HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.pdf Comprehensive Sewer Plan Prepared for City of Auburn, Washington October 19, 2015 701 Pike Street, Suite 1200 Seattle, WA 98101-2310 Phone: 206-624-0100 Fax: 206-749-2200 Comprehensive Sewer Plan Prepared for City of Auburn, Washington October 19, 2015 v Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table of Contents List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... ix List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ x List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... xi Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... ES-1 ES.1 LOS Goals ............................................................................................................................. ES-2 ES.2 Evaluation of the Sewer Utility ............................................................................................ ES-3 ES.3 Implementation Plan ........................................................................................................... ES-3 ES.3.1 6-Year and 20-Year CIP ......................................................................................... ES-3 ES.3.2 Monitoring .............................................................................................................. ES-6 ES.3.3 Asset Management and Maintenance and Operations ...................................... ES-6 1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Purpose and Objectives ..........................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Document Organization ..........................................................................................................1-2 2. Background .........................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Previous Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plans .....................................................................2-1 2.2 City Comprehensive Plan........................................................................................................2-1 2.3 Sanitary Sewer Service Area ..................................................................................................2-1 2.4 Existing Land Use Plans .........................................................................................................2-1 2.4.1 King County Comprehensive Plan ...........................................................................2-1 2.4.2 King County Regional Wastewater Services Plan ...................................................2-2 2.4.3 City of Auburn Water Resources Protection Report ...............................................2-7 2.5 Neighboring Sewer Utilities ....................................................................................................2-7 2.5.1 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and City of Kent .........................................2-7 2.5.2 City of Pacific ............................................................................................................2-7 2.5.3 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Reservation ...................................................................2-7 2.5.4 Lakehaven Utility District .........................................................................................2-8 2.5.5 City of Algona ............................................................................................................2-8 2.5.6 City of Bonney Lake ..................................................................................................2-8 2.5.7 King County ...............................................................................................................2-8 3. Wastewater System Policies ..............................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies, Standards, and Guidelines .......................................3-1 3.2 City Comprehensive Plan and Auburn City Code Goals and Policies ...................................3-1 3.3 Sanitary Sewer Level of Service .............................................................................................3-1 3.4 Business Practices Policy .......................................................................................................3-1 4. Description of Existing System ..........................................................................................................4-1 4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................4-1 Table of Contents City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan vi Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 4.1.1 Valley Sewer Basin ...................................................................................................4-1 4.1.2 West Hill Sewer Basin ..............................................................................................4-1 4.1.3 Lea Hill Sewer Basin .................................................................................................4-2 4.1.4 Auburn Way South Sewer Basin ..............................................................................4-2 4.1.5 South Hill Sewer Basin .............................................................................................4-2 4.2 Sanitary Sewer Facilities ........................................................................................................4-2 4.2.1 Critical Infrastructure ...............................................................................................4-7 4.2.2 Pump Stations ..........................................................................................................4-7 4.2.3 Gravity and Force Main Collection System .............................................................4-8 4.2.4 Side Sewer Laterals..................................................................................................4-8 4.2.5 River Crossings .........................................................................................................4-8 4.3 King County Conveyance ..................................................................................................... 4-12 4.4 Infiltration and Inflow ........................................................................................................... 4-12 4.5 Industrial Waste Discharges ............................................................................................... 4-12 4.6 Water Reclamation and Reuse ........................................................................................... 4-14 4.6.1 Regulatory Framework .......................................................................................... 4-14 4.6.2 Potential Reclaimed Water Sources ..................................................................... 4-14 4.6.3 Potential Reclaimed Water Users ......................................................................... 4-15 4.6.4 Reclaimed Water Summary .................................................................................. 4-16 5. Wastewater System Analysis .............................................................................................................5-1 5.1 Hydraulic Capacity Analysis ....................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model ..............................................................................5-1 5.1.2 Assessment Criteria .................................................................................................5-1 5.1.3 Existing-Conditions Evaluation ................................................................................5-2 5.1.4 Future-Conditions Evaluation ..................................................................................5-4 5.2 Inflow and Infiltration ........................................................................................................... 5-11 5.2.1 Initial Inflow and Infiltration Assessment ............................................................. 5-11 5.3 Sewer Extensions ................................................................................................................. 5-15 5.4 Asset Management .............................................................................................................. 5-21 6. Maintenance and Operations ............................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Utility Responsibility and Authority ........................................................................................6-1 6.1.1 Organizational Structure ..........................................................................................6-1 6.1.2 Staffing Level ............................................................................................................6-2 6.1.3 Level of Service ........................................................................................................6-3 6.1.4 Operator Training and Education ............................................................................6-3 6.2 Routine Operations .................................................................................................................6-3 6.2.1 Pump Station Maintenance .....................................................................................6-3 6.2.2 Collection System Maintenance ..............................................................................6-5 6.2.3 Field Operations .......................................................................................................6-6 6.3 Fats, Oils, and Grease Reduction Program ...........................................................................6-6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Table of Contents vii Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 6.4 Non-Routine and Emergency Operations ..............................................................................6-7 6.4.1 Customer Service Requests ....................................................................................6-7 6.4.2 Emergency Response Program ...............................................................................6-8 6.5 Communications, Data Collection, and Record-Keeping .....................................................6-8 6.5.1 Telemetry and Pump Station Controls ....................................................................6-8 6.5.2 Data Collection and Record-Keeping ......................................................................6-9 6.6 Existing Staffing Requirements ........................................................................................... 6-10 6.7 Potential Improvement Opportunities and Capital Needs ................................................ 6-11 7. Recommended Plan ...........................................................................................................................7-1 7.1 Capital Improvement Program ...............................................................................................7-1 7.1.1 Project Priority...........................................................................................................7-2 7.1.2 Project Cost ...............................................................................................................7-2 7.2 Project Summary.....................................................................................................................7-2 8. Finance ................................................................................................................................................8-1 8.1 Past Financial Performance ...................................................................................................8-1 8.1.1 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position ........................8-1 8.1.2 Statement of Net Position ........................................................................................8-2 8.1.3 Outstanding Debt Principal ......................................................................................8-5 8.2 Available Capital Funding Resources ....................................................................................8-5 8.2.1 Internal Utility Resources .........................................................................................8-5 8.2.2 Government Programs and Resources ...................................................................8-7 8.2.3 Public Debt Financing ..............................................................................................8-9 8.2.4 Capital Resource Funding Summary .................................................................... 8-10 8.3 Financial Plan ....................................................................................................................... 8-10 8.3.1 Utility Fund Structure ............................................................................................ 8-11 8.3.2 Financial Policies ................................................................................................... 8-11 8.3.3 Capital Funding Plan ............................................................................................. 8-12 8.4 Financial Forecast ............................................................................................................... 8-14 8.4.1 Cash Flow Test ....................................................................................................... 8-14 8.4.2 Coverage Test ........................................................................................................ 8-14 8.4.3 Financial Forecast ................................................................................................. 8-14 8.4.4 City Funds and Reserves Balances ...................................................................... 8-17 8.5 Existing Rate Structure and Projected Schedule ............................................................... 8-17 8.6 Affordability .......................................................................................................................... 8-18 8.7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 8-19 9. Implementation Plan ..........................................................................................................................9-1 9.1 6-Year and 20-Year CIP ..........................................................................................................9-1 9.2 Monitoring ...............................................................................................................................9-2 9.3 Asset Management and Maintenance and Operation .........................................................9-3 9.3.1 Collect Asset Data ....................................................................................................9-3 Table of Contents City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan viii Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 9.3.2 Criticality ...................................................................................................................9-7 9.3.3 Defining Maintenance Strategies ............................................................................9-7 9.3.4 Condition Assessments ............................................................................................9-9 9.3.5 Continual Improvement ........................................................................................ 9-10 9.4 Discharge Quality Control .................................................................................................... 9-10 9.4.1 Control of Fats, Oils, and Greases ........................................................................ 9-10 9.4.2 Industrial Waste..................................................................................................... 9-10 9.4.3 Public Education .................................................................................................... 9-10 9.5 Hazard Planning ................................................................................................................... 9-11 9.6 Maintenance Issues ............................................................................................................ 9-11 9.6.1 105th Place SE and Lea Hill Road SE .................................................................. 9-11 9.6.2 Sewers Crossing Freeway ..................................................................................... 9-11 9.6.3 Sewers within Easements ..................................................................................... 9-11 9.7 SEPA Compliance ................................................................................................................. 9-11 9.8 Schedule............................................................................................................................... 9-11 10. Limitations ................................................................................................................................... 10-1 11. References ................................................................................................................................... 11-1 Inter-local Agreements and Outside Agency Correspondence .......................................... A-1 Appendix A: Hydraulic Capacity Analysis ................................................................................................ B-1 Appendix B: Pump Station Information ....................................................................................................C-1 Appendix C: SEPA Compliance ................................................................................................................ D-1 Appendix D: City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Table of Contents ix Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx List of Figures Figure ES-1. Implementation schedule ................................................................................................ ES-7 Figure 2-1. Vicinity .....................................................................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-2. Plan study area ......................................................................................................................2-5 Figure 4-1. Sewer service basins .............................................................................................................4-3 Figure 4-2. Existing wastewater conveyance system .............................................................................4-5 Figure 4-3. Critical sewers ........................................................................................................................4-9 Figure 4-4. City of Auburn collection system summary statistics ....................................................... 4-11 Figure 4-5. Potential reclaimed water users within Auburn city limits ............................................... 4-17 Figure 5-1. HGL for surcharged condition ...............................................................................................5-2 Figure 5-2. Wastewater model network and results: existing conditions, 20-year flow .......................5-5 Figure 5-3. Wastewater model network and results: future conditions, 20-year flow ..........................5-9 Figure 5-4. Primary components of an I/I management program ...................................................... 5-12 Figure 5-5. Inflow and infiltration comparative levels ......................................................................... 5-13 Figure 5-6. Existing and proposed sewer facilities .............................................................................. 5-17 Figure 5-7. Sewer extension for unsewered areas estimated costs .................................................. 5-19 Figure 6-1. City of Auburn Department of Community Development and Public Works organizational chart ..........................................................................................................................6-2 Figure 7-1. CIP development flow chart ..................................................................................................7-1 Figure 9-1. Sanitary sewers with missing attribute information ............................................................9-5 Figure 9-2. Example of identifying asset criticality .................................................................................9-7 Figure 9-3. Maintenance strategies based on risk .................................................................................9-8 Figure 9-4. City of Auburn Sewer Plan implementation timeline ........................................................ 9-12 Table of Contents City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan x Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx List of Tables Table ES-1. Utility Level of Service ........................................................................................................ ES-2 Table ES-2. Annual CIP Project Cost Summary .................................................................................... ES-5 Table 3-1. Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies ......................................................................................3-2 Table 4-1. City of Auburn Sewer Pump Station Inventory .......................................................................4-7 Table 4-2. City of Auburn Industrial Waste Discharge Permits ........................................................... 4-13 Table 5-1. Simulated 20-Year Flows to Pumping Stations, Existing Conditions Scenario ...................5-4 Table 5-2. Simulated 20-Year Flows to Pumping Stations, Future (2020) Conditions Scenarioa .......5-8 Table 5-3. King County I/I Rates ........................................................................................................... 5-11 Table 6-1. Sewer Utility M&O Field Personnel .........................................................................................6-2 Table 6-2. Sewer System Maintenance and Operation Task Summary ............................................. 6-11 Table 7-1. Annual Project Cost Summary for 6-Year and 20-Year CIP ..................................................7-3 Table 8-1. City of Auburn Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Position ......8-2 Table 8-2. City of Auburn Statement of Net Position ..............................................................................8-4 Table 8-3. City of Auburn Outstanding Debt Principal ............................................................................8-5 Table 8-4. City of Auburn Current System Development Charge Schedule ..........................................8-6 Table 8-5. Funding Programs ...................................................................................................................8-8 Table 8-6. City of Auburn Sewer CIP ..................................................................................................... 8-13 Table 8-7. City of Auburn Capital Financing Plan ................................................................................. 8-13 Table 8-8. City of Auburn Financial Forecast ....................................................................................... 8-16 Table 8-9. City of Auburn Cash Balance Summary .............................................................................. 8-17 Table 8-10. City of Auburn Projected Local Rate Schedule.................................................................. 8-18 Table 8-11. City of Auburn Affordability Test ........................................................................................ 8-18 Table 9-1. Annual Project Cost Summary for 6-Year CIP (in millions of dollars) ...................................9-1 Table 9-2. Cost Summary for 20-Year CIP (in millions of dollars) ..........................................................9-2 Table 9-3. Criticality-Based Maintenance Strategy Summary ................................................................9-9 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Table of Contents xi Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx List of Abbreviations ACC Auburn City Code AMWA Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies APWA American Public Works Association BAB Build America Bonds bgs below ground surface ccf 100 cubic feet CCTV closed-circuit television CDPW Community Development and Public Works Department CERB Community Economic Revitalization Board CFP Capital Facilities Program CIP Capital Improvement Program City City of Auburn CMMS computerized maintenance management system Comp Plan City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan CSI Conveyance System Improvements CSWD Criteria for Sewage Works Design d/D depth to pipe diameter DOH Washington State Department of Health Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology Engineering Engineering Services Division EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency FOG fats, oils, and grease fps foot/feet per second FSE food service establishment FTE full-time equivalent GIS geographic information system GO general obligation gpad gallon(s) per acre day gph gallons per hours gpm gallon(s) per minute H&H hydrologic and hydraulic HDPE high-density polyethylene pipe HGL hydraulic grade line I/I inflow and infiltration IT Innovation and Technology LACP Lateral Assessment and Certification Program LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design lf linear feet LFC local facilities charge LOS level of service LUD Lakehaven Utility District M&O maintenance and operations MACP Manhole Assessment and Certification Program MBR membrane bioreactor MIT Muckleshoot Indian Tribe MUD Muckleshoot Utility District NASSCO National Association of Sewer Service Companies PAA potential annexation area PACP Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program PdM predictive maintenance Plan Comprehensive Sewer Plan PM preventive maintenance psi pound(s) per square inch PSRC Puget Sound Regional Council PVC polyvinyl chloride PWB Public Works Board RCE residential customer equivalent RCW Revised Code of Washington R&R repair and replacement RWSP Regional Wastewater Services Plan SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SCWSD Soos Creek Water and Sewer District SDC system development charge SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SOS Save Our Streets SSO sanitary sewer overflow SSSA sanitary sewer service area ULID utility local improvement district Utility Sanitary Sewer Utility WAC Washington Administrative Code WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation WWCPA Washington Wastewater Collection Personnel Association ES-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Executive Summary This Comprehensive Sewer Plan (Plan) for the City of Auburn, Washington (City) is an update to the previous plan that was completed in December 2009 (Brown and Caldwell). This plan should be considered a General Sewer plan under authority of WAC 173-250-050. Within this document, Comprehensive Sewer Plan and General Sewer Plan should be considered the same. Evaluation of the sanitary sewer system for this Plan incorporated a policy review; system-wide hydraulic modeling; review and documentation of maintenance and operations (M&O) practices; and evaluation and update of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to account for completed projects, changes in system conditions, and new development, as well as to incorporate new financial information. This Plan contains time frames that are the intended framework for future funding decisions and within which future actions and decisions are intended to occur. However, these time frames are estimates and, depending on factors involved in the processing of applications and project work, and availability of funding, the timing may change from the included time frames. The framework does not represent actual commitments by the City, which may depend on resources available. The purpose of the Plan is to guide the City’s Sanitary Sewer Utility (Utility) with respect to future activities and improvements for the Utility. To fulfill this stated purpose, the following objectives were achieved: • provide background information regarding development and planning of the Utility, the sanitary sewer service area (SSSA), and neighboring utilities (Chapter 2) • evaluate environmental, social, and regulatory drivers to develop level-of-service (LOS) goals for capital facility infrastructure development, operation, maintenance, and other key elements of utility management (Chapter 3) • characterize the current sewer system and facilities (Chapter 4) • perform a hydraulic modeling analysis to evaluate system capacity, review inflow and infiltration (I/I), identify possible sewer extensions to provide City sewer service to the entire SSSA, and provide a means to update the economic life model (Chapter 5) • establish a baseline understanding of the proactive and responsive maintenance procedures to evaluate Utility staffing and data collection needs (Chapter 6) • develop a CIP based on the results of hydraulic and condition analyses by meeting required customer service levels, effectively managing risks, and minimizing the City’s costs of sewer asset ownership (Chapter 7) • develop a funding plan that optimizes use of rates, system development charges (SDCs), and/or other service fees based on projected Utility spending requirements and a review of funding sources and City financial policies (Chapter 8) • prioritize capital improvement projects and repair and replacement (R&R) activities to accommodate both 6- and 20-year funding frameworks and create an implementation plan to meet LOS goals (Chapter 9) The following sections summarize the development of the Plan and outline the recommendations contained in the implementation plan. Executive Summary City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan ES-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx ES.1 LOS Goals LOS goals provide a framework for the Utility to assess its staffing levels, prioritize its resources, justify its rate structure, and document its successes. It is important that LOS goals include clear criteria to use in evaluating how well those goals are being met. LOS goals for the Utility that were developed for this Plan are based on relevant City policies. LOS goals and associated City polices are listed in Table ES-1. Table ES-1. Utility Level of Service Item* Policy, standard, or guideline statement Planning considerations 6 The City will size gravity sewers for peak wet weather flow rates that include I/I flows. Gravity sewers will be sized to convey the once-per-20-year peak hour flow without surcharging. 7 The City will size pump stations and force mains for peak wet weather flow rates that include I/I flows. Pump stations will be sized to convey the once-per-5-year flow with one pump out of service and convey the once-per-20-year flow with all pumps in service. Protection and improvement of the environment and public health 16 The City will comply with all federal, state, and local regulations in operation and maintenance of the City’s wastewater collection and conveyance infrastructure. 17 The City will evaluate Utility activities to emphasize sustainability practices. City staff will identify specific areas to measure sustainability. Examples could include weighing energy consumption impacts more heavily during capital project development, selecting less impactful cleaning and maintenance products, and structuring maintenance activities to minimize vehicle travel miles. While maintaining minimum flows for efficient operation of the system, water conservation will be practiced whenever possible. City staff will benchmark practices and log changes. 18 The City will support the use of reclaimed water technologies where economically feasible. City staff will evaluate opportunities for reclaimed water use and support initiatives where the benefits outweigh costs. 19 The City shall pursue I/I reduction for the purposes of eliminating or reducing required capacity upgrades and reducing maintenance costs (to include reducing wear and tear on pump stations) when determined to be cost-effective. Customer satisfaction 21 The City will evaluate and strive to maintain customer satisfaction with Utility service delivery. • The City will create a baseline against which to evaluate future improvements: • Annual assessment of complaints/citizen reports • The City will communicate proactively with the community and stakeholders regarding wastewater service improvements. Utility financing 36 Appropriate rates and SDCs shall be assessed to fund the ongoing maintenance, operation, and capital expenditures of the Utility, in accordance with the Comprehensive Wastewater Plan. Periodic (typically every 5 years) cost-of-service studies shall be completed to reassess the monthly service and SDCs (both City and King County portions). Updates will coincide with 6-year CIP updates. 37 The City will track the cost of claims as a metric. The City will create a baseline against which to evaluate future improvements. 38 The City will track schedule and budget accuracy and performance in CIP implementation. Business practice 42 The City will monitor the frequency and causes of any service disruptions and develop programmatic methods for reducing the number of disruptions (e.g., backups). The City will investigate all customer service calls within 24 hours and record results in the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). The City will develop an M&O plan to set goals for minimizing blockages, backups, response time, etc. 43 The City will maintain an asset criticality database to be used in prioritizing asset maintenance and R&R. The existing criticality database will be refined to include more asset age and material information, and will be validated using the results of M&O inspections. The database will transition from a spreadsheet-based process to an internal process within the City’s CMMS. 44 The City will perform condition assessments of critical assets. The City will develop and implement a condition assessment schedule for all critical assets. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Executive Summary ES-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table ES-1. Utility Level of Service Item* Policy, standard, or guideline statement 45 The City will assign industry standard design lives for sewage assets. The actual physical assessment will be compared to the theoretical design life to determine the optimal economic life. The City will attempt to repair or replace system assets before they exceed their economic life. The number of high-criticality assets beyond their economic life will be minimized. 46 The City will conduct maintenance activities at a level that is consistent with optimizing system reliability, asset economic life, and system performance. The City will develop schedules for maintenance of wastewater collection and conveyance assets and link its implementation to system performance; e.g., record instances of missed maintenance and identify inadequate performance related to maintenance (grease and roots blockages) including missed scheduled maintenance. 47 The City will maintain a level of reliability for pump stations provided by redundancy of critical mechanical and electrical components. The City will provide backup power generators or dual power feeds and provide a minimum of two pumps at each City pump station. 