HomeMy WebLinkAbout3403 RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 0 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI6 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO 'i EXECUTE A TECHNICAL SERYICESAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE QITY OF ', _ . _ AUBURN AND TECHSTAFF, INC. TO PROCURE TEMPORARY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION STAFF FROM JANUARY 1, 2002 TO DECEMBER 31, 2002. WHEREAS, the City of Auburn currently has in effect an agreement with Techstaff, Inc. for procuring tempora .ry employees; and ' WHEREAS; the Engineering Division has prepared a work load forecast for 2002; and WHEREAS; the current work loacJ for Engineering Division cannot be accorriplished with authorized City staff; and WHEREAS, the work load is project related and is expected to fluctuate. during tFiis budget year; and WMEREAS, the City has need fo continue the use of temporary personnel to meet current and projected work loads. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING GOUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY _ _ __ ASSEMBLED, HEREWITM RESOLVES THAT: Resolurion 3403 I December 7, 2001 Page I ' Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Autiu�n are herewith authorized to execute a Technical Services Agreement between the City of Auburn and TEGHSTAFF, INC., to procure temporary design and construction-inspection staff from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002. A copy of said Agreement is attached hereto and denominated Exhibit ''A" and incorporated herein. Sec4ion 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to car .ry out the directives of this legislation. DATEp and SIGNED this�day of _ _ December 2001. CITY OF AUBURN C;e�.� A.�� CMARLES A. BOOTH Mayor Resolurion 3378 December 7;2001 Page 2 ATTEST: � Dan' IIe E baskam City Clerk AP- PROVED AS TO FORM: C � , �/,����_�,� �/' Michael J. Reynolds Gity Attorney Resolurion 3378 Decemb;er 7,2001 Page 3 � ' , st�..�, i.,r. � , . . _�.�• . � TECI�IICAL.SERViGES AGREEMENT " . _ , _ TFIIS AGREEIvfENT is;made tlus�day ofj�YG('. 20U1 between'I'ECHSTAFF;INC (heleafter rei'ecred"to as TECHSTAFF),;and Tf�CITY OFAUBURN'(hereatter referred to as,Customer). ' . ',., " � 1. , Scope'of Services: . ; 1'ECHSTAFF wi11 locate aiul employ teclmical pecsoonpel(herea4ter ieferred�to'as"pe�sonnel"j as � . - its employces to;work under the fiiection,coNrol and supervision of Castomer acCustomer's job s�tes:. „ TECHSTAFF a�M(;l�stomer agree that the personnel are,TECHSTAFF's employees;and that T'ECHSTAFF sLall be . , responsilile for p�ayment of wages and all taxes associated with the employer/employee relationgLip mcluding;tiut ° ' not limited to;:Pederal mcome tax withholding,F7CA,anemploymem compensation taxes,azid ind�slnal�na�rance premiums. : - ., .. . , � . ' . . 2. . Assimmenf and Reniecemecrt of TECHSTAFF Peisonnel. _ . , . (a) . . . Upon C�stomers reques[,TECH$TAFF st�all arrange for the proposed personnel to meet � with supervisory employees of Customer for a skips inte[view;review of the proposed persannel qualifications and . � ' a discussion of the scope of the projected assigninent, (b) � ' Customer,shall be solel' ermuung the suitability and qualificadons of Y� alLpe�sonnelpresentedto`F,�stomerbgT'ECHSTAFF , nsiblefordet , ` ' . (c) . If after.thelECHSTAFF persongel have commenced worldng for Ctistomer,Cdstomei deterwnes ttiat such personnei are uusausfactory, Custom6i shall noufy'TSCHSTAFF'and T'ECHSTAFE sliall tise � its best reasonable efforts to;replace the"rejected;pgrsonnel"in