HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM II PLT10-0008 ;E_xhibit 1 . c[r~r oF * r"" * Numberof Pages.10 ' AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM : WAS H I NGTON Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 Department: Planning and Attachments: See Exhibit List Budget:lmpact: N/A . Development Administrative Recommendation: . Hearin Examiner a rove the Prelimina Plat of Mt. View Estates _ Background Summary: OWNER/ . APPLICANT: Prius Triland LLC, Attention: Phil Kitzes, 4238 SW 314th Street; Federal V11ay, WA 98023 , _ REQUEST: The proposal is to subdivide 9.06 acres into 37 single family residential lots. This projecf reeeived preliminary plat approval in 2006 for 30 single family;lots. The City of Aubum updated its residential zoning code in June 2009 to density 6ased residential zoning which now permits additional lots in the R75 zoning district: The road network and general lot layout will remain the same as the'original preliminary plaf.~ Storm drainage for the project is being addressed in a combined storm pond with Stipp's Meadow project located just south of the Mt. View Estates project. LOCATION: 32516 58t' Avenue South, Auburn, WA, 98001 Parcel Numbers: 9262800210 and 9262800280. EXISTING CAND USE: Single Family Residence to remain COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential SEPA STATUS: Adoption of Existing Environmental Document: Mitigated Determination of Non _ Significance issued November 24, 2010. Reviewed by Council 8 Committees: Reviewed by Departrnents & Divisions: ❑ ARs Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: 0 Building . ❑ M&0 ❑ Airport ❑ Finance ❑ Cemefery❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑•:Municipal 8ery. ❑ Finance ❑ Parks El Human Services ❑ Planning & CD 0 Fire 0 Planning ❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police [I Planning Comm. ❑ Other Eg Pub.lic Works ❑ Human Resources ❑ Infortnation Services Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council ApprovaL E]Yes ❑No Call fot Public Hearing RefeRed to Un4il Tabled Until Councilmember: Staff: Chamberlain Meetin Date: March 30, 2011 Item Number: . ALTBURN MORE THAN YCOU 1MAGINED Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses the subject property and map showing the adjacent zoning: Comprehensive Zoning Land Use Plan Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single Site Residential family residence North Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single family Residential residences . South Public/Quasi-Public P-1, Public Use Vacant District West Single Family R-5, 5 du/acre Detached single family Residential residences East Single Family R-1, 1 du/acre Detached single family Residential residence e~aoo~9s 0262Moaao 906280W \ ~ GO== ~ ~o . . . . ~ i maaeo~n 026eamse a~eaaoama easmaoaeo o~exeocaa ; Mt View Estates,,,,., 37 8262MM19 02523= 92CEMM 02629MM 1262MOM , B28kB0= TO QN2=10 L vt i ~ 9282MM 0 zonin0 ❑Cl LipAt COtMUnttCial pi0tritt ' - ; ■a oanc.ai ouamw cama - - ~ - ■cs Fkavr Cwnurdd oistrttc - - - - . OGN Ntiplfb*rAOOd Shoonp Ovtriet "y r~ y ~gyV~tO ~ ~ _ ❑ ouc oowe+te.n urOm+ ceaer 0232sws tatosix ■ IEP Enviravnentel aark oisuia - 1 Inttihdionat Llss OinhiG c welane ww soum+ Puo 14Zo=2 ❑ Ls k.wc Wna'nro r-tW cisu+a ❑Mi lipAt Industrial LA9triet Maa neew =ndussrial oistria m 02 OuOfx Un Oi6tria ■iUD Plenned Ynit DevNoprnent Ri Raiderdial l 0U/Aere B5 Raidenaial 6 OWAere 010 Residerttid 7 OU/Aae • ❑aio ReWwai io ouiaao 0 azo aesaamai 20 ouJaae ❑RC Resida+tiel Gonservarrcy ■RroNC Residential Muntaeuired/~tobile nome unas ■ RO ResideMiei QFf= OittriG ■RO-M1 RevdoKial OffiGe OiotriC (iioa0ft0 ■N 1'srra0! 1/iemr ❑UNCurdassweed un owaict Page 2 of 10 Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24; 2011 FINDINGS OF_FACT: 1. . PhK Kitzes, of Prius Triland LLC, submitted an application for a prelirninary plat on November 24, 2010 for a thirty-seven (37) lot single family residential development. This project received preliminary plat approval in 2006 for 30 single family lots. The City of Aubum updated :its residential zoning code in June 2009 to density based residential zoning which now permits additionat lots in the R-5 zoning district. The road network and general lot layout will remain the same as the original preliminary plat. Storm drainage for the project is being addressed in a combined storm pond with the Stipp's Meadow project and will be located within the Stipp's Meadow project 2. The subject property is located at;32516 58t" Avenue South, Aubum, WA, 98001 Parcel Numbers: 9262800210 and 9262800280. 3. The subject property is zoned R-5, 5 du/acre. The proposed use is consistent with the R-5 zoning designation within the Auburn City Code (ACC) Chapter 18.07 as well as the Comprehensive Plan designation of Signle Family Residential. 4. Water will be provided by the Lakehaven Utility District. 5. Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the City of Aubum. 6. Requirements of ACC Chapter 15.74 Land Clearing are applicable to the site. 7. No state or federal candidate threatened or endangered plant species has been identified on the site. 8. No state or federal candidate threatened or endangered animal species or habitat has been identified on the site. 9. The proposal will not have significant adverse environmental impacts on fish and animals; water, noise, air quality, environmental health, public services and utilities, and land and shoreline use provided the attached conditions of approval are met. 10. Pursuant to ACC Chapter 15.74 and Gity of Auburn Design Standards, a temporary erosion and sediment control plan is required to be approved and implemented on the site prior to and during site development. Potential significant adverse environmental impacts associated with erosion and sedimentation from this development are adequately mitigated through compliance with this regulation. 11. Pursuant to ACC Chapter 13.48 and City of Aubum Design Standards, a storm drainage plan and subsequent installation of an, approved stormwater management system on the site is required. Potential significant adverse environrnental impacts associafed with increased stormwater runoff.from this development are adequately mitigated by compliance with this regulation. 12. The applicant has completed a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) fot the proposed traffic from the project, per requirements of Chapter 19.04 ACC. The City's traffis division has reviewed and accepted the TIA, prepared by Christopher Brown & Associates., dated December 2005 with revisions dated May 15, 2006 and June 22; 2006. The proposed preliminary plat adds only 7 single family lots from what was previously approved. The Cit y's Transportation Planner determined that the addition_of 7 single family lots to the project did not require a new TIA. 13. The project will add approximately 37 new PM peak hour trips to the transportation network. Traffic impact fees are assessed at building permit issuance or can be defened if the applicant complies with Ordinance No. 6341. Page 3 of 10 . Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 14. Any work through geologic hazard areas shall comply with ACC 16.10.100(E)(2) and ACC 16.10.170. 15. To mitigate noise impacts associated with the proposal, all construction shall comply with ACG 8,28. 21. The applicant shall mitigate_ school impacts through the payment of the school impact fee in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 22. Fire impacts generated by the project are mitigated through payment of the fire impact fee in effect at the time ofbuilding permit issuance. , 23. The applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan, pursuant to ACC Section 17:12;210 and City of Auburn Design Standards. 22. Fire hydrants and mains capable of providing the required fire flow shall be provided in accordance ' with #he City of Auburn Design Standards. Fire hydrant location shall be approved by the Fire Marshal. ' 23`. Per Table 10-1 Minimum Street Design Requirements, City of Aubum Construction Standard, local resitlential streets are required to be a minimum. of 28 feet between the curbs, and parking is allowed on one side of the street only. "No Parking this side" signs, in accordance.with City of Aubum standard details, shall be installed prior to occupancy of structures on the site. 24. Au6um City Code 13.16.060(M) requires the maximum distance between hydrants for a single-family use district shall be 600 feet, measured as the fire vehicle lays its hose. This puts any house in the area with 300 feet ofia fire hydrant. 25. A Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit is required prior to site work commencing. 26. A Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice pecmit is required prior to land clearing activities commencing on site. 27. The applicant provided a Wetlands Determination Report prepared by Ecological Land Senrices dated December 8, 2005. Determination made that no wetlands are present on the projectsite. 28. A Combined Notice of Application; Adoption of Existing Environmental Document, and Public Hearing Notice was issued on March 2, 2011 (Exhibit 5). The City did not receive any comment letters on this project. The public hearing notice was issued a minimum of 10 days prior to the public hearing as required by ACC 18.70.040. The notice was also posted on site and mailed to adjacent property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. CONCLUSIONS: ACG Chapter 17.10.070 provides certain criteria for approval of a Preliminary Plat: 1. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and schools. Staff Comment The proposed 37 lot preliminary plat includes provisions for storm water, access, water, sewer, recreation/open space, and schools. The proposed cul-de-sac roads are unchanged from the original preliminary plat approval to minimize changes to the approved civil plans that will be required as a result of adding 7 Iots to the project. Page 4 of 10 Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates. Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 ' Water will be provided to the project through Lakehaven Utility District. The applicant provided a water availability certificate as part of the application to show adequate water supply exists for the project (Exhibit 10). Sewer is provided through the City of Aubum. Adequate provisions are made for schools through the payment ofschool impact fees at the time of building permit issuance. Sidewalks do not currently exist in the vicinity. Sidewalks will be provided along 58th Avenue South the length of the subject propecty frontage as well as the cul-de-saa roads , serving the project providing pedestrian access. SidewalKs will also be constructed along the south side of South 32e Street as part of the Stipp's Meadow project providing pedestrian access to 56th Avenue South. The proposed project of 37-lots does not reach the threshold of 50 units for requiring dedicated park space as stated in ACC 17.14.100. However, the City assesses a park impact fee at the building permif stage of the project to address impacts to the Ciry's park system by the project. 2. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan. Staff Comment Comprehensive Plan Elements The following section provides the text from the Comprehensive Plan and how PSE's project is in conformance with the plan policies: Land Use Goal 7: Residential Development To emphasize housing development at single family densities, in order to reestablish a mix of housing types appropriate for a family oriented community, while recognizing the need and desire for both lower density and higher density housing appropriately located to meet the housing needs of all members of the community. Policy LU-17: Residential densities in areas designated for single family residential uses should be no greater than 7 units per acre: Objective 7.2: To designate land for the development of new single family homes. Objective 7.3: To promote the development of quality single family neighborhoods which relate , the design and types ofiresidential areas to important natural and manmade features. Policy LU-26: Emphasis shall be placed upon the manner in which the recreational needs of the residents shall be met in the approval of any residentiaF development. Comment . The project site is 9.06 acres. With 37 lots proposed, this yields a density of 5 dwelling units per net acre. Recreational needs of fhe residents are met through the assessment of a park impact fee at the building permit stage: The proposed project meets tfie density of the R-5.zoning district and land use designation of Single Family Residential and assists the City meeting its housing targets and growth managemenf objectives. 3. Conformance of the proposed subdivision fo the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans which have been adopted 6y the City Council. Staff Comment Page 5 of 10 Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT1070008 Date: March 24, 2011 , 4. Gonformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of this title, as enumerated in ACC 17.02.030. o The purpose of this title is to regulate the division'of land lying within the corporate limits of the city, and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and prevent or a6ate pu6lic ~ nuisances in accordance with standards established by the state and the city, and to: • Prevent the overcrowding of land; • Promote safe and convenient travel by the public on streets and highways; e Promote the effective use of'land; • Provide for adequate light and air; s Facilitate adequafe provision, for water, sewerage, storm drainage; parks and recreational areas, sites forschools and school grounds, and other public requirements; o Provide for proper ingress and egress; • Provide for the expeditious'reView and approval of proposed land divisions which comply with this title; the Aubum zoning ordinance, other city plans, policies and land use controls, and Chapter 58.17 RCW; 0 Adequately provide for the housing and.commercial needs ofithe citizens of the state and city; ' v Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance by accurate legal description; o Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Aubum comprehensive plan Staff Comment . The proposed preliminary Plat meets the general purposes of the Land Adjustment and Divisions Chapter of the Aubum City Code. The proposed lot size meets the R-5 zone regulations of a . minimum of 6,000 square feet per lot but and an average lof size of 8;000 square feet. The lots in the vieinity vary in lots size from 9,800 to 3 acres. As mentioned underComment 1, the proposed plat makes adeguate provisions for water, sewer, storm drainage; fire access, and ingress/egress. Addressed under Comment 2 is how the project complies with the Aubum Comprehensive Plan. The proposed preliminary plat will develop 37 single family residential lots providing. housing for citizens of the state and city. ~ 5. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Aubum zoning ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the city, or as modified and approved as part of a previously approved PUD. Staff Comment The proposed project meets the regulations outlined in ACC Section 18.07.030. The lots are designed to meeting the following requirements: • Minimum lot width of 50 feet • Minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet with an average lot size of 8,000 square feet = the smallest lot is 6,010 square feet, the largest lot is 14,890 square feet, and the average of all the lots is 8,618 square feet. • The future single family residences will be required to meet the minimum setbacks and lot coverage outlined in ACC 18.07.030. The cul-de-sac roads, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, and sewer mains will be required to meet the City's Design and Constructio,n Standards. These facilities are reviewed as part of. the facility - extension, grading, and civil plans to 6e submitted by the applicant. Even with the addition of the 7 lots, the applicant proposes to keep the cul-de-sac roads, sidewalks, and storm facilities the same as previously approved to minimize the changes needed to the civil plans. 6. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will nof have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment. Page 6 of 10 - Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 Staff Comment The potential environmental impacts ofthe proposed subdivision are mitigated through the issued Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance. The City issued an Adoption of an Existing EnVironmental Document as part of this new preliminary plat to address the addition of 7 lots to the . project. The proposed sewer extension is from the base of Mt. View Drive to the unimproved right-of-way of 58'h Avenue South, then will head north to the Stipp's Meadow project and the continue north along 58th Avenue South to the Mt. View Estates project. Geotechnical analysis was provided for this utility extension as the construction is through steep slope and erosion prone area but witHin the existing developed right-of-way of Mt. View Drive. 7. Adequate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances. Staff Cornment Adeguate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances. The applicant has laid out the preliminary plat so the largest lots are located within the north portion of plat to blend in better with the adjacent neighborhood to the north which has larger lots. MODIFICATION OF STANDARDS - ACC CHAPTER 17.18 Pursuanf to this chapter, modifications can be made to standards or specifications if the modification meets the requirements of ACC 17.18.030. The applicant has requested the following modifications (Exhibit 9): • The request is a modification to exceed the standard road grade of 6% for 58th Avenue South to 8.7% for a portion of the roadway. Another request is to have a grade slightly above 5% at the' intersection of 58th Avenue South and the proposed internal plat roads. The existing topogcaphy ofithe unimproved right-of-way varies. The proposed improvements have been designed to best align with the existing topography and limit the amount ofigrading and/or retaining walls. Staff Gomment The modification request from the City's Design Standards was processed under the original preliminary plat: The City considers this plat modificafion part of the new plat application as long as the ADA ramps ' in the plat can meet the City and ADA standards. The applicant has provided some preliminary information showing that the ADA requirements can be met however, staff has recommended a condition of approval to address this item as part of the civil review: This modification to exceed the road grade standard of 6% is not materially detrimental to the implementation of the policies and objectives of the comprehensive plan. The modification is to allow an existing unimproved right-of-way to be constructed as close to City Standards as possible and minimizes - the need for extensive grading and retaining walls which would disturb the ground unnecessarily. The modification request does not exceed 12% which is the City`s maximum road grade standard. The modification requests do not lessen the requirements of the zoning ordinance and are consistent with the purpose of the Land Adjustments and Divisions title. NEIGHBORHOOD CIRCULATION PLAN ACC 17.16 The neighborhood circulation plan shall show the following: 1. Planned Street: System. The planned street system must be compatible with the city's comprehensive transportation plan. Development which is proposed in areas of the city which have a planned street Page 7 of 10 Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 system which is a part of the comprehensive plan or the city's six-year plan, and any other street plan, shall make provisions for such streets and must not cause implementation of such street plans to become unattainable. . 