop 18 single family residential lots providing housing for citizens of . the state and city. 5. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn zoning ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the city; or as modifed and approved as part of a previously approved PUD. Staff Comment , The proposed project meets the regulations outlined in ACC Section 18.07.030. The lots are designed to meeting the following requirements: • Minimum lot width of 50 feet • Minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet with an average.lot size of 8,000 square feet = the ' smallest lot is 6,013 square feet and the average of all the lots is 8,695 square feet m The fufure single family residences will be required to meet the minimum setbacks and lot coverage outlined in ACC 18.07.030. The cul-de-sac road, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, and sewer mains will be required to meet the City's Design and Consfruction Standards. These facilities are reviewed as part of the facility . extension, grading, and civil plans to be submitted by the applicant: Even with the addition of the 4 lots, the applicant proposes to keep the cul-de-sac road, sidewalks, and storm facilities the same as previously approved to minimize the changes needed to the civil plans. 6. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. Staff Comment Page 6 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated through the issued Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance. The City, issued an Adoption of an Existing Environmental Document as part of this new preliminary plat.to address the addition of 4 lots to the . project. The proposed sewer extension is from the base of Mt. View Drive to the: unimproved right-of-way of 58'" Avenue South, then will head north to the Stipp's Meadow project and the continue north along 58' Avenue South to the Mt. View Estates project. Geotechnical analysis was provided for this utility exfension as the construction is through steep slope and erosion prone area but within the existing developed right-of-way of Mt. View Drive. 7. Adequate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances. , Staff Comment Adequate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances. The vacant structures on site will be demolished. 'MODIFICATION OF STANDARDS=ACC CHAPTER 17:18 Pursuant to this chapter, modifications can be made to standards or specifications if the modification - meets the requirements of ACC 17.18.030. . The applicant has requested the following modifications (Exhibit 9): • Lot Orientation for Lots -16-18 to access from South 328th Street rather than the intemal plat road • Modification from design standards for the slope of South 328'h Street exceeding 6% and for intersection landing grade on South 328th Street and the proposed cul-de-sac road exceeding 5%. Staff Comment The request is to have Lots 16-18 access South 328t" Street rather than the internal plat road, which is required by code to access the internal plat road, is a result of comments from the adjacent_residents when the original preliminary plat was being processed. The residents wanted to have some of the new homes face South 328th Street rather than only seeing the rear of homes. By having Lots 16-18 face South 328th Street ~rovides a similar look to the existing neighborhood where the some of the homes north of South 328t Street have direct access to the street rather than the internal cul-de-sac road. Two modifications from the City's Design Standards were processed under the original preliminary plat The City considers these plat modifications part of the new plat application as long as the ADA ramps in the plat can meet the City and ADA standards. The applicant has provided some preliminary informafion showing that the ADA requirements can be met however; staff has recommended a condition of approval to address this item as part of the c,ivil reView. The proposed plat modifications are necessary #o address the concerns raised by the neighborhood during the original preliminary plat review and connect a new cul-de-sac road with the grade of the existing road (South 328'h Street). DeVeloping the property in strict conformity with the provisions would not allow reasonable and harmonious. use of the property. Allowing Lots 16-18 to access South 32e Street develops these lots similar to the lots located north of South 328th Street. If#hese three lots were to access the intemal plat road then potentially lots would be lost and not meet the density of the R-5 zone. These modifications are not materially detrimental to the implementation of the policies and objectives of the comprehensive plan. The" modifications are to allow fhree lots access South 328t" Street rather than the internal plat and allow the cul-de-sac road to be at a steeper grade than 6% as the cul-de-sac road is connecting to an existing developed right-of-way that already exceeds 6% grade. If these modifications Page 7 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 were not permitted then potentially lots would be lost and not meet the density of the R-5 zohe in turn not meeting the o6jectives of the comprehensive plan. The modification requests do not lessen the requirements of the zoning ordinance and are consistent with the purpose of the Land Adjustments and Divisions title. NEIGHBORHOOD CIRCULATION PLAN ACC 17.16 The neighborhood circulation plan shall show the following: a. Planned Street System. The planned street system must be compatible with the city's comprehensive transportation plan. Development which is proposed in areas of the city which have a planned street system which is a part of the comprehensive plan or the,city's six-year plan, and any other street plan, shall make provisions for such streets and must not cause implementation of such street plans to become unattainable. b. Nonmotorized Transportation Routes. Preliminary plats and binding site plans which are proposed in areas of the city which have planned routes or facilities for bicycles, equestrian, or other nonmotorized transportation mode which is_a part of the comprehensive plan or the city's six-year - plan, and any other street plan, shall make provisions for such routes and must not cause implementation of such routes to become unattainable. - c. A nonmotorized circulation system shall be integrated into the overall subdivision and surrounding area. i. When abutting vacant or underdeveloped land, new development shall provide the opportunity for future connection to its interior pathway system through the use ofpathway stub-outs, building configuration, and/or parking iot layout. The proposed location of future nonmotorized and pedestrian connections shall be reViewed in conjunction with applicable development approval: ii. Developments shall include an integrated nonmotorized circulation system that connects buildings, open spaces, and parking areas with the adjaeent street sidewalk system. iii. Pedestrian connections to existing or proposed trails/pedestrian routes on adjacent properties shall be provided unless there are physical constraints such as sensitive areas that preclude the construction of a pedestrian connection " Staff Comment " The planned street system is compatible with the City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan. 56th Avenue South is a proposed bike route and there is existing right-of-way to accommodate a future bike lane without right-of-way dedication. Frontage improvements are required along 56"' Avenue South; however, the applicant applied for a street.delay request under the peevious plat application that was granted (Recording Number 20090217000840). Granting this street delay request was prior to the City _ adopting our updated Comprehensive Transportation Plan which includes the recently annexed area of West Hill. . As part of the project, frontage improvements are required along the subject property frontage. Sidewalks will be constructed where sidewalks do nof exist today providing pedestrian access to 56th Avenue South: RECOMMENDATION Based upon the application and Findings ofi Fact and Conclusions of, the staff report, staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner approve the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions of approvaL , 1. Mitigation measures outlined in the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance issued July 10, 2006 shall be completed prior to final plat approval. 2. On-site drainage flows ftom the proposed plat of Mt. View Estates shall be directed to the proposed on-site storm drainage facility to be constructed as part of the Stipp's Meadow project. Page 8 of 10 Agenda Subject: Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 Date: March 24, 2011 3. The Homeowners Association shall maintain those poitions of the storm water tract located outside the fenced pond boundary. 4. The applicant shall provide sewer stubs to the parcels adjacent to all sewer main extensions. 5. Proposed Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the future Homeowners' Association shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to final plat approval. 6. All tracts not dedicate to the City of Aubum shall be maintained by the future Homeowners' Association. 7. Half street improvements shall be required for South 328th Street in accordance with City Design ' and Construction Standards. 8. Half street improvements shall be required for 56th Avenue South and 58th Avenue South in accordance with the City Design and Construction Standards. The applicant applied for and was granted a street delay request for56th Avenue South under recording number 20090217000840. The applicant may apply for a street delay request for 58th Avenue South. 9. The final plat shall include a note that states no direct residential access to 56th Avenue South, 58th Avenue South, and South 328"' Street, except for Lots 16=18, is permitted. 10. The plat modification related to the intersection landing grade where 56'h Court South connects into South 328th Street is approved subject to the ADA ramps meeting the City and ADA standards. 11: In the event that the Mt: View Estates plat does not proceed at the same time as the Stipp's Meadow plat, Stipp's Meadow plat will be required topave the intersection of South 328t" Street and 58th Avenue South to provide an asphalt surface for two-way travel in all directions.. 12. The existing structures on site shall be demolished prior to any grading work commencing on-site. If it exists, asbestos containing material shall be removed prior to demolition of the on-site ' structures and disposed in accordance with the requirements of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Washington State Department of Laborand Industries, and the King County Health - Department. ' 13. The applicant shall provide the necessary geotechnical analysis as part of the civil plan review to support the low impact development techniques proposed forthe storm drainage facilities. The applicant must demonstrate that the soil conditions on-site are appropriate and that adequate freeboard exists between the'proposed on-site storm'drainage facilities and the high groundwater elevation. Staff reserves the right to supplemenf the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent fo the writing of this report EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit 1 Staff Report Exhibit 2 Vicinity Map Exhibit 3 Preliminary Plaf Application Materials Exhibit 4 Preliminary Plat Site Plan Exhibit 5 Gombined Notice of Application, Adoption of Existing Environmental Document, and Public Hearing Notice Page 9 of 10 Agenda Subject: $tipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0007 ' Date: March 24, 2011 Exhibit 6 Environmental Checklist Exhibit 7 Aerial Photograph . Exhibit 8 Comment letters Exhibit 9 Modification of Standards for Lot Orientation (Lots 16-18) and PLT06-0001 deviation requests Exhibit 10 Certificate of Water Availability -Lakehaven Utility District Exhibit 11 Storm Drainage Report and Offsite Analysis, prepared by'Preferred Engineering, LLC dated November 22, 2010 Exhibit 12 Geotechnical Report prepared by Berquist Engineer Services, dated July 16, 2008 - Exhibit 13 _ Geotechnical Report prepared by SubTerra, Inc. dated January 9, 2006 , Exhi6if 14 Traffic lmpact Analysis, prepared by Christopher Brown & Assoc., dated December 19, 2005; with updates dated May 15, 2006 and June22, 2006 Exhibit 15 School Aceess Analysis Letter Page.1O of 10 Vicinity Map ; , i i I ~ . j ~~j,,~~ ; ~ i j ~0, t. Vlew Estates r. ~ Stipp's o` - Meada, _ ~ . ~'1'~, - - ~ - - - - - - - - ' Jr~. PEAS PY.V1yNYON S A \ ~~Jr- • - - - ai ~ /at.~ _ --•_~'L ,~9'_'_ py ••.~tiP" . ( ~,r' ~ ; ~ ~ - ~ Parcels Printed Date3124/2011 N ~ Map Created by City of AuMan eG15 Informatlon shown is for general reterence W E Durposes only and does not neoessarily represent exact geographic or cartngraphic daG as mapped. The qty oi Aubum makes iro g wartanty as tn its aauracy. 0 fl 836 . ~ 3 Numteer otlsgw 3 ~01 CITY OF AUBURN oFFIce US ONL Departrnent of Planning, Building 8 Community FILE Aubum City Hatl, 2nd Floor ' I~ , w~sxtrrcrox 25 West Main Street FILE NAME: ' .f - Aubum, WA 98001-4998 TeL• 253.931.3090 TypE: RECEIVED Fax: 253.804.3114 ' peimitcenter@aubumwa.gov FEE PAID: CHECK/CASH: www.auburnwa.gov SUBMI7TAt DATE: LAND USE DESIG: TYPE III PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISIOIV (PLAT) APPLICATIOIV APPUCAAIT: 0 Use mailing address for meeting not~cation. )KCheck box if Primary Contact _ COMPANYs ADDRESS: 2'3c5 a49' '5i. Ze-`3 e.1-5 . S'ilVl'"T y (Emr, STATE, ziP) in^d~L-S fJo3 6 PHONE: . 2Z7 . 7Qr4';' FAX: E-MAIL: ~~►v~'~.1~'RISV~ - Mv ~ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME: PW LVI f KI T" GS (Signatu equireao (A t'PPAL, ia.G, I',l-\3zTN60 APPL/CANrS REPRE3ENTATIVE: ❑ Check box if Primary Contact GOMPANY: l.l. C, ADDRESS: 42. 3f-~. S\*-j 314 T lA ~>1't3-4~ • (CITY, STATE, ZIP) rA-37~7-IKL- W_A\f . \V A, °J PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: S'Tiive (p TzF- i.i.- C. 0 1Ztx, SIGNATURE: ~PRINTED NAME: Tl I~Ls,' I S 1 tLle l.EL=. P (Signature Requirea) ~ PRO .PERTY OWNER(Sl: ❑ Aftach separafe sheef if needed. 0 Check box if Primary Contact . COMPANY: (SA'f'1Q- .^4e~a ArfPlrl GAGN'f) _ _ . ADDRESS: (CIIY, STATE, ZIP) PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: SIGNATURE: PRINTED ;NAME: 1~WLA-' P (Signature equireaQ (A MAMb4 lti4 P,t>127' 1.)GIL) Nofe: Applicant or represenfative must have property owner's consent to file this application form in order for it to be accepted ' PROPERTY INFORMATION (REQUIRED) SITE ADDRE$S: -1, 2.. Y~ 10 ~ G~Jf l~ AV S. S ASSESSOR'S PARCEL ID# LOT SIZE ZONING DISTRICT IDZ ~'°Z 00 032"~ 4.4~ ~R- Z5 PROPOSED USE OF SITE: lr07 UPJ - AREA TO BE DEVELOPED (s.f.): 4,4'1 A.C, ~~~,IV EXISTING USE OF SITE: ~ GAPermit CenterlARPLICATIONS_FORMS\Planning Fortns\2009 FORMSTreliminary Piat Subdivision_ AppForrn_2009.dx NOV 24 2099/2009 3 can Of a~ PMCT iEN1ER I ~""`°~F CITY OF AUBURN PRELOMINARV_ $UBDIV1Si0iV.(PLAT) wnsxtNCroN Departrnerrt of Planning, Buiiding & Community APPLICATION ' Aubum City Hali, 2"d Flaor : 251Nest Main Street Aubum; WA 98001-4998 Tel; 253.931.3090 _ Fax: 253.804.3114 pertnftcenterCaubumwa.gov www.aubumwa.gov - T YP, E I11 PRELIIVIIIVARY SUBDIViSIOIV (PL4T) - AIJThIOR1ZATlON , LETTER FROM PROPERTY OWNER GRANTING AUTHORIZATION TO ACT (A copy of this letter must be submitted for each property owner involved) ~ ~o. P'1 ~edu~e.~, ~ ~ I~At2.T~'~2..~ . I, P!+t t.c.11 N ICa?'z-~~ being duly swom deciare that I am. the owner of the property (PROPERTY OWNER) involved in the applicatiqn. ! hereby grant STL.