HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL RFP.pdf              City of Auburn    Management of   Municipal Airport    Request for Proposals  April 2013                                      City of Auburn  Management of Municipal Airport  Request for Proposal              Table of Contents      Description       Page    Request for Proposal ........................................................................................ 1  Airport Working Capital 2010‐2012 Actual;                                                                                                        2013‐2014 Budget ........................................................................................ 6  Auburn Municipal Airport Rules & Regulations ................................................. 7  Auburn Municipal Airport Minimum Operating Standards .............................. 37  Lease Inventory .............................................................................................. 60  Aerial Photo and Building Legend ................................................................... 61  Photos (Fueling Station, Wash Rack, Hangars) ................................................ 62                      City of Auburn  Management of Municipal Airport  Request for Proposal  I.  PURPOSE OF REQUEST  The City of Auburn is requesting proposals for airport management services at the Auburn  Municipal Airport.  The City’s needs are outlined in the following Request for Proposal (“RFP”).    II.  TIME SCHEDULE  The following time schedule is an approximate guide to the process and the accompanying  dates, which should result in the implementation of contract for management services at the  airport.     Issue RFP       April 15‐26, 2013   Deadline for Submittal of Proposals    June 28, 2013   Interview with Selected Proposers    July 16, 2013   Preliminary Selection of Firm     July 19, 2013    Final selection and contract approval by City Council on or before October 1, 2013.        III.  INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS  a) All proposals and questions should be directed to:      Shelley Coleman  Finance Director  25 W. Main St.  Auburn, WA  98001    b) All proposals must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked in the lower left‐hand corner:  “RFP – Airport Management Services”.  c) All proposals must be received by Friday June 28, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.  Six copies of the RFP  must be presented.  No faxed, telephone, or email proposals will be accepted.  Late  proposals shall be returned unopened.  d) Proposals may be sent by mail or turned in personally; however, if sent by mail, the  responsibility for delivering a proposal to the City before the deadline is wholly upon the  vendor.  e) Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straight forward concise  description of provider capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request.  Special  bindings, colored displays, promotional materials, etc. are not desired.  Emphasis should be  on completeness and clarity of content.  f) All proposals must include the following information:  a. The names of individuals who will be working on the proposed services and their  area of responsibility.  b. Specific experience of individuals relative to the request for proposal requirements.  c. Provide at least three (3) references, including entity name, contact person,  telephone number and services used.    Note:  For interested parties, a 2 hour tour of the Auburn Municipal Airport will be conducted  on Wednesday, 05/29/2013.  The tour will leave from 506 – 23rd St NE in Auburn beginning at  1:00 PM.  Please limit participation to two (2) representatives per bidder.  Page 1 City of Auburn  Management of Municipal Airport  Request for Proposal    IV.  AIRPORT OVERVIEW  Auburn Municipal Airport is one of the busiest General Aviation fields in the State.  Viewed by  the community and City Council as a major asset, the Airport is part of a strong, citywide  economic development strategy.  Recognized by both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to be of critical importance  as a major reliever to both Sea‐Tac Airport and Boeing Field, Auburn Airport anticipates vital  growth of nearly 20% in its business and general aviation use in coming years.  Per the WSDOT  2012 Economic Impact Study the Auburn Municipal Airport generates economic activity of more  than $32M dollars annually.  The airport is home to 300 based aircraft of varying types.       The field has a 3,450 foot runway on a total of 110 acres.  Capital Improvement Plans in place  maximize the field to a total of 3,953 feet.  The Airport is rated by the FAA as a B‐1 field.  Current  FBO’s include repair shops and small training operations.  The Airport has been directly  operated by the City as an Enterprise Fund since its development over 40 years ago.  With the  exception of a small bond issue for hangar construction, the Airport is debt free and fully  financed from self‐generated revenues and grants.    Hangars include both private and City owned.  See page 60 for hangar inventory list.    Airport Goals as set forth in the City’s 2013‐2014 biennial budget:  Complete the Airport Master Plan.  Establish a program with FAA and/or local investment in land opportunities adjacent to the  Airport.  Collaborate with City of Auburn, Office of Economic Development to grow the Airport’s FBO  business.  Continue to promote Request for  Proposal (RFP) for aeronautical business development at  the Airport.  Apply to FAA for replacement of obsolete Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) with new  FAA approved Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) Systems.  Upgrade and replace limited and obsolete airport security access system.  Complete perimeter fencing of west side of Airport.  Continue crack sealing of airport apron areas.  Remove trees on the west side of the airport which have grown to heights that penetrate  runway Safety Area.    V. SCOPE OF WORK  The City of Auburn is soliciting bids from private contractors with experience in airport  operations or management.  Contractor will be required to operate and manage the airport 365  days a year, 24 hours a day in conformity with applicable Federal, State and local laws, and the  adopted rules and regulations.     Project Goals:  Maintain and improve safe operation of Auburn Municipal Airport  Page 2 City of Auburn  Management of Municipal Airport  Request for Proposal  Enhance facilities and services for aviation users and resulting public benefit from the  airfield  Limit financial obligations of the City to sustain the airport  Maximize cash flow to support Airport Operations  Maximize ability of aviation‐related business to expand at Auburn Municipal creating new  employment opportunities and tax revenues  Maintain excellent working and funding relationship with the FAA  Operate the airport in a manner consistent with FAA standards  Satisfactorily meet the needs and expectations of airport tenants and leaseholds  Improve on‐going efforts to maintain and rehabilitate the physical plant  Be responsive to the policies established by the City Council through the Airport Advisory  Board   Insure repayment of public debt stemming from hangar construction  Maintain or reduce costs of insuring the airport  Work directly with and assist City of Auburn’s Economic Development team to promote and  market the facility    VI.  SELECTION PROCESS Mandatory Criteria Evaluation  Each proposal will be screened to ensure it meets the mandatory requirements and goals as set  forth in this solicitation.  Failure to comply with a mandatory requirement will disqualify a  vendor’s proposal.  Minor irregularities in proposals that are immaterial or inconsequential in  nature may be cured or waived whenever it is determined to be in the best interest of the City.     Applicants must present their services and applicable features in a clear and concise manner in  the same sequence as the RFP document stipulates.  The proposed products, services and  applicable features must meet the Mandatory Criteria established by the City.  Applicant must  provide an explanation of how their services and features meet the Mandatory Criteria.  Simply  stating that the applicant understands the requirements and that they comply will not be  acceptable and will disqualify the proposal.     Mandatory Criteria     a) Prepare, negotiate, administer, and enforce on behalf of the City all lease agreements and  contracts;  b) Operate the airport in a manner that encourages development of facilities, services and  operations;  c) Provide routine monthly billing invoices for all rents and leases, collect the amounts due on  behalf of the City and deposit amounts collected in the City account on a daily basis;  d) Submit monthly financial report to City Finance department detailing type of rent and lease  revenue collected, delinquent accounts and collection action taken;  e) Maintain the City owned facilities and keep them in a safe and operable condition.  f) Provide janitorial services as needed in all City facilities;  g) Comply with FAA security requirements;  Page 3 City of Auburn  Management of Municipal Airport  Request for Proposal  h) Provide airport and grounds maintenance, ramp operations, airfield signage, navigation,  general facility maintenance, de‐icing, grant management, public relations, marketing,  planning and legal;  i) Develop and recommend rates, fee and charges annually for City approval;  j) Provide airport security 365 days per year;  k) Airport will have public access 24 hours a day;  l) Contractor shall be trained in accordance with applicable FAA regulations for emergency  response;  m) Represent City at airport interest group meetings and activities.  n) Inspect City owned airport facilities for needed maintenance and repairs;  o) Perform scheduled maintenance, preventative maintenance and minor repairs   p) Develop and maintain policies to comply with environmental standards  q) Contractor shall, under direction of the City and the Airport Advisory Committee, provide for  planning and development of the airport and surrounding Airport lands in accordance with  the Airport Master Plan.  r) Contractor shall develop and recommend updates to the five year Airport Capital Plan and  Airport Layout Plan.  s) Prepare a detailed projection of revenues and expenses relating to the Airport operations  for the annual City budget cycle.  t) Assist with the City, Federal and State grant applications and management.  u) Monitor Federal land State Grant availability and deadlines.       Scoring    Experience/Suitability Criteria Evaluation – 50%    Proposals determined to be in compliance with the mandatory requirements will be evaluated  and judged on their experience and suitability.  The criteria that will be used for the evaluation  of the proposals for this procurement are listed below:     a) Based on the extent of experience and suitability of the proposal and how it meets the  Airport’s needs.  b) Describe management style and innovative approaches your firm may bring to the airport.     Price/ Revenue Evaluation – 20%  The price/revenue  proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope, separate and apart from  the written explanation establishing mandatory, suitable and professional qualifications and will  not be opened or distributed until the evaluation of the remaining criteria is completed.      References and Professional expertise – 20%  a) Which skills, talents and professional experiences does the contractor have?  b) What does the track record of the contractor indicate about the likely delivery and quality of  services?    Each contractor must supply a list of references for management work and services performed  similar to those requested in the RFP.       Page 4 City of Auburn  Management of Municipal Airport  Request for Proposal  Completeness and presentation – 10%  The entire proposal will be evaluated on its clarity, comprehensiveness, and ease of identifying  pertinent information and suitability of the product and services.     VII. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL  Six copies of the Proposal must be delivered to Shelley R. Coleman, Finance Director, City of  Auburn, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001, telephone number (253) 804‐5019 by 4:00  p.m. June 28, 2013.     No proposals will be considered which are received after the deadline.  Proposals received after  the scheduled closing time shall be returned to the vendor unopened.     Proposals may be sent by mail or turned in personally; however, if sent by mail, the  responsibility for delivering a proposal to the City before the deadline is wholly upon the  vendor.     A vendor may not withdraw its proposal after it is formally opened by a representative from the  City of Auburn.     VIII. FINAL RANKING AND SELECTION  A Committee will make a recommendation for the award of the contract to the person or  persons  whose proposal is determined to be the most suitable for the City, considering all the  criteria as set forth in this Request for Proposal.      IX. PRESENTATIONS  The City retains the right to request contractors who meet the mandatory criteria to present its  proposal to the committee.  Each presentation will be evaluated on the clarity,  comprehensiveness, and ease of identifying pertinent information and suitability of the product  and services.     X. DISCUSSIONS:  BEST AND FINAL PROPOSAL  The Committee reserves the right to recommend a contractor award based upon the written  proposal, without further discussions.  Should the committee determine that further discussions  would be in the best interest of the Airport, the Committee shall establish procedures and  schedules for conducting discussions and/or presentations and will notify qualified vendors.   When in the best interest of the Airport, the Committee may permit all qualified vendors, those  who meet the mandatory criteria, to revise their proposals by submitting “best and final”  Proposal.     XI.  REJECTION OF PROPOSAL  The City of Auburn reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals, and waive any  informalities in proposals.    XII.  EXTENSION OF CONTRACT  Contracts resulting from this Request for Proposal shall be subject to extensions by mutual  agreement, per the terms and conditions resulting from this Proposal.  Page 5 City of Auburn Municipal Airport Financial Working Capital Summary 2010 Actuals ‐ 2014 Budget ActualActualActualBudgetBudget 20102011201220132014 Operating Revenues Airport Security Service 15,977          15,530          15,443          15,000          15,000           Property Leases 239,489        210,035        180,408        150,000        203,000         Tiedown and Hangar Rent 361,431        380,252        373,457        380,000        380,000         Other 28,705          28,454          28,380          28,380          28,380           Total 645,602        634,271        597,688        573,380        626,380         Operating Expenses Salaries and Wages 18,982          19,013          19,734          19,914          19,213           Benefits 4,625             5,138             5,890             6,687             7,175              Supplies ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 2,000             2,000              Other Service Charges 457,306        495,511        466,902        453,820        466,840         Depreciation 216,961        393,078        397,164        404,700        416,800         Total 697,874        912,740        889,690        887,121        912,028         Operating Income (Loss)(52,272)         (278,469)       (292,002)       (313,741)       (285,648)        Non‐Operating Revenues (Expenses) Interest & Misc. Revenues 6,609             32,366          58,326          2,000             2,000              Debt Service Interet(65,618)         (62,218)         (58,218)         (46,275)         (41,675)          Total (59,009)         (29,852)         108                (44,275)         (39,675)          Net Income (Loss)(111,281)       (308,321)       (291,894)       (358,016)       (325,323)        Depreciation (216,961)       (393,078)       (397,164)       (404,700)       (416,800)        Net Working Capital from Operations105,680        84,757          105,270        46,684          91,477           Other Resources and Uses FAA Contributions 128,946        334,162        ‐                 149,500        180,000         Increase in Fixed Assets ‐ Constr.(111,757)       (328,452)       (140,965)       (410,846)       (206,000)        Debt Service Principal (85,000)         (100,000)       (105,000)       (115,000)       (125,000)        Other Resources / Uses (6,801)           2,157             (2,025)            Total (74,612)         (92,133)         (247,990)       (376,346)       (151,000)        Net Change in Working Capital 31,068          (7,376)           (142,720)       (329,662)       (59,523)          Beginning Working Capital 937,942        969,010        961,634        818,914        489,252         Add: Net Change in Working Capital31,068          (7,376)           (142,720)       (329,662)       (59,523)          Ending Working Capital 969,010        961,634        818,914        489,252        429,729         March 22, 2013 Page 6 TITLE: AUBURN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT: FINANCE INDEX NUMBER: 100-80 EFFECTIVE DATE 8/11/10 SUPERSEDES 11/26/07 PAGE 1 OF 30 PREPARED BY: SHELLEY COLEMAN MAYOR’S APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE 1.0 PURPOSE Rules and regulations provided in this document and any amendments thereto (hereinafter referred to as “regulations”), adopted pursuant to the Auburn City Code, are intended for the safe, orderly and efficient operation of the airport, and apply to all persons using the airport for any reason. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED All departments/divisions 3.0 REFERENCES Ordinance No. 6118; Chapter 2.18 ACC; Chapter 12.56 ACC 4.0 POLICY It is the policy of the City of Auburn to provide for the safe, orderly and efficient operation of the airport in accordance with federal, state, and city laws and regulations. Page 7 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 2 OF 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 4-7 ARTICLE 2 GENERAL USE OF AIRPORT .......................................................... 