2. Nonmotorized Transportation Routes. Preliminary plats and binding site plans which are proposed in areas of the city which have planned routes or facilities for bicycles, equestrian, or other nonmotorized transportation mode which is a part of the comprehensive plan or the city's six-year . plan, and any other street plan, shall make provisions'forsuch routes and must not cause . implementation of such routes to become unattainable. , 3. A nonmotorized circulation system shall be integrated into the overall subdivision and surrounding . area. a. When abutting vacant or underdeveloped land, new development shall provide the opportunity for future connection to its interior pathway system through the use of pathway stutrouts, building configuration, and/or parking lof layout. The proposed location of future nonmotorized and pedestrian connections shall be reviewed in conjunction with applicable development approval. b. Developments shall include an integrated nonmotorized circulation system that connects . buildings, open spaces, and parking areas with the adjacent street sidewalk system. c. Pedestrian connections to existing or proposed trails/pedestrian routes on adjacent properties shall be provided unless there are physical constraints such as sensitive areas that preclude the . construction of a pedestrian connection Staff Comment The planned street system is compatible with the City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan. As part of the project; 58th Avenue South will be constructed to local residentiaf street standards. 58'h Avenue South is existing right-of-way but not improved: The two proposed cul-de-sac roads are designed to serve the plat only. The City has not identified in its Comprehensive Transportation Plan to extend these cul-de-sac roads east orwest and therefore support these roads as proposed. Sidewalk will be constructed as part of the improvements to 58th Avenue South and the internal plat roads providing pedestrian access within the neighborhood. The sidewalk along the east side of 58th Avenue South will connect to the sidewalk being.constructed as part of the Stipp's Meadow project along the south side of South 328th Street providing pedestrian access to the main north/south corridor of 56"' Avenue South. - RECOMMENDATION Based upon the application and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the staff report, staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner approve the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions of approval: . 1. Mitigation measures outlined in'the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance issued July 10, 2006 shall be completed prior to final plat approval. - . 2. On-site drainage flows from the proposed plat of Mt. View Estates shall be directed to the > proposed on-site storm drainage facility to be construeted as part of the Stipp's Meadow project. Ifthe Stipp's Meadow Preiiminary Plat is never construcfed then an alternate storm drainage design is required for the plaf of Mountain View Estates , 3. The Homeowners Association shall inaintain those portions of the storm water tract located outside the fenced pond boundary. 4. The applicant shall provide sewer stubs to the parcels adjacent to all sewer main extensions. 5. Proposed Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the future Homeowners' Association shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to final plat approval. Page 8 of 10 Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 6. All tracts not dedicate to the City of Auburn shall be maintained by the future Homeowners' Association: 7. Half street improvements shall be required for 58'h Avenue South in accordance with City DeSign and Construction Standards. 8. The plat modification related to the intersection land grade where the new cul-de;sac roads connect into 58t" Avenue south are approved subject to the ADA ramps meeting `the City and ADA standards. _ 9. In the event that the Stipp's Meadow plat does not proceed at the same time as the Mt. View Estates plat, Mt. View Estates plat will be required to pave the intersection of South 328t' Street and 58th Avenue South to provide an asphalt surface for two-way travel in all directions. 10. The pipe stem lots (Lots 4, 5; 10, 11, 27, and 28) are required to have a shared accessldriveway to the public street. A cross access, ingress, and egress easements befinreen the lots that share the access point shall be recorded and the recording number placed on the final plat. 11. The applicant shall provide the necessary geotechnical analysis as part of the civil plan review to support the low impact development techniques proposed for the storm drainage facilities. The applicant must demonstrate that the soil conditions on-site are appropriate and that adequate freeboard exists between the proposed on-site storm drainage facilities and the high groundwater elevation. 12. The existing secondary access gate across South 322nd Rlace shall be installed with a Rapid Access Electric Key Switch (Knox) and the system acceptable to the Valley Regional Fire. Authority. 13. The applicant shall work with the Valley Regional Fire Authority on installation of a gate system at the north boundary of the project to prevent vehicular access north along 58th Avenue Soutti. The access gate shall be installed with a Rapid Access Electric Key Switch (Knox). 14. Prior to final acceptance of the public improvements, the proposed access tract shall be signed and marked "Fire Lane" in accordance with ACC 10.36.175. 15. The final plat shall include a nofe that states no direct residential aecess to 58'h Avenue South is permitted. - 16. Prior to final plat approval, all existing septic tanks shall be abandoned per the King County Health Department requirements and copies of the approved abandonment papers from the Health Department shall be provided;to the City prior to commencement of site grading 17. Proposed Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the future Homeowners' Association sfiall be submitted fot review and approvaf by the City prior to final plat approvaL This document shall specify the financial means of maintenance of all common open spaces. 18. All tracts not dedicated to the City of Aubum shall be maintained by the future Homeowners' Association. 19. The applicant shall provide sewer stubs to adjacent parcels. Staff reserves the right to supp/ement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report, Page 9 of 10 Agenda Subject: Mt. View Estates Rreliminary Plat; PLT10-0008 Date: March 24, 2011 EXHIBIT LIST _ Exhibit 1 Staff. Report Exhibit 2 Vicinity Map Exhibit 3, Preliminary Rlat Application Materials Exhibit 4 Preliminary Plat Site Plan Exhibit 5 Combined Notice of Application, Adoption of Existing Environmental Document, and Public Hearing Notice Exhibit 6 Environmental Checklist Exhibit 7 Aerial Photograph " Exhibit'8 PLT06=0002 deviation/modification requests Exhi6it 9 Gertificate of Water Availability = Lakehaven Utility District Exhibit 10 Storm Drainage Reportand Offsite Analysis, prepared by Preferred Engineering, LLC dated November 22, 2010 Exhibit 11 Geotechnical Repart prepared by Berquist Engineer Services, dated July 16, 2008 , E_xhibit 12 Geotechnical Report prepared by SubTerra, Inc. dated January 9, 2006 Exhibit 13 Traffic Impact Analysis;"prepared by Christopher Brown & Assoc., dated December 19, 2005, with updates dated May 15, 2006 and June 22, 2006 Exhibit 14 Wetland Determination Report; prepared by Ecological Land Services, Inc., dated December 8, 2005 Exhi6it 15 School Access Analysis - , Page 10 of 10 . . Vicinity Map ! J ~ l~ f L-r I II • ,1~ \ ~ j j; t. View Estates, Stlpp's 1~, s~U _ 2 . Pens~_FY.~nMYONtira y.._---~--- - - ~ _ _ , :'W, = 41 ~ Parcels Printed Date:3124l2011 N AAap Created by City of Aubicn eG15 Informadon shown fs for general reference W E piuposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The Gty of Aubum makes no 5 warranty as to Its accuracy. 0 ri 836 CITY OF AUBURN - IFFIce usE o r °n~ DepartrneM of Planning. Buiiding 8~ Community FILE ' 12 °--Aubum City Hati, 2nd Floor w~sxtrtGrox 25 West Main Street FILE NAME: Aubum, WA 88001-4998 Tei: 253.931.3090 TypE; RECEIVED B . Fax 253.804.3114 pertnitcenter@aubumwa.gov FEE PAID: CHECK/CASH: www.subumwa.gov SUBMITTALDATE: LAND USE DESIG: 1'YPE 111 PfaEL1iV11NARlr SUBDI\/ISIOIV (PLAT) i4PPLICAI`IOIV . APPL/CANT: 0 Use mailing address for meeting notircation. ACheck box if Primary Contact COMPANY: ~ r-"2Iu S T'1Z.1 ~..AN d~ E LL.~ ADDRE$S: 42.1S G\~J' 1I4?11 5fi1~L~-T ~ - . (,crT;r, s-rArE; vP) ~v A~r ~a ~ ~2 ~ - PHONE: 20C, 2,70 .744s FAX: E-MAIL: Pk~1~1Tt.'I~.P1Z15~SaMV~p SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME: P-11 Lt.. ) I'~ 1! 1T"Lr S (Slgnature equired) APPL/CANTyS REPRESEN.TAT/VE; ❑ Check box itPrimary Confact COMPANY: L~ IZR-~ ~L, ~+J 1 L. C. ADDRESS: 2' ~,U 314t 1~ ' {ci~nr, STATE, ziP) /~1`f A r3oz3 PHONE: 2t~ .`TO).5-709 FAX: E-MAIL: STti4'E r~ ?6-1l,L. C. o f7 R.C,~ . ~ SIGNATURE: ,PRINTED NAME: 'T'1 (Signature Requireap ; PROPERTY OWNER(S): ❑ Attach separafe shest if needs~``''~ ❑ Check box if Primary Contact COMPANY: f,~;AH ' i4S APV-LI C-~T ADDRESS: (CITY, STATE, ZIP) ~ PHONE: FAX: E-MAfL: 's - ~ SIGNATUR PRiNTED NAME: pW'1 (Slgnafure equired) (A ' ~~'M• I'nri~~-~ Note: Applicant or r+epresentative must have prope~¢y°owner's consent to ~ile this ap " tion form !n oroder for It to be accepted T\ PROPERTY INFO TION (REQUIRE27^' SITE ADDRESS: '3 ZS 56 T ki /A'V1; _ S. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL ID# LOT 31ZE ZONING DISTWCT ~2' G-Z Su - QZ' 1~ 4'~' pROPOSED USE OF SITE: ~ 37 - Lc?fi _ ~2Cc -4 9- o -ezSo 4.s- 3Ac,r4 - G7_ AREA TO BE DEVELOPED (s.f.): '7. 33 ~rt.r ECEIVED , EXfSTIIdG USE OF SITE:~Z,LES1CNX~ .T ~~-'~b _ NOV 24 2010 ` G:1Pamvt CerrterlAPPLiCATIONS FORMS1PIanning Forms\2009 FORAAS1Prefiminary Plat SuW!lvision_ AppFortn 2009.doc p~q~~CA 9/19~y/2~0~~09 3 b0 6+ pV~'tl- Y^'0U6sFp6~/1~pIa ~'IGr~INi~ 4E1! 1 GR i `~`r"~F' CITY OF AUBURN PRELIMIIVARY SUBDIVISION (PLAT) ~ ~ wasxtxc~rori Departmerd of Planning, Building & Community APPLICATION Au6um City HaA, 2nd Floor 25 West Main Street Aubum; WA 98001-4998 Tel: 253.931.3090 Fax: 253.804.3174 permftcerrter(Maubumwa.gov wuvw.aubumwa.gov 9 I PE III PRELI1111'NARY SUBDIVISION (PLAT) - 01UTHORIZh'►T1ON LETTER FROM PROPERTY OWNER GRANTING AUTHORIZATION TO ACT (A copy of this letter must be submitted for each property owner involved) (p.,. i`,AtvA4 ii.1, r-X2TK)a1L"N i, rWt (,c.. l P!C_ )rbeing duly swom declare that I am the owner of the property (PROPERTY OWNER) involved in the applicatiqn. I hereby grant S TvV G LE,C:. ~J e7c-~r-_ of , to act on my behaif. I certify under penalty of perjury declare that all statements, answers, and information herein submitted is in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowiedge and belief. 1 agree to hold the City of Auburn harmtess as to any claim (including costs, expenses and attomey's fees incurred in the investigation of such claim) which may be made by any person, including the undersigned, and filed against the City of Auburn, but only wtrere such claim arises out of the reliance of the City, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information provided tothe City as part of this applicatian. I further agree that the City of Aubum staff may enter upon the subject property (ies) at any reasonable time to gain familiarity with site conditions and to take photographs and to post public . notices, if applicable. Printed Name ~ RAflAONA T. RAE Sign tUl'2 Date NOTARY PUBUC $TATE OF WASHINGTON CONiMISS10N EXPIRES Z-~e~3s ST~ - nnaY,s, 2o1a Address Subscribed and swom to before me this day of /LbVCm~' Notary Public in and for #he State of Washington; Residing at ECEIV D G:1Pertnit CerrterlAPPLICATIONS FORMS1Ptanning Forms\2009 FORMS1Preliminary PIat_Subdivision_ AppFortn 2009.dx 10119/2009 4 NOV 2 4 2010 crnroFAUBURN PERN9IT CEiVTER OF-~`* ; CITY.OF AUBURN PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION.(PLAT) wnsxrrtGTOx. DepartrneM of Planning, euitdtng & Commun'ity APPLICATION . Aubum City Hall, 2nd Floor 25 West Main Street Aubum, WA 98001-4896 Tel: 253.931.3090 Fax: 253.804.3114 permitoenter@aubumwa.gov wrww.aubumwa.gov TYPE ~A~EL''BNI'Itl/'1RY ~7UBDIV'SIOIr (P~ 1 ) B'~II'PL'CAA'ONY ~ CO(VCllRI~EIVT APPLICA°TIOIVS Please indicate whether you are submitting one or more concurrent applications with this application by checking one or more ofi the boxes 6elow: ~ Type I Applications ❑ Temporary Use (?ermit ~ Special Exceptions . (administrative decisions (administrative) made bythe city which are,not - L3 Special Home subject to environmental ~ Util'ity Permit reView under the State Occupation Permit Environmental Policy Act Type II Applications ~ Substantial Shoreline [SEPA]): (administrative decisions Development Permit 'iy which ~ Administrative Use Permit made by the c include threshold ~ Surfaee Mining Permit determinations under ❑ Boundary Line Adjustment SEPA• ❑ Temporary Use Permit ~ $oundary Line Elimination ❑,Administrative Use ❑ Variance Permit ❑ Building Permit Type IV Applications - Excavation Permit Q Building Permit quasi judicial decisions madeby the city council ❑ Grading Permit following a ❑ Flood Control Zone Permit recommendation by the ~ Land Clearing Permit hearing examiner: ~ Grading Permit E3 Public Facility ❑ Rezone (site-specific) ❑ Home Occupation Permit Exfension Agreement U Land Clearing Permit 0 Short Subdivision OTHERS - as ma a Y Pp1Y: Li Meshanical Permit ~ SEPA Type III Applications (quasi judicial fnal ~ SHORELINE EXEMPT ❑ Plumbing Permit decisions made by the U ~ Public Facility Extension hearing examiner ❑ Agreement following a recommendation by staff: ~~V ❑ Right-of-way Use Permit ~ ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Short Subdivision 24 2% ~ Special Pecmit Wrefiminary Plat N~v Q AE G:1Pertnft CerrterWPPUCATION8 FORMS1PIanning Forms12009 FORMS1Preliminary Plat Subdiyision_ AppFarrn_2009.doa 10/19/2009 5 a . . ` ~ . • GiTY OF AUBURN PREtIM[NARY SUBDIViSICEN (f?U4T) i. . wnsxnacrox Pepartmard qf 1?10nft,:sundh4a can,munIfy - APPLICAT(ON: Auliuin City. Ha11,.:2n° Floor Y • 26vWestlNai~`st[eet , - Autwm;: VtIP1.8$0014996°fB1: 253.'1:30'90 ` Ka~c 25S.8,tl4;3114: pecmitcenleroaubumwa.gw . . ixww.a~qmwa,gov ' ~ TYPE 11# PRELlMINARY SUBDIUISiON (PL4T) . 1.aND SURVEYOR'S CER"i'IFiCA7"ION' _ NAME O.F SIJBDfVISlON: T v ~t\-V Q- .iQ749w+s.~ ~ie~.,~.r~ 'in1~9-'1~rc~ A'` 't w ~ REGISTERE[1 LAPiD Sl1RVEYOR (COMPANY) NAME'(INDIVIDUAL) 2~~- G,g ? - ZD'7!~ - - STRE T ADDR SS TELEPHON_ . ~'~•arus!- v* 61YDA1; &yI - L~fJIJI~~~[OM~I CI'1'1! STATE ZIP E-1VIAIL TIuG► ° l STGVI; c..t3 err. ~ ENGI.NEFR (COMPANY) NAME (INDNIDUAL) . ,qz~j- 16 Siv 2 D(,•5ts 1 .,5-76C, STREETADDRESS TELEPHONE. • v./AA"( I.,VA STUZVt, ~ p~Lt.~, t1~Z,G~ CITY STATE Z1P E MAIC P~z~ cas ~tZ~ ~vn, t~LC~ pi~plu.af- Kwz~ Ca rptowrfA APPLICANT (.COMPANY) NAME (INDMDUAL) 4 1 '3 f7 S`V 314 'r-1 'G ~ T f^931 Z b~. 2-7--7.7 4415 StREET ADDRESS l'ELEPHOPIE ~vA`f tiv,A► 9 bG~.'3 Q1Gl:.tJTF-t?-T"-1'r~eS_r'tu(;XA+3,00: CCN BTATE ZIP E-MA1L Land Surveyoes Certffication Land Suroeyot Seat and Signature _ I her$6y certiffy that the accompanying plat .t has .been inspected. 6y me arrd conforms to all rules and .regulations of Etie ptatfing resotution M~~,,;y~T • . ~ andstandardsforAubum.lNashington. t[i ~r SIGNED ~Lct. o! DATE -r 4F.5r - • t~f?': , ~ O:1PemU CenterlAPAUCATIONS FORMSIPIanning Famat2069 FQms1PraMdriatY PIaLSubdhrfalon 0~19f2D09 8 NOV 24 2010 CiTY OF AUBURN , : PERtAFI' R , ~ . / . ~ REVI610Ns g~ ~~GNEER I ~,~~O A PORTION OF THE N.W.1/4 OF SEC.14, TWN. 21 N,, RNQ. 4 E., W.M. ec,n~ r=aa ~ KINC COUNTY, CITY OF AUBURN, WA3HINGTON , e.. ~_.._n.......~..,...:, ~cr eim~r aras mica smc u~, vc 41i DATU~1 ° w~ 0 w so ~IryB/pp ,ocaxa~p[ u~cr LE(L4LDESCRO''I1(Ml PROJECTNOTF& YERIMJL• NA19 88 P/ACEI A (APN 828780-0210) ' 20NPlC R-5 . ~ . ~ y~A9N@N9UG `'r ~ 4 NOTES xormoNru: ruo e3~1 - TOUL MEA: 8.08 ApiES (384,su s~ S 1 : Eviw ~ as ~ a awrxt ASu mAcr +a xESr weuRN ►n+E ACRe mAcrs. - mrw t¢r ARu (Lcss aaos, axrr a 1: ASSEssons riu~. Na e~eeamio a ~ ~caRmNc m nHc ruT nH~, Rcco~o a+ usa¢xrs a sr~r sLn~s): is,em sF oa gpgpgp.:pygp Q~~f~~ WNU'BB ORfHWETPoC ELEVATIONS BISED WLUNE 15 OF PlA1S. PIGE 11, IN KIN6 (AUNI'!, 1.74/LR6 file .14~,¢~p . 7. PROPEflIY ADDRE84: 345I8 681H AYE.-S:. ON NSUOf BEqCi9UAK IU /IZO. EI.EVATpN Y615HN6TON. • TOU1 NET ACRFAGE: 9.08 -1.74 = 7.34 . 6~.~ _ N . . . AUBURNYU 98001 SIEVE IEF. ~P.E, CESCL PRNS TRILWD. LLC. 8&89B' (5W OUADR1Nf OF TME MFASECTION hG AREti8,08 ACRES -4438•6W 3141N SIREET 4278 SW 3117H SIREEf ' Of NAN SIREEf AND iM1W 167) PARCEL 8 (1PN 876280-02fi0) ~ MLOWED OENSM = 8 W/AC . 3. SrtE, 4. DIISIIN6'..OSE: 'RESIDEHNL {1 IX..SF FEDFAAL YNY, WA 98713 fEDERlL WAY, WA 88023 ~ MLOYIED I LOTS= 7.34 z,5 = 38.8 OR 37 108) ' AF510. k 1.~p~] (206):601-5708427-7445 TRACT 50. WESf AlIBI1RN FNE I~CRETRICTS. L075 ~ PHIL NIR6 6,SIEVE LEE lGCOiDINO TO 7HE PUT THEREOF, pEC0A0E0 BI • 4 PROPOSED'.U3E: 37 SINGIE-FNIILY . WUllff 15 OF PUTS, PAOE 12, IN RING (bUNIY. ~ YINIUMNJLp7 /pFA pEWI D e 8,000 Si . ~UEUCHFO IATS LOT AREA ~ n Fwsmm :aN~m: a-s (arr aF Aueunx C:YY OF Al~JJNK wuwxcrai ~ 318.859 ~7N~ 8.618 ~'TOT/L N0. v"m.iowNO: ea 3 328TH ecST~ EEf (R5 ZQpI /$F R€SIQEP[GE) •~amRo AVERAGE Lor u~ = e,ooo sF ~ . 7. COIIP. PIAN OE517U710N: RESDEpINL . , . . a uumUu im ARFA KauIRco: e,ooo S.F. / CfTYOFAl18UA,~ YPll W Y-. IDT : SQE: 6.010; S.F. . S. NA7toIW IAT AREk 17,937 SF. ~a. ,uE~ ~ nnu ao1e S.F. (H530P~Fl~FAEShO~lC iL YINIAIN lAl YADTN REWIAEk = so~ ~0o 5 8 T H A V E S~~a° 4 m~ ~E) m~~ y~ SINC, f4..WUOWN!lDT'COYF1iME.M% N UE _ . , . 11 WWNUY-INPdMOUS AAG = 65x \ , ti-•~.~~V-,.(LOCA4. RESIDEWI~L) 13. PEWIRED.SEtfl+ICIfS . s~ • ~ 0 FRONf HOUS SE7B7EK: 10 FEEI - ' . . . - ~ FROM ONUOE SET6ACK: ZO fEE7 SICE•8 Fl : 10 R NDIf 10 R.O.W. ~ ~ . / . , , . AEIN: 70 FEE~ o 14. WX ~SE NEI6M OF BUILdNGS: JS !I ~ ~ . - 1S~YINPAM NUNBER OF PlAI(INC SPACES = % 7f Y 1~ 1. n ° ~ ) I l/ / o l ~ ~ RESIo. -7] 1Q NQ OF PMNINO SP/EES PFONOEU e 80 tt. souAC[ ~ eourmuun: n¢n Vvarao, CIPYOFAU80R~ I iC ort~cE suRVEYnx tfl SOIINCE OF TOPOGNMHY: FlEID VEPoFlm, 1 ~ sua~rat 4~ ` m(1~ r aa, 1 t (W 1 5 ST~GIri II- ~ ~1 ~1/I ~ m Ir ~ ~ 32> ` . . ~ ~ o L61 SSAO S89'57'20'E LINE TABLE L65 uoao sao•ozaow CURVE TABLE ~ R~ L6fi 55-00 S8 _ 9'S7'2A'E k, o LINE LENGTH BEARING CURVE LENGTH RAOIUS CI 2981 3318 i~ ~ ll 99.67 SOP23'S3W . L67 I10A0 S00'00'00'E ~oo'Q ~ 'UNM F/S INf t~ L66. 55A0 S89'57'20'E C2 .1981 ..60.00 L2 B0.00 S99'S5'2PE L69 SSAO 589'57'20'E -C3 2616 - 8000 V I 1 ^ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ - D J ~ , I . L3 119.59 .500'02'40'W UO - fl0.00 S00'0240'M G 2LI8 129.23 . ~ N ~r FN~WtlOSE F{.SEYENt . 4 ~ U 69.99 S89'55'21'E UI _ tl0.00 . S00'02'10'W . [5 33~07 100.00 ° .I' o LS 119.55 N00'02'40'E . L72 61~22 S89'57'20'E C6 N.35 9.00 . ~ W ` ,p - L6 75.00 589'S5'2PE t ~3 . 100.82 501'23'S3N C7 3I2A 35.00 01~ 10 e+ W~ e U~ 54.60 S89'S7'20•E ~o U 76,02 N00'02'40'E ce 20.75 17.87 'co r 1B 96.21 S89'S5'21'E US - 55,00 S89'S7'20'E C9 2024 4500 0 L9 132.57 S89'56'25'E U6 5509 S89'57'20'E CIO 39497 4500 ~ . ~ I' ` . ~ r,• ~ I ~ ~ m 1"'/ ~ ~ L77 51,91 S89'S720'E L11 31A9 . 4130 `o I I l~ ' ~ / )r I m ~p I ~t -I 7'i4 Ll0 94.62 S36'30'49'E Q` L78 55,00 S89'57'20'E ~ ~ C12 19A8 13A7 a o ~ LII 272.83 $89'55121'E V9 5500 S89•57'20'E C13 - 20.38 45.01 N r x -vj L12 356,14 NOP26'39'E LBO 20,92 S89•57'20'E L13 126~30 S3fi'30'49'E LBI 47.19 S89•57'20'E , C14 2551 ~5.01 \ ) ~ ✓ N 0 / / ~ CI5 12.09 4500 / I ~ I LI/ 79,10 S36'30'49'E LB2 132.95 NW '02'40'E CI6 13,92 9.00 LIS 129.79 S89'56'36•E L83 11126 N00'05'38'W CI7 26.16 45.00 w ~t LBl 11.66 1,189'57'20'W CIB 20.55 E9.46 1~ r• / ° 1 J ~ . L16 13.21 S40'40'53'W o~ Q I u1 ~ 1 LBS IW.26 N00'OS'38N pg 18.15 21.38 LI7 :84.37 NDO'02'40'E L86 SSAU N89'57'20'V C20 11.35 9.00 co LIB 4$49 . N00'02'40'E L87 1092J N00'05438'W C21 76.65 3500 L19 /0.8B N00'02'40'E L88 55.00 N89'57'20'W C22 UA2 IS.W y C20 10.60 N18'54'14'W L89 109.28 N00'OS'38W C23 fi3J9 IS.OU y L21 10.98 N00'02'40'E L90 . ..55.00 389'53'32'E CN 20.70 45.00 ~ a N`9 ~ r L91 109.29 . _ N00.09'38'V -C25 20.59 - IS00 L23L22 207.108Affi 0 N89'$00'02'S7'2040''W W - L92 55.00 58958'S2'W , L26 . 