48 The City will implement the use of the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program (PACP) for inspection of all pipelines, Lateral Assessment and Certification Program (LACP) for inspection of all laterals, and Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP) for inspection of all manholes. The City will minimize the number of assets with condition grades of 4 and 5. * Item numbers refer to the policy item number presented in Table 3-1 in Section 3.4. ES.2 Evaluation of the Sewer Utility In order to develop a plan for future improvements to the Utility, the existing collection system was evaluated. This included hydraulic modeling and a review of M&O practices, which are described below: • Hydraulic modeling: The existing hydraulic model developed in the 2009 plan was recalibrated with King County flow monitoring data. The hydraulic capacity analysis of the City’s sewer conveyance system assessed the capacity for current and projected wastewater flows. The analysis also provided the basis for identifying improvements that may be necessary for the City to provide the adopted LOS. The hydraulic model indicated that, based on current planning and growth assumptions, there are no capacity-related issues for both current and future conditions. • Maintenance and operation: The City provided information on its M&O activities to include ongoing maintenance activities, the number of staff required to undertake the activity, and frequency of activities. Current staffing levels were compared to anticipated staffing levels required to meet the City’s desired operation goals listed in Chapter 6. The results of this analysis indicate that, to meet these goals, two additional M&O staff are required and the creation of a new position is recommended to facilitate computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) integration across all three service utilities (Sewer, Water, Drainage). ES.3 Implementation Plan The implementation plan brings together information from the preceding chapters to form a work plan of future activities for the Utility. The implementation plan consists of the 6-year and 20-year CIP, recommendations including monitoring and data collection, and recommendations for using asset management strategies to improve Utility maintenance and operations with an outlook on long-term sustainability. ES.3.1 6-Year and 20-Year CIP The CIP projects consist primarily of ongoing and programmatic capital improvements. Ongoing projects include projects identified through previous studies. The City has previously allocated funding to each of these projects, which are currently in various stages of execution. These projects Executive Summary City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan ES-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx must continue to receive funding under the CIP until completion and have been included in this Plan to provide a complete picture of the program. Programmatic projects are included in the CIP to provide funding for maintaining and/or improving the LOS. These projects do not address a specific problem, but allocate budget for addressing LOS goals. The results of the system evaluation indicated very few new projects to be added to the 6-year CIP. The system hydraulic analysis indicated no need for capacity-related capital projects. Table ES-2 lists nine capital improvement projects included in this Plan and lays out annual expenditures for the 6-year and 20-year CIP time frames. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Executive Summary ES-5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table ES-2. Annual CIP Project Cost Summary Project number Project name Priority 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022–35 Project Cost CIP allocations (repair/ replacement) CIP allocations (upgrade/ expansion) 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement/System Improvements 1 $1,873,000 $300,000 $1,500,000 $300,000 $1,500,000 $300,000 $12,600,000 $18,373,000 100% 0% 2 Street Utility Improvements 1 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $2,800,000 $4,000,000 100% 0% 3 Vactor Decant Facility 1 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 0% 100% 4 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/ Improvement 1 $0 $141,000 $500,000 $168,000 $900,000 $141,000 $2,850,000 $4,700,000 100% 20% 5 Siphon Assessment 1 $0 $524,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $524,000 $1,048,000 100% 0% 6 Pump Station Condition Assessment 1 $187,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $187,000 $374,000 100% 0% 7 Manhole Ring and Cover Replacement 2 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $1,120,000 $1,600,000 100% 0% 8 Cleaning and Inspection of Large-Diameter Pipe 2 $0 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 $800,000 100% 0% 9 Inflow and Infiltration Study 3 $0 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $0 $676,000 100% 0% 10 Plan Update 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $350,000 $0 $700,000 $1,050,000 50% 50% Total cost for priority 1 projects $2,410,000 $1,165,000 $2,200,000 $668,000 $2,950,000 $641,000 $19,661,000 $29,695,000 Total cost for priority 2 projects $80,000 $480,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $1,520,000 $2,400,000 Total cost for priority 3 projects $0 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $0 $676,000 Total CIP cost $2,490,000 $1,780,200 $2,415,200 $883,200 $3,165,200 $856,200 $21,181,000 $32,771,000 Executive Summary City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan ES-6 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx ES.3.2 Monitoring The current and projected future levels of I/I within the City’s collection system do not appear to cause capacity-related issues. However, high I/I can be indicative of either deteriorating pipe condition or storm drainage connections to the sewer system so, to be proactive, it is recommended that the City initiate additional flow monitoring that can be used during the next Plan update to further assess I/I and add confidence to the hydraulic model. ES.3.3 Asset Management and Maintenance and Operations The following additional recommendations were made for activities that will support asset management and ongoing M&O: • Continue system inventory: Asset management practices and M&O activities can best be utilized with a completed inventory of assets owned and maintained by the City. Many of the City’s assets are currently included in Cartegraph, its CMMS, but not all assets are currently included and some assets are missing important identifying information (such as age and material of construction). Completing the asset inventory will help the City continue to best apply its M&O resources. • Migrate the economic life model to the CMMS: The economic life model created as part of the 2009 plan should be implemented with the CMMS to facilitate use and most up-to-date model accuracy. • Optimize M&O program: Optimizing M&O activities through an asset management-based program will lead to increased effectiveness in prioritizing M&O resources and managing risk, public perception, regulatory compliance, and costs to the Utility. • Discharge quality control: The City should continue its efforts to minimize the impact of harmful components in the sewage discharged to the City’s collection system. Specifically, the fats, oils, and grease (FOG) reduction program, industrial waste permitting, and public education programs support the collection system’s ability to convey and pump sewage effectively and the County treatment facility’s ability to protect the environment. • Hazard planning: The City should assess vulnerability of the sewer collection system to examine the potential for natural disasters such as flood, erosion, earthquake, or volcanic activity to cause system failures. The associated probabilities of failure should be weighed with the consequences of failure to determine if action is necessary and to identify appropriate mitigation measures. • Maintenance issues: Three known problem sites did not rise to the level of a CIP project based on currently available information. It is recommended that the City investigate these known M&O issues. The issues include odor issues near the 8th Street siphon and access issues with sewers crossing freeways and those within easements on private property. A timeline was developed to illustrate how CIP and monitoring activities in the implementation plan fit together within 6-year and 20-year time frames. This timeline is presented on Figure ES-1. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Executive Summary ES-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number Project name 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 6-year CIP 7–20-year CIP 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement/System Improvements 2 Street Utility Improvements 3 Vactor Decant Study 4 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement 5 Siphon Assessment 6 Pump Station Condition Assessment 7 MH Ring and Cover Replacement 8 Cleaning and Inspection of Large- Diameter Pipe 9 Inflow and Infiltration Study 10 Plan Update Figure ES-1. Implementation schedule 1-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 1 Introduction This Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update (Plan) for the City of Auburn, Washington (City) is an update to the previous plan, prepared in 2009. This plan should be considered a General Sewer plan under authority of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Section 173-250-050. Within this document, Comprehensive Sewer Plan and General Sewer Plan should be considered the same. This Plan reflects changes in existing and projected land use and population since the previous plan, as well as sewer capital projects that have been constructed. In addition, since the previous plan, King County has performed extensive flow monitoring of the City’s collection system that, along with updated asset information, provides valuable information for updating the hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) model used for assessing system capacity. This Plan contains time frames that are the intended framework for future funding decisions and within which future actions and decisions are intended to occur. However, these time frames are estimates and, depending on factors involved in the processing of applications and project work and availability of funding, the timing may change from the included time frames. The framework does not represent actual commitments by the City, which may depend on resources available. This Plan meets the requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) as set forth in WAC Section 173-240-050. The Plan was submitted to Ecology; the Washington State Department of Health (DOH); King and Pierce counties; the cities of Algona, Bonney Lake, Kent, and Pacific; Lakehaven Utility District (LUD); Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (SCWSD); and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT). Relevant correspondence with these agencies related to this Plan is included in Appendix A. 1.1 Purpose and Objectives The purpose of the Plan is to guide the City with respect to future activities and improvements for the Sanitary Sewer Utility (Utility). To fulfill this stated purpose, the following objectives were achieved: • evaluate environmental, social, and regulatory drivers to develop level-of-service (LOS) goals for capital facility infrastructure development, operation, maintenance, and other key elements of Utility management • update the comprehensive sanitary sewer system inventory, based on the City’s geographic information system (GIS), that incorporates currently available infrastructure data into a digital database that can be directly linked with the hydraulic model used for analyzing the system • perform hydraulic modeling analysis to evaluate system capacity • develop a plan for sewer service extensions, including where extensions will occur and how the City will serve these areas • document the City’s existing Maintenance and Operation (M&O) program, and evaluate existing Utility staffing • complete a financial analysis of the Utility, including a projection of cost to provide sewer service and development of a funding strategy for the identified LOS goals • develop a capital improvement program (CIP) by sustainably meeting required customer service levels, effectively managing risks, and minimizing the City’s costs of sewer asset ownership Chapter 1 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 1-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx • prioritize capital improvement projects to accommodate both 6- and 20-year funding frameworks 1.2 Document Organization This Plan is organized to focus on the actions that the Utility will take while implementing Plan recommendations. Supporting documentation and background information is included in appendices where appropriate. The Plan is organized into the following chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction: explains the need for updating previous sewer planning documentation, and outlines specific objectives of the Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update Chapter 2 Background: provides background information regarding the Utility and sanitary sewer service area (SSSA) Chapter 3 Wastewater System Policies: specifies the Utility policies and LOS goals used to develop capital improvements and future M&O activities Chapter 4 Description of Existing System: describes the existing conditions of the City’s sanitary sewer system Chapter 5 Wastewater System Analysis: presents methodologies used to evaluate system capacity and future sewer extensions Chapter 6 Recommended Plan: describes recommended capital improvement projects including cost estimates Chapter 7 Maintenance and Operations: provides an overview of the organization and common procedures associated with the ongoing M&O program, and evaluates existing Utility staffing needs based on established LOS goals Chapter 8 Finance: develops a funding plan that optimizes use of rates, systems development charges, and/or other service fees based on projected Utility spending requirements and a review of funding sources and City financial policies Chapter 9 Implementation Plan: prioritizes capital improvement projects and lays out a future work plan Appendix A Inter-local Agreements and Outside Agency Correspondence: provides copies of inter- local agreements related with sanitary sewer conveyance and disposal Appendix B Hydraulic Capacity Analysis: provides a detailed review of the hydraulic modeling completed for near- and long-term modeling scenarios to identify areas of capacity concern Appendix C Pump Station Information: provides detailed information related to the pump stations (pump sizes, wet well size, etc.) Appendix D SEPA Compliance: provides a letter documenting the “Determination of Non- Significance” 2-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 2 Background This chapter includes background information related to the development of the City’s current wastewater collection and conveyance system, including changes to the City’s Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) policies that influence the design and operation of the system. Also included is a description of the City SSSA along with information on adjacent sewer utilities, which will facilitate an understanding of existing and potential opportunities for collaborative activities with other purveyors to enhance system reliability or reduce costs. Changes to land use planning efforts affecting the City SSSA are also discussed. The city of Auburn vicinity is shown on Figure 2-1. 2.1 Previous Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plans The current wastewater planning effort supersedes previous plans prepared in 1968, 1982, 2001, and 2009. This Plan builds upon concepts established in the four previous plans, modifying or updating goals, policies, and analyses to account for present conditions. 2.2 City Comprehensive Plan The City most recently revised its Comp Plan in June 2015. The City Comp Plan incorporates the Comprehensive Sewer Plan by reference. 2.3 Sanitary Sewer Service Area The City SSSA has not changed significantly since the 2009 Comprehensive Sewer Plan, which proposed the extension of service to a small area of unincorporated King County located west of Algona that abutted the existing SSSA. Service has now been extended to that area. The current SSSA is shown on Figure 2-2. As of June 2015, the City currently serves 12,723 single family residential customers within its SSSA. In addition, non-residential customers equate to 18,504 Residential Customer Equivalents (RCEs) based on total water consumption records for non-residential connections. The City tracks total RCEs and reports to the County quarterly. The City coordinates service at the boundary of its SSSA with nearby sewer utilities. When the City’s SSSA extends beyond current corporate limits, a franchise is required by the City of Auburn to own, maintain, and manage the wastewater facilities within King and Pierce counties’ rights-of-way. This coordination with other utilities and King and Pierce counties is discussed in Section 2.5. 2.4 Existing Land Use Plans Various land use plans govern development with the City of Auburn SSSA; these plans are described in the following sections. 2.4.1 King County Comprehensive Plan Urban unincorporated areas of the City’s SSSA are subject to the King County Comprehensive Plan, as most recently updated and adopted in November 2013. This section describes changes in the Chapter 2 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 2-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx King County document affecting policy direction for functional plans, such as this City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update. In the updated 2013 King County Comprehensive Plan, policy F-255 states: In the Urban Growth Area, all new development shall be served by public sewers unless: a. Application of this policy to a proposal for a single-family residence on an individual lot would deny all reasonable use of the property; or b. Sewer service is not available for a proposed short subdivision of urban property in a timely or reasonable manner as determined by the Utility Technical Review Committee. These on- site systems shall be managed by one of the following entities, in order of preference: 1. The sewer utility whose service area encompasses the proposed short subdivision; or 2. The provider most likely to serve the area; or; 3. an Onsite Sewage System Maintainer certified by the Seattle-King County Department of Health. The onsite system shall meet all state and county approval requirements. The approved short subdivision shall indicate how additional lots to satisfy the minimum density requirement of the zoning will be located on the subject property in case sewers become available in the future. There shall be no further subdivision of lots created under this policy unless served by public sewers. In conjunction with policy F-255, policy F-256 states: In the Urban Growth Area, King County and sewer utilities should jointly prioritize the replacement of on-site systems that serve existing development with public sewers, based on the risk of potential failure. King County and sewer utilities should analyze public funding options for such conversion and should prepare conversion plans that will enable quick and cost-effective local response to health and pollution problems that may occur when many on-site systems fail in an area. Chapter 5 discusses potential sewer extensions within currently unsewered areas. The City’s SSSA currently includes two areas of unincorporated King County, as shown on Figure 2-2. 2.4.2 King County Regional Wastewater Services Plan In 2007, King County adopted a revised Regional Wastewater Services Plan (RWSP), which outlines proposed wastewater conveyance improvements. Improvements that impact the City of Auburn collection and conveyance system include the following: • Stuck River Trunk: new gravity pipe constructed to convey flow away from the M Street Trunk to the Auburn West Interceptor • Pacific Pump Station discharge: new pipe to convey flow north from the Pacific Pump Station to the Auburn West Interceptor • Auburn West Interceptor Parallel: new gravity pipe to replace or parallel an existing portion of the Auburn West Interceptor between 15th Street SW and West Main Street The Stuck River Trunk was completed in 2013. The Pacific Pump Station discharge and Auburn West Interceptor Parallel are currently planned for construction in 2016. In conjunction with the RWSP, the City participated in an inflow and infiltration (I/I) study as a component sewer agency of King County. I/I is discussed in Section 4.4. The County is in the process of updating the Conveyance System Improvements Program based on decennial flow monitoring data and updated land use and population projections. Algona Pacific Bonney Lake Kent Federal Way Sumner COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN 1 inch = 16,667 feet October 2015 P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_2-1_Vicinity.mxd FIGURE 2-1VICINITY 0.5 0 0.5 Miles N L E G E N D King County South Wastewater Treatment Plant King County collection system Auburn City Limits Cities County Boundary Muckleshoot Indian Reservation Hydrography Highway xxx GreenRiver LakeTapps BigSoos C re e k MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW Algona Pacific Sumner Kent Area of Bonney Lake served by Auburn Sewer System WhiteRiver Unincorporated King County Unincorporated King County Area of Kent served by Auburn Sewer System SE 277TH ST 15TH ST SW BOUNDARY BLVD SW L A K E T APPSPAR K W A Y S E Area of Pacific served by Auburn Sewer System COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 2-2CITY OF AUBURNCOMPREHENSIVE SEWERPLAN STUDY AREA 3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_2-2_AuburnSewer_StudyArea 11x17.mxd King County Pierce County Legend Auburn SSSA Area of Kent Served by Auburn Area of Pierce County Served by Auburn Area of Pacific Served by Auburn Area of Bonney Lake Served by Auburn Other Sewer Utilities within City of Auburn City of Algona Soos Creek Water and Sewer District City of Kent Lakehaven Utility District Auburn City Boundary County lineAdjacent Cities Algona Kent Pacific Sumner Muckleshoot Indian Reservation Water Streams Streets City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2 2-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 2.4.3 City of Auburn Water Resources Protection Report As identified in the City’s 2009 Sewer Plan, coordination with the Water Utility will be necessary in the future, as many of the City’s unsewered areas lie within the Water Resource Protection Areas identified in the Water Resources Protection Report completed in 2000. In particular, planning for future wastewater infrastructure could include the importance of removing potential contamination (i.e., onsite sewer systems) from the Water Resource Protection Areas, based on coordination with the Water Utility. 2.5 Neighboring Sewer Utilities The communities that surround the city of Auburn administer their own wastewater conveyance and collection systems. The following sections describe these systems and discuss interlocal agreements between the City and these communities that establish SSSA boundaries and other conditions of service. Neighboring sewer utilities are identified in Figure 2-2. 2.5.1 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and City of Kent In the northeast corner of the city, within the Lea Hill sewer basin (as shown on Figure 4-1), are small areas served by the SCWSD and the City of Kent. In 2001, prior to annexation, the City of Auburn executed interlocal agreements with SCWSD and Kent establishing sanitary sewer service area boundaries. The agreements enable SCWSD and Kent to provide the most efficient method of sanitary sewer service to this portion of the city while ensuring that the City’s development standards are maintained. Copies of these agreements are included in Appendix A. 2.5.2 City of Pacific An interlocal agreement establishing sanitary sewer service area boundaries between the cities of Auburn and Pacific was executed in 2008. This agreement allows Auburn to provide sanitary sewer service to property located on the eastern portion of Pacific’s municipal boundary, which lies in the vicinity of Auburn’s wastewater infrastructure. The agreement recognizes that Auburn has sufficient wastewater conveyance capacity to support the SSSA with maximum efficiency in the use of existing and future facilities, together with orderly and efficient sanitary sewer planning. A copy of this agreement is included in Appendix A. 2.5.3 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Reservation The MIT reservation is located within and to the southeast of Auburn city limits, as shown in Figure 2- 2. In 1997, the MIT, Indian Health Service, and City of Auburn entered into an agreement for the City to provide wastewater service to the MIT property located outside city limits, outside the potential annexation area (PAA), and outside the Urban Growth Area. An additional agreement, signed in 2004, outlined improvements to the conveyance system from the south end of the city on Auburn Way South to the connection to King County’s M Street Trunk. Two outcomes of that agreement were that (1) the MIT become a component agency of the King County Wastewater Treatment Division, which officially occurred in July 2004, and (2) the MIT would own a portion of the capacity within the Auburn Way South sewer line for the conveyance of sewage to King County. Lands owned by the MIT within the City SSSA are billed as ordinary ratepayers. Development of lands within the MIT reservation must be in accordance with the agreement approved under Resolution 4902. MIT- related agreements are included in Appendix A. Chapter 2 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 2-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 2.5.4 Lakehaven Utility District In 2004, an interlocal agreement was established between LUD and the City of Auburn delineating a mutual sewer service area boundary within a portion of the West Hill Service Area, an area recently annexed by the City. It was determined that LUD should continue to provide sewer service to this area in an efficient, cost-effective way. An amendment to this agreement was established in 2005, transferring sewer service from LUD to the City for the area known as Jovita Heights-West Hill. Copies of both LUD agreements are included in Appendix A. 2.5.5 City of Algona The city of Algona borders the city of Auburn to the southwest. In 2003, the cities of Algona and Auburn executed an interlocal agreement establishing sanitary sewer service area boundaries. The agreement allows Algona to provide sewer service to a small area in southwest Auburn, within the city limits and adjacent to Algona. Sewer service by Algona provides efficiency in the use of existing and future facilities. A copy of the Algona agreement is included in Appendix A. 2.5.6 City of Bonney Lake An addendum to a 1998 interlocal agreement establishing sanitary sewer service area boundaries between the cities of Bonney Lake and Auburn to roughly coincide with Auburn’s PAA boundaries was executed in February 2005. The addendum added a single parcel to the City SSSA because the parcel was partially located in both Auburn’s and Bonney Lake’s service areas as a result of the previous agreement. In April 2005, an interlocal agreement was established for Auburn to provide sanitary sewer service to a parcel within Bonney Lake’s SSSA (and designated within Pierce County’s Urban Growth Area). The maximum efficiency in the use of existing and future facilities is achieved by having Auburn provide sewer service to this area within Bonney Lake. A subsequent agreement, executed in August 2005, allows for Bonney Lake to serve the parcel in question once a sewer franchise with Pierce County has been secured for the area of Pierce County in which this parcel is located. Copies of both Bonney Lake agreements are included in Appendix A. 2.5.7 King County In 2002, the City of Auburn was granted a sanitary sewer franchise from King County to operate, maintain, repair, and construct sewer mains, service lines, and appurtenances in, over, along, and under County roads and rights-of-way in areas that at that time were located within unincorporated areas of King County. The legal descriptions of the areas covered by that agreement were updated through an amendment approved in January 2013. Copies of the agreement and amendment (Resolution 5027) are included in Appendix A. 3-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 3 Wastewater System Policies This chapter presents policies and standards that guide the operation and development of the City’s wastewater collection and conveyance system. The policies and standards are derived from the City’s Comp Plan, the Auburn City Code (ACC), and the 2009 Comprehensive Sewer Plan. 3.1 Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies, Standards, and Guidelines This Plan presents a number of policies or standards related to system development, maintenance, funding, and generally how the Utility should operate. Table 3-1 organizes these various policies or standards within topics related to service area, planning consideration, design standards, protection of the environment and public health, customer satisfaction, Utility financing, wastewater quality, business practice, and system performance and reliability. Taken together with the City Comprehensive Plan and ACC, these policies define limits and outline how the wastewater collection system shall be operated and maintained. 3.2 City Comprehensive Plan and Auburn City Code Goals and Policies The City Comp Plan is the City’s growth management plan and contains policies for protecting critical areas and natural resource lands, designating urban growth areas, preparing comprehensive utility plans, and implementing them through capital investments and development regulations. Therefore, the Comp Plan provides a framework of policies for development, expansion, and maintenance of the Utility. The ACC is a collection of all the regulatory and penal ordinances and certain administrative ordinances of the City. Title 13 of the ACC, Water, Sewers, and Public Utilities, contains the ordinances most relevant to how the Utility operates. It is an overarching policy that the Utility will comply and follow the City Comprehensive Plan and ACC. References to the ACC are included in Table 3-1 where applicable. 3.3 Sanitary Sewer Level of Service Wastewater utilities have begun to identify and articulate LOSs that define both the public service they provide and a measurable representation of that service. By defining service in a quantifiable way, the Utility is better able to determine whether it is meeting its own minimum performance standards and, conversely, determine whether reallocation of resources or additional funding may be justified to improve performance. Some LOSs might even be set for internal functions for the same reason of helping to prioritize spending by recognizing critical activities. Policies that reflect or help determine the LOS are spread throughout the various parts of Table 3-1, and are annotated with “LOS” under their item number. 3.4 Business Practices Policy The City desires to employ recognized best business practices that result in efficient and cost- effective operation of the Utility. The City shall identify the key business functions within the Utility Chapter 3 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 3-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx (e.g., billing, permitting, asset management, and planning) and develop supporting best business practices for each. The Utility will conduct a performance audit every 6 years in conjunction with its capital projects planning cycle to evaluate how well best business practices are being implemented and how effective they are. The City understands that defining and implementing best business practices is a long-term effort and will require a stepwise approach. Given that the Utility is made up largely of physical assets that have the greatest value and deserve the greatest commitment to operate and maintain, the City shall address the business practice of asset management first. Asset management is a systematic approach to maintaining assets in good working order to minimize future costs of maintaining and replacing them, especially to avoid costly deferred maintenance. The best practices for asset management involve systematically basing choices on an understanding of asset condition and performance, risks, and costs in the long term. Asset best practices include: • having knowledge about assets and costs (i.e., detailed inventories) • maintaining desired LOSs confirmed by customers • taking a life-cycle approach to asset management planning • implementing the planned solutions to provide reliable, cost-effective service The Utility shall begin implementing the above best practices during the next planning period and report progress annually. Policy items related to business practice include items 41–48 in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies Item Policy, standard, or guideline statement Related Auburn City Code Service Area 1 The City of Auburn comprehensive planning includes the provision for future sewer service to all properties located within its current city limits and potential annexation area. 2 The Utility will consider, but not encourage, providing sanitary sewer service to properties outside the SSSA. Property owners outside the SSSA bear the burden of approaching adjacent sewer providers for service. 3 The Utility does not intend to extend sanitary sewer service to or through King County rural zoned property. 4 Development where sewer service is not readily available may be served by individual onsite systems if the individual lots are suitable for onsite systems per the requirements and approval of King County or Pierce County Department of Health. ACC 13.20.060 13.20.080 13.20.090 Planning Considerations 5 Future land use patterns for the SSSA are expected to correspond to existing uses or current designations. 6 LOS The City will size the sewer collection system for peak wet weather flow rates that include I/I flows. Gravity sewers will be sized to convey the once-per-20-year peak hour flow without surcharging. 7 LOS The City will size pump stations and force mains for peak wet weather flow rates that include I/I flows. Pump stations will be sized to convey the once per 5-year flow with one pump out of service and convey the once per 20-year flow with all pumps in service. Design Standards 8 The City has the authority to set design standards. The technical criteria used by the City for the design and construction of its sanitary sewer infrastructure are based on the most recent versions of the Ecology publication Criteria for Sewage Works Design (CSWD) and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)/American Public Works Association (APWA) Standard Specifications. The City’s modifications and supplements to this criterion are found in the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Construction Standards. ACC 13.20.270 9 It is the City’s policy to transport sewage by gravity as the most cost-effective method. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3 3-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 3-1. Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies Item Policy, standard, or guideline statement Related Auburn City Code 10 If public pump stations are required, the City will give preference to the construction of fewer large pump stations over a greater number of smaller pump stations. 11 The City prefers to serve all properties by gravity sewer. Pumped systems will be allowed only when it is not feasible to install a total gravity system. 12 Non-gravity services (e.g., grinder pumps, low-pressure force mains, or other on-site pumping facilities) are prohibited except in extenuating circumstances when service by gravity is infeasible. The cost of installation, operation, and maintenance of a non-gravity system shall be borne by the property owner, community association, developer, etc. The City will not install, own, or maintain (outside of emergencies) any part of a non-gravity system. The property owner shall select the non-gravity system from a list of accepted pump manufactures and models. Prior to approval to install a non-gravity system, the property owner shall grant site access to the City for emergency repairs in circumstances where a prompt repair is necessary to reduce the risk of overflow. (See related Policy #20) ACC 13.20.500, 13.20.510 13 All work on side sewers shall be completed with City licensed side sewer contractors. Side sewer contractors shall have adequate financial resources for posting all required bonds commensurate with the size and type of work. 14 Properties will be required to connect to the public sewer system in accordance with requirements listed in the ACC. ACC 13.20.060 15 Private sewer systems are allowed within the SSA as long as they are designed and operated per City standards, including access, and not part of sewer extensions to other parcels. Multiple connections per parcel are allowed. ACC 13.20.500 Protection and Improvement of the Environment and Public Health 16 LOS The City will comply with all federal, state, and local regulations in operation and maintenance of the City’s wastewater collection and conveyance infrastructure. 17 LOS The City will evaluate Utility activities to emphasize sustainability practices. City staff will identify specific areas to measure sustainability. Examples could include weighing energy consumption impacts more heavily during capital project development, selecting less impactful cleaning and maintenance products, and structuring maintenance activities to minimize vehicle travel miles. While maintaining minimum flows for efficient operation of the system, water conservation will be practiced whenever possible. City staff will benchmark practices and log changes. 