8-17 Section 2-1 Purpose of rules and regulations ......................................................... 8 Section 2-2 Conflicting laws, ordinances, regulations and contracts ...................... 8 Section 2-3 Responsible party................................................................................ 9 Section 2-4 Minimum operating standards. ............................................................ 9 Section 2-5 Closing of airport ................................................................................. 9 Section 2-6 Aircraft parking .................................................................................... 9 Section 2-7 Aircraft hangars ................................................................................. 10 Section 2-8 Aircraft tie downs ............................................................................... 11 Section 2-9 Reserved ........................................................................................... 12 Section 2-10 Unattended Aircraft ........................................................................... 12 Section 2-11 Aircraft washing ................................................................................. 12 Section 2-12 Aircraft Registration ........................................................................... 12 Section 2-13 Airport perimeter road ....................................................................... 12 Section 2-14 Smoking areas .................................................................................. 12 Section 2-15 Restricted areas ................................................................................ 13 Section 2-16 Access codes/devices ....................................................................... 13 Section 2-17 Self-services ...................................................................................... 13 Section 2-18 Aircraft maintenance ......................................................................... 13 Section 2-19 Maintenance of premises .................................................................. 14 Section 2-20 Floor and apron care ......................................................................... 14 Section 2-21 Waste containers and disposal ......................................................... 14 Section 2-22 Storage .............................................................................................. 14 Section 2-23 Storage, transfer and cleanup charges ............................................. 15 Section 2-24 Model aircraft, kites, fireworks, etc .................................................... 15 Section 2-25 Commercial photography .................................................................. 15 Section 2-26 Advertisements ................................................................................. 15 Section 2-27 Animals ............................................................................................. 15 Section 2-28 Firearms, explosives, etc ................................................................... 15 Section 2-29 Disorderly conduct, intoxicating liquors, etc ...................................... 16 Section 2-30 Property damage, injurious or detrimental activities .......................... 16 Section 2-31 Alteration of airport property .............................................................. 17 Section 2-32 Lost articles ....................................................................................... 17 Section 2-33 Abandoned property .......................................................................... 17 Section 2-34 Flying clubs ....................................................................................... 17 ARTICLE 3 AIRCRAFT RULES .......................................................................... 18-22 Section 3-1 Landing and takeoff of aircraft ............................................................ 18 Section 3-2 Aircraft wingspan restrictions ............................................................. 18 Section 3-3 Traffic patterns and noise abatement procedures .............................. 19 Section 3-4 Traffic pattern altitudes ....................................................................... 19 Section 3-5 Qualifications to operate aircraft ......................................................... 19 Section 3-6 Disabled aircraft ................................................................................. 19 Section 3-7 Reserved ............................................................................................ 20 Section 3-8 Starting an Engine by Turning the Propeller by Hand ........................ 20 Page 8 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 3 OF 30 Section 3-9 Motorless aircraft ................................................................................ 20 Section 3-10 Running of aircraft engines ................................................................ 20 Section 3-11 Aircraft engine run-ups ....................................................................... 20 Section 3-12 Exhaust and propeller blast ................................................................ 20 Section 3-13 Taxiing of aircraft ................................................................................ 20 Section 3-14 Common air traffic advisory frequency ............................................... 21 Section 3-15 Aircraft accident reports ..................................................................... 21 Section 3-16 Reserved ............................................................................................ 21 Section 3-17 Interfering or tampering with aircraft ................................................... 22 ARTICLE 4 VEHICLES, PEDESTRIANS, ETC ................................................... 22-26 Section 4-1 General requirements ......................................................................... 22 Section 4-2 Licensing, registration and insurance ................................................. 23 Section 4-3 Control of vehicles .............................................................................. 23 Section 4-4 Speed limits ........................................................................................ 23 Section 4-5 Vehicles operating on runway and taxiways ....................................... 23 Section 4-6 Authority to remove vehicles .............................................................. 24 Section 4-7 Bicycles .............................................................................................. 24 Section 4-8 Scooters and miscellaneous vehicles................................................. 24 Section 4-9 Motor homes, boats and recreational vehicles ................................... 25 Section 4-10 Vehicle accidents ............................................................................... 25 Section 4-11 Careless operation, driving while intoxicated, etc ............................... 25 Section 4-12 Loading or unloading passengers ...................................................... 25 Section 4-13 Parking restrictions ............................................................................. 26 Section 4-14 Volunteer Assistance.......................................................................... 26 Section 4-15 Pedestrians in the airside area ........................................................... 26 Section 4-16 Pedestrians soliciting rides ................................................................. 26 Section 4-17 Vehicle repair ..................................................................................... 26 Section 4-18 Airport Security ................................................................................... 26 ARTICLE 5 FUELING, FLAMMABLE FLUIDS, AND SAFETY .......................... 27-30 Section 5-1 Fuel safety ........................................................................................... 27 Section 5-2 Unauthorized fuel possession and storage ......................................... 27 Section 5-3 Storage of aircraft fuel trucks, trailers & other aircraft refueling devices ................................................................................................ 27 Section 5-4 Aircraft fueling locations ...................................................................... 27 Section 5-5 Maintenance of fuel servicing vehicles ...................................... ..........27 Section 5-6 Aircraft storage hangars – Spraying flammable liquids prohibited ....... 28 Section 5-7 Open flame .......................................................................................... 28 Section 5-8 Environmental spills and removal ........................................................ 28 Section 5-9 Lubricating oils .................................................................................... 28 Section 5-10 Fire extinguishers ................................................................................ 28 Section 5-11 Underground tanks .............................................................................. 29 Section 5-12 Moveable fuel storage tanks ............................................................... 29 Section 5-13 Self-fueling .......................................................................................... 29 Section 5-14 Vehicle fuel .......................................................................................... 29 Page 9 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 4 OF 30 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS The following words and phrases, whenever used in these rules and regulations, shall be construed as defined in this article unless from the context a different meaning is intended, or unless a different meaning is specifically defined and more particularly ascribed to the use of such words or phrases. All definitions contained in 49 U.S.C. § 40101 et seq. (previously known as the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, hereinafter cited as “FAA Act”) and all amendments thereto shall be considered as included herein; and all definitions shall be interpreted on the basis and intention of the FAA Act and amendments thereto unless from the context a different meaning is intended, or unless a different meaning is specifically defined and more particularly ascribed to the use of such words or phrases. Abandon as applied to property left at the airport, means that it has been left on City property or the property of another without consent of the City for forty-eight (48) hours without the owner moving or claiming it. Such property shall be impounded by the City police department. Accident means a collision or other contact between any part of an aircraft or a vehicle, person, stationary object or other thing which results in property damage, personal injury, or death; or an entry into or emerging from a moving aircraft or vehicle by a person which results in personal injury or death to such person or some other person or which results in property damage. Aeronautical activity means any activity or service which involves, makes possible, or is required for the operation of aircraft, or contributes to, or is required for, the safety of such operations. “Aeronautical activities” include, but are not limited to, charter operations (under either Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 121 or 135), charter brokerage, aircraft hangar leasing, pilot training, aircraft rental and sight-seeing, aerial photography, crop dusting, fire suppression, aerial advertising and surveying, aircraft sales, leasing and servicing, aircraft management, and sale of aviation petroleum products, whether or not conducted in conjunction with other included activities which have a direct relationship to the operation of aircraft, repair and maintenance of aircraft, sale of general aviation aircraft parts, and any other activities which because of their relationship to the operation of aircraft can appropriately be regarded as an “aeronautical activity.” Aeronautical business permit means administrative approval issued by the Airport Supervisor to a business or person to conduct commercial aeronautical activity and provide such services to based and transient aircraft on the airport only in facilities on the airport at which such services are authorized. Air traffic means aircraft in operation anywhere in the airspace and on that area of the airport normally used for the movement of aircraft. Aircraft means any device intended to be used, or designed, to navigate, or fly in the air. Page 10 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 5 OF 30 Aircraft fuel means all flammable liquids composed of a mixture of selected hydrocarbons expressly manufactured and blended for the purpose of effectively and efficiently operating: (a) an internal combustion engine; or (b) a jet or turbine engine. Aircraft operation means an aircraft arrival at, or departure from, the airport. Airport Operations Area Means the “AOA” includes all property within the fenced perimeter of the Airport including pavement, dirt and grass. Unauthorized access is a violation of the Airports operating certificate. Individuals not having authorized access must be escorted by a leaseholder of the Airport. Unescorted access onto the AOA can only be granted by Airport Management who will provide a pre-dated visitors pass. The “AOA” is additionally separated into two separate parts called the movement and non- movement areas. Common points of entry onto the AOA are through buildings and both vehicle and pedestrian security gates. Once in the AOA you are in a NON-MOVEMENT area normally made up of pavement, grass or dirt. The paved areas are commonly referred as Ramp or Apron. Moving east to west the ramp and apron areas quickly transitions into the “Movement area.” This movement area includes the taxiways, run-up area and runway. Airport markings defining the “movement” and “non-movement areas” are distinguished by a solid and a dashed yellow line running parallel to each other. Absolutely no pedestrian access or vehicles driving on the movement areas are allowed without specific written authorization from Airport Management. Those with authorization shall abide by Airport policy and equipment standards. Aircraft parking and storage areas means those hangar and apron locations of the airport designated by the Airport Manager for the parking and storage of aircraft, and such areas of the airport designated for aircraft maintenance, engine run-up, and self-fueling. Airport means all of the City-owned or leased real or personal property comprising Auburn Municipal Airport as now exists or as may hereafter be expanded and developed. “Airport” includes all of its facilities as shown on the most current airport layout plan. Airport Advisory Board means the duly appointed five (5) member airport advisory commission of the City. Airport Supervisor means the Supervisor of the municipal airport, or his or her authorized representative. Airport Manager means any person designated by the Airport Supervisor or in the event that the City contracts for airport management services, then the person designated by the airport management entity, to manage operation of the Auburn Airport. Airport Traffic Control Tower means the control tower located at the airport (if any). Airside means the area of the airport that is either contained within the airport perimeter fence, or which requires access through a building located on or adjacent to airport property, or which requires access through a controlled airport access point. Based aircraft means an aircraft: (1) which the owner physically locates at the airport with no present intention of definite and early removal and with the purpose to remain for an undetermined period; (2) which, whenever absent from the airport, its owner intends to return Page 11 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 6 OF 30 to the airport for permanent storage or parking; and (3) whose presence on the airport is something other than merely transitory in nature. Based location means the location on the airport which is listed as an aircraft’s hangar, shade or tie down location as registered with the airport. Commercial activity means the conduct of any aspect of a business, concession or service in order to provide goods or services to any person for compensation. An activity is considered commercial activity regardless of whether the business is nonprofit, charitable, or tax-exempt. Fuel handling means the transportation, delivery, fueling, and draining of fuel or fuel waste products, and the fueling of aircraft. Fuel storage area means any portion of the airport designated temporarily or permanently by the City as an area in which gasoline or any other type of fuel may be stored or loaded. General aviation means all phases of aviation other than aircraft manufacturing, military aviation, and scheduled or non-scheduled commercial operations. Hazardous material means any hazardous or toxic substance, waste or material: (a) the presence of which requires investigation, removal and/or remediation under any federal, state or local statute, regulation, ordinance, order, action, policy or common law; (b) which is or becomes subject to regulation under any federal, state or local statute, regulation, rule or ordinance or amendments thereto including, without limitation, the State of Washington Hazardous Waste Management Act, A.R.S. § 49-901, et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6901, et seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2601, et seq., and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq.); (c) which is toxic, explosive, corrosive, flammable, infectious, radioactive, carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, or otherwise hazardous, and is or becomes regulated by any governmental authority, agency, department, commission, board, agency or instrumentality of the United States, the State of Washington or any political subdivision thereof; or (d) which, without limitation, contains trichloroethene (“TCE”), 1,1,1 - trichloroethane (“TCA”), 1,1 - dichloroethene (“DCE”), tetrachloroethene (“PCE”), 1,2-dichloroethene, chloroform, gasoline, diesel fuel, propane or other petroleum hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"), asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation or radon gas. Landside means the