HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM I VAR11-0002rnJ AUBURN WASHINGTON AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject Public Hearing Application No. VAR11-0002 Date: 4/22/2011 Department: Planning and Attachments: Please refer to Exhibit Budget Impact: NIA Development List, below Administrative Recommendation: Nearing Examiner to approve the Variance to allow a 60' tall building in the Institutional zoning district based upon the Finding s of Fact, and Conclusions as outlined. Background Summary: OWNERIAPPLICANT: Sam Ball, Green River Community College REQUEST: Application for a Variance to Auburn City Code (ACC) section 18.44.050.G.3 to allow a 60 foot tall building in the Institutional (1) zoning district. The applicant requests the variance as necessary to create a vertical addition to an existing 48 foot tall building to house needed mechanical upgrades. LOCATION: The subject property is 12401 SE 320th Street (parcel number 1621059006) EXISTING ZONING: Institutional (1) EXISTING LAND USE: Green River Community College Campus COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Public and Quasi Public SEPA STATUS: The variance and future associated building permit are exempt from SEPA. Reviewed by Council & Committees: Reviewed by Departments & Divisions: ❑ Arts Commission COUNCIL COMMITTEES: ® Building ❑ M&O ❑ Airport ❑ Finance ❑ Cemetery ❑ Mayor ❑ Hearing Examiner ❑ Municipal Serv. ❑ Finance ❑ Parks ❑ Human Services ❑ Planning & CD ® Fire ® Planning ❑ Park Board ❑ Public Works ❑ Legal ❑ Police ❑ Planning Comm. ❑ Other ® Public Works ❑ Human Resources Action: Committee Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Council Approval: ❑Yes ❑No Call for Public Hearing I L_ Referred to Until ^I_I Tabled Until _I 1 Councilmember: Staff: Taylor Meetin Date: May 18, 2011 Item Number: AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Subiect: Public Hearinq VAR11-0002 Date: 4/22/2011 The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning designation and land uses of the site and surrounding properties are: Comprehensive Plan' Zoning Land:Use Site(s) Public/Quasi-Public 1, Institutional Green River Community College Campus North Single Family R5 (5 du/acre), R7 Single Family Residences Residential and du/acre) Public/Quasi-Public South King County Rural Area King County RA-5 Vacant 1 du/5 acres East King County Rural Area King County RA-5 SR-18 & Vacant 1 du/5 acres West Single Family Residential R5 (5 dulacre), R7 Single Family Residences 7 dulacre EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit A Staff Report Exhibit B Vicinity Map Exhibit C. Completed Application Form and application materials Exhibit D Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit E Affidavit of Mailing FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Green River Community College (GRCC) has applied for a variance to allow an addition to an existing building to create a 60 foot tall building in the Institutional (1) district. The maximum height allowed in the Institutional (1) district for buildings other than residential structures is 45 feet pursuant to Auburn City Code Section,3. GRCC has planned a building renovation of the existing Science, Math and Technology (SMT) building. The existing SMT building is 54,000 square feet and 48 feet tall. The footprint of the building is 18,000 square feet and is not proposed to increase. If the variance is approved the proposed renovation will add 7,956 square feet, and the building will be 61,956 square feet. Of the 7,956 square feet of floor area planned for the addition, 5,500 square feet will be occupied by mechanical equipment, leaving 2,456 square feet for maintenance clearance access to all of the equipment, and for future additions and alterations to the mechanical equipment. 3. The Green River Community College has applied for this variance due to needed mechanical improvements in the building to comply with Washington State energy code requirements. 4. Locating the new mechanical equipment within the proposed addition to the Science, Math and Technology (SMT) building will provide the renovated facility with energy efficient mechanical and plumbing systems that will comply with the Washington State energy code. 5. Currently four buildings are taller than 45 feet on the Green River Community College campus. Three of the buildings were constructed prior to the annexation. After the annexation a similar variance was approved in 2009, VAR08-0016, to allow the Science Center to be taller than 45 feet. The Science Center is built and is 71 feet tall. 6. The existing building is located interior to the campus and is not currently visible and the addition will not be visible from the surrounding neighborhoods or streets, Page 2 of 6 Agenda Subject: Public Hearing VAR11-0002 Date: 4/22/2011 The Institutional use district is intended to provide an area wherein educational, governmental, theological, recreational, cultural, and other public and quasi-public uses may be allowed to develop. It is further intended these areas be significant in scope which will allow a combination of uses which may not be permitted outright within other zones. This district is not intended to include those smaller or singular public uses which are consistent with and permitted in other zones. 8. Colleges and universities are allowed in the Institutional (1) district with an administrative use permit. The Green River Community College campus was established in 1966 in King County and was annexed into the City of Auburn in 2008. The campus is an existing established use that does not have a singular comprehensive administrative use permit for the campus. New additions or substantial remodels to the campus will require an administrative use permit and several have been issued by the City in association with new buildings. The proposed application is for a minor remodel and addition to an existing building on the campus. The Planning Director has determined that an administrative use permit is not required for this minor building addition. 9. The Green River Community College provides instruction in a variety of academic, professional and technical programs and provides continuing education. Enrollment at the Auburn campus is approximately 6,000 students and there are 729 employees, including 137 full-time faculty. 10. The proposed building renovation of the Science, Math and Technology (SMT) building is the next project component in the GRCC Facilities Master Plan. 11. The proposed remodel of the SMT building is the result of input from faculty, and students and the necessary International Building Code requirements, and other codes including the Washington State Energy Code. CONCLUSIONS Staff has concluded that the requested variance should be approved as the applicant has met the burden of proof in demonstrating that they are consistent with all of the following criteria necessary to grant a variance as outlined in Section 18.70.010 (A)(1-10) of the Zoning Ordinance. An analysis of the application supporting the variance criteria follows: 9. That there are unique physical conditions including narrowness or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to and inherent in the particular lot; and that, as a result of such unique physical conditions, practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships arise in complying with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The property is owned by Department of Natural Resources (DNR). GRCC has a philosophy of keeping as many trees undisturbed as possible as part of their agreement with the DNR. The south portion of the 85 acre property steeply slopes and has other critical areas including wetlands and is not