HomeMy WebLinkAbout0811 ~~'. - -"""~' ,. ~"" .1' . r' -,.. r .. ORlENANCE NO. 811 AN ORDINANCE: Deolaring a publio emergenoy to exist requiring the expendit'ure during the year 1938 from the Current Expense Fund of the City of Auburn, of monies not provided for in t b9 budget for the year 1938, for the purpose of making and paying for Gertain street improvements in and near the intersection of Auburn Avenue and First street N. E. in the City of Auburn; and direoting that emergenoy warrants be drawn on the Current Expense Fund of the City of Auburn for sums not exoeeding in the aggregate $ l 0 0, pc. The City Counoil of the Cit y of Auburn do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the following are facts: Sinoe the budget of the City of Auburn for the year 1938 was prepared and adopted, that portion of First Street N. E. . situate between Auburn Avenue and C Street N. E. has been graded, graveled, opened for travel, and muoh heavy vehioular traffic has been and is now passing over the same. The result has been that the old pedestrian conorete oement side-walk extend- ing in a northeasterly and southwesterly direotion on' the southeasterly side of Auburn Avenue, at the interseotion of First Street N. E. and Auburn Avenue, beoame badly broken and it beoame neoessary for the City to oause the same to be removed. There is now no oonvenient means for pedestrians to oross the street "interseGtion between the northeast Gorner and the southeast oorner of the int erseGtion of Auburn Avenue and First Street N. E., and at such interseotion vehicle traffic, in passing from First Street N. E. to Auburn Avenue or from Auburn Avenue to FirstStreet N. E., now soatters some gravel on the now paved portion of Auburn Avenue. Publio oonvenienoe and the general appearance of the City of Auburn now demand that all that part of the interseotion of Auburn Avenue and First Street N. E. situate on theeasterly side of the now paved portion of Auburn Avenue, an apron Six feet in width on the easterly side of the easterly marginal line of Auburn Avenue in said intersection, and the present unpaved portion of the easterly side of Auburn Avenue south of its interseotion with First Street N. E., be immediately paved and side-walked in a substantial and permanent manner, where not now so paved and. side-walked, and suoh other worK be done as may be property inoident to suoh paving and side-walking, all aooording to plans and speoifioations prepared by the City Engineer and under his direotion, and aocording to the general speoifioations of the City of Auburn relating to pavements, ourbs and side-walks. Suoh public oonvenienoe is made more urgent on aooount of the faGt that a splendid Federal Post Offioe building has been recently construoted and opened at the southeast oorner of the street interseotion above mentioned, thereby making the same a very important street intersection. The Aots of The Congress provide that property owned by the Federal Government shall not be subject to assessments for the oost and expense of any .....;.,\1...... street",,1!m~~11m8Rts outside of the curb. Arthur C. Ballard, the ov..ner .of the lot situate on the northeast oorner of Auburn Avenue and First '\Street N. E., has obligated himself to pay to the City of Auburn in oase suoh improvements shall be made, to be applied in payment of the oost and expense of suoh improvement, the sum of One hundred Fifty ($150.00). The situation and faots are suoh that it is not feasible to oreate a looal improvemsnt distriot to bear the expense of the improve- ment indioated above. Suoh improvements are of suoh general public importance that it is just and proper that the City of Auburn bear and pay all oosts and expense thereof, over and above the ~ sum of $150.00 so to be oontributed by said Arthur C. Ballard. The estimated oost and expense of suoh iIprovement is the sum of $ 7 0 0 ~'O . '- SECTION 2. That by reason of the faots stated in Seotion 1 of this Ordinance, a publio emergenoy now exists requiring the expendi- t" ~ . 11.;00....." ~' ,. ..... -.. . . ," ture during the year 1938 from the Current Expense Fund of the City of Auburn, of monies not provided for in the budget for the year 1938, for the purpose of paying the oosts and expenses of making the improvements speoified or referred to in Seotion 1 of this Ordinanoe, of a sum or sumS not exoeeding in the aggregate the sum of $ 70 o. I,. j that suoh emergenoy oould not have been reasonably forseen at the time of making the budget of estimated expenditures from the Current Expense Fund of the City of Auburn for the year 1938 which budget was adopted by the City Counoil in Ootober 1937, j and that the estimated amount of expenditures required to meet suoh emergency is the sum of $ '7 ~ (), p... . "- SECTION 3. That emergenoy warrants be drawn on the Current Expense Fund of the City of Auburn, for a sum or sums not amounting in the aggregate to more than $ "1 (j \?> ,~ , the same to be applied on aooount of the oost and expense of-making the improvements specified or referred to in Seotion 1 of this Ordinance. Introduced July 19, 1938. Passed unanimously by the affirmative vote of all of the Counoilmen present ~:z- ,1938. Approved ~.:z - 1938. X ~!'~R X ATTEST: x~~ CLERK Approved as to form: X CITY ATTORNEY Published, ~:i"'~ , 1938.