HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-2016 HE 8.17.16 Packet HEARING EXAMINER August 17, 2016 5:30 p.m. Location - City Hall Annex Conference Room 2 Located on the 2nd floor of One Main Professional Plaza, One East Main Street I. Case No: City of Auburn Police Case No. 16-03529 Applicant: Manual Amador Zafra 3018 L Street Auburn, WA 98002 Request: Appeal of Potentially Dangerous Dog Designation CITY OF f/r Nancy;Backus; Mayo WASH I NGTON 25 West Main Street * Aubum WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.gov *253-931=3000 July 20, 2016 DELIVERED BY CERTIFIED AND FIRST CLASS US MAIL AppellanY. MANUEL AMADOR ZAFRA 3018LSTNE AUBURN WA 98002 CITY OF AUBURN NOTICE OF AFFEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Manuel Amatlor-.Zafra on the City of Auburn's designation of the dog khown as '`Princessa" as a dangerous dog. The dog known as "Princessa" is described as a female white Labrador mix. The hearing will be hel_d Wednesday, Augu§t 17, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2 located on the second floor at 1 East Main Stregt, Auburn, WA, 98002. DATED AND MAILED THIS 20TH DAY OF JULY, 2016. CITY OF AUBURN Danielle Daskam, City Clerk CC Alene Gibbs 3102MDrNE Auburn WA 98002 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU [MAGINED f' } i'i'<T'.,5't ": :°' b, l y41_ T'M1 Mt' F yr' ,' . 4; o o .. x#Y''1:+ M!' 0' 0' c 0 0 ..0 J Il {i I1 f ^ e-' 0 ra ra lfl u'7 (, 1, ' Pos age " M1 fti IAJV" Cotllllud Fea m mO Rewrn Receipl Fee Po,tmark O O (EntlorcementROquiretl)Here O pesvicietl Dolivery Feo Q (Entlarcomonl Roquiratl) fiJ fll N N TotalPOClnneMAPNUEL AMADOR ZAFRA S Senlio 3018 L ST NE o 0 3ireei$Ap AUBURN WA 98002 M1 M1 orPOeoxlr c ry,Siaie, 4 7 i o Complate items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. X Agent v Print your name and address on the reverse Atldresseo i so that we can retum th0 card t0 you. B. Recelvetl by(Pnnted Name) C. Date of Delivery A Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front it space permits. D. Is dolivery adtlress tlifferent fiom Item 1? Yes 1. Article Atltlressed to: If YES,enter dehvery atltlress below: No MANUEL AMADOR ZAFRA 3018LSTNE AUBURN WA 98002 3. ServiceType CertNed Mail Express Mtil Reglste2tl Retum Fecelpt for Merchantlise Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restrlcted Deliveyt(Extrs Fee) Yes 2. MIclaNUmbcr 7014 2120 0 03 7516 669rranslerIromservicelabel) PS Form 3811 February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595 02-M-1540 CITY OF AUBURN NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Amador Zafra on the City of Auburn's designation of the dog known as Princessa" as a dangerous dog. The dog known as "Princessa" is described as a female Labrador mix, white in color The hearing will be held Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 5.30 p.m. in Annex Conference Room 2 located on the second floor at 1 East Main Street, Auburn, WA, 98002 Do Not Publish Below This Line Publish in The Seattle Times on July 21, 2016 o p3 Sz9 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT C IY F. ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION ClF SUB(R HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL FORM JU 1 70 6FF CF z, ,,hd,. cs5a Owner pog ol . k N Address Under ACC 6.35.020(D) you have a right to appeal the final determination of the Chief of Police or his designee to present any reasons, orally or in writing, why the animal should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous: If you fail to appear for this meeting preliminary notice will become final,and your animal(s) will be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. IF, after the initial meeting date,your animal is declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous you may appeal that final declaration using this form. This form must be submitted to the Citv Clerk bvi certified mail or in e rson within fifteen (15) days of the determination of your animal's status if the original notification was delivered to you in person, or within twenty (20) days if the original notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETING ON FIIVAL DETERMINATION I request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35.020(D) to discuss the d cision to declare my animal(s) as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Case(s) No. " 3 SL 9 understand that I have the right to present reasons or information in writing or verbally as to why my animal(s) should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. s g}t(T[ 4h o. Signature A M il D f / Printed IVame/Date Auburn City Clerk 25 W Main St Auburn,WA 98002-5548 Phone: 253-931-3007 CITY OF ...y,a. + T. a '" Police Depdrtment f WA S I I NGTON 340 E Main St,Suile 201 + Auburn WA 98002-5548 * www.auburnwa.gov + 253-931-3080 i July 8,2016 Manual Zafre 3018L5[NE I Auburn Wa,98002 Mr Zafre, On February 11, 2015,the Auburn Police Department investigated a complaint that your dog,described as a white medium sized dog tliat goes by the name of"Princessa",attacked another dog near Brannon Park causing injury to the victim dog(15'-01906). The victim dog required medical attention as a result of the attack. Aker careful Investigation,the Animal Control Officer(ACO)declared Princessa Potentially Dangerous. You were issued the declaration on February 25,2015. On March 21,2016,the Auburn Police Department investlgated a complaint(16-03529)regarding you continuing to allow Princessa to run at large as you stood by in what appeared to be you walking your dog. Several photographs were obtained of you walking your dog off of the leash and are retairied at the Auburn Police Department Additionally,ACO Winne issued a cita[ion for allowing Princessa to be at large and unrestrained. The Auburn Police Department was continuing to receive complaints that you were routinely walking Princessa off leash in and around the neigh6orhood. On June 24, 2016,ACO Winner issued you a second declaration indicating that Princessa's status be upgreded to Dangerous as a result of you permitting or allowing Princessa to run free and unrestrained off of your property On June 7,2016, I convened a meeting at the police department to allow you an opportunity to provide information as to why Princessa should no[6e considered Dangerous. You arrived with your attorney Thomas Wells'and your granddaugh[er Maria Mendez who[renslated. Your.at[orney offered that he had talked with several neighbors who stated that the dog does not seem viscous and had not bitten anyone. Additionally,dogs hiting other dogs is innate to animals and occuis trom time to time. Most of the meeting involved Ms. Mendez translating the city ordinance and educa[ing you on how to legally restrein Princessa. There was nothing other than mitigating informatlon that was provided by you or your attorney that would affect the fact pattern established by Officer Winner declaring Princessa Dangerous under the ciry code. After careful consideratlon from bo[h[he police investlgatlon and your testimony at our meeting, I as the designated official for[he Ammal