suitable for development. The unique physical condition peculiar to the Green River Community College campus is that it is a parcel greater than 85 acres that has been developed over time as a college campus. The majority of the planning and design associated with the college campus was done when the college was under the jurisdiction of icing County. The City of Auburn annexed the property into the City limits in 2008. The property is correctly zoned, however the zoning district does not adequately respond to the needs of this institutional property and as a result practical difficulties and unnecessary hardships arise in complying with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. That, because of such physical conditions, the development of the lot in strict conformity with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance will not allow a reasonable and harmonious use of such lot. Page 3 of 6 nda Subject: Public Hearing VAR11-0002 Date: 412 212 0 1 1 Strict conformity with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance will not allow a reasonable and harmonious development of the college campus. The college campus originated on this property in 1966 and significant investment in campus planning and infrastructure has been made to the property. The existing SMT building is 48 feet tall. Strict application of the 45 foot height limitation of the Institutional zoning district will not allow reasonable and harmonious development of the campus because the existing building and four other buildings on the campus already exceed this height limit, including the Science Center, 71 feet tall, and the Technology Center, 48 feet tall. The GRCC master plans call for redevelopment where existing structures are located to minimize impact to other areas of campus. 3. That the variance, if granted, will not alter the character of the neighborhood, or be detrimental to surrounding properties in which the lot is located. For nonconforming single-family homes, this finding is determined to be met if the features of the proposed variance are consistent with other comparable features within 500 feet of the proposal. The proposed variance will not alter the character of the Green River Community College campus. There are four other buildings on the campus that exceed the height limit. Denial of the variance, and a resulting less dense building pattern would not be harmonious with the built environment or the proposed campus master plan. The variance to the height restriction will not be detrimental to the surrounding properties; the proposed structure will be located interior to the 85 acres and will not be visible to the surrounding neighborhoods or streets. Approval of the height variance will allow a taller structure which will maintain the existing foot print of the building and will reduce any potential need for more impervious surface creation. 4. That the special circumstances and conditions associated with the variance are not a result of the actions of the applicant or previous owners. The. annexation of the property into the City of Auburn in 2008 was not a result of actions taken by the applicant. The applicant has operated the college and has been master planning the 85 acre property as a college campus since 1966. The current failure to comply with a height limitation is a result of strict application of a dimensional limitation that was not in place when the applicant began planning for the future of the campus development. The size of the property is also not a result of actions taken by the applicant. The property is over 85 acres. The current mechanical room located on the first level of the building is not large enough to house the two new mechanical systems. The current mechanical room is approximately 1,600 square feet and the two proposed air handling units are 1,200 square feet and additional square footage is needed for piping and required clearances for maintenance. The size of the proposed mechanical systems is also not a result of actions taken by the applicant. The size of the area needed to allow the addition of the necessary mechanical equipment is dictated by the manufacturer of the equipment and the need to enclose the equipment is a requirement of the State energy code. If the variance is approved the proposed renovation will add 7,956 square feet, and the building will be 61,956 square feet. Of the 7,956 square feet of floor area planned for the addition, 5,500 square feet will be occupied by mechanical equipment, leaving 2,456 square feet for maintenance clearance access to all of the equipment, and for future additions and alterations to the mechanical equipment. To achieve performance criteria derived from the Washington State Energy Code and LEED requirements, some of the rooftop mounted equipment and associated components, including pumps, valves, and piping need to be protected from the elements and should be enclosed in a building. Compliance with the State energy code is also not a result of actions taken by the applicant. The applicant proposes a design solution that will allow the needed building renovations and new mechanical systems to comply with the State energy code. 5. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Code would deprive the applicant of rights Page 4 of 6 ...Agenda Subject: Public Hearing VAR11-0002 Date: 4122/2011 commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Code to limit the height of buildings on the Green River Community College campus to 45 feet or less would deprive the applicants of rights commonly enjoyed by the college prior to the annexation by the City of Auburn. The campus is an anomaly in the City, although other properties might have the same zoning classification, the characteristics of the Green River Community College campus are unique and are not adequately reflected by the dimensional limitations associated with the Institutional (1) zoning district. Literal interpretation of the height restriction would deprive the College of rights already enjoyed on the campus to build and plan for buildings taller than 45 feet. Additionally the City is currently embarking on a code update effort that will include a proposal by staff to increase the allowed building height for structures in the Institutional zone. The ordinance amendment has been discussed for the Institutional zone for several years. The City acknowledges that the current height limitation in the Institutional zone needs to be altered. GRCC has shared information with the City showing the campus master plans include future structures that will exceed 45 feet. If the proposal is adopted and the ordinance is amended the City could avoid unnecessary variances in the future for the GRCC campus. 6. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the purpose of the Zoning Code and the zoning district in which the property is located. The purpose of the Institutional district is to provide an area wherein educational, governmental, theological, recreational, cultural, and other public and quasi-public uses may be allowed to develop. It is further intended these areas to be significant ins cope which will allow a combination of uses which may not be permitted outright within other zones. The district is not intended to include those smaller or singular public uses which are consistent with and permitted in other zones. The variance will not allow an increase in the number of dwelling units permitted by the zoning district. Not applicable. The proposed variance does not have any component that would increase the number of dwelling units allowed in the zoning district. 