general public common use areas of the airport such as public roadways, parking lots and buildings, which are not contained in the airside area. Page 12 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 7 OF 30 Local aircraft operations means aircraft operating in the local air traffic pattern; aircraft that are known to be departing for, or arriving from flight in local practice areas located within a twenty- five (25) mile radius; or aircraft making simulated instrument approaches or low passes at the airport. Major aircraft alterations and repair means major alterations and/or repairs of the parts or of the types listed in FAR Part 43. Movement area means the runway, taxiways and other areas of the airport where aircraft can be moved under their own power or by towing. Owner of an aircraft means a person who holds legal title to an aircraft, or any person having exclusive possession of an aircraft pursuant to a written lease for a minimum term of twelve (12) months. Park or parking means the standing of an aircraft or vehicle, whether occupied or not. Pedestrian means any person traveling on foot. Permission or permit means permission granted by the Airport Supervisor. Person means the state, county, a political subdivision of the state, other governmental entity, a corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization, and any other group acting as a unit, as well an individual. Person includes a trustee, receiver, assignee or similar representative. Preventive aircraft maintenance means maintenance that is not considered a major aircraft alteration or repair and does not involve complex assembly operations as listed in FAR Part 43. Public area means those areas normally used by the general public, including structures and devices such as roadways, sidewalks and terminal facilities that are maintained and kept at the airport for use by the general public. Roadway means any street or road whether improved or unimproved, within the boundaries of the airport and set aside or designated for use by vehicles, whether dedicated or not. Smoking means burning or carrying any lighted cigarette, tobacco or any other weed or plant, or placing any burning tobacco, weed or plant in an ashtray or other receptacle and allowing smoke to diffuse into the air. Taxi lane means the portion of the airport apron area, or any other area, used for access between taxiways and aircraft parking and storage areas. Taxiway means a defined path established for the taxiing of aircraft from one part of the airport to another. Traffic pattern means the traffic flow that is prescribed for aircraft landing at, taxiing on, or taking off from the airport. Page 13 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 8 OF 30 Vehicle means a device, except aircraft, in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be propelled or moved, except a device moved by human power. Vehicle parking area means any portion of the airport designated and made available temporarily or permanently by the City for the parking of vehicles. ARTICLE 2 GENERAL USE OF AIRPORT Section 2-1. Purpose of rules and regulations (a) Rules and regulations provided in this document and any amendments thereto (hereinafter referred to as “regulations”), adopted pursuant to the Auburn City Code, are intended for the safe, orderly and efficient operation of the airport, and apply to all persons using the airport for any reason. (b) In addition to any other stated penalties, anyone who violates or fails to comply with any provisions of these rules and regulations shall upon conviction be punished as provided in ACC 1.25.050. A violation of any of the rules or regulations set forth in this chapter shall be deemed sufficient cause for the Airport Manager to deny or prohibit access to or use of the airport by the responsible person or firm in accordance with Chapter 12.56 ACC. Section 2-2. Conflicting laws, ordinances, regulations and contracts (a) In any case where a provision of these regulations is found to be in conflict with any other provision of these regulations adopted hereunder or in conflict with a provision of any zoning, building, fire, safety, health or other ordinance, code, rule, or regulation of the City, the provision which establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail. (b) In cases where two (2) or more provisions of these regulations are in conflict, the most stringent or restrictive shall prevail. (c) These regulations are not intended to repeal, abrogate, annul, or in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions of other laws, ordinances, codes, rules or regulations except those specifically repealed by these regulations, or to excuse any person from performing obligations to the City under any lease or other contract. Page 14 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 9 OF 30 (d) No existing or future City contract, lease agreement or other contractual arrangement, nor any payment or performance there under, shall excuse full and complete compliance with these regulations. Compliance with these regulations shall not excuse full and complete compliance with any obligations to the City under any existing or future City contract, lease, agreement or other contractual arrangement. (e) Compliance with these regulations does not excuse failure to comply with any other law. Section 2-3. Responsible party Any person accessing the airport shall be responsible for their actions and all actions of any person to whom they provide access, whether directly or indirectly. Section 2-4. Minimum operating standards (a) Prior to commencing any aeronautical or commercial activities at the airport, all persons shall comply with all applicable requirements concerning such activities as are set forth in the Auburn Municipal Airport Minimum Operating Standards. (b) Commercial use – Lease, permit or license required. No person shall use the airport as a base for the carrying on of commercial and business activities, for the carrying for hire of passengers, freight, express or mail, for the instruction in aviation in any of its branches, aircraft maintenance or repair, for the sale of aircraft, for the sale of refreshments or any commodity or service, or for any other commercial purpose unless a lease, permit or license has been granted by the City. Provided, that an individual aircraft owner may, if he or she is leasing accommodations at the airport, sell his or her own aircraft, with such sales being limited to the sale of one aircraft per calendar year. Section 2-5. Closing of airport In the event the Airport Manager believes the conditions of the airport are unsafe for landing or takeoffs, it shall be within the Airport Manager’s authority to close the entire airport or any part thereof. Provided, that in the case of such an airport closure, the Airport Supervisor shall be notified of such as soon as possible. Section 2-6. Aircraft parking (a) No person shall park, leave parked, or allow to remain stationary any aircraft at the airport except within an aircraft parking and storage area. (b) No person shall park an aircraft in a based aircraft parking and storage area without applying for and obtaining an approved aircraft storage permit/agreement; and Page 15 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 10 OF 30 (c) Any person who parks an aircraft in an aircraft parking and storage area shall remit to the City all applicable transient parking fees until such time as the person applies for and obtains an approved aircraft storage permit/agreement. (d) If any aircraft is parked in violation of this section or, in the determination of the Airport Manager, presents an operational or safety concern in any area of the airport, the Airport Manager may cause the aircraft, at the owner’s/operator’s expense, to be moved. The City shall not be liable for any damages, which may result from the relocation of the aircraft. (e) The Airport Manager may immobilize an aircraft by installing on the aircraft a propeller lock or by such other suitable means under any of the following circumstances: 1. Failure to apply for and obtain an approved aircraft storage permit/agreement. 2. Upon revocation of an aircraft storage permit/agreement pursuant to Auburn Code, and until such time as the aircraft owner/operator remits all fees and charges due the City. 3. If, in the determination of the Airport Manager, the aircraft presents an operational safety concern in any area of the airport, or otherwise constitutes a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of any individual or the public in general, and until such time as the aircraft no longer presents such health, safety or welfare concerns. Section 2-7. Aircraft hangars (a) Aircraft storage hangars shall only be used for the following purposes: 1. Aircraft parked in hangars shall be parked in a manner so as to be completely contained in the aircraft parking space and not obstruct adjacent aircraft parking and storage areas or taxi lanes, except for purposes of immediate and temporary staging and fueling of such aircraft. 2. Parking of vehicles in accordance with section 4-3. (b) Use of aircraft storage hangars shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Major aircraft alterations and repairs may be performed in hangars on based aircraft with prior written approval of the Airport Manager and the Valley Regional Fire Authority or Fire Marshall, unless otherwise approved by a lease with the City. 2. Where no personnel exit is provided, the hangar doors shall remain open thirty-six (36) inches while the hangar is occupied by any person. Page 16 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 11 OF 30 3. Oily rags, oil wastes, rags and other rubbish and trash may only be stored in containers with secondary containment and self-closing, tight- fitting lids. 4. Oxygen or any combustible compressed gas in a cylinder or portable tank must be secured to a fixed location or secured to a portable cart designed for the cylinder(s) or tank(s). Compressed gas cylinders or tanks must have pressure relief devices installed and maintained. Cylinders or tanks not in use shall have a transportation safety cap installed. 5. Batteries shall only be charged while the owner, operator or tenant is in attendance. Aircraft batteries shall not be connected to a charger when installed in an aircraft located inside or partially inside a hangar. (c) Aircraft hangars shall be subject to annual and periodic inspections by the Airport Manager and Valley Regional Fire Authority or Fire Marshall to ensure compliance with all laws, ordinances and these regulations. (d) Electrical outlet use restrictions. Lessees of aircraft hangars or storage units shall not leave unattended electrical cords plugged into convenience outlets. High amperage equipment, including but not limited to refrigerators, electric heaters, and compressors are not allowed. Section 2-8. Aircraft tie downs (a) Aircraft tie downs shall only be used for the following purposes: 1. Storage and parking of the based aircraft listed on the aircraft storage permit for that tie down and parked in a manner so as to be completely contained within the aircraft parking space and not obstruct adjacent aircraft parking and storage areas or taxi lanes, except for purposes of immediate and temporary staging and fueling of such aircraft. 2. Conducting preventive aircraft maintenance on the based aircraft at the based location is in accordance with applicable regulations. 3. Parking of vehicles in accordance with section 4-3. 4. Aircraft equipment and supplies contained in a storage device with prior written approval from the Airport Manager. (b) Use of aircraft tie downs shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Tie downs painted YELLOW are reserved tie downs and shall not be used without the user first receiving an approved aircraft storage permit. Page 17 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 12 OF 30 2. Tie downs painted WHITE are transient tie downs for the purposes of short-term or overnight parking. Transient aircraft may park in yellow tenant tie downs at the discretion of the Airport Manager. 3. Transient aircraft shall park only in designated areas and shall pay a fee for parking based upon the fee schedule adopted from time to time by the City. Section 2-9. Reserved Section 2-10. Unattended aircraft – Securing required No aircraft shall be left unattended unless properly secured including cabin access locked and flight controls/wheels secured. The Airport Manager may secure the aircraft at the owner’s expense and without liability for damage that may occur from such securing. Section 2-11. Aircraft washing (a) All aircraft washing shall be conducted in accordance with posted rules, with biodegradable soap, and without the use of solvents or degreasers, only: 1. At approved wash racks/pads. (b) Airport designated wash racks/pads shall only be used for the purposes of aircraft washing. Section 2-12. Aircraft Parking/Storage Registration Any person electing to base his or her aircraft on the airport shall register the aircraft with the Airport Manager or with whomever in the employment of the City that the Airport Manager designates. Change of ownership or removal of the aircraft from the airport shall not relieve the registered owner from payment of applicable fees unless 30 days’ prior written notice is given. Section 2-13. Airport perimeter road The airport perimeter road shall only be used by authorized vehicles with appropriate signage as determined by the Airport Manager, which include all airport administration vehicles, fixed base operator fuel trucks, governmental vehicles, and other vehicles with prior approval from the Airport Manager. Section 2-14. Smoking areas No smoking shall be permitted: (a) Within fifty (50) feet of an aircraft, fuel truck and/or fuel storage area; (b) Where specifically prohibited by City, County, State or Federal Laws. (c) Within 25 feet of any business entry door located on airport property. Page 18 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 13 OF 30 Waste from smoking shall be disposed of properly. Section 2-15. Restricted Areas (a) No person shall enter the airside area, except as necessary for the lawful use of an aircraft thereon, or to conduct a permitted business activity and with the consent of the Airport Manager. (b) No person shall enter any area posted as being closed to the public, except with the consent of the Airport Manager. (c) No person shall enter into, remain in or place in, or remove any object from, any hangar, T- hangar or other building at the airport without prior consent of the Airport Manager or the person with the legal right of possession of such building. Section 2-16. Access codes/devices (a) One automatic gate electronic card will be issued to each airport tenant free of charge. Any additional electronic cards requested by a tenant are subject to a fee or refundable deposit charge as established in the City of Auburn fee schedule. A replacement fee as established in the City of Auburn fee schedule will be assessed against the tenant for all lost or damaged electronic cards. All electronic cards must be returned to the airport at the time of lease expiration. (b) Persons who have been provided either a code or device for the purpose of obtaining access to the airport shall only use airport-issued codes/devices and shall not divulge, duplicate, or otherwise distribute the same to any other person, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Airport Manager. Violation of this section may result in the loss of airport driving privileges. Section 2-17. Self-services (a) Persons are permitted to fuel, wash, repair, or otherwise service their own based aircraft provided that they comply with these regulations and all applicable laws. No person shall provide such services for others. (b) An aircraft owner may hire an individual to provide, under the direction and supervision of the aircraft owner, services only on the owner’s based aircraft. Such services may only be provided by a direct provider hired by the aircraft owner. (c) Aircraft owners shall notify the Airport Manager in advance of performing major maintenance services on any aircraft. Section 2-18. Aircraft maintenance Major aircraft alterations and repairs are prohibited on the airport except in hangars, where it can be demonstrated that the area of alterations and repairs is equipped with oil/water interceptors into the sanitary sewer system and will not enter storm water drains, or other preventative measures are taken as approved by the Airport Manager, and are conducted: Page 19 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 14 OF 30 (a) By a person holding a valid aeronautical business permit for such activity; or (b) By the owner of the aircraft with an approved aircraft maintenance permit under the provisions provided in these regulations. (c) Maintenance requiring the handling of any hazardous liquid material must have a Hazardous Material Spill Kit readily available. This kit must have a demonstrated absorption rate of eight (8) gallons. Section 2-19. Maintenance of premises All persons using the airport shall maintain their premises in a condition of repair, cleanliness and general maintenance equal to that maintained by the City in comparable areas. All persons having possession, control or use of any portions of the airport shall at all times maintain such premises in clean, serviceable, safe and operable condition and repair. Section 2-20. Floor and apron care All tenants on the airport shall keep the floors of hangars and tie-downs leased by them, or used in their operations, clean and clear of fuel, oil, grease and other similar materials. Section 2-21. Waste containers and disposal All airport tenants, users, or visitors shall dispose of all waste in the appropriate waste containers. Types of waste containers and the location of waste accumulation areas shall be designated by the Airport Manager and no other containers or areas shall be used. Containers for recyclable materials shall be used in strict accordance with the rules posted for such use. No petroleum products, industrial waste matter, batteries, or other hazardous materials shall be dumped or otherwise disposed of except in accordance with local, county, state and federal law. Any hazardous waste or construction material shall be the responsibility of the originator under all applicable law and removed from Airport