`Ve L, e/1.7iEZ.. V= of . ST) ~Pr's 0 G4_AJ-j0N\1J LL(~a to acton my behalf. ( certify under penaity of perjury deciare that all statements, answers, and information herein subrriitted is in all respacts true and coRect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to hold the City of Aubum harmless as to any ciaim (including costs, expenses and attomey's fees incurred in the investigation of such claim) which may be made by any person, including the. undersigned, and filed against the G'rty of Aubum, but only where such ciaim arises out of the reliance. af the Cify, including its officers and ;empioyees; upon the accuracy of the information provided to the City as parE of this application. 1 further agree that the Cify of Aubum staff may enter upon the subject property (ies) at any reasonable fime to gain familiaritj? with site conditions and to take photographs and to posf pubtic " notices, if applicable. Printed Name. . Sign' re it Date RAM0NA T.. RAE . WOTARY PUBLIC 5i 2G 3za~ ~T. STAtE OF WASHIIdGTOId COMMiSS10N EXPIRES . l'► ~:.1~ ~l'~t~'~'( ~~dA . ~ ~ G3 s MAY 1,9, 2012 ~ A ddress , Subscribed and swom to before me this. ZZng/ day vf Alkeiubw ac?/d Notary Public in and for #he State of Washington, R. esiding at 1Ac'~ ';7'lArV( lrt/A GAPertnitC@~g~Ypp AT~ FORM55PIanning Fortns12009.FORMS1Prelimirrdry Plat Subdlvlsion_AppFortn 2009.doc 1011912009 4 ~tlLI CAY~ ~~A~E (;~(~RN I~ ~ "CITY OF AUBURN . PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (PLAT) Departrnerrt of PlanNng, Building & Commun'rty APPUCATION Aubum Cityr Hali, 2nd Floor 25 West Main Street Aubum; WA 98001 -F996 Tet: 251931.309U Fax: 253.804.3114 permi4cen4er@aubumwa.gov wrwvu.aubumwa.gov Tl(PE I11 PRELIMINARY SIJBDI\/ISION (PLAT) APPLICIo►TIOIV CONCIJFiRENT APPLOCATIOIVS Please indicate whether you are submitting onei or more concurrent applications with this application by checking one or mote of the boxes below: Type I Applications ~ Temporary Use Permit LJ Special Exceptions . (administrafive decisions (administrative) made by the city, which are not ❑ Special Home subject to environmental ❑ Utility Permit Occupation Permit review under ttle`State Environmental Policy Act Type,llApplications ❑ Substantial Shoreline [SEPA]); (administrative decisions Development Permit made by the city which • ❑ Administrative Use Permit include threshold ~ Surfaee Mining Perm'it determinations under 13 Boundary Line Adjustment gEPA• • Q Temporary Use Permit ~ Boundary Line Elimination ❑ Administrative Use - OVada n-ce Permit ~ Building Permit Type IV Applications - ❑ Building Permit quasi judicial decisions ~ Excavation Permit made by the city council ~ Grading Permit following a ❑ Flood Control Zone Permit recommendation by the Grading Permit L3 Land Clearing Permit hearing examiner: ~ ~ Public Facility El Rezone (site-specific) ❑ Home Occupation Permit Extension Agreement ~ Land Clearing Permit ❑ Short Subdivision OTHERS - as ma a Y PP1Y: L3 Mechanical Permit Ja SEPA , Type lll Applications (quasi.judicial fnal ~ SHORELINE EXEMPT ~ Plumbing Permit decisions made by the ~ 0 Public Facility Extension hearing examiner ~ following a Agreement recommendation by staff: LIRight-of-way Use Permit ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Short Subdivision ~ Special Permit Opreliminary Plat G:1PertnR CenterWPPUCATIONS_FORMS%Planning Forms12009 FORMS1Preliminary Plat Subdivision_ AppForm 2009.doc 10/1912009 5. I FEVISIONS . . • . . xD. 06qii E BI A POR110N OF THE S.W.1/4 OF SEC,14, TWN. 21 N., RGE. 4 E., W.M. I A NO,MS KING COUNTY, CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON ~3-- n = i: ~ AssEssoas waca Nos: e2szao-osss o : COVER SHEET l.,. 4. PflOPERIY IllDP6S 31810 58TH AVE. S, AUBUAN, WA 98001 . , ~ . i . , 3. 611E MEA 4.OB ACRES ~ 4...EY1911N0 USE:RESIOENNL . . 8: PROPOM USEi..1B:SINGIE-FANILY DETACF&➢ LOTS . 5 ' . ' w . _ ' anNa. n~ N. to o io ea 1 _ rRovosm zoNiNG: As ~ .~~.141 a; S. caMP n.w oaOunora REsmcNnu CliYOC A4 ;iAP( so-rr S. YREMIN LOTAREA'ItEW11REW6.000 S.F. / MNIYW l0T SIZE . ~ . r~ rRaECr eoia S.F. (A-SYC~tE!ffiF g[o~cE, 56TH VENUE S: Tixc, ~ uAnvud im u~ 8,018 s v D TU v, ~ a - W°~ . 17. AvERAOE taT,/REA 8A~ &v ' (COLLEC OR ARhRIAL) . yfqT~µ;.~yp.gp m~ r • 1s. wNiuuu wt~noni ReamRm = sU (erc cotw~) nap;artu: ruo a3/ei 1a wxauw~m mvEau~ xwwAs~ +ax 4. Muxduu ommMous u+u = ssx ! c~~xf~ ~ 4a -BENCHMAPoC I aEomaEo:s~ 37+00 sa+oo wvo ~ 9~ 'ee am~io~imc aEVe,wNS eesm oN . iRONfsllaACro 90 ~.FEFt 38}00 40 00 ' B FFEf UNLE55 NEJR ltl RDW THEN 10-FEEf 41+00 MSDUT BENCHWAK•ID #120,fl.EVA710N'-88.892 MOI TO 9CVE ! . REW:40 FEEf, ISW WINWR Of -1NE P7IERSEC110N Of WIN GARAGE fROfR SETBACK: 40 FEET p SIflEEf AND MNf 167) . . RESIOENCE FNOM SETflACK 10 fEEI 18.'AWf. BISE IE]GN( OF AUININGS: SS.FEEr • ; p; 1E^.' . . . :~L. 17. YINIYUM HUIIBEROF PMNIH6 SP1CE5 = 2 PER flESIDENCE .4~..... t ~ 18. SOIMICE OF BOIINWfiY:FlEID SUR~kYm . ~ a u a t R~6TI REStDICE ~ ti ~ 80-Ff ~ ~ PlG TO 7HE LINE TABLE . ~B. souxce o~ to~ocx~wrc: nEw waYnm rc A 20. OfF3RE SMEA Yl~f.BE CON5fRUCiED PRIOA N PUi " LINE LENGTH BEARING consrAUCnox sE uo~,FO) ~aruu ~~,~E~i2, w L4 - 61.65 .S89'59'26'E . 1 60-fl - NINO WUMY, WASHM(ifON, L3 48.44 01'19'48•E ' ~~T~ . 7~~J SF L4 43.05 N00'0237'E 1W,Cf D~191A1I0N I ~ NE . '~QPER/~~~O~~ di C+~ . . L5 9927 . N89'59'54'E NEIDOW. . . 6~ ~ . - U 109.44 N89'SB'00'E ~ A ?176E F41ENIqN HCMY + STI 4Y38 PPS SN 3111 WILT -1798 PANAE J0.NI 15E OWf +H LLC @ SfREET . L8 22.45 SOU02~a~w ' ~ . 5 ° ~ LIO 54.47 S89'57'24'E 8101 S.F. i i~6238 S:-' 8013 F. . q7~j~ g ~3 LI I 10.4fi N89'44'Ofi'E ACi: PFtlL qRES OR STEVE LFE LI2 9492 N89'I4'05"E PIhTfIERPflISES.JN0YN100.C01/ ua 20.00 NaD'0235'E ~~T -i OWNER CE9CLSIR~VISOR L15 99.08 N00'02'35'E ~ PAOPOSFD Cd1fAElE SMPS AEAWW. LLC SIEUE LEE, P.E. C6Cl Ltfi 115.82 NDUD3'22°W 1738~SW 314TH'SIREET 4238SW 7U1H SIREET C~~e L17 134.67 .~NOD'02'35'E ~ ~ ~759 S'~ FEUEML WAY, WA 88023 ffDEN11 WAY, WA 98043 L18 57.14 S89'57'25`E - - y~,~~p y,yN ~ ' 1 \ 6 NE 108 PY7-7M5 (208) 501-5108 . . ~s &9 /Cf:-PXIL N1RE5 Z L19 150.00 589'57'29°E • 0, yU~q.Y~p L20 50.00 N89'57'29"W L21 50.00 NB757'29"W YIAIER 7EE CONC. BIllCI~lO o ~ ~ PLANNER 1 ENdI~ ! LAND8URVEYOR ~ . ENGp~ L22 132.30 NOa02'35'E q+ Y~e7FR:BENO WNC. BLd1~0 N~ ' . . ~ SIRfFI ~NRI IA[t5 1~ ~ . . - L23 50.00 8557'29°W L24 132.32 NOD'02'35'E F MNTER CM I I A99 F. ~ 3 . L75 50.00 N89'57'29'W -K WTF VlL1E f MINW COXULT: MllS OdRIC1:,iGG-i S. tEF, PE ' L26 130.62 N0~'02'35'E e-w GTpI B1S~ ME 1 - I I ' . . • "l . . . . . . . L27 77.63 N8557'2 Yl Cl~-A0.tl11ECI . L28 97J0 NOp02'34"E ` ~Tpl fi15N TPE 1 L29 196:33 S89'57'2 'E ~ 1~ BLOW ~FF ASSEYBLV g L30 176.48 50 ' 3' 5 Ir fH 155FJ1~Y Cffi7DCf: Qm klmroro. %S CqRKT:IF1bE D. IIl7WM ASU L31 40.02 . SAB'58'43"E SINRMi SflVFA RPE i IIWHOLE L32 50.00 580'56'43"E 0 110NWFNf ~ t ' . . i . .L33 30.58 . 589'5B'43'E ~ t 1~20NINC R-S L34 - T.92 N8 ~ ~ 8'44'0.i'E : ~ ~ a ' 0 p YpUYUN LOT SQE ALLOWED: 8,000 SF WN 3 L35 49.22 Y57'421Y ~M G~ S.F. ' NPlIY11N IAT SREPROPOSED: 6,0I3 SF V O L36 115.77 SUV02'31'W EXnsmHI coxfouAS PROPOSED . AVERAGE lAT 9YE ullt B,D00 Sf &6B5 SF F. J . L37 131:75 NOp02'37"E r s^~ s t Z - - ISPNIIT IREIS 2 OENSfIY CALCUI/d~pNS L38 20:68 55T41'52Y1 ~y \ \ 1 W ~`.t. " , f i0'GL /AFk 178,854 SF (408 ACRES) Z . Q L39 16.13 S5T41'521N M.RO/D / PflNAE URNES. - ~ 3 ~a L40 37.53 589'58'44°W ~(~s~~9 (LOCAL - RESIDENTIAL) . '(41,731 SF'~+-1,78&S~ = 44,535 Sf Q I 5.f. I I I ~ - L41 120.71 500'02'371Y - \ ~ ' 4 tL , , PR76.854 ~~.635 = ~152,319 SFJ L42 55.00 58558'44 ~ pBp~p J L43 120.61 500'02'37'W ~ypEgpry,~ ~ pprypgry . . 3.5 X S= 17.50 DR1BLD75 ' Q 5 a . U4 57.83 S89'SB'44~MI SWOLL: WBIIfN SpI00L pSIPoCE N0. 10B _4 3. ltlNMWI lAT WIO1H -50 fEET L45 105.32 - 501'23'15'W PPNFIh PU6Ef 5~ QIDWY (COflNFRS 60 FEff) L46 45.42 S89'59'26°E ~ ~T ~ ~ o F - ~ Q - L47 55.00 559'26°E ~ ~ 2 L48 55.00 S89159'26"E p~ WAStE ~.p wJ A L49 . 50.00 .SB9'S9'26°E 1' V1 a W L50 -55.00 589'59'26°E t~. ' . . S. L51 115:60 N00'U2'3YE L52 55.00 N89'57!42°w N'o L54 55.01 CURVE TABLE Q L56 25.77 N89'59-06 CURVE LENGTH RADIUS t_ 6 S.F. ; g . . . L57 - 66.18 SOp03'D71Y CI 37.99 80.17 V Nnm~r pQ PR~ \ , L58 35.79 SA8'59'26'E C2 31.13 .20.00 T.' C4 46.25 57.49 L59 55.00 S89'59'26'E / ON . I \ . 9 ~ o ~ ..L60 - -55.00 .599'59'26`E C5 24:87 83.15 / . iU~'~' \ . , _ L69 60.42 N01'19' B'E . C6 19661 . 73.60 T~ . 45 S. x o a 412 E3 - UO ~ 53.61 -'SOP19'48°W - .73:62 80.00 UI122.69 . .501'19'48°W C10 70.99 45.00 , . . '.U21 58.20 SB9'S7'2B'E C12 69.50 45.00 'r . • - - "3 2921 N43'51'14'E C13 19:62 80.00 U crrr:u~ Box U4 . 16.82 N45'Ot'JO'E C14 45.88 - 45.00 i U5 115.57 - N00'02'37'E C15 47.14 - 30.00 ~ ~ ~ . . , . . z U6 115.55SOV02'18 C16 31.40 40.00 C17 23.92 15.00 - C22 24.41 15.89 ~ ~ . a C23 10.48 77.49 3 7108 m_ . " . . .0 . C24 51.B6 ».,9 ~ ~ ~ 58TH AV NUE S ~ ~ 1. myw ro ' B NO.: 1010W0 3t00 D ` 74 OESIGNEO BY: ' SR CRAWN.6'f: GIE dt/11{j ^ . ~ ~v A , . . . ~I CNmBY: $R 6V 11/1OJ10 ^ E Of ~ U tfYN AR klPJ{i~ PP-Ci ~ . . . . . ~ DF SHEEfS CITY OF Peter B. Lewisf Mayor ~ UKN WtASHINGTON 25 West Mam Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.gov * 253-931-3000 ~ NOTICE OF APPLICATION, i4D0PTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMEIVTAL DOCUMENT, AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat APPLICATION REQUESTED: Preliminary Plat APPLICATION NUMBER: PLT10-0007 APPLICATION 'FILED: November 24, 2010 COMPLETE APPLICATION: December 20, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION: March 2, 2011 PROPONENT: Stipp's Meadow LLC, Attention: Phil Kitzes, 23035 SE 263`d Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 PROPERTY LOCATION: 32810 56th Avenue South, Auburn, WA, 98001 Parcel Nurnber. 9262800325. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposal is to subdivide a 4.47 acre parcel into 18 single family cesidential lots. This project received preliminary plat approval in 2006 for 14 single family lots. The City of Aubum updated its residential zoning code in June 2009 to density based residential zoning which now permits additional lots in the R-5 zoning disfrict. The road network and general lot layout will remain the same as the original preliminary plat. Storm drainage for the project is being addressed in a combined storm pond with Mt. View Estates - project and will be located within the Stipp's Meadow project. AUBURN CONTACT: Elizabeth Chamberlain, AICP, Planning Manager, 253-931-3092 or echamberlainCaDauburnwa.gov ' STUDIES SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION: Stormdrainage Report and Offsite Analysis prepared by Preferred Engineering, LLC dated November 22, 2010; Environmental Checklist dated November 24, 2010; Geo-technical Report prepared by Bergquist Engineering Services dafed July 16, 2008; Slope Assessment for Sewer Alignment prepared by SubTerra, Inc, dated . January, 9, 2006; and Wetland Determination Report prepared by Ecological Land Services, Inc. dated December 8, 2005 OTHERPERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Revised facility extension agreement, revised grading permit, final plat, and building permits for the single family residences. STATEMEMT OF CONSISTENCY AND LIST OF APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: This project is su6ject to and shall be consistent with the City of Aubum Zoning Code and Design Standards. PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing is required for this proposal. The public hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday,. March 30, 2011 at 5:30_p.m. in the Auburn Council Chambers at Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001. PUBUC COMMENT PERIOD: You are invited to comrnent, request a copy of the decision, when available, and be made aware of any appeal rights. Comments must be received in writing within 15 days or by AAarch 17, 2011 5:00 pm by #he Auburn Planning and Development ~~~~RN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Department at the mailinq address: 25 West Main, Aubum, WA 98001-4998 and located at: 1 East Main Street, Aubum WA 98001. If you call or write, please reference File No. PLT10- 0007. Comments also may be provided af the public hearing as welL Adoption of an Existing Environmental Document = SEP06-0003 Adoption for (check appropriate boz) r%o MDNS r EIS Title of Document Being Adopted: Mitigated Determination ofNon-Significance Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat. Agency that Prepared - Document Being Adopted: City of Aubum Date Adopted Document Prepared: July 10, 2006 Description of Document Being Adopted: A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued oh July 10, 2006 for a 14-lot subdivision including intemal public roads, sanitary sewers, water mains, stormdrainage facility, and clearing and grading. The main access for the project is from South 328t' Street. The storm drainage facilities will be constructed as part of the Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat but also accommodate the stormdrainage from the Mt. View Estates project (SEP06-0004 and PLT10-0008). The primary change from the project analyzed uncler the MDNS being adopted is the addition of four single family lots. The proposed intemal road layout remains the same, stormdrainage facilities will still be , consfructed as part of the Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat, and utility main (sewer, water, and storm) construction remains unchanged. When the project was proposed at 14-1ots, there were no off-site improvements required. The addition of four single family lots will add four PM peak hour trips to the City's road network. The City's transportation division determined that these additional four PM peak hour trips do not trigger off-site improvements. The City assesses a traffic impact fee at bu'ilding permit issuance which mitigafes traffic impacts associated with the project. ~ DocumentAvailable: The Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance is available for review af the Planning and Development Department locafed af 1 East Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 during regular business hours; 8:00-5:00. CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL The Responsible Officiaf has identified and adopted this clocument as being appropriate for - this proposal after independent review. The document meets our environmental review needs for the current proposal and w'ill accompanythe proposal to the decision maker. This adoption of an existing environmental document is issued under WAC 197-11-600. RESPON _SIBLE OFFICIAL: Kevin N; Snyder, AICP POSITIOIV/TITLE: Planning and Development Director ADDRESS: 25 West Main Street Aubum, Washingfon 98001 . (253) 9317-3090 ksnvdera-aubumwa.qov . ! DATE ISSUED: March 1. 2011 , SIGNATURE: If,you have further comments or questions related to this application, you may tacf Eliza6eth Chamberlain, AICP, Planning Manager.at, echamberlainc&-auburnwa.qov or (253) 931-3092.: lf you call or write, please reference File No. PLT10-0007. - City of Auburn Planning and Development Department ' 25 West Main Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 . ;,V. , seattletimes.COrtti PO Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111 AUBURN CITY OF-FINANCE DEPT ATTN CITY CLERK 25'WEST MAIN AUBURN, WA 98001 Re: Advert'iser Account #30785204 Ad 795714400 ~ Affidavit of Publication 4117899 I 3 STATE OF WASMINGTON Counties qf King and Snohomish The undersigned, on oath states that he/she.is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisherof The $eattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. ewspap r"~ 4 " n ti`• P bl t on~Da e • ~ i The Seattle Times 03102111 I)ebUle COlla1te,S_ Signature ~~`~~~~t~'^~•t_qlq~~h, _ , ~ ~ = G``•~`~R~ n~~~'//~~ N o~ Ql~s~ed nd ~sw--orn to before me on Y DATE) ~ ~ = rii G?