8. The authorization of such variance will not adversely affect the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan will not be adversely affected by this variance request. Chapter 5 (Capital Facilities) of the Comprehensive Plan contains goal 14 which addresses public buildings as follows: "to maximize public access and provide for the appropriate location and development of public and quasi-public facilities that serve the cultural, educational, recreational, religious and public service needs of the community and the region." Additionally Chapter 8 (Economic Development) contains a policy that directly relates to this proposal. Policy ED-12 is as follows: "the City should work with the private sector, school districts and Green River Community College to develop programs to provide training. Consideration of special needs of economically disadvantaged citizens and neighborhoods and people with physical impairments and developmental disabilities should be included in these programs." The building renovation plan proposed by GRCC will allow for needed mechanical upgrades to the building. The proposed variance will assist GRCC with renovating an existing building on the campus in conjunction with their purpose to serve the public, which is in accordance with and will not adversely affect the Comprehensive Plan. 9. The variance shall not allow a land use that is not permitted under the zoning district in which the Page 5 of 6 da Subject: Public Hearinq VAR11-0002 Date: 4/22/2011 property is located. Not applicable. A college campus is an allowed land use in the institutional (I) district with an administrative use permit. The Green River Community College has an administrative use permit for some of the newer buildings on the college campus and the proposed variance is for an existing building. 90. The variance shall not change any regulations or conditions established by surface mining permits, conditional use permits or contract rezones authorized by the City Council. There are no other regulations or conditions related to previous approvals that apply. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the application and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the staff report, staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner approve the Variance and Conditional Use Permit with no conditions of approval. Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report. Page 6 of 6 UIM" - Njouber Of .~~Zt.10t 0E9DLL5ZdZ y~ 80p61;1D E C' 4 ~ a t 5 0 2 5b06SbiZ0} '~i z < 1 O \ co tl _ ~ k $ O ~ fi ~y t o O - [J~ r r c ti C ~w--_~ u L Y a E ~ tZ0690 LZ60 ~ w 5 O:E ~ iD E Oi • ~ ~ Lb0690 LZJ L ~ n ~ T ~ a o ei o I ~ 1 ~ U ~ ~ a M C~ EfE l Cl) ' "06', N }j~ C 2 v-E" p_ q 3 a C' a CB 8J) k 0 i~ CL L0590 m , 0 !4 vo 0 ~ C0 e Qa 17 2105 9267 rn . U ~ i , L006i506ZL41'~ !4n N M 975 9y3 .y_r~~c~ ,W q d Page 1 of 3 l ~ ~ Hillary Taylor ;,,,har mgpages-z-.1- i From: Wayne Johnson [wayne@smstemper.com] i Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 10:10 AM ~ 70: Hiliary Taylor ~ Cc: 'Jerry Osbom' j Subject: RE: GRCC variance appiication VAR11-0002 ; Attachments: SMT Variance narrativ4-18 2011.docx; auburn variance Itr.pdf ! ~ HilIary, i ~ ~ . ~ Attached is the revised narrative as you requested within your letter dated 4-1-11. We have revised the ~ iesponse to paragraph d within the narrative to provide a stronger argument as we discussed. It is my understanding that the hearing is scheduled for May 18, 2011. It is our assumption that we aiong with the owner will need to be present. Are we also presenting the project and our request or wi11 it be a question / answer format? I also noticed in the Ietter that you request that the board be picked up and posted by April 28th and ~ posted at the site. Is that correct7 And is.the board currently ready now? ~ i I Please let me know if you have any further questions. ~ Thanks, Wayne Wayne E. Johnson, AIA S.M. Stemper Architects, P.L.L.C. i 4000 Delridge Way SW, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98106 i i I ~ 5/4/2011 ; GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE SMT RENOVATION APPLICANT'S NARRATIVE FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTAL 1. Introduction Greed River Community College (GRCC) is requesting a Variance for an existing 54,000 square foot building that is scheduled to be renovated. Various educational programs, including staff offices will occupy the building. The building exterior footprint will remain unchanged, while the interior of the building will be extensively. This document, which is required as part of the application for the requested Variance, contains the Applicant's explanation of the proposed changes and their respective compliance with the criteria set forth in the Variance Submittal Requirements. Green Rim- Community College The applicant, Green River Community College, is part of Washington State's system of thirty- four Community and Technical Colleges. The College is an agency of the State and is governed by a board of trustees. GRCC established its Auburn campus in 1966; it currently operates branch campuses in Kent and Enumclaw. It also operates a center in downtown Auburn. GRCC provides instruction in a variety of academic, professional and technical programs and provides continuing education. Enrollment at the Auburn campus is approximately 6,000 students and there are 729 employees, including 137 full-time faculty. The College campus was annexed to the City in 2008 along with the Lea Hill neighborhood. The SMT Renovation is one of the next critical components in the GRCC Facilities Master Plan. The Master Plan outlines the college's long term vision and ]low it will be achieved. The renovation will update instructional spaces, provide better circulation, and ultimately enhance the student experience. The renovated facility will match the quality of recently completed projects on campus, with an emphasis on sustainable features and energy conservation. Science Math Technology Building The Science/Math/Technology (SMT) Building is scheduled to be renovated iii 2012. The program developed for the SMT Renovation is the result of faculty input, programming meetings and S.M, STEMPER if ARCHITECTS 4000 Belridge Way SW • Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 • Fax (206) 624-2973 workshops. The stakeholders and design team endeavored to maintain the portions of the building that work well programmatically, while consolidating spaces and eliminating program fragmentation and resultant inefficiencies. Building entrances and circulation will be configured for wheelchair accessibility. hnfrastructure improvements will extend the service and program life of the building for another thirty-five years. Life safety benefits will include fire sprinklers, and a new fire alarm system to meet current jurisdictional requirements. The renovated facility will house the Math Division, Math Learning Center, Early Childhood Education, Natural Resources, Engineering, Design Technology, and nine general classrooms, Faculty Offices will be provided for all departments listed above, as well as offices for Work Force Education, and three Deans. Administrative support areas are included for faculty and staff. Two open study areas are included adjacent to building circulation. Site Plan & Building Concept The project is a comprehensive renovation of the 54,000 gsf building. The renovation will right- size instructional spaces, re-configure program areas, create smaller, less informal study spaces, and improve way finding. Right-sizing (enlarging space to current instructional and curricular standards) of the instructional and administrative spaces will result in program area needs that exceed the available space in the building. Building entrances and circulation will be configured for wheelchair accessibility. Infrastructure