Control Authorlry, have declared Princessa as Dangerous as described in Auburn City Coe 6.01.010(A)(13). Based on[his declara[ion,you are requlred to follow the re_quiraments ou[lined in Auburn Ci[y Code 6.35.030 and 635.035,as well as penalties associated wi[h failure to comply. These codes can be attessed on the Ciry of Auburn Web Site at Auburnwa.gov. According to Auburn City Code 635.010(D),you may appeal my decision to[he CitY s Hearing Examiner within 15 days of this notice, if it is delivered to you in person,or within 20 days if the letter is mailed to you,by Filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk. AUBURN * MOR[ THAN YOU IMAGINCD CITY OF * _ r + T T T ='"{\T Police Department L,Oa°, y," " `. J l l 340 E Maln St,Sul}e 201 * Auburn WA 98002-5549 * www.auburnwa. ov + 253-931-3080 WASHINGTON g July 8,2016 Manual Zafre I 3018 L St NE Auburn Wa,98002 I Mr Zafra, I On February 11, 2015,the Auburn Police Department Investigated a complalnt that your dog,descrlbed as a white imediumsizeddogthatgoesbythenameof"Princessa",attacked another dog near Brennon Park causing injury to the victim dog(15-01906. The victim dog required medical attention as a result of the attack. After careful invesilgation,the Animal Control Officer(ACO)declared Princessa Potentially Dangerous. You were issued the declaration on February 25,2015. On March 21, 2016,the Au6urn Police Department investigated a complaint l6-03529)regardingyou contlnuing to allow Princessa to run at large as you stood by in what appeared to be you walking your dog. Several photographs were obtained of you walking your dog off of the leash and are retained at the Auburn Police Department. Additionally,ACO Winner issued a citation for allowing Princessa to be at large and unrestrained. The Auburn Police Department was continuing to receive complain[s that you were routinely walking Princessa off leash in and around the neighborhood. On June 24, 2016,ACO Winner Issued you a second declara[ion indicating that Princessa's status be upgreded to Dangerous as a result of you permi[ting or allowing Princessa to run free and unrestrained off of your property. On June 7,2016,I convened a meeting at the police department to allow you an opportunity to provide information as to why Princessa should not be considered Dangerous. vou arrived with your attorney Thomas Wells and your grenddaugh[er Marla Mendez who translated. Your attorney offered that he had talked with i severel neighbors who stated[hat the dog does not seem viscous and had not bltten anyone. Additionally,dogs biting other dogs is innate to animals and occurs from time to time. Most of the meeting involved Ms. Mendez trenslating the city ordinance and educating you on how to legally restrain Princessa. There was nothing other Ithanmitigatinginformationthatwasprovidedbyyouoryourattorneythatwouldaffectthefactpattern established by Officer Winner declaring Princessa Dangerous under the city code. i After careful consideration from both the police investigation and your testimony at our meeting, I as the designated official for the Animal Control Authority, have declared Princessa as Dangerous as described in Auburn City Coe 6.01.010(A)(13). Based on this declaretion,you are required to follow the requirements outlined in Au6um City Code 6.35.030 and 6.35.035,as well as penalties associated with failure to comply These codes tan be accessed on the City of Auburn Web Site at Aubumwa.gov. I I According to Aubum City Code 635.010(D),you may appeal my decision to the City's Hearing Examiner within 15 j days of thls notice, if It is delivered to you In person,or within ZO days if the letter is mailed to you,by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk. f AUBUEZN * MORG THAN YOU IMAGINED Auburn lPo ice )epartment Police Report for Inc dent 16-03529 f„ 07/11/16 14 18.59 701 Crime: ANPR ANIMAL PROBLEM Address: 3018 L ST NE Loca[ion: 2-1-07 Aubum WA 98002 Received By G Winner How Received: T Telephone Agency APD Responding Officcrs: G Winner Responsible Oflicer B Williams Disposition: CLEARED ADULT ARREST 04/06/16 When Reported: 09:5036 03/21/l6 Occurred Between: 00:00:00 02/24/16 and 00;00 00 03/19/16 Crimes AddiNonal Offense: Animal Problem Circumstances LTN43 Open Arca Public GG03 No G ng/Unknown Clearance: AA ArresdAdul[ Judicial S[atus: blisc Entrv MJ/MJ/DMU/MJ Dlodus Operandi: Dcscription Nlcthod Involvements Date Type Description Relationship 03/22/16 LawIncident ANPR IS-01906 RELATED 06/28/16 Name MENDEZ, MARIA T OTHER 03/22/16 Name GIBBS, DONALD D WITNESS 03/22/I6 Name ZAFRA, MANUEL AMADOR SUSPECT 03/22/16 Namc GIBBS, ALENE RP/WI"[NESS 04/06/16 Citation CnminalCitation Citation 03/30/16 Offense Animal Problem - 1 counl Chargcd With 03/22/16 Propctty WHI Dog Labrador "PRINCESSA 0 III Police Report for Incident 16-03529 Page 2 of 10 Involved Persons (Most current address on 07/11/16). RP/WITNESS Last: GIBBS First: ALENE Mid: DOB: **/**/** Dr Lic: Address: 3102 M DR NE Race: W Sex: F Phone: O- City• Aubum, WA 98002 Hcight: "' Wcight: 0 SSN: -- Hair• Eyes: Work Phone: ( )- R'ITNESS Last: GIBBS First: DONALD iid: D DOB: 07/2U47 Dr Lic: Address: 3102 l DR NE Race: W Sex: M Phone: (206)735-8890 City Aubum. WA 98002 Heiehh ' " Weighr. 0 SSN: -- Hair• Eyes: Vork Phone: O395-I100 SUSPECT Last ZAFRA Firsh M1IANUEL biid: ADIADOR DOB: 0/22/35 Dr Lir. ZAFRAMA65312 Address: 3018 L St NE Race: L Ses: M Phone: (253)359-3764 City• Aubum,WA 98002 Height: 5'OS" Veigh[: 175 SSN Hair GRY Eyes: BRO R'ork Phone: O- OTHER Last: nIEYDEZ First: MARIA Dlid: T DOB: Ol/19/75 Dr Lic: MEA'DEMT254BR Address: 3002 M DR NE Race: L Sex: F Phone: (206)250-3687 City• Aubum,WA 98002 Height: 5'02"Veight: 140 SSN Hair Eyes: BRO Work Phonc: O- Police Report(or Incident 16-03529 Page 3 of 10 Narrative G WINNER #9505 lOSA NV Tue Mar 22 OS 19 29 PDT 2016 A Poten[ially Dangerous Dog was reportedly off leash On 03-21-16 I received a call from Alene Gibbs regarding a dog which she mentioned had actacked her dog in the pas, being walked in the neighborhood while not controlled by a leash After speaking with Alene she also mentioned chat her husband, Donald had taken photos of che dog and owner recently Gibbs sent me four photos by e-mail The photos were da[ed 02-24-16 around 1130 hrs They consisted of multiple pho[os of a dog and suspect I was familiar with from previous contact, Manuel A Zafra Zafra is known by his middle name, Amador In the photos Zafra is walking beside his dog "Princess" in the area of 31st ST NE and L ST NE in the city of Auburn, County of King WA Zafra lives at 3018 L ST NE wi h Princess I previously declared Princess a Potentially Dangerous Dog due to attacking and injuring a Dachshund while off leash in Brannan Park The photos Alene sent will be added to the V drive under this case number After reviewing these photos I met with the Gibbs at their residence, 3102 M Dr NE On my arrival I learned that Alene the original caller on che matter had left for an appointment but Donald Gibbs was present Donald advised that on 02-24-16 He happened to have his camera with him and took photos of