2089 . . ASW . ( C27 _.3198 . 4S.W ~ L24 108.00 S00'02'40'W ' L93 109.30 . N00.05'38W 'S3'W L94 55.00 S89'57'20'E C28 1354 45.00 f L25 98,81 S01'23 L95 109.31 N00 OS,3A'V C29 13.92 9.00 ' ~ I I / p V J L26 20.01 SOl'23'S3'W L96 . 55.00 N89'ST20N ! ~ - m' L27 .82.35 NB9'S1'20•W L97 109.32 . N00'05'38•V ~ ~ O~ I J ~ ~ L28 63.34 S89'57'20'E L9849J5 N89'57'20'W Nmao i I ' o ~ ~ Nmo ` ~ ~N I-{. f A I I P Q t29 69.52 .589'57'32'E L ~ 100.58 N01'23'53'E c? L30 53,62 S89'57'20'E 6t39 S89'58 03'C ~ L31 . 13.07 N89'S7'20'W LIaI SSAO N89'59'22'E 4 w Q Z . ,L32 55.00 N89'S1'20'W LI02 b500 S89•5803'E ~ N' 1 I 0 P19VA / r I ' . ~ ~r~ ~ ~ . , LI03 55.00 S89•58'03'E ~ ~ ~ JfNIY 7 L33 55.00 S89'57'20'E J ~ LI0/ 55.00 S89•58'03'E ' L34 - 55,00 Ne9*srzo'w Z uos 55.00 se9'58'031E p~ , ~ L35 49.93 N89'57'20'W LI06 55.00 S89•58'03•E \ ~ , a r .1 /ro a I L36 101.24 S01'23'53'W L107 . .55.00 N89'58'03'W /r ~ L38 0 SUO'02'40'W L109 7389 S89'58'03'E ~ I 1~'g A f , ; pJo / /A 110.0 152.98 H01'26'39'C v~ ~ L39 110.00 S00'02'40•W LltO 147•59 . SOP26'39'V O 110.00 $00'02'40'W Lill . U ~1 S~0'02'40' W LI12 70401 S89'57'09'E L41 ~111;76 L42 13.16 - N50'25'02'W .LI13 12.82 S89•ST09'E I W / ~ v ` ~ I I CR SI E~E LIII 56J0 . S89•57'09'E I e ~ I ~ ~ , I t 1 1 ~~,Ry~~ ~y~ ~ L43 ISAO N14•29'47'W LIIS .1329 S89'57'09'E N ~ _I ~0' L4/ 103.90 S89'57'09'E S89'57'20'E LII6 SS.oO m L45 19J6 N55'04'38•W L46 ' t6294 - S89'58'37'E • ' ! ' ' I ~ Jl ~ I ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~Jct.~ / .~~1 i ~ y.i/ = ` ~ . . g , L41 9520 - S00'02'40'V . ~ .~T~ w m ~ . L48 143.41 S36'30'49'E ~C7 SI2 51 g - L99 68.17 S89'57'20'E 0 68 OMM L5 33 S895710'E ~cr ~r i.~ us~ Lsz 4e,6o sev*sz'zo;e +oB. UT1LI11E81~4K~8 ~,~1Q~f L53 60.09 . S89'57'20'E o r.: miemo \ ~ /i• P L51 75d0 ' S00'06'34'W ~ ~ /,/i~ r' n.wc mtaa L55 112,90 S00'02'10'W ~ ~ ~ ~ FlAC Wilfl' REGIOWINENIRI01AlY L56 106,37 S00•02'50•w ~g~~~~"~.:~06'~1~/~ . Stl100. NlAURN Sp100. IOIAILT 10. 108 Q ~ Lsi 127ss sao*o2'4o•v L58 58.68 . S89'57'20'E f~a PII6ti SONp FHERBf ~ POIFk PICtT SCmD FNfABf I I ~ N'~i~ ti I I Q cnccKCO en sn p L59 119,49 S89'57'20'E Ii1EPl~: P05f f0161RdCUlONS ~ m ~ i.' l o; ~ ~ Npt°° ~ ~ ~ `I I w ~ ~ a ~ ,~f' ~l ~ ~ ' ~ • ~ q/ d! . are: n i io ~ L60 31.27 S00•06'43'E NWE EOIM'ASi f A, ~ ax or ~ Lei 55.00 S89'57'20.E REIIISE vuh Mxv9" / Ar ~ l i/~/~i2~~~'~''~~~~-- ~ l62 I10~00 S00'0240 v 'W ~ L63 110~00 S00'0240'N ~?j~'9~9 . . i i ii _ . ~ " • F . . L64 55.00 S89'S7'20'E Of SxERS ~ . * CIT'Y OF Peter B. Lewis, fVlayor ; , WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.aubumwa.gov * 253-931-3000 NOTBCE OF APPLICATIOfV, ADOPTYON OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT, AND PUBLIC HEARIIVG NOTICE iUlt. View Estates Preliminary Pla$ APPLICATION REQUESTED: Preliminary Plat ~ APPLICATION NUMBER: PLT10-0008 W~W~~~ ~~paw APPLICATION FILED: November 24, 2010 COMPLETE APPLICATION: December 20, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION: March 2, 2011 PROPONENT: Prius Triland LLC, Attention: Phil Kitzes, 4238 SW 314t' Street, Federal Way, WA 98023 PROPERTY LOCATION: 32516 58t' Avenue South, Auburn, WA, 98001 Parcel Numbers: 9262800210 and 9262800280. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposal is to subdiVide 9.06 acres into 37 single family residential lots. This project re.ceived preliminary plat approval in 2006 #or 30 single family lots. The City of Aubum updated its residential zoning code in June 2009 to density based residential zoning which now permits additional lots in the R-5 zoning district. The road nefinrorlc and general lot layout will remain the same as the original preliminary plat. Storm drainag.e for fhe project is being.addressed in a combined storm pond with Stipp's Meadow project located just south of the Mt. View Estates project. . AUBURN CONTACT: Elizabeth Chamberlain, AICP, Planning Manager, 253-931-3092 or echamberlain(M-auburnwa.aov STUDIES SUBMITTED WITH APPUCATIOiV: Stormdrainage Report and Offsite Analysis prepared by Preferred Engineering, LLC dated November 22, 2010; Environmental Checklist dated November 24, 2010; Geo-technical Report prepared by Bergquist Engineering Services ;dated July 16, 2008; Slope Assessment for Sewer Alignment prepared by SubTerra, Inc, dated January 9, 2006; and Wetland Determination Report prepared by Ecological Land Services, Inc. dated'December 8, 2005 OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Revised facility extension agreement, revised grading permit, final plat, and building permits for the single family residences. STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY AND LIST OF APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: This project is subject to and shall be consistent with the City of Aubum Zoning Code and Design Standards: PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing is reauired for this proposal. The public hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Aubum Council Chambers at Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Aubum, WA 98001. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: You are invited to comment, request a copy of the decision, when available, and be made aware of any appeal rights. Comments must be received in. writing within 15 days or by March 17, 2011 5:00 pm by the Auburn Planning and Development AUBLTRN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Department at the mailina address: 25 West Main, Auburn, WA 98001-4998 and located at: 1 East Main Street, Auburti, WA 98001. If you eall or write, please reference File No. PLT10- 0008. Comments also may be provided at the public hearing as welL Adoption of an Existing Environmental Document - SE006-0004 Adoption for (check appropriate box) r MDNS r EIS Title of Document Being Adopted: Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance Mt. View Estates Preliminary Plat. _ Agency that Prepared Document Being Adopted: City of Auburn Date Adopted Document Prepared: July 10, 2006 Description of Document , Being Adopted: A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued on July 10, 2006 for a 30-lot subdivision including intemal public roads, sanitary sewers, water mains, clearing and grading, and neighborhood park. The main access for the project is from 58"' Avenue South. The storm drainage facilities will be constructed as part ofthe Stipp's Meadow Preliminary Plat (SEP06-0003 and PLT10-0007). The primary change from the project analyzed under the MDNS being adopted is the addition of seven single family lots and the removal of the neighborhood park. The proposed intemal road layout remains the same, stormdrainage facilities will still be constructed as part of the Stipp's Meadow ' Preliminary Plat, and utility main (sewec, water, and storm) construction remains unchanged. The proposed removal of the neighborhood park is mitigated through the payment of park > impactfees at thetime of building permit issuance. When the original preliminary plat was approved, the City did not have a park impact fee adopted which means neighborhood parks were requiced. When the project was proposed at 30-lots, there were no off-site improvements required. The addition of seven single family lots will add seven PM peak hour trips to the City's road network. The City's transportation division determined that these additional seven PM peak hourtrips do not trigger off:site improvements. The City assesses a traffic impact fee at building permit issuance which mitigates traffic impacts associated with the project. Document Available: The Mitigatetl Defermination of Non,Significance is available for review at the Planning and Development Department located at 1 East Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 during regular business hours, 8:00-5:00. CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESPOAISIBLE OFFICIAL The Responsible Official has identified and adopted this document as being appropriate for this proposal after independent review: The document meets our environmental review needs for the current proposal and will accompany the proposal to the decision maker. This adoption of an existing environmental document is issued under WAC 197-11-600. RESPON$IBLE OFFICIAL: Kevin•Snyder, AICP ROSITIQN/TITLE: 'Planning and Development Director ADDRESS: 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001 (253) 931-3090 ksnyder0-auburnwa.qov DATE ISSUED: Macch 1. 2011 SIGNATURE: . r If you have #urther commenfs or questions related to this application, you may contact Elizabeth Chamberlain; AIPC, Planning Manager at echamberlain(Q)auburnwa.aov or (253) 931-3092. If you call or write; please'reference File No. PLT10-0008. . , . City of Auburn Planning and Development Department 25 West Main ' . Auburn; Washington;98001-4998 i . ` e Seattte Times seattletienesocom PO Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111 AUBURN CITY OF-FINANCE DEPT ATTN CITY CLERK, 25 WEST MAIN AUBURN, WA 98001 Re: Advertiser Account #30785204 Ad 795714500 Affidavit of Publication 4117900 / 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON Counties of King and Snohomish The :undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of Ttie Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State.of - Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper 6y orders of the Superior Court of FCing and Snohomish Counties: The notice, in tlie exact form `annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and ciistributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. y } ' F 'ti,~, F ~r~x -~rr' • . sr.s~~ ~c.N .+1i1:, ~r,~ krT . ~ ~F IVe papeg~ ub Pcat~on Date~ >fz~_..u, ~»~~~S~t'•~. ~~~~:~~~~N'~.."?~~ - The Seattle Times : 03/02/11 Agent Debb1A Collatttes signature C. Allil, `Q~I~br~.~' and swor to before me on i/ , (D TE} i ¢ R, pZ aR y 50 (PdOTARY w TURE) Notary Publ in f r.th a ate,~a~ 111~~i' ' ing at Seattle ~ Vg lro l~/1 . s10-2g 'C, ~ Scattte gimes - ~ seatt1etirrtes.corn ReAdvertiser Account #30785204 Ad # 795714500 Ad TEXT'NOTICE OF APPLJCATION, dated November 22, write, please. impact ~ADOPTION OF IXISTING 2010; Environmental Cheeklist referencs RIe No. PLT10-0008. fees at the Ume of building ENVIRONMENTAL dated November 24, Comments also may permit issuance. DOCUMENT, AND PUBLJC 2010; Geo-technical Report be provided at the public When the original pretimfnary HEARIN(3 NOTICE prepared by Bergquist hearing as well. plat was approved, Engineering Services dated July Adoptlon of an,Existing the City did not have a park PROJECT: Mt View Estates 16; 2008; Slope Ernironmental Dowment - impact fee adopted, Prettminary Plat Assessment for Sewer SEP06-0004 Adoptlon for which means neighborhood APPLICATION NUMBER: Alignmentprepered by (checkappropriate box) parks were required. PLT10-0008 SubTerra, inc, dated January 9, MDNS When the proJect was proposed APPLICATION FlLED: 2008; and EIS Tdle of Document Being at 304ots, there November 24, 2010 Wetland Determination Report Adopted: Mitlgated were no off-site Improvements COMPLETE APPLICATION: prepared by . Determination of Non- required. The December.20, 2070 Ecologtcal Land SerVtces, Inc. Signffieance Mt View addition of seven single famliy NOTICE OF APPLICATION: dated December B, Estates Preliminary Plat lots wilt add March 2, 2011 2005 Agency that Prepared seven PM peak hour trips to the PROPONENTr Prfus Triland OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS Document Being Adopted: Ciry Ciry's road LLC, AtteMlon: Phil WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: of Aubum network The City's Kltzes, 4238 SW 314th Sfreet, ReWsed faalify extension Date Adopted DocumeM transportation division Federal Way, WA 98023 , egreement, revised Prepared: July 10, 2006 determined that these additional PROPERTY LOCATION: 32516 g►ading permit, final plat, and Description of DacumeM seven PM peak 58th Avenue South, building permits• Being Adopted: A Mi#igated hour frips do not trigger off-site Aubum, WA, 98001 Parcel tor ttie single famlty residences. Determinetion of improvements. Numbers: 9262800210 and Non-Signtflcance was issued The City assesses a traffic 9262800280. STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY on July 10, 2006 for impact fee at DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL• AND LIST OF APPLICABLE a 304ot subdiviston tncluding bullding permit Issuance which - The proposal Is to DEVELOPMENT intemal public mitigates trafflc subdivide 9.06 acres (nto 37 , REGULATIONS: This project Is roads, sanitary sewers, water impacts associated with the single family subJect mains, clearing proJect. residentiaf Iots. Thls proJect to.and shall be consistent with and grading; and neighborhood Document Avalleble: The reeeived the Ciry of park. The main MiUgated Determinatlon preliminary plat approval in Aubum Zoning Code and access for the projeet is from of Non-Signifleance Is avafiable 2006 for 30 single Design Standards. 58th Avenue for review at tamily Iots. The Gty of Aubum PUBLIC HE14RING: A public South. The storm drainage the Planning and Development updated its hearing Is re.qulred for facilitles will be DepartmeM located resfdential:zon(ng code in June this proposel. Fhe public constructed as paR of the at 1 Eest Main Street, Auburn, 2009 to density hearing has been SUpp's Meadow . WA 98001 dudng based residentiai zoning whiGli scheduled tor Wednesday, Preiiminary Piat (5EP0640003 regular business hours, 8:00- now permits Merch 30, 2011 et 5:30 and PLTI 0-000n. 5:00. additional.lots ln the R-5 mning p.m: in the Aubum Council The primary change:from the CONCWSIONS OF THE distrfct The. Chambers at Auburn proJect anelyzed' RESPONSiBLE OFFlCIAL road netwoiicand general lot Cityr Nall, 25 West Mafn Street, under the MDNS being adopted The Responsible Official has layout:will remain Aubum, WA Is the addition of identified and ttie same as the originai 98001. seven single family Iots end the adopted this document as be(ng pretiminary plat Storm PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: removal of the appropriate for drainage for the project Is beMg You are invited to neighborhoo8 park. The thfs proposal aiter Independern addressed in a comment, request a copy of the proposed intemel rosd review. The, combined starm pond with decision, when . layout remains tFie seme, storm document meets our Stipp's AAeadow project avaitabie, and be made aware ot dreinage envtronmental review needs laeated just south of the Mt any appeai facilities will still be eonstructed for the current proposal end wtll View Estetes rights. Comments must be as part of accompany the proJecC received In wrlting theStlpp's Meadow Pretiminary proposal to the decision maker. AUBURN CONTACT: Eifzsbeth withln 15 days or by March 17, Plat, and utillty This adoptlon of Chamberlain, AICP, 2011 5:00 pm by matn (sewer, water, and storm) an existing environmerrtal Planning Manageq 253-931- the Auburim Planning and construetion documeM Is issued 3092 or Development Departrnent remalns unchaeged. under WAC 197-11-600. echamberlain@aubumwagov et the mafiing eddress: 25 West The proposed removal of the Mafn, Aubum, WA neighborhnod park is STlID1ES SUBMITTED WITH 98001-4998 and located at:1 miUgated through the paymeM APPLICATION: Storm East Main Sfreet; of park drainege Report and O(fsite Aubum WA 98001. H you call or Analysls prepared by Preferred Engineering, LLC ~ g CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTOYV 1~Te~~~~'og~° `ENVIRONIVIENTAL CHECKLI3T Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21 C RCVIf, requires all govemmentaf agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The,purpose of this checklist is to provide information.fo help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is cequired. Insfructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Govemmental agencies use this checklist to determinek whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are signficant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefufly, to the best of your knowledge: In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about govemmenfal regulations, such, as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. !f you have problems, the governmental agencies.can assisf you. The_ checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that wi11 help describe, your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this chedclist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if fhere may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for,nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." In addition, complete the Supplemental Sheet for Nonproject Actions (part D). For nonproject actions, the reference"s in tFie checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" shoutd be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. N~~ 2 4 2010 ~ cE~ , ~ ' f TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY A. BACI{GROiJND. 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Mountain Vew Plat 2. Name of Applicant: Prius Triland Group, LLC 3.. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant: 4238 SW 314°i Street Federa/ Way, WA 98023 Contact: Phillip Kitres 206.227.7445 ContacG: Steve Lee, P.E. : 206.501.5708 4. Date checklist prepared: November 24, 2010 5, Agency requesting checklist: Ciiy ofAubum 6. Proposed project timing or schedule (include phasing, if applicable): - Upon application being deemed rnmpJete: ~ Cheskllst Review: (1 2 montfis) • Land Use Review/Hearirrg: (3-4 months) ~ Engineering Review/Permitting: (4 months) 0, Construction: (3 months) 7. Do you ha.ve any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this ptoposal? If yes, explain. Not at this time. 8: List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepazed, directly related to this proposal. Geotechnical Evaluation prrepared by SubTerra, Inc. Geotechnica/ A.ssessments prepared bY Ben94uist Engineoeriing Servirns Wet/and Determinatfon Report prepared by Eavlogical Land Serviaes, LLC. (Submitted with the previous applicatfon and is on Fle with staff) 2 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 9. bo you know of pending applications for governmental -approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Not at this time. The property was recenHy approved fnr a preliminary plat (30 lots) and final engineering; however, it is being re3ubmitted at this time for additional lots per 'the new ioning designation (R-5). The proposed raad system. (as shown on die approved engineering plans) will remain as designe+d. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposals, if known. • SEPA Review • Preliminary/ -r'ina/ P/at Review • Engineering Review • Right-of-way Agreements (possib/e) and Utiliiy Easements Water, Storm, and Sewer Plan Approval/Permits ` • NPDES Permit ° For+est Practice Permit 11. Give a complete description. of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the proj ect and site. There aze several questions later in the ' checklist which ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers. on this page. This proposal is for thirty-seven (37) sing/e-famity residentfal lots on 9.06 acres (2 panaels) Iotated at 32516 58a' Avenue Soutt►, Aubum, Washington. There is an aristing residenc-e that wil/ remain at avmp/etion of lfie pmfect. The %ts will meet the deve%pmenr standards fnr the R=5 ione, which require~; a minimum /ot size of 6,000 square feet (50 feet minimum width). The proposed storm water runofi`' wi!l be avnveyed to the south (off-site) into a proposed storm water facility for the p/at of Sdpp's Meadow. (Note: This p/at is being submitted avncurrentty with this applkation by individuals under the same ownership.) Water is availab/e and will be priovlded by Lakehavren Utl/ity DisGrki: Sewei- servlce (City ofAubum) will need to. be extended east from die valley floor in an existing city-owned easemen4 woest f within Mouniain V'iew Drive, through 58°'' Avenue South, right-of=way, up to the property. The development will require frontage improvements (lia/f-street) along a portion bf 58d' Avenue SouGh (widtin the existing dedicated right-af-way) Ghat wi7/ continue,further south to the intersection at South 329h Strwt. Water, sewer, and other pertinent utilities will be extended within this sectlon of raad to serve the profect and future development of adjoining properties: (Please see Preliminary Plat Map Set.) 3 ' TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 12. Location of the proposal. Please give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your'project, including street address, if any. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, please provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Please provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map and topographic map, if possible. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you aze not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to the checklist. (Indicate if maps or plans have been submitted as part of a permit application). The proposed subdivision is located at 32516 580 Avenue South, Aubum, Washingfon. The property is within the Nathwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 Eas4 W.M., and the Ass+essor's Parcel Nos are 926280-0210 and 926280-0280. (P/ease 'see atiached Leya/ Descripdon and Ycinity Map). B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS. 1. Earth. a. General description of the site (underline one): Flat, rolling, lu•llv steen slopes• mountainous; other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent of slope): . There are slopes in exciess of 40 percent in the northeastem portion of rhe property-=wrthin a NGRA Tract-no development is to occur within this area. c. Wliat general types of soil are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, please specify and note any prime fazmland. Acrording to the Soii Survey of King County, the soil type is a mixture of Aldervvood, gravelly sandy loam (AgC} and Kitsap soiis (steeper areas). d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There are no surfaae indications of unstable soils on; or rn the vicinity of the proposed site loration. (See Geotechnica/ Reports previousty submitted.) - e. Describe the purposes, type; and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The project will require grading for the construction of the proposed streets, lots, water, sewer, and otfier ground utilfies. As designed, there wi7/ be approximately 6,870 cubk yards of cut and 8,500 cubic yards of fill-or a shortage of 1,630 cubic yards. Material from the plat of Stipp's Meadow w/ll be 4 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY imported to ba/anae the amaunt of material r+equired witli the remainder to be spread out over the site. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion cou/d axvr during the cnnstruction phase of this project. Apprropriate erasion control measures wil! tie included in the grading plans to minimize the impacts of the projert. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? The p/an depicCs there wi!l be about 47,205 square feet of impervious surface in the propased public right-of-way and prnrate joint_ use driVeway. Assuming a maximum lot coverage area of 40 per+aent, there will be -an additional 118,673 square feet of Impervious area (total of 296,683 square feet in lots). . Thus, rhe total fmpervious area will be approximately 165,878 square feet, or 42:0 percent of the site (tota/ area is approximately 9.07 arnes, or abour " 395,089 square feet). h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any; Erosion avuld aacur during the cavnstruction phase of this project.. As required and implemented by ifie City; appropriate erosion contr+vl measures wi/I be included in the final grading plans to minimize the impac[s of the profect. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the progosal (i.e. dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) duririg construction, and when the project is completed? If any, generally descrilie and give approximate quantities if known. . Temporary emissions from equipment and dust will ocrur during construction phase. Consttiction equipment will comp/y with applicab/e air quality regulations. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor which may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. " None, to our knowledge. c. What aze the proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts, if any: None are propaseal at this Gme. 5 - TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR . AGENCY USE ONLY 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) I s there any surface water on, or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, associated wetland)? If y.es, , describe type, provide names, and, if known, state what stream or river it flows into. No. 2} Will the project require any work over or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters?. If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not applicable. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from the surface water or wetlands and indicate the azea of the site that would be affected. Indicate source of fill materials. Not applipble. 4) Will surface water withdrawals or diversions be required by the . proposal? Give general description, puTpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? Note location on the site plan, if any. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated - volume of discharge. Not applicable. b. Ground: . 1) Will ground water be withdrawn or recharged? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No. 6 TO BE COMPLE'TED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 2) Describe waste water material that will be dischazged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. - IVot APplirable. (Note: The existing r+esidenae is on septic and will tre cnnnected to the public sewer system upon comp/etion of the project.) ~ c. Water Runoff (i0cluding storm water): 1) Describe the source of . runoff and storm water and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where wili this water flow? Will the water flow into other waters? If so, please describe. Storm water runoff from the road and residences will be coNected via a series of connected pipes to be ultimatety discharged south inro an off-site detention/wafer quality vault on anoifier property (Stipp's Meadow). At this point, the water will lie freated and conveyed and released at the pre- develoPment rate. (Note: The route of the surface water will be within 58"' Avenue S.) 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. , d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: All deve/opmenf and engineering requirements imposed by the City to control the impacts to the hydrology of fhe area will be performed by the proponent. 4. PLANTS. a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: xx deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other xx evergreen tree: cedar, pine, other xx shrubs xx grass pasture crop or grain 7 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT ' EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullnwsh, skunk ca.bbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other xx other types of vegetation: ornamental (Note: Please see endosed Wetland Determination Report prepared by Eao/ogical Land Services, Inc., fvr a more complete listfng of on site planf - material.) b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Where development is to ocrur, existing vegetation wi11 be removed for the grading and rnnstruction of the project. It fs the intent of the development fo preserve larger trees, where possible, along property lines and rears of lots. c. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on near the site. There are none--to our Iv►ow/edge. d. List proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or'enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The deve%per will conform to existing Codes. and development standards of the City. 5. ANIMALS. a. Circle (underline) any birds and animals which ha.ve been observed on ~ " or near the site or "are known to be on or near the :site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, son bir other Mammals: 'deer, bear, eik, beaver, other: ' Fish: bass, salmon; trout; shellfish, other b. List any threa.tened or endangered species known to be on or near the site: There are none--fo ouc knowledge. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explairi. _ Not to our, know/edge. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None are proposed at this tiine. 8 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 6. ENERGX AND NATUItAI. ItESOjJRCES. a. . What kinds of energy (electric,., natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's needs? Describe whether it will be, used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity and gas will be the primary sourae for power and heating tfie future residences. b. Would .your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plaris of this proposal?_ Consiruction of the new homes will meet or exceed the necessary energy requirements of lfie Norltiwest Energy Code. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEAI.TII. a. Are there any environmental health hazards, . exposure to toxic chemicals, including risk offire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that occur as a result of this, proposal? If so, describe. No. 1. Describe Special Emergency services that might be required. Not applicab/e. . 2. What aze the proposed measures to reduce or control environmental fiealth hazards, if any: None are propased ar this time. b. Noise. 1. What type. of noise exists in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None to our know/edge. 2: What types of levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, 9 , TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from tlie site. Noise levels will increase.on a short-term basis during the construction phase of the projeCt. Constivction wii/ ocrur during daylight hours as • allowed by C'ity Code and staff In general, hours of construction will be limited to 8:00 AM to 6: 00 PM. 3. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: , Increased noise levels due to constTUCtiorr will be restricted to the abovementioned hours to reduce any impacts to the neightioring residents. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE. a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? There is an existing residence on the property. Directly north and west are single-family residences. To the souGh, the property is vacant and undeVeloped. East of the site is steep slopes and the /and is undeveloped. b. Hasthe site been used for agricultural purposes? If so, describe. - Not to our lmowledge. c. Describe any structures on the site. A,gain, there is an existing r+esidence on the property. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. , e. What is the current zoning of the site? The cumenr zoning is R-5 Residential (5 DU/Acre). f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? - The cvrrentcomprehensive p/an designation is Sing/e-Family Residential. g. If applica.ble, what is the current shoreline master program environment designation of the site? - Not applicable. 10 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY . h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify.; . The steep slopes towarrls the easterly edge of the property are designated as envir"onmentally sensitive areas and are set aside in a NGPA Tract. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed : project? - Assuming 2.9 per.sons per household, approximatety 107 per.sons will reside in this develqpment--(104 new residents). j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. What aze proposed measures to avoid displacement or other impacts, if any: None are proposed at this time. 1. What aze the proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if ariy: The proposed 37-lot subdiVision is rnnsistent with existing and future land uses; zoning, and comprehensive Plan designation and will be compliant with the Ca/e. 9. HOUSING. a. Approximately how many uriits would be provided , if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. The proposal indudes 36 new inoderate-to-higher-incnme residences; which is consistent witfi the adjacent develcryvment b. Approximately how many units, if ariy, would be eliminated? Indicate:, whether high, middle, or, low=income housing. None. c. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None are proposed at this time. TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR 11 , . AGENCY USE ONLY 10. AESTHE'TICS. a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s) not including - ' antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The maximum height of any future residences will be mnsistent with the , existing requirements for the R-5, which is thirty-five (35) feet. b. What views in the ixnmediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. The views ar+e terriforial for all the properties in the area. c: What are the proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any? Str+ee[ landscaping wiil r+eduae the visual impacts of the deve/opment. In addrtion, the intent is to have mature vegetation retained where possib/e along the rears and propertylines of the new residential lots 11: LIGHT AND GLARE. a What type of light or .glaze will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? _ TJie light and g/are that will !x produaed from the site will originate from building lighting, eicterior street lighting, and from vehicles using the site. The light end glare will arur in rhe evening and before dawn: b. Could light or glare from the fuushed project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c: . What ezisting off site sources of light or glaze may affect your project? There are none-to our knowledge:. . d. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control light and. glare impacts, if any: None are proposed at this time. 12. RECREA'TION. a What designated and informal recreational opportunities aze in the immediate vicinity? 12 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY There are no constructed park areas within the immediafe Vicinity (i mile) of the site. However, the property directly south of the site is owned by the city and is intended to be used by the parks department. b. VVould the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: The developer will pay the apprnpriate recreation mitigation fees, as required by itre Ci(y ofAubum. 13. HISTOItIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVA'TION. a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Not to our knowledge. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on the site. There are none--to our knowledge. c. What are the proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None are proposed at this time. 14. TRANSPORZ'ATION. a: . Identify public , streets and highways serving the site, and describe , proposed access to the existing street system. Sliow on site plans, if any: . The proposed subdiVision will be directly amessgle to 58°fi Avenue South (svuth), Soudi 3280 Street and 5e Avenue South. b: Is site currently served by public transit? If not,.what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? No. The nearest transit stop appears to be a park-and-ride located ar the intersectlon of West 1/alley Highway and Peasley Canyon Raad--apprwimately one ha/f mile sautt► of the projecl: 13 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Aswming a minimum of 2 covered parting spaces per household, there will be at least 72 new parkrng spaces (74 total) being provided upon mmpletion of the project. No parking spaces will be eliminated from tfiis proposat d. Will the proposal require any new roads or street, or improvements to any existixig roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). . Yes. The project will require an internal public road system (2 cul-de-sacs) to be avnstructed to serve the new residence& In addition, 58U' Avenue South , will be designed and cons6vcte+d tb ha/f-stneet sbndards within tfie existed dedicated right-of-way soudh to South 328"' Str+eet. (IVote: South 328"' Str+eet - will tJe impcoved, as part of ifie Stipp's Meadow project treing processed concurrendy by this applicant.) e. Will the project use or occur in the immediate vicinity of water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. _ No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. A.swming an average of 10 vehicvlar trips per day, therie wiyl be approximate/y 350 new trips generated frvm the propased subdivision (ITE Maniial). Of this . amount, apprivximate/y 35 of these new trips will occur during peak hours. ' (E)isting residenae is not included.) - g: What aze proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The applicant wiU be responsib/e for any appropnafe tratFic mib'qarion fees, which . will offset some of the impads of the subdivision-if applicab/e. 15. PUBL;IC SERVICES. a. Would the project result in an increase need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health caze, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Yes. There would be an increased need for fire and police protection.due to an additionai 36 /ots in the area. A/so, there will be an impect on the present scheol sysiem for any future students residing wiffiin the deve/opment: 14 , - TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR. AGENCY USE ONLY b. What are proposed measures_ to reduce or control direct . impacts on public services; if any: Property taxes,,building pecmits and school impact mfigation fees generated fmm these residences will mitiqate impacts incurred from this development. , 16. UTII,ITIES. a. Circle (underline) utilities: currently available at the site: electricitv, na,tural gas, water. refuse service, tel ohone, sanitary sewer, sentic ° ss,~y tem• other: cable television. b. Describe the utilities which are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate yicinity which might be needed. . Electricity: Puget Sound Energy Gas: Puget 5ound Energy Water. Lakehaven Utility District Refuse: Waste Management Telephonee Qwest Communications Sewerd - City of Aubum Cable: Gomcast ` Connection(s) ro the above mentioned utilities will 6e negotiaiaed with the individual purveyor during the building permit and construction phases of ifiis pmject. There may also Ge a need for a right-of-way perrnit(s) to gain access to the PmpertY at cvnshvction. C. SIGNATURE. : The above answers are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand .that the lead _agency is relying on them to make its decision. APplicant Date Submitted: 1~• Z'¢ . i 1,5 MT. VIEW ES'TATES PRELIIv1IIVARV PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION APN : 926280-0210 TRAtT 40, WEST ABUURN FNE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, R5CORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 12, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. APN : 926280-0280 TRACT 50, WEST -ABUURN FNE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOUJME 15 OF PI.ATS, PAGE 12, IN IQNG COUNlY, WASHINGTON. iMAP ~ 5324T,PL ~ ~ . 77777, - P1zoS~ , Sivm sT S1T~ - _ y p a P h. N . ~ ~ ~ . . ~ S328TNST /yuburn ' (ST i ~Pj S32M a ~ ~OJ2 S 331ST ST . . ~ Centenntal Viewpolnt oark ~ . . . _ . ~ . . (C)2o10Ki+tgCounty SPEAStEYCAPIYOHRD. 