a timely fa'shion wiUi'a more suitably skilled _ peisonnel: . : _ _ , (d) If;a�ry of the TECHSTAFF personnei fail;to report to Cystomer's`place of business foi -.. , - "masons beyond TECHSTAFF"s control;'such as,but not limitad to,iDness,labor dispytb,natptal disaster oi acts uf . , ` . � ... .. � anggove�nmemal'authority,TECHSTAFF agees that rt mll'ase,its best reasonable gfforts to replace the absenf � personnel in a amelymann�with anothei suitably skilled person ,_ . , . � _ . . ' '. . (e) , If Custo�r finds that,within foar(4)houis atter TECI-IS'fAFF personnel begins :' assignmert,performm�ce iswisatisfactory and so notifies TECHSTAFF,TBCHSTAFF will not charge G�stomer for ' .rejected persoimel. , , . - ' . . . . - 1 . Rpe,,�s. 30+43,. .: , . '. '1'�blls��"n�,cA��- � � � . � . . ��, . . � . . . . . . . .. .: .� . � : �. .. � � . TSA}Il/95�. ' . ' ' . � . . . , . . . 3. ' Dirbction and Suoervision of TECHSTAFF Personnet. , (a) Customei shall be solely rasponsible for(i)assignment of all tasks to be performed by . : 1'ECHSTAFF pqtsonpgl;(ii)prwiding necessaiy guidance in tlie peifprdiauce of their work;aud(iii)eheelang, apQroying or eertifyi_ng TECHSTAFF'personnel's work,producYs. (b) Ctistomer st�all,provide thg TECHSTAFF per3omel with a safe and appropriate work . place and shall.comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,regula6ons,orders oflgcivemmental_Uodies.6r ag�cies,. or contiactual covenants.batween Customer apd tl%ird parties tliat regiilate C�stomer's dischaige of Uqs duty. Without limitation of the,foregoing,(,tistomer repibsents tliat TECFISTAFF peisoniiel ivill not be ezposed;o arty " . tiarrrdous chemicals(as�ned by the OSIIA Flazard Ctimm�upcation Standaia or azry.appGcable state/local "rigfit to know".law)under notmal operating condiUons for.a�ty fore.seeable emergencies at C�stome�s premises: Customer a�that should any rislc of exposure arise in thy future,.Customer sfiall give TECHSTAFF immediate wriaen noace so tliat Ctistome(and TECHSTAFF ina fake a � y ppnipriate preoauflons reqirired 6y tlie OSHA Hazard . , Communicatia�n Standard or oUihr appiicable state/local"riglu to know"law. In this regard,(,wstomer shall: � , (i) Provide Right to Know training to TECHSTAPF personnel; (ii) Ensure that all:of TECHS'I'AFE personuel aie arvare of t}ie"Hazazd Communiqation Standazds"; - (iii) Be:aware of comenu of Matgrial Safery Data Sheeis(MSDS)of ch:emioals . reasopably:ezpected to be,encountered in the work place; , . (iv) Make MSDS's readily ayailable to TECHSTAFF personnel; , (v) Take necessary precau6onarysteps idenufied iq the MSDS's to,proteot TECHSTAF'F personnel with respect to chemicals encounteied in the work place;and ' . (vi) Supply.l'ECHSTAF'F wi(h oopies of IyISDS's for chemioals.it pioposes to fqipish for"use by TECHSTAFF persopqeL ' • (c) TECHSTAPF aad CSistomer ezpressly'agrep tliat TECHSTAFF is not a wnsultapt and , ddes not wacrant the perfoimance of any TECHSTAF'F personnel sd{iplied to Customec TECHSTAF'F does not licensed to hold itself out ro render airy professional services whish iequire licensing from aziy regalatory ag"en�y. 7'ECIISTAFF does not insuie fc}r piofessioiial negligence or"carty errois aud omissions+nc�,*a++ce„ [f Customer's biisiness is siich that sucli icisurance is requiied or desized,it shaU be Customets sole responsibility to p;ocure and pay for same. Customer agrees fo waive any claims it may have-against TECHSTAF'F wtuch result from the seryices-performed by TECHSTAFF personnel. Cusfomer also a8rees to indemnify,defend andhold TECHSTAF'F harR�ess from