the white dog and male, Amador, that owns the dog Donald had four color photographs which he had printed out Donald said he had addi[ional photos as well The four photos Donald had showed the same male and dog with no leash visible In one of the photos Zafra was looking at the camera grabbing the crotch of his pants in a crouched position suggestive of a derogatory gesture The photos onald provided will be included in the case jacket Donald added that more recently last Saturday Amador had been walking his dog along the trail on the levy behind Donald's house off leash This area is the Green River Trail, which runs from approximately Pike St NE and 22nd ST NE through Brannan Park, [o the north end of the Auburn City Limits at S 277th ST The trail back up direc[ly to the Gibbs' property at 3102 M Dr NE Donald added that he had photos of the incident as well but would need a little while to find the photos Donald added that the photos were taken at an angle, from above head height, as he has a hedge row along his back fence Donald said again the dog was off leash and his dog "Bailey" and the white dog were running along the fence line barking at one another 2 was unable to contact Zafra at his residence and pos[ed a warning notice regarding AMC 6 02 010 (Animal At-Large) AMC 6 02 040 (Dog Off Leash) and AMC 6 35 030 (Fail to control PDD/DD) I will attempc to contact Alene again regarding any attacks she has dealt with from this dog towards her dog Bailey Regardless of any additional issues with this dog I wi11 be submitting this report for possible charging of AMC 6 35 030 for Zafra regarding his dog Princess not being controlled by a leash on 02-24-16 around 1130 Hrs If I am able to obtain proof of the 03-19-16 allegation or Alene s interactions with Princess I will resubmi[ this case for possible additional charges I would also request that case #15-01906 be reviewed again for possible charges relating to the attack associaCed with that case as I believe walking a dog off leash is a negligent act based on the fact that AMC 6 02 040 exists to mitigate such occurrences A reasonable person would abide by such an ordinance, and Zafra continues [o disregard the use of a leash to control his dog and the matter of his dog's behavior towards other dogs I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY Police Report forincident 16-03529 Page 4 of 10 AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT Signature George D Winner k 9505 Date and Place 03-22-16 City/TOwn of Auburn County of King Police Reporf for Incident 16-03529 Page 5 of 10 Supplement Sequence: l G WINNER i79505 lOSA NV Fri Mar 25 06 21 07 PDT 2016 FORWARD TO On 03-25-16 around 0615 Hrs I spoke with Alene Gibbs by phone She informed me that she had not had any run-ins with Zafra to prompt this complaint Rather it was simply her husband taking photos of the dog off leash, which prompted her ca11 Gibbs asked if I had received [he packet she had left for me which I had Previously I had a manilla folder with paperwork left at my desk The folder was labeled 'George AVHS" Inside I discovered two Report of Complaint Porms from King County Both incidencs detailed Amador's dog being off leash One of the incidents detailed Zafra's dog biting Gibbs' dog, around 02-07-11 @ 1000 Hrs There was a:so a group of e-mails between Gibbs and other parties regarding Zafra's dog All of the paperwork dropped off at the station by Gibbs will be included in che case jacket Gibbs did mention that she rarely walks the levy trail anymore and when she does see Zafra and his dog walking if she's on the levy trail she immediately leave5 and returns home Gibbs also said that Zafra can't take the dog to a dog park as it immediately attacks other dogs I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE 7aND ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT Signature George D Winner # 9505 Date and Place o3-25-16 City/TOwn of Auburn County of King Police Report for Incident 16-03529 Page 6 of 10 Supplement Sequencc: 2 D MURRAY / 2035 / Wed Apr 06 OS 16 38 PDT 2016 /SU CITATION RECEIVED FROM PROSECUTORS Citation Number 6Z0391162 Offense REQUIREMENT/RESTRAINT-DANGEROUS DOG RCW AMC6 35 030 Date Received 03-30-16 Booking entered YES Issued by PROSECUTOR A EGOLF Entered by D M[TRRAY Police Report for Incident 16-03529 Page 7 of 10 Supplement Sequcnce: 3 G WINNER q9505 lOSA NV Mon Jun 27 OB 13 16 PDT 2016 SGT B WILLZAMS/MJ FORWARD TO On 06-24-16 I contacted Manuel A Zafra identified through previous contacts I provided Zafra a Dangerous Dog (DD) declaration a second copy with Zafra's signature will be retained in the case jacket I explained the DD requirements to Zafra Zafra advised that his dog was at A Pet Clinic of Kent 2 called the vet and confirmed [he dog Princessa, was at their facility Zafra was asked to call when his dog was healthy enough to return home while speaking wi[h Zafra he said, last week a lady had taken photos of him, with his dog Princessa, on leash There was a second small dog that ran up to the lady, which Zafra does not own Zafra did noC know who this dog belonged to I advised Zafra that I had received a complaint regarding his dog being off leash, by e-mail but there had been no other proof of the incident at this time That incident if the same, was e-mailed to me by Connie Rockwell on 06-20-16 If I am able to recontact Rockwell and confirm the incident a new case will be pulled for that matter This report is for documentation of the DD matter I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTOIG THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE H'cREIN ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED [1SER ID AND PASShORD TO AUTHENTZCATE IT Signature George D winner tt 9505 Date and Place 06-27-16 City/TOwn of Auburn, County of King Police Report for Incident 16-03529 Page 8 of 10 Supplement Sequence:4 G WINNER N9505 lOSA NV Tue Jun 28 13 41 56 PDT 2016 SGT B WILLIAMS/MJ FORWARD TO On 06-28-16 I contacted Zafra and his granddaughter Maria Mendez, at their request at the Auburn Police Department They advised that chey had met [he requirements for possessing a DD in city limits, referring to Princessa Zafra's dog A1so they said they were going to [he Pet Clinic of Kent to pickup Princessa later I advised I would meet them at Zafra's residence to confirm the requirements had been met Upon my arrival around 1247 Hrs Zafra had a kennel with a roof, set on his concre[e slab carport, setup and ready for Princessa Mendez provided a copy of Zafra's home insurance policy specifying $300,000 coverage for personal damages aufficient to meet the requirements A copy of the policy was made and wi11 be included in the case jacket A Sign was posted on the property regarding the presence o£ a Dangerous Dog The sign had writ en lettering as well as a picture of a dog barking The kennel had a chain nearby to close and securely lock the gate The dog, Princess, had also been microchipped, that day Princess was presently inside the home, laying dowr recovering from surgery I advised of the requirements of Princessa being on leash and