HomeMy WebLinkAbout3375 RESOLUTION NO.3 3 7 5 _ _ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, , WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND GITY GLERK TO EXECUTE A TEMPORARY SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND MINZEL & ASSOCIATES TO PROCURE TEMPORARY STAFF FROM July 11, 2001 TO July 11, 2002. WHEREAS, the City of Auburn currently has in effect an agreement with Minzel & Associates, for procuring tempora:ry employees; and WHEREAS, the Legal Department has prepared a work load forecast for 2001; and WHEREAS, the current work load for the Legal Department cannot be accomplished with authorized City staff; and WHEREAS, the work load is project related and is expected to fluctuate during this budget year; and � ' WHEREAS, the Ci#y has need to continue the use of temporary personnel#o meet cu:rrent and projected work loads. _. _ NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH RESOLVES THAT`. Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Auburn are herewith authorized to execute a Temporary Serviees Agreement between the City of Auburn and Minzel & Associates, to procure temporary staff from July 11, 2001 Resolution No. 3375 July 11, 2001 Page 1 j, to July 11, 2002; A coPy of said Agreement is attached hereto and denominated Exhibit "1" and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessa_ry to carry out the directives of this legislation. � DATED and SIGNED fhis� day of July 2001. CITY OF AUBURN � � �� I�cl. �� CHARLES A. BOOTH MAYOR ATTEST: Da '" Ile E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Michael J. eynolds, City Attorney --------------------------- Resolution No. 3375 July 11, 2001 Page 2 :_. r FROM : Minzel 8 Associates PHONE N0. t 206 32F —"-" - - - "-" -`--���--` -' _ _._ ._. Exhibit ``1", Resolution No. 3375 1Vlinzel � .�.sS�c�.ates, I�C. A •r�rc> �tvf�. }� � • I� AftAl, r•. i; n �.5 - St� i� �c� H7� S �rnE� �� '1'' h: �irI1KANY de YI•; nn� ,� ni: �•r 'fFMPORA.RY AND PERMANFNT CFRViCF.S ArREEMENT ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance of this A�greament occuis.upon the apptonal of thc city counseL F��S: Fccs for temporary glacc�annen..t are equal te>the employee's hourly rste ti�ues the number of haun worked. Minzcl&Associates Inc.(1�&A)placcmcnt cooirdinators will notify CIient of hourly rates when thay subm�it resumes. Client agreees to appmve and sign time summaries submitted by the M&A employzas. �me sumtmaries will be coaclusive as to th�autniber of comp�sable,hours worked by eaeh M&A e�ploy�c. The fee for th�r pe;rmanerit placem.e�t of an attomcy i�eq�l to 25 pe;eeat of the fiTs� ye.ar,estiusated,total com�eiasarion. The fae for thc permanent-placemont of a paxalegal or legal secretary is c�qual to 1 S p�rcetat pf the 5rst-year,estimated,tatal compcnsat�on. The essimate is not subsequeatly subject to reduction yr inccease. T4�attomeypermanaz�t placement fee shail be reduced by five percent if the employee performs xnorc than 500 hours of service on a tem�ozary basis;lU pex�cent if the employee pzrforcns morb ttkw 1,U00 hours of se.