claims,toses,or liabiliqes(including,reasona6le atfomeys'fees and expenses.of litigalion)which arise from the sarvicas ivhich are puformed for C�istomer by TECHSTAF'F personneti ' • 4. , P�ro rietarv.Inforiiiadon. _ 1'ECHSTAFF rnf'orms its personnel diat private or proprietacy infortna4on of its customeis may become adailable to them 7'ECHSTAFF mst�ucts its personnel to maintain such proprietaiy informahon iu strict confidence. Proprietary infornation does not u�cliule,however,the fbllowing: (a) In1'orn�apon wfiicfi,at the 6mq of disclosure,is:genetally ayailable to the ppblic; (b) Infortnalion wtiich,;at th6 time of disclosure,becomes generally available.to the public by publication or otherivisa; ' 2 _ . ' TECHSTAFF.INC. ' . . � . . � ' � � . . - TSA=1195 - . - . � � - � (c) Infortnation:which was in the personnel's possession p'cioi to disclosure hereunder atd which was dot a_cquired directly or indiiectty,from Customcr; ' ' � (d)' Inforniaflon wLich TBCHSTAFF of its personnet acquired,after Nie tvue of disclosure . hereunder from a third � . . � , parly�mposing no obligation of co�ddentiality and who did not acquire azry such info�on directly or indimctly from Customer;or (e) Infomiaflon as may be amhoiized by Cnstomer to be disclosad. ;5: ' �mcensatioa (a) Cbstomer shall pay TECHST-AFF on an hourly basis for ihe services of TSCHSTAFF Pvsonnel,as is sa ow in the auacliod schadule: '1'tie ctiazges shall be based upan Ctistomer-approved TECFiS7'AFE lime slips for eac,h of tbe personneFassig�ed to Customer. (b) The actoal char�e fbr the se�vices of a partioular uidividual shaR be:based npon tfie]dvel of skill requiied by Customer for the position being filled,and the available supply of personnel havipg tlie reqpisite level of sldll.'TECHSTAFF shall set the actual hourly rete for each mdividual aYthe time of dispatch,of personuel to Ctistomer's job sitc and sLall notify Gustomer of,Uie applicable houilyrate or rates,. ' {c) The overtime hourty rate for 7'ECHSTAFF peisonnel shall`increase to orie and one-half times the appfipble hourly rdte for aIl labor perform�by an indiv�doal in excess of forty(40)hoyrs inany given Monday through Simday period. If aay TEGHSTAFF personnel are reguirgd by�stomer to work on a legal holiday,Customer agees to pey TEGHSTAFF for the services'of the individuals at)he rate of 6ne and one-half times tfie aforementioned haurly rate. 6. Imoicing. {a) TECHSTAFF shall bill C�stomer for the cucient clarges based ppon tilne slips,for each ' Techstaffemployee assigaed W ttu:Customer;and imroices will be submitted to Cu�omer on a weekiy liasis. The imoices shall be due and payable imme�ately upon receipt. (b). . .4ny imro�ces noYpaid wiUiln tliirty(30)days of the invoice date shall be consideied to tie 'past due,and TECHSTAFF shall be eatitled to receive'a service charge eqdal to the Seafirst Ba4k prime;ate plus two perce�rt;(2%)of ihe unpaid balance,in addition.to airy o[her sums due and oiving. The applicabie Seafust Bank prime rate shall be that rate which is in effect on the:date of;he imoice. . . . 7. Term and'Tecminafion. � � � �� ' . , . . This Ageement st�all nui froin 7anuarv 1.2002 uNil December 31.2002. 