HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-2019 Hearing Examiner AgendaHEARING EXAMINER November 20, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 25 West Main Street Case No: PLT19-0007, River Glen Preliminary Plat Applicant(s): Robert Nehring MNM LLC 10515 20th St SE #125 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Property Owner: David and Arlene Holliday 1907 2nd St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Request: Preliminary plat application to subdivide approximately 1.73 acres into 12 single-family residential lots in the R-7, Residential Zoning District. Project Location: The project site is located at the northwest corner of 2nd Street Southeast and V Street Southeast, addressed as 1907 2nd Street Southeast, within the NW ¼, of the SW ¼ of Section 17, Township 21, Range 5. Parcel Number(s): 215400-0035 and 215400-0040. 1 of 174 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM HEARING EXAMINER Agenda Subject/Title: PLT19-0007, River Glen Preliminary Plat Date: November 20, 2019 Department: Community Development Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 DESCRIPTION: Preliminary plat application to subdivide approximately 1.73 acres into 12 single-family residential lots in the R-7, Residential Zoning District. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner to conduct a public hearing and approve the River Glen Preliminary Plat application with 14 conditions. PROJECT SUMMARY: Preliminary plat application to subdivide approximately 1.73 acres into 12 single-family residential lots. The site is zoned R-7, Residential, which allows 5-7 dwelling units per acre. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 4,301 sq. ft. to 4,790 sq. ft. Roadways to be constructed include the on-site approximately 185-foot extension of U Street SE that will terminate in a cul-de-sac with two private access tracts stemming off of it. Utility lines will be extended within the on-site public street and private access/utility tracts to serve the lots. One, 7,366 square foot infiltration pond tract is proposed to manage the on-site stormwater. LOCATION: The project site is located at the northwest corner of 2nd Street Southeast and V Street Southeast, addressed as 1907 2nd Street Southeast, within the NW ¼, of the SW ¼ of Section 17, Township 21, Range 5. King County Assessor Parcel Nos. 215400-0035 and 215400-0040. APPLICANT(S): Robert Nehring, MNM LLC, 10515 20th St SE #125, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: Robert Nehring, P.E., Sound Design Engineering, Inc., 10515 20th St SE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258 PROPERTY OWNER(S): David and Arlene Holliday, 1907 2nd St SE, Auburn, WA 98002 2 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 2 of 18 Subject Property and Adjacent Property Comprehensive Plan Designation, Zoning Classification and Current Land Use: Comprehensive Plan Designation Zoning Classification Current Land Use Project Site Single Family R-7 Residential Zone Single-family residence and associated accessory structures North Single Family R-7 Residential Zone Single-Family Residences South Single Family R-7 Residential Zone Single-Family Residences East Single Family R-7 Residential Zone Single-Family Residences West Single Family R-7 Residential Zone Single-Family Residences Excerpted Zoning Map: 3 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 3 of 18 Excerpted Comprehensive Plan Map: 2017 Aerial Vicinity Map: 4 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 4 of 18 Street Layout Map: SEPA STATUS: A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued under City File No. SEP19-0022 on August 22, 2019, see Exhibit 4. The comment period ended September 6, 2019 and the appeal period ended September 20, 2019. Three written comments were received. The comments received along with the City responses are included as Exhibit 5. No appeal of the SEPA decision was received. FINDINGS OF FACT: Preliminary Plat Findings 1.Robert Nehring, P.E., with Sound Design Engineering, Inc., on behalf of David and Arlene Holliday, Property Owners, submitted a Preliminary Plat application and associated SEPA application on March 5, 2019 and July 5, 2019, respectively, to subdivide approximately 1.73 acres (referred to in this Staff Report as the “Site”) into 12 single-family residential lots, two new private access tracts (Tract B & C), one storm drainage tract (Tract A), and one publicly-dedicated street (U Street SE) referred to in this Staff Report as the “Project”. Access to the Site will be via 2nd Street Southeast to the south. 2.The Site consists of two parcels directly north of 2nd Street Southeast and west of V Street Southeast. The Site is located within the City of Auburn’s corporate limits, and referenced by King County Tax Assessor Parcel Nos. 215400-0035 and 215400-0040. 5 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 5 of 18 3. The Site has a Comprehensive Plan designation of “Single Family Residential” and is zoned R-7, Residential, Seven Dwelling Units Per Acre, which has a density range of between 5 and 7 dwelling units per acre. The site is approximately 1.73 acres, which in accordance with the density calculation would require between 8.65 (rounded to 9) and 12.11 (rounded to 12) lots respectively per Auburn City Code (ACC) 18.02.065(A)(1)(a). 4. The Project is subject to the zoning development standards for the R-7 zoning district in effect at the time the Project application was considered “Complete” (i.e. vested). Per ACC 18.07.030 the zoning development standards for the R-7 zoning district include:  Minimum lot area: 4,300 square feet  Minimum lot width: 40 feet  Lot coverage: 50%  Impervious surface: 75%  Maximum building height: 35 feet  Minimum yard setbacks: o Front: 10 feet o Side, interior: 5 feet o Side, street: 10 feet o Rear: 20 feet 5. Per ACC 18.52.020 two off-street parking spaces per single family residence are required. 6. The Site is currently developed with a single family residence and multiple accessory structures (sheds). The residence and associated accessory structures will be demolished. The site is currently served with water service by the City of Auburn. 6 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 6 of 18 7. The Site is rectangular in shape, as shown and dimensioned here: 8. The Site is bordered by an existing “Local Residential” classified street to the south (2nd Street Southeast). U Street Southeast, served by 2nd Street Southeast, will be extended through the Project with full public street improvements meeting “Local Residential” standards and terminate in a cul-de-sac. Two new private access tracts (Tracts B and C) will be served from the future U Street Southeast public road. A copy of the Preliminary Plat plan is included as Exhibit 6. 9. The Site is located within the utility service areas of and will be served by the City of Auburn for public water and sewer. An 8-inch water line is available in 2nd Street SE, which will be extended into the project to serve the future homes. An 8-inch sewer line is available at the intersection of V Street SE and 3rd Ct SE. The sewer line will be required to be extended north within V Street SE and to the west within 2nd Street SE (to the westernmost boundary of the site) to serve the future homes. 