property. (a) Waste water shall not be disposed of in storm water drainage or dirt/grass areas under any circumstances. Waste water may be disposed of in sanitary sewer or sink drains, unless the waste water contains petroleum or hazardous materials or hazardous waste. (b) The waste and recycle containers provided by the Airport shall not be used to dump any construction material and debris. Airport users and tenants shall not bring onto Airport property off airport waste with the intention of using Airport containers. (c) Privately held hangar owners and their subtenants are prohibited from using any on airport waste or recycle containers. Condo Associations are to arrange through the City for their own waste and recycle containers, which shall be contained within their assigned property. Section 2-22. Storage No person shall store or stock materials or equipment in an unkempt manner or in a manner that constitutes a hazard to life or property, as determined by the Airport Manager. Page 20 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 15 OF 30 Section 2-23. Storage, transfer and cleanup charges The City may remove and impose storage, removal and transfer charges upon any property unlawfully located at the airport. The City may clean up any material unlawfully spilled, placed or otherwise deposited at the airport and may charge the responsible person(s) for the cost of the cleanup, any required environmental remediation, and any expenses incurred by, or fines or damages imposed on, the City as a result thereof. Section 2-24. Model aircraft, kites, fireworks, etc No person shall fly or release a model aircraft, rocket, kite, fireworks, balloon, parachute, etc., within one (1) mile of the airport if such activity would create a hazard to aircraft operations, or as otherwise determined by the Airport Manager. Section 2-25. Commercial photography No person shall take still, motion or sound pictures of, or at, the airport for commercial purposes without first receiving written approval from the Airport Manager, paying any appropriate fee(s) to the City of Auburn. Section 2-26. Advertisements No person shall post, distribute or display signs, advertisements, circulars, printed or written matter at the airport without written permission from the Airport Manager. (a) All Airport Businesses that wish to post advertising signs will need to submit an application packet to the Airport Manager. At the discretion of the Airport Manager or if required by City code advertising signs may need the approval of the Airport Advisory Board and the City of Auburn. The minimum requirement will include detailed drawings and/or plans, a letter of explanation and location needs. A copy of Applicable City Business License and Insurance will also need to accompany the packet. Section 2-27. Animals No person shall enter the airport with a dog or other animal unless the animal is restrained by a leash (maximum length of 15 feet) or is properly confined. No person in charge of a dog or other animal shall permit the animal to wander unrestrained on any portion of the airport property. (a) Airport Management will report to Animal Control any animal found at large on Airport Property. (b) Animals found confined inside a car or aircraft that appear to be under distress shall be reported to the police and Animal Control. (c) Any persons having control of an animal on airport property shall be required to pick up and properly dispose of any waste elimination by their animals. Section 2-28. Firearms, explosives, etc Page 21 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 16 OF 30 (a) No person, except a sworn law enforcement officer, member of the Armed Forces of the United States on official duty, or persons holding a valid concealed weapons permit, shall possess any firearms on the airside, except firearms that do not contain live ammunition and are in an enclosed case intended for immediate transport off the airport. (b) No person, except a sworn law enforcement officer or member of the Armed Forces of the United States on official duty or persons holding a valid concealed weapons permit shall possess any firearms in any airport building, except firearms that do not contain live ammunition and are in an enclosed case intended for immediate transport off the airport. (c) No person, except a sworn law enforcement officer or member of the Armed Forces of the United States on official duty, shall possess any explosives on the airport. (d) No person, other than those in the above-excepted classes, shall store, keep, handle, use, dispense or transport at, in, or upon the airport any class A or class B explosives, any radioactive substance or material (except for minimum amounts of radioactive substances, such as radioactive paint illuminating instrument dials), without prior written authorization from the Valley Regional Fire Administration or Fire Marshall and the Airport Supervisor. Section 2-29. Disorderly conduct, alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs (a) No person shall: 1. Commit any disorderly, obscene or unlawful act or commit any nuisance on airport property. 2. Drink any alcoholic beverage on any portion of the airport open to the public, except in such restaurant facilities as may be lawfully established or other place as shall be properly designated and licensed for on-sale liquor dispensing by the City, County and State or for the purpose of a special event that has received a special event permit where alcohol is not for sale. 3. Become legally intoxicated or use any illicit drug or conduct any drug activity on any portion of airport property. (b) No intoxicated person shall enter upon or loiter on or about the airport, any of its facilities, or any City-owned property. (c)_Any person failing to comply with this section shall be in violation of these regulations and may be refused the use and access of any airport facility and property. Section 2-30. Property damage, injurious or detrimental activities No person shall destroy, deface, injure or disturb in any way airport property or conduct at the airport activities that are injurious, detrimental or damaging to airport property or to activities and business of the airport. Any person causing or liable for any damage shall be required to Page 22 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 17 OF 30 pay the City on demand the full cost of repairs. Any person failing to comply with this section shall be in violation of these regulations and may be refused the use of any airport facility until the City has been fully reimbursed for damage done. Section 2-31. Alteration of airport property No person shall make any alterations to any signs, buildings, aircraft parking and storage areas, leased areas or other airport property, nor erect any signs, buildings or other structures without prior written permission of the Airport Manager. Any construction on the airport must be approved in writing by the Airport Supervisor. Such persons shall comply with all building codes and permit procedures of the City and shall deliver to the Airport Manager as-built plans upon completion. Section 2-32. Lost articles Any person finding lost articles in public areas of the airport shall immediately deposit them at the office of the Airport Manager. Articles unclaimed after thirty (30) calendar days may be turned over to the finder or otherwise disposed of in a legal manner. Section 2-33. Abandoned property No person shall abandon any property on airport property or in any building on the airport. Property found to be abandoned shall be disposed of or auctioned off according to Federal and State laws. Such property includes any item left behind after a lease termination date. Section 2-34. Flying Clubs, Aircraft Rental Clubs A flying club is a non-profit entity or organization organized solely for the purpose of providing its members with one (1) or more aircraft for their personal use and enjoyment. A flying club shall meet the following standards: (a) At the time of applying for a lease, license, permit or agreement with or from the City to operate at the airport, the club shall furnish the Airport Manager with a copy of its articles of incorporation, if the club is a corporation; a copy of its articles of organization, if the club is a limited liability company; a copy of its certificate of limited partnership, if the club is a limited partnership; a copy of its partnership agreement, if the club is a general partnership; the club’s roster or list of members, including names of officers and directors; evidence of required insurance; a description of all aircraft used; evidence that such aircraft are properly certificated; evidence of ownership of such aircraft; and any operating rules of the club. (b) The club shall update its roster or list of members twice annually and provide the Airport Manager with such updated roster or list no later than June 30 and December 31 of each year. (c) All aircraft used by the club shall be owned by the club or leased exclusively by written agreement to the club, and all ownership or lease rights to such aircraft must be vested on a pro-rata basis in all of the club’s members. The property rights of the club members shall be equal, and no part of any revenues received by the club shall inure to the direct benefit of any Page 23 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 18 OF 30 member (e.g., by salary or bonus). The club shall not derive greater revenue from the use of its aircraft than the amount necessary for the operation, maintenance and replacement of its aircraft and facilities. (d) The club’s aircraft shall not be used by anyone other than the club’s members and shall not be used by anyone for hire, charter or air taxi. Flight instruction only by a club member may be given in club aircraft to club members. (e) The club and its members are prohibited from leasing, selling, trading or bartering any goods or services to or with any non-members of the club, except that a club may sell or exchange its aircraft and equipment for replacement or liquidation purposes. (f) The club shall at all times maintain in effect the types and minimum amounts of insurance specified in article 4 of the Airport Minimum Operating Standards for any of its activities at the airport which may be covered by such insurance. (g) The flying club shall pay fees as prescribed by lease, license, permit or agreement, and any applicable fees identified on the airport rates and fees schedule. ARTICLE 3 AIRCRAFT/ RULES Section 3-1. Landing and takeoff of Aircraft (a) The following operations are prohibited, except with permission of the Airport Manager for special events: 1. Stop and go takeoffs and landings on Runways. 2. Intersection takeoffs Except for Helicopters. 3. Formation takeoffs. 4. No person shall load or unload any persons or property from an aircraft when aircraft engines are in operation. (b) Except in an emergency, all fixed wing aircraft landings and takeoffs shall be made on the runway. (c) (Reserved). (d) Landing aircraft shall clear the runway as soon as practical, consistent with safety, taxiing ahead to the nearest turn-off. (e) Except in an emergency, No aircraft shall deviate from the prescribed airport traffic pattern. (f) Runway 34 is the preferred calm-wind runway when winds are less than five (5) knots. Section 3-2. Aircraft wingspan restrictions Page 24 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 19 OF 30 (a) Aircraft shall not occupy a hangar or tie down, nor shall aircraft be operated in areas of the airport, where the aircraft’s wingspan exceeds the maximum approved wingspan designation for that area as specified by the Airport Manager or as published. (b) Aircraft – Weight restrictions. Usage of the airport runways, taxiways and ramp areas are restricted to aircraft with a maximum gross weight of 12,500 pounds. Section 3-3. Traffic patterns and noise abatement procedures (a) Arrivals and departures to and from the airport or remaining in the Airport’s Traffic Pattern shall avoid flight over noise sensitive areas whenever possible, consistent with safety. (b) When departing south under visual flight rules (VFR) on runway 16, aircraft after reaching a safe minimum altitude shall make a right turn to a heading of two-hundred ten degrees (210˚). (c) Practice instrument approaches to the Runway Threshold are discouraged. (d) All aircraft are required, unless in an emergency, to use the prescribed Fly Friendly Traffic Pattern, which can be picked up at the airport office or seen on the airport website.. (e) Upon reaching a safe altitude, aircraft with variable pitch props should set props to the lowest RPM’s needed to avoid the excess noise created at ground level. (f) Numerous noise sensitive areas east and south east of the airport are heavily populated with commercial and residential uses and with schools. Noise abatement procedures require flying 1000’feet AGL or above unless operating in the traffic pattern. Section 3-4. Traffic pattern altitudes Traffic pattern altitudes are MSL for all traffic operations at the airport: (a) Helicopters, ( 500) feet (MSL). (b) Propeller (piston), one-thousand (1,000) feet (MSL (c) Turbine-powered, one-thousand five-hundred (1,500) feet (MSL). Section 3-5. Qualifications to operate aircraft Operators of aircraft entering or leaving the traffic pattern of the airport or using the movement area for the purpose of landing, or taking off shall be holders of a current medical and pilot certificate with ratings appropriate to the type of aircraft operated and conditions under which they are operating. Reciprocal certificates issued by foreign governments are acceptable if accepted by the Federal Aviation Administration. Section 3-6. Disabled aircraft Aircraft owners and pilots shall be responsible for the prompt removal of disabled aircraft and parts thereof, unless required or directed by the Airport Manager NTSB or Federal Aviation Administration to delay such removal pending an investigation. In the event of failure to Page 25 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 20 OF 30 promptly remove such disabled aircraft, the Airport Manager may cause the aircraft to be removed and invoice the owners thereof for all charges incurred in the removal of same. The City shall not be responsible for any damage to disabled aircraft removed by the owner, the pilot, the City, Airport staff or other persons. Section 3-7. Reserved Section 3-8. Starting an Engine by Turning the Propeller by Hand (Hand Propping) No person shall engage or lend assistance to hand propping an aircraft that has not been trained in such activity. Any aircraft requiring a hand prop start will have a properly trained person seated at the controls, or the pilot in command shall ensure that the aircraft is securely tied with a safety rope to a fixed object such that once the engine is started the pilot can safely return to the aircraft controls and then release the safety rope. Section 3-9. Motorless aircraft No motorless aircraft may land or take off at the airport without prior written permission of the Airport Manager and having complied with all sections of FAR Part 103. Section 3-10. Running of aircraft engines Aircraft engines shall only be run at idle except as may be necessary for safe taxiing operations, taking off, landing, preflight testing, and maintenance testing. All engine run-ups for maintenance testing purposes shall be performed in accordance with section 3-11 of these regulations. At no time shall an aircraft’s engine(s) be operated while the aircraft is in a hangar or covered tie-down space. Section 3-11. Aircraft engine run-ups All aircraft preflight engine run-ups shall be conducted in the appropriate run-up areas located at each end of the runway. Section 3-12. Exhaust and Propeller/Rotor Blast No aircraft engine shall be started or aircraft taxied where the exhaust or propeller/rotor blast may cause injury to persons or do damage to property or spread debris on the airside area. (a) All rotorcraft are prohibited to hover or create rotor blast while at the fueling pumps or taxiway adjacent to the fuel pumps while a fixed wing aircraft is located within 50_feet of the pumps. At no time shall a helicopter hover and wait longer than safely necessary within the fueling area either before or after fueling operations. (b) All hover practice procedures shall take place on the runways upwind of engine run-up areas. Pilots of rotorcraft shall not hover in one location for a period of time so long that a conversation cannot take place, or in such a manner that the hovering produces turbulence causing visibility loss due to dust/snow being disturbed. Section 3-13. Taxiing of aircraft Page 26 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 21 OF 30 No person shall taxi an aircraft without first taking all necessary precautions to prevent a collision with other aircraft, persons or objects. Aircraft shall not be under Aircraft engine power into or out of any hangar, or other covered area. No person shall taxi an aircraft except on areas designated for taxiing. If it is impossible to taxi aircraft in compliance with this section, then the engine must be shut off and the aircraft towed to the new location. Aircraft that are on the taxiway shall have right of way over any aircraft entering the taxiway from the east ramp areas or hovering rotorcraft. At no times shall an aircraft taxi faster than 10 mph. Navigation Lights shall be used from dusk till dawn while aircraft is in movement. Pilots should communicate on CTAF their location and destination when entering Taxiway A. When aircraft are transitioning in opposite direction and one aircraft is required to utilize a turnout, pilots are encouraged to use CTAF to communicate intentions. Helicopters may use taxiway A for hover landing and takeoffs when such operations do not impede other Aircrafts’ use of taxiway A. Section 3-14. Common air traffic advisory frequency Aircraft operators shall utilize the common air traffic advisory frequency currently assigned to the airport. This frequency is noted in current Airport/Facility Directory (AFD), and used for broadcasting aircraft intentions of taxing, take off and landing procedures and as provided in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC procedures. It is suggested that operators monitor CTAF anytime your aircraft is in motion or under power. Section 3-15. Aircraft accident reports As defined in NTSB 830. (a) Any persons involved