HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-2019 AgendaPlanning Commission Meeting October 8, 2019 - 7:00 P M City Hall A GE NDA I .C AL L T O O RD E R A .RO L L C AL L/E S TAB L I S HM E NT O F Q UO RUM B .P L E D G E O F AL L E G I ANC E I I .AP P RO VAL O F M INUT E S A .A ugust 7, 2019 Draft minutes from the P lanning Commission Regular Meeting B .S eptember 4, 2019 Draft minutes from the P lanning Commission Regular Meeting I I I .P UB L I C HE ARI NG S A .2019 A nnual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Conduct public hearing on the first set of 2019 Annual Comprehensive P lan A mendments. The docket was previously discussed on September 4, 2019. C PA19-0001 & R E Z 19-0001, Auburn School District, Pioneer Elementary Comprehensive P lan A mendment & Re-zone. C PA19-0002, 2019 Annual Comprehensive P lan A mendments – Specifically, City I nitiated P lan Policy/Text & Map A mendments B .S horeline Master Program (S MP ) Periodic Update and Associated Updates to the Critical A reas Ordinance (C A O) Updates to the City's S MP for consistency with current laws and rules. Updates to the City's C A O for regulations relating to wetlands, streams, their buffers, aquifer recharge areas, and other associated updates. I V.O T HE R B US I NE S S V.C O M M UNIT Y D E V E L O P M E NT RE P O RT Update on Community Development Services activities. V I .AD J O URNM E NT The City of Auburn Planning Commission is a seven member advisory body that provides recommendations to the Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land use plans and related codes such as zoning. Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Page 1 of 215