10. The Site is generally flat, with 1,400 cubic yards of grade and fill proposed. 11. The Site is located within the critical area of Groundwater Protection Zone 4, the least stringent classification. Therefore no impacts are anticipated that cannot be mitigated by utilizing Best Management Practices (BMPs). As recommended in the Preliminary Stormwater Report (Exhibit 9), stormwater runoff from the Project will be collected and discharged to individual dry wells and an infiltration pond (located in Tract A), per the Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) and Auburn Supplements. 253 ft. 254 ft. 299 ft. 300 ft. 7 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 7 of 18 12. The Site is not located within any shoreline designation. 13. The Site is not located in the regulatory floodplain per Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps. 14. There are no known wetlands, streams, or their respective buffers located on the site. 15. Half-street improvements will be required to 2nd Street Southeast, including pavement widening, curb, gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, stormwater controls, and landscape strips to meet the City’s “Local Residential” standard. No undergrounding of overhead utilities are required as they are located on the south side of 2nd Street Southeast. 16. Construction shall occur between the hours of 7 AM and 7 PM on weekdays, and between 9 AM and 6 PM on Saturday and Sunday per City regulation (ACC 8.28.010(B)(8)). 17. The current park impact fee shall be assessed at the time of building permit issuance, unless a different timing is requested and granted in accordance with Chapter 19.08 ACC ‘Parks Impact Fees’. The Fenster Nature Park is located .18 miles to the southeast of the Project. Fenster Nature Park provides open space, gravel trails, and access to the Green River. 18. The current school impact fee shall be assessed at the time of building permit issuance, unless a different timing is requested and granted in accordance with Chapter 19.02 ACC ‘School Impact Fees’. 19. The current fire impact fee shall be assessed at the time of building permit issuance, unless a different timing is requested and granted in accordance with Chapter 19.06 ACC ‘Fire Impact Fees’. 20. The current traffic impact fee shall be assessed at the time of building permit issuance, unless a different timing is requested and granted in accordance with Chapter 19.04 ACC ‘Transportation Impact Fees’. 21. A combined Notice of Application and Determination of Non-Significance (DNS), was issued on August 22, 2019 and the Notice of Public Hearing was issued on October 31, 2019 (Exhibit 4). The notices were posted at the Site, mailed to property owners within 300 ft. of the Site, and published in The Seattle Times newspaper. 22. In response to the public notices, the City received three comment letters as of November 6, 2019 (the date this Staff Report was finalized) on the project. The following is an abbreviated list of the comment(s) along with a short summary of the City’s response, if one was necessitated. Copies of the full comments and responses are included as Exhibit 5. a. Ned and Cindy Ingalls: Expressed concerns with increases in traffic in the neighborhood. City Response: The project will be developed consistently with the density requirements of the R-7 zoning district. Impacts to traffic will be mitigated through a combination of improving the abutting road and through payment of applicable traffic impact fees. 8 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 8 of 18 b. Susan Aiton, 2101 2nd St SE: Expressed concerns regarding traffic impacts from the proposal. City Response: City staff provided a list of the specific improvement requirements to 2nd Street SE and noted that traffic impact fees will be paid. c. Dawnelle & Kenneth Knott, 1908 2nd Street SE : Expressed concerns regarding traffic impacts, sewer utility extension requirements, and potential costs they would incur resulting from any project improvements. City Response: City staff provided a list of the specific improvement requirements to 2nd Street SE and noted that traffic impact fees will be paid. Further, staff noted that the property owner wouldn’t be responsible for any costs resulting from the plat. Regarding sewer service, neighboring property owners would have the ability to connect to the new sewer lines, however, may be subject to a payback agreement if the developer enters into such an agreement with the City. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary Plat Conclusions Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat, with conditions. Per ACC 14.03.030, a preliminary plat is a Type III Decision which are quasi-judicial final decisions made by the Hearing Examiner. ACC 17.10.070 ‘Findings of Fact’ lists the approval criteria for a preliminary plat. A comparison of the project’s relationship to subdivision approval criteria are as follows (in italics) followed by a Staff analysis: A. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and schools; Staff Analysis: No adverse impacts to the public health, safety and general welfare are anticipated from the proposed subdivision. Staff offers the following analysis of each of subcategory listed in this criterion: Open Spaces: The Project is not subject to any park dedication, open space, or clustering requirements under Title 18 ‘Zoning’ or Title 17 ‘Land Adjustments and Divisions’. Drainage Ways: No existing drainage ways that are not regulated critical areas appear to be located on the Site. Through the civil plan review process, the stormwater runoff from the Project will be evaluated, treated, and detained in individual dry wells and a stormwater facility located in Tract A, consistent with the SWMMWW and Auburn Supplements. Streets, Alleys, other Public Ways: The Project will be required to construct streets per ACC, Chapter 12.64A ACC ‘Required Public Improvements’, the City’s Engineering Design Standards, and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. With the creation of U Street Southeast into the site and the completion of the half street improvements along 2nd Street Southeast, the City’s Transportation Division finds that there will be no decrease in the road 9 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 9 of 18 network level of service (LOS) standard. Additionally, as provided in ‘Finding of Fact’ No. 20, each new residence will be required to pay the Traffic Impact Fee in place at time of building permit issuance. Two private access roads (within Tracts B & C) will be constructed off of the northern end of the cul-de-sac. Tract B will provide access for Lots 5 & 6; Tract C will provide access to Lots 9 & 10. Details of the road improvements, which are consistent or will be required to be consistent with the City of Auburn Design Standards, are shown on the Preliminary Plat and Civil Plans (Exhibit 6). Based on the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan, Functional Roadway Classification Map, all public roadways that require improvements are classified as “Local Residential” streets. Public Water: The Site is located within the City of Auburn water service area