in an aircraft accident occurring on the airport, within the City, or that involves an aircraft which departed from or en-route to the airport, shall make a full report thereof to the Airport Manager as soon after the accident/incident as possible. but in no event later than the time required for reporting the accident or incident to the FAA or to the NTSB or within forty-eight (48) hours of the accident or incident, whichever is sooner. The report shall include the names and addresses of the persons involved and description of the accident or incident . When a written report of an accident is required by federal or state law, regulation, or agency, a copy of such report shall also be submitted to the Airport Manager. (b) Accidents and/or incidents causing damage to vehicles, aircraft structures, airport or personal property or major personal injury of any nature occurring on airport property shall be reported, as soon as practicable, to the Airport Manager in writing along with names and addresses of persons involved and witnesses. Section 3-16. Reserved Page 27 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 22 OF 30 Section 3-17. Interfering or tampering with aircraft No person shall interfere or tamper with any aircraft or put in motion the engine of such aircraft, or use any aircraft, aircraft parts, instruments or tools without permission of the owner, or under the specific direction of the Airport Manager in an emergency. ARTICLE 4 VEHICLES, PEDESTRIANS, ETC. Section 4-1. General requirements No person shall operate a vehicle on the airport in the Airport Operations Area except in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Airport Manager and all federal, state and local law. Only authorized business vehicles approved by the Airport Manager and conducting official business shall operate on the taxiway between the Fuel terminal and the north end hangar operations area. (a) Vehicles shall only be operated in the areas authorized and in a manner that complies with these regulations. (1) Vehicles shall be marked with the business name and phone number visible on each side. (2) Vehicles shall have an orange beacon (rotating or flashing) located on the upper most prominent point of the vehicle or a 3’x3’ orange and white checkered flag. (3) Vehicles shall be equipped with an operational permanent or handheld transceiver able to communicate with CTAF while driving on airport taxiways or runways. (b) Vehicles shall access all airport facilities and businesses from the landside public parking areas for said facility or business. (c) Vehicles shall obtain access to, and depart from, aircraft parking and storage areas via the gate closest to the user’s hangar. (d) When a gate is out-of-service, vehicles shall access a secondary gate as specified by the out-of-service notification. (e) All vehicles shall pass no closer than one-hundred (100) feet to the rear of taxiing aircraft or hovering helicopters. (f) No vehicle shall approach closer than one-hundred (100) feet to any aircraft whose engines are running, excluding ground service, emergency vehicles, airport service vehicles and any official vehicle conducting official airport business. (g) All vehicles, upon entering or exiting an airport access gate, shall wait for the gate to completely close behind them before proceeding to their destination so as to not allow the entry of an unauthorized vehicle. Page 28 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 23 OF 30 Section 4-2. Licensing, registration and insurance (a) No person shall operate a vehicle of any kind on the airport without a current motor vehicle operator’s license. 1. No person shall operate any vehicle in the airside area without having first registered the vehicle and its operator with the Airport Manager and obtaining an approved airport driver/vehicle permit. 2. A current State issued driver’s license and current insurance card is required in order to obtain a gate entry card and this card will expire per driver/ vehicle permit rules. 3. Each gate card holder and or lessee shall be photographed and filed as required by Airport Management per available equipment and technology. (b) All vehicles shall maintain the appropriate type and amount of vehicle liability insurance required by state law. Section 4-3. Control of vehicles No person shall operate or park a vehicle at the airport in a manner prohibited by signs, pavement markings, or other signals posted by the City or by regulations under this article. The Airport Manager has power to regulate or prohibit any class or type of vehicle or any other type or class of wheeled vehicle or other form of transport that operates in the airside area. (a) Vehicles left parked longer than 3 days on airport property shall be towed at owners expense, this does not apply to section 4-5 B,5. (b) Recreational Vehicles (motor class campers) weighing more than 12,500 lbs shall not be permitted to enter the airside of the airport. Section 4-4. Speed limits All vehicles shall be operated in strict compliance with all posted speed limits at the airport. The maximum speed limit for all vehicles in the airside area, with the exception of authorized municipal vehicles in the performance their official duties, is ten (10) miles per hour or less if conditions warrant in order to ensure safe operation or as otherwise posted. Section 4-5. Vehicles operating on runway and taxiways (a) No vehicle shall be operated on runway or taxiways unless authorized by the Airport Manager. (b) Any vehicle authorized to operate on airport runway or taxiways shall operate a rotating or steady yellow or orange beacon or attach an aviation 3’x 3’ flag that complies with FAA Page 29 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 24 OF 30 Advisory Circular 150/5210-5, as amended. Exceptions to this rule must be authorized by the Airport Manager. 1. Unless authorized by the Airport Manager, no highway vehicle or bicycle shall be operated on the airport except on roadways, parking areas or places that are designated for such vehicles. 2. No person shall operate any vehicle in a careless or negligent manner or in disregard for the safety of others. 3. Highway vehicles shall always yield the right-of-way to aircraft on the ground or in the process of landing or taking off. 4. Any accident involving motor vehicles on the airport shall be reported to the Airport Manager. This shall not be taken to mean that the normal requirement to report accidents to the police department is waived, but is in addition to that requirement. 5. Vehicles shall only be parked in a manner and in areas so designated for such purpose. Aircraft owners who lease storage hangar space from the City may, at the discretion of the Airport Manager, park their automobiles within that hangar for the duration of time that the aircraft housed therein is on a cross-country flight, with the reservation that any and all such vehicles would be under the control of the Airport Manager, and the vehicle parked therein shall be so parked at the owner’s risk and the City accepts no liability for loss thereof or damage of any kind. 6. Illegally parked vehicles may be issued parking violation citations, moved to designated parking areas, impounded, or any combination of the above three provisions. A charge for such towing will be levied by the tow company, and the airport shall not assume any liability for damage while moving such vehicle. Section 4-6. Authority to remove vehicles The Airport Manager may cause to be removed from any area of the airport any vehicle which is disabled, abandoned, parked in violation of Airport regulations, or immediately presents an operational problem to any area of the airport, at the operator’s expense and without liability for damage which may result in the course of such movement. Section 4-7. Bicycles The use of bicycles shall only be permitted during daylight hours and in accordance with all applicable regulations set forth herein for vehicles, except as to regulations that by their nature have no application. All bicycle riders must adhere to local and state laws and must wear a safety helmet. Section 4-8. Scooters and miscellaneous vehicles Page 30 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 25 OF 30 No person shall use at the airport any go-cart, go-ped, skateboard, rollerblade, all terrain vehicle or other vehicle not legally licensed or otherwise permitted by state law for operation on a public street or highway. This section does not pertain to Official Federal, State or City vehicles or vehicles used solely for tugging, marshaling, or refueling aircraft. On a case-by- case basis, and with the prior approval of the Airport Manager, other modes of transportation may be used on the airport. Section 4-9. Motor homes, boats and recreational vehicles Motor homes, boats, and recreational vehicles shall not be stored anywhere on the airport unless in accordance with a City-approved lease or with the consent of the Airport Manager. Section 4-10. Vehicle accidents The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident on the airport which results in injury or death to any person, or damage to any property, shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of the accident; render reasonable assistance to a person injured in the accident, including making arrangement for the caring of the person for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that treatment is necessary or if the caring is requested by the injured person; and give his or her name, address and operator’s license and registration number to the person injured, the Airport Manager and to any police officer or witnesses of the accident. The operator of such vehicle shall make a report of such accident in accordance with state law and provide a copy of same to the Airport Manager. Section 4-11. Careless operation, driving while intoxicated, etc No vehicle shall be operated at the airport or upon any area thereof: (a) In a careless, negligent or reckless manner; (b) In disregard of the rights and safety of others; (c) Without due caution or circumspection; (d) At a speed or in a manner which endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property; (e) While the driver would be prohibited by law from operating an automobile upon the public streets of the City due to drug or alcohol impairment or influence; (f) If the vehicle is so constructed, equipped or loaded as to endanger or be likely to endanger persons or property, or to result in the load or other materials becoming separated from the vehicle; (g) Without operating headlights, tail lights, turn signals, and brake lights during hours of darkness or during inclement weather; or (h) In a manner that does not allow the vehicle to be immediately driven or towed away from any nearby aircraft. Section 4-12. Loading or unloading passengers Page 31 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 26 OF 30 No person shall load or unload any persons or property from an aircraft when aircraft engines are in operation. Section 4-13. Parking restrictions (a) No person shall park or leave any vehicle standing, whether occupied or not, except within a designated parking area. (b) Aircraft owners and operators shall only park their vehicle in the aircraft storage and parking space designated for their aircraft. (c) Vehicles parked in an aircraft parking and storage area shall be parked in a manner so as to be completely contained in the aircraft parking or storage space and not obstruct adjacent aircraft parking and storage areas, or taxi lanes unless for the purposes of immediate and temporary loading, unloading, or staging of an aircraft. (d) Illegally parked vehicles may be issued parking violation citations, moved to designated parking areas, impounded, or any combination of the above three provisions. A charge for such towing will be levied and the airport shall not assume any liability for damage while moving such vehicle. Section 4-14. Volunteer Assistance No person shall enter the airside area of the airport for the purposes of attending, observing or assisting at the scene of an accident except persons authorized by law, or as requested by or with the consent of the Airport Manager. Section 4-15. Pedestrians in the airside area No person shall walk, stand, or loiter in the airside area if such activity is determined to be an operational, security, or safety concern as determined by the Airport Manager. Section 4-16. Pedestrians soliciting rides No person shall solicit aircraft rides from any area of the airport. Section 4-17. Vehicle repair No person shall clean or make any repairs to vehicles anywhere on the airport, other than in designated shop areas, except those minor repairs necessary to remove such vehicles from the airport. Section 4-18. Airport Security a. No person(s) other than a tenant or a person being escorted by a tenant or by Airport personnel shall enter Airport Property without the Airport Manager’s permission. Page 32 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 27 OF 30 b. The owner/operator of an aircraft or any facility located within the airport shall at all times maintain security and safety awareness and report any suspected or suspicious activity or persons to the Airport Manager or 911 as appropriate. ARTICLE 5 FUELING, FLAMMABLE FLUIDS AND SAFETY Section 5-1. Fuel safety All transportation, storage and other handling of aircraft and vehicle fuel shall comply with the Uniform Fire Code, as amended, the National Fire Protection Association's codes and standards, as amended, FAA Advisory Circular 150/5230-4, as amended, all requirements of these regulations, and all other applicable law. Section 5-2. Unauthorized fuel possession and storage Except as expressly permitted by these regulations, no person shall possess fuel at the airport. Section 5-3. Storage of aircraft fuel trucks, trailers and other aircraft refueling devices (a) Aircraft refueling vehicles, other moveable aircraft fuel containers and refueling devices shall be stored outside and not less than fifty (50) feet from a building or such other distance as shall be approved by Airport Manager, the City Building Official and the Valley Regional Fire Authority. (b) Aircraft refueling vehicles shall be parked in a manner that provides a minimum of ten (10) feet of separation between said vehicles and any other vehicle or aircraft refueling device. (c) No aircraft refueling vehicle, aircraft fuel container, or other aircraft refueling device, empty or otherwise, shall be brought into, kept or stored within any building at the airport unless the building is used exclusively for that purpose. This section does not apply to vehicle fuel cans with a capacity of not more than five (5) gallons, provided no more than one (1) such can may be located within a single vehicle, and not more than two (2) such cans in any hangar. (d) Direct fueling of boats, motor homes, ATVs or other recreational vehicles is prohibited. Section 5-4. Aircraft fueling locations All aircraft fueling/de-fueling shall be performed outdoors. Aircraft being fueled/de-fueled shall be positioned so that aircraft fuel system vents or fuel tank openings are not closer than fifty (50) feet from any building or hangar unless otherwise approved by the Airport Supervisor and Valley Regional Fire Authority or Fire Marshall. Any and all fueling operations must have a Hazardous Spill Responder Kit readily available with a minimum absorption rate of eight (8) gallons. Section 5-5. Maintenance of fuel servicing vehicles Page 33 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 28 OF 30 Maintenance and servicing of aircraft fuel servicing vehicles shall be performed outdoors or in a building approved for that purpose by the fire department. Section 5-6. Aircraft storage hangars – Spraying flammable liquids prohibited No flammable liquid (paint or other combustible) shall be sprayed within a storage hangar. Section 5-7. Open flame There shall be no open flames in the airside area, within fifty (50) feet of any aircraft, fuel truck, and/or fuel storage area, or where specifically prohibited by the City. The category of open flames and lighted open-flame devices shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: (a) Exposed flame heaters, liquid, solid or gaseous devices, including portable and wheeled gasoline or kerosene heaters and gas or charcoal grills; (b) Heat-producing, welding, or cutting devices and blowtorches; (c) Flare pots or other open-flame lights. Section 5-8. Environmental spills and removal Persons shall not fuel an aircraft in a manner that overfills the tank(s) or causes the tank(s) to leak fuel through its vent, and/or dumping fuel. In the event of spillage or dripping of gasoline, oil, grease or any material that may be unsightly or detrimental to the airport, the same shall be removed immediately and the incident reported to the Airport Manager within two (2) hours. The responsibility for the immediate removal of such gasoline, oil, grease or other material shall be assumed by the operator or owner of the equipment causing the same or by the tenant or concessionaire responsible for the deposit. In the event of such spillage, and the failure of the operator or owner to restore the area to its original safe and environmentally sound status, the City or approved contractor may clean up any material unlawfully spilled, placed or otherwise deposited at the airport and may charge the responsible person(s) for the cost of the cleanup, any required environmental remediation, and any expenses incurred by, or fines or damages imposed on the City as a result thereof. Section 5-9. Lubricating oils A total of sixty (60) gallons of lubricating oils which are necessary for minor aircraft maintenance and have a flash point at or above one-hundred degrees (100°) Fahrenheit may be stored in hangars or other suitable storage devices as approved by the Airport Manager, provided they are stored in their original container and have original manufacturer’s labeling. Section 5-10. Fire extinguishers Page 34 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 29 OF 30 (a) All tenants and businesses shall supply and maintain such adequate and readily accessible fire extinguishers in their hangar or building as required by Chapter 15.36A ACC. This chapter is administered by the Valley Regional Fire Authority, and each occupant is required to check with the Fire Authority to determine their individual needs. Each fire extinguisher shall carry a suitable tag showing the date of most recent inspection. (b) At least two (2) fire extinguishers, each having a rating of at least 20-BC, shall be available for use in connection with aircraft fueling handling operations. Section 5-11. Underground and Aboveground tanks Subject to the other requirements of these regulations, a person may possess fuel within an underground/aboveground fuel storage tank constructed, operated and maintained in all respects as required by federal, state, county, and local law. Fuel so stored may be dispensed only into aircraft owned by the person who owns, operates and maintains the tank, unless the tank is located at the airport and operated and maintained by a fixed base operator. Section 5-12. Moveable fuel storage tanks Unless otherwise approved by the Airport Supervisor and Valley Regional Fire Authority moveable fuel storage tanks are prohibited at the airport except for: (a) Fuel trucks constructed, operated and maintained in all respects as required by law. (b) Permanent fuel tanks in an operable aircraft. (c) Tanks not exceeding two (2) gallon capacity used solely for sampling and testing fuel, engines and fuel handling apparatus. (d) No more than one (1) tank with a capacity of not more than fifty-five (55) gallons used by a person to fuel his or her own aircraft pursuant to a self-fueling permit. (e) Tanks lawfully transporting fuel for immediate dispensing into a fuel storage tank permitted by the City. Such vehicles shall access the airport at a point approved by the Airport Manager and remain under escort by a representative of the company receiving the fuel. Section 5-13. Self-fueling Operations (mogas, avgas, auto) Except as may be prohibited by other provisions of these regulations and any other applicable law, owners of a based aircraft that desire to self-fuel their aircraft, must receive written permission from the Airport Manager. This does not apply to the use of a self-service fuel facility provided by a fixed base operator. 