~i~2cZ ~ ~ GNATURE) Nota_ry P lic i nd for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle ; ~►~,,v P ~m..~ 'r<<~1111►N O~ ' . C.. a17 ..Wddd64 \/o I /I rl'1 o87~~/~.YBdW, . . d98 • r Q ' . . . ~kl :,'SR SPa#'tle$li1'1@S.COIi'1• Re Advertiser Account #30785204 Ad # 795714400 Ad TEXT'NOTICE OF APPLiCAT10N, November.22, please no off-site improvements 'ADOPTION OF EXISI7NG 2010; Environmental ChecMist reference Fie No. PLT10-0007. required. The ENVIRONMENTAL dated November 24, Comments also may additlon of four single tamiiy DOCUMEN7', AND PUBLIC 2010; G¢o-technical Report be provided at the pubtic lots will edd HEi4RiNG NOTiCE prepared by Bergquist hearing as well. four PAA peak hour 4rips to the PROJECT: SUpp's Meadow Engineering Services dated July AdopUon of an ExisUng City's road Preliminary Plat 16, 2008; Slope Em(ronmernal DocumeM- network. The City's APPLICATION NUMBER: Assessmentfor Sewer SEPOB-0003 trarisportatton division PLT70-0007 Alignment prepared 6y AdopUon for (check appropriate determirred that these additionel APPLICA710N FlLED: SubTerra, Inc, dated January 9, box) MDNS four PM peak November 24, 2010 2006; and EIS hour trips do not trigger off-site COMPLE7E APPUCATION: Wetland Determination Report TiUe of Document Being Improvements. December 20, 2010 . prepared by Adopted: Mit7gated The City assesses a traffic NOTICE OF APPLICATION: EcologicaP Land Services, Inc. Determination of Non- Impact fee at March2, 2011 deted December 8, Stgnifcanee Stipp's Meadow building permit Issuance which PROPONENT: Stipp's Meadow 2005 Preliminary Plat mitigates treffic ` LLC, Attenttorr. Phil OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS Ageney that Prepared impacts associated with the Kifzes, 23038 SE 263rd Sfreet, WHICH MAY BE REDUIRED: Document Being Adopted: City proJect AAaple Valley, WA 98038 Revised facility extension of Auburn Documerrt Avaitable: The PROPERTY.LOCATION: 32810. agreement, revised Date Adopted Document Mit(gated Determinatlon 56th Avenue South, grading permit, final plat, and Prepared: July 10; 2006 of Non-Signffieanee is available Autium, WA, 98001 Pareel building permits _ DescHption of Document for revtew at Number: 9262800325. for the single family residences. Being Adopledp A Mitigated the Planning and Development DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Determina8on of Department laated The proposal is to STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY Non-Signfficenee was issued at 1 East Main SVeet, Aubum, subdivide a 4.47 ecre parcel irKo AND LIST OF APPLICABLE on July 10, 2006 for. WA 980D7 during 18 single DEVELOPMENT a 144ot su6diVislon including . regular buslness hours, 8:00- famtly residentfal lots. Thts REGULATIONS: This project is intemal public 5:00: . proJecf receiped sub(ect roads, sanitary sewers, water CONCLUSIONS OF THE preliminary plet approvel in to and shall be consisteM with mains, storm RESP,ONSIBLE OFFlCIAL 2006 for 14 single the City of dralnage facility, and clearing . The Responslbte Officlal has fem0y lots. The City of Aubum Aubum Zoning Code and and greding. The identified and updated its . Design Standarda maln access for the proJect is adopted this documeM as being residernial zoning code in June PUBUC HEARING: A public trom South 328th apprcpriate for 2009 to density headng (s required for Street The storm drainage this proposai aiter independern besed residential zoning which this proposel. Ths3 pubiic factlities will be review. The now permits hearing has been constructed es part of the documentmeets our addiUonal lots ln the A-5 uning scheduled for Wednesday, Stipp's Mesdow environmental review needs distriet The • Mareh 30, 2011 at 5:30 Prellmtnary Plat but also for the wrrent proposal and will road network and general lot p.m. in the Aubum Couneil aceommodate the.stortn accompamr the layou# wlll remain Chambers at Aubum dralnage from the Mt View proposal to the deciston maker. the same as the.original City Hal1, 25 West AAafn Street, Estetes projeet This adoption of preliminary plat Storm Aubum, WA (SEP06-0004 end PLT10-0008). an existing enytronmental dreinage for the project is being 98001. The primary change dxument islssued addressed In a PUBLIC COAAMENT PERIOD: from the project analyzed under under WAC 197-11-600. combined storm pond with ML You are invited to the MDNS being ' View Estetes - commeM, request a eopy of the adopted is the addi4ion of four proJect and will be located decision, when stngte family within the Stipp's -evatlable, and 6e made aware of lota. The proposed Internal road - AAeadrna, proJect ` arry appeal layout remains AUBURN:CONTACT: rights. Comments must be the same, storm drainage EI(mtieth Chamberlain, AICP, received in wr[ting facilities wiif still Plenning CAaneger, within 15 days or by AAarch 17, be constructed es part of the 253-9373092 br 2011 5:00 Pm by Stipp's Meadow echambeMein0aubumwagov the Aubum Planning and Preliminary Plet, and utility DeVeloprtient Depertment main (sewer, STUDIES SUBMITTED WITH at the meiling addresa: 25 West water, and storm) construcUon APPLICATION: Storm Maln, Aubum, WA remains drainege Reporc and Offsite 98001-4998 end tocated at: 1 unchanged Analysis prepared by East Main Street, When the proJect was proposed Preferred Engineering, LLC Aubum WA 98001. M you eall or at 144ots, there dated write, were ~ Ex o ~ CITY OF AUBURN, 1NASHINGTOfV ENVIROWNAENTAL CHECKLIST - Purpose of Check{ist: The $tate Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21 G RCW, requires all govemmental agencies to consider the environmerrtal impacfs ofa proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact sfatement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the qual_ity of the environment. The purpose of this checklist'is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your: proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Insfructions for Applicants Tliis environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information. about your proposal. Govemmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the mosfi precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or projecf plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary detays later. Some questions ask about govemmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any add'i#ional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers. or provide additional information reasonabty related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does nof apply." tn addition, complete the Supplemental Sheet for Nonproject Actions (part D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposec," and "affected geographic area," respectively. RECEIVED NOV 2 4 2010 CiTr oFAuSuRN PERMiTcEnrrER ~ , . I . . . . _ TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY . A. BACKGitOiJND. ' 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Stipp's Meadow Plat : 2. : Name of Applicant: Stipp's Meadow, LLC 3, Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant: 23035 SE 263' Strest , Maple VaNey, WA 98038 Contact: Phillip Kitres . 206.227.7445 Contact: Steve Lee, P.E. 206.501.5708 4. Date checklist prepared: November 24, 2010 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Auburn 6. Proposed project timing or schedule (include phasing, if applicable): Upon application being deemed comp/ete: - 0 Checklist Review: (1 2 months) 0 Land Use Revrew/Hearing: (3-4 months) 0 Engineering Revlew/Permi7ting: (4 months) • Construction: (3 months) 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. . Not at this time. 8. . L_ist any environmental information you know about that has been piepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Geotechnica/ Evaluation prepaned by SubTena, Inc. Geotechnicai Assessments PrePared bY Ber99uist Engineeri~ng Services Wedand Det+ermination Report prepaW by Ecolegical Land Services, LLC. (Submitted wirh the previous applicatfon and is on fiAe with statr) 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLIGANT ' EVALUATION.FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 9. Do you know of pending applications for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Not at this time. The property was reaently appr+vved for a prerminary p/at (14 lots) and frnal.errgf»eering; however, it is being re: submitted at this time for addfional lots per tfie new zoning deslgnation (R-3). The proposed road system (as shown on the approved engineering pians) will remain as designed. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposals, if known. ~ SEPA Review . ~ Lot Mod "~f'rcaGon (orienbtion of lots) • Pmliminary/Fina/ P/atReview ~ Engineering Review , . • Right-of-way Agreements (possib/e) and Utility Easements • Water, Storm, and Sewer Plan Approval/Permits • NPDES Perolit • Forest Practiae Permit 1 l. Give a complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses . and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in the ' checklist which ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not, need to repeat those answers on this page. This prnpasal is fior eighteen (18) sing/e family residential lots on 4.47 aaes located at 32810 56"' Avenue -Soutfi, Aubum, Washingtor►. There is an existing r+esidenae that will be removed et mmpAetion of the projed. The /ots will meet the deyelopment standards for, the R-5 zone, whiah is a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet (SO feet width). The Proposed storm water runoff will tre avnveyed to an on-sr7e fadlity that will be s¢ed fnr thls project and Mounfain View P/at. (Note: Mouniain Vew is being submitted caoncumendy with this application by individuals under ttre same ownersfiip.) Water is available and will be provided by Lakehavien Utility Disbrict Sewer serviae (Ciiy af Aubum) wN need to be extended east firom the va/ley tloor in an existing city-owned easement, west wilt►in Mountain Vfew Orive, through 58"' Avenue Saath right=of-way, up fo the property. The development wi1l require frontage improvements (half-sirmt) a/orrg 5e Avenue South, 58"' Avenue South, and SouGh 32lr Str+eet. (P/ease see Preliminary P/at Map Set.) 12. Loca.tion of the proposal. Please give 'sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your project, •including street address, if any. If a proposal would occur over a range of area; please provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Please provide a legal description, site : plan, vicinity map and topographic map, if possible. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to the checklist. (Indicate if maps or plans have been submitted as part of a permit aPplication). _ 3 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR - AGENCY USE ONLY The proposed subdivision is locate+d at 32810 560' Avenue South, Aubum, Washington. The property is wiGhin the Southwest Quarter of Sectior► 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W M., and the Assessov's Parce/ No. is 926280- 0325. (Please see atfached Legal Description and Vianity INap). B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS. _ 1. Earth. a. General description of the site (underline one): Flat, rollinhilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. Wha.t is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent of slope): In general, the slope of the property ranges friom 10 to 15 percent. There is an isolated area of slopes in excess of 40 percent towarrls the mfddle of the Property that will be graded out at final plat. c._ What general types of soil are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, please specify and note any prime farmland. Aaaording to the Soil Survey of King County, the. soil type, is a mixtur+e of A/derwood, gravelly sandy laam (AgC) and Kitsap soils (steeper areas). d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There are no surface indications of unstable soils on, or in the vianity of the Proposed site /ocatior►. (See Geotechnica/ Reports prevlously submltted.) , e: Describe the purposes, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fi1L The pmject will require grading fnr the rnns6vdion of ifie proposed slreets, lots, water, sewer, and other ground utilities. There will be approximately 7,350 cubic yards af cut and 500 cubic yarr/s of Ml of material moved upon comp/erion of the deve/opment The excess materia/ will tie exported to the proposed p/at of Mountain Vew to the north. f. Could erosion occur as a result. of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur durfng the wnstruction phase of this project. Appropriate erosion control measur+es will be included in the grading plans to minimize the ' impacts of the project. 4 TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY g. About what percent of tlie site will be covered with impervious surfaces after construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? The plan depicts there will be about 24,000 square feet of impenrious surface in the road riyht-of-way end an access tract. Assuming a-maximum lot cnverage area of 40 percent, there will be an additional 47,408 square feet of impervious area (tobl of' 118,520 square feet in lots). Thus, the total impervious :area wilf t1e approximately 71,408 square feet, or 40.4 percent of the site (total ar+ea is 4.06 acres, or about 176,854 square feet). h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion; or other impacts to the earth, if any: ' Erosion caould oocur during the construction phase of this projec:i: As required and implemented,;by the Cfty, appropriate erosion control measures will be included in the final grading plans to minimize the impacts of the project. 2. AIR. a. What types of emissions to the air would resulY from the proposal (i.e. dust; automobile, odors; industrial . wood smoke) during construction, and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Temporary emissions from equipment and dust will occur during construction phase. Consiructfon equipment wiU comply with applicab/e air quality regulations, b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor which may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. None, to our knowledge. c. What are the proposed measures, to reduce or confrol emissions or other impacts, if any: , None are propased at this time. . 3. WATER, a. Surface: _ 1) Is.there any surface water on or in the immediaYe vicinity of the site (including yeaz-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, associated wetland)? If yes, describe type, provide names, and, if known, state what stream or river it flows irito. No. - 5 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY ~ 2) Will the project reguire:any work over'or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach ' available plans. Not applicatrle. 3) Estimate the amount of fi.ll and dredge material that'would be placed , in or removed from the surface water or wetlands and indicate the azea of the site that would be affected: Indicate source of fill materials. Not applicable. 4) Will surface water withdrawals or diversions- be required by the proposal? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? Note location on the site plan, if any. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type 'of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Not applicable. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water, be withdrawn or recharged? Give general description, purpose; and approximate quantities, if lcnown. Na 2) Describe waste water material that will . be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other . sources,. if any (for example: ` Domestic sewage; industrial; containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe : the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) aze expected to serve. Not APPlicab/e. . 6 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY c. Water Runoff (inclnding sform water): , 1) Describe the source of runoff and storm water and method of collection and disposal, if ariy (include quantities; if known). Where . . will this wa.ter flow? Will the water flow into other waters? If so, please describe. Storm water runoff from the road and residences will be caolleeted via a series of corrnected pipes. to be ultimately discfiarged to the southeast. cnmer of the property into a detention/water quality vault. At this point, the water will be treatred, conveyed, and released at the pre-development rate to the south. (Note: This inc/udes collecting -storm water runoff from 6he proposed plat of Mountain V"rew via improvements in 58"' Avenue S.) 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to rednce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: All development and engineering requirements imposed by the City to conirol the impacts to the hydrology of the area will be perforrned by the proponent. 4. PI.AN'I'S. a. Check or circle types of vegeta.tion found on the site: xx deciduous tree: alder, maple• aspen, other xx evergreen tree: fir cedar, pine, other xx shrubs xx grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: ca#ail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other xx other types of vegetation: ornamental (Note: P/ease see enclosed Wetland Deteimination Report prepared by Eaological Land Serviaes, In"c.,. for a more aomp/ete lisdng of on site plant materlal.) : . b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Where development is to occur; existing vegetation will be removed for the gradirig and aonsdvction of the projert. It is the. intent of the deve/opmenr to preserve larger trees, where pc;ssib/e, along property lines and rears of lots. 7 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR - AGENCY USE ONLY c. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on near the site. There are rtone--to our knowledge. d. List proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, ifany: The developer will cor►form with existing Codes and dev+elopment standaids of the City. . . 5. A1vIMALS. , a. Circle (underline) any birds a.nd animals which have been observed on or near the site or aze known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, son bir other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: Fish: bass, salmon, trout, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or neaz the site. There are none--to our knowledge. a Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Not to our know/edge. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife; if any: , None are proposed at this time. 6. ENERGY AND NATUItAi. I~ESOURCES. a What kinds of energy (electric, nafural gas, oil, wood stove, solaz) will be used to meet the completed,project's needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity and gas will be the primary source for power and heating the future residences. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so; describe. No. 8 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY ~ c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? _ Construction of the new homes wiN meet or exceed tlie necessary energy requirements of the Nordiwest Energy Code. 7. . ENVIRONNdENTAL HEEAI.TH. a. Are there any environmental health hazards, exposure to toxic chemicals, including risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1. Describe Special Emergency services that might be required. Not applicable. . 2. What aze'the proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: - None are pnvpased at this time. b. Noise. 1. What type of noise exists iri the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)T None to ocir kmowledge. 2. What types of levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, consrtruction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Noise /evels will increase vn a short-term basis during the aorrsbvction phase of rhe project. Construction will accur -during daylighf hours 'as allowed by City Cade and .staff In general, hours of mnstruction will be limiied to 8:00 AM to 6: 00 PM. 3. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Increased noise /evels due to constrvction will be restricted to the abovementioned hours to reduae any impacts to Ifie neighboring resfdents. 9 TO BE COMPLETED BYAPPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE. , a What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? There is an existing reshience on ifie property. Directly north, souih and west are single-family residences. East of the site is vacant,- undeve%ped land owned by ifie City. b. Has the site been used for agricultural purposes? If so, describe. Not to ourlaiowledge. . c. Describe any structures on the site. . Again, there is an existing residence on the properiyy, d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? . Yes. The existing residenae and associated structures will be removed during ' the construction of the plat e. What is the current zoning of the site`1 The current zoning is R-5 Residential (5 DU/Acre). f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current comprehensive plan designation is Single-Famity Residential. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program enviranment designation of the site? . Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Not to our know/edge. i. . Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? _ Assuming 2.9 persons per household, approximatety 52 persons will reside in this deve/opment j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Appmximatety 3 persons cumently r+eside on the property (renters). 10 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR . ~ AGENCYUSE ONLY k. What are proposed measures to avoid displacement or other impacts, if any: ' None are proposed at ifiis time. l. What are the proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible. with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The propased i&lot subdivision is eonsistent with exisdng and future land uses, zoning, and comprehensive pian designarion and will be compliant with the Code. . 9. HOUSING. ' a. Approximately hvw many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. , The propasal includes 18 new moderate-tahigher-income residences; which is consistent with the adjacient development. ti. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or :low-income housing. One (1) Iower income residence will be eliminated. c. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: ` None. are proposed at this time. 10. AESTHETICS. a. Wllat is fhe tallest height of any proposed structure(s) not including antennas; what is the priricipal exterior building material(s) proposed? • The maximum height of any future residences will be cvnsistent with the existing requirements for the R-S, which is thirty-fnre (35) feet. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. The views are territorial for all the properties in the area. c. What aze the proposed measures to reduce or controi aesthetic impacts, if any? . Street landscaping wih reduce the visual impacts of the development. In . addition, the intent Is to have mature vegetation retained wher+e possible along the rears and property lines of the new residential lots. 11 11. LIGHT AND GLARE. , a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day _ would it mainly occur? The light and g/are that wi!l be produced from the sife will originate from building lighting, eoerior street lighting, and from vehicles using the site. The light and g/are wi/l accurin the evening and before dawn. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. . c. What existing off-site sources of light or glaze may affect your project? . There are none-to our knowledge. d. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts,, if any: None areproposed at tfiis time. 12. RECREATION. a. What d"esigriated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? . There are no constructed park areas wi6hin the immediate vicinity (1 mile) of the site. However, Ifie property dirertly northeast of, the site is owned by the cly artd is intended to be used by the parks department b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. , No. , TO BE COMPLETED BY APPL[CANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY c. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: The developer wilf pay the appropriate recreation mitigarion fees, as required by the City ofAubum. 12 TO BE' COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 13. IIISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION. a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Not to our /mowiedge. b. Generally describe any landmazks or eyidence of historic, archaeological; scientific, or cultural importance lrnown to be on the site. There are none--to our knowledge. c. What aze the proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: . . None are proposed at this time. 14. TRANSPORTATION. , a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any: The proposed subdivision wil1 be direct/y aaaes5~ble to 5e Avenue Soutti (south), South 328"' Street, and 58" Avenue South. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate . distance to the nearest transit stop? No. The nearest transit stop appears to be a park-arid-ride /acated at the " intersection of West Valley Highway and Peasley Canyon Roacl-approximately • one: ha/f mile south of the projett c. How many patking spaces would the completed project ha.ve? How many would the project eliminate? Assuming a minimum of 2 covered parking spaces per household, therie will be at /east 36 new parking spaces being provided upon comp/etion of the project. No parking spaces will be eliminated from this proposal d. Will the proposal require any new roads or street, or improvements to any existing roads or streets, not iricluding driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Yes. The project will require an internal road system (loop raad) to be cvnshucted to serve the new residenc1es. In addition, SP Avenue South, 58d' Awenue South, and South 328a' Street will require half str+eet improvements abng the hnntage of tfie property. 13 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR - ' AGENCY USE ONLY e. Will the project use or occur in the immediate vicinity of water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Assuming an averdge of 10 vehicular trips per day, there will be appraximate/y 170 new trips generated from the prioposed subdivision (1TE Manual). Of Ifiis arrrount, approx/matety IZ of these new trips will occur during peak houes. (Ew:sting residenoe is not included.) g. What are proposed measures to reduce or control transporta.tion impacts, if any: The epplicant.will be responsib/e for any appropriate traffic mitigation fees, whicfi wili otfset some of the impacts of the subdivision-4f applicable. 15. Pi1BI.IC SEBtVICES. a. Would the project result in an increase need for public services (for , example: fire protection, police protection, health care; schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Yes There wou/d be an incrmised need far fire and poliae protection due tn an , addilr'ona/ 17 lots in ttre area. Also, ti1ere will be an impact on the present school sysfem for any future student_.s residing within the developmer►t. . b. What are proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: Property taxes, building permits and school impacf mitiyafion fePS generated from these residences will mitigate impacts inairred from this deve%pment. 16. U'a'ILI'Y'IES. . a. Circle (underline) utilities currently available at the site: electricitv, natural laas, water. . refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, sentic svstem, other: cable television. b. Describe the utilities wliich are proposed for the project, the utility providing the seryice, and the generaI construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Electricityd Puget Sound Energy Gas: Puget Sound Errergy 14 . TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENGY USE ONLY 16. UTILITIES. (Continued) . Water: Lakehav+en Utility District Refuse: Waste Management - Telephone: Qwest Caiimunications Sewer: ~ City ofAubum Cable: Comcast Connection(s) to the above mentioned utilities will be neqotiated with the individua/ puryeyqr during the building permft and cnnstruction phases of this projecG There may also be a: need for a right-of-way permit(s) to gain amess to the Prope►iY at consbvction. C. SIGNATURE. The above answers are, true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Applicant Date Submitted: 15 ~ . . . ' . . . . . . STIPP'S MEADOIIV PRELIMIRIAItIf PLAT LEGAL DESCRIP TION APN : 926280-0325 TRACT 59, WEST ABUURN FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF,. RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PIATS, PAGE 12, IN IQNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WAP , y ~ . S 32eT)i Pl ~ . I. (MT. v (+E`~ s~►,~ EST►s.?~s) y S O~. y y S3WT►+ST Auburn S lT~ " 3ST+PL , S 33tST ST . ~ . ~ Centennla/ Viewpolnt Park ' . . (C) 2010KmgCounsy. SPEA.SI.EYCANVONRD__ 381ft a eouroes m d m tl~enpa ~rekos nn ~ ~a wertmMaa, opeat a ~ eamrteo)'. ~ ~ 5. m b Ihe uae of euch kdam~edon. ~ is ~trea Bs 8 e~We~/ P~ . etm6 ~Ot bstiebla for enl9~a's4~ lnrldente~. Cr Oorme~ ~ ~ ~ft~~~,~~.w,,,LQ KingCounty cmec ~immolo. sowox ak+p Qaamrynenv- arops+y INamz5mnth1W/wwr+m~9wRiMMAP) Aerial Map Stipps' Meadow and Mt. View Estates _ - - ~ e b ~ ~ • . j ;~t,~ ~ R+ ~ d 6 y. ~ y~~ ` . ~ ~ r.+ 'S~ t~ `+'~~:<~~~'l ~ ~ '`+.'o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yy ~~i ~ El+' Tl~+ ` ` ~ ~ - ~ f.- ~~y( ~ J ...,R 1 ' -f ♦ if . 4' r 'p•. ~ C' j - ~r.' ' _ 5 ~q~, . rj ~ ~t~ ~a ~ ~ • ~ ~ti~ ti = ~ - ~a _ ' ~ ~ s , ` _ ~ « ' ►a 4 ' 'f ~ 4 i~ f,c~y`.7v.1~~,.~ ~ , ~ , • , u~. ~ N 4 . a~ ti . ~ ' ;iC • ; . a _ ~ a : • ~ ' _ ~ •r- ° v~-~ ,y ~LK.,`, t R • I t ~ . L: . - , ~ l>~ W~ ~ ~ '6~ r . y ~ ~r iti~ ~ . ~r~ ~ ~r ~ ~F--4nh~! •`s;_ ' ~ , . ~ . . - r r ~ r ~ • ~,+'a. °~'~i k~ ~ i ii' ~:Y ~.J~~ h~ 1 s , ~ ~ ~ •e~-`,, •~i ~ ~ ' t"~l ~ ~J~ i - e N . ~Y { ~ . I ~ p • ~ p ~ 1', a-vs`-i~:: a~+i~~! ~~L+~.cs:_. ~~1 r 1~,~`~` . . ~ ' ~~'~'~`r ! , ~ .~r~ ~ ~ • } _ _ ~ _ `-r"i' . . s _ r ~ 'ti' ' ~ ~ i _ . . ~y t ~ ~ ~d'1. . \ t - , h . ' ~ ~.I • y,, J _ .-r- _ . ~ . . . , . ~ , . - i` .r r e.• 4 's~ "M ~}~t~5~~rya~~` W ~ wF r ;~a ~ t ~ £r.. ~ 1 ~ .,f , ~ t `.i ~ e- . + ' ~ ~ +•J . i ~ ~ ",t I - ~ - . ~ ti' , ,r'. p~' ~ ~M 4 _ F _ , _ - - ~ - ' ~ . . . ' 4.. .y S jM~~~!'~ T _ ~ ` ~ • , . . : , . . ~3 L ~ ~ w .;f ' W3Y~. • 'r' t 'S~ ~ ' '~Y. t r ~ ~~s ` ~~9~~.• , '•,~~"~~i :f~ s y ~y.,~ S~ ~r.- .~~~f ~ •.~w 1 ~ 3.'_ _rs ~e ~_L ~ - ` 4 > ~ t 1" ~ i- PafCelS - - - Printed Dale:3/24/2011 N - - 2007 Image Map Created by Ci[y of Auburn eG15 ~ Red:~and 1 Information shown is for general reference W E ~ - purposes only and does not necessarily 0 Green:Band_2 represent exact geo,raphic or cartographic 5 ~ 61ue:8and 3 data as mapped. The City of Aubum makes no ~ - warranty as to iLs accuracy. 