0 381ft;_ _ mn tldB.meP bswf oam10d M a eauoes eM to dwge . mm~es nc~ ot ~dae. eoqxaea a as to aow►eeY m~a a ro tl~e uee ot m~on kmormsOOn: b rof hme~A ta aee Bt e emveyi Producl.~tp~ +f0i bs Na01e to►anY Bere►al, aDeolal. Yiddente~. c►mrree~ a • ' +o ~re a-a~s a~m~, euc ~a e~a m, ~e ~ee ~ au o-om n,. ~ or m~ee ~r ab mrm~non ao~a a+,~ ~rea. a,y ~ ot ~KIt1a C01J11t iMB TBp Or IId0~11IBtl01101111fI0 fl19P 16 Qf01d~ 01~ ~ NfIM&1 Of Kh~ +~ti• . . . . . M y . . Dtx IImrlwo.. . 8ooioe: bre County mmp- pm mr Ismalfam(hi . t n,ftw.iri~AIISAMAP) r'tT. \l f'1 AP Aerial Map Stipps' Meadow and Mt. View Estates ~ ' _ _ . ~a~' h ) ~ - ~ t. ~ ~ f . 11 , A~- ' 11.5~* r C"~• ' ~ y ~ . - ` ~ 3 r I ~r' - rt .t r l~ ` i .fi~ ~ ~ . • ~}~''h,~t.- ~ ~t ~r;~ ~ti ~ F,'`., - - ' ~ ~ .,~J` ! '.k ` ~ FF : r < f",. nt ~ ` - { rRx . r t° ~ .*r 1~k": s`",,~✓~~ t i ; r ~ V ~k N . h, ~ ~ F . ~ ~ . ~p: _ s `.~l' ~ t~ 'f. - ~ Y~! ~ 1, / , . . y ' X*3 , ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ . Rll_ _ ,.IYY ' Y ~ t k . ~ ~ • ~ ~ } .f '^'~„~.r.~ S` ~.t•<~~ : kr ~ ~p• y ,~r.Y+~ 'rif'St ..i, r .y , Y f _ _ . ~ i ~r - ; i i~~. ~ .5{'~ W~ v. . K~ ~ a b- _ ~ ~ ; •+°~a~ ~ . ~t;'.. - . . . . ' . ~ . f ' ~ i ~ I i n r~ r~ r, r, ~ • r v' ~ a S l. ~ f ~ w~ „n,.~. w,,,a r t k~ -a ~ °'~~s ~e, -P,~r~J'~p~~iR! :J., 5.~c -t I'~ - _ ~"I' Lf ~ ,~^K~ ~t ~ - r; ~ .r ~ ~ ~ -~Y~' ..I.:. ~t e YG' :%-r~ ' . y ~i L'~ w,~+. ..1,•~~ ~ ~ ~ r~; ~ K.'.~ i•r-w.p ♦ . 1~- l ~'r. . ; s r~.:, 4 _ . _ _ ti ~ • . _ , ~ ~ ' , ' ~ , ~ ~ I . p . ~ • ~ ~ ' { ^ , . y - + r, , _ _ ~ ~ ? k ~ } ` ( 'R ~ * 1. ~y r • ~ ~ ~S ' ~ 4-t~ ~~x ~ . . ~ 1 . . ' . ~ E , . :1 . . .r ~rf~_3 . ( {~4 ~t. - t ~ * 4 _ ~ ~ . i {W.1"Y ` _ . ^ ' ~ _ - ` `~"`,~+~~Y~.. ~ .fy ~ . r~ ' I Rij ~ . , t v~ r,a~ _ w. , ''L~ • ~r`~~~ t ~ + ~ ~ :r!Y~"'~' 'Cw~- ,i 11 `f~~' _ _ ~Y__ _ ~`L-F ~ `.l ~ ...___.'i.~ ~ _ _,`.,4 G F r ,!.,-,~t. , ~ ~,.i.X~ ~~,i. . .rE. •~c.t''~ 'm'•i V 0 PBfCL'lS ~ ~ - PrintedDa[e:3/24/2011----~ ~-L- r+~ Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS 2007 Image ~ Red:Band_1 Information shown is for neneral reference w E ~ G~een'Band 2 purposes only and does no[ necessarily ~ BIue:Band 3 represen[ exact geographic or cartographic _ data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no S . warranty as to itr accuracy. 0 ft 836 PK ENTERPRISES RECE0VED , - ]une 16, 2006 JUN 19 2006 - Mr. Dennis powdy, Director City of Aubum PLANNING DEPARTMENt ' ° Public Works Department 25 West Main Street Aubum, WA 98001-4998 ~ RE: A Request for a Road Deviation for Road Gradient along 58"' Avenue South, Mountain View IlEstabes Plat, Auburn, Washington. (File No. PLT06-0002/SEP06-0004) Dear Mr. Dowdy: On behalf of the Prius Triland, LLC, PK Enterprises is requesting a Road Deviation for.the road gradient along 58"' Avenue South which borders the Mountain View Estates Plat. The existing alignment is a series of paved and unpaved sections with driveways that serve the various residences. The naturai topography within.the right-of-way varies from approximately 5 to 17 percent The construction of Mountain View Estates Plat requires half-street improvements along the easterly edge of 58"' Avenue South that will ultimately tie into South 32e Street (also requires improvements). Because the topography varies up and down, the road has been designed to -best. align with the ground; however, there are instanoes that require a steeper grade-8J percent: For the most part, the proposed vertical alignment is less then 6 percent ~ Eyen when a steeper gradient required, there is a 2-4 vertical difference between the proposed road elevation and existing topography'(grading and/or walls are required). To require a road gradient not to exceed 6 percent would further increase the amount of grading (walls) needed at points along the street. As proposed, the vertical grade meets the maximum, 12 percerrt, allowed for emergency purposes. There will be no sight distance issues along the road; thus, safety is not, compromised for the existing and/or fufure, residents served by the road. This deviation request is based on the exisGng conditions and topography along the road alignment and will not be a detriment or cause undo harm to the present and future residents accessing this road.. We appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at (206) 227-7445. • Sincerely, PK ENTERPRISES ~ PHILLIP IQTZES CC Mr. Steve Lee, Prius Triland, LLC Mr. Timothy Powers, Prius Triland, LLC 23035 SE 263RD STREET • MAPLE VAT.LEY, WA • 98038 PHONE: 206.227J445 • FAX: 425.4329397: • PICENTERPRSQAOL.COM At Web date: 04/26/2007 ✓ 0::. ijsm►~r ofPage,, 11~ATE R AvAII~ABILI"fY:, ' KingC: t~ING co~NT~F G~RTIFICATE Department of Development and Envh•onmental Services `WQER"BILITY Building Services Division - RU 53~ 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 This certificate provides the Pubifc Health - Seattle & I<ing County Department and the Department of Development and Environmentai Serv(ces wiih information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Do not write in this box Number Name Building Permit ❑ Preliminary Plat or PUD Sh;* Subdivision ❑ Rezone or other: Applicant's name: 541 g ftp-A w UZ ✓ Proposed use: LoC2ti0n (attach map and le al descrfption tf necessary): 3 a,~b l D 5 to `r*' ~c,5 3Ze04i 51 A-✓e r~ ~ (o ~6D-03.ZS" OZlO v-- p~~0 ~ ~ - • • . e . . ✓ 1. ❑ a. Watei can be provided by service connection only to an existing (size) water main that is feet from the site. ~ OR + p1 ~ b. Water service will require an improvement to ihe water system of: ~(1) i-/- $ feet of water main to reach the site; and,R ~(2) The construction of a distributiop4ystem on the site• and i p r,%Z ED ~(3) Other (describe): P~v`'L'OPG x?~s ~iti~- ~ZEG2~U2c-~. eapZ [ qKo. V '/J ,eoL!GY / 2. ~ a. The water system is in conformance wiih a County approved water comprehensive pian. OR ❑ b. The water system improvement is not in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan and will require a water cornprehensive plan amendment. (This may cause a delay in issuance of a permit or approval.) t/ 3. ~ a. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outs(de the disfict or city, or is within the County approved service area of a private water purveyor. OR ❑ b. Annexation or Boundary Revlew Board (SRB) approval will be necessary to provide service. ,/4. 0 a. Water is or will be available at the rate of flow and duration indicated below at no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant 41- 45 feet from the building/property (or as marked on the attached map): Rate of flow at Peak Demand: ❑ less than 500 gpm (approx. gpm) ❑ 500 to 999 gpm N 1000 gpm or more ❑ flow test of gpm ❑ calculation of gpm Duratlon: ❑ less than 1 hour ❑ 1 hour to 2 hours N 2 hours or more Olher: (Note: Commercial build(ng permits which include multifamily structures require ilow lest or calculation.) OR ❑ b. Water system is not capable of providing fire flow. 5. 0 a. Water system has certificates of water rights or water right claims sufficient to provide service. OR ❑ b. Water system does not currentfy have necessafy water rights or water right claims.. TNE rx%ST14& 5/g",yeiERS M1YNo7 aFAJGQ.AM Af4D Wtu.. Nt~o ~~3rc, ~~lA~.~Ai~~ VUOf~f 4 . 1'~ v,~Jfd ine`1 ✓Comments/conditions: ~v~i, ,16 caOLr ~n~ qT~,~i Sd(tvic, c c urlwFC7iu PL~l h,lWur - i certify that the above water purveyor information is true. This certiflcation shafl be valid for one year from date of signature. LAKEHAVEN UTILI`I'Y DISTRZCT (3 ( « `v(z Agency name !gn tory name Title Signature t~ Date ;l f L ✓ . In Pressure Zone; HIghest Elevat(on of Property y (o 6 5 Lowest ; Est. Min. Pressure psi Max. • ,u. n.a -s....~_•..rc.yni~.:. -n.,.wa:,-c- :..,i..,: s~r.nu rcr..• . r.i, u~+.• i..... . _ ....8:.. . J:..t . ..3.:..... r_'7~."!'..:?x ,,,'~ri„ ~ria:c.~tRym4...`a? ..!.^....4."°°.t4!`....i...':. ".i3:e;wo:r~ sx.,... u.: . The District, at its sole discretion, reserves the o•igiit to delay or deny water service based upon a i capacify limitOns i n is a•ic an er ~ 7 i~' F - _ , . _ T,,,;, . . . . - . . . t. ~ D,,, . _ . rn..,:..r?r^':;y;r->,•... ,~+r-...n^_:v~.^'_. .u~~`. - l . ~ - li~~`~~ `f Water availability fonr Rav. 05-19-2003 y~ I'age 1 of, I NOV 2 4 2010 CeTYOFAUSURru PERMIT CENTER Page 1 of 1 L90n iViap ~ CK ~-In unY~ . NI T ~ . . . . . CO IJI322ND-8 ao t~a r ' r8 • 8 8 6 2 ~ ao I -t CP _ 2~h~X 5 eet ~ > t~ z ~ . 4h +1- 45 feet 3 $T /t . . .:Z~'t~.YP . . • , . Y .7 ~ N~ ~ I . ' • O !A~ 462 Q 2006: LaRehaven Utility Dishicf neither warrents nor guarantees the accuracy of any facility informaHon shown. Facilify locations and . condltions are sub/ect to freld venfication. hitp://colunibia/lionhiiap.aspx 11/18/2010 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 10, Storm Drainage Report and Offsite Analysis, prepared by Preferred Engineering, LLC dated November 22, 2010 is located in the project file. , , . , . . "i " 10 - Bergq - ist Engneer~ng ServOCes 27207 8th Avenue S P. O. Box 13309 Des Moines, Washington 98198 Des Moines, Washington 98198 . Phone: 253.941.9399 • Fax 253.941.9499 e E-mail: soilsengineering@aoLcom . July 16, 2008 Mr. Rhil Kitzes Stipp's Meadow, LLC. and Prius Tri=Land LLC 23035 SE 263'd Street Maple Vailey, Washington 98038 Re: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering $ervices Proposed Stipp's Meadow and Mountain View Estates Subdivisions Auburn, Washington , BES Project Number: 200613, Report 4 Dear Mr. Kitzes: As requested, I have reviewed the laboratory test of the particle-size distribution performed on a soil sample taken by me from Test Pit 21 on March 12, 2007 (see attached Log of Test Pit 21 and Particle-Size Analysis of Soils Figure 1, dafed 4/5/07) to, the laboratory test reports on samples you obtained this year. To compare the soil samples, I plotted the particle size distribution of the 2007 sample to the, particle size dis#ribution of the samples you obtained this year (see attached report of Pdrticle-Size Anolysis of Soils, dafed 6/25/0$, Figure 1). The CBR (Cafifomia Bearing Ratio) value of the soil sample from Test Pit 21 obtained on March 12, 2007 was determined to be 28.3 (see attached report of CBR of Lab Compacted Soil). Based on the similarity of the pahicle size distribution of the most recent soil samples to the 2007 sample it is likely that the CBR vqlues of fihe recent samples will be similar to the tested - CBR value of the 2007 sample: Therefore, l recommend that no further CBR testing be performed prior to construction. During construction, t recommend that the subgrade soils be monitored and tested for particle size disfribution in order to determine where CBR tes#ing is warranted and where pavement section. modifications are required. . ~~~~~~ELJ NOU 2 4 2010 cin oF AuBu~ PERNIIT CE~R DOWN TO EARTH ENGINEERlNG SOLUTfONS Proposed Stipp's Meadow and Mountai.n View EsFates Stibdivisions July 16, 2008 Aubum, Washington BES Project Number: 200613, Report 4 I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions ; concerning this report, or if I may be of additional service, -pledse contact me. P~9 A. BERG oFwnsqr~pGr~ , Sin cerely, . Beigquist Engineering Seivices C1i ~Ip 02 •o~ ,p 303 ~+tFCISTfiR ~SSIDNALE~~1 . Richdrd A. Bergquist, P.E. - Principal ' EXPIRES July 2010 Attached: Log of Test Pit 2T Report of Particle-Size Analysis of Soils dated 4/5/07 Report of Particle-Size Analysis of Soils dated 6125/08 - Report of CBR of Lab Compacted Soils from TP-21 Copies to: Addressee (5) Bergquist Engineering.Services Page 2 of 2 _ ~ Bergquist Engineering Services Log of Test Pit 21 Project: Stipp's Meadow Excavation Rig: Komatsu PC 200LC Excavator Location: Aubum, Washington Excavated By: CDI BES Project No.: 200613 Logged By: R. A. Bergquist, P.E. Dpte Excavated: March 12, 2007 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 416.5' Depth Scmple Type U.S.C.S. Moisture (feet) and Numbe. Symbo) Coment Description (Unified Soil Classifieation System) _Wercent). _ SM Dark brownLloose Silty SAND with roots CTopso111 ~ 1 Reddish-brown, medium dense GRAVEL-SAND-SILT occasional -2 S1 GM cobbles 2 - 3_ 3 -4 GP Brown, dense GRAVEL-SAND occasional cobbles - - - 0 hr~_ - 5 5. 6 GP Brown, very dense GRAVEL-SAND occasional cobbles 6 -7 - END OF TEST PIT. DRY AT COMPLETION. _8 $ A24 ` GRAVEL SANI] SILT CLAY Coarse F(na Goarae . Medlum Fine U.S. STAfdI]ARD SIEVE SIZES 3" 1-1/2" 3 i,~ 6318" #4 014 /{20 ~l40 #60 #100 ~IaQO 100 ' 90 1 ~ 1 I I I i 1 I ~ I I I I 1 ! 8p ~ 1 t I I I I 1 c~ 70 $ku I = ~ 1 . I i ~ . ~ ~ 1 I. I I' 1 1 I I I W BD ~ ~ ao W I I I 1 I I ~ I V 30 ~ a zo ,o 0 80 10 6 1 0.8 0.9 0A6 0.01 0.005 0A01 0.0005 GRAtN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SYMBO 3AMPLE DEPTH (It) ClAS81FICATION OF SOIL• ABTM D2487 Oroup Symbol and Name. % MC LL pL pi Gravel Sand Finea • TP-21 0,0 - 0,0 (8N1) Brown, sitty SAND wlth gravel 14 39.1 36.3 26,7 PARTICLE-S1ZE ANAI,YSIS MOUNTAIN VIEW ESTATES QF SOILS HWAWCXENCES INC. METHOD ASTM D422 _ PROJECT NO,; 2007"0004023 FIOURE: ~ frovacRSZ ~7000-rosaoW 4M? ' GRAVEL SAND Coarse Fine Coarse Iwedium pine SILT. T CLAY 'I U:S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 4p " . . W 3° 5/8° 318" B4 010 #20 • #40 S00 #100 #200 . o 1 9 1 100 U I 1I I I I I I:; :I ' eo 80 ~ i I I i- I I I i i - ~ 7o , m 00 i ' I, I I I I I W 50 ~ z i I I I I ~ I I I ~ 40 W I I I I I i I ~ 1 ~ so a ao I I U I j I 'I I I I 10 1 I I I I I I I I ~ o . 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0:05 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 GRAW SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Z1 o•f-z. s c. 3 . . ZV.} SYMBOL 3AMPLE DEPTH (1h CLA331FICATION OF SOIL- ABTM D2487 Oroup d;ntol and Neine % MC LL pL PI %nd Flras O TP 14 (SM) Brown, siay 8AND with gravel end organics (3tlpp's AAeadoW) 21 25.0 34.4 17.2 0 TP 5+8. (GNI) Brovm, silqr Cirevel wRM► sand and organics (58th Street) 13 442 28.8 26.1 A TP 7-10 (OM) Brown, sitty ORAVEL uuith sand and oiganica (Mount Vlev) 12 48.8 28.7 25.1 PARTICLE-SiZE AiVALYSIS Pdus Triland OF SOILS ~ Aubum, washington iVIETHOD ASTfVI D422 ~MG~SmNG"mNc PRQIECT NO • ZOOB-OOO-TOZS FIGURE; ~ HWAORSZ 2008-OOOTO?b.OPJ 828/OB CBR (CaUfflntia Bmring Ratfo) OF LAB COMPACTED SO1LS ~ . Qksrm o teM cLiENr: seMurst services HWAGEOScIENeEs llvc. 'PROJECT: Mounisln VlewF.atates SAMPLE ID: T1x21 PROJEGT NO: 2007-400, T023 Sampled By: Ctien! Tested By;. FB Date Samp[ed: 0312612007 Dafie Received: 03f2612007 Date Tested: 0410312007 Maferial #]escrfption: Brrowm, s►7ty SAf1rD,with gravet (S" Sample Location: TP-21 , Campaction Standard: QD69& OD4557 Conditfon: X Soaked for 96 hrs E]Unsoakad , Dry Densi[y►: 1 fi7.5 pcf @ i15 %M.C. vvifh 1 S. i°!o Scaiped-off On tfte 3/4" SieVe Trial 1 Trial 2 Triat 3 ~-Derisi 113.4 SN/A #VIA Pec+cebt Com action 98.3 #NlA #PIlA Ai[oisfure before soak % 12.1 #DIVtU! _ #DIV/O! Percent Swelf [ntuai bt = T 0:0 O:C 0.0 I116 to 1" after saak _ fi7.4 _ #DNlO! #DN/O! CBR at tM.4° Pene6mtian 28.3 . . #DN10! #DtV/O! GBR at O.2° Perteteation 24r9 #DIV101 #DNIQ[ CBR Va1ne 28.3 #DNfat ~N14! 1000.0 800.0 ~ 600.0, ~ aA 400A 20QA i 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.i0 0.15 4:2Q 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 4.45 0.80 0.85 Dtsplaoement (In) , 30.0 + 25.0 . 20.Q. m 15.0 t~ 10.0 5.0. 0.0 90 94 82 83 94 95 96 87 98 99 108 9G Compactlon RE1/1EWED BY: Steven Greene FIGURE: 3 Civii & Mining Engineering, Engineering Geology 4SU bT~~~~ Tunnel EnPineering & ConsPPctio Management Ra id Excavation/Su ort S stems Active/Abandoned MineSubsidence . . Geotechni cal lnstrumentation Safety Monitoring of Structures Blast Optimization / Vibra[ion Monitoring - Mine & Quany Permitting ' January 9, 2006 Material Science / laboratory Testing Project No. 2005-33 . Steven Lee _ PrefeRed Engineering, LLC 4238 SW 314"' Street Federal Way, Washington, 98023 Subject: Geologlc, Reconnaissance and Slope Assessment of Sewer Alignment South 328"' Street to Mountain View Drive - Aubum Area, Washington Dear Mr. Lee: At your request, on December 13, 2006 a representative from our firm completed a ;geologic reconnaissance and slope assessment of a proposed sewer alignment extending from the eastem end of South 328"' Street down to Mountain View brive in Aubum, Washington. Prior to our site visit, a topographic map of the proposed alignment had been prepared and the alignment had been surveyed in the field with the vegetation brushed out. The eastem end of the alignment was steeply sloping, thus the principal focus of our site visit was to assess the slope conditions and offer possible options for sewer line construction down the subjecfi slope. ; Project And Site Conditions ' The pmject site was located on an upiand piateau about mile north of Peasley Canyon. and SR 18 in the northwestem part of Aubum, Washington (Figure 1). The proposed alignment was abaut 1,500 feet in length ran in a west to east direc6on adjacent to the Mountain View Cemetery to the south and undeveloped land to the north. A six-foot tall chain link fence ran along the north side of the Mountain View Cemetery separating it from the proposed alignment. Vegetation along ttie alignment consisted of dense biackberries and other brush as well as medium sized. deciduous and evergreen trees. An overgrown ditch about &feet wide was encountered between about 800 to 900 feet east of South 328"' Street, where gravelly silty sand was exposed The westem 1,240 feet of the alignment was gentlysloping down to the east at an overall gradient of about 5 percenf. The:eastemmost 270 feet of the alignment began with a sharp break in slope at the top of a bluff that sloped, steepiy down to the east at an overali gradient of about 70 percent-Elevations along the alignment ranged from about 150 feet above sea level at the eastem end of the alignment to about 405 feet at the the end of South 328~' Street. Based on the provided topographic map, ~E Cr t 7 t ol . 2010 Post Office Box 520, 218 East North Bend Way, North Bend, WA 98045 S425 888-5425 Web Site: www.subterra.us Email: subterra@subterra.us Fax: (425) 888-2725 G17~`'AUB~RN PERM9T CtNTER the steeply stoping eastem edge of the alignment had a change of elevation from 165 feetto 360 feet (195feet) over a horizontal distance of 270 feet (72% gradient). We understand that along the westem 1,240 feet of the alignmertt the sewer pipe wiil simply be buried below ground. .Based on our assessment of the eastem steeply sloping portion of the alignment (described below), other options in addfion to simple burial should be considered for this portion of the project. Geology and Slope Conditions Previous regional geologic mapping by others (Jones, M.A. 1999, Geologic Framework for the Puget Sound Aquifer System, USGS Professional Paper 1424C) iden tif'ied the . soils underlying the gently sloping upland portion of the alignment as Vashon lodgement till. Lodgement till is an urrsocted mixture of silt, sand, and gravel with cobbtes and boulders that was deposited at the sole of an advancing glacial ice sheet about 15,000 yea"rs ago. The till subgrade, beneath the topsoil and root zone is rypically very dense, having been consolidated to a dense state by the weight of ice sheet, which in this area was more than 3,000 feet thick. The soits underlying the steeply sloping eastem portion .of the alignment were mapped as somewhat older Vashon advance outwash. Advance outwash consists of cross- bed'ded (sorted) sand and graVef that was deposited by melt water streams emanating from the front of the advancing glacial ice sheet. The advancing ice subsequently ove(rode the outwash and deposited a layer of lodgement till atop these sediments. Because the advance outwash deposits were overridden by the thick glacial ice sheet theywere also denselyconsolidated. . 