HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-2006 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jim Kelly called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Conference Room located at Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street in Auburn. Chair Kelly and the following Board members were present: Chair Pro Tem Bud Larson (member-at-Iarge), Member Roger Thordarson, Member Rich Wagner, and Member Russ Vandver. Also present were Board Attorney Joseph Beck and Board Secretary Danielle Daskam. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes of the March 7. 2006 ReQular LEOFF Board MeetinQ Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to approve the March 7, 2006 minutes as distributed. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. PendinQ Disabilitv Leave/Retirement Applications 1 . Russ Vandver Effective Date of Disability: November 1, 2005 Last Day of Service: October 31, 2005 On November 1, 2005, the LEOFF Board approved disability leave for Mr. Vandver effective November 1, 2005 with last day of service on October 31, 2005. Mr. Vandver's disability leave will conclude May 1, 2006. Mr. Vandver submitted a physician's report from his attending physicians Dr. William Williard dated March 23, 2006, and Dr. Andy Sands dated March 27, 2006, which were included in the agenda packet, together with Mr. Vandver's medical record to date and the position description for Fire Chief. Also distributed during the meeting was a letter from Assistant Fire Chief Stan Laatsch dated March 30, 2006 regarding Fire Chief Russ Vandver. Fire Chief Vandver addressed the Board. He reviewed the history of his illness, the diagnoses, and the treatment thus far and LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 1 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 2 anticipated future treatment. Mr. Vandver stated that he had asked Assistant Fire Chief Stan Laatsch, who he has known and worked with over the past thirty years, to provide the Board with a letter relating his knowledge of Mr. Vandver's health. Chair Kelly noted that at the last meeting, the Board elected to not send Mr. Vandver to the Board physician, but instead acquire written documentation from Mr. Vandver's attending physicians. The attending physician reports are included in the agenda packet. Chair Kelly reviewed Sections 4.02 and 4.03 of the LEOFF Board Policies and Procedures Manual regarding granting disability retirement. Board members discussed the presumption of occupation of disease for fire fighters pursuant to RCW 51.32.185 and its applicability to Mr. Vandver's disability application. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to grant Mr. Russ Vandver disability retirement effective May 1, 2006 with last day of disability leave on April 30, 2006. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to find that Mr. Vandver's disabilities, as diagnosed by the treating physicians, Dr. Andy Sands and Dr. William Williard, were incurred in the line of duty. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to find that Mr. Vandver's disabilities were not incurred in other employment. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to find that Mr. Vandver would not be able to return to duty as Fire Chief, pursuant to the medical evidence on record. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4,2006 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to instruct the Attorney and Secretary to draft the appropriate decision and order before April 30, 2006 for signature by Board members. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. B. Medical/HearinQNision Claims 1 . Russ Vandver Claim for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred on January 31, 2006 in the amount of $120.00 On March 7, 2006, the LEOFF Board tabled the above claim pending receipt of the Regence explanation of benefits statement. No new information was received. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to table Mr. Vandver's claim until the next Board meeting. Mr. Vandver advised that his medical provider billed the insurance company and an explanation of benefits statement is anticipated. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Disabilitv Leave/Retirement Applications No new application for disability leave/retirement was received. B. Appeals/Requests for Reconsideration No appeal or request for reconsideration was filed. C. Medical/HearinQNision Claims 1. Jim Kellv Regence explanation of benefits statement claim #0604432622900 in the amount of $25.04 for services received on February 9, 2006 and processed by Regence on March 1, 2006. Chair Kelly relinquished the chair to Chair Pro Tem Larson prior to consideration of Mr. Kelly's claim. LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 3 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 - 10:00 AM - Council Conference Room Motion by Member Vandver, second by Member Thordarson to approve Mr. Kelly's claim in the amount of $25.04. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Mr. Kelly abstained. Chair Pro Tem Larson returned the Chair to Mr. Kelly. 