1. Those operators that self fuel shall have readily available fire extinguishers per section 5-10(b). 2. Self fueling pilots will have available within 15’ of the fueling operation an approved hazardous waste spill kit that will be able to contain at minimum a 10 gallon fuel spill. Section 5-14. Vehicle fuel Page 35 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TITLE: Auburn Municipal Airport Rules and Regulations INDEX NO: 100-80 PAGE 30 OF 30 No person shall possess vehicle fuel on the airport except: (a) Within the permanently installed fuel tank of a vehicle for use only by that vehicle; (b) Within a moveable container designed for storage of vehicle fuel and having a capacity of not more than five (5) gallons. No more than one (1) moveable container containing vehicle fuel shall be located in a single vehicle. No more than two (2) such containers shall be located in any hangar. No such containers shall be stored either empty or full in a City-owned storage unit. See section 5-3. Page 36 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICYANDPROCEDURE TITLE: FINANCESUBJECT: AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS 100-81INDEXNUMBER: EFFECTIVEDATESUPERSEDESPAGE PREPAREDBY:MAYOR’SAPPROVAL 11/26/07 NEW 1OF24 SHELLEYCOLEMAN 1.0 PURPOSE Rulesandregulationsprovidedinthisdocumentandanyamendmentsthereto (hereinafter referredtoas “regulations”), adoptedpursuanttotheAuburnCityCode, areintendedforthe safe, orderlyandefficientoperationoftheairport, andapplytoallpersonsusingtheairportfor anyreason. Inadditiontoanyotherstatedpenalties, anyonewhoviolatesorfailstocomplywithany provisionsoftheserulesandregulationsshalluponconvictionthereofbepunishedasprovided inACC1.25.050. Aviolationofanyoftherulesorregulationssetforthinthischaptershallbe deemedsufficientcausefortheAirportManagertodenyorprohibitaccesstooruseofthe airportbytheresponsiblepersonorfirm. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONSAFFECTED Alldepartments/divisions 3.0 REFERENCES OrdinanceNo. 6118 Page 37 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 2OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS 4.0 POLICY TABLEOFCONTENTS A1D; A; W4-5RTICLEEFINITIONSPPLICATIONAIVER..................................................................... Section1-1 Definitions...........................................................................................4 Section1-2 ApplicationofMinimumOperatingStandards.....................................4 Section1-3 Multipleactivitiesbyonecommercialairportoperator........................4 Section1-4 ActivitiesnotcoveredbyMinimumOperatingStandards....................4 Section1-5 Waiverormodificationofstandards....................................................5 A2AP.........................................................................5-7RTICLEPPLICATIONROCESS Section2-1 Applications...................................................................................5-6 Section2-2 Processing; denial..............................................................................6 Section2-3 AppealProcess..................................................................................7 A3GCP....................................................7-8RTICLEENERALONTRACTUALROVISIONS Section3-1 GeneralProvisions..........................................................................7-8 A4I...........................................................................................8-9RTICLENSURANCE Section4-1 Generalinsurancerequirements.....................................................8-9 Section4-2 Additionalinsurancerequired byCity’sriskmanagementdirector.....................................................9 Section4-3 Form; acceptancebyCity...................................................................9 A5GOR.............................................9- 11RTICLEENERALPERATIONALEQUIREMENTS Section5-1 AirportRulesandRegulations............................................................9 Section5-2 Taxiwayaccess.................................................................................10 Section5-3 Right-of-entryreserved.....................................................................10 Section5-4 Ratesandcharges............................................................................10 Section5-5 Personnel, subtenantsandinvitees; controlanddemeanor.............10 Section5-6 Interferencewithutilitiesandsystems..............................................10 Section5-7 Fireequipment..................................................................................10 Section5-8 VehicleIdentification.........................................................................10 Section5-9 Indemnification..................................................................................11 A6FBO...................................................................11-15RTICLEIXEDASEPERATORS Section6-1 Statementofconcept..................................................................11-12 Section6-2 Landandfacilityrequirements..........................................................12 Section6-3 Hoursofoperation............................................................................12 Section6-4 Subcontractingservices; restrictions.................................................12 Section6-5 MinimumrequirementsofFBOservices...........................................13 Section6-6 Insurance..........................................................................................14 Section6-7 Monthlyaeronauticalbusinesspermitfee.........................................14 Page 38 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 3OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS A7GASS..........................................15-23RTICLEENERALVIATIONPECIALTYERVICES Section7-1. Hangarleasingservices...............................................................15-16 Section7-2. Aircraftsalesservices........................................................................16 Section7-3. Aircraftmaintenanceandrepairservices.....................................16-17 Section7-4. Aircraftleasingorrentalservices.......................................................17 Section7-5. Flighttrainingservices.................................................................17-18 Section7-6. Specializedaircraftrepairservices....................................................18 Section7-7. Aircraftcharterservices.....................................................................19 Section7-8. Specializedcommercialflyingservices........................................19-20 Section7-9. Aircraftmanagementservices...........................................................20 Section7-10. Mobileaircraftwashingservices................................................20-22 Section7-11. Mobileaircraftmaintenanceandrepairservices..............................22 Section7-12. On-AirportRentalCarConcessionServices..............................22-23 Section7-13. Off-AirportRentalCarConcessionServices....................................23 Section7-14. Off-AirportCateringServices...........................................................23 Section7-15. CharterBrokerageServices.............................................................23 Page 39 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 4OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS ARTCILE1DEFINITIONS; APPLICATION; WAIVER Section1-1. Definitions. AlldefinitionscontainedintheAuburnCityCodeandtheairportRulesandRegulationsare incorporatedbyreferenceintotheseMinimumOperatingStandards. Forpurposesofthese MinimumOperatingStandards, allreferencestothe “RulesandRegulations” aretotheairport RulesandRegulations. Section1-2. ApplicationofMinimumOperatingStandards. Allpersonsconductingcommercialaeronauticalactivitiesattheairport (hereinafterreferredtoas commercialairportoperator), shall, asaconditionofconductingsuchactivities, complywithall applicablerequirementsconcerningsuchactivitiesassetforthintheseMinimumOperating Standardsandanyamendmentsthereto. Therequirementssetforthhereinaretheminimum standardswhichareapplicabletopersonsconductingcommercialaeronauticalactivitiesatthe airportandallpersonsareencouragedtoexceedsuchminimumstandardsinconductingtheir activities. TheseMinimumOperatingStandardsshallbedeemedtobeapartofeachcommercial airportoperator’slease, license, permitoragreementwithorfromtheCityunlessanysuch provisionsarewaivedormodifiedbytheCitypursuanttosection1-5. Themereomissionofany particularstandardfromacommercialairportoperator’swrittenlease, license, permitor agreementwiththeCityshallnotconstituteawaiverormodificationofsuchstandardinthe absenceofclearandconvincingevidencethattheCityintendedtowaiveormodifysuchstandard. Section1-3. Multipleactivitiesbyonecommercialairportoperator. Wheneveracommercialairportoperatorconductsmultipleactivitiespursuanttoonelease, license, permitoragreementwiththeCity, suchcommercialairportoperatormustcomplywiththe minimumstandardssetforthhereinforeachseparateactivitybeingconducted. Iftheminimum standardsforoneofthecommercialairportoperator’sactivitiesareinconsistentwiththeminimum standardsforanotherofthecommercialairportoperator’sactivities, thentheminimumstandards whicharemostbeneficialtotheCity, and/orwhicharemostprotectiveofthepublic’shealth, safetyandwelfare, shallapply. Section1-4. ActivitiesnotcoveredbyMinimumOperatingStandards. Anyactivitiesforwhichtherearenospecificminimumstandardssetforthhereinshallbesubject tosuchstandardsandprovisionsasaredevelopedbytheairportdirectoronacase-by-casebasis andsetforthinsuchcommercialairportoperator’swrittenlease, license, permitoragreementwith orfromtheCityandshallpaytheaeronauticalbusinesspermitfeeassetforthintheCityof Auburnsfeeschedule. Section1-5. Waiverormodificationofstandards. TheAirportSupervisormaywaiveormodifyanyportionoftheseMinimumOperatingStandards forthebenefitofanygovernmentalagencyperformingnon-profitpublicservices, fireprotectionor fire-fightingoperations. TheCity’sAirportSupervisormaywaiveormodifyanyportionofthese MinimumOperatingStandardsforanypersonwhenitisdeterminedthatsuchwaiveror Page 40 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 5OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS modificationisinthebestinterestoftheCityandwillnotresultinunjustdiscriminationamong commercialairportoperatorsattheairport. ARTICLE2APPLICATIONPROCESS Section2-1. Applications. Anypersonwhodesirestoconductanycommercialaeronauticalactivitiesattheairportcovered bytheseMinimumOperatingStandardsshall, priortoconductingsuchactivities, submitan AeronauticalBusinessPermitApplicationtotheAirportManager, andreceiveapprovalthereof, fromtheAirportSupervisor. Inadditiontothefollowingrequirements, theAirportManagermay requiretheapplicanttoprovideadditionalinformationwhichisnecessarytoensurecompliance withtheAuburnCityCode, RulesandRegulations, and/ortheseMinimumOperatingStandards. Theapplicantshall, atminimum, submitthefollowingdocumentationwiththeabove-referenced application: a) Adetaileddescriptionofthescopeoftheintendedoperations, includingallservicestobe offered; b) Theamountofland, officespace, and/oraircraftstorageareasrequiredfortheoperation; c) Adetaileddescriptionofanyimprovementsormodificationstobeconstructedormadeto airportproperty, includingcostestimatesandaconstructiontimetable; d) Theproposedhoursofoperation; e) Documentationoftheapplicant’sfinancialcapabilitiestoconstructanyimprovementsandto conductanyproposedactivities; f) Adetaileddescriptionand/orevidenceoftheapplicant’stechnicalabilitiesandexperiencein conductingtheproposedactivities, includingpersonalreferences; g) Thecommencementdatefortheapplicant’sactivitiesandthetermofthelease, license, permit oragreementsought, includingalloptionperiods; h) Oneofthefollowing: 1. Iftheapplicantisacorporation, acopyofthearticlesofincorporationasfiledwiththe StateofWashington; 2. Iftheapplicantisalimitedliabilitycompany, acopyofthearticlesoforganizationfiled withtheStateofWashington; 3. Iftheapplicantisalimitedpartnership, acopyofthecertificateoflimitedpartnership filedwiththeStateofWashington; or 4. Iftheapplicantisageneralpartnership, acopyofthewrittenpartnershipagreement; Page 41 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 6OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS i) Anoriginalcopyofacertificateofinsurance, intheamountsoutlinedhereunder, namingthe Cityasanadditionalinsured; j) Acopyofalease/subleaseorotheragreementwiththeCityorabonafideairporttenant; k) Acopyoftheapplicant’sCityofAuburnBusinessLicense; l) AratesandchargesscheduleofallservicestobeconductedatAuburnMunicipalAirport; and m) CopiesofapplicableFederalAviationAdministration (FAA) certificates. Section2-2. Processing; denial. TheAirportManager, inaccordancewiththeseMinimumOperatingStandards, shallbe responsibleforprocessinganapplicationforanAeronauticalBusinessPermit. TheAirport ManagermaydenyanyapplicationiftheAirportManagerdeterminesthat: a) TheapplicantdoesnotmeetthequalificationsandstandardssetforthintheAuburnCity Code, theRulesandRegulations, ortheseMinimumOperatingStandards; b) Theproposedactivitiesarelikelytocreateasafetyhazardattheairport; c) TheactivitieswillrequiretheCitytoexpendfunds, ortosupplylaborormaterialsasaresultof theapplicant’sactivities, orwillresultinafinanciallosstotheairport; d) Noappropriatespaceorlandisavailabletoaccommodatetheproposedactivities; e) Theproposedactivitiesarenotconsistentwiththeairport’smasterplanand/orairportlayout plan; f) Theproposedactivitiesarelikelytoresultinacongestionofaircraftorbuildings, areductionin airportcapacity, oranundueinterferencewithairportoperationsortheoperationsofanyexisting airportusersattheairport; g) Theapplicantoranyofitsprincipalshasknowinglymadeanyfalseormisleadingstatements inthecourseofapplyingforalease, license, permitoragreement; h) TheapplicantoranyofitsprincipalshasarecordofviolatingtheAuburnCityCode, theRules andRegulations, theseMinimumOperatingStandards, federalaviationregulationsoranyother applicablelaws, ordinances, rulesorregulations; i) Theapplicantdoesnothavethetechnicalcapabilitiesorexperienceorfinancialresourcesto properlyconducttheproposedactivities; j) Theapplicanthasnotsubmittedappropriatedocumentationsupportingtheproposedactivityas outlinedinsection2-1. Page 42 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 7OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS Section2-3. Appealprocess. TheapplicantshallhavetheabilitytoappealthedenialofanapplicationbytheAirportManager, subjecttothefollowingprovisions: a) ProvidingwrittennoticeofappealtotheAirportManagerwithinten (10) daysofsaiddenial. b) ThenoticeofappealwillbeforwardedtotheAirportSupervisorforreview. c) Applicantshallbenotifiedinwritingofthedateofthescheduledappealreview. d) Applicantshallbepresentattheappealreviewtojustifytheapplicant’sapplication. Ifapplicant isnotpresent, theAirportManager’sdenialshallremainunchanged. e) TheAirportSupervisorshalltakecommentsfromtheapplicantandtheAirportManager. f) TheAirportSupervisorshallrenderitsdecisioninwritingwithinten (10) calendardaysofthe conclusionoftheappealandthedecisionshallbefinalastothedenialorapprovalofthe application. ARTICLE3GENERALCONTRACTUALPROVISIONS Section3-1. Generalprovisions. ExceptasotherwiseprovidedintheAuburnCityCode, allleases, licenses, permitsoragreements withtheCitywhichaffecttheairportaresubjecttothefollowingprovisions: a) Rightstoengageinspecificactivitiesattheairportarenon-exclusive. b) DefenseandindemnificationoftheCityanditselectedorappointedofficials, officers, representatives, directors, commissioners, agentsandemployeesfromandagainstalldamages, claims, suits, actions, lossesandexpenses (includingcourtcostsandreasonableattorney’sfees) forpersonalinjuryordeathorforpropertydamageorlossarisingoutoftheuseoftheairport; c) AterminationclauseallowingtheCitytoterminatethecommercialairportoperator’slease, license, permitoragreementnolaterthanthirty (30) daysafternoticeofdefaultisgiventothe commercialairportoperatorifthecommercialairportoperatorfailstocureitsdefaultwithinthe thirty (30) dayperiod, andallowingtheCitytoterminatethelease, license, permitoragreement immediatelyifthecommercialairportoperatorfailstomaintaintherequiredinsurance. d) Noimprovementsormodificationstoairportpropertywithoutthepriorwrittenconsentofthe Cityandwithoutpostingappropriatepaymentandperformancebonds. Beforecommencingany improvementsormodifications, thecommercialairportoperatorshallsubmitdetailedconstruction