18 LOS The City will support the use of reclaimed water technologies where economically feasible. City staff will evaluate opportunities for reclaimed water use and support initiatives where the benefits outweigh costs. 19 LOS The City shall pursue I/I reduction for the purposes of eliminating or reducing required capacity upgrades and reducing maintenance costs (to include reducing wear and tear on pump stations) when determined to be cost- effective. 20 To protect public health and the environment, the City will require a property owner to promptly repair any non- gravity system failure. If the property owner fails to do so, the City will take such action as it deems necessary to prevent or rectify an overflow, including but not limited to temporarily suspending occupancy of the premises or repairing the non-gravity system at the property owner’s expense. ACC 13.20.500 13.20.510 Customer Satisfaction 21 LOS Utility service delivery. The City will create a baseline against which to evaluate future improvements and comparing to an annual assessment of complaints/citizen reports. The City will communicate proactively with the community and stakeholders regarding wastewater service improvements. Utility Financing ACC 13.20.044, 13.20.048, 13.20.410, 13.20.440 22 Capacity issues within the existing system created by future development should be funded by future developers. 23 The Utility shall implement an adequate system of internal financial controls and shall adopt an annual budget. 24 The Utility shall remain a self-supported enterprise fund; however, grants and other alternative financing may be sought and used. Chapter 3 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 3-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 3-1. Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies Item Policy, standard, or guideline statement Related Auburn City Code 25 The funding for the CIP shall be sustained at a level sufficient to maintain system integrity. 26 The Utility shall establish fees and charges to recover all Utility costs related to development. 27 Sewer rates shall be established at a level sufficient to pay expenses and maintain adequate reserves. 28 Sewer rates shall be evaluated as part of the budgeting process. 29 The sewer rate structure shall allocate costs fairly among different customer classes. 30 Rates charged shall be uniform for all Utility customers of the same class throughout the SSSA. 31 Rate assistance programs may be provided for qualified specific low-income seniors or totally or permanently disabled citizens. 32 The Utility should maintain adequate reserves for operation and maintenance, capital improvement, and Sewer revenue bond obligations in order to ensure that the Utility can provide continuous, reliable service and meet its financial obligations under reasonably anticipated circumstances. 33 The City shall require new customers to substantially pay for the costs of improvements designed to accommodate growth, while the costs to operate, maintain, repair, and improve the existing system capacity are paid by all sewer system customers. 34 The City will reinvest in Utility capital assets in order to ensure that the integrity of the existing Utility plant and equipment is maintained. This reinvestment is generally referred to as repair and replacement (R&R). 35 In addition to projects designed to maintain and replace existing facilities, the City shall seek to invest annually in system improvements designed specifically to upgrade the system in order to meet State regulations and the City’s standards and criteria. These improvements may include upgrades to the sanitary sewer supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and data management systems, and upgrades to increase safety for both City personnel and the public, bring noncompliant infrastructure into compliance, and reduce environmental impacts. 36 LOS Appropriate rates and SDCs shall be assessed to fund the ongoing maintenance, operation, and capital expenditures of the Utility, in accordance with the Comprehensive Wastewater Plan. Periodic (typically every 5 years) cost of service studies shall be completed to reassess the monthly service and SDCs (both City and King County portions). Updates will coincide with 6-year CIP updates. 37 LOS The City will track the cost of claims as a metric. The City will create a baseline against which to evaluate future improvements. 38 LOS The City will track schedule and budget accuracy and performance in CIP implementation. Wastewater Quality 39 The City, in cooperation with King County, shall seek to maximize compliance with limits established in the ACC that designate prohibited discharges to the public sanitary sewer. Waters and wastes including, but not limited to, industrial process chemicals; pharmaceuticals; grit; and fats, oils, and greases (FOG) are limited or prohibited from discharge to the public sewer according to the code. ACC 13.20.140, 13.20.156, 13.20.158, 13.20.160 40 The City will actively discourage discharge of “flushable” wipes and other non-dispersible products to the wastewater collection system. ACC 13.20.140 Business Practice 41 The City will develop and implement system improvements, infrastructure renewal (repair, rehabilitation, or replacement), and M&O programs for the wastewater system according to asset management principles that address LOSs, address the triple bottom line (economic, social, and environmental benefits and costs), minimize asset life-cycle costs, and incorporate risk management into decision making. 42 LOS The City will monitor the frequency and causes of any service disruptions and develop programmatic methods for reducing the number of disruptions (e.g., backups). The City will investigate all customer service calls within 24 hours and record results in the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). The City will develop an M&O plan to set goals for minimizing blockages, backups, response time, etc. 43 LOS The City will maintain an asset criticality database to be used in prioritizing asset maintenance and R&R. The existing criticality database will be refined to include more asset age and material information, and will be validated using the results of M&O inspections. The database will transition from a spreadsheet-based process to an integral process within the City’s CMMS. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3 3-5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 3-1. Sewer Comprehensive Plan Policies Item Policy, standard, or guideline statement Related Auburn City Code 44 LOS The City will perform condition assessments of critical assets. The City will develop and implement a condition assessment schedule for all critical assets. 45 LOS The City will assign industry standard design lives for sewage assets. The actual physical assessment will be compared to the theoretical design life to determine the optimal economic life. The City will attempt to repair or replace system assets before they exceed their economic life. The number of high-criticality assets beyond their economic life will be minimized. 46 LOS The City will conduct maintenance activities at a level that is consistent with optimizing system reliability, asset economic life, and system performance. The City will develop schedules for maintenance of wastewater collection and conveyance assets and link its implementation to system performance; e.g., record instances of missed maintenance and identify inadequate performance related to maintenance (grease and roots blockages) including missed scheduled maintenance. 47 LOS The City will maintain a level of reliability for pump stations provided by redundancy of critical mechanical and electrical components. The City will provide backup power generators or dual power feeds and provide a minimum of two pumps at each City pump station. 48 LOS The City will implement the use of the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program (PACP) for inspection of all pipelines, Lateral Assessment and Certification Program (LACP) for inspection of all laterals, and Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP) for inspection of all manholes. The City will minimize the number of assets with condition grades of 4 and 5. System Performance and Reliability 49 The City shall create, update on a routine basis, and use an emergency response plan for critical facilities. 50 The City may work on private property on private assets when the private asset is negatively impacting the public system. If the condition requiring such work is the responsibility of the owner, the City shall seek to recover the costs for the work. ACC 13.20.182, 13.2.510 51 LOS The City may replace or repair private side sewers as part of a City initiated project to reduce I/I of extraneous water into the sanitary sewer system where shown to be cost-effective versus capacity improvements. 52 The City will monitor the frequency, location, and details of all odor-related complaints. At a minimum, the City will respond, research the cause of, and propose control methods once three complaints per month at a site are documented. 53 Adequate measures shall be taken to ensure system security. At a minimum, the City shall maintain security at pump stations by using the SCADA system (motion detection, intrusion alarms) to alert City personnel when unauthorized access is occurring. 54 The City encourages employee participation in workshops, seminars, and other education programs to improve job skills. The City may pay fees and employees’ time for the required certification testing, as well as required annual renewal fees if such certification is a job requirement. 4-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 4 Description of Existing System This chapter describes the existing wastewater collection and conveyance system and SSSA. The City provides wastewater collection service to city residences and businesses through a variety of facilities including gravity sewers, pump stations, and force mains. The wastewater flow is conveyed to the King County Regional Wastewater System for treatment and disposal. The City’s system consists of 15 sewer pump stations 1, approximately 5,200 manholes, and approximately 200 miles of sewers and force mains. The City’s system is intended to collect and convey only sanitary flow, but the flow also includes rainfall-derived I/I. According to City staff, there are no known sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) in the system. 4.1 Overview For purposes of discussion, the City’s wastewater collection system is divided geographically into five major sewer basins. The descriptions of the five major sewer basins (Valley, West Hill, Lea Hill, Auburn Way South, and South Hill) are presented below and shown on Figure 4-1. 4.1.1 Valley Sewer Basin The Valley Sewer Basin is located on the valley floor and contains the oldest portions of the City’s sewer collection system. Three primary King County trunk sewer lines (Stuck River Trunk Sewer, M Street Trunk Sewer, and Auburn West Interceptor Sewer) convey flow from south to north along this sewer basin, providing the backbone for service to Auburn. The Valley Sewer Basin receives flows from the other four sewer basins and conveys these flows to the King County sewer trunk lines. The topography of the valley is very flat with a minor incline, sloping down from the south end of Auburn (elevation 109 feet) to the north end of Auburn (elevation 53 feet). Seven pump stations are located within the Valley Sewer Basin to serve areas unable to reach the King County trunk lines by gravity. The City provides service to two small areas of unincorporated King County, located within the sewer basin. The Valley Sewer Basin is bounded by the Lea Hill and Auburn Way South sewer basins to the east, the South Hill Sewer Basin and the cities of Algona and Pacific to the south, the West Hill Sewer Basin to the west, and the city of Kent to the north. 4.1.2 West Hill Sewer Basin The West Hill Sewer Basin is located on the West Hill above the valley floor. Flows from the West Hill Basin are conveyed to two King County trunk lines—the Auburn West Valley Interceptor and the Auburn Interceptor. One pump station, Peasley Ridge, serves a small area within the West Hill Sewer Basin. The West Hill Sewer Basin is bounded by the Valley Sewer Basin to the east, city of Algona to the south, LUD to the west, and city of Kent to the north. The western boundary of the West Hill Sewer Basin, which is also the western boundary of the service area, was established by interlocal agreements with LUD in 2004 and 2005 (see Appendix A). 1 Utility staff also maintain five sewer pump stations owned by and serving other City agencies (see Chapter 7). Chapter 4 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 4-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 4.1.3 Lea Hill Sewer Basin The Lea Hill Sewer Basin is the portion of the city located to the east of the Green River. Sewer flows exit the basin into the Valley Sewer Basin by river crossings at the 8th Street Bridge or the Green River Siphon (see Section 4.2.4). There is a significant unsewered area in the north portion of the Lea Hill Sewer Basin. A portion of the city of Kent lies within this sewer basin, and is served by City sewer infrastructure, including the new Verdana Pump Station. The northwest area of the sewer basin is served by SCWSD and the City of Kent (see Figure 4-1). The north and east boundaries of the Lea Hill Sewer Basin are defined by a 2001 interlocal agreement with the City of Kent and by a 2006 interlocal agreement with the Soos Creek (see Appendix A). 4.1.4 Auburn Way South Sewer Basin The Auburn Way South Sewer Basin is located east of the Valley Sewer Basin along Auburn Way South on the Enumclaw Plateau. It is geographically bounded by State Route 18 to the north and the White River to the south. The southeast portion of the Auburn Way South Sewer Basin borders the MIT reservation sewer service area. The City and the Muckleshoot Utility District (MUD) jointly own a major trunk line that discharges to King County’s newly constructed Stuck River Trunk Line at the northwest edge of the sewer basin. 4.1.5 South Hill Sewer Basin The South Hill Sewer Basin is bounded by the White River to the north and east, city of Pacific to the west, and city of Sumner and Pierce County to the south. The western half of the South Hill Sewer Basin has been developed as a residential area. Although most of the major sewer infrastructure serving the residential area is already in place, several significant developments are currently being constructed. The eastern half (east of Kersey Way) of the sewer basin is currently developed as low- density rural area and is unsewered. Three pump stations (Area 19, Terrace View, and North Tapps) serve the southern extent of the sewer basin. All of the flow from the South Hill Sewer Basin is conveyed to King County’s Lakeland Hills Pump Station, from where it is pumped to King County’s Lakeland Hills Trunk sewer located in the Valley Sewer Basin. 4.2 Sanitary Sewer Facilities The following sections provide information regarding the City’s wastewater facilities. Locations of the pumping facilities, river crossings, King County trunk lines, and other key system elements are shown in Figure 4-2. Ownership of interceptor and collection system pipelines is indicated on the figure by line color. Figure 4-2 also shows the City’s potable water pumps, wells, and reservoirs. The City of Auburn draws its potable water from deep aquifer wells located throughout the city. While no sewage treatment facilities are located within the city, portions of the conveyance system are located in the vicinity of some of those wells. Most of the sewer lines are located more than the 100 feet from the wellheads as stipulated for new sewer works by Ecology’s Criteria for Sewage Works Design (CSWD) (G2-1.5.3), two wellheads are located less than 100 feet from existing sanitary sewers, as shown on Figure 4-2. xxx GreenRiver LakeTapps BigSoos C re e k MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW Algona Pacific Sumner Kent Area of Bonney Lake served by Auburn Sewer System WhiteRiver Unincorporated King County textUnincorporated King County Unincorporated Pierce County text Area of Kent served by Auburn Sewer System Area of Pacific servedby Auburn Sewer System COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 4-1SEWER SERVICE BASINS3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-1_AuburnSewer_SewerServiceArea 11x17.mxd King County Pierce County L E G E N D Sanitary Sewer Basins Auburn Way South Lea Hill South Hill Valley West Hill King County Collection System Major Roads Street Area of Pacific Served by Auburn Area of Bonney Lake Served by AuburnOther Sewer Utilities within City of Auburn City of Algona Soos Creek Water and Sewer District City of Kent Lakehaven Utility District Auburn City Boundary County line Water Streams Streets Political Boundaries M StreetTrunk Sewer Auburn Interceptor Auburn West ValleyInterceptor Auburn West Interceptor Sewer Stuck RiverTrunk Sewer Lakeland HillsTrunk Sewer West HillSewer Basin Lea HillSewer Basin Auburn Way SouthSewer Basin South Hill Sewer Basin Valley SewerBasin GreenRiver LakeTapps BigSoos C re e k MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW Algona Pacific Sumner Kent WhiteRiver 15TH ST SW PE R I M E T E R R D S W CL A Y S T N W Pacific Dogwood Verdana Safeway Area 19 R Street F Street Auburn 40 Riverside8th Street North Tapps 22nd Street Auburn Jail Terrace View Rainier RidgePeasley Ridge Lakeland Hills Valley Meadows Ellingson Road Issac Evans Park Auburn Golf Course Auburn Justice Center Auburn Valley Humane Society COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 4-2EXISTING WASTEWATERCONVEYANCE SYSTEM3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-2_ExistingWastewaterConveyanceSystem11x17.mxd King County Pierce County L E G E N D Auburn Sewers Bonney Lake Sewers King County Sewers Kent Sewers Lakehaven Sewers Auburn/MIT Joint Sewers MIT Sewers Private Sewers Auburn Pump Station King County Pump Station Private Pump Station Water Pump Stations Water Reservoirs Water Wells/Springs Potable Water Well Within 100 Feet of Sewers Major Roads Street Area of Pacific served by Auburn Area of Bonney Lake served by AuburnOther Sewer Utilities within City of Auburn City of Algona Soos Creek Water and Sewer District City of Kent Lakehaven Utility District Auburn City Boundary County line Muckleshoot Indian Reservation Streams/Rivers/Ponds Political Boundaries West HillSewer Basin Lea HillSewer Basin Auburn Way SouthSewer Basin South Hill Sewer Basin Valley SewerBasin River Crossing River Crossing City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4 4-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 4.2.1 Critical Infrastructure For planning purposes, the City considers all sewer pump stations, force mains, river crossings, and major trunk lines (pipes greater than or equal to 12 inches in diameter) to be critical infrastructure. Also, all gravity sewer lines serving the hospital, city hall, City maintenance facility, Justice Center, and fire stations are considered critical. These critical assets are shown in Figure 4-3. 4.2.2 Pump Stations Since preparation of the 2009 Comprehensive Sewer Plan, the City has constructed, replaced, or decommissioned several sewer pump stations. Recently constructed or replaced pump stations include Auburn 40 (new), Dogwood, Ellingson, and Verdana (new). Three decommissioned facilities include the D Street, Rainier Shadows, and White Mountain Trails pump stations. The City currently has 15 pump stations within its SSSA. The pump stations are listed in Table 4-1 along with their location and year of construction or most recent replacement. More detailed information regarding the pump stations is provided in Appendix C. Table 4-1. City of Auburn Sewer Pump Station Inventory Pump station Year constructed/replaced Cross streets Approximate address South Hill Sewer Basin Area 19 2006 Lake Tapps Pkwy. E & west of 72nd St. SE 800 71st Street SE North Tapps 2007 Lake Tapps Pkwy. SE & west of 176th Ave. E 2610 Lake Tapps Pkwy. SE Terrace View 2007 East Valley Hwy. E & north of Terrace View Dr. SE 6005 East Valley Highway Valley Sewer Basin Auburn 40 2010 42nd St NE & O Pl. NE 4159 O Pl. NE Ellingson 2011 41st St. SE, East of A St. SE 40 41st St. SE F Street 1980 F St. SE & 17th St. SE 1700 F St. SE R Street 1977 R St. NE & 6th St. NE 600 R St. NE Valley Meadows 1992 4th St. SE & V St. SE 2022 4th St. SE 8th Street 1974 J St. NE & 8th St. NE 900 8th St. NE 22nd Street 1967 22nd St. SE & Riverview Dr. 1950 22nd St. NE Auburn Way South Sewer Basin Dogwood 2010 Dogwood St. SE & 15th St. SE 1423 Dogwood St. SE West Hill Sewer Basin Peasley Ridge 2001 S. 320th St. & 53rd Ave. S 5225 S 320th St. Lea Hill Sewer Basin Rainier Ridge 1980 125th Pl. SE & south of SE 318th Way 31809 125th Pl. SE Riverside 1981 8th St. NE & 104th Ave. SE 31902 104th Ave. SE Verdana 2011 118th Ave SE & SE 296th Pl. 11807 SE 296th Place (Kent) Chapter 4 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 4-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 4.2.3 Gravity and Force Main Collection System The City sewer collection system includes approximately 195 miles of gravity and 5 miles of force main pipe. The collection system consists primarily of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or concrete pipe with a diameter of 8 inches. Older areas of the collection system consist of clay pipe, which the City has been replacing with other material when repairs are required. The City is continually updating its digital geographic and record-keeping systems to include pipeline information such as age, diameter, and installation date. Figure 4-4 provides a visual representation (by overall system percentage) of pipeline characteristics, including unknown and/or unrecorded data. The largest current data gap is the installation date of collection system facilities. As part of the City’s asset management efforts, City staff will verify collection system information during routine inspections. Additional conveyance facilities, primarily owned by King County, are also located within the Auburn SSSA. King County conveyance facilities are discussed in Section 4.3. 4.2.4 Side Sewer Laterals The Utility is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the portion of side sewer laterals within the right-of-way or public sewer easement. 4.2.5 River Crossings The City of Auburn collection system contains two crossings of the Green River. The crossings are located at the 8th Street NE bridge and near 26th Street NE, and are shown in Figure 4-2. Detailed descriptions of each river crossing are provided below. Green River Crossing (via 8th Street NE) The first crossing of the Green River was constructed in 1965. The crossing consists of a cast-iron pipe mounted on the 8th Street NE bridge. Because the bridge is at a higher elevation than the bank on either side, the pipe does not have a positive downhill slope across the bridge and must rely on upstream pressure developed in the line as it comes down Lea Hill to force the flow across the bridge. For this reason, the pipe on the bridge and continuing up Lea Hill approximately 900 linear feet, is constructed of 14-inch-diameter cast-iron pressure pipe. At the bottom of the hill, just upstream of the bridge, a valve chamber houses a mechanically operated control valve. The valve was designed to remain closed until pressure, as caused by the upstream pipe filling, opens the valve, and releases the flow across the bridge. Flow within this sewer segment is sufficiently high to maintain continuous scouring flow along the flat portion of the pipeline. Green River Crossing (via Inverted Siphon at 26th Street NE) The inverted siphon across the Green River near 26th Street NE was constructed in 1986 and includes parallel 8- and 12-inch-diameter siphon pipelines. The 8-inch-diameter siphon is typically in use. When increased flows occur, wastewater will be redirected to the 12-inch-diameter siphon. If needed, both siphons are capable of operating together. The siphon facility includes a flushing manhole, located in Isaac Evans Park. GreenRiver LakeTapps BigSoos C re e k MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW WhiteRiver CITY HALL AUBURN JUSTICE CENTER CITY MAINTENANCE FACILITY DOGWOOD VERDANA AREA 19 R STREET F STREET AUBURN 40 RIVERSIDE8TH STREET NORTH TAPPS 22ND STREET TERRACE VIEW RAINIER RIDGEPEASLEY RIDGE LAKELAND HILLS VALLEY MEADOWS ELLINGSON ROAD COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 4-3CRITICAL SEWERS3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-3_Critical Sewers11x17.mxd King County Pierce County River Crossing River Crossing L E G E N DCritical Facilities Critical Service Fire Station Hospital Pump Stations Critical Sewers County line King County Sewers Sewers Major Roads Street City of Auburn Sewer Service Area Streams/Rivers/Ponds City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4 4-11 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Figure 4-4. City of Auburn collection system summary statistics 0.9% 1.6% 70.7% 10.2% 8.1% 8.5% Pipe Diameter UNKNOWN < 8 inches 8 inches 10 inches 12 inches > 12 inches NOT CURRENTLY COMPILED IN CMMS DATABASE 56.5% 1.5% 0.9% 3.1% 11.4% 19.5% 7.2% Pipe Installation Date UNKNOWN 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s NOT CURRENTLY COMPILED IN CMMS DATABASE 13.5% 1.5% 8.7% 1.4% 1.7% 73.2% Pipe Material UNKNOWN CLAY CONCRETE DUCTILE IRON HDPE PVC NOT CURRENTLY COMPILED IN CMMS DATABASE Chapter 4 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 4-12 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 4.3 King County Conveyance The King County wastewater conveyance facilities serving the City include the Auburn Interceptor, Auburn West Valley Interceptor, Auburn West Interceptor, M Street Trunk sewer, the newly constructed Stuck River Trunk sewer, the Lakeland Hills Trunk sewer, and the Lakeland Hills Pump Station. As shown on Figure 4-2, the King County facilities convey wastewater from the south to the north, collecting flow from the Auburn SSSA. The Auburn West Valley Interceptor begins in Algona and flows through the West Hills sewer basin. The Lakeland Hills Trunk sewer and Auburn West Interceptor carries flow from the Lakeland Hills Pump Station north. The M Street Trunk sewer lies mainly on the eastern side of the Valley basin. The Stuck River Trunk sewer extends from the south end of the M Street Trunk sewer in a westerly direction, where it intersects the Lakeland Hills Trunk sewer. All flows are conveyed to the King County South Treatment Plant in Renton, Washington. King County recently proposed several modifications to its conveyance system, to be completed in two phases, to address projected capacity limitations. Phase A consisted of constructing a new sewer, called the Stuck River Trunk sewer, to convey wastewater flow from the south end of the existing M Street Trunk sewer and route it west to the Lakeland Hills Trunk sewer. Phase A construction was completed in 2013. Phase B is currently under design and is planned for completion in 2016. Phase B consists of constructing a new sewer, called the Auburn West Interceptor Parallel, which will run parallel to the existing King County Auburn West Interceptor sewer. This pipe will run north from the intersection of Perimeter Road and 15th Street SW, cross under State Route 18, and connect to the existing Auburn West Interceptor at West Main Street and Clay Street in Auburn. Phase B also includes a new pipeline to carry wastewater north from the city of Pacific to Auburn. The sewer will run from King County’s Pacific Pump Station to the new Auburn West Interceptor Parallel. 4.4 Infiltration and Inflow King County has been conducting studies of existing I/I conditions in various local sewer agencies, including the city of Auburn, since 2000 as part of a Regional I/I Control program within the overall RWSP. The studies (see www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wastewater/II/Resources/Reports.aspx) include flow monitoring, modeling, construction of pilot I/I reduction projects, and follow-up analyses to determine the cost-effectiveness of various approaches. As a result of the study findings, King County plans to undertake several I/I reduction projects; however, no capital projects are currently planned for construction in Auburn. The I/I within the City’s SSSA was assessed as part of the modeling for the RWSP. The simulated I/I flows for some model basins exceeded the 1,100 gallons per acre day (gpad) King County standard 2, as discussed in Chapter 5. The City will address I/I through the evaluation of its construction standards, annual repair and replacement (R&R) projects, and the development of projects to address large sources of I/I identified by maintenance staff. Furthermore, the City will include a project as part of the CIP (see Chapters 6 and 9) that will monitor flows within the collection system over the next 5 years. The data collected will be used for future system capacity modeling and I/I assessment. 4.5 Industrial Waste Discharges As part of its conveyance service, the City accepts industrial waste from permitted industrial waste dischargers. King County staff manage the industrial waste program, including permitting, 2 King County Code (KCC), Section 28.84.050 City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4 4-13 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx inspection, record-keeping, and enforcement. At present, the City does not project future industrial expansion; however, a policy is in place to collaborate with King County regarding permitting processes if expansion should occur. Table 4-2 below identifies the current industrial waste dischargers within the City SSSA. For updated Industrial Waste Discharge Permit information, contact King County’s Industrial Waste Program by phone (206.477.5300) or E-mail (Info.KCIW@kingcounty.gov). Table 4-2. City of Auburn Industrial Waste Discharge Permits Company name Business type Address Permit type Accurate Industries Metal Finishing: CFR 433 233 D Street NW Permit Aero Controls, Inc. Metal Finishing: CFR 433 1610 20th Street NW Minor Discharge Authorization American Powder Coating Metal Fabrication 3802 B Street NW Letter of Authorization Auburn Dairy Products Food Processing: Dairy 702 West Main Street Major Discharge Authorization Auburn School District – Riverside High Scholl Ballfield Construction Project Construction Dewatering 501 Oravetz Road SE Letter of Authorization Auburn, City of – 30th Street NE Storm Drainage Construction Project Construction Dewatering 30th Street NE and Auburn Way Minor Discharge Authorization Auburn, City of: Decant Facility Decant Station 1305 C Street SW Major Discharge Authorization Black Oxide, LLC Metal Finishing: CFR 433 131 30th Street NE, Suite 25 Permit Boeing Commercial Airplane: Auburn Metal Finishing: CFR 433 700 15th Street SW Permit ChemStation General Type 3104 C Street NE, Suite 202 Letter of Authorization Formula Corp.: Auburn General Type 4432 C Street NE Major Discharge Authorization Hexacomb Corp. General Type 2820 B Street NW, Suite 111 Letter of Authorization Hospital Central Services Association, Inc. Laundry - Linen 1600 M Street NW Major Discharge Authorization Merrill Gardens at Auburn Construction Project Construction Dewatering South Division Street Letter of Authorization Oldcastle Precast Cement/Readymix 2808 A Street SE Major Discharge Authorization Ply Gem Pacific Windows Corporation Manufacturing: Misc 5001 D Street NW Minor Discharge Authorization Safeway, Inc.: Auburn Distribution Center Vehicle Washing 3520 Pacific Avenue South Letter of Authorization Skills, Inc.: Auburn Facility Metal Finishing: CFR 433 715 30th Street NE Permit TMX Aerospace General Type 5002 D Street NW, Suite 104 Major Discharge Authorization Tri-Way Industries, Inc. (Auburn) Metal Finishing: CFR 433 506 44th Street NW Permit Waste Management – South Sound Container Washing 701 2nd Street NW Minor Discharge Authorization Chapter 4 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 4-14 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx City maintenance staff manage commercial dischargers in accordance with ACC Chapter 13.22. Maintenance activities related to commercial pretreatment facilities, specifically the City’s Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Reduction Program, are discussed in Section 7.3. 4.6 Water Reclamation and Reuse Reclaimed water is wastewater that has been treated to a level at which it can be used safely and effectively for beneficial, non-drinking water purposes. The City does not currently use reclaimed water because there are no nearby sources or transmission pipelines for reclaimed water, and there are no users within the SSSA with significant volume needs that would drive implementation of reuse projects. This section summarizes the regulatory framework surrounding the generation and use of reclaimed water, potential reclaimed water sources and users, and City planning for near-term reclaimed water use within the City SSSA. 4.6.1 Regulatory Framework The state has identified reclaimed water as an important water resource management strategy that can offer benefits related to potable water supply, wastewater management, and environmental enhancement. State law supports the beneficial reuse of reclaimed water for consumptive applications (such as irrigation, commercial and industrial process use, etc.) and non-consumptive purposes (including groundwater recharge via surface percolation or direct injection, wetland enhancement, and stream flow augmentation). DOH and Ecology have developed standards that guide the planning and development of reclaimed water projects and systems. These standards, summarized in the jointly published Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards (September 1997), describe the allowable beneficial uses of reclaimed water and the required levels of treatment appropriate for each use. The Standards establish four classes of reclaimed water; A, B, C, and D. Class A reclaimed water represents the highest level of treatment, referring to water that is oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected to certain standards. Of all levels of reclaimed water, Class A is acceptable for the widest range of uses. Additional clarification and guidance related to the design of reclaimed water facilities are provided in Ecology’s CWSD (Ecology, 2008). Ecology prepared draft reclaimed water regulations (WAC 173-219) to further define and provide guidance for reclaimed water facilities and uses. The rule-making process began with legislation in 2006 that amended the Reclaimed Water Use Act, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 90.46, and directed Ecology to coordinate with DOH, form a stakeholder Rule Advisory Committee, and adopt a comprehensive rule for reclaimed water use by December 2010. The overall goal was to develop a Reclaimed Water Program through rule, guidance, and statute that runs smoothly and consistently while protecting public health and the environment. Several drafts of the proposed rule were made available for review by stakeholders, and significant comments were submitted, but the rule-making process was suspended by executive order before it could be completed. Ecology reactivated the rulemaking process in June 2014 with estimated implementation of the adopted rule in early 2016. 4.6.2 Potential Reclaimed Water Sources This section identifies potential sources of reclaimed water in the vicinity of the City SSSA. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4 4-15 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx King County City of Auburn wastewater is treated at King County’s South Treatment Plant, located in Renton, approximately 13 miles north of Auburn. Although South Plant does generate reclaimed water for onsite uses and nearby irrigation and habitat restoration, there are no existing or planned transmission lines south to the City of Auburn. The status of current King County reclaimed water comprehensive planning is discussed in Section 4.6.3. City of Sumner The City of Sumner wastewater treatment plant is located approximately 8 miles south of the city of Auburn. Sumner does not currently produce reclaimed water for offsite uses, but the City will continue to monitor Sumner’s plans for reclaimed water use to determine if transmission of reclaimed water from Sumner to the City of Auburn is feasible and cost-effective for potential users within the City of Auburn SSSA. Lakehaven Utility District LUD owns and operates two wastewater treatment plants, the Lakota and Redondo facilities, located approximately 7 miles to the west and northwest of the city of Auburn. LUD does not currently produce reclaimed water, but has evaluated the feasibility of producing reclaimed water for landscape irrigation and groundwater recharge. Because the Redondo facility site is limited with respect to expansion area, reclaimed water improvements, if implemented, would likely occur at the Lakota facility. The City will continue to monitor LUD planning efforts with respect to reclaimed water production and reuse. City of Auburn Although the City of Auburn does not operate a centralized wastewater treatment plant, a smaller, satellite reclaimed water production facility could feasibly be installed at one of the City’s pump stations. A satellite facility could be used to capture wastewater flows from a specific basin, and then generate reclaimed water for uses nearby. While a range of treatment approaches may be employed at a satellite facility, many utilities are implementing membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology in these types of applications, because of the small footprint required relative to other, more conventional forms of wastewater treatment. Solids generated at the satellite facility would be returned to the collection system and conveyed to King County’s South Treatment Plant. 