and as such, the project will be required to extend water service onto the site to serve the future lots as well as stub the water line to the western boundary of the site, for possible future extensions to the west. Public Sanitary Sewer: The Site is located within the City of Auburn sewer service area and will be required to extend sewer service from the intersection of V Street SE and 3rd Ct SE to 2nd Street SE and into the project in order to serve the future single-family residences. The sewer will also be required to be extended to the western boundary of the site, for possible future extensions to the west. Parks, Playgrounds: No parks or playgrounds are proposed for the Project and none are required under City Code authority. Per ‘Finding of Fact’ No. 17, Park Impact Fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance (currently $3,500.00 per unit). The Fenster Nature Park is located 0.18 miles to the southeast of the Project. Fenster Nature Park provides open space, gravel trails, and access to the Green River. Schools: The Site is located within the Auburn School District boundary. Per the Applicant, students within the Project will attend: 1) Lake View Elementary; 2) Cascade Middle School, and 3) Auburn High School. High School students will have the ability to walk to Auburn High School via a new sidewalk abutting the side on the north side of 2nd Street SE. The sidewalk will continue transition to a graveled shoulder along the north side of 2nd Street SE to the west. At the intersection of T Street SE and 2nd Street SE, the walking path will then be via an existing gravel shoulder along the east side of T Street SE. At the intersection of E Main St and T St SE, the walking path will be made up of an existing sidewalk along the north side of E Main St, in which students will be able to walk west until they reach Auburn High School. Elementary and Middle School Students will be bussed from a bus stop located near the intersection of 2nd Street Southeast and T Street Southeast to their respective schools. Students will have the ability to walk to the proposed bus stop via sidewalk constructed along the north half of 2nd Street Southeast abutting the project site. For additional school transportation details, see Exhibit 10. Staff therefore finds the Project meets this criterion, as conditioned herein. 10 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 10 of 18 B. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan; Staff Analysis: The Project is consistent with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan Map establishes the future land use designations for the City of Auburn. The designation of ‘Single Family Residential’ establishes areas intended for single family dwellings. The Comprehensive Plan Map depicts the Site as ‘Single Family Residential’. The Project will subdivide approximately 1.73 acres into 12 lots for single family dwellings. Therefore this Project meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan by developing single family dwellings. Additionally, adequate City services / facilities and water / sewer service will be provided to serve the plat. The Project will also provide adequate facilities for stormwater; stormwater will be directed to the stormwater detention pond and individual dry wells on each lot. The stormwater facilities will be required to meet applicable code and engineering design standards, as conditioned below. U Street Southeast, a “Local Residential” public street will be constructed into the Site to serve the proposed Project. Sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of U Street Southeast as well as along the project frontage on 2nd Street Southeast. Public services such as the Auburn Police Department, Valley Regional Fire Authority, and the Auburn School District will also serve the proposed Project. Finally, impact fees for traffic, fire, parks, and schools will mitigate respective impacts generated by the Project. The Project is also consistent with or implements the specific following goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Policies: “LU-5 New residential development should contribute to the creation, enhancement and improvement of the transportation system, health and human services, emergency services, school system, and park system. This may be accomplished through the development of level of service standards, mitigation fees, impact fees, or construction contributions.” Capital Facilities “Objective 1.1. To ensure that new development does not out-pace the City's ability to provide and maintain adequate public facilities and services, by allowing new development to occur only when and where adequate facilities exist or will be provided, and by encouraging development types and locations which can support the public services they require.” Policies: “CF-1 Lands designated for urban growth by this Plan shall have an urban level of public facilities (sewer, water, storm drainage, and parks) prior to or concurrent with development.” 11 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 11 of 18 “CF-2 Encourage development where new public facilities can be provided in an efficient manner.” “CF-4 If adequate facilities are currently unavailable and public funds are not committed to provide such facilities, developers must provide such facilities at their own expense in order to develop their proposed project.” “CF-7 The City shall encourage and approve development only where adequate public services including police protection, fire and emergency medical services, education, parks and other recreational facilities, solid waste collection, and other governmental services are available or will be made available at acceptable levels of service prior to project occupancy or use.” “Objective 1.2. To ensure that new developments are supported by an adequate level of public services through an effective system of public facilities.” Policies: “CF-10 Public facilities shall be provided in accord with the guidance of the Capital Facilities Plan or, as may be appropriate a system plan for each type of facility designed to serve at an adequate level of service the locations and intensities of uses specified in this comprehensive plan.” “CF-12 No new development shall be approved which is not supported by a minimum of facilities to support the development and which does not provide for a proportionate share of related system needs.” “Objective 1.3. To ensure safe and adequate water service, for both domestic and fire protection purposes, to meet the needs of the existing community and provide for its planned growth.” “CF-16 The City shall continue its policy of requiring that water system extensions needed to serve new development shall be built prior to or simultaneously with such development, according to the size and configuration identified by the Comprehensive Water Plan as necessary to serve future planned development. The location and design of these facilities shall give full consideration to the ease of operation and maintenance of these facilities by the City. The City shall continue to participate to the extent permitted by law, through direct participation, LIDs, and payback agreements, to assist in the financing of such oversized