0 ft 836 RECEIV Thomas P Jones MAR 16 2011 ~ einr oFAUSUr~ j 5614 South 328 Street PERA~IT CE~R Auburn WA 98001411 . . . . . . R e b ~ . . . Marchl3, 2011 N~~ber of PS+es ~ , City of Auburn 25 West Main Aubuan WA 988014998, Re: File NO. "PLT' 10-0007 To Whom It May Concern: In response to your letter of 1Viarch 14; I respectfvlly ask my letter to be in file as non-support of the proposal of 18 single family'resident homes for the following reasons; 1. Infrastructure of the West Hill of Auburn is inadequate to support more homes and traffc. . 2. South 32e Street as well as the connecting roads of the West Hill Auburn area are site limited; very few have rba.d shoulders and; were not desigiied for urban safe traffic. 3: The Auburn owned inter"sectionrof the West Va11ey Highwa.y is already docuinented to be ina.dequate to handle the current traffic volume. _ 4. The West Hill of Auburn has documented storm drainage problems that are not addressed in this plot plan. " 5. The smaller lot sizes are not in conformity with the present West Hill standazds in which there was perceived agreement to maintain. 6. The lack of access for emergency vehicles is inadequate and a safety issue that cannot be ignored. 7. To alleviate traffic and safety issues, 56th Avenue South should be converted to a 41hrough" street. Siricerely yours, Thomas P 4Jones , PK ENTERPRISES RECEIVED aEC 2 2 2010 December 22; 2010 CI'TY OF AUBURN @?ERfUiIT CENTER Ms: Elizabeth Chamberlain ~ City of Aubum ~ Planning and Community Development 25 West Main Street Auburn,WA 98001-4998 RE: A Request for a Modification of Standards for Lot Orientation (16-18), Stipp's `P+leadow Preliminary Plak Auburn, YVashingbon, 98001. Dear Ms.. Chamberiain: On behalf of the Stipp's Meadow, LLC, PK Enterprises is submitfing a request foc a modifcation of standards to orient Lbts 16-18 to faee S. 3281th Street in the. Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Piat. This request is based on public commer~ts that were made on the initiaily approved Stipp's Meadow Piet., It was srated to the applicant thdt it would have been more appealing if some of the lots faced them as opposed to looking at the rear fenoe: In doing so, the developmeint would btend betber with the existing residences: The fvllowing commentary is justification to altow for the modfication per Au6um Gty Code (ACC) Chapter 17.16: . . A. Such a modification is necessary because of speaai cireumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location of surroundings of the suhject property, to provide the owner with development rights and priviteges permitLed to other properties in the vicinity and in the zoning district in which the subject property is located. Response: The prnposed project borders on ifie svuffierly edge of 5. 328"" Steet wher,e there is an existing single=family cvmmunity. There are lots facing onto the street and the neighbaring property ovvners feel our development would be better fit iv indude lots faarrg thefrs We feel ihis is a special circumsiance in it►at the /ofs we are re-orienting wlll allgn.wfth the exisdng lofs facing S. 328"' Sfreet. If the /ots faced the other direcNon, a_ acess is required via a joint-use driveway, whfch is not an Ideal sftuation for safefy and aaaess reasons In this instance, the request is baseci on the surr+oundings of the srfbject properly and it helps the blending of our deve%pmerrt with the existing subdivision. B. That, because of such special circumstance.s, the development of the lot in strict conformity inrith the provisions of this titte wili not altaw a reasonabte and harmonious use of such lot. Response: Again, the /ots being orierrted toward.s 5 3280 Sbeet are directly acuw from eVs[ir►g residences cvrrent/y facing the s6eet. This modificatior► "b/ends" bhe development with the exWng mmjnriniiy. . 73035 SE 263RD S1TtEET' MAPLE VALI.EY, WA • 98038 PHONE:7A6.227.7445 ~ PKEIVTEBPRLSES-MVQYAHOO.COM C. That the modificafion, if granted, wili not alter the charac6er of the neighborhood, or 6e detrimental to surrounding properties in which the lot is located. Response: Thfs request wiU notalter the character of the existing community. D. Such modfication will not be materiaily detrimentai to the implementation of the poficies and objectives of the oomprehensive land use, transportation and uti'fity comprehensive ptans of the city. . Response: This request !s not cletrimental to d7e implementation of the policies and . objectives of any of the abovementloned plans wiffifn the city Uterai interpretation of tthe provisions af this titfe wouid deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed lry other properties in the same zoning distiict. Response: Again, this is in direct response to a suggesiion by tfie existing owners - Maf face the project along S. 328a' Street when the property was originally p/attecl. F, The approval of the modfication will be consistent with the purpose of this. Response: This request is consistent with Me purpose of Me [itle and Me zoning district. A new developmerrt should be harmonious and caexist with the existing nelghtiofiood and that is the inient of this modification. G. The modification, cannot lessen the requrrements of the zoning ordinanae. Arry such . modfication must be processed as"a variance pursuarrt to ACC 18.70.010. Response: This actfon does not lessen the requirements permitted by Me zoning district. We appreuate your time and consideration in this matter. If there are any questions, please feel free to wrdact me at (206) 227-7445. Sineerely, PK ENTERPRISES , PHILLIP KIRES CC Mr. Steve Lee, Stipp's Meadow LLC , Ms. Dana Lee; Stipp`s Meadow, LLC . , 2 PK ENTERPRISES . June 16, 2006 RECEWED , JUN 1 9 2006 Mr. Dennis Dowdy, Director Gty of Auburn PLANNlNG DEp,4RT Pub(ic Works Department 25 West Main Street Aubum, WA 98001-4998 RE: A Request for a Road Deviation for Road Gradient along South 328P Street, Stipp's Meadow Plat, Aubum, Washingbon. (File No. PLT06- 0001/SEP06-0003) Dear Mr. Dowdy: On behalf of the Stipp's Meadow, LLC, PK Enterprises is requesting a Road Deviation for the road gradient along South 328' Street which borders the Stipp's Meadow Plat The existing constructed alignment is oonnected by another street (57t' Avenue South) and seve.rai residences have direct access onto the road. The road gradient along the street follows the existing topography which varies from 5 to 10 peroent (Note: Approximately 100 feet of the road section west of the -intersecaon with 57"' Avenue South is 10 percent) As discussed during several meetings with staff, the road alignment of South 328"' Stre.et is sufficient to serve this project, as well as Mountain View Estates. Additional widening is required to meet current city road standards. Concerning the road gradient, the proflle tracks the present topography and is less than the maximum allowed for emergency use-which is 12 percent. There are no sight distanoe issues along the road; thus, safety is not compromised for the existing and/or future residents served by the road. Therefore, this deviation request is based on the existing conditions along the road and will not be a detrimerrt or cause undo harm. We appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. If there are any questions, please feei free to contact me at (206) 227-7445. Sincerely, . PK ENTERPRISES PHILLIP IQTZES CC Mr. Steve Lft, Stipp's Meadow, LLC 21035 SE 263RD SfREFT • MAPLE VALLEY, WA • 98038 P}IUNL•:: 2U6.227.7445 • FAX: 425.4329397 ~ PKEN'1'ERPR9@A0I_C0A4 i ~ Web daie: 04/26/2007 ✓ z' XCr,ffiflbCE' 0 A ~ Y: Ki~ig'.County ' :I.1N. G M 0V1 NTY G:L.RTIr lCATE OF Deparfinent of Development and Envii-onmental Servlces QX/AI(,;ABILITY ' • Building Services Divislon ' - RU 53~ 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washfngton 98057-5212 For aiternate formats, call 206-296-6600. 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 This certificate provides the Public Health - Seattle &!<ing County Department and the Department of _ Development and Environmental Services wiih information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Do not write in this box ~ - a: Number _ Name Buiiding Permit ❑ Preliminary Piat or PUD w Strart Subdivision { ❑ Rezone or other: ApplicanYs name: 5'T t g V3 LLL Lb~l rl us ✓Proposed use: ~L ~.k-p~ ~ Lp 53 til.~,o ~ Location (attach maP and le ai descriplion If necessary): 3 a, $ ~ D 5 lo ~ ~Jc,S 3 ZW 5 o A'✓e S1 /4u-~iu.,"r1 e Aj ~ZL&;oD-03;Z5` oato -d-- pzco0 1. a. Watei can be provided by service connection only ko an existing (size) waler main that is ~ feet from ihe sile. ~ IM oR A rA ~ ~ b. Water service will require an improvement to ihe water system of: ~(1) t/- feet of water main to reach the site; andAW M(2) The construction of a distributiosystem on the site- anZd~/#~~ 6N0 1-0 ~'uZ EU 6LE ~(3) Other (describe): P x? s io•.~ Ya~ i qK~u~.~ p9uc.v. a. The water system is in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan. ~ OR ❑ b. The water system improvement is not in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive pian and will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. (This may cause a delay in issuance of a permit or approval.) r/ 3. ~ a. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city, or is within the County approved service area of a private water purveyor. , OR ❑ b. Annexation or Boundary Rev(ew Board (8RB) approval will be necessary to provide service. ✓ 4. 0 a. Water is or will be available at the rate of fiow and duration indicated below at no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant i/- L45 feet from the building/property (or as marked on the attached map): Rate of flow at Peak Demand: ❑ less than 500 gpm (approx. gpm) ❑ 500 to 999 gpm E 1000 gpm or more ❑ flow test of gpm ❑ calculation of Duralion: ❑ less fhan 1 hour ❑ 1 hour to 2 hours 9Pm N 2 hours or more Olher: (Note: Commercial bullding permils which include multifami(y structures requlre flow fesi or calculation.) - OR ❑ b. Water system is not capable of providing Rre flow. 5. 0 a. Water system has certificates of water rights or water right ctaims sufficient to provide service. OR ❑ b, Wefel'STHEmd STty65/g~eye'~.~thave S M1Noa3EAOEc.19q~A~ter irgh~~l~aims.. E.&lA~v1i~7 VVD-~L T. - ✓Comments/condit(ons: ~uh~3( Vb~aJira,J AT ~ StQ~„~~ c u,JN c7'tuN I-~i,P~iC~~a~r, r(,~uigGD. f ~~~~~R~i i certify that the above water puiveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signaiure. LAKF,HAVEN UTZLT`l'Y DISTR CCT f3 I Li Agency name ;7lory name Title Signature ✓ ~~t{ ~ Date . Highest..... . . . . . . . In ~ Pressure Zone• Elevat(on of Pro ert~~~ l~ b Min. I - Pressure ~si ~ ' Lowest p y Est. - max ti'aur.JSr'.~Nf:4 . S'v4u:rtK..:fx.y _ aJ.FiY~_u . . ._.7.,.....ii~..t.. . . . ..".~9~~u.. . n•.. ~s. •..........'5.., •.'.•.9......::. . - :~..c. cpvr5.:,rv~,:.u.. . . . Tlie Districfi, at its P the i•ight to delay or deny water service based LIPon ' ~ict anc Other Purv ifitees. tiT Sti~. - - -ot e . . . r r T _'A'r".6~,,.' ~ . .-...-..:.^,.,-;~:c~`s•;~;i;~.i'-~..~' ~:~or ~ac . _ a-- :....~`.:~~y...,. - s....~.LL. . ._...,!w::.~._.___ _ . - Water availabilify form NQV 2 4 2OIO Rev. 05-19-2003 _.`.P"ige 1,uF:l CiTY QF AUBURN PERMI7 CEryTER Page,1 of 1 LIOn Map ~'~binimYx~'f NI r cD 922ND,= $ ~ t~v ~ ~ ~8 8 8 2 : I ~ . . . . I _ - cc CP ~ ~ 5 eet ' ~ 4' 45 feet 32$TH I N~ I / N { a j ~ g f~~w / ~8 g 8~ ~ . ,rJ~, O 2006 ' Lakehaven Utility Districf neither ivananfs nor guarantees the accuracy of any facilify information sliown. Facrlity locations and conditions are su6ject fo field verification. 8/?O10 11/1 lzttp://columbia/lion/map.~ispx Exhibit 11 Exhibit 11, Storm Drainage Report and Offsite Analysis, prepared by Preferred - e Engineering, LLC dated November 22, 2010 is located in the project file. , , f . f.. . _ . . . ' . Bergq ~ ist Eng~,neering Services 27207 8th Avenue S P. O. Box 13309 Des Moines; Washington 98198 Des Moines, Washington 98198 Phone: 253.941.9399 o Fax 253,941.9499 ~ E-mail; soilsengineering@aol.com July 16, 2008 i`~~im~~ ~~PgW~ Mr. Phil Kitces Stipp's Meadow, LLC and Prius Tri-Land LLC 23035 SE 263`d Street Maple Valley, Washington 98038 Re: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposed Stipp's Meadow and Mountain View Estates Subdivisions Aubum, Washington BES Project Number. 200613, Report 4 Dear Mr. Kiizer As requested, I have reviewed the laboratory test of the particle-size distribution performed on a soil sample taken by me from Test Pit 21 on March 12, 2007 (see attached Log of Test Pit 21 and Particle-Size Analysis of Soils Figure 1, dated 4/5/07) to the laboratory _test reports-on-samples you obfiained-this year: To compare the soil-samples, l-plotted the particle size distribution of the 2007 sample to the particle size distribution of the samples you obtained this year (see attached report of Particle-Size Analysis of Soils, dated 6/25/08, Figure 1). " The CBR (Ca(ifornia Bearing Ratio) value of the soil sample from Test Pit 21 obtained on March 12, 2007 was determined to be 28.3 (see,affached report of CBR of Lab Cornpacted Soil). Based on the similarity of the particle size distribution of the most recent soil samples to the 2007 sample it is likely that the CBR values of the recent samples will be similar fio the tested CBR value of the 2007 sample. Therefore, I recommend that no further. CBR testing be performed prior to construction. During construction, I recommend that the su6grade soils be monitored and tested for parficle size distribution in order to determine where CBR testing is warranted and where pavement secfion modifications are re PgCEIVIED cP NOV 24 2010 ~~~~~g DOWN TO EARTH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS Proposed' Stipp s Nleadow and Mountain View Estates Subdivisions July 16, 2008 Aubum, Washington BES Project Number. 200613, Report4 ' I appreciate the opportunity' to be of service to you. If you have any questions conceming this report, or if 1 mdy be of additional service, please contact me. P,iD ABERC ~,4• oF wnskr PGf . Sincerely, o BergquistEngineering Seivices y 3/ 77 ~.o . FclsTERti ~SSjONALE~G~ _ Richard A. Bergquist, P.E. Principal ' EXPIRES July 2010 ~ AtFdclied; Eog of Test Pit 21 . Report of Particle-Size Analysis of Soils dated 4/5/07 ROport of Particle-Size Anqlysis of Soils dated 6/25/08 Report of CBR of Lab Compacted Soils from TP-21 -Copies to: Addressee (5) , Bergquist Engineering Services Page 2 of 2 ~ Bergquist Engineering Services Log of Test Pit 21 Project: Stipp's Meadow Excavation Rig: Komatsu PC 200LC Excavator Location: Aubum, Washington Excavated By: CDI BES Projed No.: 200613 Logged By: R. A. Bergquist, P.E. Date Excavated: March 12, 2007 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 416.5' Moist ~Depth Sample Type U.S.C.S. ure (feet) and Numbe Symbol Conterrt Description (Unified Soif Classificdtion System), . (Percent) -SM Dark 6rown, loase Silty SAND with roots Cropsoill______ Reddish-brown, medium dense GRAVEL-SAND-SILT occasional 2_ S 1 GM cobbles 2 - _3_ 3 -4 GP Brown, dense GRAVEL-SAND occasional cobbles - - - 0 - 5_ 5 6 GP Brown, very dense GRAVEL-SAND occasional cobbles 6 -7 - END OF TEST PIT. DRY AT COMPLETION. 8 8 A24 C3RAVEL SAND 71 SILT CLAY Coarsa FIne ' 'CQarse . ; Medlum Fine U.S, 3'fANDARD 81EVE SIZES 311 1•1/2" 318" #4 01Q #20' #40 080 0100 #200 . 100 _ 90 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I ~ 80 ~ NIi ~ 70 I ~ I I G>"0 60 rlc I ;I . I i 1 W SO a ao z W V 30 a zo 10 _ 2 1 I I ~ 1 I I 0 60 10 6 1 0.8 0.1 0,06 0.41 0,006 0.001 0.0005 GRAIN SIZE IN Mll.l.iMETERS 8YM80 SAMPLE DEP7H (tt) CLASSIFIAATIQN OF SOIL- A6TM D2487 f3roup tSymbol and Name 96 MC LL pL pi 4ravel Sand Fines • TP-21 0.0 . pA (SM) Brown, stlty &AND with gravel 14 38.1 36.3: 2b.7 PARTICLE-SiZE ANALYSIS I~ MOUNTAIN VIEW ESTATES OF SOILS ~ METHC)D ASTM':D422 HMCmSCXF.NG'ES INC. ' PRQJECTNO.,. 2007"OOQ4023 Fl(iURB: 1 AG 2007004T0'13.OPJ . 