improvements will extend the service and program life of the building. Life safety benefits will include fire sprinklers, and a new fire alarm system to meet current code requirements. The College is proposing to move many of the infrastructure elements to a mechanical penthouse from the first floor level. By proving most of the infrastructure elements, such as mechanical systems, boilers, and chillers to the upper level of the building and providing a mechanical penthouse, the program space can be right-sized, while providing a more energy efficient building. Ali expanded entry volume on the north side brings together the entries on the first and second floors, providing a better physical and visual connection to the Science Center and Technology Center. New ADA compliant ramps and paths connect the fire lane / pedestrian pathway on the north side to both floors. A new roof structure over the existing creates a mechanical penthouse and will reduce maintenance for the Facilities staff and streamline the mechanical system. Skylights in the new roof and extensive glazing at the entry will open up the building circulation areas as well as bring more daylight into the building. The footprint of the existing SMT Building is approximately 18,000 square feet and will not be increased. Renovation design strategies were implemented that take advantage of the buildings existing S.M. STEMPER W ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Way SW • Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 9 Fax (206) 624-2973 structure. The existing structure consists of concrete beams, columns, and double T's which provide a great opportunity to relocate the building infrastructure to the roof of the building. The mechanical penthouse is crucial to the design of the building as it allows for the right-sizing of the program spaces, more energy efficient mechanical system to meet the Washington State Energy Codes and LEED Requirements, minimizes the impact to the surrounding environment. The mechanical penthouse increased the height of the building by approximately l2'-0". The current building elevation is approximately 48'-4" and the proposed maximum height is approximately 60'-6". These elevations are taken from the finish slab on grade level to the highest point of the building. However, the site topography has an elevation gain of approximately 10'-0" along the north and east elevations, resulting in an average maximum height for the proposed building of 55'-3". The roof structure consists of a typical 3:12 roof pitch with an offset gable, therefore decreasing the calculated height of the overall building. Per Auburn City Code the definitions of `Grade' and `Building Height' within the zoning code, the heights of the building are calculated along the center of the exterior walls of the building to the midpoint of the gable roof. Auburn City Code - 18.04.420 Grade. "Grade" means the average of the finished ground level at the center of all exterior walls of a building. In case walls are within five feet of a public sidewalk, alley or other public way, the grade shall be the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.) " Auburn City Code - 18.04.200 Building height. "Height of building" means the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs, and to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs. If structure has none of the above features then the height shall be measured from the finished grade to the highest portion of the structure." Figure 18.04.2000 within the Auburn City Code - shows that the building height for a gable/hip roof shall be determined from the mid span of the slope between the cave and ridge to the finish grade. Considering the grade changes along each elevation and modified gable roof we have calculated each elevation: South Elevation: Existing height: 48'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure) Proposed height: Midspan of gable= +/-51'-6" Lower cave height: 42'-6" Ridge Height: 60'-6" S.M. STEMPER ill ARCHITECTS 4000 Detridge Way SW • Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 + Fwx (206) 624-2973 North Elevation: Existing height: 43'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure and average grade ranges from 0'-0" to 10'-0", therefore we took mean of the two grades 5'-0") Proposed height: Midspan of gable = +/-45'-9" Lower cave height: 36'-4" Ridge Height: 53'-1" West Elevation: Existing height: 48'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure) Proposed height: Midspan of gable ~ +1-5 P-6" Lower eave height: 42'-6" Ridge Height: 60'-6" East Elevation: Existing height: 48'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure) Proposed height: Midspan of gable = +/-45'-9" Lower cave height: 36'-4" Ridge Height: 53'-1" In summary, the average height of the building per definitions described in the Auburn City Code equals 45'-9" + 5 P-6" / 2 49'-0" above the finish grade. The propose project will minimally exceed the development standards set forth in chapter Auburn City Code 18.44.050. II. Compliance with the Variance Criteria College facilities are permitted in the Institutional zoning district which has a current building height limit of forty-five feet. As referenced above we have determined the average height of the SMT Renovation to be 49'-0". We have provided a written description of the proposed changes and listed below you will see the responses to the requested criteria set forth in the Variance Submittal Requirements: a. That there are unique physical conditions inchicling narrowness or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to an inherent in the particular lot; and that, as a result of such unique physical conditions, practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships arise in complying with the provisions of the zoning code. The SMT Building is within the interior of the GRCC campus. Its programs are vital to the college, but since the programs are already contained within the building, renovating SNIT and the additional height increase will have no effect on site circulation and access, parking and loading. Its location on the interior of the campus negates any screening and buffering concerns. The building renovation will maintain the existing footprint; generate minimal noise or additional light. In general, the facility would not compromise the safety to people, properties or S.M. STEMPER 1111 ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Nay SW a Suite 200 • Seattle, NVA, 98106 (206) 624-2777 o Pax (206) 624-2973 improvements in the area. The unique topography of the site lends itself to higher building heights necessary to house the mechanical penthouse and thus provide a quality energy efficient building. The building and site are also buffered by dense trees and landscaping, which reduce the scale and appearance of the building. b. That, because of such physical conditions, the development of the lot in strict con foi nmh), with the zoning code will not alloii, a reasonable and harmonious use of such lot. The GRCC campus is currently designated as an educational institution per the `1' Institutional Use District. Given the existing 3-story structure, the 45'-0" height limit does not provide sufficient enough room for the proposed renovation. c. That the variance, if granted, will not alter the character of the neighborhood., or• be detrmrental to snrr-oundingproper•ties in ia,hich the lot is located. Recent carpus buildings, including the Science Center, Technology Center, Classroom Building, and the Holman Library, all have building heights of greater than 45'-0". The two closest building include the Science Center P-0" in maximum height) and the Technology Center (48'- 0" in maximum height). The