muzzle anytime she was not inside the home or inside the kennel Zafra has met Che requirements, including paying the $500 registration fee to the City Clerk's Office A letter of registration will be provided to Zafra at a later time I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT Signature George D Winner # 9505 Date and Place 06-28-16 City/Town of Auburn, County of King Police Report for Incidenf 16-03529 Page 9 of 10 Supplement Sequence: 5 G Winner #9505 lOSA NV Fri Ju1 OB 15 43 50 PDT 2016 FORWARD TO On 07-OB-16 I contacted Manuel Zafra and his granddaughter Maria Mendez, at his residence I provided Zafra a copy of Assistant Chief Pierson's Letter of Determination and a Hearing Examiner Appeal form for this case The letter of determination upheld the D status of Princessa at this time Zafra signed the original copy of the letter and a copy of which will be included in the case jacket as proof of receipt I CERTIFY UNOER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTOr THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE AND THAT I AM cNTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT Signature George D Winner # 9505 Date and Place 07-OB-16 City/TOwn of Auburn, County of King Police Reporf for Incident 16-03529 Page 10 of 10 Property Property Yumbcr 232601 Item: Dog Owner Applied Nmbr Brand: Labrador X 1ode1: "PRINCESSA Ycar• 2006 Quantity DTeas: Serial Nmbr• Total Value: 50.00 Color• WHI Owner• ZAFRA MANUEL AMADOR 50937 Agency APD Aubum Police Department Tag Number Accum Amt Recov 50.00 Offcer G Wmner UCR: UCR Status: NA Local Status: 111 Storage Loca[ion: Crimc Lab umbcr Status Datc: 02/25/IS Date Rel¢ased: **/**/"* Dat¢ReCOV/Rcvd: *#/**/*' Released By Amt Recovered: 50.00 Released To: Custody *•''*'** **/*"/"* Rcason: Comments: CRIMINAL 7RAFFIC O NON TRAFFIG Enoqia WA017177A COURTORItl WAO 17.) LITATIONP, 039 G2 REPOR7p 1B-O$S J D1 IN 7HE DISTRICT MUNICIPPL COURT OF KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Z STATEOFWASHING70N COUNTYOF QCI7VROWNOF AUBURN PLA NTIFFVS.NAAIEDDEFENOANT mN 7HE UNDERSIGNED LERTIFIES AHD SAYS TMAT IN 7HE STATE OF WASNINCTON 0 DRNER'S LICENSE NO STATE'EJ(PIRES PNOTOI D.MATCMED NAUE LAST FIRSi MIDDLE SFX CDUCIP W ZAFRAMA65JJ2 WA 04 ZZ Yes ONO FRA MANUEL AMADOR rES r+o m A DRESS J016 L ST NE IF NEW ADDRE55 CITY STATE ZIP COOE N AUBURN WA 98002 D EMPIOYER D EMPIOYERLOCATION a DATE OF BIRTH RACE SE% MEIGMT VJEIGHT EVES HAIR RESIDENTIAL PHONE NO GELVPAGER PNONE NO NORK PHONE NO Z 04-2235 H M 5'OS' 175 BRO BLK VIOLATIONDATE INTERPREIERNEEDED AT OCATION T MP CITVICOUNTYOF ONORABWT 02/241207671:50 VWG'REF TRAFFICWAV BLOCKk 3000 AUBURNIKING DID OPEMTE iHE FOLLOWING VENICLE/MOTOF VEHICLE ON A PUBLIC HIGHWAV ANO VEH LIG NO STATE E%PIRES VEH VR MAKE MOOEL TYLE COLOR — TR B7 LIG NO STATE E%PIRES TR YR 7R M7 LIC NO STATE EXPIRES TR YR OWNER/COMPANY IF OTHER THqN ORIVE0. ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCODE ACCIDENT BAC COMMERCIAL ES 18• VES HA2MA1 VES EJ(EMPT FIRE VEHICLE NO PASS NO NO VENICLE LEA DID THEN ANO THERE COMMR EACH OF TIE FOLLOVYING OFFENSES i ounowsrarutecooe AMC6.35.OJ0 ov REOUIREMENTIRESTRAINT-DANGERO SDOG 2 VIOLATIDN/STNTUTE CODE V VIOLATION/STATUTECOOE DV a ViOL4TION/STATUTE CODE D V i VIOLATION/STATUTE CODE 0 V MANDATORYCOURTAPPEqRANCE P NCEDATE TIME RELATEDtl DATEISSUED O$•ZO•'IB TICKETSERVEOONVIOLATOR O7ICKETREFERREDTOPROSECUTOR TICKETSENTTOCOURTFORMAILING BOOKE D u I CHG p RESPONSE CHG ISPOSITION FINES SUSPtNOED SUB I OTAL FINUING7JUDGMENI UATE ?^S RV- f!AYF 7 Z z Z i N: KG 5 S S o^; 7AY5$USo Q O v W i a a '-- 2 G N;; _ J KG = °_S 5 _ ABSTRACT MLD TO OIYMPIA CIt UI I iytE SV(J Y N D F e 3 G N3 u kG 5 S S IC S JRZ CT Z O U m 'I q C N:7 J KG S TOIAL COSTS E. NC7Nc%i E?1510V OF rQ .- -- -----G M.i NG 7 8 5 JSI' Y N D NN N PAGE10F2 OFFICERREPORT B1t6Z IOLATIONDATE O ON OR ABOUL ]/3Yt01E H:]D:OOAM D1 Oz a rnN0w fiii11 1if1M{1liikfi}iiiilli f1i1i1 11 OIN OKcer's RepoA (or Citation/Notice o( Infraction # 6Z0391162. The information contained in and attached to ihis citation/notice of infraction is incorporated by reference into this report. D o Z I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND a ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT C Signature: ALEXIS EGOLF tf• 47736 Date and Place: 3/30/2016 Ciry/Town o(Auburn, County of KING GC kiit{f atiiHi t alY flf4lfaiiifi C TRAFFIC yJEATHER STREE7 LIGH7 IMTNE55 NpME LAST FIRST M I PHONE N7TNE55 NAME(lAST FIftST M,I,) PMONE ADDRE55 CITV STATE ZIP ADDRESS CITV STATE ZIP VNTNE55 NAME ILP.ST FIRST,M I PNONE VN7NE5$NAME IlAST FIRST M I PMONE AO RESS CITY STATE ZIP ADDRESS CITY STATE Z P DN17NES5NAMEILASTFIRST.U I) PHONE WI7NESS NAME ILAST FIRST,M.I) PHONE ADORESS D CITY STATE ZIP ADDRE55 CITY S7ATE ZIP ZC WITNE55 NAME ILAST FIRST,M I PHONE VNlNE55 NAME IUST FIRST,M I.) PHONE m D ADDRESS CITV STATE 21P ADDRE55 CITV STATE ZIP NNW PAGE 2 OF 2 ReglorcalMlmal Servlces of King CauMy i::=-"-:,-zr=, 5. i=,r:;; ">,..i,.-._;F"'.'fr-J-.; Reeords and Lleensln Servleea Divislon Fe;;^=F-.o OFfl e$Oh,,;-. Y:,-8 r,rY"}: .''"ffiv:._'''F'}y'l''a•`tC;iryN.'*;k+f!?:°TDepmlmeRo1ExecNNeServicesti, !' = n>.,:'i 2 a"OY;DO?NOTDlSGLO E A;Y,;,m.i _;G:Y 4 7n k' ;y,..__v 1..KIIIgCOlalt l DetsQldn9eouMY9o o::^`'*_G :'';:'.- A'- i-,;,=Ci"Se'No:e_ -:.s:,a.e,_...;:?'ei'S_:.:;: Regional Ane eoal Services of King County s x='.=.iFz'*;s'u,,,':.,;=:;`r . Report f Cornpla6nt or Problern -oir;$o;:;-=-r-.3::..:.:t... u A.. .3 yY i: V"'I 3 Ptease complete sections 1 and 2 end fax, mail, or email this form to the foUowing address: Regional Animal Services of King County 21675-64'"Ave.S., Kent,WA 98032 Fa c 206205 8043 Email:pets@Idngcounty.gov Cell:206-29frPETS(738,exL 24(830-4:30 MOn-Fn) r'zr:.i=ar:.'tf-m,r..;i;:!._ 1. Please prirrt or write ail information Gearty: I Reporting Party's Full Legal Name: ALENE BAAY GIBBS Date of BiAh: 7/14/1943 Address: 3102 M DRIVE NE Phone: 25( 3 ) 735-8890 i City: AUBURN State:lA_ T p: 98002 Alt Phone: Email: aibbsalene(daol.com Name of Oifending Mimal's Owner., 7AMADOR L4FRA Address: .3$ . ST E T' N PFron u c i a ss_ 47 a 7 i City: A BURN State:WA Zp: 98002 Alt Phone: i 2. Please describe fhe complalnt or prubtem,with all pertinent irrtormation,inclutling dates,times of incident(s),lomtion of violation(s),and names and phone numbers of witnesses. Attach additianal pages if needed. Date 8 time of incidenC 9/22I2012 ABOUT 12 NOON LocaHon of violation: A L OVER 8 BEHIND OUR NOUSE Description of offending animat s): LIGHT YELLOW LONG HAIR AND LONG TAIL Ineiderrt details: After his doa aitacked mv doq last vear and bit him we reoorted the incident. 