4.6.3 Potential Reclaimed Water Users Starting in 2009, King County began development of a Reclaimed Water Comprehensive Plan to evaluate expansion of its existing reclaimed water program over a 30-year period. The City of Auburn has supported the County’s planning process by providing non-potable water use data by specific parcel. City staff and elected officials have also participated in reclaimed water workshops held at key points in the County planning process. Although the Reclaimed Water Comprehensive Plan is not complete, the County has identified and recommended policies to be further developed moving forward. The County recommends optimizing existing reclaimed water infrastructure and investments, with no further expansion of the reclaimed water program. Figure 4-5, from King County’s Reclaimed Water Comprehensive Plan, presents the location of potential reclaimed water users within Auburn city limits, color-coded by use. Most identified uses of large volumes of water are for irrigation, which is seasonal use (approximately 4 months per year. The industrial/commercial uses identified could use reclaimed water throughout the year, but none of the identified users are currently a high-volume water user. Chapter 4 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 4-16 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 4.6.4 Reclaimed Water Summary The City of Auburn is not planning any specific capital improvements related to producing and/or conveying reclaimed water for the following reasons: • King County sources of reclaimed water are unlikely to be developed for use within the City SSSA in the near term. • The City currently has adequate water supply and the need for offsetting potable water demands is low at this time. • The capital costs related to design, construction, and permitting of a reclaimed water production facility and conveyance system to serve identified uses is not justified by generally seasonal demand and absence of financial benefit. The City acknowledges the value that a reclaimed water program might offer in the future, especially if a nearby reclaimed water source with associated conveyance piping is extended to the City’s SSSA. The City will continue to monitor reclaimed water planning by nearby purveyors, the adequacy of the City’s water rights to meet current and future potable water demand, and the industrial user base to evaluate whether reclaimed water is a feasible and economically viable alternative. City staff will also continue to participate in King County’s reclaimed water comprehensive planning process to promote the City’s interests in County policies, criteria, and implementation strategies. ! ! !! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!King County Pierce County ?¦ Aæ AÆ ?¦ Aã Aæ Aæ Auburn Super MallPIN: 2421049076 Auburn Game Farm ParkPIN: 2921059069 Carpinito FarmsPIN: 0000400001 0006800002 3122059019 Mosby Bros. Farm - AuburnPIN: 2121059145 2121059096 Game Farm Wilderness ParkPIN: 2921059069 Lucio BoscoloPIN: 3522049008 3522049014 3522049040 3522049103 Mt Baker MiddlePIN: 3021059031 Emerald DownsPIN: 1580600152 1221049003 1580600150 0121049020 1221049002 River Mobile Home ParkPIN: 0621059002 0621059001 0004200007 Hazelwood ES/Rainier MiddlePIN: 0921059123 Miles Sand & Gravel Co.PIN: 1921059002 1921059008 1921059010 1921059082 1921059044 1921059276 1921059277 BNSF RRPIN: 2421049006 2421049030 2421049033 2421049035 2421049037 Olympic MiddlePIN: 1921059192 Joseph SchulerPIN: 3622049003 3622049006 3622049010 Lea Hill ElementaryPIN: 0921059005 Cascade MiddlePIN: 5094400080 Issac Evans ParkPIN: 0721059032 BoeingPIN: 2521049105 2521049106 2521049107 2521049108 2521049113 2421049069 2421049089 2421049091 2421049092 Mountainview HighPIN: 0421059051 Les Grove ParkPIN: 1921059181 1921059182 Muckleshoot Reservation CemeteryPIN: 2021059047 2021059041 Ilalko ElementaryPIN: 3121059007 Insulate LLCPIN: 6649600040 Stewart ArdellaPIN: 3622049012 Roegner ParkPIN: 6655000024 6655000030 3021059325 3021059375 Auburndale ParkPIN: 0821059017 FAAPIN: 2021059030 Auburndale IIPIN: 7867000020 Mountain View CemeteryPIN: 1421049011 1421049017 1421049067 9262800341 9662800330 Auburn Golf CoursePIN: 0621059007 0621059004 0521059011 Gildo Rey ElementaryPIN: 3021059195 Pioneer ElementaryPIN: 1921059054 Auburn HighPIN: 1821059082 Meredith Hill ElementaryPIN: 0221049149 Arthur Jacobsen ElementaryPIN: 0421059057 0421059085 Dick Scobee ElementaryPIN: 0001000047 Green River Community CollegePIN: 0921059104 1621059047 1621059006 1621059003 1621059008 1621059026 Evergreen Heights ElementaryPIN: 1121049022 Fulmer FieldPIN: 2648000010 Chinook ElementaryPIN: 2121059038 2121059092 West Auburn HighPIN: 4463400005 Enrique & Clarita Santos JrPIN: 3522049015 Cameron ParkPIN: 1313500310 7th Day Adventist HQPIN: 2721059012 2721059009 2721059072 2721059007 2721059043 2721059021 2721059081 2721059005 2721059006 Cedar Lanes ParkPIN: 3021059044 3021059089 3021049052 3021059080 Universal Brass Inc.PIN: 0004000040 Scootie Brown ParkPIN: 1821059101 Terminal ParkPIN: 8581400530 Kennedy EndeavorsPIN: 0303510090 Pioneer CemeteryPIN: 0721059020 American Powder CoatingPIN: 8855500040 Mary Olson Farm ParkPIN: 0521059006 3222059031 3222059032 Lea Hill ParkPIN: 0921059020 Green Valley AssociatesPIN: 2121059160 2121059010 Holy Family ElementaryPIN: 1921059018 1921059290 1921059201 1921059258 GSA Ballfield ParkPIN: 2421049075 2421049077 Auburn Riverside HighPIN: 6655000020 6655000026 Veterans Memorial ParkPIN: 1821059327 Terminal Park ElementaryPIN: 1921059053 Brannan ParkPIN: 7338001230 0001000081 Muckleshoot CasinoPIN: 2021059001 2021059021 2021059046 Washington ElementaryPIN: 1821059060 Thomas AcademyPIN: 9360000135 9360000140 9360000146 Auburn Regional Medical CenterPIN: 0492500240 Luisito & Lucita CuaresmaPIN: 3522049042 Rotary Park - AuburnPIN: 2597500910 2921059045 Neely FarmPIN: 2121059083 2121059007 East Auburn Athletic FieldsPIN: 0421059060 0421059061 0421059062 0421059071 0421059004 Auburn AcademyPIN: 2721059038 2721059039 2721059011 2721059033 2721059094 2721059067 2721059042 2721059052 2721059014 Indian Tom ParkPIN: 1821059001 North Green River ParkPIN: 0521059119 3022059105 3022059054 3122059011 3222059113 0004200017 0004200016 − October 2008 2,00002,0001,000 Feet Major Road !!!County Boundary KC-WTD Sewer KC-WTD Service Area Auburn City Limits Open Water Potential RW Users Agriculture Cemetery Commercial Golf Industrial Irrigation Lg Scale Res Irr Nursery/Grnhouse Park School Sports Facility Potential Reclaimed Water Users Within Auburn City Limits The information included on this map has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a survey product. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidential, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misue of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. File Name: Q:\\WTD\Projects\BW_Reuse\Projects\auburn_users.mxd - Shari Cross Data Source: King County 5-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 5 Wastewater System Analysis This chapter describes the analyses completed as part of this Plan, in support of CIP development. The specific analyses include hydraulic modeling of the City’s sewer conveyance system, assessing I/I, identifying sewer extensions needed to provide service to the entire city, and developing system requirements for incorporating an asset management tool into the City’s computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). These analyses are described in more detail below. 5.1 Hydraulic Capacity Analysis The purpose for updating the hydraulic model of the City’s sewer system was to incorporate facilities constructed since the model was originally built, recalibrate the model with new King County flow meter data, and provide an assessment of system capacities for current and projected wastewater flows. The capacity assessment provides the basis for identifying improvements that may be necessary for the Utility to achieve the adopted LOS discussed in Chapter 3. The capacity assessment is summarized below and presented in more detail as Appendix B. 5.1.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model The hydraulic capacity analysis was completed using an H&H model of the City’s collection and conveyance system. The City provided an existing model using the DHI MIKE URBAN modeling platform for this analysis. The model was updated with those major sewer facilities not already included. In addition, sewered areas and population were updated in the model using data provided by the City, including GIS data, Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) population projections, and updated zoning/land use planning. The updated model was used to simulate base and wet weather wastewater flow for current and projected (i.e., 20-year planning period) scenarios. The projected scenario incorporated estimated future population and sewer area expansion. While future water conservation efforts may reduce the overall volume of sewage discharged to the system, the effect of the efforts on the ability of the system to convey wastewater is assumed insignificant and not incorporated in the modeling. The simulated wet weather flow has a recurrence interval of 20 years, which is the LOS defined for wastewater collection and conveyance (see Section 3). The model hydrology was calibrated using data from the King County Decennial Flow Monitoring Project, which is part of the County’s Conveyance System Improvement (CSI) program. There were 15 County flow monitoring locations in the Auburn system. King County also provided the calibrated models of their system near Auburn. The resolution (number of flow meters used for the service area) of these calibrated models was less than the City desired, but the County’s models provided a useful starting point for calibrating the City’s model. 5.1.2 Assessment Criteria The ratio of simulated depth to pipe diameter (d/D) for the 20-year flow was used to determine the adequacy of existing and future conveyance system capacity. In an unpressurized pipe, or a pipe with open-channel flow characteristics, the hydraulic grade line (HGL) is the elevation of the water surface within the pipe, or the d value. In a pipe that is surcharged (pressurized flow), the HGL is defined by Chapter 5 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 5-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx the elevation to which water would rise in an open pipe, or manhole, as shown in Figure 5-1. In hydraulic terms, the HGL is equal to the pressure head measured above the invert of the pipe. Figure 5-1. HGL for surcharged condition Pipes that surcharge frequently do not meet the LOS and should be upsized (or the tributary I/I reduced). Additionally, surcharging can reduce pipe lifespan and cause unexpected failures. If the surcharge depth is significant, then there is a risk of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) or sewers backing up into basements. Therefore, the freeboard, defined as the distance between the water surface in the manhole and the ground surface, should be considered when assessing conveyance system capacity. The amount of freeboard (distance between HGL and ground surface) for the upstream manhole, in each surcharging pipe, is included in the model output table in Appendix B. The approach for determining which pipes need to be upsized (to provide additional capacity) was based on the amount of surcharging. If a surcharged (d/D > 1) pipe was less than 6 feet below the ground surface, as simulated for the 1-in-20-year evaluation storm event, then the pipe was identified as requiring an upsize (or capacity reclaimed through reduction of I/I). The depth of 6 feet was selected because this is considered low enough beneath the ground surface to avoid back up of sewer flow in basements. This criterion was evaluated for both existing and future (2020) conditions. As flows increase in the future, City staff will need to monitor water surface elevations during large storm events throughout the system to determine when pipes should be upsized. If the observed surcharging increases to the point of risking property or becoming an SSO, then the pipe or pipes should be upsized (or I/I reduction sought). This approach will help to provide confidence that the City has adequate capacity for conveying the design flows without spending more capital dollars than necessary. 5.1.3 Existing-Conditions Evaluation The existing-conditions scenario represents the existing conveyance system under current flow conditions during the 20-year wet weather event. The results of this analysis identify any hydraulic deficiencies currently within the system. Based on discussions with City staff, the model predictions generally support their observations of no current capacity problems. Highlights of the modeling results are discussed below. The detailed results (i.e., modeled sewer statistics) for the current (existing) conditions planning scenario are shown in Appendix B. D d City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Chapter 5 5-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Gravity Sewers The existing-conditions modeling revealed surcharging throughout the conveyance system with more than 100 sewer pipes showing mostly minor surcharging. Surcharged sewers include all City-owned pipes with a modeled d/D ratio of greater than 1.0. In addition, flooding to the ground surface (i.e., SSO) was predicted at a single location, along Boundary Boulevard SW on the southwestern limits of the city. The location of the SSO and surcharged sewer pipes are shown on Figure 5-2, and listed in Appendix B. The freeboard, predicted by the model, for those pipes with surcharge, is provided in Appendix B. The location predicted to have a SSO by the model is adjacent to King County’s Auburn West Valley Interceptor. King County is currently planning to change the discharge location of the upstream Pacific Pumping Station from this interceptor to the Auburn West Interceptor. This change will reduce the hydraulic grade line downstream of the predicted SSO in the City, which would have a positive effect. In addition, the simulated SSO is not corroborated by City observations. Therefore, no capital project is proposed for this location. A majority of the identified surcharging sewer pipes are adjacent to King County sewer pipes. The surcharging at these locations is due mostly to the hydraulic grade line in the County’s sewer pipes, and not because of insufficient capacity in the City’s sewer pipes. None of these locations had surcharge within 6 feet of the ground surface. However, the City should observe these locations during wet weather in the event the surcharging increases. If chronic surcharging near the ground surface is observed, then King County should be notified. King County addresses capacity issues of its assets with its Conveyance System Improvements (CSI) program. Surcharging in the remaining (City) sewer pipes was minor. The surcharge in each sewer pipe was more than 6 feet below the ground surface. Therefore, no capital projects are proposed to address capacity in the City’s conveyance system. Sewer pipes simulated to surcharge should be observed during wet weather events to determine if, and when, improvements may be required to prevent basement backups or SSOs. Pump Stations and Force Mains Pumping station and force main flow statistics are listed in Table 5-1. The locations of the stations are shown in Figure 5-2. The table shows the model estimates for inflows to the pumping stations. These flow values are compared to the stations rated flow capacity. The F-Street pumping station is the only location where the model estimated flow is higher than the rated capacity. The estimated capacity shortfall is relatively small, about 30 percent, and City staff reported no issues at this location. This model result should be further confirmed by frequent monitoring of pump run times (SCADA information), field observations of water levels in the wet well and upstream sewers during wet weather, or upstream flow monitoring as part of CIP project 9 (see Chapter 7). The table also shows the maximum force main velocity, based on the pumping station rated capacity. In general, the maximum velocity should not exceed 7 feet per second to avoid increased pump power consumption. The only pumping station with an excessive maximum velocity is Ellingson Road. Pump operating procedures at this pumping station should be evaluated in an effort to address the excessive force main velocity. However, because of the short length of the force main, approximately 50 feet, this is not a major concern. Chapter 5 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 5-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 5-1. Simulated 20-Year Flows to Pumping Stations, Existing Conditions Scenario Pumping stationa Current pumping rated capacityb, gallons per minute (gpm) No. of pumps Existing peak 20-year flow, gpm Force main size, inches Maximum force main velocityc, fps Area 19 325 2 22 6 3.7 Terrace View 675 2 21 8 4.3 Ellingson Road 1,527 2 1,054 8 9.7 F Street 400 2 528 8 2.6 Riverside 400 2 54 6 4.5 R Street 100 2 79 4 2.6 Peasley Ridge 275 2 31 6 3.1 Rainer Ridge 200 2 109 6 2.3 Valley Meadows 125 2 63 4 3.2 22nd Street 550 2 167 6 6.2 D Street 400 2 97 6 4.5 8th Street 150 2 9 4 3.8 North Tapps 510 2 55 8 3.3 Verdana 2,000 3 727 12 5.7 Dogwood 300 2 151 6 3.4 a. The Auburn 40 pump station was not modeled for the plan because it is relatively new and serves a small area in the city. b. The rated pumping capacity, or firm capacity, is based on pump station operation without the use of one (redundant) pump. Use of all the pumps at a pump station does not provide pumping redundancy as per U.S. EPA requirements. c. The maximum velocity based on firm pumping capacity. Velocities exceeding 7 feet per second (fps) are generally to be avoided. Velocities in excess of 7 fps result in significant increases in pump power consumption. 5.1.4 Future-Conditions Evaluation The results of the future-conditions scenario modeling are described in this section. This scenario represents the conveyance system with any known, future improvements, and estimated future flows during the 20-year wet weather event. Future flows for 2020 and 2034, based on projected growth in the city, were simulated. The detailed results (i.e., modeled sewers) for the future-conditions scenario are provided in Appendix B. Gravity Sewers The future model incorporated King County’s planned improvement to the Pacific Pumping Station force main. As described above, this planned improvement will redirect current pump station discharge from King County’s West Valley Interceptor to the County’s West Interceptor. This change in discharge location eliminated the flooding predicted at Boundary Boulevard for existing conditions, for both 2020 and 2034 future conditions. There was no predicted flooding in the City’s conveyance system for the future conditions. The locations of surcharged sewer pipes for the 2020 and 2034 future conditions are shown on Figure 5-2 and listed in Appendix B. The remaining freeboard predicted by the model, for those pipes with surcharge, is provided in Appendix B. GreenRiver MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW WhiteRiver 15TH ST SW PE R I M E T E R R D S W CL A Y S T N W King County Pierce County BOUNDARY BLVD SW Pacific Dogwood Verdana Safeway Area 19 R Street F Street Auburn 40 Riverside8th Street North Tapps 22nd Street Auburn Jail Terrace View Rainier RidgePeasley Ridge Lakeland Hills Valley Meadows Ellingson Road Issac Evans Park Auburn Golf Course Auburn Justice Center Auburn Valley Humane Society COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 5-2WASTEWATER MODELNETWORK AND RESULTS -EXISTING CONDITIONS, 20-YR FLOW 3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-2_ExistingWastewaterConveyanceSystem11x17.mxd L E G E N D Simulated surcharge Simulated flooding Model sewer pipe Auburn sewer King County sewer Auburn Pump Station King County Pump Station Private Pump Station Major Roads Street Auburn City Boundary County line Muckleshoot Indian Reservation Streams/Rivers/Ponds City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Chapter 5 5-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx The future 2034 model results are shown mostly for reference. No capital projects are proposed based on these model results because the uncertainty associated with predictions this far in the future is very high. However, the 6-year planning horizon is more certain, and making decisions for this time period is necessary for sound management of the City’s sewer utility. Therefore, the discussion here will focus on the 2020 model results. There were about 125 sewer pipes predicted to surcharge for the future (2020) conditions, which was not significantly more than the existing-conditions evaluation. Similar to the existing-conditions scenario, many surcharged pipes were adjacent to King County pipes. These are not considered to be issues for the City, as described previously. The predicted surcharge in the remaining pipes was mostly minor with the hydraulic grade line being more than 6 feet beneath the ground surface. There were two locations where the surcharge was less than 6 feet below ground: upstream and downstream of the Verdana Pumping Station. Neither of these locations has a simulated water surface within 4 feet of the ground, so there is minimal risk of SSO, based on the model results. The surcharge upstream of the pumping station appears to be caused by relatively small (8-inch diameter) pipes (according to the City’s GIS) entering the station. This information should be field verified and water levels in the upstream sewer pipes monitored during wet weather prior to a capital project being developed. The surcharge downstream of the pumping station is also downstream of a flow diversion manhole installed during construction of the Verdana Pumping Station. This flow diversion potentially provides the City flexibility in operation to reduce the predicted surcharging by sending more flow away from the surcharging. Again, no capital project should be developed to address this surcharging until visual monitoring confirms excessive surcharge, and operational changes are deemed insufficient to address the surcharge. As a result of the future-conditions (2020) hydraulic analysis, no sewer pipe replacement capital projects are proposed. Pump Stations and Force Mains Pumping station flow statistics are listed in Table 5-2. The locations of the stations are shown in Figure 5-3. Similar to the existing-conditions modeling, the F-Street Pumping Station is shown to have insufficient firm capacity. This pumping station is not currently recommended to be replaced, based on the same reasoning explained in the existing-conditions section. Future flow metering data, including data developed based on CIP project 9 (see Chapter 7), will help add fidelity to the hydraulic model and will shape future evaluations of the conveyance system. Chapter 5 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 5-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 5-2. Simulated 20-Year Flows to Pumping Stations, Future (2020) Conditions Scenarioa Pumping stationb Current pumping rated capacityc, gpm No. of pumps Existing peak 20-year flow, gpm Area 19 325 2 22 Terrace View 675 2 29 Ellingson Road 1,527 2 1,055 F Street 400 2 535 Riverside 400 2 63 R Street 100 2 82 Peasley Ridge 275 2 42 Rainer Ridge 200 2 116 Valley Meadows 125 2 71 22nd Street 550 2 175 D Street 400 2 102 8th Street 150 2 9 North Tapps 510 2 92 Verdana 2,000 3 953 Dogwood 300 2 154 a. The maximum force main velocity is not provided for future conditions because it is estimated based on the pumping stations firm capacity, and not modeled flows. So, the maximum force main velocities are the same for existing and future conditions. b. The Auburn 40 pump station was not modeled for the plan because it is relatively new and serves a small area in the city. c. The rated pumping capacity, or firm capacity, is based on pump station operation without the use of one (redundant) pump. Use of all the pumps at a pump station does not provide pumping redundancy as per U.S. EPA requirements. GreenRiver MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW WhiteRiver 15TH ST SW PE R I M E T E R R D S W CL A Y S T N W King County Pierce County BOUNDARY BLVD SW Pacific Dogwood Verdana Safeway Area 19 R Street F Street Auburn 40 Riverside8th Street North Tapps 22nd Street Auburn Jail Terrace View Rainier RidgePeasley Ridge Lakeland Hills Valley Meadows Ellingson Road Issac Evans Park Auburn Golf Course Auburn Justice Center Auburn Valley Humane Society COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 5-3WASTEWATER MODELNETWORK AND RESULTS -FUTURE CONDITIONS, 20-YR FLOW 3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-2_ExistingWastewaterConveyanceSystem11x17.mxd L E G E N D 2020 simulated surcharge 2034 simulated surcharge Model sewer pipe Auburn sewer King County sewer Auburn Pump Station King County Pump Station Private Pump Station Major Roads Street Auburn City Boundary County line Muckleshoot Indian Reservation Streams/Rivers/Ponds City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 5 5-11 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 5.2 Inflow and Infiltration The current levels of I/I in the Auburn sewer system do not appear to be causing capacity-related issues. However, pipes will continue to degrade, allowing more infiltration into the system, and populations are expected to rise within the SSSA, both increasing flows to the sewer system. If I/I capacity-related issues occur in the future, then reducing the amount of I/I in the collection system can improve the hydraulic capacity of the system such that some pipes may not need to be replaced. In addition, I/I reduction can help to prevent some types of structural failures and reduce M&O requirements. It is recommended that Auburn complete an initial I/I investigation to augment currently available data and prepare a baseline that future studies can be compared against. This information will help to inform the decision when it is appropriate to fund and implement an actual I/I management program. The primary components of an I/I management program are shown in Figure 5-4. This figure depicts the necessary components to successfully manage the project (Program Charter), identify the issues (Problem Determination), identify proper corrections (Correction Implementation), evaluate the work completed (Effectiveness Evaluation), and set a long-range plan (Long-Range Planning). 5.2.1 Initial Inflow and Infiltration Assessment The King County flow monitoring included 15 flow meter basins that impact City of Auburn sewers. Two of these basins are located outside of Auburn’s purview: one is located in Algona and in the other basin, while within city limits, the sewers are owned and maintained by LUD. These basins were compared to each other and ranked based on high, medium, and low I/I based on the 25-year I/I rates normalized on inch-diameter/miles of the flow meter basin. The results of this are shown in Figure 5-5. The two basins located outside of Auburn’s control that were evaluated showed high levels of I/I. It is recommended that Auburn share the results of this evaluation with Algona and LUD. King County has an I/I standard of 1,100 gpad based on peak 20 year I/I rates for sewered areas. Values in excess of 1,100 gpad are considered to be excessive. The area is based on King County’s GIS layer “sewerland”. This file delineates King County’s service area as sewered or unsewerable (parks, cemeteries, etc.). The calculated I/I rates for each sewer basin (see Appendix B, Figure 3-1) are presented in Table 5-3. This shows that all but two basins have excess I/I based on King County standards. Table 5-3. King County I/I Rates Sewer Basin Sewered Area (ac) I/I (gpad) Sewer Basin Sewered Area (ac) I/I (gpad) ABN008 270 1,630 LakelandHills_WW 716 325 ABN022 393 2,809 LKH001A 318 2,067 ABN023 106 4,452 MSTTR02A 1,476 2,186 ABN024 136 833 MSTTR22A 851 6,237 ABN027 397 1,458 MSTTR48 895 4,197 ABN032 175 11,161 WINT003 96 7,996 AUBRN53 255 21,251 WINT038 723 1,452 AUBWV016 1,513 4,561 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes that many collection system SSOs are the result of high flows associated with wet weather events. Consequently, in some instances, language has been added to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits requiring the permittee to take actions to reduce I/I within the sanitary collection system. To be proactive, it is recommended that Auburn further evaluate I/I rates with additional flow monitoring and data evaluation. Chapter 5 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 5-12 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Figure 5-4. Primary components of an I/I management program GreenRiver LakeTapps BigSoos C re e k MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW Algona Pacific Sumner Kent WhiteRiver 15TH ST SW PE R I M E T E R R D S W CL A Y S T N W Pierce County King County Pacific Dogwood Verdana Safeway Area 19 R Street F Street Auburn 40 Riverside8th Street North Tapps 22nd Street Auburn Jail Terrace View Rainier RidgePeasley Ridge Lakeland Hills Valley Meadows Ellingson Road Issac Evans Park Auburn Golf Course Auburn Justice Center Auburn Valley Humane Society COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 5-5INFLOW AND INFILTRATIONCOMPARATIVE LEVELS3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-2_ExistingWastewaterConveyanceSystem11x17.mxd L E G E N D Flow Meter Locations Auburn Sewers Bonney Lake Sewers King County Sewers Kent Sewers Lakehaven Sewers MIT Sewers Private Sewers Auburn Pump Station King County Pump Station I/I Level High Medium Low High/Not COA Major Roads StreetOther Sewer Utilities within City of Auburn City of Algona Soos Creek Water and Sewer District City of Kent Lakehaven Utility District Auburn City Boundary County line Streams/Rivers/Ponds Political Boundaries City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 5 5-15 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 5.3 Sewer Extensions A City goal is to be able to serve every parcel within city limits with sanitary sewer service. Currently many areas within city limits are served by onsite systems (septic tanks) or are undeveloped. The City’s GIS information was used to lay out an extension plan and to determine where gravity service was feasible. This was accomplished by comparing inverts of the existing collection system, topography, assuming minimal allowable slopes of 0.5 percent, and the location of unserved parcels. In some locations, gravity service appears to be infeasible and pump stations are required to convey sewage to existing infrastructure. It is estimated that up to six new pump stations may be required to have citywide sewer service. While the pump stations were not individually sized, they would all be small in nature, generally less than 500 gpm. In addition, gravity service is not a viable option for about 64 parcels within city limits. These parcels will have to use mechanical means, such as individual grinder pumps, to be connected to the City’s system. The proposed conceptual sewer extension plan is shown on Figure 5-6. City wide, the plan estimates the need for the following capital improvements and, for planning-level construction cost estimates (in 2014 dollars), the following unit costs are recommended: • 261,250 feet of 8-inch-diameter gravity pipe: $500/foot • 8,650 feet of 4- to 8-inch-diameter force main: $400/foot • 6 pump stations: $500,000/each (assuming no property acquisition) • 64 non-gravity services (grinder pumps or equivalent): $10,000/each • 7,500 feet of 2-inch-diameter low-pressure force main: $250/foot The city was subdivided into concentrated groupings of proposed sewer extensions. Estimated construction costs for sewer extensions were calculated for each basin based on the number of assets within their area and the above unit costs. The results of this are shown in Figure 5-7. The total estimated construction cost to extend service to all parts of the city is estimated to be around $140 million. In general, such future extensions would be constructed by future development or by the properties benefiting from such extensions. Pacific PUMP STATION Dogwood PUMP STATION Verdana PUMP STATION Safeway PUMP STATION Area 19 PUMP STATION R Street PUMP STATION F Street PUMP STATION Auburn 40 PUMP STATION Riverside PUMP STATION8th Street PUMP STATION North Tapps PUMP STATION 22nd Street PUMP STATION Auburn Jail PUMP STATION Terrace View PUMP STATION Rainier Ridge PUMP STATIONPeasley Ridge PUMP STATION Lakeland Hills PUMP STATION Valley Meadows PUMP STATION Ellingson Road PUMP STATION Issac Evans Park PUMP STATION Auburn Golf Course PUMP STATION Auburn Justice Center PUMP STATION Auburn Valley Humane Society PUMP STATION A S T S E B S T N W A U B U R N W A Y S M S T S E C S T S W SR 1 6 7 - S O U T H SR 1 6 7 - N O R T H I S T N E AU B U R N W A Y N R S T S E SR 18-EAST SR 18-WEST 12 4 T H A V E S E 13 2 N D A V E S E WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N E MAIN ST SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C S T N W C S T N E STUCK RIVER DR SE 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TAPPS PKWY SE 53RD ST SE 41ST ST SE 51 S T A V E S 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E M S T N W SE 320TH ST M S T N E SE 288TH ST 37TH ST SE 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW SE 284TH ST 22ND ST NE L A K E L A N D H I L L S W A Y S E OR A V E T Z R D S E 17TH ST SE S 296TH ST 25TH ST SE 12TH ST SE PE R I M E T E R R D S W 55 T H A V E S R S T N E AC A D E M Y D R S E 11 0 T H A V E S E D S T S E D S T N W 10 4 T H A V E S E A S T N E PA C I F I C A V E S 4TH ST SE I S T N W 11 6 T H A V E S E A S T N W 11 8 T H A V E S E WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y S LEA HIL L R D S E SE 299TH ST GRE E N R I V E R R D S E EM E R A L D D O W N S D R N W D S T N E N S T N E W S T N W E S T N E 37TH ST NE O S T N E 56 T H A V E S 69TH S T S E S 316TH ST S C E N I C D R S E S 287TH ST H S T N W 44TH ST NW 62ND ST SE S 300TH PL SR 1 6 7 - S O U T H R A M P 14TH ST NE CL A Y S T N W SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACK DIAMOND RD SE SR 1 6 7 - N O R T H R A M P SR 18-EAST RAMP 11 2 T H A V E S E RIVERWALK DR SE 14 4 T H A V E S E EVERGREEN WAY SE EA S T V A L L E Y H W Y E 4TH ST NE 4 6 T H P L S M O N T E V I S T A D R S E K S T S E 4TH ST SW H A R V E Y R D N E BR I D G E T A V E S E 7TH ST SE S 331ST S T 5TH ST SE I S T S E EA S T B L V D ( B O E I N G ) DO G W O O D S T S E FR O N T A G E R D 67TH ST SE L S T S E PI K E S T N E 8TH ST SE T S T S E F S T S E MIL L P O N D D R S E 14 0 T H A V E S E C S T S E FO S T E R A V E S E H S T S E 52 N D A V E S G S T S E 1 0 5 T H P L S E 32ND ST NE B S T S E SE 316TH PL E S T S E SE 310TH ST 15TH ST NE G P L S E 47TH ST SE 56TH ST SE RIVE R D R S E SE 296TH WAY 54 T H A V E S A S T S W S 305TH ST 57T H P L S SE 290TH ST U S T N W PEASLEY CANYON RD S QU I N C Y A V E S E 12 7 T H P L S E 13 0 T H A V E S E 28TH ST NE 35TH WAY SE BOUNDARY BLVD SW 30TH ST NE EL I Z A B E T H A V E S E R S T N W OL I V E A V E S E 65 T H A V E S 51ST ST N E RI V E R V I E W D R N E 26TH ST SE SE 323RD PL S 300TH ST O S T S W B S T N E H O W A R D R D S E SE 301ST ST 29TH ST NW SE 287TH ST 32ND S T S E 36TH ST SE 10TH ST NE 64TH ST SE 50T H S T S E 10 8 T H A V E S E 3RD ST SE V S T N W 21ST ST N E A ST E HE M L O C K S T S E 31ST ST SE 2ND ST NW FORE S T R I D G E D R S E 85 T H A V E S 30TH ST SE S 318TH ST SE 298TH PL 24TH ST SE 23RD ST SE 22ND ST SE H S T N E 64 T H A V E S