HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-2017 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETINGPLANNING COMMISSION MEETING October 18, 2017 AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers 25 W Main ST, Auburn, Washington A.ROLL CALL/ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM B.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II.APROVAL OF MINUTES A.September 19, 2017 III.PUBLIC COMMENT Comment from the audience on any item not listed on the agenda for discussion or public hearing. IV.PUBLIC HEARING 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments – Group #1 (Dixon)* Summary: Review and discuss Group #1 of the 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments consisting of the following Text and Map Amendments: A.Annual Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (Case No. CPA17-0001, unless indicated)* (Dixon) 1.P/T #1 – Auburn School District 2017-2023 Capital Facilities Plan 2.P/T #2 – Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan 2018-2023 3.P/T #3 – Federal Way School District 2018 Capital Facilities Plan 4.P/T #4 – Kent School District 2017/2018 – 2022/2023 Capital Facilities Plan 5.P/T #5 – City of Auburn 2018-2023 Capital Facilities Plan 6.P/T #6 - Remove the discussion of a "Mixed Use" land use designation from the text of the Plan and from the Land Use Map. The R10, R16, and R20 residential zoning districts already allow for mixed uses (comprised of residential & commercial) as permitted uses (See Table 18.07.020, Permitted Use Table ). 7.P/T #7 - Add text to add back the R5, Residential zoning district back in as an implementing zone for the "Single Family" Land Use Designation. A significant portion of the city is zoned R5, Residential. The 2015 Comp Plan this zone was inadvertently omitted as an Page 1 of 7 implementing zoning district of any Comp. Plan land use designation and must be corrected. 8.P/T #8 - Change the title of the land use designation of "Residential Transition" to "Moderate Density Residential". Requested to revert to pre-2015 title of the category. Provide more logical title for the category to address and reflect the range of residential densities. The implementing zones change to "R10, Residential" and "R16, Residential". 9.P/T #9 - Add the "R10, Residential" and R16, Residential" zoning districts back as implementing zones for the "Residential Transition" or if recommended, to the "Moderate Density Residential" Land Use Designation. Areas of the city are zoned "R10, Residential" but no areas are currently zoned "R16, Residential". However, in the 2015, Comp Plan these zoning districts were inadvertently omitted as an implementing zoning districts of any Comp. Plan land use designation. To be corrected by adding R10 and R16 as implementing zones to either the "Residential Transition" or "Moderate Density" Land Use Designation. B.Annual Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments (CPA17-0001 – City Initiated)* (Dixon) 1.CPM #1 - Remove the discussion of a “Mixed Use" land use designation from the text of the Plan and remove category from the Land Use Map. "The R10, R16 and R20 residential zoning districts already allow for mixed uses residential & commercial) as permitted uses (See Table 18.07.020, Permitted Use Table). Thus it was unnecessary to establish a unique land use designation to achieve a zoning district to allow. (See also related P/T #6) 2.CPM #2 - Change the mapped land use designation of a 2.23-acre city-owned park parcel from "Multiple Family Residential" to "Institutional". Parcel No. 0921059073 is located south of SE 310th ST, 820 feet west of 124th Ave SE. 3.CPM #3 - Change the mapped land use designation of a group of 4 privately-owned, previously developed parcels from "Downtown Urban Center" to "Light Industrial". Parcel No. 5401600200, of 0.06 acres and Parcel No. 5401600175 of 0.7 acres are owned by In Ho & Nancy Kim. Parcel No. 5401600235 of 0.34 acres is owned by CHS Inc. Parcel No. 5401600260 of 0.34 acres is owned by Gary & Karen Stamps. Proposed to change the Comp. Plan land use map designation to recognize and be more compatible with developed status of the properties at the perimeter of the land use designation. The sites contain existing uses of warehouses, bulk propane tank distribution and outdoor storage. V.OTHER BUSINESS Page 2 of 7 No items were brought forward for “Other Business”. VI.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPORT Update on Community Development activities. VII.ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 7 DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION September 19, 2017 MINUTES I.CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA. a.) ROLL CALL/ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Planning Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Commissioner Mason, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Stephens, Commissioner Copple, and Commissioner Moutzouris,. Commissioner Shin was excused. Commissioner Smith was absent. Staff present included: Planning Services Manager Jeff Dixon, Assistant City Attorney Doug Ruth, Parks Planning and Development Manager Jamie Kelly, Planner II Alexandria Teague, and Community Development Administrative Assistant Tina Kriss. Members of the public present: Valley Regional Fire Authority Fire Marshal Karen Stewart. b.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGENCE II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES A.September 9, 2017 Administrative Assistant Tina Kriss explained a scrivener's error has been corrected on Page 5, Paragraph 7. The paragraph now reads as follows: “Mr. Zimmerman expressed his concern with the proposed density standards and asked how the city would protect their exposure to a fully-involved structure fire. Because homes may be built so close to one another it seems difficult for fire not to spread through the entire block.” Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Lee seconded to approve the minutes from the September 19, 2017 meeting as corrected. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6-0 III.PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public present for comments. Page 4 of 7 IV.PUBLIC HEARING No items were brought forward for Public Hearing V.OTHER BUSINESS In response to an agenda modification, the Planning Commission considered the items in a different order, Item C went before item A. A.Discussion of Adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan Document Planner II, Alexandria Teague provided the staff report to the Commission. Staff recounted that 2015 Comprehensive Plan went before the Planning Commission for final public hearing on December 8, 2015. The positive recommendation of the Planning Commission went before City Council’s second reading and adoption of Ordinance on December 14, 2015. As part of Ordinance No. 6584, adopting the Comprehensive Plan Council enacted the Planning Commission’s recommendation to authorize the editing of the Comprehensive Plan, recognizing staffs’ intention to provide final professional formatting and editing of the Comprehensive Plan. The Ordinance also recognized that the final formatting and editing would involve technical corrections not resulting in any substantive changes. Staff reviewed the editing and formatting modifications that have taken place. The Commission and staff discussed the additional maps included in the Plan, staff explained that the purpose and function of each of the maps is described in the ‘Land Use Element’ section (Pages 18 through 25). A commissioner inquired about where historical information was included in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan as previously discussed by the Commission. B. CPA17-0001 and CPA17-0002 Introduction to Docket of 2017 Comprehensive Plan Text and Map Amendments Planning Services Manager Jeff Dixon presented the staff report on CPA17-0001 (city amendments) and CPA17-0002 (private amendment). Staff explained, annually the City amends its Comprehensive Plan. These are the “annual amendments” that the city considers routinely each year as distinguished from the “major update” of the Comprehensive Plan that was completed by the Planning Commission’s recommendation at the end of 2015. There are two sources for these “annual amendments”; the City processes “city- initiated amendments” in response to items that are “docketed” (text or map). The city also includes “private-initiated amendments” in response to applications that are submitted. Staff reviewed the 9 Text (P/T) and 18 Map (CPA) Amendments and explained the intent of the changes. After discussion on a map amendment relating to “Light Commercial”, in response to a commissioner question, staff provided examples of the light commercial uses to the Commission. Page 5 of 7 Staff reviewed the 2017 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Proposed Schedule. Staff explained they will be providing further detail on each of the amendments and would like to present them at the October 17th meeting, cancelling the 1st meeting in October. The Commission asked if staff could bring a portion of the amendments forward for review, holding the public hearing the same evening so that they are not brought forward all at once and so that there is not so much time between discussion and the related hearing. The Commission also concurred with staff to cancel the 1st meeting in October and hold the meeting October 17, 2017. C.Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA) Presentation Fire Marshal Karen Stewart of Valley Regional Fire Authority provided a PowerPoint presentation on the tactics and operation in responding to fires from the perspective of the fire authority. Information was provided regarding National Statistics, Fire Tactics, Fire Growth, Legacy vs. Modern homes (combustion), Reducing Fire Spread, and Rescue. Discussion was held by the Commission and Fire Marshal Stewart regarding the growth of fire in modern houses, what fuels the fire, and how heat is transferred through radiation to nearby combustibles. Removing heat and nearby combustible fuels helps minimize fire. A discussion was held on setbacks for residential construction. VI.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPORT Planning Manager Jeff Dixon reported that Sound Transit held a briefing before City Council to update them on the four potential sites being proposed and that the City Council will be providing input to Sound Transit on site selection in the future. VII.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Page 6 of 7 Memorandum To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission Ron Copple, Vice-Chair, Planning Commission Planning Commission Members From: Jeff Dixon, Planning Services Manager Date: September 26, 2017 Re: Planning Commission Meeting – 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments At the October 18, 2017 Planning Commission public hearing, staff will provide a brief overview of the 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The materials for the public hearing are provided in your 2017 Comprehensive Plan Amendments working binder. If there are any questions prior to the October 18, 2017 public hearing, or you need additional information for the meeting please contact me by email at jdixon@auburnwa.gov or by phone at 253-804-5033. A copy of the 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments (working binder) has been provided to the City of Auburn City Clerk, Dani Daskam. If you would like to view the working binder please contact Ms. Daskam at 253-931-3037 or by email at ddaskam@auburnwa.gov. Page 7 of 7