HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01-2011 . City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -10:00 AIVI - Council Conference Room 61AIEVUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Cliair Jim Keily called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Conference Room located_ at Aubum City Hall, 25 West Main Street in Auburn. Chair Kelly and the following Board members were present: Chair Pro Tem Bud Larson, Member Lynn Norman, and Member Bill Petersen. Member. Virginia _ Haugen was excused. Also pcesent were Board Attorney Sfeve Gross and Board Secrefa_ry Danielle Daskam. !I. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS , Claims from Coy Franklin Grall, Richard Schneider, and Jim Kelly were added to the agenda. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes of the Januarv 4; 2011 LEOFF Board Meetinq Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Petersen to approve , 2011 minutes as distributed. - the Jan,ua 4ry MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. IV. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. PendinQ Disability Leave/Retirement Applications There was no pending disability leave application for review. B. Pendinq MedicaUHearinQNision Dental Claims 1. Bruce Caldwell Request #or reimbursement of inetlical expenses in the amount of $500.00, Regence Claim No, 1024720055400; for services received on ApriF 2, 2009 and last processed by insurance on September 8, 2010. On November 2 and December 7, 2010, and January 4, 2011, the Board tabled Mr: Caldwell's claim pending the receipt of additional information. No new information was received. . Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Petersen to deny #he claim due to lack of information. LEOFF Baard Minutes February 1, 2011 , Page 1 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -10:00 AM - CounciY Conference Room MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 2. Michael Corkins Request for reimbursement of inedical expenses in the amount of $135.18 for services received on August 31, 2010. On December 7, 2010, the Board tabled Mr. Corkins' claim pending the receipt of the insurance explanation of benefits statement(s). On January 4, 2011, the Board received the Regence explanation of benefits statement. The Board fabled Mr. Corkins': claim pending additional„ information from the senrice (ambulance) provider and Regence. On January 4, 201.1, subsequent to the LEOFF Board meeting, the Board Secretary contacted the ambulance company that provided the services to Mr. Corkins and confirmed payment in - full by Medicare and Regence. There is no balance owing, and Mr. Corkins had not made a personal payment to the ambulance company. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Chair Pro Tem Larson to deny the claim finding that insurance paid the provider in full. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. . 3. Doris Gail DarouQh Ms. Darough is currently receiving home health care services, which expenses have been reimbursed by Allianz Long Term Care Insurance and the Board. Ms. Darough is requesting pre-approval to increase home health care services from 12 hours per day to 24: f hours per day: On January 4, 2011, the Board tabled Ms, Darough's -request pending an independent assessment of Ms. Darough's home care needs. An assessment of Ms. Dacough was conducted by Long Term Solutions on January 26, 2011- and is enclosed for the Board's review., Chair Kelly, reported that he spoke with the daughter of Ms.. Darough, who advised that Ms. Darough will be moving #o a nursing facility and will not be seeking full-time in home care. Ms.. Darough's request _ for full-time in-home care is withdrawn. The Board reviewed and acknowledged receipt of the independent assessment conducted for Ms. Darough. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Disabilitv Leave/Retirement Applications LEOFF Board Minutes - February 1, 2011 Page 2 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room , No new application for disability leave/retirement was submitted. B. Appeals/ReQUests for Reconsideration ' No request for reconsideration was received. C. IVledicaUHearinqlV_ision Claims 1. Michael Darbv Request for reimbursement of 2010 dental expenses in the amount of $163.00 for services received on December 23, 2010. Mr. Darby did not receive dental reimbursement in 2010. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Chair Pro Tem Larson to approve the claim in the amounfi of $163.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 2. . Bruce Caldwell . Request for reimbursement of inedical expenses in the amount of $99.99. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by member Petersen to table Mr. CaldwelPs claim pending . the receipt of additional - information including proof of inedical necessity for the medical device. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 3. Don Webb ' Request for reimbursement of dental expenses in the amounf of $247.00 for services received on January 14, 2011. Mr. Webb has not received dental reimbursemenf in 2011. Motion by Member Petersen; second by Chair Pco Tem Larson to approve. Mr. Webb's claim in the amount of $247.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 4. Ed Wolters Request for reimbursement of 2010 dental expenses in the amount of $245.00 for services received on June 24 and September 28, 2010. ED WOLTERS 2010 $1,200.00 BALANCE LEOFF Board Minutes February 1; 2011 Page 3 Cify of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday; February 1, 2011 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room $1,200.00 April 6, 2010 $925.00 $275.00 Motion by Member. Petersen, second by Chair,-Pro Tem Larson to appr.ove Mr. Wolters' claim in the amount of $245.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,4=0. 5. John BurQess Request for reimbursement of bision expenses in the amount of $333.00 for services receivetl on December 8, 2010. Mr. Burgess has not received vision expense reimbursement in the past year. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Chair Pro Tem Larson to approve the claim in the amount of $270.00, which is the policy annua( maximum reimbursement for vision expenses. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 6. Doris DarouQh a. Request for reimbursement of long term health care costs in the:amount of $1,196:74 for the period October 1-31, 2010. b. Request for reimbursement of long term health care costs in the amount of $1,208.80 for the period November 1-30, 2010. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Petersen to approve Ms. Darough's claims in the amounts of $1,196.74 and $1,208.80. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: .4-0. 7. Coy Franklin Grall Request for, reimbursement of dental expenses in the amount of $119.00 for services received on :January 25, 2011. Mr. Grall has not received dental reimbursement in 2011. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Chair Pro Tem Larson to , approve Mr: Grall's claim in tFie amount of $119.00. LEOFF Board Minutes February 1, 2014 Page 4 . City of Auburn, Law Enforcement Officers and Firefghters Disability Board Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -10:00 AM - Council. Conference Room . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 8. Richard Schneider Request for reimbursement of dental expenses in the amount of $1,302.00 for services received on January 25, 2011.. Mr. ~ . Schneider has not received dental reimbursement in 2011. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Chair Pro Tem Larson to approve the claim in the amount of $1,200, which is the policy annual reimbursement rate for denfal expenses, and direct the : Board Secretary to send a letter to Mr. 5chneidec advising that he may submit the balance of his dental expense with proof of inedical necessity. . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. _ At this time, Chair Kelly relinquished the Chair to Chair Pro Tem Larson. 9: Jim Kellv - a. Request for reimbursement of inedical expenses in the amount of $130.00, Regence . Explanation of Benefits statements #1034331928300 and #1034331928400, for - services received on December 2 and 7, 2010 and last processed by insurance on December 22, 2010. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Member Norman to approve the claim in the amount of $130.00. MOTION CARRIED. 3-0. Mr. Kelly abstained. b. Request for reimbursement of medical expenses in the amount of $65.00, Regence Explanation of Benefits stafement #1035131864600 for services received on December 14, 2010 and last processed by insurance on December 29, 2010. Motion by Member Petersen, second by Member Norman to approve the claim in the amount of $65.00 . MOTION CARRIED. 3-0. Mr. Kelly abstained. 10. Jim Kellv LEOFF Board Minutes February 1, 2011 Page 5 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefghters Disability Board Tuesday, February 1, 2011 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room Request for reimbursement of dental expenses in the amount of $4,300 for senrices received on December 16, 2010. Board members reviewed Mr. Kelly's claim and supporting documentation relating to medical necessity of the dental expenses, including letters from Dr. Woo and Dr. Pavalunas. Motion by Member. Petersen, second by Member Norman to approve the claim in the amount of $4,300. MOTION CARRIED. 3-0. Mr. Kelly abstained. Chair Pro Tem Larson requested that the Secretary enter into the record that Mr. Kelly's future dental expenses are to be considered medically necessary. Board members concurred. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. - APPROVED THE I~ DAY OF MARCH, 2011 Jim Kelly, Chair Da 'elle Daskam, Board Secretary , LEOFF Board Minutes February 1, 2011 Page 6