8. - Ilection. ' In t6e event ttiat either partq is required to tetain the secVices of an attorney to'enforce tlus � Agreement or to collectany w�peid imoice;the losing paity agrees to pay,in addiuou to any other sums owing„the- . reasonabk cosfs of collection or suit and a sum for reasonable atlomey fees at tlie pretrial,vial m appellate level. �The paztiesagree that the venue of any liUgation acising opt of this contract shall be ip thq King C.opnty Superior ' Courtand Customer here6y waives arry objections,to,'venue or pbrsonal juiisdictiqn of said Cowt: This Agreement ' shall in atl respects be construed in accoidance with.the laws of the State of Washington 9. Solicitafion of Personnel 3 '1F.C[iSTAFF.INC. - . . . � 'ISA-11N5 • � . . . . Glutomer rnvenants and agees:not to recnut or hire,eitha directly or md'vectly,airy T'EGHSTAFF personnel op assignmeM to Custamer a Mha individuals referred by TECHSTAFF so long as this Agreement sLall be in effect and for a period of six(6j months thereafter,provided,however;that notwithsta�ing � the foregoing,Ctiistomer slall be permitted to hire directly and'IECHSTAFF personnd who have been cominuoysly on assiBnment to�Stomerf6r a mioimum period of six(6)mont6s without being dcemed m'default or violation M. - this paragraph except as follows: for pioject Engincet positions oaty,customer.covenants anil agas not W nocntit or IriTe;eitha d'uectlY m����Y,�3'TECHSTAFF persormel on assignmem to G�stomer or other individuals neFeired by 1'ECFISTAFF fora peiiod of mnety(90}calendaz days thereaftcr,provided,however; nanvithstanding tlie foregoing,Clistomer shall be permided ro hire.directly any 7'ECHSTAFF personnel who have tieen continuously on assignment to CS�stomer for'a mimno�m period of mnel3'(90)calendar days without being deemed in defauit or violatiosof this pazagaph. In the evert Cbstomer otherwise violates ihe teans of this paragrap�;�TECHSTAFF shall have the following remedies: ' (a) To enforce the same by such temporary ieshaining orde�s,temporary or peimane,nt injnnctions;or other equitabie orders as may be'recjuired for such pauposes. Castomer acknowledges that Customer's violation of the terms of tltis paragtaph will�in immediate and irreparable t�a�m to T'ECHS'I'AFF, for which dazoages may be an inadequate remedy; Notwit6�anding the foregoing;TECHSTAFF's'right to p�usie suc&eqiutable retief shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any rigtit.to mcover:damages in cash amount as TECHSTAFF inay prove in ad�rtlance with applicable laa; : . (b) In the case of 7'ECHSTAF'F peisonnel actually hired by Ciutomer in violafion of this , provis'ron;T'ECHSTAFF inay elecl to be paid as a recnriter of such personnel,'in wLich event Cnstomer shall make immediate peyment to TECHSTAFF based upon 1he following fee schedule: (ip . Non-degreed support staff: $2,0(10:00 (ii) Degread support staff;architects;or computer inforniation specialists,fees,ba,sed , an the employee's a�mual gross eamings at the time employment commences>as'follows: , � To $ 19,999. . :. ' 15"/0 520,000 -� 20,999 . . . . 20% _ 521,000 - 21,999 . . . . 21% $22,000 - 22,999 . . . . 22% $23,000' - " 23y999 .•r,.;.' 23% 524;000 - 24,999 . .,. . 24% $25,000 - 25,999 . . ..: 25% $26,000 - 26,999 . . . . . 26%0. 527;000 - 27,999 . . . . 27'�0 528,000 - 28,999 . . ... 28% . $29,000 - 29,999 . . . . 29%. $3Q000 - Aliove . . . . 30% Customer aclmowleilges ihat theabove fee schedule represerrts.the agreed ualue of services rendeied by - TECHSTAFF in locating,scrcening,checking the�ef'erenoes for and othcrwise determining the qualifications of TECHSTAFF personnel;ar�d 1Lat such fees are'not to be conswed as a penalty�or (c) To reoover such damagesas may be provable under applicable law. ' , 9. TECHSTAFF,Inc.agreea to pay all costs assoc�ated with personpel includin"g'bpt nof limited to ' . LBcI,unemployment,Socia!Security,Federal Withholdiug and shall u�de�riniCy and hold liam�less cliqrit,CITY OF . , AUBURN, its'officials,employees and'agents from any costs;induding the abuve pained'in addition to the fiourly rates set forth in AttacFiinent A including client attomey fees and costs. ' ' 4 - rEciisrq�:¢ac - � . . . . �TSA..Ii/95 ' ' . - ' . . . . 