PI K E S T N W SR 18 - 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COA Pump Station Ex. King County Pump Station Ex. Other Pump Station King County Sewers Force Main Gravity Main Auburn Sewers Force Main Gravity Main Private Force Main Private Gravity Main City of Auburn Sewer Service Area County line Buildings Paved Surfaces Water Bodies Wetlands Parcels Steep Slopes FIGURE 5 - 6 CITY OF AUBURN COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN EXISTING AND PROPOSED SEWER FACILITIES 1,000 0 1,000 2,000Feet P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_5-2_SewerExtensions.mxd 1 inch = 1,000 feet October 2015 N King County Pierce County SR 1 6 7 SR 1 8 A S T S E AU B U R N W A Y S C S T S W B S T N W AU B U R N W A Y N I S T N E 13 2 N D A V E S E WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W M S T S E 51 S T A V E S 8TH ST E 12 4 T H A V E S E 24TH ST E BU T T E A V E 15TH ST SW 12 2 N D A V E E 2ND ST E SE 312TH ST S 277TH ST C S T N E C S T N W 198TH A V E E AUB U R N - B L A C K D I A M O N D R D S E 53RD ST SE 9TH ST E G R E E N R I V E R R D WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y S W EDWARDS RD E 41ST S T S E STUCK R I V E R D R SE 288TH ST EA S T V A L L E Y H W Y S E 16TH ST E K E R S E Y W A Y S E SE 304TH ST 12TH ST E1 9 0 T H A V E E M S T N E PER I M E T E R R D 8TH ST NE SE 272ND ST 37TH ST NW ACADE M Y D R S E SE LAKE HOLM RD GREEN VALLEY RD ORA V E T Z R D S E VA L E N T I N E A V E S E SE 282ND ST 14 7 T H A V E S E 14 4 T H A V E S E 17TH ST SE 55 T H A V E S 1ST AVE SE 18 5 T H A V E E D S T N W A S T N E JO V I T A B L V D EA S T B L V D ( B O E I N G ) 10 8 T H A V E T A C O M A P O I N T D R E 14 8 T H A V E S E EM E R A L D D O W N S D R N W D S T N E M S T N W 169 T H A V E E S 287TH ST S C E N I C D R S E S 316TH ST WE S T B L V D ( B O E I N G ) H S T N W 44TH ST NW 14 8 T H A V E E 13 7 T H A V E E SE G R E E N V A L L E Y R D TH O R T O N A V E S W SE 310TH ST LEA HILL R D S E 17TH S T E 11 8 T H A V E S E S 3RD AVE S 3 6 4 T H P L S 384TH ST ROY RD SW J S T N E 1 2 6 T H A V E E S 2 7 2 N D W A Y BR I D G E T A V E S E MO N T E V I S T A D R S E L S T S E C O T T A G E R D E FO S T E R A V E S E F S T S E 1ST ST E G S T S E NO R M A N A V E S E SE 284TH ST H O W A R D R D I S T N W 14 2 N D A V E E 7 8 T H A V E S 13 5 T H A V E S E 3RD ST E 8 6 T H A V E S 27TH ST E R S T N W 85 T H A V E S K S T S E S 336TH ST C S T S E SE 301ST ST SE 287TH ST 2 0 0 T H A V E E Q U I N C Y A V E S E 29TH ST NW MI L W A U K E E A V E N 56 T H A V E S SKYWAY LN S E 32ND PL NE 2 1 1 T H A V E E 45TH ST N E 7TH ST E 14 0 T H A V E S E 10 5 T H A V E S E U C T N W SE 270TH PL SE 273RD PL SE 300TH ST SR 1 6 7 11 8 T H A V E S E 51 S T A V E S SR 1 6 7 SR 1 6 7 SR 18 SE 284TH ST SR 18 12 4 T H A V E S E SR 1 6 7 SE 272ND ST 14 4 T H A V E S E S R 1 6 7 S 277TH ST 14 2 15 9 1 5 16 19 8 18 3 4 13 2524 17 6 10 22 21 7 11 20 23 12 COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 L E G E N D Proposed Gravity Extension Proposed LPFM Extension Proposed Force Main Extension Proposed Pump Station Existing Pump Stations King County Sewers Existing Sewers Major Roads Street County Line Streams Water Parcels City of Auburn Sewer Service Area P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_5-7_SewerExtensionsCosts.mxd FIGURE 5-7SEWER EXTENSIONFOR UNSEWERED AREASESTIMATED COSTS 4.050' 8" Pipe - $2,025,000 550' FM - $220,000 1 PS - $500,000 Total - $2,745,000 7,800' 8" Pipe - $3,900,000 6,600' 8" Pipe - $3,300,000 12,200' 8" Pipe - $6,100,000 3,900' 8" Pipe - $1,950,000 5,200' 8" Pipe - $2,600,000 4,800' 8" Pipe - $2,400,000 13 Grinder Pumps - $130,000 1,000' 2" FM - $250,000 Total - $2,780,000 24,000' 8" Pipe - $12,000,000 4 Grinder Pumps - $40,000 1,000' 2" FM - $250,000 Total - $12,290,000 24,200' 8" Pipe - $12,100,000 850' FM - $340,000 1 PS - $500,000 Total - $12,940,000 5,000' 8" Pipe - $2,500,000 7,000' 8" Pipe - $3,500,000 3,100' 8" Pipe - $1,550,000 8,000' 8" Pipe - $4,000,000 2,650' 8" Pipe - $1,325,000 3,200' 8" Pipe - $1,600,000 3,950' 8" Pipe - $1,975,000 4,400' 8" Pipe - $2,200,000 2,250' 8" Pipe - $1,125,000 5,750' 8" Pipe - $2,875,000 2,000' 8" Pipe - $1,000,000 3,950' 8" Pipe - $1,975,000 4,650' 8" Pipe - $2,325,000 2,350' FM - $940,000 1 PS - $500,000 Total - $3,765,000 4,650 8" Pipe - $2,325,000 900' FM - $360,000 1 PS - $500,000 38 Grinder Pumps - $380,000 4,300' 2" FM - $1,075,000 Total - $11,740,000 8,500' 8" Pipe - $4,250,000 2,000 FM - $800,000 1 PS - $500,000 Total - $5,550,000 Rest of City 77,350' 8" Pipe - $38,675,000 5 Grinder Pumps - $50,000 800' 2" FM - $200,000 Total - $38,925,000 7,900' 8" Pipe - $3,950,000 2,000 FM - $800,000 1 PS - $500,000 Total - $5,250,000 N 3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 5 5-21 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 5.4 Asset Management All utilities manage their assets in one way or another through maintenance practices, capital improvement projects, and R&R activities. Asset management is a systematic approach to maintaining assets in good working order to minimize future costs of maintaining and replacing them, especially to avoid costly deferred maintenance. The best practices for asset management involve systematically basing choices on an understanding of asset condition and performance, risks, and costs in the long term. Asset best practices include: • having knowledge about assets and costs (i.e., detailed inventories) • maintaining desired LOSs • taking a life-cycle approach to asset management planning • implementing the planned solutions to provide reliable, cost-effective service • establishing funding levels and rates to support ongoing infrastructure rehabilitation or replacement projects The first step to effectively managing sewage assets is to establish LOS goals for the City as described in Chapter 3 of this Plan. The second step is preparing a comprehensive inventory of the assets. The next steps include performing asset assessments and economic analyses to estimate life-cycle costs and the risk associated with each of the City’s wastewater assets. The 2009 Comprehensive Sewer Plan included development of an economic life assessment tool to help with asset management. An economic life analysis identifies optimal timing for facility replacement or repair and prioritizes facilities for maintenance attention. The analysis assisted with achieving the City’s goals for capital program development, which include sustainably meeting required customer service levels, effectively managing risks, and minimizing the City’s costs of ownership. The analysis also helped with defining M&O program recommendations and aids the Utility’s continuing efforts to achieve a proactive maintenance environment. The economic life assessment tool was a standalone, Excel-based application that required external data to be fed into the model. Since 2009, the City has migrated to the use of Cartegraph, the City’s CMMS, for systems operations. With the data in Cartegraph there is the opportunity to migrate the standalone economic life assessment tool to reside within Cartegraph and run more regularly. Evaluations completed for this Plan consisted of developing a system requirements specification for integrating the pipe criticality model into the City’s asset management system, Cartegraph. Once the pipe inventory is complete (updating GIS to include all required information), and the pipe criticality model is implemented within Cartegraph, the economic life model can be rerun and used to inform future R&R priorities. Currently, the economic life model includes only collection system piping, and there is an opportunity to expand the model to include manholes and pump stations. Further discussion of asset management, and why and how it can be further used to help manage the sanitary sewer system, is provided in Section 9.3. 6-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 6 Maintenance and Operations This chapter provides an overview of the organization and common procedures associated with the ongoing maintenance and operation of the City of Auburn sewer utility system, with the primary purpose of establishing a baseline understanding of the proactive and responsive maintenance procedures performed by City staff. This baseline understanding is used herein to evaluate Utility staffing, data collection and computerized record-keeping needs, and other Utility needs necessary to continue to meet LOS goals. The City sewer system, described in detail in Chapter 4, currently consists of approximately 200 miles of collection system piping, approximately 5,200 manholes, 15 sewer utility pump stations, and 3 siphons and serves more than 18,000 Utility customers. Utility staff also maintain seven stormwater pump stations and five sewer pump stations servicing facilities owned by other City agencies. 6.1 Utility Responsibility and Authority This section provides an overview of the Utility organization and basic information related to Utility staffing, training, and education. 6.1.1 Organizational Structure The Utility is operated as a utility enterprise under the direction of the Community Development and Public Works Department (CDPW) Director. CDPW is responsible for planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, quality control, and management of the sewer system. The City has a mayor-council form of government; therefore, the CDPW Director reports to the Mayor. The Mayor and City Council provide oversight for the implementation of policies, planning, and management for the Utility. The Engineering Services Division (Engineering) within CDPW is the lead group for comprehensive sewer system planning; development of a CIP; and the design, construction, and inspection of projects related to the sewer system. The City Engineer/Assistant Director of Engineering oversees Engineering and reports directly to the CDPW Director. The Storm/Sewer Manager oversees the Utility, and is responsible for its day-to-day maintenance and operation. The Assistant Director of Public Works Operations, who reports to the CDPW Director, oversees the Storm/Sewer Manager, who in turn oversees 10 employees including a field supervisor. The location of the Utility within the overall CDPW organizational structure is shown in Figure 6-1. Chapter 6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 6-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Figure 6-1. City of Auburn Department of Community Development and Public Works organizational chart 6.1.2 Staffing Level The Utility currently employs nine full-time M&O field staff plus a manager and a field supervisor, who perform administrative duties. This chapter does not include an evaluation of Utility management, including regulatory compliance, planning, and coordination with other City departments. The position titles and primary functions of the full-time M&O field staff working within the Sewer Division are shown in Table 6-1. Table 6-1. Sewer Utility M&O Field Personnel Position Primary function(s) Sewer/Storm manager Utility administrative duties Sewer field supervisor Supervision of field staff Sewer specialist Two full-time staff dedicated to pump station inspection and maintenance Maintenance worker II Six full-time staff dedicated to field inspection and maintenance Maintenance worker I One full-time staff dedicated to field inspection and maintenance City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6 6-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 6.1.3 Level of Service The Utility operates in accordance with the LOS criteria outlined in Chapter 3, and internally adopted goals integral to meeting those levels. These goals are generally based on the current staffing level and tasks deemed most critical to the City and its residents. However, the existing staffing requirements discussed in Section 6.6 include near-term goals, which may not be met by existing active staff. 6.1.4 Operator Training and Education The City recognizes the value of having a knowledgeable and well-trained staff operating the Utility, and encourages employees to obtain the highest level of training available. At this time, the State of Washington does not require certification for sewer maintenance operators but the City would support any effort to establish certification for these positions. Seminars, conferences (specifically the annual Washington Wastewater Collection Personnel Association [WWCPA] conference), and college coursework have become tools to advance knowledge for maintenance staff with subjects covered including safety, pumps, generators, forklift training, confined space, first aid, CPR, and electric and electronic fundamentals. Many M&O staff are specialized in specific job functions, which can promote expertise through specialization but also has the potential to limit the ability of the Utility to absorb absences due to vacation, sickness, retirement, and termination. To mitigate this limitation, the City has broadened the scope of the Utility’s education system by initiating a formal cross-training program. 6.2 Routine Operations Routine M&O activities for the Utility can be divided into functional groups by facility type, as described in the following sections. 6.2.1 Pump Station Maintenance Utility staff are responsible for maintenance of 27 pump stations, including 15 sewer utility stations (see Chapter 4), 7 stormwater utility stations, and 5 pump stations serving facilities owned by other City agencies, at the Auburn Golf Course, Auburn City Hall, Auburn Justice Center, Isaac Evans Park, and Auburn Valley Humane Society. M&O activities include scheduled weekly and monthly equipment and grounds maintenance as well as emergency generator testing and maintenance. Pump station maintenance is a full-time commitment for two Utility staff, including a maintenance worker and a sewer specialist. Weekly Activities Weekly pump station inspections are intended as a quick check to ensure proper operation and performance, and to identify potential non-emergency concerns to be addressed during scheduled monthly maintenance. Equipment maintenance schedules are based upon manufacturers’ recommendations for preventive equipment maintenance. Depending on the site and time of year, grounds maintenance may also be performed weekly or postponed for monthly maintenance. Weekly pump station maintenance activities include the following tasks: • perform a general visual inspection of grounds and pump station structure or vault • check equipment for abnormal vibrations • check lubrication of all pumping equipment • check and clean, as needed, seal filters • check ultrasonic level sensor Chapter 6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 6-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx • check pump run times • bleed lines of moisture • inspect/exercise control valves • check wet well for debris • manually run pump and observe wet well level Weekly inspection activities are intended to be completed in less than 1 hour for each pump station. Monthly Activities Monthly pump station maintenance activities incorporate weekly activities while allowing more time for detailed maintenance and to address any concerns identified during previous weekly maintenance. Monthly maintenance can be particularly important for older pump stations, where equipment and facilities require more attention. Engine-generators are also inspected and tested on a monthly basis. Monthly pump station maintenance activities include the following tasks: • inspect and test engine-generators (see below) • inspect pump station mechanical bypass pumping • flush sump pit and manually run sump pump • clean pump station interior and, at a minimum, wipe down control panels and pumps, and wash down/disinfect floor • inspect fall restraint system • spot-check control system and telemetry alarms Duration of monthly inspection activities varies widely depending upon the age/condition of the pump station and observations made during previous weekly inspections. On average, monthly inspections are assumed to be completed within 2 hours at each pump station. Generator Testing and Maintenance City M&O staff perform limited maintenance on emergency generators serving sewer and stormwater pump stations, primarily to verify the generator’s ability to perform in an emergency. Emergency generators are exercised and fuel levels are evaluated during monthly maintenance activities. Private contracting services are used for detailed generator maintenance. It is recommended that detailed generator maintenance be performed annually. Permanent generators are located at all 15 Utility-owned sewer pump stations. Three of the stormwater pump stations are equipped with permanent engine-generators. During a power outage, pump stations at City Hall and the Justice Center are run via generators that serve the building. Those two generators are not maintained by the Utility. Pump stations not served by permanent generators can be operated using portable generators owned and maintained by CDPW. Wet Well Cleaning and Inspection Wet well cleaning is performed as needed, but on average is necessary twice annually. Some pump stations in service areas with a noted high amount of FOG accumulation require cleaning at a higher frequency (see Section 6.3). Although the City owns a vactor truck, pump station wet well cleaning is performed by a private contractor that can more efficiently clean multiple facilities in a single day because of a larger vactor truck volume. During cleaning, wet wells are drained and the inside is cleaned with high-pressure water. Accumulated FOG and sludge/sediments are suctioned from the wet well by the contractor City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6 6-5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx and transported to a disposal facility. During cleaning, City staff inspect all floats, sensors, and other hardware while the wet well is drained and they also visually inspect the wet well structure for damage. 6.2.2 Collection System Maintenance Utility staff are responsible for maintenance of approximately 200 miles of collection system piping and approximately 5,200 manholes. M&O activities include pipe cleaning/jetting, closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection, and manhole maintenance. Manhole Maintenance Manhole maintenance includes initial inspection and potential follow-up cleaning and/or repair. Inspection is performed by one person using utility mapping to locate the targeted facilities. The inspection includes the following: • visual confirmation of proper flow conveyance • assessment of solids buildup in the manhole • evaluation of structural damage or wear and the integrity/condition of manhole covers and ladder rungs Follow-up cleaning and maintenance work orders are generated based upon the results of initial inspection and typically include a two-person crew. Based upon recent maintenance history, it is estimated that approximately 1 in 10 manhole inspections leads to further cleaning. The City estimates that a total of 50 manholes per year require some repair. Sewer Pipeline Cleaning and CCTV Inspection Cleaning and inspection of the sewer system is performed using City-owned vactor/jet truck and CCTV equipment. Cleaning and CCTV inspection are typically performed in tandem from manhole to manhole by a two- or three-person crew3 for each task. Jetting of sewer pipelines and subsequent vactor truck removal is the principal means of removing debris, sludge, FOG, and obstructions from the sewer system. A hose with a special end fitting is inserted into a pipe and high-pressure water (up to 2,500 pounds per square inch [psi]) is sent through the hose. The high-pressure water exits the small hole at the tip of the nozzle, breaking down and/or scouring obstructions. Debris is then removed via suction by the vactor truck equipment at each manhole. Following cleaning, CCTV inspection is performed to identify structural defects and potential pipeline leaks. Routine CCTV inspection of the sewer system is an essential component of the M&O program as it can identify trouble spots before larger failures occur and can provide the City with accurate information about the condition of the sewer collection system. Since the end of 2007, inspection reports and digital video captured by the CCTV crews have been stored within the City’s computer network (PIPELOGIX software). While the ability to edit information in PIPELOGIX is limited to licensed machines, the PIPELOGIX reader is available for all City staff. Currently, the City does not have the ability to transfer the data stored in PIPELOGIX, specifically a summary of pipe condition, to the more comprehensive data stored within Cartegraph, the Utility CMMS software. A primary goal of the Utility in the near future is to use the results of CCTV inspection to populate pipe conditions fields within Cartegraph in order to provide a more accurate planning tool based upon the known condition of wastewater system assets. 3 Although a three-person crew is assigned to these tasks, work may proceed with a two-person crew (at a slower rate) in the case of employee absence. The staffing evaluation in Section 6.6 assumes a three-person crew for pipeline cleaning and CCTV. Chapter 6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 6-6 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx The City’s goal is to clean and inspect all sewer collection pipes, using the NASSCO PACP, within the system on a 5-year cycle 4. On average, a three-person crew can clean approximately 3,000 feet of pipe per day or inspect approximately 1,500 feet of pipe per day. 6.2.3 Field Operations In addition to the M&O activities discussed in Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, the Utility typically maintains a two-person field crew that performs a variety of other ongoing Utility functions. The Utility is also available to assist other Public Works divisions such as Water, Stormwater, or Transportation during manpower shortages or emergencies. Sewer staff perform liaison functions with Engineering and construction inspections for new projects, repairs, or modification of existing lines. Currently, the services for Utility locates are performed by two designated locators who are under the supervision of the Water Division Manager. Examples of field operations activities include: • Repair: Sewer staff perform repair of minor pipe breaks/leaks and other system infrastructure. • Engineering: Sewer staff often provide facility inspection services for Engineering projects and support Engineering through visual observation in the field. • Vehicle and equipment maintenance: The Utility maintains an extensive inventory of equipment available to respond to problems or emergencies. The fleet is currently equipped with seven trucks, one CCTV van, one sewer vactor/jet truck, and one emergency bypass pump. Each component of this fleet is equipped with valve operators and traffic control equipment. • Supply inventory: The Utility maintains an inventory of supplies and parts that are available for use in responding to emergency situations as well as normal Utility operations. Supplies and parts are tracked in an inventory control system that allows easy identification of available materials. It is difficult to quantify the field tasks performed by Utility staff in terms of equivalent staff. Many of these tasks are performed outside of a regular maintenance schedule. The evaluation of existing staffing requirements in Section 6.6 assumes that a two-person field operations crew is maintained for a majority (0.75) of working days, or 1.5 FTE. 6.3 Fats, Oils, and Grease Reduction Program FOG can cause major blockages in sewer pipes when not properly disposed of at the source. When FOG enters a sewer, it cools, solidifies, and sticks to the interior of pipes. FOG buildup increases over time, potentially causing backups in the sewer system and operational concerns within pump stations. Engineering currently employs a 0.25 FTE water resources technician to implement and oversee a City FOG Reduction Program. The program focuses on regulation of food service establishments (FSEs) in order to minimize the amount of FOG entering the City sewer system. The City currently monitors 170 FSEs within the service area, 76 of which are required to use grease trap/interceptor pretreatment facilities before discharge to the sewer collection system. FSEs are identified through the business licensing process, during which all FSEs are required to submit for approval a FOG control plan per ACC Chapter 13.22. ACC also codifies requirements for installation of pretreatment facilities (typically grease traps and interceptors), cleaning and maintenance, water quality testing, and record-keeping. ACC does not have strong language tied to enforcement, nor 4 The frequency goal is specifically intended for all critical areas (serving critical facilities) or piping with a history of repair or maintenance needs. A lower frequency, approximately every 7 years, for the remainder of the collection system would not compromise Utility operations. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6 6-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx does the City focus on penalties for noncompliance. It is informal City policy to work with FSEs on a cooperative basis through outreach activities; however, refusal to comply with City requirements can result in code enforcement action. The 170 FSEs are grouped informally into 12 geographic areas. The City goal is to concentrate FOG Reduction Program activities in one area per month, visiting or contacting most FSEs annually. However, because of limited staffing for the program, inspection and education efforts have focused on the highest-priority FSEs and areas with noted FOG issues. On average, only 3 of the 12 FSE areas are inspected or targeted with mailings developed by the City to inform the public and FSEs of FOG issues. In recent years, maintenance staff has noted, at various times, a high accumulation of FOG at the Area 19, F Street, Rainier Ridge, Terrace View, and Riverside pump stations. Following those observations, staff has prioritized those areas for inspections and educational outreach. It is noteworthy that only one of these stations receives some of its wastewater from FSEs and most serve areas with high concentrations of multifamily and rental housing. Sewer staff indicate that they have observed improvements in the accumulation of FOG in the collection system and pump stations following those efforts, but there is currently no system to quantify FOG reduction. In addition to efforts to reduce the amount of FOG in the system, education and outreach efforts include discouraging the flushing of cleaning wipes that may be labeled “flushable,” but that do not disperse in water. These items can clog sewer lines and get caught in pumps, increasing maintenance efforts within both the City collection and conveyance system, and King County’s treatment system. 6.4 Non-Routine and Emergency Operations This section discusses unscheduled activities performed by sewer M&O staff, and provides a response plan for emergency conditions. The intent of the routine inspection and maintenance activities discussed in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 is to minimize, through proactive management of the sewer facilities, the potential for conditions that could lead to emergencies. 6.4.1 Customer Service Requests Customer service requests, such as a localized sewer backup complaint, trigger creation of a work order to inspect the affected area or sewer facility and identify potential solutions. In some cases, relatively simple solutions can alleviate the issue. However, other cases require coordination with Engineering or other City departments. On average, City sewer staff respond to approximately 50 customer service/complaint-related work orders per year. The effort required to resolve complaints varies considerably. Good record-keeping can help in complaint resolution by ensuring that all relevant data are gathered and by serving as a reminder to resolve the complaint and notify the complainant. When a complaint is received, the following information should be recorded to the greatest extent possible: • name and contact information of the person making the complaint • brief description of the nature of the complaint − if sewer overflow, include estimate of volume and duration of overflow • time and date the complaint was received • M&O staff assigned to respond Following initial response, the complaint record is updated to include the results of inspections and corrective actions taken, if any. If the complaint cannot be resolved internally within the Utility, the complaint record should be forwarded to Engineering for further investigation. Notification of any system investigation and/or action should be provided to the customer making the complaint. Chapter 6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 6-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 6.4.2 Emergency Response Program The Utility, in conjunction with the other utility divisions, has prepared a Public Works Emergency Response Manual as a guide on how to handle emergency situations. The manual is by no means all- inclusive for every type of disaster; however, it is a valuable tool for dealing with many of the emergency situations that municipalities face. Copies of the Emergency Response Manual are available at the CDPW M&O Building, at the City Hall Annex with the City Engineer, and at Fire Station 33 with the fire chief. The Emergency Response Manual is one element of the City’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The primary objectives of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan are to ensure public safety, restore essential services as quickly as possible, and provide assistance to other areas as required. There is also a master response program for the entire City as documented in the Emergency Operations Plan. The material in the Emergency Operations Plan provides guidance for mitigation, preparedness, responsibilities, recovery operations, training, and community education activities. Copies of the Emergency Operations Plan are located in each City department, the Public Works M&O Building, and the Valley Regional Fire Authority (Station 31). The Utility has implemented a standby program whereby one on-call employee is designated to be the first to receive after-hours emergency calls. Most sewer system problems that occur outside normal working hours are reported through the City’s 911 emergency response system. An emergency call-out list is provided to the emergency operator in order to contact Utility staff in case of an emergency. The primary responder to those after-hours calls is the on-call employee. Utility M&O staff have been trained to respond to system emergencies. The contacted staff assesses the situation, contacts additional staff as necessary, and then responds in accordance with established emergency response procedures. 6.5 Communications, Data Collection, and Record-Keeping This section describes the electronic communication, data collection, and record-keeping systems used by Utility staff. 6.5.1 Telemetry and Pump Station Controls The Utility uses a computerized system (SCADA) to monitor and operate, as necessary, the sewer and storm pump stations from a centralized location. SCADA information from all sewer, storm, and water facilities is routed via radio signals to the M&O control center located at 1305 C Street SW. The control center monitors wet well levels at all of the sewer pump stations together with pump run times and cycles. Logic programming automates the sewer pump station operation via ultrasonic level detectors with backup high and low float switches. The control center is configured to sound an alarm in the M&O building if a recognized anomaly is detected. The alarm system is linked to an automatic telephone dialer that will seek sewer personnel to investigate the anomaly in the event that the problem occurs during non-working hours. All alarm and pump information is recorded within the computer that functions as the control center. The SCADA and telemetry systems were recently updated throughout the sewer system and added to several previously unserved pump station locations. The completed project provides the City with up- to-date technology and uniformity throughout the Utility. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6 6-9 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 6.5.2 Data Collection and Record-Keeping Data collection and record-keeping functions for the Utility are performed using Cartegraph, a Web- based commercial software package provided by Cartegraph Inc. Cartegraph integrates GIS data with Utility M&O records, providing managers with overview information about system and operational performance, and field crews with information related to the condition and failure history of specific wastewater facilities. The City currently uses Cartegraph to plan field staff activities (work orders), record results of both routine and non-routine maintenance, and compare actual maintenance efforts to City goals. The City recently upgraded the Cartegraph system and plans to transition toward its use as an asset management tool, through which the City would optimize staffing and capital resource planning. In recent years, the City has made considerable progress in adding asset information to Cartegraph, specifically GIS data, physical information related to size and material, and installation date. However, to fully utilize the asset management function of Cartegraph, additional information related to risk, asset criticality, and condition is also necessary. To assist the City’s transition to an asset management program, the attributes listed below should be used within Cartegraph to define each of the City sewer assets (manhole, pipe segment, pump, etc.). Asset-Specific Attributes The following asset-specific attributes are related to the asset and remain relatively unchanged over time: • Asset ID: The unique asset number that is used by all business systems to identify an asset. • Location: Where the asset is located (GIS). • In-service date: The date the asset was placed into service. • Replacement cost: The cost to replace the asset and the year that the cost data were calculated. • Useful life: The average life expectancy of the asset. • Asset criticality: A value assigned to each asset that indicates how essential it is to maintaining a defined LOS. Typically it is defined as a combined score based on the consequence of failure and the likelihood of failure, as defined below: − Consequence of failure: The social and economic cost if the asset fails − Likelihood of failure (condition): The estimated time until the asset fails, usually based on condition • Asset class: A group of assets that share the same characteristics (e.g., manholes, pipe segments). Asset class is used to estimate replacement costs and useful life of groups of assets. • Nameplate information and asset specifications: Important information that is used to uniquely describe an asset such as the manufacturer name, type of asset, serial number, size, material, etc. This information is used for asset identification, replacement, and repair. Maintenance and Operation Attributes The following M&O attributes are captured as part of the operations, maintenance, and repair history associated with each asset. • Asset ID: Most work orders should be associated with one or more assets. The asset ID is used to uniquely associate work with individual assets. • Issue, cause, action: These codes are used to classify historical M&O activities associated with corrective actions or unplanned maintenance. − Issue: What is the problem observed in the field? Chapter 6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 6-10 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx − Cause: What is the underlying cause of the problem? − Action: What was done to address the cause? • Target hours and actual hours: Recording the estimated hours and actual hours to complete a work order can help in determining efficiency, planning workloads, and assessing repair costs. • Target start/stop date and actual dates: Recording the estimated and actual start and stop dates for a work order can help in determining efficiency, planning workloads, and assessing repair costs. • Work order costs: Work order costs include labor, parts, materials, and equipment, and should be accurately recorded for each work order. • Work order type: Work order types are used to group and compare different types of work activities. Typical work order types include: − Capital improvement: Work associated with a capital improvement project − Corrective maintenance: Work associated with an unplanned repair − Preventive maintenance (PM): Work associated with a planned preventive maintenance activity − Predictive maintenance (PdM): Work associated with predictive measures (usually for critical assets) • Warranty information: Helps to determine assets that are under warranty and the warranty maintenance requirements. 