�rvice o:n a temporary basis; 1 S percet►t if the employee perfc,rms more t�an 1,SOQ hotus of secvice on a tennporary besis;ot'eliminated if the e�iployee�erfoims more thau 2,000 hoius of servica an a tcmpoxary basis. Tl�e paialegal and le�al-secretaxy�e�manent-placeinent fe�shall be reduced by five perccnt if tb.e em�loybC pecfozma mo�tlte.a 320 hours o�s�'�+see on a temporary basis; 10 perccni if the emQloyee performs moxe than 640 hours of s�vice on a ted�tporazy basis:anci eliminated i�' che employc�perfornns m�re t1�an 960 hours of servioe on a tem�orarq basis. Con�act Attorney iates axe betweca$AO an$80 an hour. � TEIVVIPORARY.�1SS�GNAY�NT RESPQI�TSIBIT,�TIES: As the employer,M&A wSll(a) maintsia a11.neeess�ry persqnael�.d�ayroll recotcds for its r�loyees;(b)calt►tlate their wages aad vviEhhold taxCs and othtr$overamcnt mat�dated Chsr$es,s.P anY;(o)rexzat such ta�ces and charges to appropriatc government�tiQies;(d)pay n�T�ges directly to its employees;and(e)proVide e�tployees' eompensation insuKance coverage as required by law. At Client's requcst,M&A wilI remov�sny of its employees assiga�d ta Ciient;prov�ided,howcvar,t,1�at this Agrcam�e�nt will in no way affect the right of M&A,ia its Role disereLiosx as employe�,to hire,assiga„reassig:►,discipli�ao and/or Uerminate its own employees. Ctient wi11 direet,supervise,s�d oontrol the servicas to be perfoimed by MBr.A ez�ployees. Client is solely responsibie for tlie work produci of the employees. M&A assumes no respoasibility for the work product of the etmployees. Cliont w�UI comply wit3i all appli.cablc laws,tegula.tio�ns and orders, inciuding,b�t not limitsd to,Laqual Opportuuiry and Occupational SaY'ety and.Health Lcgialation. Client sfiall indeuuufy M&A for any liability ari�ing undcr egplicahle laws. The t�m"employee"is used throughout this Agrcem�nt to�dentify M&A's empZoymenf tax t�esponsfbiliit�es and for no other purpose. 'I'�ItM_ A permanc�t placenoenrfee will be duo if a caad�date is I�ired within onc year of any one of the foIlowing e'vet►ts: Client's receipt of tamdidate's resunie 4om 1VI8tA,Client's inte.rview of candidatc, Client's rnraa(telephonc,Ctc.)or written conversntion with catadidate regardin.g positions at Glient,and/ox any other fozm of commuaicstion between Client aud Candidate regardi�g positions with Cli�nt. 'I'he fec a4so is due if Clicnt(or iu enap�oyees)refers a eandidau provided by M&A to another oompany who hires the candidate. . GU�tANTEE: M8�will piovide a pro-rata,40-day guarantee for all peimancnt-plaocmcnt fees. Thc guarantee wi�not apply if the permanent-piacement fee is not received witbaa ten(!0)days of the invoice date, The 90-day period bogins on the em�ployee's first date of pemoanent employment_ The 90-c�ay peniod covers ail days. For example,weckcads and:holidays are counted I�tbe emplpyoe laa�ves�r � is tezmivated Por just cause,the reflmd shall cgusl thc placeme�ttfeemultiplied by a fractian. The nuiuerator equals the nurriber of days left in the guarantcc period;the denotniuo.utox zquu�s 90. �otr exa�nple, 754T Leke Gity Way N�•Sestt�e.