1 don't know if arnone came oul to talk to him but he still insists on walkinq the Boa without a leash and lettina it loose in his vard. There are so manv little children in our communiri that I'm afraid the doq will aet one aF them Mv husband asked him vesterdav whe he was aoina to uut the doa on a leash and he said now or somethino like thet. His doa has attecked mv doa twice and anotfier neiahbors doa Told him there is a leash law in Aubum but he still insists 1 like to walk mv Aoa evervdav but I don't emov it anvmore as I never know where Amador and his doq_vnll be. 1 don't even'waik wilhin a biock of his house since the bi6na incident He has also told us that fhis is Arrierica and ha can do whatever he v ants o! S f ZSO '}AV£ 9N -MR3C. y-I' f4 R£ AI'tf CT D pUR 0 l.T rti 'i}+R 1 4H da GLS .D''TP1 U CO m NTE+21l TM V j 6 . • Underper ally of p'e y mderthe laws ofq e Sfabe of Washington,I cefify the foregofig stat nentto be bue and conect. yp Signature: [ 0 L on v 1.QA.9-. Date: 9123I2012 The fnkrinatlon cortlsined In this eomplalM ts a,pubile rewrd subjeet lo dlsGosure mder the WashingEOn Publlc Records Act(RCW 42.667 and may be requested end Inapeded by any person. TFie identlly of a cemplainant(reporfing parly)may be wilhheld trom publie lmpeetlon et the Agencys disuetlon H tAe cromplairteiR(ndieates tl at disdosure woutd endanger arry pesson's fife,physieal safery,or property. However,H en appeal ar e criminal pse Is filed as a rosuH of UJS complaiM,the complainanfs iderrtily may be requ'ved W be disdosed regardkss ol a 2quest for R W 6e wNhheld Dlsdosure of my Ide ' would endanger my life, physkal safety, or property or that of othere. Therefore, piusuent to RCW 42.56240(2),pleese DO O ISCLOSE my IdenMy except to ma,an agerR actlng on my Oehalf,a anottiar enforceme rt qenry. I underetend thet this request may not prevent disciosure of my Idantily H an appeal or a alminal pse is filed as a resuM of thls eomplai rt. p pp e Page 7 of 1 Revlsed 2I9J2017 6-,. _.. i Regional Animal Services of King County Reeords and Lieonsing Senriees Division Department of Execulive Serviras U 206-29&PETS(7367) pets@kingcounty.gov Itegional Anirroa! Services of !(Be g Cose ty Repor$ of Corv plaint or Problem o s„> Please complete sections 1 and 2 and fax, mail, or email this fortn to the following address: Regional Animal Services oT King Counry 21615-64'"Ave. S., Kent,WA 98032 Fax:206-205-8043 Email: pets@kingcounty.gov Call: 206-296-PETS(738, ext. 24(8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri) i. Piease print or write all information clearly Reporling Part's Full Legai Name: AL IdE AIiAY fiIBBS Date of Birth: 7/14/1943 Address: 3102 M DR NE Phone: 25! 3 1 735-8890 Ciry: AUBURN State:WA Zip: 98002 Alt. Phone: (_, Email:bbsalene a(aol.com Name of Offending AnimaPs Owner 7 f-lrY1 f} DOR 2/-F/4 Address/_ E JDI $ L- T- A}r Pho e: c C, a53-;sg- q7a7 City: ltfa r t P 2 State: Z p: S j'ol q t. Phone: 2. Please describe the complaint or problem, with all pertinent Information, inciuding dates,times of incident(s), location of vlolation(s),and namps aqd phone numb.ers.of.witnes&es. ,pttach addwonal pages.[CneSdQd,__„_, "_ _ Datc 8 time of incident: 2l7/2011 10:00 AM loeafion of violation: INTERSECTION OF L STREET AND 31ST Descriptlon of offending animal(s): MEDIUM SIZED YELLOW MIX Incident detaiis: _I was walkina mv doo down 31"toward L Street lleashed and licensedl when the man's v Ilow doa came runnina towards mv doq and me. The doo was unleashed and without a lieense. I velied at the owner to get his doq and that the doa runnino without a license and leash was aaainst the law He said it had iumoed out of his car before he could aet d The doa started arowiino and barina his teeth at mv doa and then mv doa arowled 6ack. He kent at it and then went -round the side of mv doa and bit him on the left hio I oulied mv doa awav and he was shakina badlv. 1 told the owner that I was ooino to call 411 and took off for home Aiso told the owner that he had a v cious doa. This is not the first hme his doa has been aaqressbe towards mv doa I was waikina in Brannan_Park last fall and his doa was runnina loose and not licensed when R ren u to mv doa and did the same thma. exceot mv doa didn't qet bitten that time Then the man started ridina his bike around the road in front of our house with his unleashed doa or he'd ao out in the field behind our house with his doa runnina loose and he'd stand and s re toward our house. Mv husband went out and took some ulctures of him and told him to aet the H out of there or he was aomq to cali the oolice He also barked like a doq when 1 went bv the same small intersectlon IhaveheardotherneiahborscomolamaboutthedoobutsnceIneverwitnessedRIcan't trulv sav what haooened Under penalty of perJ ry underthe laws of the Washingten,I eertity fhe foregoing sffitement6o be true and correct Signature: Date:g / The infortnatlon coMtined in this complalM is a public record subjeet to dlsdosure undar the Washington Puhlic RecOrds AC(RCV1I42.58)and may be requested.and Inspected by any person. The identity ol a complainant(2portirg paRy)may be wlthheld irom publio Inspedion attheAgenc}rs dlscrelion'rf lha eomplainant indiwtes that disGOSUre would endanger any pereon's IfFe,physicai satety,or property. Hawe'ver,IfanappealoracriminalcaseisfiledasaresuNofthiscomplaiM,the complainanYs Identiry may be requlred to De dlseJosed regardlese of erequestforittobewithheld. AS3-0Ota Page 1 of 2 Revlsed 4/y2017 DisGosura of my Identity would erManger my Iffe, physical sa(ety, or property or ihat of others. TherePore, pursuant to4256.240(2), please DO N T DISCLOSE my identity except to me, an egent acting an my behaif, or anolher enforcement agancy. IunderstandthatthlsrequestmaynotpreventclosureofmyidentityifanappealoreaiminaleaseIsfileCesarasuitofthiscomplalM. I AS3-0Ot a Page 2 of 2 Revised/2l2011 i From: ROBERT BAGGETT<bpbaggettl @msn.wm> To: Alene&Don Gibbs<gibbsalene(a aol.com Ce: harmonkj<harmonkj@comcastneb;burgess tgburgessQcomcasineb;daire957<daire957@cs.com>• jus8bw715<jus9bw715@comcastneb Subject: RE:Dog Attack 10:00 AM 2r//2011 Date: Mon,Feb 7,2011 924 pm Alene, The man who lives at the home.you mentloned is Amador Zafra at 3018 L Street NE. We(the Association)do not have a phone number or e-mail address for him at this time. Was the man that was bothering or harassing you andDonanoldermanorayoungman? The older man is Amador, and he is the homeowner, and I'm surprised if it isIhim. If ft was the younger man, that is his son, but I do not know who owns the dog in question. You may alsoiwishtofileacomplaintwiththeCltyofAubumregardingthematter, and they may be able to act on the inddent even sooner, especially due to the leash law and licensing in the city. If you wish, I can speak to hiMthem abouttheinciderrt. Just let me know!! Bob To:bpbaggettl anmsn com; hartnon j(comcast.net Subject: Dog Attack 10:00 AM 2/7/2011 From: nibbsaleneCdlaol.com Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 18:39:45-0500 Bob and Ken, I warrt you to know that I am filing a complaint with the Humane Sxiety. I was walking my dog at the intersection of 31st arid C St when a yeliow dog came charging my dog. Niine was leashed and Iicensed and this dog was not. It belongs to the man that lives in the house with the fence that has imitation flowers on it. Yellow(Pirrto?