HomeMy WebLinkAbout0831 i~ . . ,- ORDl:rAi'IJCE ~m. 831 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .A:: ORDI~:.ANCE: Declaring a public eroore:ency to exist requir ing the expenditure during the year 1940, from the Current ~xpense Fund of the City of Auburn, of moneys not provided for in the budget for the year 1940, for the purpose of meeting and paying the volunteer payroll of the i.uburn 1<'ire Department for the year 1940; eS"tinEting the amoul.t of moneys required to neet such emergency; and directing that emergency warrants be drawn upon the Current Expense .b'und of the City of Auburn to neet smh exp enditures. :'1...<1 .;ii'Y ()u0J.,CIL uF THE CITY U:;" Au."mm DC O.-IDAI:d AS FOLLOI,:': Section 1. That the followirl[' are facts: The budget for expenditures from the Current ~xpense ~und of the City of Auburn for tile year 1940, duly passed and ado)ted by ordinance in October, 1939, contains all item of ;';700.00 to meet and pay the volunteer payroll of the tire Llepartment of said city for the year 1940; the sums actually paid to meet such volunteer payroll in previous years had averured less than ";;700.00 per annum; on the first day of July, 1940, on account of two larfe fires and an unusually larre number of fire alarms ~644.00 had been expended, of the ,700.00 so budreted to meet and pay said volunteer pay roll; and that it is noVi estimated thFd; the City of Auburn Hill be requirE-d to l:leet and pay the volunteer pA.yro11 o~' the fire department of the -'it! or' ,'uburn durlll[ the year 19'.l,0 the BUl... of ~,500.00 in exceSb of the 700.00 budf,eted as aforesaid. jection 2. That by reason of the facts stated in jection 1 of this crdinaI1co 0. public Cllel'gency nOI. exists re'l.uirillf' the, xr;endi ture (.u~i.nc the year 19,->0, from the Current ~lCper.se Ii'urld of the City of Auburn, of nlOneys not )rovided for in the budget for the year 1940, for the pur;>ose 01 l!.E:-etirJ(" and payiI1i ti,e nececsary voltHlteer payroll of the fire de}artDlb"t of the ulty of ,.uburn the SUJ;1 of,5UG.00 in addition to the. 7UU.Ov budroted in vctober, 19.59, as above stated; and thRt such el'l"rroncy could not h'iVG teen reason!'l.b1y foreseen fit t.,e ti!,ll~ Co: -akillf the budcet of 6bt::...ate, l>xptmditure" , frc:u the Current ~lC)enSe fund of the uHy of ..uburil du,'inr the yuar 1940, '.:r:ch bud! at ViaS ado}tecl by the city in 0ctoter 1969. Section 3. l'tut emer['Lncy ':'arra,"tG may be drawIl on the 0u.crent ~X1!em;e :Fund oi che .Jity of .l.uburn to meet and j'lY Buch volunteer payroll of the riro ..;e )artmerct or the vi t y of ..uturn to a tot9.1 amount of, but not to exceeu the SUM of ,-,OO.UO in the arrrei'9.te. r:;T:KXIC:::Ij Jti.LY 16, 1940. P.LS':;'; unaltiraously by the arfiI'l:J:.tive vote of '111 Councilmen present, SULY 16, 1940. APmc. T.JD, Jl-,-,Y 16, 1940. ..i.T'i':Wij'r: " ~ .. - . - -I" "1:'~ IJ .,..... .;-.'....r';; - - .- ..... ,~ ~~o. ... ~.. ~ . -;. ~ ~; .-. -"" """ ."" ..:.~ , . , (J~ 1-/lrl7<1() ~ Ol..l.k;, ~ ~~~~\ ~~