improvements. Wherever any form of City finance is involved in a waterline extension, lines that promote a compact development pattern will be favored over lines traversing large undeveloped areas with uncertain future development plans.” “Objective 1.4. To ensure the efficient transmission of sanitary sewage to the appropriate treatment and disposal facilities in order to meet the needs of the existing community and provide for its planned growth.” “CF-23 The City shall continue its policy of requiring that sewer system extensions needed to serve new development shall be built prior to or simultaneously with such development, 12 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 12 of 18 according to the size and configuration identified by the Comprehensive Sewer Plan and Comprehensive Plan as necessary to serve future planned development. The location and design of these facilities shall give full consideration to the ease of operation and maintenance of these facilities by the City. The City shall continue to use, to the extent permitted by law, direct participation, LIDs and payback agreements to assist in the financing of such oversized improvements. Wherever any form of City finance is involved in a sewer line extension, lines that promote a compact development pattern will be favored over lines traversing large undeveloped areas where future development plans are uncertain.” “Objective 1.6. To ensure that collection, conveyance, storage and discharge of storm drainage is provided in a sufficient and environmentally responsible manner, in order to meet the needs of the existing community and provide for its planned growth.” Policies: “CF-37 The City shall require developers to construct storm drainage improvements directly serving the development, including any necessary off-site improvements.” Transportation Plan “Funding-01: Require developments or redevelopments to construct transportation infrastructure systems needed to serve new developments.” “Funding-03: Improvements that serve new developments will be constructed as a part of the development process. All costs will be borne by the developer when the development is served by the proposed transportation improvements. In some instances, the City may choose to participate in this construction if improvements serve more than adjacent developments.” “Parking-02: New developments should provide adequate off-street parking to meet their needs.” “ROW-01: The acquisition and preservation of right-of-way is a key component of maintaining a viable transportation system. Methods used to acquire and preserve right-of- way include:  Requiring dedication of right-of-way as a condition of development;  Purchasing right-of-way at fair market value; and  Acquiring development rights and easements from property owners.” “Ped-03: Require developers to incorporate pedestrian facilities into new development and redevelopment in conformance with the Auburn City Code.” Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan “PR-8 Park impact fees should be established that help fund the future development of new parks, park facilities, trails, and acquisition of open space that meet the needs of an increasing population.” 13 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 13 of 18 C. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the city council; Staff Analysis: The preceding analysis for Criterion B demonstrates the Project’s consistency with the applicable policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City. The project is generally consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan including the City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Transportation Plan, and the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan. D. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of this title, as enumerated in ACC 17.02.030; Staff Analysis: The proposed subdivision meets the general purposes of Title 17 ACC ‘Land Adjustments and Subdivisions’. The Project is a 12-lot subdivision that is consistent with the R-7 zoning district. Adequate provisions for water, sewer, storm drainage, roads, and safe walking conditions will be provided with this Project. The plat has been processed and reviewed for conformity with the regulations of the Auburn City Code, City plans, policies, and engineering design standards. Below is a comparison of the Project’s consistency with ACC 17.02.030 and the specific purpose statements of the subdivision code (in italics) followed by a Staff analysis for each item. “The purpose of this title is to regulate the division of land lying within the corporate limits of the city, and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and prevent or abate public nuisances in accordance with standards established by the state and the city, and to: A. Prevent the overcrowding of land; Staff Analysis: The Project meets the minimum and base density of the R-7 zoning district. As provided under ‘Finding of Fact’ No. 3, the R-7 zoning district has a density range of between 5 and 7 dwelling units per acre. As the site is approximately 1.73 acres, which based on the density calculation requires between 9 and 12 lots. As proposed, the Project will contain 12 lots, the maximum density for the R-7 zoning district. Therefore, the Project will not create an overcrowding of the land. B. Promote safe and convenient travel by the public on streets and highways; Staff Analysis: The Project is creating U Street Southeast into the Site and constructing half street improvements to complete the roadway section on 2nd Street Southeast and therefore will provide a means of safe and convenient travel via public routes. C. Promote the effective use of land; Staff Analysis: The Project is effectively developing the Site by providing single family residential lots that are within the density ranges required for the R-7 zoning district. 14 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 14 of 18 D. Provide for adequate light and air; Staff Analysis: The Project will provide adequate light and air through the applicable setback and lot coverage development standards. E. Facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, storm drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds, and other public requirements; Staff Analysis: The Finding of Facts, and preceding analysis for Criteria A and B demonstrates the Project is providing adequate provisions for water supplies, sanitary wastes, drainage, roads, and other public requirements such as public health, safety, parks, and schools. F. Identify, preserve, and utilize native soils and/or vegetation for the purposes of reducing storm water discharges, promoting groundwater infiltration, and implementing the use of storm water low impact development techniques; Staff Analysis: As is typical with single family residential subdivisions, the Site will be graded throughout to create building pads for the future homes, to construct the public and private roadways to meet the City of Auburn Design Standards, and to construct the stormwater facility. Dry wells will also be incorporated to manage stormwater runoff generated from the Project. G. Provide for proper ingress and egress; Staff Analysis: As demonstrated in the analysis for Criterion A, the Project will provide proper ingress and egress for each individual future home, and pedestrian connections to the public way. H. Provide for the expeditious review and approval of proposed land divisions which comply with this title, the Auburn zoning ordinance, other city plans, policies and land use controls, and Chapter 58.17 RCW; Staff Analysis: Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure a timely and comprehensive review of the Project. I. Adequately provide for the housing and commercial needs of the citizens of the state and city; Staff Analysis: The Project will eventually provide for 12 new single-family residences to serve future residents. J. Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance by accurate legal description; Staff Analysis: Upon final plat map review, the Project will be required to meet all applicable survey requirements. 15 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 15 of 18 K. Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan.” Staff Analysis: As analyzed in Criterion B, the Project successfully implements the Comprehensive Plan. Staff therefore finds the Project meets this criterion, as conditioned herein. E. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn zoning ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the city, or as modified and approved as part of a previously approved PUD; Staff Analysis: As analyzed in the ‘Preliminary Plat Findings’, above, the Project is able to meet applicable zoning and engineering standards. The placement of homes will be required to meet the zoning development standards for the R-7 zoning district to which the Project is vested (reference ‘Preliminary Plat Findings’ No. 4). Staff therefore finds that the Project is able to meet this criterion, as conditioned herein. F. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment; Staff Analysis: The Project has been reviewed for conformance with applicable environmental regulations and is not expected to have any adverse environmental impacts. The grading plans proposed have been reviewed for conformance with City codes and regulations and per the Geotechnical Report (Exhibit 8) have been deemed suitable for development. The Site is also located within Groundwater Protection Zone 4, which is the least stringent classification. With the utilization of Best Management Practices, it is anticipated that potential impacts to groundwater can be avoided. A DNS was issued on August 22, 2019 for this Project. Compliance with the recommended conditions of approval, City code, and engineering design standards will ensure that the Project will not have an adverse impact on the environment. During civil plan review process, the Project will be reviewed in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal standards to ensure no unacceptable adverse impacts to the environment occur. Staff therefore finds the Project meets this criterion, as conditioned herein. G. Adequate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances; 16 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 16 of 18 Staff Analysis: Adequate provisions are made, and will be made through the subsequent civil plan review process, so the proposed Project will prevent or abate public nuisances. As a majority of the Site undeveloped, there are no active code violation cases for the site, and no known public nuisances. Staff therefore finds the Project meets this criterion, as conditioned herein. H. Lot configuration, street and utility layouts, and building envelopes shall be designed in a manner that identifies, preserves, and utilizes native soils and/or vegetation that are integrated into a low impact development facility, consistent with the city’s adopted storm water management manual. Staff Analysis: As analyzed in Criteria A, B, and D above, the Project has been designed such that it will be consistent with the City’s Engineering Design Standards and the Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) and Auburn Supplements or will be conditioned to meet such. Staff therefore finds the Project meets this criterion, as conditioned herein. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the River Glen Preliminary Plat, subject to the information contained in this Staff Report, the attached exhibits, and the 14 recommended conditions of approval below. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Sewer service shall be extended to serve the project site. The proposed sewer extension must be configured so that each of the lots can connect directly to a public sewer main or manhole. Shared side sewers are not allowed. 2. Tract A shall be identified as a Stormwater Tract dedicated to the City of Auburn for maintenance and operation. No portion of Tract A will be available for recreation purposes; a note on the Final Plat shall be included stating as such. 3. Fencing shall be provided around the perimeter of the stormwater pond, the location of which to be reviewed and determined during the FAC review and consistent with current City standards. A landscaping plan, consistent with City Engineering Design Standards shall be included with the FAC submittal. A note shall be placed on the Final Plat indicating that the HOA shall be responsible for maintenance of those portions of the stormwater Tract A outside of the fenced perimeter of the stormwater pond, as determined by the City Engineer. Additionally, the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) that are reviewed and approved by the City at Final Plat application, and as recorded thereafter, shall establish the HOA’s responsibility for regular landscape maintenance. 4. The Final Plat shall indicate if the property owner(s) or the HOA is responsible for maintenance of the storm drainage facility. Access to this areas for maintenance shall be shown / indicated on the FAC plans and contained on the Final Plat. 17 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 17 of 18 5. Tracts B and C are private access and utility tracts and will be owned and maintained by the HOA. A note shall be placed on the Final Plat that the HOA is responsible for maintenance including associated retaining walls (if proposed), walkways, signage, and other associated features. 6. The comments and markups from City of Auburn staff, included on the Preliminary Plat & Civil Plan drawings, prepared by Pacific Coast Surveyors & Sound Design Engineering, Inc., dated October 2, 2019, Exhibit 6, shall be addressed as part of the Facility Extension Agreement (FAC) and Final Plat review. 7. Driveways to Lots must meet access tracts and public ROW at an angle of 90°±5°. Lot 11 does not meet this requirement. Note that for Lots 6 and 9, their orientation may pose an issue with meeting this requirement. The plat layout of the lots will be required to meet this requirement as part of the FAC review. 8. Per COA Design Standard 10.01.5, driveway connections to the access tracts shall be configured such that vehicles backing out of the driveways complete their maneuvers within the access tract without entering another property. Lots 5 and 10 do not meet this requirement. The plat layout of the lots will be required to meet this requirement as part of the FAC review. 