�'aehi�ngevn 98A1b■Pbu�n:2U6-$Z8.u100■Faw 206.328.6600•E�M;uI:m+ul�Min�el,com■www.lRisuol.00m _ , FR�"1 : Minzel & Assocfates PHOh� N0. : 206 328 5600 Jul. 12 2W1 07:36AM P4 if ab employea quits atter 30 days,the reP�md would equal.2/3rds of ti�e pIacrntcnt fee. This guarautee does not apply if tbe posidoa is elimiaatcd or the emplpyeo Is ttrmmatcd without just cause_ PAYMENT TERMS: M&A ahsll sub�t weeklp in�votcos W Clicni Pay�ent is duc as pmvidod �t�!W�p0�CC3$OYEI�IDg�C G11y's reimbursement and payment �ast du�inyoices are sub,�ecc�o a tace •,-�cba�e:o€oae perc�(1 Ro)pex inamth on die past di�b�ance:eud pzior lau aha�ges(if any). tf C1ie»ra accv�t�is p8st due,7�1&A m�Y�widtont advaacEd notiae,itrnmediatcty cease providiag any mnd ail fiuth� emP},pye�seTvkes without eay 1i�tb�7ity to M8cA for i�ou of pendiug wozlc If Clie�at'.s acco�mt js refe.st��k ta•ac at�orney or a cotlxtioa agency.Client sha111�aY all of the MBtA's expenses iacurred in snch � colki:doa effaats iachu�ing,but not liafited t�,court cosa and attonrey fees. LII�IITA1`iON OF Y.YABILTTXd M�A does nat waaaut o�'g�tix that dte employoos plaud i to this ment will prodnoa any particnlar result or any solvtion to Clieut's paiticuIar nccd9, � Ag�ee. . . Bocause�'I&A is pc�ovisia8 s�sPtemeatal��ng sarvic�s onty,and Client is dir«�mg and sape(vising M&A ezaiQloyoos wl�o reader t�ese serviccs,M&A shall not be liab�.(1)for�y clai�s,costs,expensss, . dari�ages,obligations or]oss�s arisi�ng from or in con�ction with tho acts or omissioas of afry M&A e�IoYee.and(2)fot aay lndbract,special or conseqnen�aii dadnages arls�8 in canfract,ton,oz orherwise- Giienc shall iademnifY MBtA and hold it hatm�less agalnst and firnn a�y such claiu�s madt or b�ht by $�Ird parties. CONFI.YC?S: Clfent will eacpoct co;t:fldentia,tiRy of anyth�n$aeen�heard or o�rsved. GE1�iEiLrRAL�'XtOYLSION3; Failurc to irts#st upoa stdd complia�with any of$bc tetms,coven�t3 oi oondrtions of this Agtecm�nt sba�l not be decmAd a wsivcr of that ters4 covenant or cond�tion or of stt►y • � o6�er'term,cwenant or eond�ttaa of d�is Agreesient. Aay waiv�ar raliuc�svmeat of aaY right or powa he�r�tmdes at any one or morc times sball not be dcEmed a waiver or relmquislunent of t'hac right or power at any other tima In its pe�'fora�e of tlris Agreeineat,M&A w�71 at atl fim�act hi�its own.t�pacity and right as aa indspendaat contraetor. Nodiing coutained hereh�may be coastn�ed tio make M&A sa agatt� partu,er,or joint veatiu0 Of C�ieat ThiB Agrccmeat COastitutcs the eatire Agze�t bCtPleetl the.pa�tic8 rogatding all present and fucvte emiployees sad caadidates prdv3ded to pu�t. Tbere aze no repnsetrtations, wsiranties,�ovtnants,or obligadaus�8 to M&A employees except as aet fordn ia ti�is Agracmeat. . This p�e�men,t super�adds ail p�ior aad conte�nporaneo�s a�ts,�darst�Ai�$s,negooadons and discussions,writte�a or o�at,of the partics,relatiug to M&A exnPloYees. Nei�tber di�nt n�or M&A may . . � traasfer ar ass3ga say of�ts r;ghts or ittterasts uader th�s A�esment or dalega�azry of its obligatians cvi�h6ut tha pr�ior writi�en eonsent of�c other parcy. Qicatsg�ees�at Washiagton Law sball govel�the 9nterpretatio�n and appIioahon of this conttac� GHeiat coosents to ttia ju=isdictiom and veuue of ei�er Kiag Couaty Superior Couxt cr Seattlo Dis�icL Court for disputes a�actions aristing aut of t�is Agreemeflt. Md�A:sball have sole aushoriry to p.ick bctaya y�e two Cowts. :DATED and SIGNED this � �. . day of July, 2001 . CITY OF AUBURN ��� �Q = CHARLES A. BOOTH Min el Assoc ates, Inc. � MAYOR AT EST: anielle E. Daskam, � City Clerk AP OV A 'TO FORM: Mic ae J. Reynolds, City Attorney