}parked in front on the street. The dog bit my dog on the left hip, the bite is not bad but the dog is very aggressive. This Is not the first time that dog has charged me or my dog. Happened last fall in Brannan Paric. The next day I went through the same intersection and the guy woofed at me, thinking it was really funny. The guy rode his bike down by our house with his dog running freely and also would go into the field behind our house and stand and stare at our house. My husband went out, took pictures of him and his dog and told him to get the H out of there. Also he came at me at fhe same intersection with his car and then swerved real fast to keep from hitting me. i(en, I think this is the same dog that cartie after Tika that you were telling me about. I really worry es the weather gets warmer, kids will be playing outside and somebody might get hurt. I am only sending this to you as information as I wlll let the HS handle it If there is arry handling to do. But if it doesn4 stop, another complaint vuill be£led. I needed tb get this filed in case of another Incident,4wo is enough for me. Vllhat IYn hying to say is, I don4 expect you to do ariything about It, and don4 know if you could, but making you avrare of what I am doing. j Thank you, Alene Gibbs I I From: harmonkj<narmonkj@comcastnet> To: ROBERT BAGGETT<bpbaggett7 Qmsn.com> Cc: qqurgess<tgburgess@comcastneb;dalre857<clalre957@cs.com;Justlbw7'IS<justlbw715@comcastnet; Alene 8 Don Gibbs<gibbsalene@aol.com> Su6Ject: Re:Dog Attack 10:00 AM 2!7/2011 Date: Mon,Feb 7,2011 1038 pm Bob, There is a listed cell phone on the list I keep up to date, not to say its a good number, Amadors cel # is 253-288-9727 It is the same dog that went after Tika, not to sound like I jumping on the band wagon I'll briefly describe the incident. I do see Amador walking his dog along the river trail and avoid him and his dog now. The first encounter, we approached each other under the power line coming from two different directions. I restrained Tika and leashed her and yelled out "is you dog friendly" her said "yes" so I released Tika. As they approached each other Amandor dog attached, there was a short dog fight, I pulled Tika off and leashed her and we were out of there. He had nothing to say nor did I except "that dog should be on a leash" If I can be of any help let me know. Ken Original Message ---- Frbm: "ROBERT BAGGETT' <bpbagaett1 fc i msn.com> To: "Alene & Don Gibbs" <gibbsalene(a aol.com> Cc: harmonki comcast.net, tyburgess(a comcast.net, claire957 a cs.com, justlbw715lu comcast.net Sent: Monday, February 7, 2011 7:24•49 PM Sub)ect: RE: Dog Attack 10:00 AM 2/7/201i Alene, The man who lives at the home you mentioned is Amador Zafra at 3018 L Street NE. We (the Association) do not have a phone number or e-mail address for him at this time. Was the man that was bothering or harassing you and Don an older man or a young man? The older man is Amador, and he Is the homeowner, and I'm surprised if it is him. If it was the younger man, that is his son, but I do not know who owns the dog in question. You may also wish to file a complaint with the City of Aubum regarding the matter, and they may be able to act on the incident even sooner, especially due to the leash law and licensing in the city. If you wfsh, I can speak to him/them about the incident. Just let me know!! Bob From: ROBERT BAGGETT<bp6aggettl Qmsn.com> To:Alene 8 Don Gibbs<gibbsalene@aot.com> SubJect: Re:HELLO Date: Sun,Jun 23,2013 12:13 pm i Thanks for the update Alene!! We'll just wait and see what transpires. I' m actually still on vacation iuMil next month, but keeping tabs on everything. Take care&tell Don hello. i i Bob Sent from my HTC Reply message-- From: ibbsalene(a aol.com To:<bpbaggetti(msn com> Subject: HELLO Date:Sun,Jun 23, 2013 7•42 AM Thought I'd give you an update, es if you rreeded it. We've been having some trouble with Amador again! But we are biding our time, and taking pictures of what he is doing and then go to the proper authorities. He,again comes out in the field behind us and walks up close to ihe fence with his unleashed dog, gets our dog barking and that is when we see him looking Into our wlndows. 1Nhen he sees that we see him he hurties away. I feel that this is tuming into harassment but will Just bide my time. if I were the only one in our community having houb e with him, then I would think it was me and correct my behaviw. I will no longer tell him to leash his dog or to quit looking in our windows. I also know that he can walk wherever he wants to so I donY have an issue with him being in the fleld, just standing and staring In our windows trying to provoke us. Y terday, 1 made the mistake of walking our dog around past his daughters place to take our dog for a walk in Brannan Park, his dog tried to lunge over the fence at mine. I had a few words with him and left. He is actuallythumbinghisnaseatus, but Iike I sald, I need evidence to prove what he is doing. It will come if I give him a long e ough rope. I don4 want you to do anything about this, I just warrt to let you know what he is doing. How was your vacation and isn4 it great to get back to complaintsT Have a great day. Alene CAD/Ti Page I of2 Detailed History for Police Inc #AP160019173 As of 3/22/2016 17•00:51 Outpu[for AP3135 Priority a T}'pe:ANID7AL-Animal Complaint Location:3018 L ST NE,AUB BT VN 30TH ST NE AND 31ST ST NE Created: 03/21/2016 09:50:29 APW049 AP950S Entcrcd: 03/21/201609:50:29 APW049 AP9505 Dispntch: 03/2ll2016 09:50.29 APWOJ9 AP9505 En oute: 03/2V201609:5029 APWOd9 AP9505 Onsccne: 03/21/2016 09:50:29 AP VOJ9 AP9505 Closcd: 03/2U20161-0:20:17 APM529 AP9505 ICUnit: PrimeUnit:8A9 Dispo:RTF Type:AYL tAL-Animai Complaint Agency.AP Croup:.0 BeahA2 RD:AP2137 Case#:G P160003529 Detail 09:50:29 CREATE Location:301S L ST NE,AUB Typc:AM1IDIAL Name:GIBBS,\LENE/RP RPaddr.2103 Dt DR NE,AUB Phone:253/735-5890 Croup:Al RD/IapBox:AP21 7 TypeDesc:Animal Complaint LocDesc:BTN'N 30TH ST NE AND 31ST ST NE Priorih• -0 Response:F IAC Agencv:AP LocTy pe:S 09:50:29 ENTRY Comment:ON COING ISSUE WITH DOG OFF LEASH.OWNER DOES NOT CARE, IS VULGAR 7'VDS RP DOG HAS ATYTACRED RP'S DOG IN PAST RP CONCERNED, HAS PHOTOS OF SUSP AND DOG FROM 02-25-16. 09:5029 DISPOS Sn9 Location:3018 L ST NE,AUB Operator:AP9505 OperNamcs:V1YNER.GEORGE 09•5029-PRIU RA9 09:5019-PRE IIS CommentPW, PPR 09:50:36 CASE SA9 Case#:CAP160003529 10:22:50"CHCLOC SA9 Loca[ion:3102 i i DR NE,AUB Commenr.RP 10:22:53 *ONSCN RA9 IO:S6:35 "CHGLOC SA9 10:56:a3 "ONSCN SA9 10:57•10 "RFT RA9CommenCINQUIRI CADQ,„,,,.....,..ADJ9576,,,,,,,, 10:57:y0 *RFT 8,9 Comment:INQU1Rl' CADQ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DP24662,,,,,,,, 10:57•AS *RFT 8,\9 Commenr.INQUIRY SPAWN„ZAFRAMA653J2,,,, 10:57•48 "LOGDI RA9 Dlessage:011603211757027730 M1lessageType:Text Receired:M1 Comment 10;57:53 *LOGDI &9 Dlessage:01160321175'71127732 MessageType:Text Rcceivcd:N Comment 10:58:12 •D71SCN RA9 Commenr.RP WILL SEND ADDITIOM1AL PHOTOS BY EDIAIL. 10:58:J1 "PR1115E Location:3018 L ST NE,AUB 10:58:J7 *LOGM1I RA9 M1lessage:011G0321175R027762 M1lessneeType:Tex[ Received:N Comment 11:06:19 "RI SA9 1 I 12:30 "STACh RA9 13:J6:31 DISP SA90pera[or:AP95050perM1nmes:V1YNER,GEORGE 13:d6:50"CHGLOC 8A9 Location:AUBURN VALLEY HU6IANE SOCIETI',AUB 13:51.2"ONSCN SA9 1 20:17*CLEAR 8 9 Dispo:RTF 1410:17-PRIU SA9 14:20:17-CLEAR 14:20:I7 "CLOSE CONTACT INFO: http://vcc-tib-web/6780L iveCA D/Htm I/System Docs/CADI nterface.aspx?