HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-2017 Minutes * * C[TY OF . - * HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE NiINUTES ` � wasHrNcrotv February 27, 2017 I. CALL TO ORDER The Human Services Committee meeting was called to order by Chair Jason Berry at 4:05 pm on Monday, February 27, 2017 at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA Committee Members bresent: Barbara Derda,Jason Berry,JoAnne Walters,Lela Brugger, Dana Riel, Maryelyn Scholz Absent: Leticia Figueroa Staff present: Director of Administration Dana Hinman; Human Services Manager Erica Azcueta;Neighbofiood Programs Coordinator Erika Klyce Guest: John Holman,resident&Council Member II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES o Member Barbara Derda moved to accept the January 23, 2017 meeting minutes; Member JoAnne Walters seeonded the motion. All committee members were in favor of adopting the minutes as submitted. The January 23, 2017 meefing minutes were approved. III. AGENDA '' o Calendar Planning Erica Azcueta suggested that the group have agendas planned out for the coming calendar year so that the public announcements could give a better idea of the topics each month for guests. E[ica also brought up visitations for the coming year. Erica gave an overview of visits and what the purpose is for the new members on the committee and mentioned that 3 organizations specifically expressed interest in giving the committee presentations or hosting visitations. The Committee decided that the Auburn Food Bank, International Community Health Services, AYR/Nexus, Children's Home Society, Ghrist Community Free Clinic, PICC, Phoenix Rising, Multi-Service Center would be visited (by teams, not necessarily all members). The Committee would like presentations from ANEW and DAWN. Erica will be sending out a list of organizations to get all of the visits identified and then scheduled. An agenda item that was suggested was the topic of creating a template of questions for committee members to ask during an organization's oral presentation. Gommittee members are expected to think of further topic possibilities and bring them to the next meeting oremail them to Erica/Emily. • Quorum expansion next steps Dana Hinman will speak to the City Attorney and have an updated resolufion reflecfing a 9 person committee ready#or the Committee's review next month. Next month the Committee will also decide if priority for the 2 new positions will be given to prior applicants or if the application process will open fresh. The Committee also expressed interest in making the retreat a regular occurrence, every 2 years, right before a new funding cqcle to provide eVeryone with renewed direction, energy a.nd purpose as well as induct new members to the process. . Continued Human Services discussion at Council S#udy Session (5:30pm, 2/27) Dana Hinman opened the discussion by explaining that Council Member Rich Wagner asked to see a list of all human services including things tnat are considered "indirect" human services that the City as a whole provides (including departments such as Parks, Arts and Reereation and Auburn Police Department). A discwssion around Council's recent interest in Human Services funding and what that might mean for the Committee ensued. Two clarifications arose from the discussion: Erica clar�ed that the Committee%Human Services Funds providing funding for programs not agencies and Jason Berry clarified that the Committee's job is to make recommendations for the allocation of funds to City Council but that the ultimate decision is the Council's and they can choose to allocate funds in a different manner. IV. ANNOUNCENiENTS o The next regular Human Services Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, Mareh 27, 2017. V. ADJOURNMENT �I The meeting was adjoumed at 4:58 p.m. APPROVED THE day of , 2017 Jason Berry, Human Services Committee Chair Dana Hinman, Director of Administration