site is interior to the campus, and surrounded by extensive vegetation, so the building will have minimal visibility on campus, and will not be seen from outside the campus boundary. The building height will not alter the character or be detrimental to the surrounding properties, but rather continue to improve the campus. d. That the special circianstances and conditions associated with the variance are not a result of the actions of the applicant or pr-evious owners. The current SNIT building already exceeds the Institutional zone height limit of the Auburn City Code, since the existing stair enclosure roof has a height of approximately 48'-0" above the finish grade. The existing mechanical equipment located on the first floor and within the utility enclosure west of SMT is in desperate need of replacement, due to its inefficiency, energy consumption, and noncompliance with the state energy code requirements. The need for an energy efficient mechanical system without impeding required program space resulted in a design that locates the mechanical systems including air handling units, chillers, and boilers, on the upper level (roof) of the building. The current mechanical room on the first level is not large enough to house the two new mechanical systems. The current mechanical room is approximately 1,600 SF, and the two new Air- Handling Units are about 1,200 SF total, not including the S.M. STEMPER i ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Way SW * Suile 200 * Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 * Fax (206) 624-2973 associated piping and required clearances for maintenance. The best solution is to locate the new equipment on the top level of the SMT building, allowing space for the associated components of the mechanical systems. The upper level of the building is 38'-9" above finish grade and the air handling unit is in height, therefore it exceeds the height limit when placed on the roof. This height does not include the necessary housekeeping pads, equipment rails and isolation pads that would ultimately raise the equipment even higher. These equipment heights are dictated by the manufacturer and not the design team or owner. To achieve performance criteria derived from the Washington State Energy Code and LEED requirements, some of the rooftop mounted equipment and associated components, including pumps, valves, piping, etc., needs to be protected from the elements. Exterior enclosure provided by the mechanical penthouse will lead to superior performance and longevity of the mechanical system. Locating the new mechanical equipment within the SMT penthouse will provide the new facility with energy efficient mechanical and plumbing systems, will minimize operating costs, will comply with the state energy code, and will comply with the state requirement for LEED silver designed public facilities. We have proposed a solution that responds to the current built environment and the campus requirements for an institutional use as described within the Auburn City Code. e. Literal interpretation of the provisions within the zoning code would deprive the applicant the rights commonly er joyed by other properties in the same zoning district. The literal interpretation of the zoning code, particularly 18.44.050, G, 3, limits the height of the building to 45 feet. Abiding to this one restriction as written within the Institutional Use District will deprive the college the right to provide a quality educational facility that is needed to maintain a successful institution. f. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the put pose of the zoning code and the zoning district in which the property is located. The intent of the Institutional District is to provide significant areas where educational, governmental, theological, recreational, cultural and other public and quasi-public uses are allowed (ACC 18.44.010). The zoning code identifies Colleges as conditionally permitted in the Institutional zone subject to an administrative use permit (ACC 18.44.025). The current height of the SMT building already exceeds the allowable height of 45'-0" per the zoning code. S.M. STEMPER ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Way SW a Suite 200 e Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 a Far (206) 624-2973 Therefore the impact to the campus, site and zoning district will not be compromised with the SMT Renovation as currently proposed. g. The variance will not allow an increase in the number of clrt,elling units permitted by the zoning cistrict. The proposed SMT Renovation addresses an existing educational facility. Dwelling units are not part of the building or project so no increase will result froin the project h. The authorization of such variance will not adversely affect the Comprehensive Plan. Authorization of the requested variance in building height will not affect the Comprehensive Plan, in large portion because the proposed SMT Renovation complies with the intent of the zoning code. There will be no change to the use, culture, or aesthetics of the site or surrounding neighborhoods. The renovation will only improve the use of the site and the college setting. V. Conclusion We request that the City of Auburn approve this height variance for the SMT Renovation, as the proposed design meets the intent of the institutional Use District, will enhance college campus, and will not affect surrounding neighborhoods or properties. The proposed SMT Renovation will provide Green River Community College a quality facility to serve its students and the community of Auburn. S.M. STEMPER ARCHITECTS 4000 Flelridge Way SW • Suite 200 o Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624.2777 • Fax (206) 624-2973 i ~ ~ . . RECEIVEDYP<f1 d --MO'1 . ~ AUBURN F MAR 16 2011 cmroFAUSURn, ~ ' WASI1[NGTON j~jp1t1l1l~BlC lj[ l11gRltiJl1 GOlltltfllillty DBjllll'1UtCitt ~ ( I , MASTERLiIND ZISEAPPLICITION-PLANNINGAPPLIC.4TIONS ~ I pro3ect lvame Green River CC - SMT Renovation Date March 16, 2011 Parce1 No(s) See Attached Site Address 12401 SE 320th ! Legal Descrlptlon (attaclied aepnrate sheet if necessary) SeB AttaChed AppHcant Name: Green River Communitv Colieqe - Sam Ball Maiting Address:12401 SE 320th St. Aubum. WA 98092 ~ Telephone and Fax: 253-288-3316. 206-288-3455 . j Emait: sbaii@greenriver.edu ~ Si ature• O`vner (if more than one attacli another sheet) Name: Green River Community College - Sam Ball Mailing Address:12401 SE 320th St, Auburn, WA 98092 Telephone and Fax: 253-288-3316. 206-288-3455 Emaii: sball@greenriver.edu Si nahire• Engineer/Architectiire/Otlier lvame:Wavne E. Johnson, S.M. StemperArchitects, P.L,L.C. Mailing.Address:4000 Delridge Way SW, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98106 Telephone and Fax: 206-624-2777, 206-624-2973 Email:wa ne smstem er.com Description of Proposed Action: Requesting a variance for the design & construction of SMT Renovation which exceeds the allowable building height of 45'-0". T e of A llcation Re uired Check all that A 1 Administrative Appeal* Rezone (site specific)* Area Wide Administrative Use Pernut* Short Plat Annexation* Special Exception* . Houndary Liae Adjustment Special Home Occupation Permit* Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Text or Map)* Substantial5horelina Development* , Conditional Use Permit* Surface Mining Permit* ~ Critical Areas Variance* Temporary Use Permit i Development Agreement* ✓ Variance* ; Environmental Review (SEPA)* '"Please note that public notification is ~ Final Plat required. A separate cost is charged ? Preliminary Plat* for the signs. City prepares signs but ; PIJD Site Plan Approval applicant responsible for sign posting. Reasonable Use Exce tion* I Page 1 of 2 ~ t1UBURN'k MURE TIiAN YOU IMAGINED . ; I, , . AUBURN'- WASHINGtON pJanning, Brtiltling, und Conrmunity Deparlniettt LE, TTCR FROM PRUPERTY UWNCR GRANTING AUTHQRIZATION TU ACT (A copy of this letter must be submitted for each property owner involved) I I, Sqm Ball , being duly sworn declare that 1 am the owner of the property ~ (PROPERTY OWNEEL). Ynvolved in the npplication. I hereby grant WaVne E. Johnson af S.M. Stemper ArChiteets, P.L.L.C. -to act ou iny behalf. 