1'he morphology of the steeply sloping portion of the alignment was characterized by hummocky topography with numerous scallop and terrace features indicative of unstable soil. The slope morphology as well as the organic-rich nature of the near surface soil , suggested that fill had been pushed over the slaae at seyeral periods in the past, perhaps related to grading activities at the adjacent cemetery. The depth of the fill `was estimated in some areas to be in excess of 5-feet thick. In other areas the fill soil had failed downslope, exposing native sandy outwash soil to gully erosion. The fll soil was not extensive enough to be displayed on the regional geologic map, howeyer other aspects of ttie. previous geologic mapping were judged to be accurate besed on tlae field inspection. . Opinions And Recommendatiorls Qased on our geologic reconnaissance and slope assessment it is our opinion tfiat upland portions of the alignment a"re underiain by soils suitable for simple trenching and burial of tlie_sewer line. Below the-top of the bluff the steeply sloping p'ortions of the ' alignment are characterized by unstablb fill soil placed atop dense advance outwash sand. The aNifiaal fill soil is unsuitablb for sewer pipe.burial. While the dense sand is relabvely stable in its dense natural st96, it is Fiighly susoeptible to gully etosion, when stripped of yegetation.- This is especFally true at steep slope gradients. Thus simple trenching and burial wittrn thLa out%Wsh soil (beneath the fill) is not recommended at this site. Othe"r:options cotalad fildude ~ following: 2 o: The pipe could be placed along the surface and anchored fio the ground at the top and base of the siope with possible anchored areas along mid-slope to allow the fill soils to move independently ofithe pipe. The underlying glacial outwash sediments along the slope are suitable foundation-bearing soils forthe placement of andior footings. Andior footings should be keyed irrto a non-yielding natural subgrade beneath organio- bearing or loosened zones. o A direct, cut with pipe burial down the steep slope could be completed provided that all disturbed portions of the. stope are repaired with rock armoring. Rock armoring should be keyed into the slope by cutting benches into the non-yielding native subgrade and should replace any artificial fill soil that Ges along the pipe alignment. Thus in oertain areas up to 5 feet of fill soil would be replaced writh rodc buriressing. Pipe anchoring along the middle portions of the slope could also be required. o Depending on tfie diameter of the sewer pipe, a direc6onal bore or micro=tunnel could be oost-effective options, whic.h would allow burial of the pipe withouf disturbing the surface of the steep slope. Such a micro-tunnel would most likely be bored using widely available equipment and this option would have the lowest impact on steeply sloping areas. Whichever option is chosen, we recommend that construdion activities take place during the drier times of the.year. We look forward to working with qou on this project and exploring the possible pipe plaeement options in more detail. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to calt. Sincerely Yours, SUBTERRA, fNC. . George H. 8ennett, P.G. Senior Geologist 3 - Christopher Brown 0 AsBOCiateB 96$8 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118:5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722=1909 The Nichols & Stipp Sites ~~3 L ~ a TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for two properEies that make a combined 43-Lot Pair of Single Family Residential Plats ~ in the West Hill Neighborhood of the proposed annexation area to the City of Auburn . . - ~ ' p! ~ . . . . . ' ~ , . . . . . f ! • • Prepared for Phillip Kitzes, Esq. R of P. K. Enterprises, Inc. May 15~', 2006 Traffic Engineers CS Transportation Planners ' The Nichols & Stipp Sites , T12AFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS , for two properties that make a combined 43-Lot Pair of Single Family Residential Plats in the West Hill Neighborhood Table of_Conterits Purpose 1 _ . Location and Access 2. Scope 4. Trip Generation 4. Trip Distribution & Assignment 5. Tra.ffic Characteristics 5. . Assignment Diagram 7. Capacity Analysis 7. Corridor Level of Service 9. Left Turn Storage & Right Turn Guidelines 9. Summary 9. ' List of Figures 1. Vicinity Ma.p 3. 2. 2006 P.M. Peak Hour T-ra:ffrc Volumes 6. 3. P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Assignment 8. List of Tables I Nichols & Stipp Sites Trip Generation 4. ' II Levels of Service 7. Appendig ITE LUC 210 Summary'&'Data . ' Peak Hour Field Volume Data Sheet LOS Analysis - S: 328th Street @ 56t' Avenue S. WSDOT Left Turn Storage and Right Turn Lane Guidelines _ ChriBtopher BroWn Cn Associate8 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. deattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) '2'Z2-1910 Fax (206) TZ2-1909 The Nichols & Stipp Sites a . T12AFFIC IMPACT ANAI.YSIS for two properties that make a combined 43-Lot Pair of Single Fa.mily Residential Plats in the West Hill Neighborhood of the proposed annexation area to the City of Auburn Purpose Briefly, the purpose of this study is to determine the horizon year traffic impacts that may be a,nticipated with the completion of two close by properties that in combination will total a new 43-lot pair of single-family residential plats. One residence already exists. - The Nichols property is located.on a site situated on the east side of the future 58Ih Avenue S. about a block north of the easterly extension of South 328"' Street (yet to be , constructed) in the south-central part of King County on wliat may be called the City of Auburn's west hill neighborhood that will be annexed to the City of Auburn. Similarly, the Stipp progerty is located on a sife situated on the southwest corner of the intersection of South 328 , Street and 58~' Avenue S. (The actual cardinal direction on these street , names may be revised on annexation to the City of Auburn to comply with the city's adopted street name style.) More particularly; this traffic study is to obtain current traffc volume data at those intersections impacted by 30 or more site generated p.m. peak hour trips and to perform a corridor analysis to define the levels of service on the imgacted arterial corridors: ' For assessing site related traffic impacts the forecast year of 2008 is used. This is the horizon year when both sites are expected to be fully occupied. This forecast year is the basis against which future impacfs are to be measured. Chrietapher BroWn ttS Aesociates 9688 Rainier Ave: 8. 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722,1909 The locations ofthe two plats are shown on the Vicini& Map, Figure 1, page 3. The trip generation data for the developments is based on the 7t' edition of the Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The " trip generation data is shown later in Table I Typically, in developing residential neighborhoods such as these; the p.m. peak hour ha.s about twelve (12) percent higher traffic volumes than the morning peak hour: This is to be expected since the p.m. peak hour typically contains work, school, shopping and social-recreation travel-demands a§ distinct to the morning peak hour that is primarily work and school trip related. Accordingly, this traffic study reviews the p.m. peak hour since it represents the worst case. This is also the city's standard requirement. ` The inclusion of a background traffie growth rate for assessing horizon year volumes is in accordance with the recommended practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Traffic Access and Impact Studies for Site Development, Transportation Engineering, August 1988. The growth rate used in this study is taken at 3.5 percent per year. This is the rate of growth typically recommended by tfie City of Aubum for its arterial street system. Location and Access For the purpose of this traffic analysis the location of the proposed plats considers the following. e The Stipp site with 15 proposed single-family residential lots to be loca.ted on the south side South 328P Street between 56t' and 574' Avenues S. o The Nichols site with 28x roposed single-family residential lots to be located the east side of the future 58 Avenue S. about a block north of the intersection `of South 328ffi Street (extended). For the purposes of this traffic a.nalysis and. considering 58h Avenue S. does not yet exist but will be partially constructed for the Nichols site, it is assumed that all access will be •via South 328t' Street and thence to 5e Avenue S. 56t' Avenue S. in this residential neighborhood is the key route to South 316t' Street located to the north and South 331~ Street located to the south. Both these east-west facilities provide direct access to tlie regional highwaqs including the Va11ey Freeway, SR 167, via 15'' Street NW, and I-5 via South 32& Street and also to the adjacent major -2- ChriBtapher BroWn Cf Awociates 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98ll8-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) TLZ-1909 S 29TH, ST NW , - 2 TH E ST N61 . 5500 - = ~ c26TH.:.ST NWt 3 S 305TH' 4 ry • 25TH. SF. NYk 5 9L i ~ ~a ' *;z a~l • ~ 307TH a ° ZLSi 22 st t; NW y rJ„~. . p 4t~ 5 96 HO ~ I W J 310TH' STI . W . ~ 9]... IS]H' a ST' S 16TH ST S ` 5 31A,~ I ~ ~ z¢ ~ z 14TH:Si' : jpp < ~ 14TH 5T mi . v,wc 316fd S7. S 31 ST s: ateni~w. ' ~ . o~~ T yo:' ~ ' < ~ ~ N :5 319TH ST ~ AU: . uRN n a s_ 320ni ST ~'.:',S~ ~ _T___ _ _ . . ~ 32In j ST N ~ 1 1 V s 322N eni sr. rrvr 5600 PL Q N~ Q . ~ r ~ ~ ,47Q0 - $ 32d~f j PL N PU ~ 5 32M;LM ~.14 ~3RD ~5 N,. 5T NW . . $T ~ ~ ~ 4, S 3 S7 -A4Arfl( . „ vL s 32 < srx n : : . it 33 G.~, Rs IS. ST W 9 , ~ m"°"~ _ ~ < srr ~QO • - J 4TH ST 5W. v . ~NYpN 4 - , R0. , . . . . . Jf. . 6G~. . . . . . . . . '...y~~~r 336TH ST. - - - - ~ PR~QE 6 . ~~E0. k~j• 9TH SV , i o 3367H i..ST Sue6R MAEG oF 1HE GREAT NOR7HWEST 4 . SL ~ S ~ ST 5300 ~ S 340TH $T • ~ i .a ` UD N SUP.ER M!(k.l: WY 34ZNO $T 5 ST 1200- ~ 300 d ~ F_ 9.1 01 •n FIGURE 1 ~ ~ . Stipp & Nichols Sites~ Vicinity Map ~ ChriBtapher Brown Cf AeBOCiates 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 _3 _ (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 shopping and recreational centers of Federal Way to the west and Aubum to the east. In the immediate neighborhood a11 of the streets are county style, 2-lane facilities with posted speed limits of 35 mph: These roads aze typically constructed withlight bituminous paving and do not include urban amenities such as sidewalks; curb and gutters.. The intersection of South 328 Street at 56~' Avenue S. has nighttime street ligliting mounted on a timber utility pole: This intersection is located at the crest of a . vertical curve. Entering sight distance (ESD) is partially constricted by vegetation to the south.. This can be readily improved by shrub removal. The through status of 56t' Avenue S. is maintained with STOP sign control on all , _ intersecting minor streets. Scone: For the purposes of this traffic impact analysis the scope of the work considers a total of 43 new single-family residences of;the combined 1Vichols and Stipp sites with initially a single access to 56~' Avenue S. via South 324t' Place: The geometric design of this intersection is essentially a two-lane by two-lane facility that will be constructed to adopted City of Auburn design standards. `Triu Generation Trip generation for the proposed 43-Lots of the combined Nichols & Stipp properties is based on the 6t' edition of tHe Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) kip Generation Manual, for Land Use Code 210, the applicabl'e reference for single-family residential developments: As a significant combined development the published regression equations are used. TABLE I Nichols & Stipu Sites Trin Generation A.W.D.T. 478 Trips/Day A.M. Inbound ' 10 vehicles/hour A.M. Outbound 30 vehicles✓hour . P.M. Inbound 32 vehicles/hour P.M. Outbound 18 vehicles/hour _4_ . ChriBtapher BroWn (n Aasociate8 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. c~Ceattle; WA 98118-5981 (206) TL2-1910 Fax (206) TL2-1909 Trip Distribution & Assisnment The new traffic generatedby these two new residential developments will be distributed - onto the adjacent roadway system and then onto the regional transportation network The traffic distribution and assignment of site-generated traific is based on the Anal°gv Method described in Transportation and Land Development, Vergil G. Stover, 1988, . published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Considering the proposed combined developments the following p.m. peak hourtraffic assignment was defined.. • South 316' Street to and from the west @ 5e Avenue S. 12 trips • South 316'' Street to and from the east @ 56t' Avenue S. 13 trips • South 331" Street to arid from the west @ 56t' Avenue S. 8 trips • South 331" Streetto and from the east @ 56`h Avenue S. 17 trips Since none of these arterial street corridors meets or exceeds the adopted city threshold standard of 30 p.m. peak hour: trips no corridor level of serve analysis is required. At the key intersection serving the combined developments - 56~' Avenue S. at South 32e Street the following p.m. peak hour assignment was defined. . • Westbound right tum 11 vehicles per hour • Westbound left turn 7 vehicles per hour • Northbound right turn , 18 vehicles per hour • Southbound left turn 14 vehicles per.hour The total2-way p.m. peak hour traffic volume on 56~' Avenue S. south of the South 328t' Street intersection is 25 vehicles per hour while to the north it is 25 vehicles per hour. As a result, neither the south leg of this corridor nor the north leg meets the city's adopted level of service threshold for analysis. Traffic Characteristics Current p.m. peak hour traffic volume data were obtained in the field under typically , early spring weather conditions. The field data is depicted on Figure 2. _ , -5- ChriBtapher BroWn CS Aeeociate8 9688 Rainier Ave: 8: 6eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 7Z2-1910 P'ax (Z06) 7ZZ4909 S. 316th 5treet ' y S . 324.th Street ~ ~ M d . . . . ~ x P co n , ~ cn 'S 328.th :Street .F.► ~ Ln ~ S..331st Str.eet FIGURE 2 ~ 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes _ Chriatapher Hromn Cf A88ociates ' 9688 I2ainier Ave. :8. . -6- 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 - - (206) 722-1910 Fex (206)_TL2-1909 Although data collection was essentially in the spring season; no significantly adverse weather or unusual traffic conditions existed that would skew or otherwise bias the data. ' _ Likewise, being in the spring season with all schools in session and normal employment patterns extant, the data is considered entirely stable and useful for traffic analysis purposes. Current p.m. peak hour tra{ic volumes shown on the previous page are schematic and do not imply any scale: As a traffic diagram the respectiye arrowheads note the direction of vehicular travel. In general, currently, on the local arterial street network (school) bus and pedestrian traffic volumes were relatively light except near the elementary school on S. 316'h Street in the mid-afternoon interval. Assisnment Diagram . The p.m. peak hour assignment of traffic from both developments is shown on Figure 3. As with Figure 2 thus is a schematic diagram. Capacitv Analvsis Capacity analysis is in accordance with the 1997 Highway Capacity Manual (HC1V1) and attendant intersection capacity up-dates for the new HC1VI 2000 publication by the Transportation Research Board, The analysis was accomplished using the software entitled HCS 3, produced by the McTrans Center at the University of Florida. It is used under license to Christopher Brown, P.E. The results of the analysis are noted below in Table II. When reviewing the following LOS tabulated summaries, note that the computer input and results are included in the Appendix. TABLE II LeVeYs of Service Intersection Cunent With Project . Volumes 56' Avenue S. @ S. 328' Street A A STOP Controlled intersection 8.8 sec. 8.9 sec. Chriatapher Brown (1S Awociate8 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118 5981 . (206) 722-1910 r'ax (206) TZZ-1909 ~ 0 S. 316th Street 0 b ~ b 00 . . rJ ~ o 0 S. 324.th Street ~ ~ . . Nichols N~ Site ~ . i ` n 001 ` Ln Ln~ , (L) S.. 328.th :Street 5 ~ ~ ..Stipp 4J ~ s:ite ~o Ln S . 3 31st Str.eet FIGURE 3 ~ - P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Assignment ChriBtapher BroWn (n A7t22-1909 9688 IRainier Ave. 8. 8eattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 rax (Z0 In the level of service analysis Table II ofpage 7 note the analysis for the "with project" case is taken at the year 2008 and assumes an average a.nnual background growth rate of 3.5 percent per year for the next two yeaxs in accordance with City of Auburn adopted ' growth rate standards. Corridor Level of Service Additionally, travel-time studies were performed over the peak hour. The average travel- time for the 0.9 miles of the. 56t' Avenue S. corridor from South 316t' Street to South 331s` Street was recorded at 30.5 miles per hour. From the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, Table 11-1, Arterial Levels of Service, for Class II Arterials, Level of Service A is described as ha.ving a"free flow speed" of over 30 mph. The travel time study - therefore indicates the current level of service is at the highest possible level. There are no reasons to suggest that this LOS `A' will not continue on completion of these two developments. Left Turn Storage and Right TurnLane Guidelines The WSDOT Design Manual Figure 910-6, Cruidelines for Left Turn Storage were reviewed for applicability at the site's access via the intersection of South 328ffi Street and 56~' Avenue S. With a total north-south p.m. peak how volume of 99 vph and a southbound left tum yolume of 18 vph, representing 18 percent, there are no warrants for protected left turn storage on 56~' Avenue South. From Figure 910-11, and noting a northbound right tum volume of 23 vph and a peak hour approach volume of 76 vph there are no warrants for a right turn lane or a right turn pocket. As noted on the figure, only a"Radius is Recommended". Summarv The following conclusions may be considered with respect to the proposed two combined 43-Lot single-family residential'dlopments - the Nichols & Stipp properties. -9- - ChriBtapher BroWn. (n ABSOCiaEes 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. - 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 ~ These two developments, comprising 43 new single-family homes, will conform to the existing neighborhood as it is currently developing. m Based on the 7fl' edition of Traffic Generation the development will generate some 478 trips per day with 40 of these trips taking place during the morning , peak hour and 50 in the p.m: peak hour. ~ The background traffic growth is taken at 3.5 percent per year.to the horizon year of development - 2008: 0 The tra.ffic assignment of site-generated traflic is based on the AnalogyMethod. a The Gity of Auburn's corridor analysis threshold is 30 p.m. peak hour site generated trips. m No arterial street corridor outside of 5e Avenue S: is impacted by 30 or more , p.m. peak hour trips. ' • From current travel-time studies on 56t' Avenue S. from South 316t' Street to South 331~` Street the level of service, describing the _quality of traffic flow, was found to be at the highest possible level of service, LOS W. a This level of service will not be altered by new site-generated traffic: it will remain at LOS W. • The site's key intersection at 56t' Avenue S. and South 328t' Street will not require left tum channelizaxion for the southbound left turn movement nor require any right turn lanes. or pockets for the northbound right turn movement. • At South 328~' Street a single approach lane will be sufficient for accommodating the new sife related traffic. o The entering sight distance to the south from S. 328h Street should be improved by removing the vegetation along the eastern street margin within the existing right of way. • The existing timber pole-mounted luminaire at the intersection of 5e Avenue S. and South 328~' Street is suf~'icient for nighttime illumination. Additional street lighting along South 328~'. Street if required will be associated with adopted City of Auburn street standards, as applicable. -10- : . Christopher BroWn CS AsBOCiates 9688 Raiaier Ave. (S. 8eattle, WA 98118:5981 _ , (206) 'Z'Z2=1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 The Nich.ols 8c Stipp Sites T1tAFFIC IliTACT ANAI,YSIS for two properties that make a combined 43-Lot Fair of Single Family Residential Plats . in the West Hill Neighborhood Anaendiz - Table of Contents ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing- Definition ITE LUG 210, Single-FamilyDetached Housing- weekday traffic - ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing- a.m. peak traffic . ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Deta.ched.Housing- p.m. peak traffic Peak Hour Field_ Volume Data Sheet LOS Analysis - S. 328thStreet @ 5e Avenue S. 2006 ' LOS Analysis - S. 32e 5treet @ 56hAvenue S. 2008 with Project Intersection Geometrics WSDOT Figure 910-8 ` Left Turn Storage Guidelines WSDOT Figure 910-8 Right Turn Lane Gruidelines - Chrietapher Brown (2S Aseociate8 9688 Rainier Ave. (S. ° 8eettle, WA 98118-5981 ,_(206) TZZ-1910 Fex (206) TLZ-1909 Lanc! .L1se: 210 ~ Single-Farni9y, Detached Housing . Descriptfon , . S(ngie-family detached housing inciudes all single-family detached homes on individual lots. A typical site surveyed is a suburban subdivision. Additional Data . . The num6er of vehicles and 'residents have a htgh correlat(on with average weekday vehicle Mp ends. The use of these variables (s ltmited, however, because flie numbers of vehicles and residents was often diffleult tb obtaln or prediet. The:number of dwelfing units is, generaily used as the independent varfable of choice because it is usuaaly readtly available, easy to projeCt and has a high comelation with a+yerage weekday vehide trip ends. ' This land use lncluded data from a wide variety of units with di#Ferent sizes, price ranges, locatioiis and ages. Conseqµently, .tktere was a wide variation,In trips generated within this catego ry. As expected, dweUing units that were larger (n size,. more expensive, or farther away . from the central business dlstrict,(CBD) had a higher rate of trip generation per unit than those. smaller in size, less expensiVe, or closer to the CBD. Other factors, such as geographic locaton and type of adjacent and neclrby development, may also have had an effect on the sife trip generatfon. Single-famlly detached units had the highest trip generation rate Per dwelling unft of ail res(dentlal uses, because they were thei largest.units ln size and had more residents and more vehicles per unlt than other residential lan'd uses; they were generally located farther away from shopping centers, employment areas -and other fip attractors than other residentfal land uses; and they generaily had fewer altemate modes of transportatton avallable, because they were typicaily not as concenfirated as other resi:dentfal land uses. The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of tMe adjacent street traffic. Tha sites were surveyeri from tlie late 1960s to the 2000s throughout the Unfted States and Canada. Source Numbers .1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14,:16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 34, $5, 36, 38,40,71, 72, 84, 91,.98, 10p, 105, ' 108,110, 114, 1171 119,157,167, 177,187,.192, 207, 2111 246, 275, 283, 293, *300, 319, 320, 357, 384,.435,550, 552, 579 . , , i Trlp Generatlon, 7th Edition 268 Instltute of Transportation Englneers Ssngle-Fa-m ily Detached liou$ing ~ (210) ~ Average Vehlcle Trip Ends vs: Dwellirtg Unifs On. a: Weekday Number of Studies: 350 . AVg. Number of Dwelling Uni#s: 197 - Directionai Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Dweliing Unit _ ' Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 9.57 4.31 - 21.85 3.69 Data Plof and Equation 3Q000 , . . . . • . . . . . . , , ~ 20.000 . ~ . W Q H • ' . ~ . X • • t a x x : ~ . a1 • ~ > , . . ! 10.000 F , - ~ ~ _ , . ; . . , x , . , x~ x . x 0 . • - _ p 1000. 2000 3000 . X= Number of Dwelltng Units ' X pctual Data Points • ~ Fltted Curve Average Rate Fitted Eunre Equation: Ln(Tj = 0.92,Ln(X}+ 2.71 R2 = 0.96 • Tdp Generatlon,7th Edition 269 Institute of Transportation Engineers S'on&-Fami1y DetaGhe±d Housing (210) Aver.age Vehicie Trip-Ends vs: tDweIling ;Units ~ ' On a: Weekday, . Peak Hour of Attjacent Stree$ Traffic, One .Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 274 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 201 • Direct'ional Distributian: 25% entering, 75% exiting Trip Generatlon -per Dwelting'Unit Average Rate , Range of Rates Standard Devlafion - 0J5 0,33 - 2.27 0.9.0 p.ata PI.Qt: and 1Equation . , , . 3 000 • ~ 2:000 . . . .,C x . . ~ ' ' . . . ' . . - . . . . . . . x ' . . . . . ' m ~ . ' ~ . x ' . ~ . . ~ - . . ~ 1,000 . • : x x . x x X ~ . X X x XXX • . ~ 0 0 1000 2000 3000 • X= Numtrer of Dweliing Units .•~X kchW DataPofnts ' •F7ttedCunre AveragerHate Fitted-Vnros Equation:- T= 0:70OO M3 • ~ R2 = 0.89 Fdp Gwecatlon, 7th Edftbn 270 Fnst(tute of Transportatm Englnaers SingIe-Famity (21.Detachecl HoUsing Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs:. DwelNng tlntts On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of AdJacent Street Traffic, ~ Qne Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. ~ Number of Studies:. 302 ~ Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 214 Directionai Distribution: 63% entering, 37% exiting Trip Generation per Dwellphg llnit _ Average Rate Range of fla#es 5'tandaFd Deviatinn. 1.01 0.42 - 2..98 1:06 Data P-Iot and Equation. 3~ppp _ _ • • • . , ; • X . • . . ~ , , x . . . W ' 2,000 . . 0. . x • . . . . • . ; _ . ;i . , . i ~ . . ~ . . ~i. , i i m • x ' . i~ • x F x . . . , X ' • • . . . . ~ x ~ • ; • . x . , X x~ ~ ~ . . ~ , • 0 ' 0 1000 20(JO 30pp . , ~ . . ~ X = Numtier of Dwslling Units X ; itctnal Data Polnts . :Fltted Cums ~ - - - A.verage JRate . Fiftea turve Eq.uaUorr. Lnm = asa Ln(X) + OM - R2 _:o:s1 • Tdp Fenerab'on,7th Edftton 271 Fnstitute Qf Tmsportatlicm-Engineers . TRAF F D C 1/OLIJME SUMMAR`f I P+`iQ~ecT AllZ4 o r 57 . . ~ cS`. DATE ~~D DAY , _ . . 11VTER5E{TION .OF: AND 57- 6t ' T 1lNE T0 P= Pf J1K' HOtJR ~.s+'~cUr~c..-'. tn.~~5 0~;~-~+ t~1c~- :*~~CV►1d Sc~t~,~cvr~c: I 5 T 1 NI E i~- - ILL S LT S ft S±~ ~ I I I `I - lr I e I i I ~-~r o a l'6 2 8 ?c 5m) --n o 11 ! 0 6 ".a 2 G I Ilf , . c I~ 2 I . 1 . . I . . ~ TOT111 S . . . Af IO?A` . : ~ ~.~~I„i ~ Two-Way Stop Control Page l of 1 _ T1N0-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . Gen.eral lnformation ite Information .:nal sf _ C. V. Brown ntersection S. 328th/56th Ave. S. en /Ga PK Ente rises . urisdiction . u6um - 5115106 a sis Year 006 without Pro'ect Date_Performed. _ na sis Time Period P.M. Peak Hour Pro'ect ID "izes File KZ-G1P Ih a st/West Sfreet: S. 328th Street outh Street: 56fh Avenue S. tersection Orientafion: North-South . Stud Period hrs 1.00 ehicle_Volumes and Ad'ustranents . a or S#reet Northbound Southbound ovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume 0- 54 5 4 29 0- Peak=Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 lHourIv. _ Flow Rate, HFR 0 60 5 - 4 32 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - ed.ian,Type . Undnrided RT-ChanneGzed 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 9 0 Confi utation TR LT U iream Si nal . 0 0 Minor Sfreet Westbound Eastbound ovement 7. 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume 2 0 3 0 0 0 Peak-Mou-r Factor 'PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 -0 3 .0 0 ' 0, ercent_Hea. Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 ercent Grade (0/,) 0 0 Flared Approach . . N N Storage 0 0 i T Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 Confi uration. LTR Dela .Queue L-en th and Level of Service proach _ NB SB Westbound Eastbound o"vement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LTR (Vph) 4 5 C (m) (vph) 1550 962 lc 0.00 . 0.01 95% queue length ~0:01 0.02 Control Delay . 73 8.8 , L.OS A _ A pproach Delay 8.8 ~pprqach LOS - - A HCS2000'm Copyright C 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Vereion 4:1 file:UC:\WIlVDOWS\TEMP\u2k70D1.TMP 5/15/06 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 2 lW0 WAY STOP CONTROL Sl1MMARY General Information, Site Information - a st C. V. Brown Intersection S. 328th/56th Ave. S. , - ' urisdiction' ubum en /Ca _ K.Ente rises 2008 w/Project. & 3.5 9~ Date Perforined.. 5115106 nalysis Year a sis Time Period P.M. Peak Hour - Pro'ect ID Yzes File KZ-P1P_ ast/Wesf Sfreet: S. 328it► Street North/South Street: 56th Avenue S. Intersection Orientation: North-South tud Period hrs : 1.00 - ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments ' Ma'or Street North6ound Southbound ovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume 0 58. 23 98 39 0 Peak-HourFactor PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0:90 Hourl Flow Rate, HFR 0 64 25 0 34 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - edian T e Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 ~ Configuration TR TR U 5tream Si nal 0 0 Minor Street 1Nestbound Eastbound ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T. R olume 9 D 14 0 0 - D Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0:90 0.90 Hour Flow Rate, HFR 10 . 0. 95 0 0 0 Percent Hea Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percenf Grade 0 0 Flared APproach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 onfi uration LTR Dela Queue Len th,:and Level of Service. pproach NB SB : Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR NPh) 25 - C (m) (vph) 949 Ic 0.03 95°k queue length . ' 0.08 Control Delay LOS - A pproach_Delay - - 8.9 pproach L03 - - A Copyright 0 2000 Univereity of F(orida, All Rights Reserved Vereion 4.1 file://C:\WIlVD0WS\TEM2\u2k80C3.TMP 5/15/06 = RI GHT- TtJRN LANE GU I DEL I NES o .100. . g' Right-Turn Lane 80 ( f i gure 910-12b ) O Right-Turn Pocket Qr Recommended Taper ( F i gure 910-12a ) ~ Reeommended ` - fi fz 0 . F--- - c x 4.0 a . ~ Radius Only Recommended . Z ( 6 i gure 9I0 - T) Q Lt.t 100 204 300 qoo .SOQ 600 700 PEA.K HQUR APPROACH VdLUME (DDHU For two IaRe highways, use the pevk hour approach votume (thraugh * r i ght turn Far nn,itiaane, nign speed (posted at 45 mph or above> hFghwoys9 use the r i ghf I ane peak hour opproaGh vo I ume (through + r i ght turn) e Note:. klhen at't three of the. fottowing condifiions are met9 the r i ght turn DDHV i s r-educed by 20 VPH. . 1. Past.ed speed 45 mph or under. 2. Tight-furn volume greoter than 40 VPH. ..3. Tata.l approach volume less than 300 VPH. Right Turn. Lane Guidelines . . , R9ure 9 10- 11 . (Mebrc) lnterseciionsAt Grade . Deslgn Manual Rsge 910 2$ . August 1997 , L£FT 7'.URAF S'iORAGE CU IDFl 1 NES Unsignqiixed intsrsec#ion . ~ , Two - -1 ane hi ghws3y • G KEt °o . . ~ . ~ 8elow cLirve, ~ > 0 storage no-k . . . 2.Q • . ~ needec# fior ~ o o ~ Cc~pae i fiy. _ c . 3 ~ ;4bo ve cur v.e, storflge ~ recommende-d... Q, t5 . . . . c ° . 0 ~m02 .4- eor a~ ~ ~ . IA ti a~ ~ ~ z 5 ~ 0 o ~ 4- 0 ~ ~ . . \ 0 300' 400 500 640 700 800 9fl0 1004. }lQfl 1200 To#o l flt~~* 18 ~*DH V i s tota 1v01 um~e frpm bott~ d i reet i ons . ~ **Speeds ore posted sREQd Iimits, . ~ . , C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Christopher Brown Cf Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206 722-1910 Fax (206) TZ2-1909 _ 7une 22', 2006 Mr. Phillip Kitzes P. K. Enterprises, LLC 23035 SE 263rd Street C84~ Maple Va11ey, WA 98038 'N 19 8 "I%V// 109Re: Nichols & Stipp Plats G 6 Supptemental Analysis A.M. PeakHour @ 51" Avenue S. and S. 316' Street Per King County request via Elizabeth Chamberlain Memo of 6/20l06 Dear Mr. Kitzes: o The City of. Auburn's e-mail memorandum concerning the referenced plats and the subject intersection has been noted. The following is submitted in answer to that concem by King County, Fust, the a.m. peak hour traffic volumes at the intersection of 51' Avenue S. and S. 316'' . Sfreet were obtained this morning. The raw field data is attached for reference. Second, with a 3.5: percent background growth pursuant to the City of Auburn's standard ha.s been used to define the year 2008 a.m. peak hour forecast. A schematic diagram of this is'also attached. , With the trip distribution used in the May 15t' 2006 submittal to the Cify of Aubum the morning peak hour assignment was derived. This is shown on the attached schematic . diagram. With the 2008 fotecast and the moming peak hour assignmerrt the horizon year data with ` •the project completed was derived. The total a.m. peak hour traffic volume generated by the site is 40 vehicle trips per hour. The site's traffic through the subject intersection is 12 trips ger hour. This represents a rate of (12/40) thirty (30) percent and, as such, is within the 20 percent threshold noted in the Chamberlain Mema Of course, at 12 site-generated a.m. peak hour trips it is less than the 30-trip peak hour standard noted in the Chamberlain 1V1emo. Traffic Engineers 4% Transportatioa ;Planners Mr. Phillip Kitzes . . June 22na, 2006 Page 2 The moining peak hour level of service (LOS) was computed for the three following standard scenarios using cunent geometrics and the cuirent control device strategy, to wit, STOP sign on S. 316'h Street. 1. Current a.m. peak hour LOS . 2. 2008 LOS without project 3. 2008 LOS with project - The three LOS analyses for these three scenarios are attached 'for reference following the traffic diagrams. . .'The results of the analysis show the following. o Current a.m. peak hour LOS =,C with a delay of21.9 seconds , • 2008 LOS without project = D! with a delay of 25.6 seconds . A 2008 LOS with projecf = D with a delay of 27.1 seconds Since the LOS is well within the adopted county standard no mitigation is required and none is recommended. • ' If you have any questions, please feel free to ca11 at your convenience. Yours truly, r . C. V. Brown, P.E. . ~ cvb/s . encl. TRAFFIC VOlUME SUM1bARY I r;~ o~ r • Q s ~ DAT F ~ DA7 Ud~" 1NTERSFCT10N ~OF: AMD . T ~~E P a P~AK* HOuR ~ . - ~,s+'-~cvr-)C. nc: ' S T 1 ~All g i ~~.5 7LS ItI` s ItIL sIt ' . _ . _.T ~r . . . I . . I ~ . ~ I _y I . . .2 f _ .3v 23 ~ ~ 42 I ~ . ~l Gr er LC.1``-r 2 lk~s I ~ ~ I . I TOTA LS _af ~OT~►d - _ " ~,6. _'Z ~ • . ~3~i : 53st Avenue:S S. ~ q~ ~2 U) ~ .P ~ r4 . . M ~ ' ~ . 2006 A.M. Peak Hour Voltnnes s'7 51st Avenue S. LEGEND . ~ ~ O x aem. peak hour m ~ O traffic assignmeat . ~ 4J O ~ O ~ . M ~ ~ 2008 A.M. Peak Tiour Volumes withbut. Pro.ject 519t Avenue S . I~y • ~ 4-) ~ ~ ~ cn . ~ 2008 A.M. -Peak Hour: .Volvmes with ',Proj.ect _ r---. ~ ChriBtapher BroWn f~S Aesociate8 96$8 Rainicr Ave. 8. 8eattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 Two-VJay Stop Control Page 1 of 1 11N0 WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General6nformation ite Information a st: V._Brown Intersecti on S. 316th StJ5lstAve. S. en /Co. ichols & Sfi Plats urisdiction 'ng Counfy ate Performed 6/'22/06 lAnalysis Year 006 Current Year a sis Time Period A9. Peak Hour Pro"ect ID ichols & Sti NS-C1A East/West Street South 316th SYreet orth/South Street: 51stAvenue S. Intersection Orientation: North-South~ Stud Period hrs : 1.00 ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments Ma'or Str+eet Northbound Southbound ovement 1 2 3 4. 5 6 L T R L T R olume 0 316 167 72 221 D Peak=Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.94 Hour Fiow Rate, HFR 0 347 183 79 242 0 Percent Hea Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - edian T e Undivided - RT Channelized 0 0 anes 0 1 D 0 1 0 Confi uration TR LT U fream Si nal 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound , ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume 97 0 29 0 Q 0 Peak-Hour Factor PHF 0.91 0:91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 our Flow Rate, HFR 106 D 31 0 0 0 ercent Heavy Vehicles 3 0 t 0. = 0 0 ercent Grade_(%) . -3 0 Fiared Approach N N Starage _ 0 0 _ _ RT Channelized 0 ° 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 onfi uration. L7"R ela Queue Len th and Level of Service pproach NB SB 1Nestbound Eastbound ovement : 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 ane Configuration LT LTR (vph) 79 137 C (m) (vph) 1048 350 /c 0.08 0.39 95°k queue length 0.24 7.90 Control Delay, 8.7 21.9 LOS A C pproach Delay pproach LOS = - G HCS2000rm Copyright 0 2000 University of FIorida, All Rights Roserved . Version 4.1. ~ file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\u2k30C5.T1VlP 6/22/06 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Rnation General Information rknsd na st C. V. Brown S. 316tli:SfJ5lstAve. S: ichols & Sti Plats n "ng Coun en /Ca Date Performed 6/22/06 ear 008 without Pro'ecf chols & Sti NS-H1A_ a sis Time Period .M. Peak Hour iNpp ast/West Street South 316th Street North/SoutliStreet: 51st Avenue S. - Inteisection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 1.00 ehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments Ma or Street Northbound Southbound oVement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume 0 339 179 77 237 . 