HomeMy WebLinkAbout0772 "1 .;-~ .). :~. "j . -,. , ) ~. . " r'~ "-' ..~ ORDIHA::CE ~{O. 772 - AIr ORDLJA_,CE adopt ing the budget for the City 0 f Auburn for the year A. D. 1937. THE CITY C01J.;CIL of TiLE CITY OF AUlJURIi DO CRDAl:;' A-" ]'OLLO,.S: " Seotion 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Jhapter 158 of the laws of 'lIashincton of the year A. D. 1923, and the laws of tne .:itate of \rllshincton sUolplemental t..lereto and amendatory thereof, the Layor of the City of Auburn has heretofore duly completed and plaoed on file with the City Cler~ of the City of Auburn a prelimi- nary budget tor the year 1937; that notioe was thereupon duly published as requirel by law stating that the Layor had oompleted and plaoed on file such preliminary budget and that a copy ~ould be furnished to any taxpayer who would call therefor at the office of t."e City Clerk and that the Council of tl1e City of .....uburn \Iould meet on the first Londay in Ootober, 1936, at 8:00 o'clocx. P. J,l., for the }ur)ose of fixin6 the final budget and twking the tax levies and that any tax.;)ayer ruight a<,)ear at such k_etine Hnd be ..eard for or against any)art of such budget, desicnating the "laoe of suoh ll"eting as tne oity liall in the City of .\.uburn, King County, \.asiiington; til!lt tile ;,.ayor of the City of ".uburn duly )rovideJ. a suitable nill"ber of cO.t'ies of such detailed ..xreliminary budget to illeet tr.e reasona..,le ilelil3Ilds of the taxj?ayers therefor; that the City Counoil of tile City of Auburn duly met at the time ",nd -",lace designated in said notice on the first ~_onday in vctober, 1936, to-wit, on Ootober b, 19'tJ6, at 8:00 o'olock :". L. and tl.u.t any and all tax)Jayers of the Gity of Auburn were C iV6r. full o))ortunity to be heard for or dgainst such budget; tl.at at the conclusion of suoh hearing said city Council on said 5th day of October, 19;j6 duly fixed and determined each item of said budget se~llrately and that the items of expense so fixed and determined are noVl l.ere adopted by this ordinanoe and are as :Lollows, to-Hit: L1J1HCIPAL BUILDl::G. J:lTERES'l;' ,AIID STI'KmG Ft:TIilD bonds nur~ered 28 to 33, both inolusive, -- Interest on ,,16 ,bOO .00 for 6 I::Ontils at f\~~ Iut ereflt on ..ao:; ,500.00 for 6 IUont;:s at 5-,:,J 5ur)lus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Amount to be raised by taxation V 3,000.00 4::'2.96 ~54.51 212.63 -- -- -- - 04,000.00 P A,.'U( BONDS t-l.1rT}~l;ST ANTI Rl1:DE;:?TI ON Fl.iIm. Bonds nU!ll.bered 13 and 14, :'nt ~r _; C'__ 9 ,000.00 for Interest on v8,OOO.OO for SurJlus -- -- -- -- serial 6 montt.s 6 lilonths at 4 3/4~ - at 4 ,{;/4:> - j 1,000.00 213.66 190.08 196.26 Amount to be raised by taxation FREl!: PUi:lLIC LIBRARY MID --,-,--,. ,.-------..- -- -- -- - Jl~600.00 Salaries and wages --- ;~intenanoe and O~er~T,inn -- -- -- -- -- -- Ca}ital outlay -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Total - Less estimated receiJts from fines, eto. j 1,444.00 7'0:17.64 506.85 J ~g-.41J 1::'6.00 Amount to be raised by taxation -- -- -- -- -- -- - v2,552.49 r .'. -\'" .. (.. r. , .... .' ( ~ CITY._PRCPERTY A::;S1!.'SJ'L:d:T REDK..PI'10~r FUlID Local asseSshBnts and interest -- Surplus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Amount to be raised by taxation - ". 'if 594.75 45.25 ... 640.00 Cl.'RR1..JT ElCPEHSE :ro::D Salaries and wages -- -- -- -- -- Laintenance and operation -- - -- -- Capital outlay -- -- -- -- -- --- -- Total Est ir"ated receipts of current expense fund from sources other than taxation -- -- -- -- -- ~ 4,900.00 --( 16,710.00 9,342.50 ~ ,17S".00 - -T2S- ,221f.'SU Estimated oash balanoe on hand January 1, 1937 __~,OO~..O? Total 2,.99.9_.00 Balance to be raised by taxation -- - -- -- -- -- 1~t327.o0 . LOCAL r..J'ROVE:.:::J:JT GUARANTY ~'U!ID Sum neoessary to llleet financiaJ. reauirements of looal improvement guaranty law ~aRAed in 1927 as ac6nded -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ~ 1,600.00 To be raised by taxation -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 1,600.00 PRTI.;ARY HIG12;;AY FlJ.ND -- Wages -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ~ainten8nce and operation ,. 500.00 \' 500.00 ,.. 1,000.00 .... i) 1,000.00 Total - ERtimated cash balanoe January 1, 1937 No taxation. SECONDARY llIGK"AY FOND Salaries and wages -- -- -- -- I\;ainten8noe and operation - -- -- -- Total -- -- \) 3,050.00 2,721.16 iJO,771.16 :.; 5,771.16 Estimated reoei2ts from gasoline tax No taxation. t'j 4.<- , . {' * r. .. .~ .~ .. \,ATL'R F(nm Salaries and ~aces -- -- Laintenance and operation Capital outlay -- --- -- Interest on bonds --- -- Bonds -- -- -- -- Tcta1 - ..5,820.00 2,800.00 6,100.00 8,047.50 8,000.00 --::30,767.50 No taxation; all to be provided tor by revenue from munici,ally o~ne~ water sy"ten. I~;TRODl;CED October 6, 1936 PA:;)S1!.'D Ootober 6, 1936 October 6, 1936 APP"{cY".<::J ~~ l.;aycr Pro '.rem ATT:'ST: Clerk APPHLY~D A~ TO FOm~ .J ...~ \:--..........~ -" .... - -';' , " -- - ......-- .~ '- ....~ Published Ootober 9, 1936. ~ ~"- ~ ~- - . ~ I, ;r. 1.:. RYAN, the duly elected, qualified am acting City Clerk of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of 1lashington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, ture and correct copy of Ordinance No. 772, of the ordinances of the City of Auburn, entitled an ORDINANCE adopting the budget fer the City of Aubum for the yaar A.D. 1937. I further certify that the said ORDINANCE No. 772 was duly passed by the City Council ani approved by the l!ayor of th e City of Auburn, ani published as provided by law in the AUBURN GLOBE REPUBLICAN, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Auburn, end of general circulation therein, on the 9th day of October 1936. ~ -- . - Witness may hand am the official setll of the Gity of Aubum this "."" ~ ,o~the 24th day of December 1936. " ~ ... . ~' : ",,"~'-~ - - -(;\ -'. . o~....,- .:. ~ .:~ >.. --.... - #~..."'0..::-- ~..~- .- .... -,., -0 " .' ,~ ~',,", --- /, ...,-~... =.,." ..."