HomeMy WebLinkAboutWest Valley Hwy at SR 18 EB Ramps 2009 TMCPrepared for: The City of Auburn
Traffic Count Consultants, Inc.
Phone: (425) 861-8866 FAX: (425) 861-8877 E-Mail: TC2inc@aol.com
Intersection:West Valley Hwy @ SR 18 EB Ramps Date of Count:Wed 4/01/09
Location:Auburn Checked By:LBP
Time From North on (SB)From South on (NB)From East on (WB)From West on (EB)Interval
IntervalWest Valley Hwy West Valley Hwy SR 18 EB Ramps SR 18 EB Ramps Total
7:15 A92360110113540000658069332
7:30 A33400601375900001354070363
7:45 A354701601425500001155186391
8:00 A58530110155480000855084403
8:15 A52480120140640000530077361
8:30 A484901201136400001338081353
8:45 A83680150113640000925069342
9:00 A6105602101334700001321063330
9:15 A00000000000000000
9:30 A00000000000000000
9:45 A00000000000000000
10:00 A00000000000000000
Peak Hour:7:15 AM to 8:15 AM
%HV 7.8%5.6%n/a7.2%6.5%
West Valley Hwy
0 Bike
SR 18 EB Ramps 18818 0Ped SR 18 EB Ramps
Bike 0 245
512 194 0 Bike
5121 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM 0Ped 245
PEDs across:NSEW Ped0 574226 1612 1.0 PHF Peak Hour Volume
INT 01 0Bike 0 PHF %HV
INT 02 0 EB 0.90 7.2%
INT 03 0 505800 Check WB n/a n/a
INT 04 0 In:1518 NB 0.98 5.6%
INT 05 No Peds0 1305Out:1518 SB 0.84 7.8%
INT 06 0 West Valley Hwy Intersection 0.94 6.5%
INT 07 0 Bicycles From:NSEW
INT 08 0 INT 01 0Special Notes:
INT 09 0 INT 02 0
INT 10 0 INT 03 0
INT 11 0 INT 04No Bikes 0
INT 12 0 INT 05 0
00000 INT 06 0
INT 07 0
INT 08 0
00000 TM099a09005
Prepared for: The City of Auburn
Traffic Count Consultants, Inc.
Phone: (425) 861-8866 FAX: (425) 861-8877 E-Mail: TC2inc@aol.com
Intersection:West Valley Hwy @ SR 18 EB Ramps Date of Count:Wed 5/20/09
Location:Auburn Checked By:LBP
Time From North on (SB)From South on (NB)From East on (WB)From West on (EB)Interval
IntervalWest Valley Hwy West Valley Hwy SR 18 EB Ramps SR 18 EB Ramps Total
4:15 P61615404012869000019140165546
4:30 P71815704011186000012162159549
4:45 P8816304013887000012210116533
5:00 P811174070996000015152138445
5:15 P4111460401105800001282173508
5:30 P3111680309894000013160167554
5:45 P341540201228700008102140519
6:00 P39155060975700006101149478
6:15 P00000000000000000
6:30 P00000000000000000
6:45 P00000000000000000
7:00 P00000000000000000
Peak Hour:4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
%HV 4.1%2.6%n/a9.0%5.1%
West Valley Hwy
1 Bike
SR 18 EB Ramps 0 64853 0Ped SR 18 EB Ramps
0 Ped0 00
Bike 0 0 305
648 66 0 Bike
6484 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 0Ped 305
PEDs across:NSEW Ped0 0 476248 2216 1.0 PHF Peak Hour Volume
INT 01 0Bike 0 PHF %HV
INT 02 0 EB 0.91 9.0%
INT 03 0 1226724 Check WB n/a n/a
INT 04 0 In:2073 NB 0.80 2.6%
INT 05 No Peds0 1950Out:2073 SB 0.95 4.1%
INT 06 0 West Valley Hwy Intersection 0.94 5.1%
INT 07 0 Bicycles From:NSEW
INT 08 0 INT 01 0Special Notes:
INT 09 0 INT 02 0Weather Sunny
INT 10 0 INT 031 1WB right HVs had to turn into oncoming
INT 11 0 INT 04 0 traffic lanes to execute turns
INT 12 0 INT 05 0If unable to use the NB oncoming lane,
00000 INT 061 1 HVs had to allow the EB right turners
INT 07 0 in the right, right tun lane to clear to
INT 08 0 avoid squeezing them into the ditch.
20002 TM099p09005