1 furtlier d.eclare that nil statements, answers, and infonnation herein submitted is in atl respccts truc tund correct to the bost of my kaowledge and belief. ~ ab ~ Signature Date V C'r' C...-ornrt-IcIl, ;4-1 Oolle~ / a740 / ~56 3v7U GtJ/4 Addrass Subscribed and sworn to before me this da L Notary Pubtic in and for the State of Washington, Residing at . Ekp~~,~l,s~ . a Q ~ UF . i . ; i I Page2of2 ~ AUBURN *n~ORE Tt-inra vou innnciNEo ` Green River Community College March 14, 2011 Legal description: W 112 , NE NW Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., Containing 16ON acres more or less, according to the government survey thereof. 162105 - 9006: 162105 6NE % of NW'/. 162105 - 9003:162105 3W V2 of NE Y less St Hwyless Co Rd & Less NP RIW 162105 - 9008: 162105 8S Y of NW'/ 162105 - 9047:162105 47 POR of NE % 16-21-05 DAF COMM at NW COR of NE % of SD SECTH SLY ALG W. - LN of SD SUBD 100 FT to TPOBTH CONT SLY ALG SD W LN 880 FT MIL to NWLY R/WOF PSH NO 2 TH SELY ALG R/W - LN 155 FT MIL to WLY R/WOF PSH #2 TH NE LY ALG SDRIW 610 FT MIL to HES 426 +10 TH NWLY 512 FT MIL to TPOB 162105 - 9026:162105 26GLS 1 & 5 TGW POR NW A OFSE % LY WLY of ST HWY #2 THIs 162105 - 9104:104N 310 FT of S 330 FT of E 358 FT of SW'/ of SDSEC TGW VAC SE 320t" ST also: - S'/ of S % of SE % of SD SEC LYING WLY OFWLY RIW LN PSH #2 Less PORTH of DAF COMM At NW COR of SD. - NE Y of NE % of SEC 16" SLY ALG W LN of SD SUBD100 FT to TPOB TH SELY ALGSD W LN 880 FT MIL to NWLY. - R/W of PSH #2 TH SELY ALG SDRW/W LN 155 FT MIL to R/WOF PSH #2 TH NELY ALG SD RIW610 FT MIL to HES 426 + 10". - NWLY 512 FT M/L to TPOB Parcel Number: 162105 - 9006 * Tax Assessor's Number 162105 -9003 162105 -9008 162105 -9047 162105 -9026 162105 -9104 Zoning: I - Institutional S. M. STEMPER ARCHITECTS 1 of 1 oom PAte I i ~ ~ GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE~~~~~e~~g~~ i SMT RENOVATION ~ APPLICANT'S NARRATIVE MaR 16 1011 CrTYC)FAUBURN FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTAL PPRNptTCENTER 1. Introduction Green River Community College (GRCG) is requesting a Variance for an existing 54,000 syuare foot building that is scheduled to be renovated. Various educational programs, ' e~'arg staff offices will , occupy the buiIding. The building exterior footprint will remain unchanged, wlule the interior of the g6lNCyes+-~f7 building will be extensively! This document, which is required as part of the application far the requested Variance, eontains the ApplicanYs explanation of the propQSed changes and their respective compliance with the criteria. set forth in the Variance Submittal Requirements. Green River Commuuity College The applicant, Green River Community College, is part of Washington Stabe's system of thirty- four Community and Technical Colleges. The College is an agency of the State and is governed by a board of hustees. GRCC established its Auburn carnpus in 1966; it currently oAerates branch campuses in Kent and Enumclaw. It also operates a center in downfown Auburn. GRCC provides instruction in a variety of academic, professional and technical programs and provides continuing educatian. Enrollment at the Auburn campus is approximately 6,000 students and there are 724 employees, including 137 full-time ( faculty. The College campus was annexed to the City in 2008 along with the Lea Hill neighborhood. The SMT Renovation is one of the next critical components in the GRCC Faciliries Master Plan. The Master Plan outlines the college's long term vision and how.it will be achieved. The renovation will update instructional spaces, provide better circulation, and ultimately enhance the student experience. The renovated facilitywill match the quality of recently completed projects on campus, with an emphasis on sustainable features and energy eunservation. Science Math Technology Building The Science/Math/Technology (SM'1) Building is scheduled to be renovated in 2012. The program developed for the SMT Renovation is the result of faculty input, pragramming meetings and S.M. STEMPER 0 ARCHITBCTS 4000 Dehidge SVay SN o Suite 200 * Seatqe, NA 98106 (206) 6242777 9 Fax (206) 624-2973 . I 1 ~ I workshops. The stakeholders and design team endeavored to maintain the portions of the building that work well programmatically, while consolidating spaces and eliminating program. fragmentation and resultant inefficiencies. Building entrances and circulation will be configured for wheelchair accessibility. Infrastructure improvements will extend the service and program life of the building for another thirty-five years. Life safety benefits will include fire sprinklers, and a new fire alarm system to meet current jurisdictional requirements. The renovated facility will house the Math Division, Math Learning Center, Early Childhood Education, Natural Resources, Engineering, Design Technology, and nine general classrooms. Faculty Offices will be provided for all departments listed above, as well as offices for Work Force Education, and three Deans. Administrative support areas are included for faculty and staff. Two open study areas are included adjacent to building circulation. Site Plan & Building Concept The project is a comprehensive renovation of the 54,000 gsf building. The renovation will right- size instructional spaces, re-configure program areas, create smaller, less informal study spaces, and improve way finding, Right-sizing (enlarging space to current instructional and curricular standards) of the instructional and administrative spaces will result in program area needs that exceed the available space in the building. Building entrances and circulation will be configured for wheelchair accessibility. Infrastructure improvements will extend the service and program life of the building. Life safety benefits will include fire sprinklers, and a new fire alarm system to meet current.code requirements. The College is proposing to move many of the infrastructure elements to a mechanical penthouse from the first floor level. By moving most of the infrastructure elements, such as mechanical systems, boilers, and chillers to the upper level of the building and providing a mechanical penthouse, the program space can be right-sized, while providing a more energy efficient building. An expanded entry volume on the north side brings together the entries on the first and second floors, providing a better physical and visual connection to the Science Center and Technology Center. New ADA compliant ramps and paths connect the fire lane / pedestrian pathway on the north side to both floors. A new roof structure over the existing creates a mechanical penthouse and will reduce maintenance for the Facilities staff and streamline the mechanical system. Skylights in the new roof and extensive glazing at the entry will open up the building circulation areas as well as bring more daylight into the building. The footprint of the existing SMT Building is approximately 18,000 square feet and will not be increased. Renovation design strategies were implemented that take advantage of the buildings existing S.M. STEMPER ■ ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Way SW • Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 • Fax (206) 624.2973 2 structure. The existing structure consists of concrete beams, columns, and double