HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-21-2014 MINUTESerror i Public Works Committee (, w[Z;T�j'�.- July 21, 2014 -3:30 PM jlv Annex Conference Room 2 --- WAS 1-11 INGTON' MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Wayne Osborne called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room #2, located on the second floor of Auburn City Hall, One East Main Street, Auburn, Washington. A. Roll Call Chairman Wayne Osborne, Vice -Chair Bill Peloza, and Member Claude DaCorsi were present. Also present during the meeting were: Mayor Nancy Backus, Community Development & Public Works Director Kevin Snyder, Assistant Director of Engineering /City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Randy Bailey, Councilmember Rich Wagner, Councilmember Largo Wales, Councilmember Yolanda Trout, Assistant City Engineer Jacob Sweeting, Acting Utilities Engineer Susan Fenhaus, Transportation Manager Pablo Para, Director of Administration Michael Hursh, Environmental Services Manager Chris Andersen, Storm Drainage Engineer Tim Carlaw, Engineering Aide Amber Mund, Transportation Planner Joe Welsh, Project Engineer Matt Larson, Assistant City Attorney Doug Ruth, Economic Development Manager Doug Lien and Public Works Secretary Molly Mendez. Members of the public in attendance included: Mike Stringer, Tage Aaker, Karyn Johnson, Dan Roper, Jeff Dillon and Connie Henke. B. Announcements There were no announcements. C. Agenda Modifications There was one agenda modification, adding Discussion Item G, Resolution No. 5087, to the agenda. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes Public Works Committee to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2014 Public Works Committee meeting Page 1 of 8 It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee Meeting minutes for date, July 7, 2014. Motion carried 3 -0. III. ACTION A. Resolution No. 5078 (Mund) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, setting a public hearing to consider a franchise agreement with Electric Lightwave, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc Engineering Aide Mund explained Resolution No. 5078 sets the date of the public hearing for Electric Lightwave LLC for September 2, 2014. Electric Lightwave has applied for a franchise agreement with the City to be able to operate a telecommunications franchise within the city limits. There are no current plans to build within the City. Assistant Director of Engineering /City Engineer Gaub clarified the review process of permit applications in response to a question asked by Vice -Chair Peloza. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee approve Resolution No. 5078 setting the date of the public hearing for Franchise Agreement No. 13 -28 for Electric Lightwave LLC for September 2, 2014. Motion carried 3 -0. B. Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -28 (Mund) Approve Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -28 for Auburn Days Festival and Fun Run Engineering Aide Mund advised Right -of -Way Use Permit 14 -28 is for the Auburn Days Festival annual festival which will be held the second weekend in August. The festival and Fun Run course are the same as last year. Engineering Aide Mund further explained the police attendance at East Main Street following a question asked by Chairman Osborne. Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Bailey informed the Committee that part of the costs that the City incurred for this event last year was approximately $7,200.00. This amount only includes the cost to the Maintenance and Operations division and does not include others such as Solid Waste, the Parks Department, and the Police Department costs. In response to a question from Chair Osborne, Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Bailey Page 2 of 8 confirmed that these costs are included in the special events line item of the Street budget. Vice -Chair Peloza noted a date error on the agenda bill. Engineering Aide Mund will correct. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee approve Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -28 for Auburn Days Festival and Fun Run. Motion carried 3 -0 C. Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -29 (Mund) Approve Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -29 for Auburn Noon Lions Club and the Auburn Downtown Association Engineering Aide Mund informed the Committee that Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -29 is for the Auburn Noon Lions Club and the Auburn Downtown Association to hold a food stand and beer and wine garden during Auburn Days Festival. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee approve Right -of -Way Use Permit No. 14 -29 for Auburn Noon Lions Club and the Auburn Downtown Association. Motion carried 3 -0. D. Public Works Project No. CP1104 (Larson) Award Contract No. 14 -09 to Valley Electric Company of Mount Vernon on their low bid of $258,189.23 for Project No. CP1104, 8th St NE and 104th Ave SE Intersection Improvements Project Engineer Larson provided a brief background summary of the project. Responding to a question asked by Chairman Osborne, Project Engineer Larson explained the public outreach process regarding traffic notices. Larson also noted the contractor has limited timeframes for the work. These limited timeframes will prevent work during rush hour traffic. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee award Contract No. 14 -09 to Valley Electric Company of Mount Vernon on their low bid of $258,189.23 for Project No. CP1104, 8th St NE and 104th Ave SE Intersection Improvements. Motion carried 3 -0. Page 3 of 8 E. Public Works Project No. CP1222 (Larson) Project Engineer Larson provided an overview of the project. There were no questions from the Committee. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee Approve Final Pay Estimate No. 3 to Contract No. 13 -15 in the Amount of $3,978.39 and Accept Construction of Project No. CP1222, Citywide Traffic Signal Safety Improvements. Motion carried 3 -0. F. Resolution No. 5086 (Laub / Ruth) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Jacob Armijo to convey an easement over a portion of City storm water retention property Assistant City Attorney Ruth provided a background summary of Resolution No. 5086 and explained that the City is proposing to grant an easement to resolve an encroachment issue. Granting Mr. Armijo an easement allows him to retain his fence and landscaping in the 550 square foot portion of backyard area that is encroaching on the City's storm drainage property. It also gives the City the option to retain exclusive use of the property again if necessary in the future. Mr. Armijo has agreed to pay $3,200.00 for the easement plus the recording costs. This price is based upon the per foot value of his property. The encroachment is not currently impacting the City's ability to operate the storm facility. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee Approve Resolution No. 5086. Motion carried 3 -0. G. Ordinance No. 6520 (Gaub) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, Amending sections 13.32A.020 and 13.32A.120 of the Auburn City Code relating to Undergrounding Wiring Assistant Director of Engineering /City Engineer Gaub stated Ordinance No. 6520 is a proposed change to the Auburn City Code related to Underground Wiring. This revision is for franchisees and provides clarification of the exceptions to the undergrounding requirement for the expansion of an overhead system for a secondary tenant on existing utility poles owned by another utility. It was moved by Vice -Chair Peloza, seconded by Member DaCorsi, that the Committee introduces and adopts Ordinance No. 6520. Page 4 of 8 Motion carried 3 -0. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Design Standards Revisions - Landscaping (Welsh) Transportation Planner Welsh indicated City staff is proposing to update the landscape portion of the Design Standards. The proposed changes include the expansion of the list of trees and shrubs which are allowed to be planted in the public right of way. In addition, these proposed changes are intended to improve the requirements to protect sidewalks from tree roots and reduce the likelihood of overplanted trees impacting in- ground utilities, impairing visibility of street signage and reducing the effectiveness of street lighting. Chairman Osborne asked for confirmation that these proposed changes have been reviewed by the City arborist. Transportation Planner Welsh replied stating they have been reviewed by the City arborist. Member DaCorsi requested the City include a tree trimming guideline. Transportation Planner Welsh indicated he will look into this. Assistant Director of Engineering /City Engineer Gaub added that this is covered in the standards for the planting of new trees in order to ensure only short growing trees are planted under overhead power lines. There was a brief discussion regarding the width of a sidewalk following a question asked by Chairman Osborne. Chairman Osborne pointed out that the street lighting standard states trees should be at least twenty feet from lights and asked if twenty feet is enough space. Transportation Planner stated this distance has been successful in the past. Assistant Director of Engineering /City Engineer Gaub suggested the addition of a requirement that it is at least half the proposed mature canopy width of the tree or twenty feet, whichever is greater. Transportation Planner Welsh will revise as suggested. B. Resolution No. 4959 (Snyder) The purpose of Resolution No. 4959 is for the City Council to