2. Russ Vandver a. Regence explanation of benefits statement claim #0602032514800 in the amount of $20.11 for services received on December 16, 2005 and processed by Regence on February 1, 2006; and Regence explanation of benefits statement claim #0603732833300 in the amount of $103.51 for services received on November 16, 2005 and processed by Regence on February 22, 2006 for a total claim of $123.62. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to approve the claim in the total amount of $123.62. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. b. Regence explanation of benefits statement claim #0605933870800 in the amount of $160.65 for services received on February 16, 2006 and processed by Regence on March 15, 2006. Motion by Member Thordarson, second by Chair Pro Tem Larson to approve the claim in the amount of $160.65. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. Member Vandver abstained. 3. Bruce Caldwell Regence explanation of benefits statement claim #0605532521700 in the amount of $48.23 for services received on February 21, 2006 and processed by Regence on March 15, 2006. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to approve Mr. Caldwell's claim in the amount of $48.23. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 4 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room 4. Richard Husebv Request for reimbursement of vision expenses (lenses & frames) incurred on February 9, 2006 in the amount of $119.98. (Mr. Huseby has not received vision expense reimbursement in Jhe last year.) Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by member Thordarson to approve Mr. Huseby's claim in the amount of $119.98. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. 5. Rav OQden Mr. Ogden has submitted letters from Public Healthcare Services District #3 dated March 7, 2006, and OceanView Convalescent Center dated March 23, 2006 for pre-approval of assisted living expenses under the Board's skilled nursing home or home health care policy. Mr. Ogden is not enrolled in the City's long-term health care insurance as he was not eligible at the time of enrollment. Board members reviewed Mr. Ogden's letters from Public Healthcare Services and OceanView Convalescent. Board members noted there were no details on the cost of Mr. Huseby's proposed assisted living arrangements. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to table Mr. Ogden's request pending the receipt of additional information including the fiscal impact and the specific medical necessity. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. 6. Bruce Caldwell The following claim was added as an agenda modification. Regence explanation of benefits statement claim #060033297300 in the amount of $48.23 for services received on December 21, 2005 and processed by Regence on January 11, 2006. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Thordarson to approve Mr. Caldwell's claim in the amount of $48.23. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 5 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 - 10:00 AM - Council Conference Room D. Discussion 1. Policv and Procedure Manual Review LEOFF Board members reviewed the following proposed amendments to the LEOFF Board Policy and Procedure Manual: . Policy 1.11 (E)( 1) delete the word "and" at the end of the first line of the paragraph. . Amend Policy 3.05, second paragraph, to read as follows: All law enforcement officers and firefighters who qualify for disability leave mavare encouraged to use department sick leave, if available, until the City of Auburn LEOFF Board meets at its regularly scheduled meeting and has reviewed and approved the application for disability leave. Sick leave is not reimbursed upon approval of disabilitv leave. . Amend Policy 8.02(0) to read as follows: Dental expenses '.viII not be considered necessary medical services except in those circumstances where they are incurred by a member who sustains an accidental injury to his/her teeth and commenced treatment within ninety (90) days after the accident, unless said treatment can be justified by the 'Nay of curing or correcting an existing health problem (See also section 8.03{B}). Dental Expenses: The Board recognizes that there is an increasinQ amount of medical evidence to support the assertion that poor dental health can result in a wide variety of other medical problems. Therefore, the following dental benefits are provided: 1) Dental charQes incurred bv a member who sustains an accidental injury to his or her teeth shall be paid. 2) The expense of one (1) general dental checkup each year will be covered for each member up to an annual maximum amount of $101.00. 3) No more than two (2) dental cleaninqs each year will be covered for a member. unless it is determined. in the discretion of the Board, that a more frequent cleaning schedule is medically necessary in a particular case or for a particular member. Routine LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 6 City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 - 10:00 AM - Council Conference Room LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 7 c1eanings will be reimbursed at an annual maximum amount of $192.00. 