9. Driveway spacing requirements are not satisfied around the cul-de-sac. A drop apron would not provide a location with the appropriate curbing required for the hydrant and lighting. If Lot 4 will access U Street SE and not Tract B, the driveway width will likely be restricted to 11 ft. Lot 7 may also require a restricted driveway width or the City may require Lots 7 and 8 to share a driveway. Please be advised that the plat layout will be required to address these issues as part of the FAC review. 10. It is unclear if Lot 4 will be taking access from Tract B. Per City of Auburn Design Standard 10.01.5, shared driveways for three or more units must be 26.5 feet in width and include a sidewalk. As such, either Tract B will need to be widened to meet this requirement or Lot 4 will be prohibited from taking access from Tract B. 11. Per the Checklist, Preliminary Plat Drawing – Graphic Representation Section C, Item 12, occupation features (i.e. fences, shed, walls, etc.) affecting the boundary between the subject site and adjoining parcels are shown. Any potential unwritten rights associated with the depicted occupation features is a civil matter between private parties. It is suggested the applicant or their authorized representative establish communication with the adjoiners to create an open discussion regarding the occupation features. The City’s review of this preliminary plat application is for its conformity to Auburn City Code and state law, and as such does not address nor adjudicate any potential unwritten rights that may be acquired by the applicant or the adjoiners. If at FINAL PLAT application, the nature and location of the depicted occupation features remain unchanged and/or unresolved, then per RCW 58.17.255, a “survey discrepancy note” shall be placed on the face of the FINAL PLAT similar to the following example: SURVEY DISCREPANCY NOTE: 18 of 174 Staff Member: Lawrence Date: November 20, 2019 Page 18 of 18 EXISTING FENCE AND GATE HAVE BEEN SHOWN PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.255 AND SHALL BE DISCLOSED IN THE TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY THE TITLE INSURER AND ISSUED AFTER THE FILING OF THIS PLAT Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1. Staff Report Exhibit 2. Vicinity Map Exhibit 3. Completed Preliminary Plat Application Form, prepared by MNM LLC, received March 5, 2019 Exhibit 4. Combined Notice of Application and DNS and completed SEPA Checklist application Exhibit 5. Written Comment(s) Received and City Response(s) Exhibit 6. Preliminary Plat & Civil Plans, Pacific Coast Surveyors & Sound Design Engineering, Inc., October 2, 2019 Exhibit 7. Critical Area Designation Report, Beaver Creek Environmental Services, Inc., April 10, 2018 Exhibit 8. Geotechnical Report, Earth Solutions NW, LLC, February 11, 2019 & October 1, 2019 Exhibit 9. Preliminary Stormwater Report, Sound Design Engineering, September 12, 2019 Exhibit 10. School Walkway Analysis, Sound Design Engineering, December 14, 2018 Prepared by Dustin Lawrence, Senior Planner, Reviewed by Thaniel Gouk, Senior Planner 19 of 174 666.7 NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Feet Feet666.7333.30 Vicinity Map 11/6/2019Printed Date: Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS Imagery Date: May 2015 Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 20 of 174 21 of 174 NOTICE OF APPLICATION (NOA) and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) RIVER GLEN PRELIMINARY PLAT SEP19-0022 The City of Auburn is issuing a Notice of Application (NOA) and Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the following described project. The permit applications and listed studies may be reviewed at the Auburn Department of Community Development at One E Main St., 2nd Floor, Customer Service Center, Auburn, WA 98001. Proposal: Preliminary Plat in order to subdivide two existing parcels, totaling 1.73 acres, into 12 lots for the future construction of 12 single-family residences and associated site development activities including 1,400 cubic yards of cut and fill. Location: The site is located to the north of 2nd St SE, 1907 2nd St SE, King County Parcel No. 215400-0035 & 215400-0040. Notice of Application: August 22nd, 2019 Application Complete: April 3, 2019 Permit Application: March 5th, 2019 File Nos. SEP19-0022 PLT19-0007 Applicant: MNM LLC Bob Nehring 10515 20th St SE #125 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Property Owner: David & Arlene Holliday 1907 2nd St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Studies/Plans Submitted With Application:  Preliminary Plat Plan, Stormwater Site Plan, Geotechnical Engineering Study, Critical Area Designation Study, Environmental Checklist Other Permits, Plans, and Approvals Needed:  FAC, Building Permit(s), Storm Permit(s), Grading Permit, Preliminary Plat Statement of Consistency and List of Applicable Development Regulations: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with the Auburn City Code, Comprehensive Plan, and Public Works Design and Construction Standards. Lead Agency: City of Auburn The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 22 of 174 NOTICE OF APPLICATION and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE SEP19-0022 (Continued) Page 2 of 4 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Public Comment Period: This may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impact of the proposal. All persons may comment on this application. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-355; the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date issued below. Comments must be in writing and submitted by 5:00 pm on September 6, 2019 to the mailing address of 25 W Main ST, Auburn, WA, 98001 or emailed to the contact below. Any person wishing to become a party of record, shall include in their comments that they wish to receive notice of and participate in any hearings, if relevant, and request a copy of decisions once made. Any person aggrieved of the City's determination may file an appeal with the Auburn City Clerk at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001- 4998 within 14 days of the close of the comment period, or by 5:00 p.m. on September 20, 2019. For questions regarding this project, please contact Dustin Lawrence, AICP, Senior Planner, at planning@auburnwa.gov or 253-931-3092. Public Hearing: TBD RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Jeff Tate POSITION/TITLE: Director, Department of Community Development ADDRESS: 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001 253-931-3090 DATE ISSUED: SIGNATURE: Note: This determination does not constitute approval of the proposal. Approval of the proposal can only be made by the legislative or administrative body vested with that authority. The proposal is required to meet all applicable regulations. August 22, 2019 23 of 174 NOTICE OF APPLICATION and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE SEP19-0022 (Continued) Page 3 of 4 Project Site 24 of 174 NOTICE OF APPLICATION and DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE SEP19-0022 (Continued) Page 4 of 4 Proposed Site Plan (Draft) 25 of 174 26 of 174 27 of 174 28 of 174 29 of 174 30 of 174 31 of 174 32 of 174 33 of 174 34 of 174 35 of 174 36 of 174 1 Dustin Lawrence From:Theaitonfarm <theaitonfarm@aol.com> Sent:Monday, September 9, 2019 11:52 AM To:Planning-1 Subject:1907 2nd St SE development Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged CAUTION: The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments Good Morning, I am concerned about the impact on traffic. This will increase the amount of cars substantially. 