HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-2014 * Public Works Committee ciTVOF. -=�^. - • February 18, 2014 - 3:30 PM Annex Conference Room 2 WASH I NGTON MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Wayne Osborne called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room #2, located on the second floor of Auburn Gity Hall, One East Main Street, Aubum, Washington. A. Roll Call Chairman Wayne Osbome, Vice-Chair Bill Peloza, and Member Claude DaCorsi were present. Also present during the meeting were: Community Development & Public Works Director Kev'in Snyder, Assistant DiFector of Engineering Services/City Engineer Ingrid Gau.b, Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Randy Bailey, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Transportation Manager Pablo Para, Project Engineer Robert Lee, Project Engineer Kim Truong, Project Engineer Seth Wickstrom, Engineering Aide AmberMund, Senior Project Engineer Jacob Sweeting, Assistant City Attomey Steve Gross, Senior Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak, VVater Quality Program Coordinator Chris Thorn, Storm Drainage Engineer Tim Carlaw, Water Engineer Susan Fenhaus, and Public Works Secretary Jennifer Cusmir. B. Announcements There were no announcements. C. Agenda Modifications There were no agenda modifications. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes Vice-Chair Peloza asked about the status of the notices going out to property owners regarding the airport storm fees. Assistant Director ofi Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub stated that the notices have not been mailed out and the Finance Department is working on the notices. Vice-Chair Peloza asked that the word °altemate," used in the discussion about speed cusFiion design, page 9 of 169, be changed to Page 1 of 8 "new." It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, �� that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee Meeting minutes for date, February 3, 2014, as amended. Motion carried 3-0. B. Public Works Project No. C524A (Lee) SCADA Utility Site Improvements Project Engineer Lee explained that staff is asking for permission to advertise for the physical site improvements portion qf the SCADA Project. The scope of work will include fences and other securify improvements. Project Engineer Lee will provide the Committee a list of the facilities included in the scope of work, as requested by Vice-Chair Peloza, prior to the Councif inee#ing. Assistant Director ofiEngineering SerVices/City Engineer Gaub noted that this project includes all of the non-technology improvements at the facilities. The Committee and staff discussed the project budget and,funding sourees. Project Engineer Lee provided background information regarding the projecYs design phase, in response to a question asked by Member DaCorsi. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. C524A, SCADA Physical Site Improvements. Motion carried 3-0. C. Public Works Project No. CP1202 (Lee) Aubum Way South Floqding Imp — Phase II Project EngineerLee reported that the need for additional sewer repairs and replacemenf of the water main was discovered during the project's preliminary design. Answering a question asked by Chairman Osbome, Project Engineer Lee explained that the:problems with the sewer main include broken pipes and old manholes and the water main is old and in the path of construction. Staff believes if will be cost effective to make repa�rs and Page 2 of 8 replacements at this time as signficant street restoration is already p�anned to be done with the storm improvements. The Committee and staff discussed the increased scope of work and possible affect to the funding for the Fulmer Wellfield project where the scope has been significantly reduced. This funding transfer will not impact the current phase of the Fulmer Field project. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council grant permission fo enter into amendment No. 2 for Consulfant Agreement No. AG-C-425 wit KPG, Inc. for engineering services forProject No. CP1202 Au6um Way South Flooding Improvements — Phase II. Motion carried 3-0. D. Public Works Project No. CP1207 (Truong) 'D' Street Utility Improvements Chairman Osborne asked if a consultant worked on the project's design. Project Engineer Truong answered that the project;design was completed in-house, by City staff. Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub stated that there was a consultant used for the geotechnical work. Project Engineer Truong explained that the soils within the Project limits are soupy in nature and it is necessary to over excavate to create a better foundation to lay the pipe on, following questions asked by Chairman Osbome. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, #hat the Committee recommend City Council approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of$231,110.03 to Contract No. 13-10 forwork on Project No. CP1207, D S#reet Utility Improvements. Motion carried 3-0. E. Public Works Project No. CP1302 (Wickstrom) 2013 Pavement Patching, Chipseal, and Overlay Project Project Engineer Wickstrom was present. Vice-Chair Peloza asked if 2nd Street NE, between Aubum Way N and Aubum Avenue is a local street and included in Save Our Street. _ _ Program. Assistant Di�ecfor of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub stated that it is a local street and is on the list for needing a total rebuild but is not included in the 2014 project. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, Page 3 of 8 that the Committee recommend City Council approve Einal Pay Estimate No. 5 to Contract No. 13-06 in the amount of$4,454.00 and accept construction ofProject No. CP1302, 2013 Pavement Patching, Chipseal, and Overlay Project. Motion carried 3-0.. F. Public Works Project No. CP1307 �ckstrom) Control Structure Installation Project Seth Wickstrom provided a brief background summary of the project. There were no quesUons from the Committee. It was moved by Vice-ChairPeloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council approve Final Pay Es4imate No 1 to Limited Public Works Contract No. 13-17 in the amount of$36,873.10 and accept construction of Project No. CP1307, Control Structure Installation Project. Motion carried 3-0. III. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 6491 (Mund) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Granting to T-Mobile Wesf LLC, a Delaware Limi#ed Liability Company, A Franchise for Telecommunications Engmeering Aide Mund reported that there was a Public Hearing held at the February 3, 2014 City Council Meeting and the ordi.nance is scheduled to go to City Council for introduction and adoption on February 18, 2014. Mund answered questions asked by Member DaCorsi regarding the terms of the ftanchise agreement. Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub explained the tree trimming requirements, following a quesfion asked by Member DaCorsi. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6491. Motion carried 3-0. B. Ordinance No. 6499 (Sweeting) An Ordinance of the Giry Council of the City of Aubum, Washington, Deslaring Public Use and Necessity Regarding City Projecf CP1119 - Auburn Way South Corridor Improvements, Fir Street SE to Hemlock Page 4 of 8 Street SE Project, and Authorizing Condemnation Senior Project Engineer Sweeting distributed an updated map, identifying the acquisition areas included in 4he ordinance, 4o the Committee. Senior Project Engineer Sweeting explained that Ordinance No. 6499 will establish that portions, or all, of the properties identified for the roadway project are of pu6lic need-and authorize condemnation should the Ciry not reach settlement agreements with the property owners for the purchase of the proposed right-of-way. The Committee and staff discussed why acquisition of the entire property labeled "1" is necessary. Senior Project Engineer Sweeting stated that negotiations to acquire the properties are still faking place, however agreements have not yet been reached and condemnation action may be needetl, in response to a question asked by Member DaCorsi. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 6499. Motion carried 3-0. IV. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 5043 (Wickstrom) A Resolution ofithe City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Authorizing the Mayor to Accept a Washington State Department of Ecology Grant for the Main#enance and Operations Storm Drainage Improvement Project Using an aerial map, Project Engineer Wickstrom outlined the project scope with the Committee. Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub responded to questions asked by Chairman Osborne regarding the Cities of Algona and Pacific part�cipating in the project, as per their agreements with the City of Aubum forthe decant facility portion of the project only. The Committee and staff reviewed the project funding and match requirements. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 5043'. Page S of 8 Motion carried 3-0. B. Resolution No. 5033 (Repp) A Resolution ofithe City Council.of the City of Aubum, Washington, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Lease Agreement Between the City of Aubum and Valley Communications Center Chairman Osbome thanked Utilities Engineer Repp for his service to the City, as Utilities Engineer Repp will be leaving the City's employ. Utilities Engineer Repp explained that ValleyComm would like to enter into an agreement wi#h the City to install radio equipment at Water Utility Reservoir#5. Repp spoke about the equipment ValleyComm is proposing to install and the temis ofthe agreement. The Committee and staff discussed ValleyComm's access;into the facility and the impact fhat their equipment may haVe on City maintenance of the facility. Vice-Chair Peloza recommended the Assistant City Attorney Gross make some minor changes to the agreement template to be applied to future agreements, for the sake of consistency. . The Committee and staff discussed the lease fees. It was moved by Vice-ChairPeloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that.the Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 5033. Motion carried 3-0. C. Resolution No. 5044 (Snyder) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Selecting a Nominee to Senre as a Member of the Board of Commissioners for Pierce Transit There were no questionsfrom the Committee. It was moved by Vice-Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee recommend City Council adopt Resolution No. 5044. Motion carried 3-0. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. NPDES II Stormwater Program Plan (Cariaw/Thom) Page 6 of 8 Water Quality Program Coordinator Thom provided the Committee with a background summary regarding the Stormwater Management Program Permit (SWMP). Thorn explained the requirements of the permit, the permitting process and outlined the schedule forstaff's plan to comply with the SWMP Plan submittal deadline. The public review and comment period on the City's SWMP Plan began February 18,2014. Water Quality Program Coordinator Thorn explained how throughout the life of the 5-year NPDES II Permit, different requirements are fazed in during the cycle. The Committee and staff discussed the possible budget impacts that will occur as the permit requirements are met by the City and developers. Staff answered questions asked by Member DaCorsi regarding how developers are educated about the requirements of the plan and ufility impacts for the various development sites. Thorn noted that the Departmentof Ecology is not requiring the submittal ofian annual report for 2013. B. Capital Project Status Report (Sweeting) Item 23 — CP1202 —AWS Flooding Phase 2: Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub stated that now that the Committee has approved the change briier, the amount will be added into the total budget, responding to a question asked by Chairman Osborne. Item28 — CP1402 —2014 Citvwide Pavement Patchinq and Overlav Proiect: Senior Project Engineer Sweeting pointed out that this is a new project and had just been included in the report. Item A— CP1115— City Hall NW Plaza Jmprovements: Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub stated that staff has met and developed a list of possible projects for the remainder ofi the LRF funds and that list will be presented to the Planning and Community Development Committee. C. Significant Infrastrucfure Prbjects by Others - Public Works Status Report (Gaub) Item 6 — 2nd Street NE Gas Main Replacement: Assistant Directorof Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub said that PSE open cut Auburn Way North and #he pavement restorafion needs to 6e completed. Vice-Chair Peloza noted the poor condition of 2nd Street Page 7 of 8 NE. D. Action Tracking Matrix (Gaub) Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Gaub responded to questions asked by Vice-Chair Peloza regarding the possi6ility of including 2nd Street NE in the 2014 SOS project list. Chairman Osborne asked staff to provide the Committee wi#h a rough estimate of the cost to rebuild 2nd Street NE. Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Bailey suggested some main4enance measures that may be able to be taken to improve the condition of 2nd Street NE until it can be funded for replacement. Vice-Chair Peloza asked that a report on 2nd Street NE be added to the matrix. Vice-Chair Peloza asked that the sewer odor problem near the Amberview ApartmenEs'6e added backto the matrix. Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Bailey stated that every effort to alleviate the odor has been made. The Committee and;staff discussed if there are any other options to explore. Bailey noted that staff is nof convinced the odor is coming from the sewer system. The Committee and staff discussed storm fees for park's properties and the Golf Course. The Committee and staff discussed an accident near the 116th and 320th intersection. Staff was tasked w'ith� reviewing the accident report. and examining the intersection to determine if there are issues with the road design. Vice-Chair Peloza asked tliat the review ofithe intersection be added to the matrix. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further busine_ss to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjoumed at 4:37 p.m. Approved this ay of March, 2014. Wayne O bome, Chairman /�nnifer C ir, Public Works Department Secretary Page 8 of 8