_CM D=CHQ&. 3/22/2016 CAD/Ti Page 2 0£2 IName _ _ IlPhone IIRPaddF. I RPCon? IDCCode AI[Ph o. RPCon4. GBBS,ALENE/RP_ 253_%735 8890 2I031VI DR NE,AU6_. i a v i. t http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADlnterface.aspx?_CMD=CHQ&-. 3/22/2016 r - a v;` t^ ' ""' ti , 4: k `,* r rr a 1 i i r g i u s R z.. i 3 i :, kst, Y, Sr 1. I'. Y I I I s yy- r. t 1.' r an.{ Si' h .. fi } y# i. a i.-. t g t P i f ; t' fi a, ` r1 j j . x ti i i .' - h se l k F t BN$. M } t`#, f T, N i; i t r, . r ,; t l °v.S. ,J r ., f ,. M 2 E: F$e - n 4 i a` ; y 1y fwrvF: 4m. A tjy f. i.' if 4 ir' x " r ti i. i _ k :y p Y f iL t : 5'gr a zi j P n a avA:k.''"".• E 1 4`iK ,.,.- ''''w,-3"iwa.-" x .,.a'.tx. tla ' a ,. x k., w. d''rf°"m--+ 11 rsx a- s. s,;.v. :;, wct=. 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''e a. fi 3.:?s. -a r a v ,±;}.1: "'i z C .`{ : TMa s &e - .f{ n.a 4'.t ""a ,s c y x x 6 i v v x #s+ a ,: a Y*r ' r. a ,.'.rs e. ru . . eK 3,ic .__ _. .3#,._....druu,n.......i$. °' _ t,..: z.,:T."re,a _,....k . ...._ ,.,.-...,,, _ , . ._. 1 6E',t",i'I!F.I,, I I: . v r' _, `C*'+ i gF s A QS1 W„„2 rxt: p9NGEtZOUS t3(7G ; F 4 iv'Jm.s 'i. i t{S, fl s;p i'f`. 1 : 1 • k :.. . George Winner From: Connie Rockwell<crockwe981 @yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 5:28 PM To: George Winner Subject: RE:Your Online Police Report T16000742 Has Been Rejected Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged No problem. I also need to advise you that the older man with a huge white dog is walking his dog AGAIN with no leash. He lives on L St NE. .right off of 30th NE. If I remember correctly, his address is 1308 L St NE.There's been numerous complaints regarding this issue.Today I was walking my dog along Green River at Brennan Park. I had to pick up my dog because his came running at me. His dog bit a small dog a couple years ago. For some reason he thinks he doesn't need to use a leash, but;his dog can't 6e trusted.So here is another complaint. My neighbor also has seen his dog without a leash at Brennan park. I don't know if the phone number I have for you is a cell phone, but in case it is I will text you a picture of the dog.Thank you On Mon,6/20/16, George Winner<gwinner@auburnwa.gov>wrote: Subject: RE:Your Online Police Report T16000742 Has Been Rejected To: "'Connie Rockwell"'<crockwe981@yahoo.com> Date: Monday,June 20, 2016,7•46 AM Connie, Disregard rriy previous confusion, and thank you for the information. Thank you for the start time in this e-mail. Sincerely, George Winner Animal Control Officer Auburn Police Department 340 East Main Street#201 Auburn,WA 98002 253-931-3062 253-931-5108fax Original Message----- Frorri:Connie Rockwell [mailto:crockwe981@yahoo.com] Sent:Sunday,June 19,2016 3:05 PM To:Gearge Winner Subject: RE.Your Online Police Report T16000742 Has Been Rejected Happy Fathers Day!! I'm hoping this case is still open because now I have to really hear Rose's dog all day today As of 1:SSpm today, Rose came over with her dog and a puppy She picked up unit B,and when they left, put both dogs in the garage.This is officially a noise issue now. Both dogs have been crying and barking since they left.Their garage is right under my unit. I will send you another email to let you know how long I have had to listen to both dogs.One of the dogs is crying nonstop. On Thu,5/12/16,George Winner<gwinner@auburnwa.gov> wrote: i 6 zy Ct SE NUMBER:16-03529 OFFICER:Winner DATE ISSUED• AUBURIV POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION NOTICE OF INTENT TO DECLARE A DOG AS f'DANGEROUS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ENCLOSED: PACKET COVER SHEET (PAGE 1) REASON FOR DECLARATION (PAGE 2) HEARING NOTIFICATION FORM (PAGE 3) REQUIREMENTS (PAGE 4&5) IINSURANCEFORM (Page 6) Owner/Keeper of Dog: Last Name: Zafra First: Manuel MI. A DOB: 04/22/35 Address: 3018 L ST NE City Auburn State:WA Zip: 98002 Home Phone: (253)359-3764 Work Phone:f2) 392-4801 Description of Dog: Name: Princessa Breed(s) Labrador Color(s):White Markings: Sex: MQ Altered.Y/N Age: Microchip/Tattoo: License year and number• P010197 Rabies Vaccination Exp. Date: Veterinarian Name:Veterinarian Phone: Whereabouts of dog if not at owner/keeper's residence: 1' CLI n!!L ) 3 30 - .q oo . a c l Page 1 of 6 i CASE NUMBER.16-03529 OFFICER:Winner DATE ISSUED• 2 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION TYPE AND BASIS OF DECLARATION & REASONING Auburn Animal Control is seeking to declare your dog: Dangerous Potentially Dangerous At approximately 1130 hrs. on the 24 day of March 2 1 6 Animal Control has witnessed or been provided evidence that your animal was a Potential Dang ous Dog and was allowed to walk off leash unrestrained by the owner r*as*sae*r****+a*s*.r*:*x*s**sx+r*****tx*+***s**a********a+s**•rk+r*r***+s+*****rr s*tsa*s* Narrative: See APD Case#16-03529 I Page 2 of 6 I WCAENUMBER:16-03529 OFFICER:Winner DATE ISSUED• B o 2 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMEIVT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION RIGHTS UPON NOTIFICATION OF PRELIMINARY DECISION Manuel A. Zafi a Princessa Owner pog 3018 L ST NE Address Under ACC 6.35.020(C) you have a right to meet with the Chief of Police or his designee to present any reasons, orally or in writing,why the animal should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous: IFyou are unable to attend this meeting you can request the meeting be rescheduled to a reasonable time that falls within 10 calendar days of delivery of this notice. If you fail to appear for this meeting preliminary notice will become final,and your animal(s) will be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. f,after the meeting date,your animal is declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous you may appeal that fina] declaration using the form provided on the following page. This form must be submitted to the City Clerk by certified mai] or in person within fifteen (15) days of the determination ofyour animal's status if the origina] notification was delivered to you in person, or within twenty (20) days if the original notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETING ON PRELIMINARY DECLARATION 1 request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35.020(C) to discuss the preliminary decision to declare my animal(s) as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Case(s) No. 16-03529 I understand that 1 have the right to present reasons or information in writing or verbally as to why my animal(s) should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. J Signature Printed Name/Date Auburn Police Department 340 E. Main St Ste. 201 Auburn,WA 98002-5548 Phone: 253-931-3080 Page 3 of 6 d CASE NUMBER.16-03529 OFFICER:Winner DATE ISSUED•c 2 DANGEROUS DOG REQUIREMENTS Within twenty (20) days of receipt of this declaration,you are required to obtain a certificate of registration and a special license for your Dangerous Dog from the Auburn City Clerk.The license will be issued