2nd street and T street are not wide enough for that much more traffic. Are you making the developer mitigate that by widening the streets? As of now, with the cars parking on T street, it is a one lane road. Even without parking it is barely wide enough, usually when passing one of us goes on the shoulder. That is the same on 2nd. Of course liking the small neighborhood feel of the area, I am not happy with that many homes going in. I am also aware we are in need of housing. So if you can address my fears for the road situation, I will live with the future marching on. Thanks, Susan Aiton : ) 2101 2nd St SE 253 740 9513 37 of 174 1 Dustin Lawrence From:EDMUND INGALLS <ncri00@comcast.net> Sent:Friday, September 6, 2019 1:31 PM To:Planning-1 Subject:public comment on parcel #2154000035 CAUTION: The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments Dustin Lawrence, Senior Planner, or who it may concern, I am a home owner in the neighborhood and I have serious concerns about adding 12 lots to our already congested neighborhood. I can understand wanting to subdivide the 2 parcels but I feel that 12 lots is a bit excessive. The city has recently added speed bumps to our neighborhood due to the traffic. I have concerns that adding 12 single family homes will only make the situation in our neighborhood even worse. I would like for you to consider the impact this will have on those of us who own in the area. Our family strongly disagrees with allowing the two lots to be subdivided into 12 lots. Thank you, Ned and Cindy Ingalls 38 of 174 39 of 174 1 Dustin Lawrence From:Dustin Lawrence Sent:Wednesday, September 11, 2019 9:14 AM To:'Theaitonfarm' Subject:RE: 1907 2nd St SE development Hi Susan, Thank you for your comments. There will be an opportunity to provide comments to the hearing examiner as well, once we are able to get the public hearing scheduled for this project. In the meantime, please see the City’s below response regarding your concerns:  2nd St SE is classified as a local residential street and as such, the developer will be required to construct 14-feet of pavement, curb/gutter, a 5.5-foot wide landscape strip, a 5-foot wide sidewalk, street light, and associated storm drainage improvements from the centerline of 2nd St SE along the proposed development street frontage.  A pavement taper back to the existing pavement edge on 2nd Street from the new half street improvements will be required.  A new full street and dead-end cul-de-sac will be constructed to serve the new plat.  Since there are only 12-lots proposed, no new improvements would be required on 2 nd Street past the sites frontage. There are long standing legal precedents and case laws that limit the City’s ability to require street improvements past the sites frontage. However, it should be noted that each of the 12 homes that are built on the lots will be required to pay an impact fee to the City, the money of which goes towards transportation improvement projects within this area. Let me know if this answers your questions or if there is anything else I can help with. Thank you, Dustin Lawrence, AICP Senior Planner Department of Community Development City of Auburn | www.auburnwa.gov 253.931.3092 | dlawrence@auburnwa.gov Mailing Address: 25 W Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Permit Center Address: 1 E Main Street, Auburn, WA 98002 (Click Here for Map) Customer Service Survey | Application Forms | Zoning Maps From: Theaitonfarm Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:52 AM To: Planning-1 Subject: 1907 2nd St SE development CAUTION: The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments 40 of 174 2 Good Morning, I am concerned about the impact on traffic. This will increase the amount of cars substantially. 2nd street and T street are not wide enough for that much more traffic. Are you making the developer mitigate that by widening the streets? As of now, with the cars parking on T street, it is a one lane road. Even without parking it is barely wide enough, usually when passing one of us goes on the shoulder. That is the same on 2nd. Of course liking the small neighborhood feel of the area, I am not happy with that many homes going in. I am also aware we are in need of housing. So if you can address my fears for the road situation, I will live with the future marching on. Thanks, Susan Aiton : ) 2101 2nd St SE 253 740 9513 41 of 174 1 Dustin Lawrence From:Steven Sturza Sent:Monday, September 9, 2019 1:05 PM To:Dustin Lawrence Subject:FW: SEPA Comment - River Glen Preliminary Plat - SEP19-0022 FYI Steve Sturza, P.E., CFM Development Engineer Manager City of Auburn Community Development (253) 876-1969 Mailing Address: 25 W Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Permit Center Address: 1 E Main Street, Auburn, WA 98002 (Click Here for Map) Customer Service Survey | Application Forms | Zoning Maps From: Lisa Tobin Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 12:46 PM To: Steven Sturza Cc: Robert Elwell ; Jason Krum Subject: RE: SEPA Comment - River Glen Preliminary Plat - SEP19-0022 Steve, Suggested changes to Item 2 are shown below. I don’t understand what Item 3 is intending to say. Was that intended to be the Soares residence at 1982 2nd St SE, not 1902? The Soares executed a Non-Remonstrance Agreement (Recording No. 20180327000877) that said they have to pay their share of the payback agreement on V St SE within 60 days of the payback being recorded against their property. Jason, who has the authority to put a restriction on a property? I don’t see any mention of the Non- Remonstrance Agreement on Parcel 2154000075. I know we typically don’t duplicate the Assessor’s records by storing a recorded document in Imaging Links, but unless someone knew to go look for the agreement in the original project file we might have missed this. Thanks, Lisa Tobin x. 5062 From: Steven Sturza <ssturza@auburnwa.gov> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:51 AM To: Dustin Lawrence <dlawrence@auburnwa.gov>; Lisa Tobin <ltobin@auburnwa.gov> Subject: FW: SEPA Comment - River Glen Preliminary Plat - SEP19-0022 42 of 174 2 Lisa, Can you please help out with the email below while Bob is out of the office? Thank you, Steve Sturza, P.E., CFM Development Engineer Manager City of Auburn Community Development (253) 876-1969 Mailing Address: 25 W Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Permit Center Address: 1 E Main Street, Auburn, WA 98002 (Click Here for Map) Customer Service Survey | Application Forms | Zoning Maps From: Steven Sturza Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:33 AM To: Dustin Lawrence <dlawrence@auburnwa.gov> Cc: James Webb <jwebb@auburnwa.gov>; Robert Elwell <relwell@auburnwa.gov> Subject: RE: SEPA Comment - River Glen Preliminary Plat - SEP19-0022 Bob, Please read and edit responses 2 and 3 if necessary if you don’t mind. Dustin, Below are draft responses to each of the questions. I’m not sure what Dawnelle is asking in question 3. I need you to provide information on off-street parking required for the new homes in the section highlighted in yellow. Please be sure to include a set of plans so the applicant can see the improvements on paper as well. 1. 