HomeMy WebLinkAbout0825 ... ,.:.' ORDTIUNCE NO. 825 AN ORDINANCE adopting the budget for The City of Auburn for the year A.D. 1940. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOViS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter Ib8 of the Laws of ifashington of the year A.D. 1923, and the Laws of the State of Ylashiugton supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof, the Mayor of The City of Auburn has heretofore duly oompleted and plaoed on file with the City Clerk of The City of Auburn a preliminary budget for the year 1940; that notice was thereupon duly published as required by law stating that the Layor had completed am plaoed on file such prelimin- ary budget and that a copy would be rurnished to any tax payer who would oall therefor at the offioe of the City Clerk and that the City Counoil of rhe City of Auburn would meet on the first Monday of October, 1939, at 7 :30 P.M. , for the purpose of fixing the final budget and mak- ing tax levies and that any tax payer might appear at such meeting and be heard for or against any part of such budget, designating the plaoe of such meeting as the City Hall in the City of Auburn, King County, Washington: that the IJayor of The City of Auburn duly provided a suit- able number of copies of suoh detailed preliminary budget to meet the reasonable demands of tax payers therefor: that the City Council of The City of Auburn duly met at the time am ~laoe designated in said notioe on the first l.;onday in Ooto ber, 1939, to-wit, on October 2, 1939, at 7:30 P.M., and that any and all tax payers of The City of Auburn.were given full opportunity to be heard for or against suoh budget: that at the oonclusion of.such hearine said City Counoil on said second day of Ootober, 1939, duly fixed and determined eaoh item of said budget sep- arately and that the items of expense so fixed und determined are now here adopted by this ordinanoe and are as follows, to-wit: MUNICIPAL BUILDING, INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Bonds, to complete repayment of loan from Current Expense Fund, -------------------------- $3,000.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, -------------------------- $3,000.00 PARR BONDS, INTEREST AIID REDID!PTION FUND Bonds numbered 19 and 20, serial, -------------- Cl,OOO.OO Interest on $6,000.00 for 6 months at 4 3/4%, ----------------------------------- 142.50 Interest on 05,000.00 for 6 months at 4 3/4%, ----------------------------------- 118.75 Surplus, --------------------------------------- 238.75 TOTAL, - - - - - - - - Cl,500.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, -------------------------- ~1,500.00 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND Salaries and \lages, ---------------------------- Maintenanoe and Operation, --------------------- Capital Outlay, -------------------------------- TOTAL, - - - - - - - - Less 1.tisoellaneous receipts and oash balance, ------------------------------------- $1,943.00 582.00 465.00 02,990.00 290.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, -------------------------- 02,700.00 J " . LOCAL n.;PROVE!,;]<JNT GUARANTY FUND Sum neoessary to meet financial requirements of local improvement guaranty law passed in 1927 as amended, --------------------------- 0 4,500.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, ---------------------------- 04,500.00 CITY STREET FUND Salaries and I/ages, ----------------------------- ~aintenance and Operation, ---------------------- Capital Outlay, --------------------------------- TOTAL, - - - - - - - - - Less estimated receipts from Motor Vehicle Fund,- Less estimated cash balance, -------------------- (.\ 5,800.00 3,290.00 4,000.00 (ll~ ,O~O. 00 8,090.00 2,000.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, ---------------------------- ~ 3,000.00 VIATER FU1fD Salaries and iiages, ----------------------------- ~ 7,180.00 Kaintenance and Operation, ----------------------- 3,650.00 Capital Outlay, --------------------------------- 12,200.00 Interest on Bonds, ------------------------------ 6,615.00 Bond Redemption, -------------------------------- 13,000.00 TOTAL, - - - - - - - - - ~42,645.00 No taxation; all to be provided for by revenue from municipally owned water system. CURRENT l~XPENSE FUND Salaries and ,Iages, ----------------------------- Maintenance and Operation, ---------------------- Capital Outlay, --------------------------------- TOTAL, - - - - - - - - - 015,030.00 12,190.00 1.400.00 028,620.00 K:9C.J:'1.m.rf'irfim Kl X 1'.. I~ Estimated receipts of Current Expense Fund from souroes other than taxation, -------------------- C14,825.00 Estimated Cash Balance on hand January 1,1940, ------------------ 4,000.00 TOTAL, - - - - - - - - - ~18,825.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, ---------------------------- 0 9,795.00 LOCAL Il,J?ROVEI;;El~ GENERAL FUND For aoquisition and retirement of L.I.D. bonds of questionable value, ----------- $ 1,500.00 Amount to be raised by taxation, ---------------------------- 0 1,500.00 . . " ATTEST: - p/ -. -:. ....... :;.. ~ ~ -:S~.r 1:c :::r ~-,"/;:-~~ ~~ e -~ ~ ~':"!,t./~. 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