6.6 Existing Staffing Requirements Existing staffing requirements for M&O activities as discussed in this chapter were compiled and evaluated to determine staffing requirements needed to efficiently operate, maintain, repair, and collect and report the information necessary to properly operate the sewer system. Table 6-2 evaluates the estimated time to conduct sewer system M&O tasks in the manner currently performed. Calculated days for each M&O activity are for a single person performed over an 8-hour “day.” Therefore, an activity that is performed quarterly and that requires 4 hours and two M&O staff to complete would result in an annual requirement of 4 days. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6 6-11 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 6-2. Sewer System Maintenance and Operation Task Summary Work activity FTE days required annually Assumptions/City goal Collection system maintenance Manhole inspection 22 Inspect once every 4 years, total of 5,200 manholes. Perform 60 inspections per day with one-person crew. Manhole cleaning 65 One cleaning is required for every 10 inspections. Two-person crew, 2 hours each. Manhole repair 50 50 repairs per year. Two-person crew, 4 hours each. Pipeline cleaning 210 City goal is 210,000 ft per year (entire system in 5 years). A three-person crew can clean 3,000 ft of pipe per day. CCTV inspection 420 City goal is 210,000 ft per year (entire system in 5 years). A three-person crew can CCTV-inspect 1,500 ft of pipe per day. Pump station maintenance Weekly routine maintenance 263 27 pump stations weekly (52 per year). Two-person crew, 0.75 hour each. Monthly routine maintenance 162 276 pump stations monthly (12 per year). Two-person crew, 2 hours each. Wet well cleaning 27 27 pump stations, 2 per year. Two-person crew, 2 hours each. Other sewer M&O activities Field operations 330 Two-person field crew for 0.75 of working days (1.5 FTE). Customer service requests/complaints 50 50 requests per year. Two-person crew, 4 hours each. Data entry 260 40 hours per week total. Subtotal 1,859 Total 2,045 Assumes 10% unquantified work Total number of working days available per FTE 200 Based on 10-year average Number of FTEs required 10.2 2,045 days required divided by 200 days per FTE year. Current FTEs 9 Table 6-2 shows that the Utility is under-staffed with respect to meeting current City goals for M&O activities. The analysis confirms the qualitative assessment of staffing adequacy provided by City staff during workshop discussions. Based upon discussion with City staff, there are portions of the collection system piping for which there is no CCTV record. Because of limited staff, areas of the collection system have received higher priority due to frequent need for maintenance (older pipe in poor condition), relatively flat slopes, or high concentrations of FOG. There will likely be a need for additional staff to perform more frequent cleaning and CCTV inspection of the entire system and to account for sewer system expansion with overall city growth. It is recommended that the City consider hiring two new Utility staff to meet M&O activity goals. 6.7 Potential Improvement Opportunities and Capital Needs The Utility has a positive track record for M&O, as evidenced by the limited need for non-routine maintenance and few customer service requests/complaints. Routine facility cleaning, regular inspections, experienced staff, and a well-planned sewer system contribute to that success. However, the growing backlog for collection system maintenance (cleaning and CCTV) should be addressed by the City by adding to the current M&O staff. An additional 2 FTE are required to achieve current City proactive M&O goals (see Table 6-2). Chapter 6 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 6-12 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Based upon discussions with City staff and analysis of M&O activities discussed in this chapter, the following improvement opportunities are available to the Utility. These opportunities are based on improving existing services and improving work productivity: • Continue to integrate asset management with existing Utility management software (CMMS and GIS): − Continue to add GIS attributes to known Utility assets. − Perform and document condition assessments. Use defined criteria (such as leaks/cracks observed, cleanliness, and other specific measures) and provide staff training to ensure assessment consistency. Use NASSCO PACP-certified inspection programs to allow integration of inspection results with Cartegraph. − Over time, use the results of condition assessments to move toward risk-based maintenance to best utilize staff resources. For example, consistently high assessment scores would result in a lower risk or need for maintenance, allowing M&O staff to be diverted to more essential activities. • Complete inspection of inverted siphons (river crossings, see Section 4.2.4) for which there is no record of pipe condition. The City does not have the equipment to inspect these facilities; therefore, contract services will be required. • Hire one permanent, full-time staff member for CMMS data entry, maintenance tracking, and reporting. This staff member would support the City Sewer, Stormwater, and Water utilities and would be a liaison with the City Innovation and Technology (IT) Division. • Initiate a manhole ring and cover replacement project, targeting a specific percentage of system assets per year. Results of PM indicate a general deterioration of manhole covers within the system. • Based on staff observations regarding the location of maintenance issues caused by FOG accumulation, continue to manage FSE’s compliance with FOG requirements at its current level, and increase public education efforts to minimize FOG discharge in residential areas. 7-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 7 Recommended Plan This chapter discusses recommended capital projects for the City of Auburn’s sewer system. The capital projects necessary to meet and maintain the City’s LOS through the 20-year planning period (2016–35) are presented as a CIP. This Plan contains time frames, which are the intended framework for future funding decisions and within which future actions and decisions are intended to occur. However, these time frames are estimates, and depending on factors involved in the processing of applications and project work, and availability of funding, the timing may change from the included time frames. The framework does not represent actual commitments by the City, which may depend on funding resources available. The identification of projects is an ongoing effort requiring periodic evaluation. This CIP list was developed based on incorporating the City’s Capital Facilities Program (CFP), identification of equipment limitations within the M&O group, and identification of areas of improvement. 7.1 Capital Improvement Program The CIP focuses on addressing known problems in a manner identifying cost-effective solutions that incorporate the risks associated with underperforming facilities and the uncertainty inherent in engineering calculations/model simulations. A flow chart depicting the process of CIP development is shown in Figure 7-1. Figure 7-1. CIP development flow chart The CIP places emphasis on projects identified for implementation between 2016 and 2021, which constitutes the 6-year planning period for utility capital funding requirements and staffing needs. This period provides a realistic outer limit for accurately forecasting the annual cycle of utility projects and priorities. This Plan also includes a 20-year CIP that examines long-term capital requirements, such as the replacement of infrastructure as it exceeds its useful life. All projects in the CIP are consistent with the LOS described in Section 3 of this document. Evaluate system Define policies and criteria Plan capital projects Evaluate costs and benefits Complete CIP Not Acceptable Acceptable Chapter 7 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 7-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 7.1.1 Project Priority All projects in the CIP have been designated a priority for implementation. Priority was assigned as one of three designations. Projects in the top tier, or highest priority, are designated priority 1; projects in the middle tier are designated priority 2; and projects with the lowest priority relative to the other projects are considered priority 3. The priority levels are based on how the proposed project impacts LOS. The project descriptions below include the designated priority. 7.1.2 Project Cost Estimated costs for each project are included in the CIP descriptions below. The costs are planning- level estimates. Actual costs will depend on various factors at the time of design and construction including labor and material costs. Estimated costs include an allowance for engineering, administration, legal fees, construction costs, sales tax, and construction supervision. Permitting and land, easement, and/or right-of-way acquisitions are not included in the cost estimate. The costs estimates are in 2014 dollars. CIP projects 1 and 2 are part of the City’s Capital Facilities Program, where the City developed the costs for these projects. 7.2 Project Summary The CIP projects mainly consist of ongoing and programmatic capital improvements. Ongoing projects include projects identified through previous studies. The City has previously allocated funding to each of these projects, which are currently in various stages of execution. These projects must continue to receive funding under the CIP until completion and have been included in this document to provide a complete picture of the program. Programmatic projects are included in the CIP to provide funding for maintaining and/or improving the LOS. These projects do not address a problem at a specific location, but allocate budget for addressing LOS goals citywide. As discussed in Chapter 5, the system hydraulic analysis indicated no need for capacity-related capital projects in the 6-year or 20-year planning period. The next Plan update, scheduled for 2020 and repeating every 6 years, has been included as a cost in Table 7-1; however, there is not a description for the project. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7 7-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 7-1. Annual Project Cost Summary for 6-Year and 20-Year CIP Project number Project name Priority 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022–35 Project Cost CIP allocations (repair/ replacement) CIP allocations (upgrade/ expansion) 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement/System Improvements 1 $1,873,000 $300,000 $1,500,000 $300,000 $1,500,000 $300,000 $12,600,000 $18,373,000 100% 0% 2 Street Utility Improvements 1 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $2,800,000 $4,000,000 100% 0% 3 Vactor Decant Facility 1 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 0% 100% 4 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/ Improvement 1 $0 $141,000 $500,000 $168,000 $900,000 $141,000 $2,850,000 $4,700,000 100% 20% 5 Siphon Assessment 1 $0 $524,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $524,000 $1,048,000 100% 0% 6 Pump Station Condition Assessment 1 $187,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $187,000 $374,000 100% 0% 7 Manhole Ring and Cover Replacement 2 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $1,120,000 $1,600,000 100% 0% 8 Cleaning and Inspection of Large-Diameter Pipe 2 $0 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 $800,000 100% 0% 9 Inflow and Infiltration Study 3 $0 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $0 $676,000 100% 0% 10 Plan Update 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $350,000 $0 $700,000 $1,050,000 50% 50% Total cost for priority 1 projects $2,410,000 $1,165,000 $2,200,000 $668,000 $2,950,000 $641,000 $19,661,000 $29,695,000 Total cost for priority 2 projects $80,000 $480,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $1,520,000 $2,400,000 Total cost for priority 3 projects $0 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $135,200 $0 $676,000 Total CIP cost $2,490,000 $1,780,200 $2,415,200 $883,200 $3,165,200 $856,200 $21,181,000 $32,771,000 Chapter 7 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 7-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 1 Project name Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement/System Improvements Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 1 Schedule Ongoing, alternating a large project every other year Problem summary As infrastructure ages, failures begin to appear, causing LOS issues Description This project is R&R of existing sewer lines, manholes, public side sewers, and other facilities. These assets will be identified through closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection and routine cleaning and monitoring. This particular program includes proposed projects that do not have an approved Project Management Plan, or are not associated primarily with the Save Our Streets (SOS) or other transportation improvements. Anticipated projects include biannual, standalone, R&R projects for sewer lines that are broken, misaligned, “bellied,” or otherwise require an inordinate amount of maintenance effort or present a risk of backup or trench failure, and facilities that generate consistent odor complaints. Improvements identified through this program may be completed as components of larger projects to gain efficiencies in project costs. Additionally, system improvements that enhance the ability to maintain service are included here. It is anticipated that the Economic Life model, once developed and integrated with Cartegraph, will be the source behind planning the R&R program. This project is planned to occur during both the 6- and 20-year CIPs. Recommended predesign refinements Refine list as additional information becomes available Cost estimate Costs developed by the City and carried over from the Capital Facilities Plan 2016 $1,873,000 2017 $300,000 2018 $1,500,000 2019 $300,000 2020 $1,500,000 2021 $300,000 2022–35 $12,600,000 Project Cost $18,373,000 City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7 7-5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 2 Project name Street Utility Improvements Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 1 Schedule Ongoing Problem summary As infrastructure ages, failures begin to appear, causing LOS issues. Description This project is R&R of existing sewer lines, manholes, and public side sewers located within the project limits of City arterial transportation projects and within the SOS program. Coordinating sanitary sewer utility projects with arterial transportation projects can lower the unit cost of pipe replacement by eliminating the pavement restoration component of the sewer project’s costs. This project is planned to occur during both the 6- and 20-year CIPs. Recommended predesign refinements Refine list as additional information becomes available Cost estimate Costs developed by the City and carried over from the Capital Facilities Plan 2016 $200,000 2017 $200,000 2018 $200,000 2019 $200,000 2020 $200,000 2021 $200,000 2022–35 $2,800,000 Project cost $4,000,000 Project number 3 Project name Vactor Decant Study Location N/A Priority 1 Schedule 2016 Problem summary Hauling saturated wastes to County landfills costs operating budget and takes away from crew time, reducing other work they could be completing. Description Currently the City hauls vactored sewage waste to the County landfill on a biweekly basis. The sewage sludge is considerably wet, thus City funds are paying for the disposal of water. A study is needed to assess the City’s vactor disposal method and identify a cost-effective alternative to the status quo. Possible recommendations may include maintaining current operations, constructing a gravity decant facility, incorporating special equipment into the vactor truck to increase decanting ability, or purchasing specialized dewatering machinery. Recommended predesign refinements Identify current City practices, how much sewage waste is vactored, how much liquid can be decanted from the vactor truck, and the volume and percent water of the waste disposed at the County landfill. Cost estimate Engineering services for study $100,000 Subtotal line-item costs $100,000 Project contingency (30% of all above costs) $30,000 Subtotal inspection costs $130,000 Administration (15% of costs) $20,000 Project cost $150,000 Chapter 7 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 7-6 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 4 Project name Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvements Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 1 Schedule 2017–22 Problem summary The 8th Street Pump Station, Valley Meadows Pump Station, and 22nd Street Pump Station have been identified as needing to be renovated, replaced, and/or relocated based on condition, safety concerns, and to accommodate growth. This CIP provides for a programmatic program to renovate or replace these pump stations on a bi-annual basis. The anticipated order for modification/replacement is: 1. 8th Street Pump Station 2. Valley Meadows Pump Station 3. 22nd Street Pump Station It is anticipated that additional stations will require significant improvements and/or replacement within the 6 – 20 year planning horizon as well. The sum of the estimated cost for the first three pump stations is used as a placeholder for project value. Following the results of the systematic pump station evaluation study scheduled for 2016 (CIP project 6, Pump Station Inspections), the sequence or identification of pump stations requiring R&R, and detailed scope of improvements for each of these stations will be developed. Description This project will renovate or replace the three currently identified pump stations within the 6-year CIP and allocates money for R&R of unknown pump stations in the 6- to 20-year CIP. Recommended predesign refinements The Valley Meadows Pump Station is identified as a possible candidate for relocation to allow for future sewer expansion. The need for relocation should be assessed and planned for prior to 2019. The costs below for all pump stations do not include provisions for new gravity or force main piping. The costs also assume that the existing generators on site will be reused and that no additional land or site improvements are required. Cost estimate 1. 8th Street Pump Station (2017/2018) Package pump station $300,000 Project contingency (50% of all above costs) $150,000 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) $43,000 Subtotal construction costs $493,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (30% of costs) $148,000 Subtotal $641,000 2. Valley Meadows Pump Station (2019/2020) Package pump station $300,000 Project contingency (50% of all above costs) $150,000 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) $43,000 Subtotal construction costs $493,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (30% of costs) $148,000 Subtotal $641,000 3. 22nd Street Pump Station (2021/2022) Package pump station $500,000 Project contingency (50% of all above costs) $250,000 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) $72,000 Subtotal construction costs $822,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (30% of costs) $246,000 Subtotal $1,068,000 Project cost $2,350,000 City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7 7-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 5 Project name Siphon Assessment Location Green River crossing near 26th Street NE; Green River crossing over 8th Street NE Bridge; Railroad crossing near intersection of 6th St. NW and H St. NW Priority 1 Schedule 2017, positioned in an off year of CIP 1, repeated in 10 years, 2027 or as initial inspection warrants Problem summary Currently, the City does not have the required equipment to complete inspections of the three siphons located within its collection system. Their condition is unknown. Description This project would inspect each siphon to determine its condition and help set future inspection/cleaning protocols. The siphons would be inspected prior to cleaning to determine what their in situ condition is, then if required the lines would be cleaned and re-inspected. Based on the debris level and condition of the pipes, future activities can be planned. Repeat in 10 years. For cost efficiencies, it is assumed that all three sites would be completed under one contract. This project is planned to occur during both the 6- and 20-year CIPs. Recommended predesign refinements Determine flow rates required for bypass pumping/trucking. Verify the assumption that the Green River crossing at 26th Street NE can be diverted to each barrel without the need for additional bypass pumping. Cost estimate Green River crossing via inverted siphon at 26th Street NE: 488 feet of 8" and 12" HDPE Initial CCTV $2,500 Cleaning $2,000 Post-cleaning CCTV $2,500 Subtotal $7,000 Green River crossing via 8th Street NE bridge: 1,191 feet of 14" CIP Traffic control $75,000 Bypass pumping $80,000 Initial CCTV $6,000 Cleaning $4,800 Post-cleaning CCTV $6,000 Subtotal $171,800 Railroad crossing adjacent to H and 6th streets: 287 feet of 18" unknown Traffic control $20,000 Bypass pumping (trucking) $80,000 Initial CCTV $1,500 Cleaning $1,200 Post-cleaning CCTV $1,500 Subtotal $104,200 Subtotal line-item costs $283,000 Project contingency (30% of all above costs) $85,000 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) $35,000 Subtotal construction costs $403,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (30% of costs) $121,000 Project cost $524,000 Chapter 7 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 7-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 6 Project name Pump Station Condition Assessment Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 1 Schedule 2016 and 2026 Problem summary The City last completed a pump station condition assessment in 2007. The pump stations have continued to age, regulations/codes have changed, and the City’s expectations of the pump stations have changed over time. To adequately plan for future pump station investments, re-inspection is required. Description The assessment will evaluate the apparent physical condition of existing stations and equipment. The purpose of the assessment is to predict future serviceability and anticipated longevity for development of future CIPs. Pump stations must meet the adopted LOS in a safe and reliable manner. Stations must meet current code conditions, which may differ from those that existed when the stations were originally built. The assessment would identify requirements necessary to meet the City’s LOS, requirements necessary for the health and safety of staff and the public, and suggestions that might increase reliability or reduce cost of operations or maintenance. Equipment checklists will be prepared for mechanical/hydraulic and electrical/control systems, site visits to all stations will be made, as-built information and M&O manuals will be reviewed, and M&O personnel will be asked about known issues at each location. Station operation will be observed, but no detailed physical testing of equipment, wiring, controls, or structures will be included. To stay up to date on pump station needs, it is recommended to repeat the inspection within the 20-year CIP. Recommended predesign refinements None Cost estimate Engineering services for condition assessment $125,000 Subtotal line-item costs $125,000 Project contingency (30% of all above costs) $38,000 Subtotal inspection costs $163,000 Administration (15% of costs) $24,000 Project cost $187,000 City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7 7-9 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 7 Project name Manhole Ring and Cover Replacement Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 2 Schedule Ongoing Problem summary According to M&O staff, there are failing frame and covers on sewer manholes. While the rest of the manholes are in acceptable condition, the frames and covers need to be replaced. Description This project would establish an ongoing CIP to provide funds for continued replacement of frames and covers. The cost for this effort is based on historical, all-inclusive spending from previous City of Auburn work. This project is planned to occur during both the 6- and 20-year CIPs. Recommended predesign refinements None Cost estimate Frame and cover replacement $80,000 Subtotal line-item costs $80,000 Project contingency (0% of all above costs) $0 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) Included Subtotal construction costs $80,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (0% of costs) $0 Project cost $80,000 Project number 8 Project name Cleaning and Inspection of Large-Diameter Pipe Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 2 Schedule 2017, positioned in an off year of CIP 1, repeated in 10 years, 2027 or as initial inspection warrants. Problem summary According to M&O staff, they are not equipped to efficiently clean pipe larger than 18 inches in diameter. Description This project would clean and internally inspect all pipe owned by the City that is larger than 18 inches in diameter. This is approximately 39,300 feet, ranging in diameter from 20 inches up to 36 inches. This project is planned to occur during both the 6- and 20-year CIPs. Recommended predesign refinements Review existing CCTV inspection information to see if any of the large-diameter pipe has been inspected and determine if it needs cleaning. Cost estimate Cleaning $75,000 CCTV $82,000 Disposal $10,000 Traffic control $20,000 Subtotal line-item costs $187,000 Project contingency (50% of all above costs) $94,000 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) $27,000 Subtotal construction costs $308,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (30% of costs) $92,000 Project cost $400,000 Chapter 7 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 7-10 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number 9 Project name Inflow and Infiltration Study Location Throughout the SSSA Priority 3 Schedule Begin 5-year study in 2017 Problem summary I/I does not appear to be an issue based on capacity. However, little to no work has been done to actually try and quantify actual I/I rates. This project would assess the City SSSA to determine I/I values. Excessive localized I/I can also be an indicator of poor sewer main and side sewer condition. Description This project would monitor flow in the collection system over 5 years. These data will then be used in the next Comprehensive Sewer Plan for modeling purposes and I/I assessment. Recommended predesign refinements Analyze existing flow metering and hydraulic model to develop a flow monitoring plan. Cost estimate Flow monitoring (four flow meters and two rain gauges for 6 months per year) $365,000 Subtotal line-item costs $365,000 Project contingency (30% of all above costs) $110,000 Washington State and King County sales taxes (9.5% of all above construction costs) $45,000 Subtotal construction costs $520,000 Administration, engineering design, and permitting (30% of costs) $156,000 Project cost $676,000 8-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 8 Finance The objective of the financial plan is to identify the total cost of providing sewer service and to provide a financial program that allows the Utility to remain financially viable during execution of the identified CIP. This viability analysis considers the historical financial condition of the Utility, the sufficiency of Utility revenues to meet current and future financial and policy obligations, and the financial impact of executing the CIP. Furthermore, the plan provides a review of the Utility’s rate structure with respect to customer affordability. 8.1 Past Financial Performance This section includes a historical (2008–13) summary of financial performance as reported by the City of Auburn on the statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position and the statement of net position, specific to the Utility. 8.1.1 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position Table 8-1 shows a consolidated statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position for 2008–13. Findings and Trends Operating income (including depreciation expense) has been negative over the entire 6-year historical period. Operating losses grew from a loss of nearly $556,000 in 2008 to a maximum loss of $2.3 million in 2011. However, operating income improved significantly in 2012, resulting in a net loss of only $460,000 and $260,000 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Depreciation is a non-cash expenditure, so even though operating income has been negative in every year, cash flow was positive in most years during the 6-year period. A few key financial ratios are discussed below. Unless otherwise noted, the stated benchmarks are based on industry standards: • M&O coverage ratio (operating revenues including depreciation divided by operating expenses): − Benchmark: A ratio of 1.0 or higher is a desirable result, indicative of sufficient revenues to meet cash operating expenses as well as to cover depreciation expense. − Results: Increased from 0.96 in 2008 to 0.99 in 2013, which is a positive trend. • Operating ratio (total operating expenses excluding depreciation divided by total operating revenues): − Benchmark: A ratio greater than 90 percent indicates there is little room for new debt service and capital replacement without additional rate increases. A ratio greater than 100 percent indicates that cash operating expenses exceed operating revenues and is indicative of an unsustainable financial condition. − Results: Decreased from 95 percent in 2008 to 93 percent in 2013, which is a positive trend overall. However, the operating ratio was at or above 100 percent from 2009 to 2011. • Debt service coverage ratio (operating and interest revenues less M&O expenses excluding depreciation, divided by total annual debt service): Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx − Benchmark: There are two forms of debt service coverage; one applies to debt service from revenue bonds only, and the other applies to debt service on total debt, including state loans. Revenue bonds typically have a legal minimum coverage requirement of 1.25. State loans usually do not carry a minimum coverage requirement; however, based on industry standards, it is recommended that debt service coverage on total debt be at least 1.0. To be conservative, this review of financial statements looks at coverage on total debt. − Results: Coverage was below industry and City benchmarks from 2009 to 2011, but increased to 2.4 or above in 2012 and 2013, which is a very favorable trend. Table 8-1. City of Auburn Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Position 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for services $13,601,390 $14,902,464 $15,968,231 $16,667,149 $18,585,288 $21,711,948 Other Operating Revenue 997 102 272 - - - Total Operating Revenues 13,602,387 14,902,566 15,968,503 16,667,149 18,585,288 21,711,948 OPERATING EXPENSES: Operations and Maintenance 10,071,648 12,215,275 12,666,971 14,177,079 13,841,985 16,005,927 Administration 1,774,962 2,106,258 1,992,048 1,916,148 1,956,954 2,139,329 Depreciation/Amortization 1,282,599 1,390,660 1,372,282 1,603,210 1,746,409 1,886,057 Other Operating Expenses 1,029,045 1,221,815 1,283,759 1,311,789 1,499,459 1,940,915 Total Operating Expenses 14,158,254 16,934,008 17,315,060 19,008,226 19,044,807 21,972,228 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (555,867) (2,031,442) (1,346,557) (2,341,077) (459,519) (260,280) NON OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSES) Interest Revenue 426,168 137,796 45,053 20,756 32,756 20,442 Other Non-Operating Revenue - 19,820 504,300 843,646 111,224 180,381 Interest Expense (20,807) (21,255) (314,931) (156,566) (102,869) (253,574) Other Non-Operating Expenses (2,177) (2,874) - (1,069) (1,069) (4,782) Total Non-Operating Revenue (expenses) 403,184 133,487 234,422 706,767 40,042 (57,533) INCOME(LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS (152,683) (1,897,955) (1,112,135) (1,634,310) (419,477) (317,813) CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 7,095,833 592,376 4,406,132 7,329,252 1,974,964 3,255,766 TRANSFERS IN - 89,425 - - - - TRANSFERS OUT (50,000) (50,000) (55,960) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) Changes in Net Position 6,893,150 (1,266,154) 3,238,037 5,644,942 1,505,487 2,887,953 Net Position, January 1, as Previously Reported 58,764,032 65,657,182 64,391,028 67,629,065 73,274,007 74,779,494 Change in Accounting Principle (19,250) Net Position, January 1, as Restated 74,760,244 Net Position, December 31 $65,657,182 $64,391,028 $67,629,065 $73,274,007 $74,779,494 $77,648,197 8.1.2 Statement of Net Position Table 8-2 shows the consolidated statement of net position for 2008–13. Findings and Trends This statement shows that the City of Auburn’s net position increased from $65.7 million to $77.6 million over the 2008–13 time period. This represents an 18 percent increase over the 6-year City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx period. Cash and cash equivalents have grown 13 percent over this period, increasing from $11.3 million in 2008 to $12.8 million in 2013. Non-current assets, which represent resources required for use or consumption beyond 1 year, have increased from $54.6 million in 2008 to $71.5 million in 2013. Most of this growth in long-term assets comes from a $23.4 million increase in improvements other than buildings. A few key financial ratios are discussed below. Unless otherwise noted, the stated benchmarks are based on industry standards. Liquidity • Current ratio (unrestricted current assets divided by current liabilities): − Benchmark: A ratio of 2.0 or higher is considered good in terms of healthy liquidity. The current ratio is a measure of short-term financial strength and answers an important question: Are current assets able to cover expected current liabilities in the coming year? − Results: From 2008 through 2013, this ratio has ranged from 4.8 to 25.4, each year well above the recommended benchmark. The ratio was 25.4 in 2008, but decreased to 4.8 in 2009 as a result of an increase in current payables and loans payable as well as a decrease in cash and cash equivalents. The ratio has ranged from 7.4 to 8.8 from 2010 to 2013. Efficiency • Accounts receivable collection period (customer receivables on balance sheet x 365 days then divided by annual sales): − Benchmark: Generally, less than 30 days is considered very good. − Results: Decreased from 44 days in 2008 to 40 days in 2013, which is a positive trend. Capital • Debt to net capital assets ratio (total debt divided by capital assets net of accumulated depreciation): − Benchmark: For utilities, having a capital structure of at least 40 percent equity and less than 60 percent debt is considered a healthy capital structure, with adequate future borrowing capacity and a manageable debt service burden. The City’s capital structure policy is even more conservative: 50 percent debt and 50 percent equity. − Results: Increased from 8 percent debt/92 percent equity in 2008 to 12 percent debt/ 88 percent equity in 2013. This is well within both the industry and City maximum benchmark thresholds. Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 8-2. City of Auburn Statement of Net Position 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents $11,337,351 $8,901,147 $8,178,622 $7,855,899 $10,049,455 $12,778,843 Investments 2,003,750 2,023,437 2,009,920 1,996,562 - - Restricted Cash Bond Payments 296,268 307,299 448,108 447,210 Customer Deposits 18,471 18,471 16,835 44,053 91,391 95,451 Other 738,017 737,890 4,382,960 1,831,850 514,590 516,972 Customer Accounts 1,636,060 1,739,422 2,025,836 1,971,772 2,108,360 2,375,137 Other Receivables 37,069 14,217 14,217 100 - - Due From Other Governmental Units - - - 15,721 - - Inventories 8,968 8,259 7,414 7,147 6,479 7,009 Total Current Assets 15,779,686 13,442,843 16,932,072 14,030,403 13,218,383 16,220,622 Non Current Assets Long Term Contracts and Notes 1,073,400 1,050,900 1,028,400 983,400 938,400 825,900 Capital Assets Land 1,654,958 1,654,958 1,695,023 1,695,023 1,695,023 1,695,023 Buildings and Equipment 1,131,744 1,131,744 1,140,893 1,171,259 1,171,259 1,235,992 Improvements Other Than Buildings 65,113,774 65,667,532 73,495,451 80,984,120 87,643,097 88,561,822 Construction in Progress 846,620 4,056,688 2,104,633 4,570,300 1,694,876 2,372,710 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (15,200,016) (16,590,677) (17,962,959) (19,566,169) (21,312,578) (23,198,636) Total Capital Assets ( Net of A/D) 53,547,080 55,920,245 60,473,041 68,854,533 70,891,677 70,666,911 Total Non-Current Assets 54,620,480 56,971,145 61,501,441 69,837,933 71,830,077 71,492,811 Total Assets 70,400,166 70,413,988 78,433,513 83,868,336 85,048,460 87,713,433 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Current Payables 424,743 1,921,254 473,770 501,844 423,363 627,749 Current Deposits 18,471 18,471 16,835 - - - Loans Payable-Current - 236,791 288,262 288,262 288,262 288,262 Employee Leave Benefits-Current 69,282 72,952 73,325 90,346 97,848 108,988 Revenue Bonds Payable-Current - - - - 141,162 144,845 General Obligation Bonds Payable-Current - - - - - - Accrued Interest 13,183 14,205 309,091 317,569 316,496 311,195 Deposits - - - 44,054 91,391 95,450 Total Current Liabilities 525,679 2,263,673 1,161,283 1,242,075 1,358,522 1,576,489 Non Current Liabilities Unearned Revenue 162,203 162,203 162,203 162,203 162,203 162,203 Employee Leave Benefits 8,545 24,110 38,336 41,011 33,948 32,500 Loans Payable 4,046,557 3,572,974 4,108,241 3,819,979 3,531,717 3,243,456 Revenue Bonds Payable - - 5,334,385 5,329,062 5,182,577 5,050,589 General Obligation Bonds Payable - - - - - - Total Non Current Liabilities 4,217,305 3,759,287 9,643,165 9,352,255 8,910,445 8,488,748 Total Liabilities 4,742,984 6,022,960 10,804,448 10,594,330 10,268,967 10,065,237 NET POSITION Invested In Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 53,547,080 52,110,480 54,700,611 60,824,782 61,837,121 61,939,759 Restricted for: Debt Service 720,768 731,596 873,536 964,182 Capital Projects 21,398 737,890 - Unrestricted 12,088,704 11,542,658 12,207,685 11,717,628 12,068,836 14,744,255 Total Net Position $65,657,182 $64,391,028 $67,629,064 $73,274,006 $74,779,493 $77,648,196 City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 8.1.3 Outstanding Debt Principal Table 8-3 outlines the City’s outstanding debt principal as of the end of 2013. The City of Auburn has one outstanding revenue bond and two outstanding Public Works Trust Fund loans. The total outstanding principal on these loans is $8.6 million. Table 8-3. City of Auburn Outstanding Debt Principal Debt Description Principal Outstanding Maturity Year 2010 CIP Revenue Bond $5,086,760 2030 PW-06-962-003 $2,345,433 2026 PW-04-691-001 $1,186,284 2024 Total $8,618,477 8.2 Available Capital Funding Resources Feasible long-term capital funding strategies should be defined to ensure that adequate resources are available to fund the CIP identified in this Plan. In addition to the Utility’s resources such as accumulated cash reserves, capital revenues, bond proceeds, and system development charges (SDCs), capital needs can also be met from outside sources such as grants, low-interest loans, and bond financing. The following is a summary of internal Utility resources, government programs and resources, and public debt financing. 8.2.1 Internal Utility Resources Utility resources appropriate for funding capital needs include accumulated cash in the capital “account,” bond proceeds, and other capital revenues, such as SDCs. Capital-related revenues are discussed below. Utility Funds and Cash Reserves User charges (rates) paid by the Utility’s customers are the primary funding source for all Utility activities. The rates cover total annual costs associated with operating and maintaining the sewer system. Rates can pay for capital improvement projects in two ways: either paying for debt service or directly paying for capital projects. Although funding the capital costs directly through rates does not result in the additional interest expense associated with issuing debt, this approach can cause large and/or volatile rate increases. System Development Charges An SDC, as provided for by RCW 35.92.025, refers to a one-time charge imposed on new customers as a condition of connection to the utility system. The purpose of the SDC is twofold: (1) to promote equity between new and existing customers, and (2) to provide a source of revenue to fund capital projects. Equity is served by providing a vehicle for new customers to share the cost of infrastructure investment. SDC revenues provide a source of cash flow used to support utility capital needs; revenue can be used only to fund utility capital projects or to pay debt service incurred to finance those projects. In the absence of an SDC, growth-related capital costs would be borne in large part by existing customers. In addition, the net investment in the Utility already collected from existing customers, whether through rates, charges, and/or assessments, would be diluted by the addition of new customers, effectively subsidizing new customers with prior customers’ payments. To establish equity, an SDC should recover a proportionate share of the existing and future infrastructure costs Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-6 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx from a new customer. From a financial perspective, a new customer should become financially equivalent to an existing customer by paying the SDC. Table 8-4 summarizes the City’s current SDC schedule. Table 8-4. City of Auburn Current System Development Charge Schedule Type Sewer SDC Single Family Parcel $850 Per Parcel Other Parcels $850 Per RCE Note: A Residential Customer Equivalent (RCE) shall be as defined by the King County Department of Natural Resources. A recent SDC study has been completed and the City Council is currently evaluating the updated charges. Local Facilities Charge While an SDC is the manner in which new customers pay their share of general facilities costs, local facilities funding is used to pay the cost of local facilities that connect each property to the system infrastructure. Local facilities funding is often overlooked in a rate forecast because it is funded up front either by connecting customers or developers, or through an assessment to properties—but never from rates. Although these funding mechanisms do not provide a capital revenue source toward funding CIP costs, a discussion of these charges is included in this chapter because of their impact on new customers. Several mechanisms can be considered toward funding local facilities. One of the following scenarios typically occurs: • the utility charges a connection fee based on the cost of the local facilities (under the same authority as the SDC) • a developer funds extension of the system to its development and turns those facilities over to the utility (contributed capital) • a local assessment is set up called a utility local improvement district (ULID), which collects tax revenue from benefited properties A local facilities charge (LFC) is a variation of the SDC authorized through RCW 35.92.025. It is a city- imposed charge to recover the cost related to service extension to local properties. Often called a front-footage charge and imposed on the basis of footage of main “fronting” a particular property, it is usually implemented as a reimbursement mechanism to a city for the cost of a local facility that directly serves a property. It is a form of connection charge and, as such, can accumulate up to 10 years of interest. It typically applies to instances where no developer-installed facilities are needed through developer extension because of the prior existence of available mains already serving the developing property. The developer extension is a requirement that a developer install onsite and sometimes offsite improvements as a condition of extending service. These are in addition to the SDC required and must be built to city standards. The city is authorized to enter into developer extension agreements under RCW 35.91.020. Part of the agreement between the city and the developer for the developer to extend service might include a latecomer agreement, resulting in a latecomer charge to new connections to the developer extension. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Latecomer charges are a variation of developer extensions whereby a new customer connecting to a developer-installed improvement makes a payment to the city based on their share of the developer’s cost (RCW 35.91.020). The city passes this on to the developer that installed the facilities. This is part of the developer extension process, and defines the allocation of costs and records latecomer obligations on the title of affected properties. No interest is allowed, and the reimbursement agreement is in effect for a period of 20 years, unless a longer duration is approved by the city. ULID is another mechanism for funding infrastructure that assesses benefited properties based on the special benefit received by the construction of specific facilities (RCW 35.43.042). Most often used for local facilities, some ULIDs also recover related general facilities costs. Substantial legal and procedural requirements can make this process relatively expensive, and there are mechanisms by which a ULID can be rejected by a majority of property ownership within the assessment district boundary. 8.2.2 Government Programs and Resources This section outlines government programs and resources potentially available for financing. Grants and Low-Cost Loans Overview Historically, federal and state grant programs were available to local utilities for capital funding assistance. However, these assistance programs have been mostly eliminated, substantially reduced in scope and amount, or replaced by loan programs. Remaining miscellaneous grant programs are generally lightly funded and heavily subscribed. Nonetheless, even the benefit of low-interest loans makes the effort of applying worthwhile. Grants and low-cost loans for Washington State utilities are available from various Washington State departments. There are many grant and loan programs that the City might be eligible for, described in greater detail below. Department of Commerce A September 2014 document from the Washington State Department of Commerce summarizes various loan and grant programs available (“Summary of Some Grant and Loan Programs for Drinking Water and Wastewater Projects,” found at http://www.commerce.wa.gov/Documents/9-2- 14_multi-program_funding_program_summary.pdf). A few of those programs are described below. Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB). CERB, a division of the Washington State Department of Commerce, primarily offers low-cost loans; grants are made available only to the extent that a loan is not reasonably possible. The CERB targets public facility funding for economically disadvantaged communities, specifically for job creation and retention. Priority criteria include the unemployment rates, number of jobs created and/or retained, wage rates, projected private investment, and estimated state and local revenues generated by the project. According to its website, “CERB funds a variety of projects that create jobs including (but not limited to) domestic and industrial water, storm and sewer projects, telecommunications and port facilities.” Eligible applicants include cities, towns, port districts, special purpose districts, federally recognized Indian tribes, and municipal corporations. Funding details for the 2013–15 Program are as follows per the Washington Commerce website: “$9 million was appropriated to CERB for the 2013-2015 Biennium. By state law, CERB must award 75 percent of this funding to projects in rural counties. The Board has also allocated $2,182,500 to be available for construction and planning grants on a first-come, first-served basis.” (See Table 8-5) Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 8-5. Funding Programs Program Funding Limitations Committed Private Sector Partner Construction • $2 million per project load award limit • Up to $300,000 or 50% of total award, whichever is less, may be grant funds. • 20% cash match required (minimum, percent of total project cost) Prospective Development Construction Available to rural communities only. • $2 million per project load award limit • Up to $300,000 or 50% of total award, whichever is less, may be grant funds. • 20% cash match required (minimum, percent of total project cost) Planning/Economic Feasibility Studies • $50,000 grant per project award limit • 25% cash match required (minimum, percent of total project cost) Further details are available at: • http://www.commerce.wa.gov/commissions/CommunityEconomicRevitalizationBoard/ • http://www.commerce.wa.gov/Documents/2013-15_Policies.pdf • http://www.commerce.wa.gov/commissions/CommunityEconomicRevitalizationBoard/Pages/CE RB-Traditional-Programs.aspx Public Works Board (PWB) Financial Assistance. The PWB’s overarching goal is to provide community access to financial and technical resources that help sustain local infrastructure. Cities, towns, counties, and special-purpose districts are eligible to receive financial assistance for qualifying projects. When funding is available, the following tools are accessible: • Construction Loan Program (http://www.pwb.wa.gov/financial- assistance/Construction/Pages/default.aspx): − Funding cycle: Per the PWB website, the governor’s proposed 2015–17 budget offers $69.7 million for 19 projects. − Program description: Low-interest loans for local governments to finance public infrastructure construction and rehabilitation. Eligible projects must improve public health and safety, respond to environmental issues, promote economic development, or upgrade system performance. − Terms: For non-distressed communities, a term of 5 years or less has an interest rate of 1.28 percent and a term from 6 to 20 years has an interest rate of 2.55 percent. • Pre-Construction Loan Program (http://www.pwb.wa.gov/financial-assistance/Pre- Construction/Pages/default.aspx): − Funding cycle: No funding has been allocated to the pre-construction loan program for the 2013–15 biennium. − Program description: Local governments may apply for low-interest loans to finance pre- construction activities to prepare a project for construction. − Terms: Terms are limited to a 5-year repayment period (the loan term may be converted to 20 years once the project has secured construction funding) with a 1 percent interest rate. • Emergency Loan Program (http://www.pwb.wa.gov/financial-assistance/Emergency- Loan/Pages/default.aspx): − Funding cycle: No funding has been allocated to the Emergency Loan Program for the 2013–15 biennium. − Program description: The Emergency Loan Program provides funding to address public- works emergencies, thereby helping to provide immediate restoration of critical public-works services and facilities. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-9 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx − Terms: Funds are limited to $500,000 per jurisdiction per biennium, and come with a 20- year term (or the life of the project), and a 3 percent interest rate. No local match is required. Further general resources are available at: • http://www.pwb.wa.gov/financial-assistance/Pages/default.aspx • http://www.pwb.wa.gov/Documents/FINAL-MASTER-GUIDELINES.pdf • http://www.commerce.wa.gov/Documents/9-2-14_multi- program_funding_program_summary.pdf Department of Ecology: Integrated Water Quality Funding Program This year, Ecology received 227 applications requesting more than $352 million in financial assistance. Ecology is proposing grant and loan funding for 165 projects totaling approximately $229 million. • State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund and Centennial Clean Water Program − Design projects associated with publicly owned wastewater and stormwater facilities. The integrated program also funds planning and implementation of nonpoint source pollution control activities. Terms for State fiscal year 2016 include either 2.4 percent interest for a 6–20 year term or 1.2 percent for 5-year term loans. Forgivable loan principal terms are available for distressed communities. − Further general resources are available at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/funding/cycles/FY2016/index.html 8.2.3 Public Debt Financing This section describes potentially available public debt financing tools. General Obligation Bonds General obligation (GO) bonds are bonds secured by the full faith and credit of the issuing agency, committing all available tax and revenue resources to debt repayment. With this high level of commitment, GO bonds have relatively low interest rates and few financial restrictions. However, the authority to issue GO bonds is restricted in terms of the amount and use of the funds, as defined by Washington constitution and statute. Specifically, the amount of debt that can be issued is linked to assessed valuation. RCW 39.36.020 states: (ii) Counties, cities, and towns are limited to an indebtedness amount not exceeding one and one-half percent of the value of the taxable property in such counties, cities, or towns without the assent of three-fifths of the voters therein voting at an election held for that purpose. (b) In cases requiring such assent counties, cities, towns, and public hospital districts are limited to a total indebtedness of two and one-half percent of the value of the taxable property therein. While bonding capacity can limit availability of GO bonds for utility purposes, these can sometimes play a valuable role in project financing. A rate savings may be realized through two avenues: the lower interest rate and related bond costs, and the extension of repayment obligation to all tax- paying properties (not just developed properties) through the authorization of an ad valorem property tax levy. Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-10 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Revenue Bonds Revenue bonds are commonly used to fund utility capital improvements. The debt is secured by the revenues of the issuing utility and the debt obligation does not extend to the city’s other revenue sources. With this limited commitment, revenue bonds typically bear higher interest rates than GO bonds and also require security conditions related to the maintenance of dedicated reserves (a bond reserve) and financial performance (added bond debt service coverage). The City agrees to satisfy these requirements by ordinance as a condition of bond sale. Revenue bonds can be issued in Washington without a public vote. There is no bonding limit, except perhaps the practical limit of the utility’s ability to generate sufficient revenue to repay the debt and provide coverage. In some cases, poor credit might make issuing bonds problematic. 8.2.4 Capital Resource Funding Summary An ideal funding strategy would include the use of grants and low-cost loans when debt issuance is required. However, these resources are very limited and competitive in nature and do not provide a reliable source of funding for planning purposes. It is recommended that the City pursue these funding avenues but assume bond financing to meet needs above the Utility’s available cash resources. GO bonds may be useful for special circumstances, but because bonding capacity limits are most often reserved for other City (non-Utility) purposes, revenue bonds are a more secure financing mechanism for Utility needs. The Capital Financing Strategy developed to fund the updated CIP follows the funding priority below: 1. Available grant funds and/or developer contributions 2. Interest earnings on allocated fund balances 3. Other miscellaneous capital resources 4. Annual revenue collections from SDCs 5. Annual transfers of rate-funded capital or excess cash (above minimum balance targets) from operating accounts 6. Accumulated capital cash reserves 7. Revenue bond financing The 20-year CIP is expected to be funded from cash reserves and non-debt capital revenues. 8.3 Financial Plan The City of Auburn’s Sewer Utility is an enterprise fund that is responsible for funding all of its related costs. It is not dependent upon general tax revenues or general fund resources. The primary source of funding for the Utility is collections from sewer service charges. The City controls the LOS charges by ordinance and, subject to statutory authority, can adjust user charges as needed to meet financial objectives. The financial plan can provide a qualified assurance of financial feasibility only if it considers the “total system” costs of providing sewer service—both operating and capital. To meet these objectives, the following elements are completed: • Capital funding plan: The capital funding plan identifies the total CIP obligations for the planning period 2014–35, although the capital plan identified in this Plan begins with 2016. The capital funding plan defines a strategy for funding the CIP including an analysis of available resources from rate revenues, existing reserves, SDCs, debt financing, and any special resources that may be readily available (e.g., grants, developer contributions, etc.). The capital funding plan may impact the financial plan through use of debt financing (resulting in annual debt service) and the City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-11 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx assumed rate revenue resources available for capital funding. The capital funding plan is discussed in Section 8.3.3. • Financial forecast: This forecast identifies annual non-capital costs associated with the operation, maintenance, and administration of the sewer system. Included in the financial plan is a reserve analysis that forecasts cash flow and fund balance activity along with testing for satisfaction of actual or recommended minimum fund balance policies. The financial plan ultimately evaluates the sufficiency of Utility revenues in meeting all obligations, including operating expenses, debt service, and reserve contributions, as well as any debt service coverage requirements associated with long-term debt. The financial forecast analysis is discussed in Section 8.4. 8.3.1 Utility Fund Structure The City tracks the Utility’s revenues and expenditures in two funds: Fund 431 Sewer and Fund 433 Sewer Metro. The revenues and expenditures of both funds are included in the “combined” financial forecast. Conceptually, Utility expenditures can be divided into three main types of costs: operating, capital, and debt service. For modeling purposes, the “combined” sewer utility is split among three “accounts” as is bulleted below: operating, capital, and debt reserves. Municipal utilities commonly maintain separate operating, capital, and debt reserves. The initial allocation of the beginning fund balance is discussed in Section 8.4. • Operating: Serves as an operating account where operating revenues are deposited and operating expenses are paid. • Capital: Serves as a capital account where capital revenues are deposited and capital expenditures are paid. Examples of capital revenues include SDCs, grant proceeds, debt proceeds, and contributions from rates. • Debt reserves: Serves as a restricted account set up to comply with debt covenants. Splitting the funds into three separate “accounts” allows the City to apply the City’s and industry standard reserve targets to each account. Minimum balance thresholds for these accounts are discussed in the next section. 8.3.2 Financial Policies A brief summary of the City’s adopted and or recommended financial policies follows below. Adopted policies are based on the City’s “Process/Policies” section within the 2015–16 budget. Reserve Policies Utility reserves serve multiple functions; they can be used to address variability and timing of expenditures and receipts; occasional disruptions in activities, costs, or revenues; and meeting utility debt obligations. The collective use of individual reserves helps to limit the City’s exposure to revenue shortfalls, meet long-term capital obligations, and reduce the potential for bond coverage defaults. • Operating reserve: An operating reserve is designed to provide a liquidity cushion; it protects the utility from the risk of short-term variation in the timing of revenue collection or payment of expenses. Like other types of reserves, operating reserves also serve another purpose: they help to smooth rate increases over time. Target funding levels for an operating reserve are generally expressed as a certain number of days of M&O expenses, with the minimum requirement varying with the expected revenue volatility. Industry practice for utility operating reserves ranges from 30 days (8 percent) to 120 days (33 percent) of M&O expenses, with the lower end more appropriate for utilities with stable revenue streams and the higher end of the range more Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-12 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx appropriate for utilities with significant seasonal or consumption-based fluctuations (such as most water utilities). The City’s adopted policy states that the Sewer Utility’s target operating reserves should be approximately 60 days (page 36, “Process/Policies”). This is the target used in the financial forecast. Based on the City’s 2015 budgeted local expenditures (excluding depreciation and the King County Metro remittance), a 60-day target equates to $1.1 million in 2015. • Capital contingency reserve: A capital contingency reserve is an amount of cash set aside in case of an emergency should a piece of equipment or a portion of the Utility’s infrastructure fail unexpectedly. Additionally, the reserve could be used for other unanticipated capital needs including capital project cost overruns. There are various approaches to identifying an appropriate level for this reserve, such as (1) identifying a percentage of a utility system’s total fixed assets, and (2) determining the cost of replacing highly critical assets or facilities. Following common industry practice, this analysis assumes a minimum capital fund balance equal to 1 percent of the original cost of plant in service. • Bond reserve: Bond covenants often establish reserve requirements as a means of protecting an agency against the risk of nonpayment. This bond reserve can be funded with cash on hand, but is more often funded at the time of borrowing as part of the bond principal. A reserve amount equal to annual bonded debt service is targeted. System Reinvestment Policies The purpose of system reinvestment funding is to provide for the replacement of aging system facilities to ensure sustainability of the system for ongoing operation. Each year, the Utility’s assets lose value, and as they lose value they are moving toward eventual replacement. That accumulating loss in value and future liability is typically measured for reporting purposes through annual depreciation expense. This is based on the original cost of the asset divided by its anticipated useful life. While this expense reflects the consumption of the existing asset and its original investment, the replacement of that asset will likely cost much more, after factoring in inflation and construction conditions. Therefore, the added annual replacement liability is often even greater than the annual depreciation expense. It is prudent to establish a system reinvestment policy that attempts to recover at least a portion of the annual depreciation expense. The City’s adopted policy is to phase in system reinvestment funding over 10 years in 10 percent increments beginning in 2012. To keep rates at their currently adopted levels through 2017, the system reinvestment strategy for the financial plan begins in 2015 at 10 percent and increases by 10 percent per year until 100 percent of the target is funded. Debt Policies Bond covenants often establish a minimum debt coverage ratio as a means of protecting an agency against the risk of nonpayment. The industry’s standard minimum coverage ratio is 1.25 times annual revenue bond debt service. The City’s policy matches this industry standard. The City also identifies another debt level related policy, which is to maintain a capital ratio of 50 percent debt to 50 percent equity. The industry standard is a maximum of 60 percent debt to 40 percent equity. The City’s capital ratio from the 2013 financial statement was well below that threshold at approximately 12 percent debt to 88 percent equity. The forecast estimates that the debt level will not exceed 12 percent debt in the 20-year planning period. 8.3.3 Capital Funding Plan The CIP developed for this Plan contains 10 different projects valued at $33 million ($49 million inflated) over the 2016–35 planning period. Capital expenditures for 2014 and 2015 are based on City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-13 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx estimated and budgeted amounts, respectively. Costs are stated in 2014 dollars and are escalated to the year of planned spending at an annual inflation rate of 3.5 percent per year. Table 8-6 summarizes the expected annual capital expenditures. Table 8-6. City of Auburn Sewer CIP Year 2014 $ Inflated $ 2014 $ 2,405,393 $ 2,405,393 2015 $ 2,300,934 $ 2,381,467 2016 $ 2,490,000 $ 2,667,350 2017 $ 1,780,200 $ 1,973,740 2018 $ 2,415,200 $ 2,771,498 2019 $ 883,200 $ 1,048,965 2020 $ 3,165,200 $ 3,890,839 2021 $ 856,200 $ 1,089,326 8 Year Total $ 16,296,327 $ 18,228,576 2022-2035 $ 21,181,000 $ 35,231,899 Grand Total $ 37,477,327 $ 53,460,475 A capital funding plan is developed to determine the total resources available to meet the CIP needs and determine if new debt financing will be required. After allocating the estimated beginning 2015 fund balance first to the debt reserve and secondly to the operating reserve, nearly $9 million was available for capital. The SDC is projected to generate an average annual revenue stream of just over $630,000 through 2021. This is based on an assumed customer growth rate of 2 percent per year. The customer growth percentage is drawn from a review of the previous 8 years of actual customer growth (2008– 15). The SDC revenue projection assumes the current SDC of $850 plus an annual Construction Cost Index adjustment starting in 2015. The City Council is currently reviewing an update of the SDCs. A summary of the capital funding plan is summarized in Table 8-7. The analysis shows that the CIP can be fully funded using cash reserves and non-debt capital revenue; no new debt is required. Table 8-7. City of Auburn Capital Financing Plan Year Capital Expenditures Capital Expenditures Inflated Revenue Bond Financing Cash Funding Total Financial Resources 2014 $ 2,405,393 $ 2,405,393 $ - $ 2,405,393 $ 2,405,393 2015 2,300,934 2,381,467 - 2,381,467 2,381,467 2016 2,490,000 2,667,350 - 2,667,350 2,667,350 2017 1,780,200 1,973,740 - 1,973,740 1,973,740 2018 2,415,200 2,771,498 - 2,771,498 2,771,498 2019 883,200 1,048,965 - 1,048,965 1,048,965 2020 3,165,200 3,890,839 - 3,890,839 3,890,839 2021 856,200 1,089,326 - 1,089,326 1,089,326 8-Year Total $ 16,296,327 $ 18,228,576 $ - $ 18,228,576 $ 18,228,576 2022-2035 $ 21,181,000 $ 35,231,899 $ - $ 35,231,899 $ 35,231,899 Grand Total $ 37,477,327 $ 53,460,475 $ - $ 53,460,475 $ 53,460,475 Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-14 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 8.4 Financial Forecast The financial forecast, or revenue requirement analysis, forecasts the amount of annual revenue that needs to be generated by rates throughout the 2015–21 planning period. The analysis incorporates operating revenues, M&O expenses, debt service payments, rate-funded capital needs, and any other identified revenues or expenses related to utility operations, and determines the sufficiency of the current level of rates. Revenue needs are also impacted by debt covenants (typically applicable to revenue bonds) and specific fiscal policies and financial goals of the Utility. For this analysis, two revenue sufficiency “tests” have been developed to reflect the financial goals and constraints of the Utility: (1) cash needs must be met, and (2) debt coverage requirements must be realized. In order to operate successfully with respect to these goals, both tests of revenue sufficiency described below must be met. 8.4.1 Cash Flow Test The cash flow test identifies all known cash requirements for the Utility in each year of the planning period. Capital needs are identified and a capital funding strategy is established. This may include the use of debt, cash reserves, outside assistance, and rate funding. Cash requirements to be funded from rates are determined. Typically, these include M&O expenses, debt service payments, system reinvestment funding or directly funded capital outlays, and any additions to specified reserve balances. The total annual cash needs of the Utility are then compared to total operating revenues (under current rates) to forecast annual revenue surpluses or shortfalls. 8.4.2 Coverage Test The coverage test is based on a commitment made by the City when issuing revenue bonds. As a security condition of issuance, the City is required per covenant to agree that the revenue bond debt would have a higher priority for payment (a senior lien) compared to most other Utility expenditures; the only outlays with a higher lien are M&O expenses. Debt service coverage is expressed as a multiplier of the annual revenue bond debt service payment. For example, a 1.0 coverage factor would imply that no additional cushion is required. A 1.25 coverage factor means revenues must be sufficient to pay M&O expenses, annual revenue bond debt service payments, plus an additional 25 percent of annual revenue bond debt service payments. The excess cash flow derived from the added coverage, if any, can be used for any Utility purpose, including funding capital projects. The existing coverage requirement policy on the City’s outstanding revenue bonds is 1.25 times bond debt. In determining the annual revenue requirement, both the cash and coverage sufficiency tests must be met—the test with the greatest deficiency drives the level of needed rate increase in any given year. The financial forecast projects the amount of operating and capital expenditures to determine the annual amount of revenue required. The objective of the financial forecast is to evaluate the sufficiency of the current level of rates in meeting the total revenue requirements of the system. In addition to annual operating costs, the revenue of the Utility must also meet debt covenant requirements and minimum reserve level targets. 8.4.3 Financial Forecast The financial forecast is developed from the City’s adopted 2015–16 biennial budget documents along with other key factors and assumptions to develop a portrayal of the Utility’s annual financial obligations. The forecast covers the 2015–21 planning period. The following is a list of the key revenue and expense factors and assumptions used to develop the forecast. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-15 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Revenue and Fund Balance Assumptions The following revenue and fund balance assumptions are used to develop the forecast: • Customer growth and demand: Based on a review of historical data from 2008 to 2015, annual customer account growth has averaged approximately 2 percent. To be consistent with the Water financial forecast, annual water use per account is projected to decline by 1 percent per year until 2027. Because the residential rate structure is flat, the decline in usage in that class would not affect rate revenues. Therefore, the 1 percent decline applies only to the variable portion of sewer rate revenues. The net effect of 2 percent customer account growth and 1 percent decline in non-residential usage per account results in a composite rate revenue increase of 1.5 percent per year. • Adopted rate increases: The City has adopted annual rate increases through 2017 of roughly 2.5 percent, which are incorporated into the revenue figures within the forecast. The analysis shows that through 2017, no additional rate increases are needed above the adopted levels. • Miscellaneous revenues are conservatively assumed to stay at their currently budgeted levels. Miscellaneous revenues include late penalties, sewer applications, etc. The Build America Bonds (BAB) subsidy for the 2010 Revenue Bond is expected to gradually decline in proportion to the annual decline in interest expense. • Fund balances are based on the estimated beginning balance in 2015 for Fund 431. This balance was allocated to the “accounts” using the following methodology: 1. Debt reserve: amount equal to highest annual bonded debt service on existing debt 2. Operating reserve: amount equal to the operating reserve target of 60 days 3. Capital reserve: remaining funds The estimated beginning fund balance in 2015 was approximately $10.8 million, which is enough to fully fund the debt reserve, and provide 60 days in the operating reserve, leaving nearly $9 million to fund the capital reserve. The fund balance for Fund 433 (Sewer Metro reserve) remains in that fund and is not used in this financial forecast. Expenditures and Other Miscellaneous Assumptions The following expenditures and other miscellaneous assumptions are used to develop the forecast: • Interest earnings initially assume a rate of 0.09 percent applied to beginning-of-year cash balances based on existing Local Government Investment Pool rates, phasing toward 0.25 percent over the long term. • General operating expenses are escalated from the budgeted figures at 2.5 percent per year, labor costs increase at 2.5 percent per year, and benefits at 5.5 percent per year. • State taxes are calculated based on prevailing tax rates. • Existing debt service schedules were provided by the City and include one existing revenue bond issue as well as two Public Works Trust Fund loans. These obligations represent nearly $728,000 in annual debt service as of 2015. • The King County Metro charges were modeled as a “pass through”—revenues equal to expenditures. Metro Service revenues were calculated using each year’s estimated number of residential customer equivalents (RCEs) and the corresponding year’s monthly service charge. Projected monthly charges were based on the County’s estimated rate schedule through 2020, with inflationary adjustments assumed beyond 2020. Industrial surcharges were increased at the same rate as the monthly service charge. • This Plan identifies additional staffing needs above the 2015 and 2016 budgeted levels, which total over $232,000 per year beginning in 2017: Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-16 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx − Asset management specialist (0.5 FTE): salary and benefits of $46,000 per year (note: the other 0.5 FTE is to be included within the City’s Storm Drainage Utility) − Maintenance worker II (1 FTE): salary and benefits of $93,000 per year − Maintenance worker II (1 FTE): salary and benefits of $93,000 per year • The rate strategy focuses on the 2015–21 planning period. It is imperative that the City review the proposed rates and rate assumptions annually to ensure that the rate projections developed remain adequate. Any significant changes should be incorporated into the financial plan and future rates should be adjusted as needed. Table 8-8 summarizes the annual revenue requirement through 2021 based on the forecast of revenues, expenditures, fund balances, fiscal policies, and capital funding. In 2012, the City Council adopted annual rate increases of 2.5 percent in each of 2015, 2016, and 2017. The financial analysis shows that the adopted rates generate sufficient revenue to meet operating expenses and the Utility policy goals as discussed herein for the 2015–17 period. Based on the assumptions in the forecast, no incremental rate increases (above adopted amounts) are needed through 2017. Rate increases averaging about 3.3 percent per year are needed in 2018 and beyond to cover projected M&O expenses, debt service payments, system reinvestment funding, and other stated financial policy objectives. Table 8-8. City of Auburn Financial Forecast Revenue Requirements 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Assuming Existing Rates: Revenue Local Rate Revenues $7,428,178 $7,729,650 $8,042,305 $8,366,484 $8,491,446 $8,618,273 $8,746,995 $8,877,640 Non-Rate Revenues + KC Metro Sewer 15,957,246 16,446,729 16,759,701 18,162,930 18,840,675 19,570,948 20,318,501 21,214,937 Total Revenue $23,385,424 $24,176,380 $24,802,006 $26,529,415 $27,332,121 $28,189,221 $29,065,496 $30,092,577 Expenses Cash Operating Expenses $22,580,466 $23,073,590 $23,212,150 $25,130,173 $26,032,966 $26,998,699 $27,989,485 $29,146,421 Operating Expense per RCE* 739 735 786 805 826 846 868 Existing Debt Service 730,191 728,283 727,038 817,610 815,874 814,887 813,347 811,255 Debt Service per RCE* 23.3 23.0 25.6 25.2 24.9 24.6 24.3 New Debt Service - - - - - - - - Rate-Funded System Reinvestment - 157,565 323,428 471,687 640,778 822,550 992,282 1,203,542 Additions to Operating Reserve - - - - 36,606 38,226 35,922 45,855 Total Expenses $23,310,657 $23,959,438 $24,262,616 $26,419,470 $27,526,224 $28,674,362 $29,831,036 $31,207,072 Cash Surplus / (Deficiency) - Before Rate Increases $74,767 $216,942 $539,389 $109,945 $(194,104) $(485,140) $(765,540) $(1,114,495) Annual Rate Adjustment 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.54% 3.62% 3.26% 3.85% Cumulative Annual Rate Adjustment 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.54% 6.25% 9.71% 13.94% After Rate Increases: Local Rate Revenues $7,428,178 $7,729,650 $8,042,305 $8,366,484 $8,706,904 $9,156,786 $9,596,757 $10,114,747 Cash Surplus / (Deficiency) - After Rate Increases 74,800 216,900 539,400 109,900 36,600 38,200 35,900 45,900 Debt Service Coverage - Revenue Bonds 5.82 6.72 7.98 6.42 6.72 7.18 7.63 8.20 Debt Service Coverage - All Debt 3.38 3.91 4.66 4.05 4.25 4.55 4.84 5.21 * Existing 31,230 RCE within the service area, as of June 2015. Assumed RCE growth is consistent with service area population growth assumed for Hydraulic Capacity Analysis (Chapter 5 and Appendix B). City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-17 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx The last two rows of Table 8-8 show the projected debt service coverage for both bonded debt and total debt. Bonded debt service coverage—which legally cannot drop below 1.25—is projected to stay at or above 5.8 throughout the life of the forecast. Debt service coverage for total debt (including state loans) is recommended to be at least 1.0, and throughout the life of this forecast, it is projected to stay at or above 3.4. Table 8-8 includes projections of operating and debt service costs per RCE (see Section 2.3). Per RCE operating costs are anticipated to increase within the planning period. The increase will occur primarily due to the need for additional staff, which are needed for existing and anticipated new system M&O tasks to maintain level of service as identified in previous chapters. Operating costs are also anticipated to grow (Section at a greater rate than assumed RCE growth. Per RCE debt service is not projected to vary significantly within the planning period. No new debt service costs are anticipated. 8.4.4 City Funds and Reserves Balances Table 8-9 shows a summary of the projected ending City operating, capital, and debt reserve balances through 2021. The operating reserve ends at 60 days of operating expenditures; the capital reserve ends at $3.3 million, which is above the minimum target of $1.1 million; and the debt reserve ends at $0.5 million, which is enough to cover 1 year of annual bonded debt service. Table 8-9. City of Auburn Cash Balance Summary Ending Reserves 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Operating $1,139,255 $1,132,900 $1,101,349 $1,188,469 $1,225,076 $1,263,302 $1,299,223 $1,345,078 Capital 9,487,763 7,686,286 6,496,031 5,627,941 4,139,325 4,586,275 2,399,129 3,258,276 Debt 516,173 516,173 516,173 516,173 516,173 516,173 516,173 516,173 Total $11,143,190 $9,335,358 $8,113,553 $7,332,583 $5,880,574 $6,365,749 $4,214,525 $5,119,527 8.5 Existing Rate Structure and Projected Schedule The City’s existing sewer rate structure for inside City customers is composed of two rate classes. The residential rate schedule consists of a monthly base charge. The non-residential rate schedule consists of both a monthly base charge and a volume charge based upon the amount of water used as measured in 100-cubic-foot (ccf) increments above the initial allowance. Residential sewer utility customers residing outside of the City’s political boundaries are assessed charges based upon the inside City rate plus a 50 percent premium (ACC 13.06.360). Low-income single-family residential customers are provided a 50 percent discount to the rates presented. To qualify for a low-income discount, a customer must be 62 years old or older and meet low-income guidelines as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (ACC 13.24). A recent detailed review of the City’s rate structure has been completed in the 2014 Retail Rate Study. The review recommended increasing the volume charge while maintaining the current base charge through 2017. This phases the existing rate structure toward a more standard definition of 7.5 ccf of implicit usage included in the monthly base charge. Table 8-10 presents the City’s existing sewer rate schedule for each customer class under the adopted rates through 2017 (no rate increases above adopted levels are necessary through 2017). The table then incorporates necessary rate increases starting in 2018 and continuing through 2021. Chapter 8 Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update 8-18 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Table 8-10. City of Auburn Projected Local Rate Schedule Monthly Rate Schedule Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Projected Projected Projected Projected 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Annual: 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 3.6% 3.3% 3.8% Cumulative: 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 6.2% 9.7% 13.9% Residential Base $23.12 $23.69 $24.29 $24.89 $25.52 $26.45 $27.31 $28.36 Non-Residential Base (first 750 cf) $23.12 $23.69 $24.29 $24.89 $25.52 $26.45 $27.31 $28.36 Volume (additional 100 cf) $2.34 $2.39 $2.45 $2.52 $2.58 $2.68 $2.76 $2.87 Low Income Discount: 50% Outside City Multiplier: 1.50 King County Metro Rates Not Included in Rate Forecast Rate Increases shown in 2015, 2016, and 2017 reflect already-adopted annual increases of 2.5% 8.6 Affordability The Washington State Department of Health and Public Works Board has historically used an affordability index to prioritize low-cost loan awards. The typical threshold looks at whether a system’s rates exceed 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the median household income for the demographic area. As a result, if monthly bills are less than 1.5 percent of the median household income for the demographic area, they are generally considered affordable. According to City staff, the median household income for the city of Auburn in 2012 was $49,996. This figure was inflated to $51,810 at 2014 levels assuming annual Consumer Price Index adjustments. Table 8-11 presents the City’s estimated single-family sewer rate with the projected rate increases for the forecast period. The affordability mark (monthly bill*12 ÷ median income) averages 0.5 percent throughout the study period. As shown in Table 8-11, the City’s local sewer rates remain well within the affordability range throughout the planning period. If the County’s monthly charge is included in this calculation, the affordability mark averages 1.5 percent. Table 8-11. City of Auburn Affordability Test Year Inflation Median HH Income Projected Monthly Bill (Local Only) % of Median HH Income 2014 2.50% $51,810 $23.12 0.54% 2015 2.50% $53,106 $23.69 0.54% 2016 2.50% $54,433 $24.29 0.54% 2017 2.50% $55,794 $24.89 0.54% 2018 2.50% $57,189 $25.52 0.54% 2019 2.50% $58,619 $26.45 0.54% 2020 2.50% $60,084 $27.31 0.55% 2021 2.50% $61,586 $28.36 0.55% Note: Monthly bill assumes residential local rate only. City of Auburn Sewer Comprehensive Plan Chapter 8 8-19 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 8.7 Conclusion The financial analysis indicates that the adopted rates in 2015, 2016, and 2017 are sufficient to meet the Utility financial obligations as presented herein. No additional rate increases are proposed for 2015–17. Based on the forecast, required rate increases for 2018–21 average about 3.3 percent per year for a cumulative rate increase of 13.9 percent. The financial forecast shows that no new debt is expected to be required to fund the identified capital program within this Plan. This evaluation also finds that the local sewer rates with projected rate increases would remain within the defined threshold of affordability. 9-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 9 Implementation Plan Building upon the M&O activities outlined in Chapter 6 and the projects described in Chapter 7 , this chapter presents a work plan for future Utility activities. Critical elements of the plan (e.g., CIP implementation and criticality-based maintenance plans) are presented and a planning-level schedule is provided to guide the Utility’s activities in the coming years. For discussion, plan implementation is divided into two sections: • presentation of the CIP for both 6- and 20-year time frames • description of the steps forward in order to implement the activities described in this chapter. Funding for these activities is described in a separate rate analysis study prepared in conjunction with the overall Sewer Plan. The timeline at the conclusion of this chapter shows the proposed implementation schedule. 9.1 6-Year and 20-Year CIP The 6-year CIP contains projects identified by the City as requiring immediate action. The 6-year CIP also contains general improvement projects allowing for annual R&R of facilities in the next 6 years. Details regarding these projects are provided in Chapter 7. The 6-year CIP is shown in Table 9-1. Table 9-1. Annual Project Cost Summary for 6-Year CIP (in millions of dollars) Project number Project name Priority 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 6-year project cost 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement/System Improvements 1 $1.873 $0.300 $1.500 $0.300 $1.500 $0.300 $5.773 2 Street Utility Improvements 1 $0.200 $0.200 $0.200 $0.200 $0.200 $0.200 $1.200 3 Vactor Decant Study 1 $0.150 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.150 4 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement 1 $0.000 $0.141 $0.500 $0.168 $0.900 $0.141 $1.850 5 Siphon Assessment 1 $0.000 $0.524 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.524 6 Pump Station Condition Assessment 1 $0.187 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.187 7 Manhole Ring and Cover Replacement 2 $0.080 $0.080 $0.080 $0.080 $0.080 $0.080 $0.480 8 Cleaning and Inspection of Large-Diameter Pipe 2 $0.000 $0.400 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.400 9 Inflow and Infiltration Study 3 $0.000 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.676 10 Plan Update 1 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.350 $0.000 $0.350 Total 6-year CIP cost for priority 1 projects $2.410 $1.165 $2.200 $0.668 $2.950 $0.641 $10.034 Total 6-year CIP cost for priority 2 projects $0.080 $0.480 $0.080 $0.080 $0.080 $0.080 $0.880 Total 6-year CIP cost for priority 3 projects $0.000 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.676 Total 6-year CIP cost $2.490 $1.780 $2.415 $0.883 $3.1615 $0.856 $11.590 Chapter 9 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 9-2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx The CIP after the 6-year time period includes ongoing programmatic efforts to develop projects for facility repair or replacement, including projects based on the City’s asset management tools. The projects proposed for expenditures in the years 2022 to 2035, and an estimate of total CIP costs for the 20-year period from 2014 through 2035, are shown in Table 9-2. Table 9-2. Cost Summary for 20-Year CIP (in millions of dollars) Project number Project name Priority Project costs for 2022–35 (2014 dollars) 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement/System Improvements 1 $12.600 2 Street Utility Improvements 1 $2.800 3 Vactor Decant Study 1 $0.000 4 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement 1 $2.850 5 Siphon Assessment 1 $0.524 6 Pump Station Condition Assessment 1 $0.187 7 MH Ring and Cover Replacement 2 $1.120 8 Cleaning and Inspection of Large-Diameter Pipe 2 $0.400 9 Inflow and Infiltration Study 3 $0.000 10 Plan Update 1 $0.700 Total 2022–35 CIP cost for priority 1 projects $19.661 Total 2022–35 CIP cost for priority 2 projects $1.520 Total 2022–35 CIP cost for priority 3 projects $0.000 Total 2022–35 CIP cost $21.181 Total 20-year CIP cost $32.771 9.2 Monitoring The King County flow monitoring and hydraulic modeling completed as part of this Sewer Plan identified areas with high levels of I/I. As discussed in Section 5.2, the levels of I/I are not currently problematic. However, it is recommended the City initiate the first steps of an I/I control program (CIP project 9, Section 6.2) to proactively address potential concerns. The first step in the program is to select flow metering locations. The budget of CIP project 9 assumed four flow monitors and two rain gauges for six months per year. The suggested initial flow monitoring locations (manhole IDs) for year 1 of CIP project 9 are: • 410-77 • 611-34 • 611-08 • 610-30 The hydraulic characteristics of exact locations should be examined prior to placement of flow meters to maximize flow metering accuracy. The City should also use the recently upgraded SCADA system to compile pump station pump run times and corresponding wet well levels. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Chapter 9 9-3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 9.3 Asset Management and Maintenance and Operation Asset management is a defined process for managing facilities and activities that will optimize the life-cycle cost of Utility assets as well as to ensure that the Utility meets defined service levels. The economic life model developed for the 2009 Comprehensive Sewer Plan and the recently developed specification to migrate this model to Cartegraph is an example of a criticality-based approach to deciding the optimal timing for repair or replacement of existing utility facilities. This method can also be used for managing risks to the performance of sewers and force mains through maintenance strategies. It is recommended that the City continue the business practice of asset management. To help accomplish this, the City should fully populate its GIS information and implement the economic life model within Cartegraph. 9.3.1 Collect Asset Data The sanitary sewer system is a complex network of pipes and pump stations that collect and convey wastewater produced within the city to the King County collection system. Not all system attributes are currently included in the City’s CMMS database or GIS. Static attributes like material, size, and installation dates can be updated anytime and the condition of each asset should be updated following inspection. Figure 9-1 shows a map of the City’s sewer system (pipes) that have some of the static attribute information missing and that need to be updated. Please note that an indication that asset information is missing indicates that at least one particular attribute is not currently in the CMMS database. Generally, that information exists elsewhere in City archives (as-built drawings, etc.), but will be far more useful for managing the Utility’s assets when it has been compiled in the CMMS. Chapter 9 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 9-4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx GreenRiver LakeTapps BigSoos C re e k MillCreek 167 18 AUB U R N W A Y S B S T N W 37TH ST NE WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y N W 15TH ST NW W MAIN ST K E R S E Y W A Y S E 53RD ST SE A U B U R N W A Y S SE 304TH ST SE 312TH ST 11 2 T H A V E S E C S T S W A S T S E ELLINGSON RD SW WhiteRiver 15TH ST SW PE R I M E T E R R D S W CL A Y S T N W Lea HillSewer Basin South Hill Sewer Basin Valley SewerBasin King County Pierce County Auburn Way SouthSewer Basin West HillSewerBasin Pacific Dogwood Verdana Safeway Area 19 R Street F Street Auburn 40 Riverside8th Street North Tapps 22nd Street Auburn Jail Terrace View Rainier RidgePeasley Ridge Lakeland Hills Valley Meadows Ellingson Road Issac Evans Park Auburn Golf Course Auburn Justice Center Auburn Valley Humane Society COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN October 2015 FIGURE 9-1SANITARY SEWERSWITH MISSING ATTRIBUTEINFORMATION 3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Feet N P:\Auburn\145308 Auburn Sewer Comp Plan Update\_GIS\Projects\Plan Figures\fig_4-2_ExistingWastewaterConveyanceSystem11x17.mxd L E G E N D Auburn Sewers with All Populated Information Auburn Sewers with Missing Information King County Sewers Auburn Pump Station King County Pump Station Private Pump Station City of Auburn Sewer Service Area Major Roads Street County line Streams/Rivers/Ponds AUBURNSSAMASK City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Chapter 9 9-7 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 9.3.2 Criticality Criticality is determined based on the consequences of failure and the likelihood of the failure occurring. Factors that impact criticality include the age of the asset, repair history of the asset, and consequences, in terms of dollars, should a failure occur. Consequences of a system failure include such considerations as whether a failure impacts a hospital or school as compared to a residence or unoccupied property. Each asset is evaluated based on these likelihood and consequence factors and a numerical weighting assigned. The combination of these factors results in the assignment of a criticality value. Figure 9-2 depicts an example of assessing asset criticality values to a large collection system. The data on the figure are not specific to the City’s sanitary sewer system. Figure 9-2. Example of identifying asset criticality The points shown above are sample data and do not represent a specific evaluation of Auburn's sanitary sewer system. 9.3.3 Defining Maintenance Strategies As Figure 9-3 illustrates, an asset’s criticality can be used to determine the best maintenance strategy for that asset. There are four general maintenance strategies based on the risk carried by the asset and the specific maintenance strategy used should be assigned on an individual asset basis to ensure that the appropriate actions are being taken. Chapter 9 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 9-8 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Figure 9-3. Maintenance strategies based on risk High-risk assets are identified as having both a high likelihood of failure and a high consequence of failure. These assets should be modified in order to mitigate this risk. Risk can be mitigated by adding redundancy to reduce the consequence of failure or by selecting a more robust type of asset that can perform the same function with a lower likelihood of failure. An example of this would be adding a redundant pump to a pump station to reduce the consequence of any one pump failing, or using a different type of pump to reduce the occurrence of clogs. Moderate-risk assets have been separated into two regions: high-likelihood/low-consequence assets and high-consequence/low-likelihood assets. The assets with a high likelihood of failure but a low consequence of failure should receive time-based maintenance care. This maintenance strategy includes preventive maintenance (PM) including inspection, calibration, oil changes, and tasks recommended by the manufacturer or other best practices. Corrective maintenance should also be conducted to address defects as they are revealed and the spare parts strategy should be prepared for the high incidence of failures. The frequency of these maintenance activities is driven by the economics of maintaining the asset; the cost of maintaining the asset should be in proportion with the cost of replacing the asset in order to optimize the life-cycle cost of asset. An example of a high-likelihood/low-consequence asset would be a ventilation fan in a pump station. The consequence of the fan failing may be relatively low and, as a result, expensive maintenance activities should not be performed on an inexpensive fan. Instead, performing routine PM to extend the life of the fan should be done at a frequency that is cost-effective and the fan should be replaced upon failure. Spare fans may be kept on hand or an on-call contract with a vendor may be used, if appropriate. The second region of moderate-risk assets are assets that have a high consequence of failure but are not very likely to fail. These assets should receive condition-based maintenance care. This maintenance strategy includes the same PM identified above but also includes predictive maintenance (PdM), which includes technologies and practices designed to evaluate assets in operation and, based on known failure modes, predict failures before they occur. PdM technologies include vibration monitoring, infrared detection, oil analysis, and other condition evaluative tools. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Chapter 9 9-9 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Once these measures identify deteriorating condition, corrective maintenance activities should be taken to prevent a failure and the spare parts strategy should reflect that the high consequence of failure requires that these assets be non-functional for as short a period of time as possible. The frequency of these maintenance activities should be based on the condition of the asset; as the condition declines, more frequent maintenance efforts may be required. An example of a high-consequence/low-likelihood asset would be a new sewer line serving the City’s downtown area. The sewer may be relatively unlikely to fail, but the costs of a failure are such that preventing a failure is worth the cost of PdM activities. Standard PM such as jet cleaning may still be appropriate, but PdM activities such as monitoring the line via CCTV are appropriate to identify failures before they occur. Once a failure has been identified, the spare parts strategy should be such that the time for repair or replacement minimizes the loss of service to the City’s customers. This may mean keeping spare supplies on hand or having an on-call contract with a contractor for quick repairs. The assets with the lowest risk should receive only minimal, routine PM and most maintenance activities should be reactive. It may be expected to run these assets to failure as the consequences of failure are low. Because of the low consequence and likelihood of failure, replacements for these assets should be ordered rather than kept as spare parts in order to minimize costs. A sump pump in a pump station may have a low likelihood of failing and a low consequence in case of failure. Occasional routine maintenance may be conducted on sump pumps but in general, they are allowed to run to failure. Once they have failed, it may be more cost-effective to purchase a new sump pump “off the shelf” rather than rebuild the existing pump or carry spares. Table 9-3 summarizes the criticality-based maintenance strategies. Table 9-3. Criticality-Based Maintenance Strategy Summary Asset criticality Maintenance strategy Frequency basis Spare parts strategy Risk optimization High Engineer-out: mitigate risk by minimizing the likelihood and/or consequence of a failure None None Unacceptable risk Moderate (high-likelihood) Time-based: routine PM sustains the asset’s condition and extends its life Economic Prepare for high rate of failure Minimize risk Moderate (high- consequence) Condition-based: routine PM is supplemented with PdM to identify failures before they occur Asset condition Minimize downtime No unexpected failures Low Reactive: only minimal routine maintenance is done to sustain the asset’s condition Economic or as needed No spares Run to failure 9.3.4 Condition Assessments For the City’s roughly 5,500 pipe segments, PdM activities will require condition assessments of pipes through CCTV inspections. As with the maintenance strategies, the priority and frequency of CCTV inspections should be related to the relative criticality of the pipe being assessed. High- criticality pipes (those that are in the top 20 percent of the criticality scoring) should get the first priority in receiving inspections and subsequent inspections should be more frequent for these pipes than for less critical pipes. Moderate-criticality pipes (pipes that are in the next 30 percent of criticality scoring) should also receive inspections when available but should be on a less frequent recurring schedule than highly critical pipes. Low-criticality pipes should receive inspections only if the resources are available without hindering the inspection of high- and moderate-criticality pipes. Chapter 9 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 9-10 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx After condition assessments have been completed, the results should be reentered into the criticality model to either update or confirm the criticality rating. Entering condition assessment data could result in some pipes considered highly critical to be downgraded to moderately critical or could result in some pipes thought to be only moderately critical to become more critical. For example, currently there are two pipes crossing the Green River that should be included in the City’s next round of CCTV inspections. If the results of the inspection show that the pipes are in excellent condition, the pipes may be considered less critical and may not need to be reevaluated for a number of years. However, if the inspection shows that the pipes are in poor condition, more frequent inspection may be needed or including a replacement/lining of the pipes in the next CIP may be appropriate. 9.3.5 Continual Improvement Once asset criticality and the optimal maintenance strategy have been identified, continual reevaluation is important to ensure that the most appropriate strategy has been identified. This process includes reevaluating the likelihood and consequence factors to ensure that they accurately measure the risk an asset carries, recalculating each asset’s criticality to identify any changes since the last evaluation, and reviewing each asset’s maintenance and spare parts strategy to make certain that the appropriate level and frequency of activities are being performed. This continual improvement guarantees that the minimal life-cycle cost is being achieved for each of the City’s assets while still meeting the City’s desired LOS. 9.4 Discharge Quality Control The characteristics of sewage discharged to the collection system can have negative impacts on wastewater treatment and conveyance capability. Such discharges—which include rags, diapers, harmful chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and FOG—should be minimized to the maximum extent possible. 9.4.1 Control of Fats, Oils, and Greases Engineering currently employs a 0.25 FTE water resources technician to implement and oversee the City FOG Reduction Program. This program seeks to enforce the City’s code prohibiting the discharge of FOG by restaurants and other FSEs by requiring the submittal of a FOG control plan as a requirement to obtain a business license. The control plans must outline best management practices that will be taken by the business, such as dry-wiping plates, installing and/or regularly cleaning a grease trap or interceptor, and disposing of grease by recycling it or disposing of it with solid waste. It is recommended (see Section 7.6) that the City continues the current FOG Reduction Program if not expand it to include proactive inspections and public outreach activities. 9.4.2 Industrial Waste As applications for discharge permits are reviewed by City staff, activities, mainly industrial, that are likely to introduce chemicals or other materials to the sanitary sewer system, are identified. Applicants are directed to coordinate with the King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s Industrial Waste Program for the required level of discharge authorization for that activity. 9.4.3 Public Education The City should continue to educate the general public about what is appropriate to put in the sewer system. Continued use of bill stuffers, posters, general announcements, and other actions to inform the public about the harmful effects that some discharges have to the system is recommended. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan Chapter 9 9-11 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx 9.5 Hazard Planning Auburn is situated in a geographic area where natural hazards exist. Specifically, the city’s proximity to the Green and White rivers presents the potential for flooding and nearby Mt. Rainier looms as a volcanic and lahar hazard. In addition, the numerous faults present in the Puget Sound lowlands increase the likelihood of an earthquake. The Utility should understand the vulnerability of facilities to such natural hazards to be prepared for responding if such an event should occur. The City has prepared a Public Works Emergency Response Manual (see Section 7.4.2) to serve as a guide on how to handle emergency situations. An evaluation of sewer facilities for hazard planning purposes should be completed. The evaluation should identify the potential hazards for Auburn and assess the vulnerability of sewer facilities to the hazards. As a result of the evaluation, a plan outlining the hazards, facilities vulnerable to hazards, and activities for mitigating the risk associated with the hazards should be developed. 9.6 Maintenance Issues Maintenance crews have expressed several areas of concern that did not rise to the level of a CIP project based on currently available information. However, they merit additional investigations or research to improve LOS. 9.6.1 105th Place SE and Lea Hill Road SE The sewer running west down Lea Hill Road SE is very steep and then encounters the 8th Street siphon at the bottom of the hill. There have been odor issues/complaints at this site and it is possible that entrapped air is reducing the capacity of the pipe. 9.6.2 Sewers Crossing Freeway Three City-owned sewers cross underneath State Route 167 with both sides of the sewers located within wetlands. There is very limited access to these sewers and they have never been inspected. 9.6.3 Sewers within Easements Sewers that are located within easements, especially ones located in backyards of houses, are difficult to access. Either the sewers are physically constrained by fences or overgrown vegetation limits required access to the sewers for proper maintenance. 9.7 SEPA Compliance The Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental checklist was completed by the City as part of this Plan update. A letter documenting the “Determination of Non-Significance” is located in Appendix D. 9.8 Schedule Figure 9-4 outlines the general schedule for CIP and monitoring over the next 6 years. Projects marked as potential activities are tasks that may be needed to address changing conditions or updated modeling. In cases of funding or resource scarcity, activities should be performed in the order of their impact on addressing the gap between the City’s expected LOS and the actual LOS being provided. Chapter 9 City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan 9-12 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Project number Project name 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 6–Year CIP 7–20-Year CIP 1 Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement/System Improvements 2 Street Utility Improvements 3 Vactor Decant Study 4 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement 5 Siphon Assessment 6 Pump Station Condition Assessment 7 MH Ring and Cover Replacement 8 Cleaning and Inspection of Large-Diameter Pipe 9 Inflow and Infiltration Study 10 Plan Update Figure 9-4. City of Auburn Sewer Plan implementation timeline 10-1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan_FINAL.docx Chapter 10 Limitations This document was prepared solely for the City of Auburn in accordance with professional standards at the time the services were performed and in accordance with the contract between the City of Auburn and Brown and Caldwell dated December 6, 2013. This document is governed by the specific scope of work authorized by the City of Auburn it is not intended to be relied upon by any other party except for regulatory authorities contemplated by the scope of work. We have relied on information or instructions provided by the City of Auburn and other parties and, unless otherwise expressly indicated, have made no independent investigation as to the validity, completeness, or accuracy of such information. Chapter 11 References Auburn City Code (ACC). 2014. http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/auburn/. City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan). Amended 2008. City of Auburn. http://www.auburnwa.gov/doing_business/community_development/planning/comprehensive_plan.ht m King County, 2002. 2001/2002 Wet Weather Flow Monitoring; Regional Infiltration/ Inflow (I/I) Control Program. King county Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Division. June 2002. Brown and Caldwell, December 2009. City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Prepared for the City of Auburn by Brown and Caldwell.