upon compliance with the following requirements: 1. Per ACC 6.35.020(t](1): Placement of a "proper enclosure" on the owner's/keeper's property to confine the dog. 2. Per ACC 6.35.020((1): Placement of a conspicuously displayed sign on the premises where the dog is harbored with a warning symbol that ififorms children or adults who cannot read of the presence of a dangerous dog. 3. Per ACC 6.35.020(t](2): A surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualiHed under chapter 48.28 R.C.W in a sum of not less than$250,000 paytnent to a person injured by the dog,or a policy of liability insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W in an amount not less than 250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal injuries inflicted by the dog. (OR) 4 Per ACC 6.35.020((3)• A policy of liability insurance, such as homeowner's insurance, issued by an insurer qualified under RCW Title 48 in the amount of at least 250,000, insuring the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog, or such liability insurance that otherwise meets the requirements of RCW 16.08.080. 5. Per ACC 6.35.080 (A): IF the Dangerous Dog is taken outside the required enclosure,such dog shall be muzzled and restrained by a substantial leash or chain and under the physical control of a person sixteen(16) years or older who is capable of restraining such animal. 6. Per ACC 6.35.020 (g)• Any dog which is declared to be a"dangerous dog" pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW shall also be required to be microchipped by a veterinarian of the owner's choice,at the owner's expense.This shal] be in addition to the other requirements of this chapter and in addition to the applicable requirements for]icensing as defined within this tiUe, and this procedure must be accomplished within 30 days after the owner's receipt of the dangerous dog declaration issued pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW 7 The special license fee for a Dangerous Dog is $500.00 per year,in addition to the regular license fee. IPage 4 of 6 I '- CASE NUMBER:16-03529 OFFICER:Winner DATE ISSUED• ° I POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG REQUIREMENTS Within twen 20) days of receipt of this declaration you are required to provide obtain a certificate of registration and special license for your Potentially Dangerous Dog from the Auburn City Clerk.The license will be issu d upon compliance with the following requirements: 1. Per ACC 6.35.0 • Placement of a"proper enclosure" on the owner's / keeper's property to confine the dog. 2. Per ACC 6:35.030: I he Dangerous Dog is taken outside the required enclosure,such dog shall be restrained by a substa tial leash or chain and under the physical control of a person sixteen (16) years or older who is ca ble of restraining such animal. 3. Per ACC 6.35.035. The noti e of potentially dangerous dog form,available from the ciry clerk,shall be filed. 4. Per ACC 6.35.035. The special l ense fee for a Potentially Dangerous Dog is$100.00, and the annual renewal fee is $100.00. Page 5 of 6 Y C;45'E NUMBER:16-03529 OFFICER:Winner DATE ISSUED• y AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION DANGEROUSDOG INSURANCE REQUIREMENT FORM Owner/Keeper of dog: LastName:First:MI. DOB: Address: Ciry• State: Zip: Home Phone:Work Phone: Description of dog: Name: Breed(s): Color(s): Markings: Sex: M/F Altered.Y/N Age: Microchip/Tattoo: TO INSURANCE/BOND AGENT The above described anima] has been declared a Dangerous Dog by the Auburn Police Department Animal Control Division per ACC 6.01 and 6.35, due to: Per ACC 6.35.020(fJ(2J&[3): The owner/keeper of this animal must obtain a surety bond issued by a surety insu,rer qualified under chapter 48.28 R.C.W in a sum not less than$250,000 payable to a person injured by the dog,and a policy of liabiliry insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W in an amount not less than $250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal injuries inFlicted by the dog. Additionally,written notice must be provided to the City ofAuburn Police Department within 30 days of cancellation, reduction of limits,or termination of coverage. i.:'Ctil"i^f_^.'r._ _ <a`:,"'_ _'e:4?-;--r y'ic::b......:--P. ..r- - < <rC.., .yr=?'^.`,`"`,i:n:?^r.s' :5`- ..,.,..`:G.•..rt., P.lease;;complete and;sigii'tkiis' form;;_and;return`.w`iihr'a`co of the'3poli'ry":stn'tf grAuliu n:Ptoliceir1— ;::,::;,,.. __r s:>..P_Y,';c- w-r, .: ' •r:^•.ir . ' s. .4•a,•.i=p.f;i Srli ! ' '•d4+N' r.. Fr f," l..''°.--. 5:._,.•.,r.y`,<i f:i.;; :' Deparfinenf;A, riimat_Control;Division,340 Ed.Main Street;5t`e`;201;Au6urii;:11VA°98002...(253)'931-3080 FAX 353 j931 5108'Thank YOU l -'' *.; 7°:.1 4, ' r i 4 i s;_ A 5 i`,is.?' (` '`^ l_. .M_ r _ ... l _ f1 N J . Y. ^ s. 41µ rr . _.V•' M?-- ..i: lnsarance/Bond Agent: Name: Address: Phone: Company IVame: Policy Number• Date: Insurance/Bond Ag Page 6 of 6 i / I lennifer Dlllon a Agent ihe Stenmoe Agency You're in good hands. Allstate Insurance Company moe Agency (253)795-4493 7833 Auburn Way Nor[h Suite P IC}^w Auburn.WA98002 1 C1 Ce phone253-735-4433/800-735-5312Youreingoadhanda. Fax253-735-9105 n jennilerdillon@allstate.com 24-Hour LIMITS OF LIABILITYICustomer5ervice ""^"N allstateagencies.com/bstenmoe n wellinp Protection with Bullding Structure Reimbursement Ertendetl Limits $139,179 5250 All Peril educlible Applies Other Simctures Proteclion 513,919 250 All Perll Deducti6le Applies Personal Property Protection Reimbursement Pravision 97 426 250 All Perll etluctl6le Applies Additlonal Living Expense Up Ta 12 Monlhs Famlly Liabiliry Pmtection 8300,000 eac occurrence Guest Medical Prolection 1,000 each person Buildinq Cades 13,91B 0$NT$ Your premium reflects the following discoums on aDPlicable coverage(s): Home and Auto 25% Pratective Device 5% 55 and Retiretl 15 % Claim Free 20% RATING INFORMATION The dwellinq Is of Frame constmction and is occupied by 7 family Your tlwellinq is 2 mile s) to the Ilre department p. Pege 2 w mntmn w arvxeo G52-3 i Allstate Intlemnity Company t t m You're in good hands. PaIlcyNumher: 9 17 26112 2 10/15 YourApenC TheStanmoeAgeney (253)735-4439 For Premium Perlotl Beglnnin0 Oct.15,2075 POLICY COVERAGES ANU LIMITS OF LIA8ILITY COYEflAGE ANO APFLICABLE DEDUCTIBLES LIMITS OF LIABILITY See PoOry Ior0.pphca6le ierms,Contlitlons antl Exoluslare Owelling Protection with Building Structure Reimbursement EMended Limlts 3139,179 250 All Perll educti6le Applies Other StrucNres Protection 513,91 A 250 All Peril Oeductihle Applies Personal PropeAy Protection Reimbursemenl Provision 39742fi 250 All Peril Oeduc[i61e Applies Adtli[lonal Living Expense Up To 12 Months Family Liabiliry Pro[ection 300.000 each occurrence Guest Medlcal Pratection 1,000 each person Building Codes 313,918 NT$ Your premium rellects the following discounts on applicable covemge(s): Home and Auto 25 Y Protective Devlce 5%a 55 and Retired 15 % Claim Free 20% RATING INFORMATION The dwellinp is at Frame consVUCtian and is occupied hy 1 family Your dwelling is 2 mlle(s)to lha fire department o,,.,o Page 2 wounm.xois wmronao G52-3