7 GRAVEL SAND Coarse • Fine Goarse : Medium ~IneSILTCLAY q~ U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 4p 3° W 3/8° #4 820 #40 #80 :#100' 9200 . 100 I i l I I I I 1 I 1 ~ 1 I I I I; ; I I F I 1 f I I I. I I I I 1 i I I I I I I I 1 80 I c? ,o ~ 80 ~ z s0 ~ 40 ul 30 a zo 1 I-I I I I 1 I I I 10I I I" I 1 I I I I ~ I i 0 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS W-1 z o•r: 2. S A= I a- 3 Z5. } SYMBOL SAMPLE DEPTH (ft) CLA881FICATION.OF 801L- ASTM D2487 Oroup I and Name 96 MC LL PL pl ~~I Sarid Fines 0 TP 14 (SfV) &om, sllty SAND vuith gravrel and organlcs (8tlpp's Meadov4 21 25.0 34.4 17.2 p TP 58 (GR Brown, sllty O(avel wffh sand end organlcs (58th Street) 13 44.2 29.8 28.1 A TP 7-10 (GIVq Brown, sllly ORAVEL wlth sand and orgenfcs (Mount Vle" 12 48.8 28.1 25.1; . PARTICLE-SIZE AiVALYSIS ' Prius Triland OF SOILS Aubum,.Washington METHOD ASTfln D422 ~ ~C PRo,iECr No.: 2008-000-T025 FIcURe: 1 HWAORSZ 2006,000T028.OPJ 826/08 - CBR (Califomia Bearing Rat(o) {}E LA►H COMPACTED SOILS ~ (ASTAd D 1883) ~ . eE«: swqulst Fn;&eedny senfces . kiWAGEc3ScIENCEs llvC. PROJECT: Moirntaln VlewEstates SAMPLEiD: . TP-21 PROJECT NO: 2007-000, T023 Sampled By: Clienf Tested By; EB €)afe Samp[ecf: 03M007 Uate Received: 03l'2&2007 Date Tested: 04AXt,aa7 Material Descr(ption: Browm, sr7ty SAND widr grave! {SNn ample Loeatiort: TP-21 - - - - Compaction Standard: Q0698 QD1557 Condition: ~X Soaked for 98 hrs QUnsoaked Dty Density: 41T.5 pcf o f3 5% NLC. wth i8 9% scatped-aff on the 3/4" sieve Triat t Triat 2 Triat 3 Or# pens 745.4 #N/A #N/A Peresnf Com etfQn 96.3 #hUA #PllA Ndoisfitre bafore soak 92.'I gDN[0! #DlVIOt PeMnt Sweit tn[Lial hfi ~ OA 0.0 0.0 Akistuie to 1° atter saak #DNIO! BDlVId! CBIt St 0.i° Penetration 28.3 #0IV(0! #DtVlO! CBR at 0.2° Penetration #DlYlO! #DIVIO! CBR Ya1ue 2$.3 #DNlOt #DNlO! 1000.0---e--es.s ~oao ~ 600.0 ~ ~ 4oa.o zoo.o 0.01 o.oa 0.05 aAa 0.15 020 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.40 0.46 o so 0.55 Dlsptacement (In) 30.0 - ♦ . 25.0 • 20.0 ~ t5.0 c~ 3.0 - QA 90 9'I 92 83 94 8b 96 87 98 99 100 96 Ccmpactlon REVIEWED BY: . Steven Greene FIGURE: 3 Civil & Mining Engineering Engineering Geology Incrunnel m Engineering & ConsUuction Management ~ . Rapid Ezcavation/Support Systems A. ActivelAbandoned Mine Subsidence ~ Geotechnical Ins[rumentation Safety Moniroring of Svuctures BlxstOptimization / Vihration Monitoring Mine & Quarry Permitting Malerial Science / Laborarory Testing January 9, 2006 Project No. 2005-33 - fqummaber of pas Steven Lee Preferred Engineering, LLC Q38 SW 310 Street ' • Federal Way, Washington, 98023 Subjectc Geologic Reconnaissance and Slope Assessment of Sewer Alignmenfi South 328thStreet to Mountain View Driv.e Aabum Area, Washington Dear Mr. Lee: At your request, on December 13, 2006 a representative from our firm completed a geologic reconnaissance and slope assessment of a.proposed sewer alignment extending from the eastern end of South 328th Street down .to Mountain View Drive in Auburn, Washington. Prior to: our site visit, a topographic map of the proposed the alignment had,been prepared and the alignment had been surveyed in S o fnld Wh s the vegetation brushed out. The eastem end of the alignment`was, steeply P 9. principal focus of'our site visit was to assess the slope conditions and offer possible options for sewer line construction down the subject slope. Project And Site Conditions The projecf site was located on an upland plateau about',/, mile north of Peasley Canyon and SR 18 in the northwestem part of Aubum, Washington (Figure 1). The proposed alignment was about 1,500 feet in length ran in a west to east direction adjacent to the Mountain View Cemetery to the south and.undeveloped land to the north. A six-foot tall chain link fence ran along the north side of the Mountain View Cemetery separating it from the proposed alignment.. Vegetation along the alignment consisted of dense blackberries and other brush as well as medium srz_ed deciduous and evergreen trees. An overgrown ditch abouf &feet wide was encountered between about 800 to 900 feet east of South 328t'' Stceet,'where grayelly silty sand was exposed The westem 1,240 feet of the alrgnment was gently sloPing down to the east at an overall' gradient of about 5 percent. The eastemmost 270 fest of the alignment began with a sharp break in slope at the toP of " a down to the east at an rall adient of about 70_ per~cent, EI v s~ `~n~ nt ranged from about oye gr 150 feet above sea level at the eastem entl of the, alignment to about 405 feet at the westem edge at the end of South 328"' Streeifts@ddoW provided topographic map, 6ITY OE Ad1SlJRN PERRAIl' iQ Post Offiee Box 520, 218 East North Bend Way, North Bend, WA 98045 Phone: (425) 888-5425 Web Site: www.subterra.us Email: subterra@subterra.us Fax: (425) 88$-2725 slo ing eastem edge of the alignment hadf 270 feet (72% gradient) m 165 the steeply P feet to 360 feet (195 feet) over a horizontal distance o u n d e r s t arxi that along the westem 1,240 fee gnment the sewer pipe w►11 t of the eastem steeply sloping We below ground. Based on our as s e s s m e n simply be buried other options in addition to simple burial portion of the alignment (descri6ed' belaw), ect. should'be considered for this portion of the pro1 Geology and Slope Conditions ones revious regionat geologic mappin9 by others (J, M.A. 1999, Geoiogic Framework P identified the Puget Sound Aquifer Sysfem, 'ana p Professional 9aper 1424-C~ bblesJand for the ortion of the ali nment as Vashon lodgement soils underlyin9 the gentiy sloPing vel ice up wi co till. Lodgement til{ is an u~' a at the sole of an iadvancing glacial g~ sheet about 15,000 boulders that was deposite icall ve dense, years ago. The till subgrade, beneath the top ~e we ght of ice sheet wh ch in is area having been ~ 3 000 feet thi k ense state by was more tha ' n eastern portion ofithe alignment were mapped The soils underlying the steeply slopi9 as somewhat older Vashon adva ~ bedded (sorted) sand and grave at was depos ed by mel wat r streams em {I ating from the front of the advancing glacial :ice sheet. The acivancing 1O sediments. overrode the outwash and deposited a layer of lodgement till atop these gecause the advance outwash dep.osits were overridden by the thick glacial ice sheet they were also densely consolidafed. 'in rtion of the alignment was characterized by unsta The morphology of the steeply slop 9 Pohummocky topography with numerous scallopanic-rich nature of thennear surface so l ble soiL The slope morphology as well as the o9 the suggesfed that fill had been pushed ov~e acent cemetery pTh depth ofthetfill was soil pefiaps related to grading activit~es at 1 fill had estimated in some areas to be in excess of 5'f oiclkto'gully eros onS T~he fll soil was failed downslope, exposing native sandy outwash . s not extensive enough to be displayed on the regional geologic map, hov!+ever other as cts of the previous geologic mappin9 Were judged to 6e accurate based on the field Pe . inspection. ppinions And Recommendatiorls ion that c reconnaissance and slope assessment it is our opm' Qased on our geologi he for sith upland portions of the alignment are ton of the bluff tt►`e ste PbY s op ng ~o~ons of trenchin t an burial of the se~+er line. Below th P. alignment are characterized b nSU ~b~~ a~l sew~erl p pe bunald. e Wnse hi ea he dense sa~ erosion, sand. The artficiaf fill soil is u retatively stable in its de S ' ~ p~~~y'tNe at step sl petgrad ents! Tt~us simPle stripped of vegetation. T this flUt4vdsh soil (beneath the fill) is not recommendeG at this trenching and burial wiChin site. Other options could Mrlude thb following: 2 \ o The PiPe could be. Placed along the surface and anchored to the ground at the top and . base of the slope with possible anctiored areas al 1a9~mo ~°a htsediments along ItheO move independently of the pipe. The underlying g organic- slope are suitable foundation-rbearin e ke ed nto a n,on-yield ng nat"u a1 subgrade beneath qnchorfootings should b Y bearing or toosened:zones. e A direct cut with pipe burial dqwn the steep slope couid be comPRock arrmon g should disturbed portions of the slope are repaired with rock arm a g' natlve subgrade and be keyed into the slope by cuttin9 benches, into the non-yi 9 should replace any artificial fill soii that lies along the pipe alignment. Thus in certain areas up to 5 feet of fill soii would be replaced with rock buttressing. Pipe anchoring along the middle portions of the slope could also be required. o Depending on the diameter of the sewer pipe, a dir ~ e al e°~t°,,out'disturbing the could be cost effective options, which would allow buna p P surface of the steep slope. Such a micro-tunnel would most likely be bored using widely available equipment and fhis option would have the lowest impact on steeply sloping areas. , Whichever option is chosen, we recommend that construction activities take place during the drier times of the year. We look forward to wo r a~ ~y ~f you have any questions or exploring the possible pipe placement opfions in need further information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely Yours, SUBTERRA, tNC. George H. Bennett, P.G. Senior Geologist 3 ~ ChriBtophcr Brown Cn AeBOCiates 9688 Rainier Ave: 8. 8eattle, WA 98ll8 5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) '122-1909 The Nichols & Stipp Sites ~ Nnmber of pages ~ - a TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for two properties that make a combined 43-Lot Pair of Single Family Residential Plats in the - West I~'ill Neighborhood of the proposed annexation area to the City of Auburn ~ i0 ! gr • ~ Io~ - • ! Prepared for Phillip Kitzes, Esq: ~ of P. K. Enterprises, Inc. IM~ May 15'', 2006 TrafEic Engineers Cf Transportation Planners The Nichols & Stipp Sites TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for two properties that make a combined 43=Lot Pair ofSingleFamily Residential Plats in the West I-fi11 Neighborhood Table of Contents. Purpose 1. : Location and Access 2. Scope 4.. Trip Generation 4. Trip Distribution & Assignment . . 5. Traffic Characteristics 5. Assignment,Diagrasn . 7. Capacity Analysis 7. Corridor Level of Service 9. Left Turn Storage & Right Tum Guidelines 9. Summary 9. List of Figures " 1. Vicinity Map 3. 2. 2006 P.M. Peak-Hour Traffc Volumes 6. 3. P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Assignment 8. List of Tables I Nichols & Stipp Sites Trip Generation 4. II Levels of Service 7. Apnendia ITE LUC 210 Summary & Data Peak Hour Field Volume Data Sheet LOS Analysis - S. 328h: Street @ 56h Avenue S. WSDOT Left Tum Storage and Right Turn Lane Guidelines _ , Chriatapher BroWn CS AeBOCiates 9688 I.2ainier Ave. 8. _ c~eattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) TL2-19Q9 - The Nichols & Stipp Sites a . 'I'RAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for two properties that make a combined 43-Lot Pair of Single Family Residential Plats in the West Hill Neighborhood of the proposed annexation area to the City of Auburn Purpose Briefly, the purgose of this study is to determine the horizon year traffic impacts that may be anticipated with the completion of two close by properties that in combination will total a new 43-lot pair of single-family residential plats; One residence already exists. The Nichols property is located on a site situated on the ea:st side of the future 58h' Avenue S. about a block north of the easterly extension of South 328~' Street (yet to be constructed) in the south-central part of King County on what may be called the City of Aubum's west lull neighborhood that will be annexed to the City of Auburn. Similarly, the Stipp projerty is loeated on a site situated on the southwest corner of the intersection of South 328 Street and 5e Avenue S. (The actual cardinal direction on these street names ma.y be revised on annexation to the City of Aubum to comply with the city's adopted street name style.) More particularly, this traffic study is to obtain current traffic volume data at those intersections impacted by 30 ormore site genera.ted p.in: peak how trips and to perForm a corridor analysis to define the levels of service on the impacted;arterial corridors. For assessing site related traffic impacts the forecast year of 2008 is used. This is the horizon year when both sites axe expected to be fully occupied. This forecast yea.r is the basis against which future impacts are to be measured. - -1- - Chrietopher brown.tzS AeBOCiates 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. . 8eattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 The locations of the two plats are shown on the Vicinitv M0, Figure 1, page 3. . The trip generation data for the developments is based on the 7h edition of the T~ Generation Manuad published by the. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The trip generation data is shown later in Table I , Typically, in developing residential neighborhoods such as these, the p.m. peak how has - about twelve (12) percent higher traffic volumes than the morning peak hour. This is to be expected since the,p.m. peak hour typically contains work, school, shopping and social-recreation travel-demands as distinct to the morning peak hour that is primarily work and school trip related. Accordingly, this traffic study reviews the p.m. peak hour since it represents the worst case. This is also the city's standard requirement. The inclusion of a background traffic growth rate for assessing horizon year volumes is in accordance with the recommended practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Tra,~/'ic Access and Impact Studies for Site Development, Transportation Engineering, August 1988. The growth rate used in.this study is taken at 3.5 percent per year. This is the rate of growth typically recommended by the City of Auburn for its arterial street system. Location and Access For the purpose of this traffic analysis the location of the proposed plats considers the following. • The Stipp site with 15 proposed single-family residential lots to be located on the south side South 328~' Street between 56t' and 57th Avenues S. • The Nichols site with 28proposed single-family residential lots to be locaxed the ea:st side of the future 58 Avenue S. about a block north of the intersection of South 328h Street (extended). - For the purposes of this traffic analysis and consideiing 5Avenue S. does not yet exist ,but will be partially constructed for the Nichols site, it is assumed that all access will be •via South 32e Street and thence to 56t' Avenue S. 56`b Avenue S:-in this residential neighborhood is the key route to South 316' Street located to the north and South 331' Street loca.ted to the south. Both these east-west facilities provide direct access to the regional highways including the Va11ey Freeway, SR 167, via 15'' Street NW, and I-5 via South 32e Street and also to the adjacent ma.jor 2- ChriBtapher BroWn CS Amociatc8 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Faa (206) TZ2-1909 A•.. r z ~ ; 0 S 3 t; =2TM ST Nli -2 TH ~ ST NW ~ A• ; 5: 3021m•- 5500 ~ r" - . ; ~ y 5 .3nsni sr 1~ ~ 22ND , 30M a 21$T $Y NM. H) ~ C 2OTH N '"j~ ) S 310THQ.ST ~ ~ 0.8+ ~ a 15TH i yT ~'~~}'f $ I6TN < ~ lA'M I ~ ~ . ~ 1ar►t.ST; • loo ,f' t; iani ST { - ~ ~i~x s sr s 3i sr ~ . ~ c~l} s aet" a: ~ ~ ~ T y . SS~ ~ O~ ST . ~/,~E• • ~1. I A~ ~ ~ Y. A t S _ 3 2 O T} T___ _'I S T N Y S. 1 - S 3L2W 1 N ~ 1< 6n+ sr. iae < 56M Pw~ - ' $T x~, ~ ~ 3s 57x S PL rc PO r Mx ~ u , ~ a ~3 HS% sT . xw ~ „n . . - I~ sr J S ~km Pt ~ N I 3291N ~ ~ ~ r 'T" ~ - uewn~ _ ' <.yy ~ , . : , _ . J 47H S7 Sli 3" ST; r- - PATlK 3 4(yg 4y