plansandspecificationstotheCity. Uponcompletionoftheconstruction, thecommercialairport operatorshallprovidetheCitywithtwo (2) completesetsofdetailedplansandspecificationsof theworkascompleted. Allimprovementsormodificationsmadetoairportpropertyshallbecome Page 43 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 8OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS thepropertyoftheCity, atnocosttotheCity, uponterminationofthecommercialairport operator’slease, license, permitoragreement. e) Nolease, license, permit, agreement, oranyrightsthereunder, shallbeassignedwithoutthe priorwrittenconsentoftheCity. Theairportdirectormayrequireanypotentialassigneetosubmit biographicalandfinancialinformationatleastthirty (30) dayspriortoaproposedassignment. f) AllFAArequiredprovisions. ARTICLE4INSURANCE Section4-1. Generalinsurancerequirements. Exceptasotherwiseprovidedinarticle6orarticle7, eachcommercialairportoperatorshallatall timesmaintainineffectthefollowingtypesandminimumamountsofinsuranceasapplicableto thebusinesstobeconducted: a) CommercialGeneralLiabilityinsuranceintheamountof $1,000,000peroccurrenceand 1,000,000annualaggregate. Suchinsuranceshallcontaincontractualliabilityinsurancecovering applicableleases, licenses, permits, oragreements. b) Commercial/businessautomobileliabilityinsuranceforallowned, non-ownedandhired vehiclesassignedtoorusedinperformanceofcommercialaeronauticalactivitiesintheamountof aleast $300,000peroccurrence. Ifanyhazardousmaterial, asdefinedbyanylocal, stateor federalauthority, isthesubject, ortransported, intheperformanceofthiscontract, an endorsementisrequiredproviding $1,000,000peroccurrencelimitsofliabilityforbodilyinjuryand propertydamage. c) SpecialCausesofLossPropertyFormcoveringallimprovementsandfixturesonthe commercialairportoperator’spremisesinanamountnotlessthenthefullreplacementcost thereof, totheextentofthecommercialairportoperator’sinsurableinterestinthepremises. d) Worker’scompensationinsuranceasrequiredbylawandemployersliabilityinsuranceinthe amountof $100,000peraccident, $100,000diseaseperperson, $500,000diseasepolicylimit. e) Aircraftliabilityinsuranceintheamountofatleast $1,000,000peroccurrencesinglelimit BodilyInjuryandPropertyDamageLiabilityincludingPassengers. f) Hangarkeeper’sliabilityinsuranceintheamountofatleast $1,000,000peroccurrence, or moreasvaluesrequire. g) Products-completedoperationsliabilityinsuranceintheamountofatleast $1,000,000per occurrence. h) Ifapplicable, LesseeshallmaintainEnvironmentalImpairmentLiabilitycoverageforany undergroundorabovegroundfuelstoragefacility, tank, undergroundorabovegroundpiping, ancillaryequipment, containmentsystemorstructureused, controlled, constructedormaintained Page 44 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 9OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS byLesseeintheamountof $1,000,000EachIncident, $2,000,000Aggregate. Thepolicyshall coveron-siteandoff-sitethirdpartybodilyinjuryandpropertydamageincludingexpensesfor defense, correctiveactionforstoragetankreleasesandtankclean-upforstoragetankreleases. i) Allinsurancepoliciescitedhereinshallcontainawaiverofsubrogationrightsendorsementwith respecttotheCity. Section4-2. AdditionalinsurancerequiredbyCity’sriskmanagementdirector. Inadditiontothetypesandamountsofinsurancerequiredbysection4-1, eachcommercial airportoperatorshallatalltimesmaintainsuchotherinsuranceastheCity’sriskmanagement directormayreasonablydeterminetobenecessaryforsuchcommercialairportoperator’s activities. Section4-3. Form; acceptancebyCity. AllinsuranceshallbeinaformandfromaninsurancecompanywithaBest’sfinancialratingofat leastB ++. Allpolicies, exceptworker’scompensationpolicy, shallnametheCityanditselected orappointedofficials, officers, representatives, directors, commissioners, agentsandemployees as “AdditionalInsured,” andthecommercialairportoperatorshallfurnishcertificateofinsurances evidencingtherequiredcoveragecitedhereinpriortoengaginginanycommercialaeronautical activities. Suchcertificatesshallprovideforunequivocalthirty (30) daynoticeofcancellationor materialchangeofanypolicylimitsorconditions. ARTICLE5GENERALOPERATIONALREQUIREMENTS Section5-1. AirportRulesandRegulations. EachcommercialairportoperatorshallabidebytheAuburnCityCode, RulesandRegulations andanyotherdocumentsestablishedbytheCityforthesafe, orderlyandefficientoperationofthe airport. Section5-2. Taxiwayaccess. Ifnotalreadyprovided, eachcommercialairportoperatorconductingaeronauticalactivitiesshall providepavedaccessfromitsleasedpremisestotheairport’staxi-way/taxilane/apronsystem. SuchaccessshallmeetallapplicableFAAstandardsforthelargestaircrafttypeanticipatedtouse thecommercialairportoperator’spremises. Section5-3. Right-of-entryreserved. TheCityreservestherightatallreasonabletimestoenteruponeachcommercialairport operator’spremisesforanylawfulpurpose, providedthatsuchentrydoesnotunreasonably interferewiththecommercialairportoperator’suseofthepremises. Page 45 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 10OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS Section5-4. Ratesandcharges. Eachcommercialairportoperatormaydeterminetheratesandchargesforallofitsactivitiesand services, providedthatsuchratesandchargesshallbereasonableandfairlyappliedtoallofthe commercialairportoperator’scustomers. Section5-5. Personnel, subtenantsandinvitees; controlanddemeanor. Eachcommercialairportoperatorshallemployasufficientnumberoftrained, on-dutypersonnelto providefortheefficient, safe, orderlyandpropercompliancewithitsobligationsunderitslease, license, permitoragreement. Eachcommercialairportoperatorshallcontroltheconductand demeanorofitspersonnel, subtenants, licenseesandinviteesand, uponobjectionbytheCity concerningtheconductordemeanorofanysuchperson, thecommercialairportoperatorshall immediatelytakealllawfulstepsnecessarytoremovethecauseoftheobjection. Each commercialairportoperatorshallconductitsoperationsinasafe, orderly, efficientandproper mannersoasnottounreasonablydisturb, endangerorbeoffensivetoothers. Section5-6. Interferencewithutilitiesandsystems. Nocommercialairportoperatorshalldoorpermittobedoneanythingthatmayinterferewiththe effectivenessoraccessibilityofanypublicutilitysystem, drainagesystem, sewersystem, fire protectionsystem, sprinklersystem, alarmsystemorfirehydrantandhoses. Section5-7. Fireequipment. Eachcommercialairportoperatorshallsupplyandmaintainsuchadequateandreadilyaccessible fireextinguishersandequipmentasmayberequiredbylawand/ortheValleyRegionalFire Authority. Section5-8. Vehicleidentification Anyvehicleusedintheairsideareamustbearidentificationdesignatingthecommercialairport operatortowhomthevehicleisassigned. Lettersshallbeaminimumofthree (3) inchesinheight onacontrastingbackgroundanddisplayedinamannerthatisacceptabletotheAirportManager. Section5-9. Indemnification. Tothefullestextentpermittedbylaw, anypersonaccessingorusingtheairportoranyofits facilities, andtheperson’ssuccessors, assignsandguarantors, shallindemnify, defend, payand holdtheCity, itsagents, employees, officials, directors, officers, commissionersand representativesharmlessfromandagainstallclaims, demands, charges, penalties, obligations, fines, administrativeandjudicialactionsorproceedings, suits, liabilities, judgments, damages, losses, costsandexpensesofanykindornature (including, butnotlimitedto, attorneyfeesand expenses, expertwitnessandconsultantfeesandexpenses, arbitrationfees, courtcostsandthe costofappellateproceedings) arisingfromsaidaccessoruse, orfromanyotheractoromission ofsaidperson (anditsemployees, agentsoranyoneforwhoseactsoromissionssaidpersonmay beliable) including, withoutlimitation, thedischargeofanydutiesortheexerciseofanyrightsor privilegespursuanttothischapteroranyregulationsorMinimumOperatingStandards Page 46 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 11OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS promulgatedhereunder. Thissectionapplies, withoutlimitation, toclaimsofpersonalinjury, bodily injury, sickness, diseaseordeath, andtoclaimsofpropertydamage (includingCityproperty), destructionorotherimpairmentofeverydescription (including, withoutlimitation, lossofuse), and toclaimsofenvironmentalpropertydamage (including, withoutlimitation, cleanup, response, removalandremediationcosts). ARTICLE6FIXEDBASEOPERATORS Section6-1. Statementofconcept. Afixedbaseoperatormeansapersonengagedinawiderangeofcommercialaeronautical activitiesonairportpropertyincluding, ataminimum, thefollowing: a) Aircraftfuelingandlubrication; b) Aircraftlineservices; c) Majoraircraftmaintenanceandrepairservices; d) Aircraftstorage, parking, andtiedown; e) Retailsaleofaircraftpartsandaccessories; and f) Provisionofcustomaryfacilities, amenities, andancillaryservicestogeneralaviationusers including, ataminimum, thefollowing: publicrestrooms, publictelephones, passengerwaiting areas/lounges, conferencerooms, crew-memberlounges, andweatherbriefing/flightplanning services. Afixedbaseoperatorshallcomplywithallofthestandardsandrequirementscontainedinthis article. Inaddition, afixedbaseoperatormayengageinanygeneralaviationspecialtyservice activityidentifiedinarticle7 (andwhichisnotalreadyspecificallyrequiredbythissection) upon meetingallstandardsidentifiedforthespecificactivity, withtheexceptionofthosestandards relatedtominimumrequiredofficespace. Section6-2. Landandfacilityrequirements. a) Land: Three (3) acresofcontiguousairportproperty. b) Apron: Atleast60,000squarefeetofeitherairportpropertyortenantdeveloped (notincluding anybuildingarea, automobileparkingarea, andfuelstoragearea) tosupportaircraftoperations. Thisareashallaccommodatethefollowing: 1. AirplaneDesignGroupIaircraft (wingspansupto49’ feet); 2. Transientaircraftparkingfor5aircraft; Page 47 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 12OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS 3. Circulationtaxilanestofacilitateaccessto/fromaircraftparkingandstagingareas; and 4. Adequateareatosimultaneouslyaccommodatetransientaircraftoperations, towing ofaircraftto/fromstoragehangars, andstagingofbasedaircraft. c) ExecutiveTerminalBuilding: 7500squarefeetwithaminimumof2000squarefeetdedicated tocustomerserviceandsupportfunctions. d) HangarSpace: 7500squarefeetwith4500squarefeetdedicatedtoaircraftstorageand3000 squarefeetdedicatedtoaircraftmaintenanceandrepair. e) Shop: 3,000squarefeetofshopspacetosupportaircraftmaintenanceandrepairactivities, includingthestorageofpartsandaccessories. Section6-3. Hoursofoperation. Unlessotherwiseagreedtoinwritingbytheairportdirector, afixedbaseoperatorshallprovide aircraftfuelingandlineservicesseven (7) daysperweek, from8:00a.m. to6:00p.m., andshall keepthefixedbaseoperationopenforaircraftmaintenanceandrepairatleasteight (8) hoursper day, five (5) daysperweek. Thefixedbaseoperatorshallalsobeon-calltwenty-four (24) hours perdaywithafterhoursresponsetimesofone (1) hourorless. Section6-4. Subcontractingservices; restrictions. Afixedbaseoperatormaynotsubcontractanyoftheactivitiesidentifiedinsection6-1exceptfor majoraircraftmaintenanceandrepairservicesandtheretailsaleofaircraftpartsandaccessories. Iftheactivityisnotidentifiedinsection6-1, afixedbaseoperatormaysubcontractanyactivities describedinarticle7, providedthatsuchsubcontractormeetstherequirementsinarticle7and operatesfromthefixedbaseoperator’spremisesandinsuchareasasareapprovedbythe airportdirector. Section6-5. MinimumrequirementsofFBOservices. a) Aviationfueling. 1. AfixedbaseoperatorshallcomplywiththeNationalFireProtectionAssociation’s codesandstandards, asamended, FAAAdvisoryCircular150/5230-4, asamended, all requirementsoftheRulesandRegulations, andallotherapplicablelawsrelatedto aircraftfuelhandling, dispensingandstorage. 2. Afixedbaseoperatorshallconstruct (orinstall) andmaintainanon-airportaboveor belowgroundfuelstoragefacilityinalocationapprovedbytheairportdirector. Thefuel storagefacilityshallhavetotalcapacityforthreedayssupplyofaviationfuelforaircraft beingservicedbythefixedbaseoperator. Innoeventshallthetotalstoragecapacitybe lessthan: 10,000gallonsforJetfuelstorage 8,000gallonsforAvgasstorage; and Page 48 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 13OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS Afixedbaseoperatorshalldemonstratethecapabilitytoexpandfuelstoragecapacity withinareasonabletimeperiod. 3. Afixedbaseoperatorshallnotconstructormodifyanyfuelstorageordistribution facilitieswithoutthewrittenconsentoftheCityandwithoutcomplyingwithallCitysafety standards. TheCitymayinspectsuchfacilitiesperiodicallytoensurecompliancewithall standards. 4. Afixedbaseoperatorshallprovidedispensingequipmentsufficienttoservethe needsoftheaircraftnormallyfrequentingtheairport, includingtheprovisionofatleast oneJetfuelrefuelingvehiclesandoneAvgasrefuelingvehicleoravehiclecapableof providingbothproductsfromasinglevehicle. Jetfuelrefuelingvehiclesshallhaveover- the-wingfuelingcapabilitiesandminimumcapacityof2,000gallons. Avgasrefueling vehiclesshallhaveminimumcapacityof750gallons. Allequipmentmustbeapproved bytheairportdirectorandshallmeetallCitysafetystandards. Themeteringdevices shallbeannuallyinspected, checkedandcertifiedbyappropriatestateandlocal agencies. TheCitymayinspectsuchequipmentperiodicallytoensurecompliancewith allstandards. 5. Afixedbaseoperatorshallrequireallofitsfuel-handlingpersonneltoattendtraining courses, obtainafuelhandler’spermit, andreceiveperiodicrefreshertrainingas requiredbytheAirportManagerandRegionalValleyFireAuthority. Afixedbase operatorshalldevelopastandardoperatingprocedureforaviationfuelingactivitiesand provideacurrentcopyofthesametotheairportdirector. TheCityandFAAmay periodicallyconductinspectionsofthefixedbaseoperator’sactivitiesandpersonnelto ensureadherencetosafepractices. b) Aircraftlineservices. 1. Afixedbaseoperatorshallemployandhaveon-dutyduringrequiredhoursof operationatleastoneproperlytrainedandqualifiedemployeecapableofproviding aircraftfueling, aircraftparking, andancillaryaircraftgroundservicesandrelated customerservicesandsupport. 2. Afixedbaseoperatorshallhaveandmaintaintheequipmentthatisrequiredtosafely andefficientlymove (tow) theaircraftnormallyfrequentingtheairport, includingatug andtowbarswithrateddrawbarpullsufficientforsuchaircraft. 3. Afixedbaseoperatorshallmaintaintools, jacks, tugs, tirerepairequipment, ground powerunits, emergencystartingequipment, portablecompressedairtanks, fire extinguishers, chocks, ropesandtiedownsuppliesasarenecessaryfortheservicingof aircrafttypesexpectedtousetheairport. c) Majoraircraftmaintenanceandrepairservices. 1. Afixedbaseoperatorshallprovidemajorairframe, engineandaccessoryoverhaul repairservicesforpiston, turboprop, andturbineaircraft. Page 49 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 14OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS 2. Providesufficientshopspace, equipment, suppliesandavailabilityofpartsequivalent tothatrequiredforcertificationbytheFAAasanapprovedrepairstation. 3. Either: (1) employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinesshoursatleastone personwhoiscurrentlycertifiedbytheFAAwithratingsappropriatetotheworkbeing performedandholdsanairframe, powerplant, oraircraftinspectorrating; or (2) maintainacurrentFARPart145Certificate. d) Aircraftstorage, parkingandtiedown. 1. Afixedbaseoperatorshalllease, rentorlicenseaircraftstorage, parkingandtiedown facilitiestoaircraftownersoroperatorssolelyforaircraftstorage, parkingandtiedown purposes. 2. Alltransientaircraftcustomersshallbeidentifiedwithchalksindicatingthefixedbase operatornameorabbreviation. e) Saleofaircraftpartsandaccessories. 1. Afixedbaseoperatorshallprovideretailsalesofaircraftpartsandaccessoriesasare necessaryfortheservicingofaircrafttypesexpectedtousetheairport. Section6-6. Insurance. Afixedbaseoperatorshallmaintaintheapplicabletypesandamountsofinsurancerequiredby article4, exceptthattheoperatorshallatalltimesmaintaincommercialgeneralliabilityinsurance intheamountofatleast $1,000,000peroccurrence, $1,000,000products-completedoperations, 1,000,000hangarkeepers, and $1,000,000annualaggregate. Section6-7. Aeronauticalbusinesspermitfee. a) Fixedbaseoperatorsshallpayfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ata minimum, saidlease, license, permitoragreementshallincludeamonthlylandrentalpayment commensuratewithmarketratesandthefollowingAeronauticalBusinessPermitfees: 1. Anairportfuelflowagefee, asidentifiedintheairportratesandfeesschedule, forfuel dispensedduringthecalendarmonthjustended. 2. AttheconclusionofeachfiscalyearendingJune30, fixedbasedoperatorsshall reconciletheirrecordsandshall, ifthefeespayableforservicesperformedpursuantto Article7oftheAirportMinimumOperatingStandardsexceedtheamountoffuelflowage feespaidpursuanttosection6-7(a)(2) duringtheprecedingfiscalyear, paythe differencebetweenthetwoamountstotheairportonorbeforeJuly31ofeachyear. 3. Seventy-Five (75) percentofthegrossovernighttiedownfeesunlessthefixedbase operator’sapronisconsideredpartofitsleasehold. 4. Theabove-indicatedfeesarenotinlieuofanytransactionprivilegetaxesorother Page 50 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 15OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS taxes. b) Fixedbaseoperatorsshallnotsublease, permitorallowanyotherpersontooperateasa generalaviationspecialtyserviceoperatorwithintheleasedorpermittedarea, orconduct anybusinessventurewhichdirectlyorindirectlyrelatestoaeronauticsorflight, withoutthe priorwrittenapprovaloftheCity. c) AllpaymentsduetheCityshallbeaccompaniedbyformsprescribedbytheCity’saccounting officeortheAirportSupervisor. ARTICLE7. GENERALAVIATIONSPECIALTYSERVICES Section7-1. Hangarleasingservices. Ahangarleasingservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedinthebusinessofleasing, rentingor licensinghangarstoaircraftownersoroperatorssolelyforaircraftstoragepurposes. Ahangar leasingservicesoperatormayengageinthebusinessofconstructingandoperatinghangarstobe leased. Ahangarleasingservicesoperatorshallcomplywiththefollowingminimumstandards: a) Ahangarleasingservicesoperatorshallleasesufficientlandtoaccommodatetheproposed numberofhangarsbasedonthefollowing. 1. TheFAAhasestablishedminimumstandardsforhangarsforthestorageofaircraft asfollows: 2,500squarefeetforjetaircraft, 2,000squarefeetforturbopropandtwin engineaircraft, and1,000squarefeetforsingleengineaircraftandhelicopters. 