HomeMy WebLinkAbout0834 ~...~.,~.... ~"" -....j;. -r: . ~ ~------... '" ... ", ...J ~ . . . ,. ..~... ;.. -?..... ORDINANCE No. 834 AI;; OHDIl:JJ::CE, Fixi;;g the amount s of tax levies necessary to raise the amounts of estiI:J8.ted c.xpenditures of the City of Auburn for the year 1941, less the amounts of estimated revenues from sources other than taxation including available sur91us, and such expenditures as are to be ~et from bonds and \1arrant issues, local improvement guaranty fund, for ac~uisition and retirement of L.I.D. bonds 0 f y'uestionab1e value, and the eX,;lendi tures for salari es and \;ages, maintenance, opbratioll and capital outlay of and for the public library of the City of Auburn, all for the year 1941. \'lID..'RI,AS, the City Council of the City of Auburn has lleretofore, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 158 of the Session 1a\:8 of the state of \1ashington for the year 1923, and the LaviS of said state supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof, duly fixed and determined separately each item of the budget of the City of Auburn for the year 1941, and by ordinance duly adopted s aid budget as so fixed and deter- l1lined; nO',7, TE3REFORE, in order to raise by general taxation the moneys as provided for in mid budget adopted by ordinance as aforesaid, THE CITY COU;:CIL OF TH::J CITY OF AUBURN DO OnDlliIlr Ab FOLLOliS: SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby'levied upon all of the real and personal property situate within the present corporate 1iluits of the City of Auburn, in King County, ilashington, in the year A. D. 1940, as equalized and fixed by t he County and Stat e Boards of Equalization, taxes for the several funds of the City of Auburn, as follows: (1.) Pl":''lli: BOWj, L.rI'UREST AiID REDEl..:PrrON FUND For redellption and interest, __uu_______________ C 900.00 ( 2. ) LOCAL I::PRO J l:Z:E:.;T GUA'1A!!TY FLmD To meet the financial rc~uiI'ements of the Local Improvement Guaranty LaVl. passed in 1927, as amended, ----------------------------- 0 ~,500.00 (3-A.) (C""-~D.'T\ CU,.,-nl"'T E -D.",,"'~ ...,,..,,., 'J..:.l.i:~..!,,~>..n.~ .1\J.-u:AJ ~~~ 4oJJ.\,l~J!j J.' ui, ,jJ For Salaries and ITafes, ------------- For Eaintenance and Opbration, _u___ For Capital Outlay, ----------------- For Emergency Ordinance 1'0. 831, ---- ~17,090.00 15,350.00 900.00 500.00 TOTAL, -------- 033,840.00 Less estimated recei)ts from sources other tllan taxatio:l, and e"ti!!:E\ted caB~ balance, January 1, 19~1, ------ 20,335.00 .)13,505.00 -1. '...-. ..-r--r . -;:;.r- ~... - :.. ....J'.-.;).. _~ . ,.- ~~ .,', ,-. (3- B. ) C1:.<1Rill.,-rr EXP::',SE (F?3:3 PUBLIC LIBRARY) FUlID For Salaries and ';ates, ------------- C Far ~:aintenance and Operation, ------ For Capital Outlay, ----------------- 2,040.00 545.00 468.00 TOTAL, -------- ~ 3,053.00 Less miscellaneous receipts and cash balance, ----------------------- 303.00 t> 2,'750.00 (3-C. ) CURRE:.,T ~=JSE (Cr TY STR1J:T) FUUD For Salaries and Hagee, ------------- ;; For l~aintenance and O.t>eratior., ------ For lJa;ita1 Outlay, ______________n_ 6,560.00 5,240.00 3,500.00 TOTAL, -------- ~15,300.00 Less estimated receipts, inc1udi~~ unexpended balance from Motor Vehicle Fund, ----------------------- 12,<;00.00 ~ 3,000.00 (3-D.) cwm.:s:;r ]:XJ?::_~E (LOCAL DJ>TIOVE..r1!l;T C'KITlRAL) FUlm For acquisition and retirement of L.r.D. bonds of questionable value, --------------------- , 1,500.00 (3:E. L_CVllR:J,,'T EXPEES:S (CITY P,RQPERTY AS~ES3:.;E;.'TT REDE1J?TIOH) Yl1IlD For l:aintcnance and Capital Outlay, H {-, Lot 18, Block B, French's First Addition to Auburn, and surplus, -----------------, 150.00 SECTrO~T 2. That the total taxes herein levied, Olltside t~e 15 mill linit, afuount to ~5,400.00; that the total taxes herein levied, \.ithin tIlG 15 mill limit, 'aDlout in the ace;refak to (\20, ,905,.00. r;:TRODt'C1J:D: P.b.G-S2D: l'''ppaOVED: October ~, 1940 October ~, 1940 October g, 1940 Atte"t: ~~.~ -~cJ:- I:ayor Allpr'.ive.l !:.s to. form: ~ ~..... ,', -7-- ~.~-' .6 :r- e;. -" ~f.ie, ~\~~... ~ v.:.t y _.t1;O~ ney ; -. ~,,,,: -r;,.r;: ~ub1ished, October 11; 19~0. , ~'" ......;....' -r;:, - -2 ;.......~..la~t.