R'IOE ~ 8TH SL~ U 15nn 3367H i ST SUP£R -lkE:G OF sw. -T& Zwcrya ,WMNU-+T l r5L ~ 5 33ffN ST 4 ~ a S 340TH 5T S.PER MII ;IiY ~ 5 ~ ST ~342ND ST ~ s sazrro SW 3WOOr ~W q N . N FIGURE 1 - Stipp & Nichols Sites Vicinity Map ~ ChriBtapher Brown ef AsBOCiatcs 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118 5981 _3_ (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 shopping and recreational centers of Federal Way to the west and Auburn to the east. In the immediate neighborhood all of the streets are county style, 2-1ane facilities with posted speed limits of 35 mph. These roads are typically construeted with light bituminous paving and do not include urban amenities-such as sidewalks, curb and . gutters. The intersection of South 328 Street at 56'h Avenue S. has nighttime street . lighting mounted on a timber utility pole. This intersection is located at.the crest of a vertical curve. Entering sight distance (ESD) is partially constricted by vegetation to the south. This can be readily improved by shrub removal. The through status of 56t' Avenue S. is maintained with STOP sign control on a11 intersecting minor streets. Scone For the purposes of this traffic impact analysis the scope of the work considers a total of 43 new single-family residences of the combined Nichols and Stipp sites with initially a. single access to 56t' Avenue S. via South 324~' Place. The geometric design of this intersection is essentially a two-lane by two-lane facility that will be constnicted to adopted City of Auburn design standards. Trip Generation Trip generation for the proposed 43-1,ots of the combined Nichols & Stipp properties is based on the 6h edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers '(ITE) Ln , Generation Manual, for Land Ilse Code 210, the applicable reference for single-family residential developments. As a significant combined deveTopment the published regression equations are used. TABLE I Nichols & Stinp Sites Trin Generation - A.W.D.T. 478 Trips/Day A.M. Inbound 10 vehicles/hour A.M. Outbound 30 'vehicles/hour P.M. Inbound 32 vehicles/hour P.M. Outbound 18 vehicles/hour -4- Chrietopher BroWn CS Amoeiates " 9688 12ainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118 5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 Trin Distribution & Assionment The new traffic generated by these two new residential developments will be distributed . onto the adjacent roadway system and then onto the_regional transportation network The traffic distribution and assignment of site-generated tiaffic is based on the AnaloQv Method described in Transporfation and Land Development, Vergil G. Stover, 1988, - published by the Institute of TransportationEngineers (ITE). Considering ttie proposed combined developments the following p.m. peak hour traffic assignment was defined.. - • South 31e Street to and from the west @ 56h Avenue S. 12 trips • South 316th Street to and from the east @ 56~' Avenue S. 13 trips • South 331" Street to and from the west @ 56t' Avenue S. 8 trips • South 331s' Street to and, from the east @ 56d' Avenue S. 17 trips Since none of these arterial street corridors meets or exceeds the adopted city threshold standard of 30 p.m. peak hour trips no corridor level of serve analysis is required. At the key intersection serving the combined developments = 56~' Avenue S. at South 328'h Street the following p.m. peak hour assignment was defined. e Westbound right tum 11 vehicles per how • Westbound left turn 7 vehicles per hour • Northbound right turn 18 vehicles per hour • Southbound left turn 14 vehicles per hour The total2-way p:m. peak hour traffic volume on 56th Avenue S. south of the South 32e Street intersection is 25 vehicles per hour while to the north it is 25 vehicles per how. As a result, neither the south leg of this corridor nor the north leg meets the city's adopted level of service threshold for analysis. Traffic Characteristics Current p.m. peak hour traffic volume data were obtained in the field under typically ' early spring wea.ther conditions. The field data is depicted on Figure 2. _ -5- Chriatophec BcoWn CS Aesociatee 9688:Rainicr Ave: 8. 8eattle, WA 98ll8-5981 (206) 'ZZ2-1910 Fax (206) TLZ-1909 S. 316th Street -7. 1D ~ . . 1V ~ S . 3 24.th Street M d . . ~ ~ x x ~ n o0 ~ ~ -p LO Ln • rk , i r~ rn _i a~ S 328th :Str.eet ~ 5 x „ Ln . ~ 1b ~ S. 331st Str.eet FIGURE 2 ~ . 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes -,ChriBtapher BroWn Cf Aeeociate8 9688 Rainicr Ave. 8. -6- 8eattle: WA 98118=5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 7Z2-1909 Although data collection was essentially in the spring season, no significantly adverse weather or unusual tra.ffic conditions existed that would skew or otherwise bias the data. Likewise, being in the spring season with a11 schools in session and normal employment patterns extant, the data is considered entirely stable a.nd useful- for traffic ana.lysis purposes. Current p.m. peak hour traffic volumes shown on the previous page are schematic and do notimply any scale. As a traffic diagram the respective arrowheads ' note the direction of vehicular travel. In general, currently, on the local arterial street network (school) bus and pedestria.n traffic volumes were relatively light except near the elementary school on S. 316'' Street in the mid-afternoon interval. Assignment Diagram The p. m. peak hour assignment of tra,ff c from both developments is shown on Figure 3. As with Figure 2 thus is a schematic diagram. Canacitv Analysis Capacity analysis is in accordance with the 1997 Highway Capacity Manuat (HCNl) _ and attendant intersection capacity up-d.a.tes for the new HCM 2000 publication by the Transportation Research Boazd. The analysis was accomplished using the software entitled HCS 3; produced by the McTrans Center at the University of Florida. It is used under license to Christopher Brown, P.E. The results of the analysis are noted below in Table II. When reviewing the following LOS tabulated summaries, note that the computer input and results are included in the A~endix. TABLE II Levels of Service Intersection Current With Project Volumes 56h Avenue S. @ S. 328h Street A. A STOP Cotrtrolled intersection 8.8 sec. 8.9 sec. - -7- Chriatapher SroWn (n ABSOCiatee 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. , 8eattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 'Z'Z2-1909 0 S. 316th Str-eet D b ~ . b 00 , . . x ~ o 0 S. 324.th Street Q ~ ~ . U. Nichols , N ! Site ~ ~ ~ l P -P ` fl- COI in Ln I O ' i ~ -S 328.th :Str.eet ~ rtiPP ~ S ite ~o Ln . ,7 ~ ~ . . 3 a J , - S. . 3.3Ist Str.eet d - FIGURE 3 P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Assignment . , Christapher Bromn Cf Aeeociates 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. . 8cattle, WA 98118-5981 . . (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 In the level of service analysis Table II of page 7 note the analysis for the "with project" , case is taken at the yea.r 2008 and assumes an average annual background growth rate of 3.5 percent per year for the next two years in accordance with City of Auburri adopted . " . growth rate standards. Corridor'Level of Service Additionally, travel-time studies were performed over the peak hour. The average travel- time for the 0.9 miles of the 56d' Avenue S. corridor from South 316'' Street to South . 331"` Street was recorded at 30.5 miles per hour. From the 2000 Highway Capacity Mcmual, Table l 1-1, Arterial Levels of Service for Class II Arterials, Level of Service A is described :as having a"free flow, speed" of over 30 mgh The travel time study therefore indica.tes the current level of service is at the highest possible level. - There are no reasons to suggest that this LOS `A' will not continue on completion of . these two developments. Left Turn Storage and Righf:Turn Lane Guidelines The WSDOT Design Manual Figure 910-6, Guidelines for Left Turn StoraM were . reviewed for applicability at the site's access via the intersection of South 328hStreet. and 56~' Avenue S. . With a total north-south p.m. peak fiour volume of 99 vph and a southbound left tum voh,i g e of 18 vph, representing 18 percent, there are rio warrants for protected left turn stora e on 56'h Avenue South. - From Figure 910-11, and noting a northbound right turn volume of 23 vph and a peak hour approach volume of 76 vph there are no warrants for a right turn lane or a right turn pocket: As noted on the figure, only a"Radius is Recommended". Summarv - The following eonclusions may be considered with respect to the proposed two combined - 43=Lot single-family residential.developments - the Nichols & Stipp properties. . -9- " , Chri~tapher BroWn (lf AeBOCiateB 9688 Rainicr Ave. 8. 8eattle. WA 98118-5981. - (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722=1909 • These two developments, comprising 43 new sirigle=family homes, will conform , to the existing neighborhood as it is currently developing. • Based on the 74` edition of Traffic Generation the development will generate some 478 trips per day with 40 of these trips taking place during the morning : peak hour and 50 in the p.m. peak hour. ~ The background traffic growth is taken at 3.5 percent per year to the horizon year of development - 2008. ~ The traffic assignment of site-generated traffc is based on the AnalogyMethod. • The City of Auburn's corridor analysis threshold is 30 p.m. peak hour site generated trips. • No arterial street corridor outside of 56t' Avenue S. is impacted by 30 or more p.m. peak hour trips. • From current travel-time studies on 560 Avenue S. from South 316" Street to South 331" Street the level of service, describing the quality of traffic flow, was found to be at the highest possible level.of service, LOS W. • This level of service will not be altered by new site-generated traffic: it will remain at LOS W. • The site's key intersection at 56t' Avenue S. and South 32e Street will not require left turn channelization for the southbound left tum movement nor require any right turn lanes or pockets for the northbound right tum movement. • At South 328t' Street a single approach lane will be sufficient for accommodating the new site related traffic. • The entering sight distance to the south from S; 32e Street should be improved by removing the vegetation along the eastern street margin within the existing right of way. • The eexisting timber pole-mounted luminaire at ttie intersection of 56`h Avenue S. and South 328t' Street is sufficient for nighttime'illumination. Additional street lighting along South 32e Street if required will be associated with adopted City of Auburn street standards, as applicable. -10- . Chri$tapher Brown ftS AeBOCiates . 9688 12ainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 The Nichols & Stipp ,Sites TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for two properties that make a combined . 43-Lot Pair of Single Family Residential Plats in the . West H'ill Neighborhood ' Appendig - Table of Contents PTE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing- Definition TTE LUC 210, Single=Faznily.Detached Housing- weekday traffic ITE LUC 210, Single=FamilyDeta.chedHousing- a.m. peak traffic TTE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing- p:m. peak tra.ff c Peak Hour Field Volume Data Sheet LOS Analysis - S. 328~' Street @ 56'h Avenue S. 2006 LOS Analysis - S. 32e Street @ 56'h Avenue S. 2008 with Project Intersection Geometrics WSDOT Figure 910-8 'Left Turn Storage Guidelines. WSDOT Figure 910-8 Right Turn Lane Guidelines . ChriBtopher Bromn 6 Aesociate8 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. - 8eattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) TL2-1909 . . . Land.Use: 210 Single-Family Detachec! Housing Description Single-family detached housing Indudes all single-family detached homes on individual lots. A typlcal site surveyed is a suburban subdivision. Additional Data . . The number of vehicles and resfdents ttave a high correlatfon witb average weekday vehlde trip ends. The use of these vaciables is.limtted, however, because the numbers of vehldes and resitlents was often diffieuft taobtain or predict. The number of dwelling units is generally used as the independent variable of choice because it is -usually readily availabie, easy to projeCt and has a hfgh coRelation with ayerage weekday vehide trip ends. This land use lnduded data from a wide variety of units with different sizes, price ranges, 1oc.atiotis and ages. Conseqyenthr,-.there was a wide variagon in trips generated within this catego ry. As expected, dwelling units that were larger ln size, more expensive, or farther away . from the central bustness diWct`(CBD) had a higher rate of trip generatton per unit than those . smaller in size, less expensive, or doser to the CBD. Other fadors, such as geographic locagon and type of adjacent and neeirby development, may also have had an effect on the $ite trip generation. - Sing(e-family detached units had the highest trip generation rate per dwelling unit af all residentlal uses, because they were the:la_rgest.units in slze and.had more residents and more vehides per unit than other restdentfal Iand uses; they were generally Iocated farther away from shopping centers, enaptoy.ment areas -and other trip attractors_ than other residential land uses; and they generaily had fewer altemate modes of transportaflon ava(latile, because they were typicaily not as concentrated as other reslidentlai land uses. The peak hour of the:generator typically coincided with the peak hour of tMe adjacent street traffrc. The sites were surveyetl from the late 1960s to the 2000s throughout the United States and Canada. Source Numbers .1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 93, 14,;16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 71, 72, 84, 91,.98,100, 105, ' 108,110,114,117,119;1573: 167,177,187,192, 207, 211, 246, 275, 283, 293, '300, 319, 320, $57,384,435,550, 552, 579 . . Trfp Generetlon, 7th Edttton 268 Instlfute of Transportatlon Engineers Single-Fa-mily Detached Housing " (210) . Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dweliirtg Units On a: Weekday ~ Number of Studies: 350 Avg. Number of Dwelling Uni#s: 197 - Directional Distribution: 50% entering; 50% exiting - Tr1p Generation per Dweliing Unit AveFage Rate Range of Rates ~ Standard Deviafion 9.57 4.31 - 21.85 ~ 3.69 Data Plot and Equation 30,000 . . . . . . . . , , . . , x w` . a°'°°° . , - ~ - , x > : x . ~ m • : x • a . n 10,000 , . t- , . . _ . , . x ; ~ ' . , x' x • 'y~ x ' • x : . 0 o iooo 2000 3a00 , • X= Num6er of DweQtng Units , - X Actuai Data PotMs R(ted Curve Averaga Rate F[tted Eurve Equation:. Ln(Tj = 0.92 Ln(X}+ 2.71 - R2 = 4.96 • Trlp Generadon,7th Edition `269 Institute of Transportation'Engtneers Single-Family Detached Mousing (210) . Aver.age Vehicie Trip Ends vs: ~D.weuing Units ~ On .a: 'lA/eekday, ~ . Peak Hour of Adj$cent ~Street Traffic, ~ One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 274 ~ Avg. Number of Dweliing Units: 201 Directional Distribution: 25% entering, 750/exiting Trlp Generation -per Dwelling Unit Average 'Rate ~ Range of Rates Standard DeViation 0.75 0.33 - 227 0.9.0 ~ . D.ata MQt: and -fquation . ~ . s,ooo ~ ~:ooo : , z ; : x ~ ; • r . . . . : x . x ~ . . . , u 1.060 ......:.....M ~ , X x . x :X : x ; . x x . x o • . a 1000 . 