HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-14-2015 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (2)A F WAS] I I NC TO Cpl PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER — 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers April 14, 2015 MEETING AGENDA II. ROLL CALL /ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM (Pledge of Allegiance) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. March 17, 2015 IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Comment from the audience on any item not listed on the agenda for discussion or public hearing. V. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Update on Planning and Development Department activities. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan* (Fenhaus) Summary: Conduct a public hearing on the 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan. VII. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2015 Comprehensive Sewer Plan — Initial Briefing * (Elwell) Summary: Initial briefing on the 2015 Comprehensive Sewer Plan. B. Comprehensive Plan Update. (Tate) Summary: Staff to provide a PowerPoint presentation to review the Comprehensive Plan Update format and schedule. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Auburn Planning Commission is an eight member advisory body that provides recommendations to the Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land use plans and related codes such as zoning. Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Actions taken by the Planning Commission are not final decisions; they are in the form of recommendations to the City Council who must ultimately make the final decision. A TY O -Bu WAS] I I NC TO Cpl 0I PLANNING COMMISSION March 18, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. II. ROLL CALL /ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Planning Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Vice Chair Copple, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Mason, Commissioner Baggett, and Commissioner Smith who arrived after the approval of minutes. Staff Present included: Assistant Director Jeff Tate, City Attorney Dan Heid, Planning Services Manager Jeff Dixon, Water Utility Engineer Susan Fenhaus, Utilities Engineering Manager Lisa Tobin, Code Enforcement Officer Chris Barack, and Community Development Secretary Tina Kriss. Members of the audience present: Jean Lix; Russ Campbell; and Stephanie Bird of Condominium Law Group, PLLC. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. March 3, 2015 Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Baggett seconded to approve the minutes from the March 3, 2015 meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously. 5 -0 IV. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Assistant Director Tate deferred the Planning Department Report until the next meeting in order to bring forward the Public Hearing. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Communal Housing Code Update* (Tate) Chair Roland opened the public hearing on the proposed amendments to Auburn City Code (ACC) 18.04 and 18.31 relating to Communal Residences at 6:04 p.m. Assistant Director Tate provided background information on Auburn City Code 18.04 and 18.31 regarding Auburn's Communal Residences. He distributed the strike through and underline revisions to the regulations that are proposed to be amended. The Commission and staff discussed the proposed language in ACC 18.04.794 "Renting of Rooms ". Clarification was provided by staff that once an owner occupied residence is rented to either two individuals, or over two rooms are rented, an Auburn City Business License is required. PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES March 17, 2015 Chair Roland invited anyone for or against the proposed code amendments regarding Communal Residences to come forward for testimony: Stephanie Bird, Condominium Law Group, PLLC, representing Village Square Condominiums; 10310 Aurora Ave. N., Seattle Ms. Bird explained that she represents Village Square Condominiums and is concerned with the enforcement of ACC relating to Communal Residences. She also inquired as to how the City determines if an individual is a family member or unrelated, and if a Communal Residence is considered a business under Auburn City Code. Assistant Director Tate responded to Ms. Bird's questions and addressed how the proposed code amendment would address those concerns. Staff explained what would trigger a Communal Residence and that if a business license is triggered an annual inspection is required providing the City an opportunity to inspect the property for life /health /safety issues and ensure city requirements are met. Russ Campbell, 31606 126th Ave. SE, Auburn Mr. Campbell expressed his appreciation for the City's response in working through this issue. He explained that Communal Residences have an impact on neighborhoods in that these homes become social dead zones since renters may be occupying a home on a rotating basis for a period as short as one to three months. He stated that the lack of social responsibility for a student's obligation to be accountable for their daily operations and activities is evident as the neighborhood and properties deteriorate. Mr. Campbell expressed that he is frustrated over the fact that with a moratorium in place homes are still being rented out. With no further questions from the public, Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 6:41 p.m. on Auburn City Code 18.04 and 18.31 regarding Communal Residences. The Commission deliberated. Commissioner Baggett moved and Commissioner Copple seconded to recommend moving Auburn City Code Amendments 18.04 and 18.31, regarding communal housing, forward to City Council for approval. Vice -Chair Copple asked staff to clarify if under ACC 18.04.794, the "Renting of Rooms ", additional language should be added to clarify that if a property was owner occupied renting to more than two individuals, or more than two rooms were rented, it would require a City of Auburn Business License. Assistant Director Tate stated that with the support of the Commission, staff would evaluate the best way to make that amendment. Commissioner Smith explained that he would be supportive of determining the number of individuals that can rent a Communal Residence based on a square footage ratio. Vice -Chair Copple moved and Commissioner Mason seconded to amend the motion on the floor, the amendment would authorize staff add language to ACC 18.04.794 to clarify that if an owner occupied residence is rented to more than two individuals, or the owner is renting more than two rooms, a business license would be required. Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES March 17, 2015 Chair Roland took a vote on the amendment to the motion. Motion to amend approved. 5 -1 Chair Roland took a vote on the motion as amended, the recommendation to move Auburn City Code amendments to 18.04 and 18.31 forward to City Council for approval with the additional language clarification to ACC 18.04.794, "Renting of Rooms ". Motion approved. 5 -1 At 6:47 p.m. Chair Roland recessed the meeting for a dinner break. Chair Roland reconvened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS A. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan — Initial Briefing* (Tobin) Utilities Engineering Manager Lisa Tobin explained that the City of Auburn is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Water Plan (Water Plan) and that staff is providing a review of the draft Water Plan this evening before bringing it back April 7th for a Public Hearing. Utility Engineer Susan Fenhaus was introduced and provided an overview of the Executive Summary of the draft Water Plan. The Commission and staff discussed the City's Retail Water Service Area (RWSA) boundaries and potential annexation areas (PAA) and water purveyors that adjoin the City. A discussion was held as to the City's water supply source. Staff reviewed the City's service area policies, management of the water system, water requirements, or demand projected based on each customer class. A map outlining the City's four major service areas and the location of key elements of the water distribution system was reviewed by staff. The Commission and staff discussed future water resources, water rights, improvement of existing supply facilities, and water reuse. A discussion was held regarding water quality. Staff explained that the City's system analysis identifies deficiencies in the system and improvement recommendations that may be part of the Capital Improvements Plan (CI P) to meet customer demands through the 20 year planning period. Staff pointed out that the financial plan is to identify the total cost of providing water services and to provide a financial program that allows the water utility to remain financially viable during execution of the 2015 -2021 CIP. The Commission members requested a hard copy of the draft Water Plan. Staff confirmed that they will provide hard copies of the plan prior to the next meeting. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Page 3 CITY OF At�,,'JBURN To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission Ron Copple, Vice - Chair, Planning Commission Planning Commission Members From: Susan Fenhaus, Water Utility Engineer Lisa Tobin, Utilities Engineering Manager Date: March 26, 2015 Memorandum Engineering Division Re: 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan — Second Review and Public Hearing The City is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Water Plan (Water Plan). The final plan will consist of two large binders; one containing narrative of system data, analyses, and proposed improvements; and one containing appendices. The Comprehensive Water Plan is an element of the City's Comprehensive Plan document and is incorporated by reference. The City Council recently completed its initial review of the entire Comprehensive Water Plan at its February 2015 study session. Since the last water plan was prepared (in 2009, with adoption in 2012), the water utility has supplemented its own water supply sources with additional supply from the regional surface water system (Tacoma Pipeline 5). Of the 26 projects and programs identified in the 2009 Comprehensive Water Plan, 23 of the projects and programs have been or will be completed this year. An initial briefing was provided to the Planning Commission on March 17, 2015 at a special meeting and included chapter by chapter discussions on: • Policies and Criteria • Water Requirements (Demand) • Existing System • Water Resources (Supply) • Water Use Efficiency • Capital Improvements Plan At the Planning Commission's April 14th, 2015 regular meeting a public hearing on the Comprehensive Water Plan is proposed to be conducted. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public input on the Comprehensive Water Plan, and for the Planning Commission to deliberate and provide a recommendation to the City Council. The required environmental review process is currently being conducted for the Water Plan. A copy of the environmental checklist application prepared for Water Plan is being provided to the Planning Commission. Hard copies of the Water Plan have been transmitted to the Planning Commission. An electronic version of the Draft Comprehensive Water Plan can be found on the City's website at the following link: inIIII ' �� r.Ir °Iliiirnll pA uirir:q\ pre III..wII.:,irirn Il�ii II II L.... °.:w .!ip� �.... II IrQiip.re �u. 2 CITY OF At�,,'JBURN To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission Ron Copple, Vice - Chair, Planning Commission Planning Commission Members From: Bob Elwell, Sewer Utility Engineer Lisa Tobin, Utilities Engineering Manager Date: March 26, 2015 Re: 2015 Comprehensive Sewer Plan- Initial Briefing Introduction Memorandum Engineering Division The City is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Sewer Plan in parallel with the City's overall Comprehensive Plan. This plan is an update of the existing Sewer Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2009. Its purpose is to guide the City with respect to future activities and improvements for the Sanitary Sewer Utility. The final plan will consist of one binder; containing the Executive Summary, Chapters 1 -9, appendices, and a system map. Attached to this memo is the Draft Comprehensive Sewer Plan for your review. It includes the Executive Summary, Chapters 1 -9, and the system map. The appendices will only be included in the final document, unless specific data is requested. At the April 7 Planning Commission meeting, Sewer Utility Staff will provide an overview of the plan, highlight key conclusions, describe the major areas of focus for the Sewer Utility over the course of the next 6 years, and answer any questions from the Commission. Staff plans to return to the Planning Commission during the April 21 meeting for public comment. An electronic version of the Draft Comprehensive Sewer Plan can be found on the City's website at: uul,uouun•,„ !! 11 aii GVau „ /,° pull III