HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-2012White River Valley Historical Society Board Meeting Minutes April 18, 2012, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Muckleshoot Room, White River Valley Museum Board Members Present: Cam Cutler, Megan Evans, Kelly Gordon, Gerry Honeysett, Rhonda Larson, loan Mason, Kim Perry, Mark Thomason, Mike Weibel Board Members Excused: Jamie Bothell, Julie Herren, Mike Miller Board Members Absent: Richard Artura, Pat Cavanaugh, Ken Nelson Staff Present: Kristen Bruhahn, Rachael Burrum, Patricia Cosgrove, Erin Hash Call To Order, Introductions, Approval of Minutes President Megan Evans asked board members to introduce themselves by sharing a little known fact about themselves. Minutes of the March meeting were reviewed, Cam Cutler made a motion followed by Gerry Honeysett to accept the minutes as written, Motion Passed. Rachael Burrum introduced board members to the museum's Facebook account and asked each board member that uses Facebook to Like the museum and Recommend it to their friends and family. Board President Report President Evans reviewed of Museum Calendar making note of the upcoming exhibit opening and reminded board members to bring a guest to that event. Patricia Cosgrove filled in for Chair of the Long Range Planning Task Force, Julie Herren. She posed the question: how do you see this institution developing over the next five years? Answers included 1) Seeking broader visibility through signage; work with other community groups such as the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce; and perhaps using banners in downtown. 2) Board members considered the value of strengthening ties with community groups in general, but in particular the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. 3) They wondered if staffing and resources could be arranged to support facility rentals at the Mary Olson Farm. III. Committees A. Treasurer Jamie Bothell was absent, so Bookkeeper and Administrative Assistant Kristen Bruhahn reviewed the First Quarter Financial Report which showed a greater positive balance of earnings over expenses than at this time last year. Cosgrove described a new opportunity to save on energy costs through a Puget Sound Energy Rebate Program that will help cover costs of replacing over- heating Halogen lamps used in the permanent exhibits and retrofitting some T -12 flourescent fixtures in the storage area with more efficient T -8s. B. Chair Kim Perry reviewed progress being made planning for the Halloween Costume Ball. The event is being restructuring to lessen costs and make it more of a party by diminishing the program aspect of the evenin. It will be held on October 27 at the Truit Building. All board and staff will be involved with decorations. The following board members have agreed to head up these areas of the event: Sponsorships, Cam Cutler and Richard Artura; Printed Program, Megan Evans; Silent Auction, Kelly Gordon; Ticket Sales, Joan Mason and Jan Cavanaugh. IV. Staff Report Staff members asked Guest Curator and Board Member Mark Thomason to give the board a rousing preview of the exhibit he is developing called Stills in the Hills: Homebrewed Hooch in the Age of Prohibition. Mark's enthusiasm caught the interest of the whole board as he described some of the research he has been conducting. We look forward to this exhibit opening in August. V. President Evans adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m. Next Board Meeting: May 16, 2012, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Muckleshoot Room, White River Valley Museum