authorize the City of Auburn to enter into a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct the Mill Creek Wetland 5K project Chairman Osborne requested Councilmember Wagner sit at the table for this discussion item. Page 5 of 8 Environmental Services Manager Andersen and two representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers (Jeff Dillon and Dan Roper) came to the table for this discussion item. In addition, Mike Stringer with the environmental consulting firm was in attendance in the audience. Environmental Services Manager Andersen distributed a graphic that provides the overview of the extent of the Wetland 5K Project Andersen then briefed the Committee on the project plans. Environmental Services Manager Andersen replied to a question asked by Councilmember Wagner regarding the culvert. There was a brief discussion regarding the reed canary grass following a question asked by Chairman Osborne. There was a discussion regarding the maintenance plan and beaver dams. There was a group discussion regarding the fish and wildlife department following a question asked by Member DaCorsi. In response to a question asked by Chairman Osborne, Environmental Services Manager Andersen responded stating it is hopeful that this creek will lower the water temperature on the Green River in addition to improving water quality. C. Utility System Development Charges (SDC) Analysis Update from FCS Group ( Fenhaus) Acting Utilities Engineer Fenhaus and two representatives (Tage Aaker and Karyn Johnson) from FCS Group came to the table for this discussion item. There was a brief group discussion regarding the timeframe of when the last SDC fee update was completed following a question asked by Chairman Osborne. Acting Utilities Engineer Fenhaus provided an overview on this discussion item. Chairman Osborne made recommendation that the City not delineate between a 1 -inch and % -inch water meter in the SDC Fee Structure. There was a group discussion regarding the Construction Cost Index (CCI) following a question asked by Chairman Osborne. Page 6 of 8 Ms. Johnson responded to a question asked by Chairman Osborne regarding the annual customer growth percentage on page eight of the handout. This was followed by a group discussion. Acting Utilities Engineer Fenhaus responded to a question asked by Chairman Osborne regarding the Water Purchase on the Water Capital Improvement Plan on page ten of the handout. Discussion followed concerning the customer base that should be included in the customer growth related to this. Assistant Director of Engineering /City Engineer Gaub responded to questions asked by Vice -Chair Peloza regarding the staff recommendations on page four of the handout. Ms. Johnson further explained Approach A on page three of the handout and the Committee agreed that they felt this was the most appropriate calculation method to use. D. Capital Project Status Report (Sweeting) CP1122 — 30th Street NE Storm Improvements: Responding to a question asked by Member DaCorsi, Assistant City Engineer Sweeting provided an updated timeline for the project advertisement. Chairman Osborne requested a briefing on CPI 107 (Fulmer Wellfield Improvements), CP1118 (Auburn Way South Pedestrian Improvements — Dogwood to Fir Street) and CP1119 (Auburn Way South Corridor Improvement — Fir St. SE to Hemlock St. SE) at the next Public Works Committee Meeting. E. Significant Infrastructure Projects by Others - Public Works Status Report (Laub) There were no questions from the Committee. F. Action Tracking Matrix (Laub) Item F — 105th Street Sewer Odor: Assistant Director of Public Works Operations Bailey indicated there have not been any recent complaints in response to a question asked by Chairman Osborne. Item G — Lea Hill Road Repair: Assistant City Engineer Sweeting provided an updated status report indicating the City received a draft report from the geotechnical engineer which outlined some potential long term solutions in response to a question asked by Chairman Osborne. G. Resolution No. 5087 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washirtge 7 of 8 u approving the Lease Extension and Addendum to Lease between the City of Auburn and the Bank of Washington For the purpose of these minutes, this item was discussed after Discussion Item C. Director of Administration Hursh provided a background summary for Resolution No. 5087. In response to a question asked by Chairman Osborne, Director of Administration Hursh discussed the garbage receptacle at this location. Director of Administration Hursh responded to a question asked by Chairman Osborne regarding agreements to lease these lots. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Approved this 4t day of August, 2014. -7p ayn s Molly Mendez Chairman Public Works Department Secretary