10. . Entire Agrcement This Agreement is the entire ageement betcveeu thg paraes,and shall not be modified excepf by writt�:agnoem�t agned tiy the paiues: '17us Ageemait:inmes to the lienefit of and binds the parties and their succgssors,assigns,or other legal ceEuesentazive`s: _ DATED Ugs' � / �day,of ��L001. 7'ECHSTAFF: TECHSTAFF,INC. . . Br , ,. �r.t�� ' Its President CUSTOMER: T[-IE' TY pF AUBURN By �����. r�� Charles A: Booth Its Mavor , , 5 � TECHSTAFF.INC. ' ' � ' . . ' . � . . TSA-11/95 . � � . . TECHSTAFF,INC. , CITY OF AUBURN 2002 SERViGE RA1'ES We,employ,opr people direcHY,absorb al1 recruiting costs ar�d pey all taxes:Hourly rates foi secvice aie.your only ' cost. 'fhese rdtes will vaiy dependiog on skills�equired. ; All retes will.remain stable 4urin8 the P%lect with ezceptions of a change in joti description TtCeie ivill be a 3%W .. 5%intlation rate iricrease for people oii the;project more tlian one year:. HOURLY RATE' . .._ ENGINEERS: . , �9,eo ' . `. ' . Jr Engineers,Eugineering Techs - 599.8b-38'.00/I-Ir Engiqeers , 536.00�3:OOYFIr. Engineers,Sr.Leyel&Piojgct Engineers . r . 556.00-87:00/Hx. • DESIGN ENGINEER/DESIGN TECH $3i.00-52:50/fir. CAD DRAEfER/CAD T'ECH, Sr:Le4e1 '. AutoCad $34.00-39:50/Hr: . IvGcrosta6on 537:5O-49.00/Hr. CAD OPERATOR/CAD TECH , AutoCad 525:50-34.00/Hr: , Microsta6on 533:5039.50/Hr: , , CAD OPERATOR,entry leve4 AutoCad 522:50-26:00/tir Micios(a6on , 525.00-35.00/Hr , ENGINEERING AIDE/FIEI.D TECFI � 519.5030.00/Hr: , INSPECTORS;, , Construction Inspecter,Junior level_ - 525.00=35.00/Hi' , , Constipction Iiispector . . $35.00-42.001Hr Coiistniction Iiispe�toi; Senior level , S39.00.50.00/Hr ' CONSTRUCTION CLERK/CONTRACT ADMR�TISTRATOR/PROJECT CONTROL . Contract Adminisuatioq Projxt CoNml a28.00-55.00/Hr Contrac[Administra(ors,Project Cornrol AssistanLs; ,.. $22,50-36.50/Hr . ContractAdininishatorc-elerical,Entry Level` ' $21.00-29.00Qir SCHEDIJI.ERS/ESTIIvIATORS ' , S35.00-S1.Ob/Hr. . SCf�DiJLERSJESTIlyfATORS,Si.Leyel . , " �49.00-87,00/Hr . PLANNER$:-Em�ironinental,Ttac�cportatiou(DOE) : _ $35.00-95.00/Hr , PROJECT MANAGER(DOE) . , '$35:00-95.00/Hr: ' An weitime,iate of time and one talf:would accur after more than 40 hours ina Monday through S�mday wock. . Itivoicing is ona.weekIy basis for hours worked the preGions week. Imoices aie�due upon receipt. ' • ' TECHSTAFF; INC: CITY-OF AUBURN , _ 6 . - , . TECHSTAFF.INC. ' � . . � . ... .� � . . _. - ' . , . . ' TSA-.11N5 .. : , ' . � � . . , ' . ' . � . , � . � . .� . . ADDENDUM_-SERYICE RATES , . � ' . We employ our people directly, atisorb all recruiting costsiand pay all taxes; Hourly rates for'seryice are yoyr'only cost.'These rates will vary'depandirig oa"skills required. All rates will.remain stable:during.the project with ezceptions of a cUange in job description requasted or' pie-approved by Customes: Escalation Factor for service rates for people on the project more tLan one .. Year limited to 3 to 5"/0.. HOURLY RATES . PROJECTMANAGER (DOE) , . , $35;00.95.00/Hr' ' REGULAR OVERTIME ' ' PROJECT MANAGER F;ed Ostinann, Ef}'ective 01lO1/Ol $42.70%Hr $64.00/Hr M overtime rate of time and one half would ticc�ir after more than 40 hours in a Monday through,Supday .. . . . . . _ _ _ worlcweek. Invoicing is on a weekly basis for'hoius worked the pieyious week. � 7 _ rEcxsr,�.wc. . � . TSA-.11/95 . � • ' . � ' . . � . ' • . - �