2. Eachhangarleasingservicesoperatorshallregisterwiththeairportdirectoronlyas manyaircrafttobebasedatAuburnMunicipalairportascanbestoredwithinthe operator’shangarundertheFAAguidelinesinsection7-1(a)(1). Transientaircraft storageisprohibited. b) Theconstructionplansandspecificationsforanyhangarstobeconstructed, including minimumhangarsizesandarchitecturaldesignplans, aresubjecttothewrittenapprovalofthe City. c) Ahangarleasingservicesoperatorleasing, rentingorlicensinghangarsinitsoperationsshall maintainthetypesandamountsofinsurancerequiredbyarticle4foranyofitsactivitieswhich maybecoveredbysuchinsurance. d) Ahangarleasingservicesoperator’shangarsshallincludeatleastone(1) indoorrestroomsfor eachtwenty(20) hangarfacilitiesfortheusebyoperator’slessees, andappropriateofficeand loungeareasfortheoperator’semployees. e) Ataminimum, payaAeronauticalBusinessPermitfeeassetintheCityofAuburnfee schedule. Page 51 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 16OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS Section7-2. Aircraftsalesservices. Anaircraftsalesservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedinthesaleorbrokerageofnew and/orusedaircraftandshall: a) LeasefromabonafideairporttenantortheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespace. b) Ifconductingsalesservices, maintainanapprovedAircraftDealersCertificatefromtheState ofWashington. c) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. d) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaythe greateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthoramonthlyaeronauticalbusinesspermitfeeof one-hundreddollars ($100.00) forthesaleofasingleenginepistonaircraftand/orsinglerotor pistonhelicopter, two-hundreddollars ($200.00) forthesaleofatwinenginepistonaircraftand/or twinrotorpistonhelicopter, andthree-hundreddollars ($300.00) forthesaleofaturbopropand turbinepoweredaircraftand/orhelicopter. ThesemonthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfeesare applicabletoallaircraftsales. Section7-3. Aircraftmaintenanceandrepairservices. Anaircraftmaintenanceandrepairservicesoperatormeansapersonprovidingoneormoreof thefollowingservices: airframe, engineoraccessoryoverhaul; repairservicesonaircraft, includingaircraftandhelicopters; andsalesofaircraftpartsandaccessories. Anaircraft maintenanceandrepairservicesoperatorshall: a) Leasesufficientlandtoaccommodatetheproposedoperations. b) Provideofficespace, hangarfacilities, apavedaircraftparkingapron, anadequatenumberof pavedautomobileparkingspacesforitscustomers, apublicloungeandwaitingroomandpublic restroomsonitspremises. c) Providesufficientshopspace, equipment, suppliesandavailabilityofpartsequivalenttothat requiredforcertificationbytheFAAasanapprovedrepairstation. d) Either: (1) employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinesshoursatleastonepersonwhois currentlycertifiedbytheFAAwithratingsappropriatetotheworkbeingperformedandwhoholds anairframe, powerplant, oraircraftinspectorrating; or (2) maintainacurrentFARPart145 Certificate. e) Notconductmajormaintenance, repairoperations, orbusinessactivitiesatanytimeinside hangarsorotherstructuresnotdesignedforsuchfunction. Specificleaseagreementand/orCity firecodesshalldeterminewhathangarsorotherstructuresshallbeapprovedformajor maintenanceactivities. Page 52 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 17OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS f) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance, exceptthatthe operatorshallatalltimesmaintaincommercialgeneralliabilityinsuranceintheamountofatleast 1,000,000peroccurrence, $1,000,000products-completedoperations, and $1,000,000annual aggregate. g) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaythe greateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonth. oramonthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfee. Section7-4. Aircraftleasingorrentalservices. Anaircraftleasingorrentalservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedintheleasingorrentalof aircrafttothepublic. Anaircraftleasingorrentalservicesoperatorshall: a) LeasefromabonafideairporttenantortheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespace. b) Employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinesshoursatleastoneperson. c) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. d) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaythe greateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthoramonthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfee. Section7-5. Flighttrainingservices. Aflighttrainingservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedininstructingpilotsindualandsolo flighttraining, infixed-wingand/orrotary-wingaircraft, andprovidingsuchrelatedgroundschool instructionasisnecessarytotakeawrittenexaminationandflightcheckrideforthecategoriesof pilot’slicensesandratingsinvolved. Aflighttrainingservicesoperatorshall: a) LeasefromabonafideairporttenantortheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespace. b) Provideadequateclassroomfacilitiesfortheamountandtypeoftraininginvolved. c) Employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinesshoursatleastoneinstructorwhoiscurrently certifiedbytheFAAtoprovidethetypeoftrainingoffered. d) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. e) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaythe greateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthoramonthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfee. Page 53 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 18OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS Section7-6. Specializedaircraftrepairservices. Aspecializedaircraftrepairservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedinthebusinessof repairingaircraftradios, avionics, instruments, propellers, accessories, upholstery, paintingand/or similaraircraftcomponents. Aspecializedaircraftrepairservicesoperatorsellsneworusedparts andcomponentsnecessaryforsuchrepairs. Aspecializedaircraftrepairservicesoperatorshall: a) Leasesufficientlandtoaccommodatetheproposedoperations. b) Providehangarfacilities, apavedaircraftparkingapron, anadequatenumberofpaved automobileparkingspacesforitscustomers, apublicloungeandwaitingroomandpublic restroomsonitspremises. c) Employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinessatleastonepersonwhoiscurrentlycertified bytheFAAwithratingsappropriatetotheservicesoffered. d) Notconductmaintenanceorrepairoperationsorbusinessactivitiesatanytimeinsidehangars orotherstructuresnotdesignedforsuchfunctions. Specificleaseagreementsand/orCityfire codesshalldeterminewhathangarsorotherstructuresshallbeapprovedformajormaintenance activities. e) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance, exceptthatthe operatorshallatalltimesmaintaincommercialgeneralliabilityinsuranceintheamountofatleast 1,000,000peroccurrence, $1,000,000products-completedoperations, and $1,000,000annual aggregate. f) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaythe greateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthoramonthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfee. Section7-7. Aircraftcharterservices. Anaircraftcharterservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedinthebusinessofprovidingair transportationofpersonsorpropertytothegeneralpublicforhire, eitheronacharterbasisoras definedbytheFAAunderPart135. Aircraftcharterservicesmayincludetheperformanceof aircraftmanagementservicesasdefinedintheseMinimumOperatingStandards, aslongasall requirementsofsuchservicesaremet. Anaircraftcharterservicesoperatorshall: a) LeasefromabonafideairporttenantortheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespace. b) Employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinesshoursatleastonepersonwhoholdscurrent FAAcommercialpilotandmedicalcertificatesandratingsappropriatefortheoperator’sflight activities. Allflightcrewsshallbeproperlyratedfortheaircraftoperated, andtheoperatorshall providereasonableassuranceofthecontinuedavailabilityofqualifiedoperatingcrews. Page 54 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 19OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS c) Ownorleaseexclusivelybywrittenagreementaircraftcurrentlycertifiedandcontinuously airworthy. AllaircraftshallmeettherequirementsoftheFAAcertificateheldbytheaircraftcharter serviceoperator. d) HaveandprovidetheCitywith, acurrentFARPart135CertificateorprovisionalFARPart135 Certificate, aswellastheaircraftidentificationpagefromtheoperatingspecificationslistingall aircraftonthecertificate. e) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. f) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpayamonthly AeronauticalBusinessPermitfeeofoneormoreofthefollowing: 1. Amonthlypermitfeeofone-hundreddollars ($100.00) fortheoperationofoneor morepiston-engineaircraftlessthan12,500poundscertificatedmaximumtakeoff weight; and 2. Amonthlypermitfeeofone-hundredandfiftydollars ($150.00) fortheoperationof eachturbine/jetaircraftlessthan12,500poundscertificatedmaximumtakeoffweight. Section7-8. Specializedcommercialflyingservices. Aspecializedcommercialflyingservicesoperatormeansapersonengagedinairtransportation forhireforanyofthefollowingpurposes: nonstopsightseeingflightsthatbeginandendatthe airport, aerialphotographyorsurvey, powerlineorpipelinepatrol, firefightingorfirepatrol, airbornemineralexploration, oranyotheroperationsspecificallyexcludedfromFARPart135. A specializedcommercialflyingservicesoperatorshall: a) LeasefromabonafideairporttenantortheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespace. b) Employandhaveon-dutyduringnormalbusinesshoursatleastonepersonwhoholdscurrent commercialpilotandmedicalcertificateswithappropriateratingsfortheaircrafttobeflown. c) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. d) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaythe greateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthoramonthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfee. Section7-9. Aircraftmanagementservices. Anaircraftmanagementservicesoperatormeansapersonperformingoneormoreofthe followingservicesinthemanagementofanotherperson’saircraft: pilotstaffing, records management, andotheraircraft-relatedservicesnotincludingservicesdetailedinanyother sectionscontainedherein. Aircraftmanagementalsoencompassestheexerciseoftheprivilegeof Page 55 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 20OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS FARPart91.501onbehalfoftheowner. Aircraftmanagementdoesnotincludethecontrolofor operationofaircraftunderFARPart135. Anaircraftmanagementservicesoperatorshall: a) LeasefromabonafideairporttenantortheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespace. b) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. c) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimumanoperator, in additiontopayingamonthlylandrentalpaymentcommensuratewithmarketrates, shallpaya monthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfeeofoneormoreofthefollowing: 1. Amonthlypermitfeeofone-hundreddollars ($100.00) forthemanagementofoneor morepiston-engineaircraftlessthan12,500poundscertificatedmaximumtakeoff weight; and 2. Amonthlypermitfeeofone-hundredandfiftydollars ($150.00) forthemanagement ofeachturbine/jetaircraftlessthan12,500poundscertificatedmaximumtakeoffweight. Section7-10. Mobileaircraftwashingservices. Mobileaircraftwashingservicesoperatorsengageinthecleaning, detailingand/orwashingof aircrafteitherforthegeneralpublicorforindividualbusinesses. Aircraftwashingisrestrictedto designatedwashrack/padareasand/orotherareaspermittedunderanApprovedWashingPlan AWP) andshallbeperformedinaccordancewithSection2-11oftheAirportRulesand Regulations. Operatorsprovidingmobileaircraftwashingservicesshallmeetthefollowing standards: a) Submitandreceiveapprovalofanaircraftwashingplanthatcontainsthefollowinginformation: 1. Nameofindividual/companyconductingwashingservices, contactnameandphone number. 2. Adetaileddescriptionofwashingmethod/operation, includingthefollowingdetails: a) Washwatercontainmentmethod(s), (rampscrubber, berms, tarps, containment boom, dry, etc.), b) Anestimateoftheamountofwaterusedperwashandfrequencyofoperation, c) Nameandamountofchemical(s) usedperwash, And d) If “dry” washingorwaxing/coatingoperationsareconducted, provideaffirmation thattarps, vacuumsystemand/orsweepingwillbeusedtocollectresidualmaterial foritsproperdisposalandtoprotecttheramp (ifapplicable). Operatorsmust properlydisposeof “dry” washmaterialsand/orresidualwaste. e) MaterialSafetyDataSheets (MSDS) forallchemicalstobeused. Page 56 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 21OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS 3. Ifwashingisconductedoutsideofdesignatedwashrack/pad, indicatethemethodof disposalofretrievedwash/wastewater. Ifwateristobedisposedofonairportproperty thefollowingstepsshallbetaken: a) Disposalofwash/wastewatershallbedonethroughanoil/waterinterceptorinto thesanitarysewersystem. Atnotimeiswash/wastewatertobedisposedofin stormwaterdrainageordirt/grassareas. b) Approvalforthedischargeofwash/wastewateronairportpropertyshallbe obtainedfromtheAirportSupervisor. Anapprovallettershallbeincludedinthe AWP, andbeaccessibleon-demandeachtimedisposalisconductedonairport property. b) AcopyoftheAWPshallbeonwashsiteatalltimeswhileaircraftwashingactivitiesare performed, andshallbeaccessibletotheairportdirectoron-demand. c) Theaircraftwashingservicesoperatorshallmaintainacompletelistof individuals/companiescontractingforwashingservicesandallaircraftwashedduringeach month, includingthedatethatservicewasprovided, aircraftowner (ifavailable), FAA registrationnumber, andmakeandmodelofaircraftforaperiodofsix (6) months. Thelist shallbemadeavailabletotheAirportManageruponrequest. d) Amobileaircraftwashingservicesoperatorshallatalltimesmaintainineffectthetypes andminimumamountsofinsurance, andcontainprovisionscitedhereinforanyofits activitiesattheairportthatmaybecoveredbysuchinsurancespecifiedinsection4. e) Theoperatorshallpayfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ata minimumanoperatorshallpaythegreateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthora monthlyAeronauticalBusinessPermitfee. Section7-11. Mobileaircraftmaintenanceandrepairservices. Amobileaircraftmaintenanceandrepairservicesoperatormeansapersonprovidingoneormore ofthefollowingservicesattheaircraftbasedlocationorwithinadesignatedaircraftmaintenance areasontheairport: airframe, engineoraccessoryoverhaul; repairservicesonaircraft; andsales ofaircraftpartsandaccessories. Amobileaircraftmaintenanceandrepairservicesoperatorshall: a) Either: (1) employatleastonepersonwhoiscurrentlycertifiedbytheFAAwithratings appropriatetotheworkbeingperformedandwhoholdsanairframe, powerplant, oraircraft inspectorrating; or (2) maintainacurrentFARPart145Certificate. b) Onlyconductaircraftmaintenanceandrepairservicesonpistonaircraftweighinglessthan 12,500poundscertificatedmaximumtakeoffweight. c) Notconductmajoraircraftalterationsorrepairsorbusinessactivitiesatanytimeinside hangarsorotherstructuresnotdesignedforsuchfunction. Specificleaseagreementand/orCity Page 57 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 22OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS firecodesshalldeterminewhathangarsorotherstructuresshallbeapprovedformajoraircraft alterationsorrepairs. d) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportthatmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. e) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator shallpaythegreateroftwenty-fivedollars ($25.00) permonthoramonthlyAeronauticalBusiness Permitfee. Section7-12. On-Airportrentalcarconcessionservices. Anon-airportrentalcarconcessionservicesoperatormeansapersonprovidingrentalcar servicesattheairport. Anon-airportrentalcarconcessionservicesoperatorshall: a) LeasefromtheCityaminimumof100squarefeetofofficespaceattheairport. b) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportthatmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. c) Employandhaveondutyattheairportatleastonepersonduringnormalbusinesshours. d) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator locatedonairportshallpaythegreaterofFiveHundreddollars ($500.00) permonthoramonthly aeronauticalbusinesspermitfeeoffive (5) percentofgrossincomefromtheoperator'ssalesofall services. AutomobilesareconsideredrentedatAuburnMunicipalAirport (and, thereforeincluded ingrossincome) if: 1. Theautomobileisdeliveredtothecustomerattheairport; or 2. Therentalagreementisenteredintoattheairporteventhoughtheautomobileis deliveredelsewhere; or 3. Theautomobilewasreservedinadvanceattheairport. 4. Avehiclerentedattheairportisexchangedforanothervehicleatanylocationwithin twenty-five (25) milesoftheAuburnMunicipalAirportforatimeperiodrunning consecutivelywiththeoriginalrentalagreement. Section7-13. Off-Airportrentalcarconcessionservices (Reserved). Section7-14. Off-Airportcateringservices. Anoff-airportcateringservicesoperatormeansapersonprovidingcateringservicesattheairport, andwhoseprimaryofficesarelocatedoff-airport. Anoff-airportcateringservicesoperatorshall: Page 58 TITLE: INDEXNO: PAGE: ADMINISTRATIVE AUBURNMUNICIPALAIRPORT 23OF24POLICYANDPROCEDURE100-81MINIMUMOPERATINGSTANDARDS Section7-15. CharterBrokerageServices. Acharterbrokerageservicesoperatormeansapersonbrokeringanotherperson’saircraftforuse incharteroperationorfillingseatsinanaircraftforpurposesofcharteroperation. Charter brokerageservicedoesnotincludethecontroloroperationofaircraftunderFARPart135. A charterbrokerageservicesoperatorshall: a) Atalltimesmaintainineffectthetypesandminimumamountsofinsurancespecifiedinarticle 4, foranyofitsactivitiesattheairportwhichmaybecoveredbysuchinsurance. b) Payfeesasprescribedbylease, license, permitoragreement. Ataminimum, anoperator shallpayamonthlyaeronauticalbusinesspermitfeeof $1.00/1,000lbsmaximumcertificated takeoffweightofallaircraftarrivingordepartingtheairportinconjunctionwiththisservice. Page 59 City of Auburn Municipal Airport Leased Facility Inventory Description Land Leases‐103 Condo Hangars   Auburn Condo Hangars Association Seven (7) buildings mid field   Auburn Flyers Condo Seven (7) buildings north and south field   Auburn Hangars Owners Association Six (6) buildings north field   Auburn Flight Services One (1) buidling south field   Jim Jacobson One (1) buidling north field City Leased Facilities   Metal Enclosed Hangar Rows 9 & 10 40 hangars @ north end of field   Roll up Door Enclosed Hangars 14 hangars @ south/mid field    Open Twin Hangars 6 hangars @ south/mid field   Open T Hangars 85 hangars @ south/mid field   Storage Units 12 units    Outside Tie Downs 70  @ south end and mid field   Office Space East end of Hangar Row 2   506 Building 2600 square feet @ mid field Page 60 Pa g e  61 Pa g e  62 Pa g e  63 Pa g e    64 Pa g e  65