T's which provide a great opportunity to relocate the building infrastructure to the roof of the building. The mechanical penthouse is crucial to the design of the building as it allows for the right-sizing of the program spaces, more energy efficient mechanical system to meet the Washington State Energy Codes and LEED Requirements, minimizes the impact to the surrounding environment. The mechanical penthouse increased the height of the building by approximately 12'-0". The current building elevation is approximately 48'-4" and the proposed maximum height is approximately 60'-6". These elevations are taken from the finish slab on grade level to the highest point of the building. However, the site topography has an elevation gain of approximately 10'-0" along the north and east elevations, resulting in an average maximum height for the proposed building of 55'-3". The roof structure consists of a typical 3:12 roof pitch with an offset gable, therefore decreasing the calculated height of the overall building. Per Auburn City Code the definitions of `Grade' and `Building Height' within the zoning code, the heights of the building are calculated along the center of the exterior walls of the building to the midpoint of the gable roof. Auburn City Code -18.04.420 Grade. "Grade" means the average of the finished ground level at the center of all exterior walls of a building. In case walls are within five feet of a public sidewalk, alley or other public way, the grade shall be the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way. (Ord. 6245 § 3, 2009; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.) " Auburn City Code -18.04.200 Building height. "Height of building" means the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs, and to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs. If structure has none of the above features then the height shall be measured from the finished grade to the highest portion of the structure." Figure 18.04.2000 within the Auburn City Code shows that the building height for a gable/hip roof shall be determined from the mid span of the slope between the eave and ridge to the finish grade. Considering the grade changes along each elevation and modified gable roof we have calculated each elevation: South Elevation: Existing height: 48'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure) Proposed height: Midspan of gable = +1-51'-6" Lower eave height: 42'-6" Ridge Height: 60'-6" S.M. STEMPER ■ ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Way SW • Suite 200 • Seattle, wA 98106 (206) 624-2777 • Fax (206) 624-2973 3 North Elevation; Existing height: 43'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure and average grade ranges from 0'-0" to 10'-0", therefore we took mean of the two grades 5'-0") Proposed height: Midspan of gable - +/-45'-9" Lower eave height: 36'-4" Ridge Height: 53'-1" Nest Elevation: Existing height: 48'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure) . Proposed height: Midspan of gable = +/-51'-6" Lower eave height: 42'-6" Ridge Height: 60'-6" East Elevation: Existing height: 48'-4" above grade at center of building. (Flat mansard roof with stair enclosure) Proposed height: Midspan of gable = +/-45'-9" Lower eave height: 36'-4" Ridge Height: 53'-1" In summary, the average height of the building per definitions described in the Auburn City Code equals 45'-9" + 5 P-6" / 2 = 49'-0" above the finish grade. The propose project will minimally exceed the development standards set forth in chapter Auburn City Code 18.44.050. II. Compliance with the Variance Criteria College facilities are permitted in the Institutional zoning district which has a current building height limit of forty-five feet. As referenced above we have determined the average height of the SMT Renovation to be 49'-0". We have provided a written description of the proposed changes and listed below you will see the responses to the requested criteria set forth in the Variance Submittal Requirements: a. That there are unique physical conditions including narrowness or shallowness of lot size or shape, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to an inherent in the particular lot; and that, as a result ofsuch unique physical conditions, practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships arise in complying with the provisions of the zoning code. The SMT Building is within the interior of the GRCC campus. Its programs are vital to the college, but since the programs are already contained within the building, renovating SMT and the additional height increase will have no effect on site circulation and access, parking and loading. Its location on the.interior of the campus negates any screening and buffering concerns. The building renovation will maintain the existing footprint; generate minimal noise or additional light. In general, the facility would not compromise the safety to people, properties or S.M. STEMPER ■ ARCHITECTS 4000 Belridge Way SW • Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 • fax (206) 624-2973 4 i ~ i improvements in the area. The unique topography of the site lends itself to higher building I i heights necessary to house the mechanical penthouse and thus provide a quality energy efficient ' building. The building and site are also buffered by dense hee"s and landscaping, which reduce the ~ , scale and appearance of the building. i i b. Tliat, I1EC111/SB OrSllCll jJJJ~SICQI COIIlIt /IOIIS, the development of t11e lot in slrict confornriry tivitJi the ~ . I . zonixg code tivill nat allow a r•easoirable aiicl lranttoiiious «se ofstrclt lot. ! ~ ; The GRCC campus is cuiTently designated as an educational institution per the `I' Institutional . ~ ~ Use District, Given the existing 3-story shucture, the 45'-0" height limit does nat provide ~ sufficient-owmighroom for the proposed renovation. c. That the varla►tce, if grai:ted, will not alter tlre clraracter of tlie neiglrborhood, or be detri»:ental to sin•rotmding properties in svhicl: tlre lot is locatecl. Recent campus buildings, including the Science Center, Technology Center, Classroom Building, and the Holman Library, all have building heights of greater than 45'-0". The two closest building5include the Science Center (71'-0" in maximum height) and the Technology Center (48'- 0" in maximum height). The site is interior to the campus, and surrounded by extensive vegetation, so the building will Iiave minimal visibility on campus, and tivill not be seen from outside the campus boundary. The building height will not alter the character or be detrimental to the surrounding properties, but rather continue to improve the campus. d. Tliat tjie special circro►rstances aird corrditions associuterl ivith tlie variaiice are not cr ieserlt of the actioirs of tlre apptica►at ar previous otivners. The variance requested fQr the SMT Renovation is a direct result of the improvement made to an . existing buitding that is lacking in the correct size of program space, insufficient infrastructure, and inefficient energy systems. The propased is a result of each improving a facility that has exceeded its operational and effecrive life span. We have proposed a solution that responds to the current built environment and the campus requirements for an institutional use as described within the Auburn City Code. ' e. Lfteral interpretatfott of the provisiorrs within the zoniitg evde 1vailct deprive the crpplicaut tlre riglrts ' connnonly ei joyed by otlrer properties in tlte same zoning district. , i , . ~ S.M. STEMPER 0 ARCHITECTS . . ~ 4000 Detddge 1Vay S1V • Suite 200 • SeatUc, tVA 98106 ~ , (206) 624-2777 9 Fax (206) 6242973 ' 5 ' ; i The literal interpretation of the zoning code, particularly 18.44.050, G, 3, limits