2000 3000 • . X= Numtrer of Dwelling Units x kctual Dala Po(nte '.Fltted Curve .Avarager Rate >Fttted'Cunrs Equation:. T= 0.70(C) +.143 • R2 = 0.89 Thp Generaflon, 7th EdRbon 270 Fnstitute of TFansportaWrr Engineers Single-Family Detached HoWsing ~ (210) _ Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs:: Dwelling tJnPts , On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjaoent Street Traffic, ~ - One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 302 Avg. Number of Dweiling Units: 214 - _ Directionai Distribution: 63% entering, Mo exiting ~ Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit ~lverage Rate . Range of Ra#es Standard eviation ` 1.01. 0.42 2.98 1:05 ~ Data Plot and Eauation . $000 . . . . . , . : , . x . . . . , . _ . . . , . , . , . . , . X . . , ~ W 2.ppp z • : 1- • ; X • ~ v . ~ . L • . . . r ~ , . . ' • i m . - . ' . . x ~ ~ . . , . . ~ ~ . . ' i~~ . • . Q x F! 1,000 ~ X ~ . X • • . X ; x . X 0 ~ - 0 1000 2000 . 3ppp . . X= Alumber of DwelUng Uni#s X AcWal Data Polnts • . :Fltted Cum ' - - - - .pvera98 aate ' Fit#ed Cunre Equatiort: in(Tj = o.sa Ln(X) +om R2 = v:s~ ~ Ttip feneratfon, 7tfi Edftion 2711 Msbtute flf Tmnsportatim iEngineers ~ T R A F F l C 1/Ol U ME 5 UMMARY ( P;l ai &CT DATE z2.. DA7 ~ lNTFRSFtT14N OF: AND 3~'-Z~'~ r~ . T 11ME ~6b TO P= PfJ1K* HOVR . . , J ~ • ~c~.?nd ~..~-w,~c+:v~ iz ~ s s - - 1r - ~ 6 I. I I Z ~ ~o . H 11 11 ~ - ~r o a !6 2: ~ 8 J.''~' / 2 8 / ?rc'7 - 51~-s" p 1 O ~ ~ 6 a I , ~ c I~ I - I ~ . ~ I T - OTA L S- . . . -771 of ?OT~►L . ' ~ ~ . ~ ~ ; ~1 /41/ ~ Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY eneral.lnformation ite Information a st C. V. Brown ntersection S. 328th/56th Ave. S. e:n /Co: K Ente rises urisdiction Lbum ate:Performed 5HS/06 al sis Year 6 wifhoutP "ecf na sis Time Period .M. Peak Hour ro'ect ID es File KZ-C1P astMlest Street _ S. 328th_ Str=eet orth/South Street: 56fh Avenue S. ' intersection Orientafion: . North-Soufh iStudy Period hrs : 1.00 ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments Ma"or Stteet _ Northbound Southbound ovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 _ L T R L T R olume 0 54 . 5 4 29 0 eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0:90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0:90 our Flow Rate; HFR 0 60 5 4 32 0 Percent Hea Vehicles 0 - 0 - - edian Type _ Undnrided T Channelized ' 0 0 ' . l.anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 onfi' urafion TR LT ~tream.Si nal 0 Minor..Street Westbound Eastbound ; ovemenf . 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume 2 0 3 0 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 0 3 -0 0 0 Percent Hea Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 D Percent Grade 0 0 lared Approach N N Storage D 0 T Channelized 0 0 nes 0 1 0 0 4 0 nfi uration LTR ela Queue Len th and Level of Service pproach NB SB Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8. 9 10 11 12 ane Configuration LT LTR ` (vPh) ¢ . 5. _ (m) (vph) 1550 962 lc 0.00 0.01 ' 5% queue length 0.01 0.02 ontrol Delay 7.3 _ 8,8 OS A A - pproach Delay pproach LOS - - A NCS2000rm Copyrighc 0 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 file://C:IWINDOWS\TEMP\u2k70D 1.TMP 5/15/06 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY eneral Irrformation ite Information a st C. V. Brown ntersection F312 56th Ave. S. en Co. _K Ente "ses urisdiction ro%ect & 3:5 ate Performed 5/15/E76 alysis Year na is Time Period .M. PeakHour ro'ect ID ile KZ-P1PastlWest_StreetS. 328th S6-eet North/South Street: 56th Avenue S. ntersection Orientation: North-South LStudy Period rs : 1.00 ehicle Volumes__and Ad'ustments ~ Ma'or Street Northbound Southbound : ovement .1 . 2 3 4 - 5 6 . L _T . R` L T R_. olume 0 58 23 18 31 0 eak=Hour Factor PHF 0.90 0.90 .0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 our Flow Rate, HFR 0 64 25_ _ 0 34 0 - - e~cent Heavy Vehicles 0 - 0 - edian T e Undivided RT Channefized 0 0 Lanes - 0 1 0 p 1 p onfigu[ation TR TR fream 8i hat 0__ 0 Minor Street - Westbound Eastbound ovement 7 8: 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume 9- 0 14 0 0 D eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 urly Flow Rate, HFR 10 _ 0 15 0 0 0 ' ercent Hea Vehicies 0 0 0 0 0 0 ercent Grade (q6) 0 0 - lared Approach _ N_ N Storage 0 0 T Channelized 0 0 anes 0 f 0 0 0 0 onfi uration LTR ela Queue Len th and Level of Service proach NB 86 Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR _ (yPh). . 25 . _ (m) (vph) 949 /c 0.03 50/o queue length . ' - 0.08 , ontrol Delay 8.9, OS A pproach Delay - - 8 9 pproach 108 - - A Copyright 0 ZOUO Univcraity of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 file://C:\WINDOWSITEMP1u2k80C3.TMP 5/15/06 = RIGHT-TURN LANE GUIDELINES _ v... o 100. W. . g Right-Turn Lane = 80 (Figure 920-12b) ~ Right-Turn Pocket qr Reeommended TQper (Figure 910-12a) Recommended 4G 60 ~ 1--. - . . F-- ' ~ - 4-Q . cr - _ ~ Radius Only Recommended Z l Fi:gure 910 - 7 f Y . _ Q W 4 100 204 300 400 500 600 700 FEaK HQUR APPROACH VqLUME ( DDHU For fiwo t ane h i ghways, use the peak hour approach vo t ume (through + rfght turn). FQr multilane, high speed.(posted at 45 mph or above) hFghways, use the rigtyt lone peak hour o.pproach volume (through + right turn). No#e;. When alt. three of the,fiolfowing condit;ions Ore met, the " right turn DDFIV is reduced by 20 VPH. 1. Rast.ed speed 45 mph or, under. 2. Tighfi-turn volume gr:eater than 40 VPH.- . 3. Totol opproach volume Iess thon 300 VPH. Rigfit-l'urn Lane Guidelines ~ Flgure 910-1 i (Mel1^ia) ~i intersect3ons:Ai Gnade Design Manual Page 910-26 August 1997 L£f T T.k1RN '5tOR:AGE GU tDE1:1 MES lfns i qpq i i xed i n#ersec# i Qn. TM/O - ~1 etne hQ.gt3wpy 25 . . ~ : c KEYo m E . ~ • ~ ~ Belaw curve. ~ o ~ storage not s ~ 20: • . 1' needed for . c o o a capQC i fiy. t . Above curv:e, ~ stor-age r ecommendec{.. . c ~ CC ~ ~ . 10 ~ m ' C IA ti • > ,5 _ z 0 v ~ o . F- a~. 300 400 50fl 504 700 .8fl0 9o0 l.oop } 1 00 1.200 Tota I flMV• *DHV ; s #ota f vo 14me frpm botfi G i rect i on$ . *#Speeds rire posted spesd I imi #s.. \ . ~ . ~ ~ . • ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . ~ ' . . . • . , ' ' . - ' . . , . ~ ' ~ ~ , . . I ' , - . . . _ . . . . . Christopher Brown fn Associate8 9688 Painier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118:5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 " June 22nd, 2006 Mr. Phillip Kitzes . P. K. Enterprises, LLC 23035 SE 263rd Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 ~ ~✓(/N ~ ZOp6 Re: Nichols & Stipp Plats 4F8VI; Supplemental Analysis AM. Peak Hour @ 5 1 " Avenue S. and 5..3166 Street . Per King County request via Elizabeth Chamberlain Memo of 6/20/06 Dear Mr. Kitzes: The Gity of Auburn's e-mail memorandum concerning the referenced plats and the subject intersection has been noted. The following is submitted in answer to that concern by King County. First, the a,m. peak hour traffic volumes at the intersection of 51 Avenue S. and S. 316" . . Street were obtained this morning. The raw field data is attached for reference. Second, with a 3.5 percent background growth pursuant to the City of Auburn's standard ha.s been used to define the year 2008 a.m. peak hour forecast. A schematic diagram of tbis is also attached. ' With the trip distribution used' in the Ma.y 15t' 2006 submittal to the City of Auburn the morning peak hour assignment was derived. This is shown on the atta.ched schematic diagram. With the 2008 foreca.st and the morning peak hour assignment the horizon year data with -the project completed was derived. The total a.m. peak hour traffic volume generated by the site is 40 vehicle trips per hour. The site's traffic through the subject intersection is 12 trips per how. This represents a rate of (12/40) thirty (30) percent and, as such, is within tfie 20 percent threshold noted in the Charnberlain Memo. Of course, at 12 site-generated a.m. peak hour trips it is 'less than the 30-trip peak hour standard noted in the Chamberlain Memo. Trafric Engineers Cn Transportation Planners Mr. Phillip Kitzes . , . . 7une 22nd, 2006 , Page 2 The moming peak hour level of service (LOS) was computed for.the three following standard scenai-ios using currettt geometrics and the current control device strategy, to wit, STOP sign on S. 316'' Street. ; 1. Current a.m. peak hour LOS . 2. 2008 LOS without project . 3. 2008 I;OS with project The three LOS analyses for these three scenarios are attached for reference following the traffic diagrams. . „ . The results of the analysis show the following. • Current a.m. peak hour LOS =.C with a delay of 21.9 seconds m 2008 LOS without project =,I) with a delay of 25.6 seconds . 0 2008 LOS with project = D with a delay of 27.1 seconds Since the LOS is well within the adopted county standard no mitigation is required and none is recommended. • If you have any .questions, please feel free to call at your-convenience. , Yours tnzly, •r%' C. V. Brown, P.E. ~ cvb/s . , : encl. _ ~ - \ T RAFFl C VO1 Uhl E S UMl4ARY ~ Q-i E`r ' a.r . o~►TF DA7`4v~L i ri T EIt SECT I O W O F: .S~ ~'ly/11-J--Aeef A N Dsll'~vr , T »w-t To P PEAK' Nou R ~ . f5 T 11111 E ( L s e L s It ~ ` S It L s 2-_ ~ - ~ - ~2 1 Z_Z AD ~ . ~ ~ : :-~r w er_ I ~ I - g/A~ I ~ I I . T , WA L s KefYOTALI - ~ (7)G1eoe- - klT' . Lf o /~4 f I , 3:st Avenue :S . ~ ur 12 4J . U) 4J ~ . cr, . e ~ . 2006 A.M. Peak Hour Volumes- '51st Avenue S a LEGEND ~ ,V, • O X a.m. peak hour c~n ~ O traffic assignment ~ M fl~ . 2008 A.M. Peak Hour Volvmes withaut:Praject ` 51st . Avenue S . ~ - ~ Il~' • ~ 4J ~ . ~ en , . _ V, 2008 :A.M. -Peak Hdvr: Valumes with Proj.ect - _ ~ _ fe8 , GhriBtapher Bcomn ef A7722,1§09 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. , 8eattle, WA 98118 5981 _ (206) 722-1910 Fax (Z06 Two-VJay Stop Control Page 1, of 1 11N0 WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY [ta eral Ynformation ite Information st V Brown ntersection 316th St.751stAve. S. /Co. chols & Sfi Plats urisdion, "ng County _Performed 6 a sis Year 006 Current Year ` sis Time Period .M.. Peak Hour ro'eot ID ichols & SYi -o NS=C1A . as estStreet South 316th Street NortltiSouth Street: 51stAvenue 5. Interse.ction Orientation: North-South IStudy-Pddod hrs : 1.00 ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments ' a"ok Street Northbound Southbound ovement: 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R - - olume_ 0 316 167 72 229 0 Peak=Hour Factor-; PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 Hour Flow Rafe, HFR : 0 347 183 79 242 0 Percent Wea Vehicies 0 - - 0 - - edian T e Undivided RT ChanneGzed 0 0 Ganes 0 1 0 0 1 0 onfiguration 7R LT tream Si nal 0 0 inot Stteet 1Nestbound Eastbound ovement T 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume 97 0 29 0 0 D eak-Hour Factor PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 Hour Flow Rate, HFR 106 0 31 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vefiicles 3 0 1 0 0 0 ercenf Grade (°r6) -3 0 Flared Approach N ` N _ Storage__ . 0_; , 0 RT Channelized 0 0 `anes _ 0 1 D 0 0 D onfi Deuration LTR a t Queue Len th and Level of Service pp roach NB SB ` Westbound Eastbound ov ement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 ne Configuration CT LTR a (vph) 79 137 (m) (vph) 1048 350 / 0.08 0.39 c 5% queue length 0.24 ' 1.90 ontrol Delay 8.7 21.9 OS A C proach Delay - - 21.9 proach LOS - C HCS2000~ Copyright 0 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Varaion 4.1 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\u2k30C5.TMP 6/22/06 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . General information Site information a st C. V. Brown Intersection S. 316th St./51stAve. S. en /Co. Nichols & SSpp P/ats urisdiction King Coun ate Performed 6122106 a sis Year 008 withouf Pro ect a is Time Period A.M. Peak Hour Pro'ect ID icliols & Sti NS-H1A East/West Street South 316th Street North/South Street: 51stAvenue S. intersecfion Orientation: Norti►-South iStudy Period hns : 1.00 ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments Ma'or Street Northbound Southbound ovement 1 2 3 4 5 6:. - L T R L T R olume 0 339 179 77 237 0 eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 ourty Flow Rate,_HFR 0 372 196 84 260 0 [Fi T Hea Vehicie s 0 0 - - fi e Undivided ECledianh neGzed- 0 0 nes_ . 0 1 0 0 1 0 Confi uration ` . . TR LT U fream Si nal 0 0 d Minor Street~ Westbound Eastbound ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12. L T R L T R olume 104 0 31 0 0 0 eak Hour Factor PHF 0.91 0.91 0.99 0.91 0.91 0.91 . Hour Flow Rafe; HFR. , 114 0 34 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 3 0 9 0 0 0 Percenf Grade (°k)_ 4 0 Flared_Approach N N Storage _0 0 T GHannel`ized 0 0 nes 0 1 0 0 0 D onfi uration 'LTR Dela Queue Len th and Level of Service . proach NB SB Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LTR (vph) 84 148. (m) (vph) 1014 322 ' /C • _ 0.08 0.46 95% queue length 0:27 248 Control Delay . 8.9 25.6 LOS A 0 _pproach Delay - - 25.6 pproach LOS - - D HCS2000m Copyright 0 2000 University of Florida, Al1 Rights Reserved Veraioa 4.1 file://C:\WINDOWS\TEM0\u2k30C5.T1VIP 6%22/06 Two-Way Stop Control Page l of 1 TWO WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY - General Information ite Information al st C. V. Brown Enalysis rsection S. 316th St./51stAve. S. en /Co. ichols & Sti Plats sdiction 'n Coate Performed 6/22/06 Year 008 witl~ Project a sis Time Period .M. Peak'Hour ect ID ichols & Sfi NS-P1A East/West Street South 326th Sfreet North/South Street: 51stAvenue S. , Intersection Orienfation: Nolth-South tu Period rs : 1.04 ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments Ma or Street . Northbound Southbound ovement= 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume 1. 0 339 181 77 237 0 Peak-Hour Factor,_PHF. 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 our ` Flow Rafe, HFR 0 372 198 84 260 0 Percent Hea V Vehicles D - - 0 - - edian T e Undivided T Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 onfiguration TR LT U tream Si nal 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume . 112 0 33 0 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor PHF 0.91 0:91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 . , Hou Fiow Rate, 'HFR 123 0 36 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 3 0 1 0 0 0 Percent Grade -3 0 Flared Approach N . N Storage D 0 T Channefized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 Configuration LTR Dela Queue Len th and Level of Service pproach NB SB Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4: 7 8 9 10 11 12 ne Configuration LT LTR (vph) 84 "159 C (m) (vph) 1013 321 /c 0.08 0.50 5% queue (ength0.27 284 Control Delay 8.9 27:1 OS A D proach Delay - - 27.1 pproach LOS - - D HCS2ADOTM CopytigLt 0 2000 Univetsity ofFlorida, All Rights Resaved Version 4.1 file://C`.\WIND0WS\TIIVIP\u2k30C5.TMP 6/22/06 i`1um9~er of Pages ~ PK ENTERPRISES. November 24, 2010 Ms. 8izabeth Chamberlain City of Aubum Planning and Community'Development 25 West Main Street • -Aubum, WA 98001-4998 . RE: ' Stipp's IMeadow Preliminary Plat Request-•School access dnalysis. Dear Ms. Chamberlain: As required by the City of Aubum, each residential plat apptication must Indude a school access analysis that identifies the eaasting wafking conditions for scFiaol-aged students. There are no sidewalks along S. 328t' Sh-eet, 56t' Avenue South, or any other street tn the immediate vicinity. . Our development will include sidewalk along the southerly edge of S. 328"' Street; fiowever, any students that will reside in this development will be bussed to the appropriate public school. If there are any questions, p{ease feN free to contact me at (206) 227-7445. Sincerely, PK ENTERPRISES PHILLIP IQTZES CC Mr. Steve Lee, Stipp's Meadow, LLC. Ms. Dana LQe, Stipp's Meadow, tLC Z3035 1;E'2631RD STREET • MAPT.ii VA1.l.FiY, Wtfi 98038 PTIONTs: 2Q6.22? 7445 • PKF.NTERPRI57:S_MV@YAI TOO.COTi