4) Dental expenses incurred by a member for routine dental and periodontal work must be medically necessary and receive prior approval of the Board. 5) No dental expenses incurred bv a member for dental services or work which is purelv cosmetic in nature will be approved or paid, except in unusual circumstances, and then only with the prior written approval of the Board and based upon medical necessitv. 6) Dental expenses incurred bv a member for teeth whiteninq will not be approved. 7) Dentures may be approved; however. prior authorization by the Board is required. Dentures will be reimbursed to a maximum amount of $1.387.00 per plate. . Amend Policy 8.03(B) regarding dental charges as follows: Dental charges incurred by a member 'Nho sustains an accidental injury to his/her teeth and 'Nho commences treatment by a legally licensed dentist '.vithin ninety (90) days after the accidentDental expenses as identified in Policv 8.02(0); . Amend Policy 8.03(B) regarding nursing home confinement to read as follows: Nursing home confinement or hospital care extended facility (see policv 9.04 and 9.05); . Amend Policy 9.04(0) to read as follows: D. All charges must be submitted to the appropriate insurance carriers, Medicare, Medicaid or other available long-term care insurance before submission to the Board. The Board may reduce the amount of reimbursement for skilled nursing facility care by the amount a LEOFF I member receives from these other sources. Additionallv, if an eliqible member elects to not subscribe or participate in a City-provided lonq- term care insurance plan, benefits under this section may be reduced or rejected. City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 - 10:00 AM - Council Conference Room LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 8 . Amend Policy 9.05(A) to add the following item: 9. If an eliqible member elects to not subscribe or participate in a City-provided home health care insurance plan or long-term care insurance plans that provides home health care benefits. benefits under this section may be reduced or rejected. . Amend Policy 9.01 (E) to reflect the current meeting day as follows: E. Submit the claim with the above information to your LEOFF Representative by the last Tuesday of the month. LEOFF Board agendas are prepared the last Wednesday of the month and mailed to each Board member at their last address of record. Any claims submitted after that date will be held until the next regularly scheduled LEOFF Board meeting, the first Monday Tuesdav of each month. . Amend Policy 9.02(C)(1), (2) and (3) (reimbursement rates) as follows: C. Vision Benefits Payments for eyeglasses and contact lenses, plus the reasonable costs of necessary eye examination services of a licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist, will be approved pursuant to the authority granted to the Board under RCW 41.26.150, if eyeglasses are prescribed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. The Board will approve payment for one pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses, at the member's option or as prescribed, to correct vision when required for a new prescription in accordance with the following schedule: 1. EveQlass Lenses and Frames: $~225.00 maximum per single set of frames and pair of lenses not more than once every twelve (12) consecutive months. Lenses covered include single vision, bifocal, or trifocal lenses. City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 -10:00 AM - Council Conference Room LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 9 2. Second Pair: A second pair of monofocal (i.e. computer) glasses shall be approved only if prescribed by an ophthalmologist or licensed optometrist. The maximum cost of the second pair shall not exceed $WG-225 per single set of frames and pair of lenses not more than once in a twenty- four (24) consecutive months. 3. Contact Lenses: $WQ125.00 per lens not to exceed $;w.Q-250 maximum during any twelve (12) month period including disposable contact lenses. . Amend Policy 9.02(D) laser vision correction reimbursement rate as follows: D. Laser Vision Correction The Board will reimburse the member the amount of $700 per eye for Radial Keratotomy (RK) surgery or laser eye surgery (LASIK and RK). If a member is reimbursed the $+00-725 per eye for the surgery, he or she will not be reimbursed for eyeglasses or contact lenses during the subsequent two calendar years, unless eyeglasses or contact lenses are medically necessary. . Appendix A and the manual's cover page will be amended to reflect the current membership and member information. . Incorporate amendments to Policy 8.03(B) and Policy 9.01 (I) adopted during 2005. Motion by Chair Pro Tem Larson, second by Member Vandver to approve the foregoing amendments to the LEOFF Board Policy and Procedure Manual. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. City of Auburn Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board Tuesday April 4, 2006 - 10:00 AM - Council Conference Room v. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. 0J APPROVED THE if . DAY OF MAY, 2006. QQAM~ k~~/ Jim Kelly, Chair JJ~~ Danielle Daskam, Secretary LEOFF Board Minutes April 4, 2006 Page 10