the height of the building to 45 feet. Abiding to this one restriction as written within the Institutional Use District will deprive the college the right to provide a quality educational facility that is needed to maintain a successful institution, f. The approval of the variance will be consistent with the purpose of the zoning code and the zoning district in which the property is located. The intent of the Institutional District is to provide significant areas where educational, governmental, theological, recreational, cultural and other public and quasi-public uses are allowed (ACC 18.44.010). The zoning code identifies Colleges as conditionally permitted in the Institutional zone subject to an administrative use permit (ACC 18.44.025). The current height of the SMT building already exceeds the allowable height of 45'-0" per the zoning code. Therefore the impact to the campus, site and zoning district will not be compromised with the SMT Renovation as currently proposed. g. The variance will not allow an increase in the number of dwelling units permitted by the zoning district. The proposed SMT Renovation addresses an existing educational facility. Dwelling units are not part of the building or project so no increase will result from the project h. The authorization ofsuch variance will not adversely affect the Comprehensive Plan. Authorization of the requested variance in building height will not affect the Comprehensive Plan, in large portion because the proposed SMT Renovation complies with the intent of the zoning code. There will be no change to the use, culture, or aesthetics of the site or surrounding neighborhoods. The renovation will only improve the use of the site and the college setting. V. Conclusion We request that the City of Auburn approve this height variance for the SMT Renovation, as the "Tit-F- proposed design meets the intent of the Institutional Use District, will enhance college campus, and will not affect surrounding neighborhoods or properties. The proposed SMT Renovation will provide Green River Community College a quality facility to serve its students and the community of Auburn. S.M. STEMPER ■ ARCHITECTS 4000 Delridge Way SW • Suite 200 s Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 624-2777 • Fax (206) 624-2973 6 a sns aE 64Z-600Z 'ON 103('Odd NOiONIHSHM d0 3H1S Z w F'r c_c ~ a~ ,w.. =o C z w3 •'g _ 669£-Z6086 HM'Mjnsrv '1S HlOZ£ 3S WVZ1 jj' $ s C ® H h a~ ~q 3031100 AlINf1WWO0 213AN N33N9 = a> 3 O > max, ~ Zw n NOIIVAON921 1WS a g w _ o- _ o- _ o o- a- _ o- o- o- o- W 0 a a Z 0 r w O Z~ Q-- 0 x w z 0 w xq K O- Z@ 6bZ-600Z'ON 10-IrC6d NOlJNIHSVAA d0 aViS = r w e-a c/61 669~Z6086 bM'N21f19fIH "1S H10ZE 3S t•04Z~ 30311001.11N(1WW002i3/U8 N33L1`J C; ~ g ~ N J a N dF NOLLVAON3?J LWS 5 o W o-- o- o--- o- o- o-- o- o- o- 0 o- 0 a O K a 0 o- W 2q O- Z X W z 0 W H ? O a F'S C~6 W F~,~E2 im ~Ci€F {5 S ~ r 0-- I I I 62-602 'ON i03('OHd NOi'ONIHSVM dO 3iViS 669E Z6086 VM'N8nenv'--LS HiOZ£ 3S L04ZL 353-1103 AliNnWWOo 2J3M:l N3MIS NOIIVAON92J INS I I i 'I ~ i I j I I ~I I 1 I I I ~In ~ $IS N a a Z 0 a w w a 0 0 0 0 0 _ ua 3 1' Q W j W 3 W C N O O K a 0 w 4 ~.a w F raj 67Z-6002 'ON 1O3M0 dd NOiCW-S /M 3o 31V-LS _ ®w E-•~' ggd: 669£-26086 VM'N21f18f1V "1S H10Z£ 35 LObZI zj 2xg 3E)TI-100"Nf1WWoo 2:BAN N33HO 43 a rtw NOIIVAON321 1WS o ` ~ a € ~ ~ [4c //fl~~l\ 1`I o~i 1 /I l l .e CSI I nl - LL _ o o - - (n Z i I v ° - i 95 a J~ U ~ p Q b ~ 3uan 3a1~ oniHada on 3rlrl 3NI3 3dI81S 31'.HM / N /j ry~ v s "'J' I sa\~~ re \ it i'I w z ~ i 5 QQ~ ~ m ~'.o2n o 1j ~ U a / °Q L ( x ( ~ ~ O~ `may .iS\J\o ~z 1 I ezs n 3 i` czr a Uiur5 6bZ-6003'ON 1OTOdd NOISNIHSVM J0 31V1S z Z F M; k; n 669£-Z6086 VW N2lnenv "1S H10Z£ 3S Wt ZL `x y w o a 3031100 AlINf1WWO0 iJ3AR3 N33TJS '5> 3 a0 NOliVAON=N lWS I ~ L I ! L) Elo q =mnz R. -A i / ~ ~ YGfo I \ l I / / y \ \ , I a t-i ! 6 a98i';!° ~9Bti93RL! ilpia i! '11!' ~~=!i'sits'L..sI.III~Ile11449P~ai....Bo,__o!ip I ~ ~ i , I i I , ; * C1TY OT * * ~ Peter B . Lewis, Mayor ~ ADBURK ~ WASHINGTON 25 West Main Strest * Aubum WA 98001-4948 * www:aubumwa.gov * 253-931-3000 ; ; NOTICE OFAPPLICAT/ON ~~bot j,1 ; & •.~~:~~~r ofFage 6.~ ; i PUBLIC NEARING PUBLIC HEARING: May 18, 2011 at 5:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AUBURN CITY HALL APPLICATION REQUESTED: VARIANCE APPLtCATION NUMBER & NAME: VAR11-0002 / Green River Community College height variance APPLICANT: Sam Ball, Green River Community Cotlege PROPERTY LOCATION: The subject property is 12401 SE 320th Street PARCEL NUMBER: 1621059006 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a Variance to Aubum City Code (ACC) Section 18.44.050.G.3 to allow a 80' tall building in the Institutional (t) zoning district. The applicant requests the variance as necessary to house . needed mechanical upgrades to the buiiding. AUBURN CONTACT: APPLICATION FILED: March 16,2011 Hillary Taylor, Senior Pianner COMPLETE APPLICATION: April 1, 2011 htaylor@aubumwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION: May 3, 2011 253-288-7412 STUDIES SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATON: None OTHER PERMITS AND PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: None - STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY AND LIST OF APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: This project is subject to and shall be consistent wifh the City of Auburn Zoning Cade, Surtace and Stormwater Management Ordinance, Street Standards, International Buiiding Code and Intemational Fire Code. Citizens with speech, sight or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this hearing should contact the City of Auburn within 14 ca(endar days prior to the meeting as to the type of service or equipment needed. Each request wifl be considered individually according to the type of request, the availabllity of resources, and the financial ability of the City to provide the requested services or equipment. ~ PUBLIC GOMMENT PERIOD: Yau are invited to comment, request a copy of the decision, when available, and be made aware of any appeal rights. Comments must be received withln 15 days of this notice or by May 18, 2017 in writing by the Planning and Development Department at the mailina address: 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001-4898, or delivered to the Planning and Development Department located on the 2"d floor of the One Main Street Building across from City Hall, or via email at htavloraauburnwa.qov. If you call or write, please reference File No. VAR11-0002 i t ; ; i ~ AUBURN*MORE THAN YOU iMAGINED i CIITTYTOF V B WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF APPLICATION and/or NOTICE OF HEARING Application No.: VAR11-0002 Applicant: GRCC Location: Parcel 162105-9006 12401 SE 3201" ST Date of Notice of Application: May 3, 2011 Date of Notice of Public Hearing: May 3, 2011 Date of Hearing: May 18, 2011 I certify that on 513111 1 sent the: X Notice of Application, (within 14 days after the application was determined complete ACC 14.07.020 and a minimum of 15 days prior to a scheduled open hearing per ACC14.07.030), And/Or, X Notice of Public Hearing, (a minimum of 10 days prior to a scheduled open hearing ACC 18.66.110 and 130). The notice for the above referenced application was mailed to all property owners located within 300 feet of the Subject Property. Said Notice was mailed pre-paid stamped through the United States Postal Service. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Darcie Hanson Administrative and Business Services Manager Planning and Development Department 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 931-3090 www.auburnwa.gov httpalauburnspldeptslpddladminlNOTICE of APPLICATION and HEARING FORMS!"Mailing Affidavit NOA NOH - Radius DOC Revised: 6130110