0 eak:Hour Factor; PHF 0.91 0:91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 ou Flow Rate, HFR 0 372 196 84 260 D ercent Hea Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - edian T :e- - Undivided T Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration _ TR - LT U stream Si nal 0 0 Minor Street Vtilestbound Eastbound ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 - - L T R L T R olume- 104 0 31 0 0 0" _ _ _eak:HourFactor PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 . ou Flow Rate; HFR 114 0 34 0 0 0 _erce_nt Heavy Vehicles 3 0 1 0 0 0 Percent Grade (Yo) -3 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 onfi uration LTR Dela Queue Len th and Level of Service proach NB SB Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LTR (vph) 84 148. C (m) (vph) 1014 322 , /C 0.08 - _ 0,46 95% queue length 0.27 _ 248 Control Delay 0.9 25.6 LOS _ A D . pproach Delay - - 25.6 Kproach LOS - - D HCS2AOUTM • Copyright 0 2000 University ofFlorida, All Rightv Reaerved Veraion 4.1 file://C:\WIIVDOWS\TEMP\u2k30C5.TMP - 6/22/06 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information ite Information a st C. V. Brown Inte u rsection ll 316th 5t151stAve. S. en /Co. Nichols & Sti Plats. risdiction Coun ate Performed 6/22/06 na sis Year 08 with Project a sisTime Period .M. Peak Hour ro'ect ID ch ols & Sfi NS-P1A W : [Hourly est Street South 316th Sfreef orth/South Streef: 51sfAvenue S. ection Orientation: North-5outh [Stu4 Period hrs : 1A0 cle Volumes and Ad'us~ents Street Norttibound Southbound ment 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R e 0 339 189 77 237 0 HourFactor, PNF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 Flow Rate, HFR 0 372 198 84 260 0 nt'Mea Vehicles 0 - - 0 - - edian Ty e Undivided , RT Channefized 0 0 Lanes 0 9 0 0 1 0 Configu[ation _ TR LT i tream Si nal 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R olume_ _ 112 0 33 0 0 0 Peak=Hourfactor PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 . ' our Fbw Rate, HFR 123 0 36 D 0 0 ercent Heavy Vehicles 3 0 9 0 0 - 0 ercent Grade -3 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 0 Confi uration . LTR Dela Queue Len th and Level of Service . pproach _ NB SB Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 ne Configuration LT LTR (vph) 84 159 C (m) (vph) 9013 321 r0.08 0.50 queue length 0:27 2.84 ntrol Delay 8.9 27.1 S A D pproach Delay - - 27.1 pproach LOS - - D HCS2000m Copyright 0 2000 University of Florida, All Righta Resen+ed Vasioa 4.1 file:/!C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\u2k30C5.TMP 6/22/06 a . ~LJ H`Sfd'd9 - ~ ~ Wetlanel Determination Report for 1Vlountain View Estates . Auburn, Washington Prepared for: Preferred Engineering, LLG . . P.O. Box 25422 Federal Way, Washington 98093-2422 (506) 501-5708 Prepared by: Ecological Land Services, Inc. 1157 3`d Avenue, Suite 220 - Longview; Washington 98632 ~ ~ ~ ~ , - (360) 578-1371 - NOV 24 2010 ~ December 8, 2005 - ~~i~ 4v~u~~ C~N7.ep ' ELS Project Number_ 1299•01 } . . ~IG1 \1'~~~ ~AG1I . . . The information and data in this report were compiled and prepared under the supervision - arid direction of the undersigned. , . Timo y J. H Y . Ecologist " Lynn Eps6n Environmental Scientist ~ i C . ; , . ~ Ecological LandServices,inc. Wetiand DeteTCnination Report Decernber 8, 2005 Mountain View Esta[es , 4 11 , 'I'ABLE OF CON'TENTS INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................:.........................:...............1 ~ . SITE DESCRIPTiON 1 1 METHODS 1 VEGETATION SOILS 2 : ~ HYDROLOGY 2 NATIONAL WETLANDS 1NVENTORY ...............................................................................2 , CONCLUSIONS 3. ~ LIMITATIONS 3 REFERENCES:: 4 ' . Fi ures and Attachments Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map ~ Figure 2 Site Map ' Figure 3 Soil Survey Map Figure 4 'National Wetlands Inventory Map Atfachments - Routine Onsite Wetland Determination Data Forms ~ f . i _ t , ~ ~ Wetland Determination Report . Ecological Land Services, lnc: December 8, 3005 ' Mountain View Estates - 1ii - { IN'TRODUCTION Ecological Land Services, Inc. (ELS) conipleted a wetland determination at 32516 58 Avenue South: This 8.94-acre site is located southwest of the City of Auburn, Washington (see Figure 1). The site is located in the north central portion of Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M. The property can be further identified as tax parcel numbers 9262800210 and 9262800280, Preferred Engineering, LLC (applicant) is proposing to develop the site for residential u5es. - SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site is bordered by residential lots to the north, Hillcrest Drive and undeveloped land , to the east, undeveloped wooded lots to the south, and 58d' Avenue South and dense residential development to the east. An unnamed stream flows across the northeast corner of the site from the northwest to soutYieast. In general, site topography slopes gently to the south. in the northeast comer of the site, there is steep. to the east toward the creek. Onsite elevations range between 400 and 460 feef above mean sea level (see Figure 2). METHODS- The wetland determination completed by ELS followed the Routine Determination Method for delineating wetlands according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and the Washington State Depart snent of Ecology, Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (1997). Tlie Routine Determination Method examines three parameters-vegetation, hydrology, and soils=-t"o determine if wetlands exist in a given area. Hydrology is critical in determining what is wetland but is often difficult to assess because hydrologic conditions can cha.nge periodically (hourly, da.ily, or seasonally). Consequently, it is necessary to determine if hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soils are present, which would indicate ttiat water is present for long enough duration to support a wetland plant community. By definition, wetlands are those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and ttiat under normal circuinstances do support; a prevalence of vegefation typically adapted for life in saturatecl soil conditions. Wetlands are regulated as "Waters of the United States" by the U.S. Army Corps o f Engineers ( L JSACE), and locally by Auburn Municipal Code. ELS. evaluated. the property for wetlands on September 22, 2005. Vegetation, hydrology, and soil data were collected from two test plots: (see attached wetland data forms). VEGETA'I'ION Onsite vegetation is dominated by Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga meriiiesii - FACL), Western red ' cedar (Thuja plicata - FAC), beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta - FACU), red alder (Alnus rubra - FAC), salal (Gaultheria shallon - FACII), and sword fern (Polystichum munitum - FACU). ` Ecological Land Services,lnc. Wetland Determination Report • December 8, 2005 ~ Mountain View Estates _ 1 _ , Dominant vegetation found was recorded on the attached routine wetland determination data sheet. The indicator status, following the common and scientific names, indicates how likely a species is to be found in wetlands. Listed from most likely to least likely to be found in wetlands; the categories are: ■ OBL (obligate wetland) - occur almost always (estimated probability >99%) under natural - conditions in wetlands. s FACW (facultatiye wetland) - usually occur in wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in non-wetlands. ■ FAC (facultative) - equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34%-66%). ~ k'ACU (facultative upland) - usually occur in non-wetlands (estimated probability 67%- 990/6); but oecasionally found in_wetlands (estimated probability 1%-33%). UPL (obligate upland) occur almost always (estimated probabiliTy >99%) under natural 0 eonditions in non-wetlands. e NI (no indicator) - insufficient data. to assign to an indicator category. ~ A positive or negative sign, when used with indicators, attempts to more-specifically . define the frequency of occurrence in wetlands. The positive sigh indicates "slightly more frequently found in wetlands: and the negative sign indicates "slightly less frequently found in wetlands". SOILS _ Drisite soils are mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6-15 percent slopes (AgC) and Alderwood and Kitsap soils, very steep (see Figure 3). Alderwood soils are moderately-well- drained soils. This soil formed under conifers in glacial deposits. Onsite soils are not mapped as hydric. Mapped hydric soils do not necessarily mean that the area is a wetland; hydrology, wetland vegetation, and hydric soils must all be present to classify an area as. a wetland. Gonversely, wetlands may be found in areas where the soils aze not~mapped as hydric. IiXDROLOGY : There are no streams, lakes, or ponds onsite or within 100 feet of site boundaries. The onsite test did not show positive hydrologic indicators for wetlands. NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) shows no mapped wetlands onsite or within '/a mil'e of , the site (see Figure 4). As a cautionary note, National Wetlands Inventory map information should be used with discretion; because they are used to gather general wetland information about a regional area, and therefore are limited in accuracy for smaller sites because of their i large scale. ~ ; E Ecological Land Services,Ina. Wetland Determination Report Decembcr 8, 2005 Mountain View Estates _ _2. , coNCLUSIoNS . ELS found no jurisdictional wetlands on or adjacent to the subject site. 11IMITATI0NS _ We base the above listed determinafions and conclusions on standard scientific metliodology and. bestp ro the conclusions should agree with local, state, and fessi onal~udgment. In our opinion, federal : regulatory agencies. Hoivever, , this report should be considered a Preliminary Jurisdictiondl Determindtion and used at your. own risk until it has been reviewed and approved ' in writing by the appropriate regulatory agericies. o ~ ~ r f Ecological Land Services,Inc. Wetland Determination Report ' Mouncairi View Estates cember 8,2005 -3- REFERENCES Aubuin Municipal Code. 2005. Title 16 - Environment. April 18. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Soils Coriservation Seryice. 1995: Hydric Soils for Washington. U.S. Department of Agriculture. • Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2005. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Web site -accessed November 7, 2005. www.or.nrcs.u'sda.gov/pnNv~_soil/wa-reports.htrnl. Viiashirigton Department of Ecology: 1997. Washington State Wetlands Identication and Delineation Manual. Olympia, Washington ; b ( , F ' . . . ` ~ Ecological Land Services,lnc. Wetland Determination RepoR December 8, 2005 Mountain View Estates . 4 _ ~ ec WASHINGTON WHATCAM SITE 'SMjuANa u y ~ ~SITE ~.'Sx^W ,K,wa. .ar i • 47° 18' 35" N Latitude SNOHOMISH 122° 15' 36" W Longitude Rda6 Ci.aLu~ U*Np ' JEMriSM o ~'.o~ LOCATION MAP , KWON R~ ontn am AwwoomL mwvo I „ KING ~ ~ r r Nuucuw r.cac • euew p ~p COP"1° pIERCE oc~ rcu °"OR6O i , umMwus r,a weavom TMuMSTON v~. R 4 9 LEMS ~ OM~IWOO MOR a 1 OCl.~ WNLOCR ~ PACIFIC e`~°Ma CAWU SKAMAWA y, nw uoa CoWUT2 arr.... u xeuws ~ ~ aneo N PROJECT w- ~ VICINITY MAP OFMM ,,,,,aN p TXWNWVIIt . NOTE: . ~ USGS toPc9rePhic quadrangle map reproduced using INAPTECH. Inc. softwere TeRein Naviga r. \ r" \ , • ~ ~ i\ (('r _ ' ~ ~ = . ~ ~ ~a ' . • i ~ ' ~ • ' • •__1.L1. • • ~ tiF' • • ~ .y-- i ' F.T~~~ ~ S. ■ ~ ~ ' . 1 . e'• , ~~.r.~, F i S f~~ ~ . ,1 T~-• ~ ~ • ; ~ ~ Y~ •p R •.a\~ b , g . • 5 . f • ~ 1 . ~ t . ~ • ~ - ~ ' rt ; f; . • ► r. * ••y,* i~ ( C. ~e~ • ~ ~1 Ob~tY a, C.' .1'~... S• ~ i ~ • ~ ~ . ~ .'.r. S, . ~ fl C`:~ - ~ ' 1 r' ~ ' ~ i•y f . . • ' . 1,• 7 .,•.l ~ ~ ~ w • 1'~,S v ~ t ^ w':" ~ I 1~a392 . • , ~ . . , . ~ •:2 i l: }396 . • r . i~ . f ~ • Q ~ ~ { • ...i fj ~ - S ~ ~ _ ' f - ' • 1 + • . ~ I':' ~ ~ :f 1 ~ Figure ~ DATE 12~5- VICINITY MAP ECOLOGICAL IAND SERVICES, INC. DWN MPM Mountain View Estates OPR prefeRed Engineering, LLC ' 1157 3rd Ave., Sufte 220 Longview, WA 98632 City of Auburn, King County, Washington PROJ. ~2~ 99•~~ g~tion 14 Townshi 21N Ran e 4E W•M- (3gp)578-1371 Fax:(360)414-9305 - Z~ 9PM Dec 08, 2005 ' St\King-wA\Auburn\1299-Lee\1299.01-Mt. Vlew Estates\1299•Ol-Flgures\1299.01-sn-ss-nwl-11070 • wg . 0213-2800210 Test .c i . . O Test f ~ ~ O 1 00 `oo ~ NOTE: County at web addre s http.l/VlwwwS•metrokc.golv9 SCALE IN FEET 2002. ► C Figure 2 ' DATE 12~S:i~`- SITE MAP ECOLOGICAL LAND SERVICES, INC. p~ MPM Mountain View Estates ~ APPR. Preferred Engineering, LLC , 1157 3rd Avenue Suite 220 Longview, WA 98632 Ciry of Auburn, King County, Washington PROJ. #12ss.o1 g~on 14 Townshi 21N Ran e 4E W.M. (360) 57&1371 Fax: (360) 4149305 08, 2005 7 12'54pM e~~Kinn-WA\Auburn~1299-Lee\1299.01-Mt, Vlew Estates\1299,01-Flgures\ 1299.01-sn-ss-nwl-110705.dwg 1), UP 16oF 08 ASO _ ~ . 12 1 - F ~ d~ $.o AVC 14 13 SeTE _ ~ ~ ~ . ~ - ADC . AgC Alderwood graveily sandy loam, 6-15% slopes. Not Hydric. ~ AkF Alderwood & Kitsap soils, very steep. Not Hydric. . : B 2000 4000. ~ ~ 0 NOTE: Map provided online by NRCS at www or nres usda qov/pnw soil/wa reQOrts.html SCALE IN FEET - - Figure 3 _ _ ~A~ SOIL SURVEY MAP ECOLOGICAL LAND SERVICES, INC. , p~yi~. MPM Mountain View Estates ~ APPR. Preferred Enginee~ing, LLC ~ 1157 3rd Ayenue Suite 220 Longview, WA 98632 PROJ. # 1299.01 City of Auburn, King County, Washington (360) 57&1371 Fax: (360) 4149305 _S@Ct1o1114 TOWt1Shl 21 N R8t1 @ 4E W.M. { . - Dec "08; 2005 - 12,55pr+. ~ Sl\KMo=WA\A6burn\1299-Lee\3299,01-Mt. VIew Estotes\1299.01-Flgures\1299.01-sn-ss-nwl-110705.dwg ~ 122-15 W 122-74 W ,ri-,s w , PEMI . . . . ~ t x ' 4 ~r . ' - . v,':: q • k~&~.'. . ..~:.~e' 1 . ~xY ~ M ~•:Y' i?EMA ~ . ~ . ~ .z ~ , , . . ji. ~a. ~'~,x.~• :~...4.~",Yii~:': . 4 r< ~ • ~:s,~~ ~ PEAAA ' ~ . - . °PEMCd;~ °a~.,.;;;,.;;:• ti~;~ y~ ~ti I 49 ' [ i ~ t 4~a , .T~ • ~ : ` '~~j~~r•`. '.=~:z,:~:r..:~ ~ ~ j: . . x~;... ~:r;; •;,r~:. y i ! (r' ..Fp'. AuAUt SITE ~ 16 PEMC; ; P ~ ~Y B r~.,~~:~,, ~._r~_:::-:• Data Available . , . . , • , _ _ _ - _ . • - . . . _ . 18 •r.,.,.: r..~.~<...:•:::-- _ PEM/SSF ,ysi•x ~ . . ~:e,:.:.:.r. ; • . . . • ,:'r.: . .6•~~'.- ~ . ,r~. e , PEMlSSFh . ; m:.7: RFOC : . f ~ i ~ . No wetlands indicated by the National Wetland Inventory Map. , f P ~ B p 2000 4000 4 NOTE: Map provided online by U.S. Fish 8 Wlldlife Service at SCALE IN FEET http.-//wedandsfinrs.er.usas.qov/ t p b DATE 19--115 Figure 4 ES, INC. NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY MAP ECOLOGICAL LAND SERVIC pyN. MPM Mountain View Estates ` APPR. Preferred Engineering, LLC } 1157 3rd Avenue Suite 220 Longview, WA 98632 PROJ 12# 99 01 City of Auburn, King County, Washington (360) 578-1371 Fax: (360) 4149305 Section 14 Townshi 21 N Ran e 4E W.M. Dec 08, 2005 - 12,58pm , S-\Kino-wA\Auburn\1299-Lee\1299.01-Mt. VIew Estates\1299.01-Flgures\1299.01 -sm-ss-nwi-110705,dwg JECOLOGGIICCAALL LAND SERVICES, INC. 11513rd Avenue,Suite 220, t,ongview, Washington 98632 (360)578-1371 FAX (360)4149305 D.4TA FORM-Routine Onsite Wetland Determination 1987 COE WeUands Delineation Manual . 1997 Washington State Delineation Manual Pro'ectSite: Mountain'View-Estates Date: 11/17/05 Pro'ect 1299.01 A licseUOwaer. Pieferred En ineerin , LLC. Coun /State: Kin Coun Washin ton TesYPlof LocaNonc_ SE adranf , SeclTown/Ran e: Secfion 14, T21N R4E, W.M. Do normal circumstances exist at the site? : 129Yes ONo , Plot ID: TP-1 Is the site si `fican[l disfnrbed a fcal situaHoa ? DYes MNo Communi ID: - Is the.site_a otential roblem area? ~ ❑Yes MNo Transect ID: VEGETATION (Strata: tree, sapling, shrub, woody vine, herb) Dominant PlantSoecies CommonName Scientific Name Strata % Cover Indicator Status . , _l. Dou las fu' Pseudosv a menziesii Tree 80 FACU - ' 2. We§tern red cedar'. Ttiu'd licata Tree 20 FAC 3. Beaked haietnnt+._ Co !ua cornuta ` Shrub 20 FACU _ 4. . Salal' Gaultherta shallon Herb 30 FACU Herb 10 FACU 5. Ore on ra e Mahonia nervosa Herb 10 FACU _6. Trailin blickberry Rubus wsimrs Herb 10 FACU 7. Sword fem _ Pol sticum munitum 8. Otherspecies prosent' % oLdominenfspaies OBL, FAGW, FACW-, FAC+, FAC . 25°/a (more than 50% required) Remarks:'°dominant speciesusing the 50/20 rule: 1/4 = 25% Ve etadon Criteria Met? ❑Yes ONo HYDROLOGY Recorded data available? ❑ Yes ~ No Type(s): - Is it. the growing season? ❑ Yes, ~ No Wetland Hvdtoloev Indicators Is site inuedated? ❑ Yes 0 No Prtmarv Indicators Secondarv Indicators (2 reauired) ❑ Inuadafed ~ Ouidized' Root Cdaanels < 121n. bgs Depth of surface water: none ❑ Saturated < 12 in. ❑ Local Soil Sarvey Date Depth to free water in pit: none ❑ Water Marks ❑ Water Stained Leaves Depth to saturated soils: none ❑ Drift Liocv ❑ FAC-Neutral Test ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Other (Ezplain in remarks) ❑ Drainage Patterns • Hydrology CriteHa Met? [:]Yes ONo R marks:. SOILSc , Drainaee Class: Excessively Drained Map Unit Name: Aidenvood:aravellv sandv loam. 615% slooes (AeC) ❑ Somew6at Ezcessively Drained (Series and Phase) ❑ Well Drsined . Taxonomy (Subgroup): Vitrandic Durochrents ~ Moderately Well Drained ❑ Somewhat Poorly Drained Field observaNons confirm mapped soil type? EYes ❑No ❑ Pooriy Drained ~ ❑ Very Pooriy Drained Profile Descri tfon - Deoth (inchesl Horizon Matrix color Mottie Color Motde.Abundance Mottle Size • Texture few, common man fine med coarse ~ 0-1 0 - - - - duff I-3 A 10YR2/2 - - sand r 3-16 B lOYR 3/3 - - - san ravel 4 Hvdric Soil Indicafors , ❑ Histosol (-ists) ❑ Reducing CondiNoris ❑ Organic Streaking iq Sandy Soils ❑ Histic Epipedon (8-16'1 ❑ Gleyed or Low C6roma Colors ❑ Organic Pans ~ ❑ Sullidic Odor ❑ Mg or Fe Concretions ❑ Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ~ ❑ Aquic Moisture Regime. ❑ High Organic Content in ❑ Other (explain in remarks) Lsyer of Ssndy Soils Remarks: . { Soils Criteria Met? [:]Yes ONo f r WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydropfiptic Vegetadan Dominant? LjYes ZNo ~ WeUand Hydrology Present? ❑Yes ONo Hydric Soil. Presenf? []Yes ONo ' Remark9: Criteria not. met ' ~No Is test lot withtn a wetland? ❑Yes Nazne: Tim Hadedv Sheet. 1 of 2 tECOLOGGIICCAL LAND SERVICES, INC: 1157 3'4 Avenue, suite 220, Longview, Wathington 98632 (360)578-1371 FAX(360)4149305 DATA FORM - Routine Onsite Wedand Determination 1987 COE Wedands Delineation Manual 1997 Washington State Delineation Manual Pro'ect Site: Mountain View Estates Date: 11/17/05 Pro'ect 1299.01 •-nedrin , LLC. ` Coun /State: Kin Coun , Washin ton A lic anUOwner: Preferred En► Tesf Plot Location: West side of property Sec/Town/Ran e: Section 14 T21N R4E, W:M. Do normal cireumstances e:ist-at the site? RANo o Plot IDTP-2 Is the site si nf5cantlidistarbed- aOica1 situaHon ? No Communi ID: Is the siTransect m: - a otential ro6leoi area. , VEGETA'T~ON (Strata: tree, sapling, shrub, woody vine, herb) DominanE Plant Suecies __CommonName ScienHfic Name Strata % Cover Indicator Status Pseudosu a menziestt Troe 30 FACU 1. Dou las fir!__ . FAC 2. Western red cedai'" _ Thu a licara Trec 20 ~ 3. Red alder' ' Almis rubra Tree 20 FAC 4. Beeked tiazbinut" Co lus cornuta • Stirub 30 FACU 5. Salal• , Gautherra shallon Herb 70 FACU 6. Trailin blackberry Rubus ursimu Herb 10 FACU . 7. Sword fem* PoI sticum munitum Herb 50 FACU 8., . Other speciespresent: % of dominant species OBL, FACW, FACW-, FAC+, FAC 330/(more than 50% required) , Remarks:''=dominant species using the 50/20 rule: 2/6 = 33% Ve etation Criteria Met? ❑Ye§ ONo , HYDROLOGY Recoraed dsfa available? ❑ Yes 0 No Type(s): - Is it t6e growing season? ❑ Yes 0 No Wetland Hvdroloev Indicators is site iaundafed? ❑ Yes 0 No Primarv Indicators Secoadarv Indicators (2 reanired) • ❑ Inundated ❑ Ozidized Root C6anaels < 12in. bgs Depth of surface water. none ❑ Satursted < 12 ia. ❑ Local Soil Survey Data, Depth to tree water inpit: none ❑ Water Marks ❑ Wahr Stsined Leaves Dept6 to saturated soils: none ❑ Drift Lines ❑ FAC-Neutral Test ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Other (Ezplain in remarks) ❑ Drainage Patterns Hydrology Criteria Met? ❑Yes, ZNo • Remarks• - OI Drainaee Class: ❑ Excessively Drained • Map Upit Name: Alderwood eraveUv sandv loam 615% slones fAeCl ❑ Somew6at Ezcessively Drained (Seiies and Phase) ❑ Well Drained . i Taxonomy (Subgroup): Viuandic Durochrents ~ Moderately We11 Drained. ❑ Somewhat Poorly Drained , Field observations con6rm mapped soil type? E Yes [3No ❑ Poorly Drained . ❑ Very Poorly Drained • ~ Profile Descri ti on ` . Death fmches) Horizon Matrix color Mottle Color Mottie Abundance Mottte Size Textare ~ - ~ few, common man fiae med coarse : duff 0-1 - 0 sand avel t 1-16 . A lOYR 3/4 ~ ; Hvdric Soil Indicstora ❑ Histosol (-ists) ❑ Reduciag Conditfons ❑ Organic Stresking in Sandy Soils ❑ Iiistic Epipedon (8-16") ❑ Gleyed or Low Chroma Colors ❑ Organic Pans t ❑ Sulfidle Odor ❑ Mg or Fe Concredons ❑ Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ~ . ❑ Aquic Moisture Regime ❑ High Organic Content in ❑ Other (explain in remarks) Layer of Sandy Soils Remaiks: ~ . Soils Criteris Met? Yes ~No ~ WETLAND DETERMINATION HydrophyHc VegetaNon Dominant7 ❑Yes ONo ~ Wetland Hydrology Present? ❑Yes ONo k Hydric Soit l'resent? ❑Yes ONo Remarks: Criteria not met - Is test lot within s wetland? [:]Yes SNo . " I Name: Tim Haderlv • Sheet 2 of 2 1~,~umbe9° of Page. ~I. PK. EN'I'ERPRISES November 24, 2010 Ms. Elizabeth Chamberiain City of Aubum Planning and Community Deveiopment 25 West Main 5treet Auburn, WA 98001-4998 RE: Nft..View Es#ates Preliminary. Plat Request -School Access Anatysis. . Dear Ms. Chambertain: As cequired by the City of Aubum, eadh residentiai ptat application must include a schoal access ana{ysis that identifies the existing walking conditions for schooi-aged students. There-are no sidewalks afong S. 3280 Street, 561' Avenue South, 58"' Avenue Soutti, or any ather streef in the immediate vlcintty. Our development wil) indude sidewalk along the easterly edge of 5e Avenue South (along the frontage of the project only); however, any students that will reside in this deveiopment wilt be bussed to the appropriate public school. If there are any guestions, piease feel free to contact me at (206) 227-7445. " SincerelY, PIf. ENTERPRISES PHILLIP KITZES CC Mr. Steve Lee, Prias TriLand, LlC Mr. Timaftthy Powers, Prfus Triland, LLC 23433 SE 269RD STREET • bfAYi.l? VAIJ.F,Y; W11 • 98038 nrrorrr:zaR.2..'7.144s • Y1GEN'1x.RPRISTS.~\4VeYA1fQO.(C)m