2nd St SE is classified as a local residential street so they will be constructing 14-feet of pavement, curb/gutter, a 5.5-foot wide landscape strip, a 5-foot wide sidewalk, street light, and associated storm drainage improvements from the centerline of 2nd St SE along their street frontage. A pavement taper back to the existing pavement edge on 2nd Street from the new half street improvements will be required per current AASHTO requirements beyond their street frontage. A new full street and dead-end cul-de-sac in 50-feet of new right-of-way will be constructed to serve the new plat. The new single family residential homes will be required to provide ……….. per ACC……….. Refer to the attached preliminary plat drawings for additional information. 2. To provide sanitary sewer service for this project, a public sewer extension is required from the existing manhole at the corner of 3rd Ct SE and V St SE north to 2nd St SE, and then west within 2nd St SE to the west edge of the proposed project. An extension from 2nd into the proposed cul-de-sac will also be necessary to serve all of the proposed lots. The developer has been notified that other properties in the vicinity have expressed interest in connecting to public sewer, so the possibility of being reimbursed for some of the extension costs exists, either through direct agreements between them developer and the other property owners, or through a payback (latecomer’s) agreement with the City is a possibility. The existing homeowners home owner’s will not be required to connect to the sewer, however the developer can enter into a payback (latecomer’s) agreement that would require the existing homeowner’s to pay for their portion of the public sewer main extension back to the developer if and at such time as the existing homeowners connect to the sewer system . FYI – These payback agreements typically expire after 20-years. 3. There will be no costs required at 1908 2nd St SE for the construction of the River Glen Plat. Steve Sturza, P.E., CFM 43 of 174 3 Development Engineer Manager City of Auburn Community Development (253) 876-1969 Mailing Address: 25 W Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Permit Center Address: 1 E Main Street, Auburn, WA 98002 (Click Here for Map) Customer Service Survey | Application Forms | Zoning Maps From: Dustin Lawrence <dlawrence@auburnwa.gov> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:07 AM To: Steven Sturza <ssturza@auburnwa.gov> Cc: James Webb <jwebb@auburnwa.gov>; Robert Elwell <relwell@auburnwa.gov> Subject: SEPA Comment - River Glen Preliminary Plat - SEP19-0022 Hi Steve, I received the attached comment letter regarding the River Glen Preliminary Plat SEPA. Can you and/or James and Bob respond to these comments? I can relay back to the neighbors. Thank you, Dustin Lawrence, AICP Senior Planner Department of Community Development City of Auburn | www.auburnwa.gov 253.931.3092 | dlawrence@auburnwa.gov Mailing Address: 25 W Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001 Permit Center Address: 1 E Main Street, Auburn, WA 98002 (Click Here for Map) Customer Service Survey | Application Forms | Zoning Maps 44 of 174 215400-0044215400-0045172105-9236172105-9080172105-9160215400-0025215400-0028215400-0015LOT 2KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 1KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 4KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT 2KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT AKC BLA S92L0236AFN 9302111603LOT 1PLAT OFEAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTSVOL. 18, PG. 98BLOCK 2N 00°46'13" W 300.06'N 89°50'32" E 251.61'Block 1 Plat ofEast Auburn Garden TractsVol. 18, Pg. 9814686 SF24320 SF34320 SF44384 SF124790 SF114417 SF104388 SF54302 SF64512 SF74620 SF84483 SF94301 SFTract A7366 SF105.59'70.00'73.53'50.00'69.66' 3 9 . 4 1 '40.01'110.40'40.00'43.20'40.00'40.00'105.97'47.81'40.60'106.00'40.60'54.88'96.01'49.00'45.00'45.00'45.00'45.00'39.90'86.91'96.69'96.01'96.01'21.00 22.2 6 2 0.1342.2246.1429. 9 1 22.26L=15. 2 2R =12 . 0 060.96'L=14.03R=9.00L=14.24R=9.00 20.80' 108.49' 111.91' 118.96' 109.69'26.31'67.73'N 00°44'16" W330.45'N 89°50'32" E1290.85'18TIE TO WEST QUARTERSECTION 17 PER PLAT OFVALLEY MEADOWS ADDITION17N89° 13' 47"E20.00'Tract B29.37'80.21' 5 7 . 6 6 '147.51'N 89°50'32" ELot 7East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0035Lot 8East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-004025.45'55.76'1635 SF1047 SFTract C80.52'299.88'N 00°46'13" W ACCESS & UTILITYACCESS & UTILITYS0° 46' 13"E 174.80'N89° 53' 07"E130.59'N89° 52' 38"E0.00'REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RTG NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R EDE NORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen 10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen Plat.dwg PRELIMINARY PLAT NSCALE: 1" = 30'NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.2nd Street SEV Street SE 1 OF 1 50.00'R=45'37536O PROJECT DATASOUND DESIGN ENGINEERING, INCROBERT NEHRING, P.E.10515 20TH STREET S.E.LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258(425) 773-9567bob.sdeng@gmail.comENGINEER/CONTACTPACIFIC COAST SURVEYS, INCDARREN RIDDLE, PLSP.O. BOX 3286EVERETT, WA 98213(425) 508-4951darren@pcsurveys.netSURVEYOR1907 2ND STREET S.E.AUBURN, WASITE ADDRESSTAX PARCEL NO.SMNM, LLC10515 20TH ST SE #125LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258(425) 773-9567bob.sdeng@gmail.comAPPLICANTNOT TO SCALEVICINITY MAPNSITE215400-0035215400-0040HOLLIDAY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST (LOT 7) ANDHOLLIDAY FAMILY TRUST (LOT 8)1907 2ND ST SEAUBURN, WA 98002253-334-0212OWNERRESIDENTIAL TABLEPROPOSED LAND USENUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS PROPOSEDDENSITY - PROPOSED DWELLINGS PER NET ACREGROSS ACREAGEMINIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLINGS REQUIREDMAXIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLINGS ALLOWEDBONUS DENSITY CREDITEXISTING ZONINGPROPOSED ZONINGAPPROXIMATE AREA OF SMALLEST LOTSINGLE FAMILY128.22 DWELLINGS/AC75,471 SF (1.73 AC)912N/AR-7R-74301 SFUTILITIESSANITARY SEWERWATERSCHOOL DISTRICTFIRE DISTRICTTELEPHONEPOWERCITY OF AUBURNCITY OF AUBURNAUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 408VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITYCENTURY LINKPSENO CRITICAL AREAS ONSITEU Street SE INFILTRATION POND/RECREATION AREA10' UTILITYEASEMENTEXISTING PROPERTYLINE TO BE VACATEDGEOTECHEARTH SOLUTIONS NW1805 - 136TH PLACE NE, STE 201BELLEVUE, WA 98005(425) 449-4704U STREET SE SECTION A-ANOT TO SCALE0.5'10' LANE0.5'R.O.W. 8.5' PLANTERSTRIP2H : 1V MAX5' SIDEWALKC/L R.O.W.C/L ROADWAY10' LANE8' PARKINGR.O.W. 2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAXCURB & GUTTER2.O'7.5' SIDEWALK2.0'2%2%50'STREET TREE CENTEREDIN LANDSCAPE STRIP"NO PARKING" SIGNAAEXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF____________, 2019.DIRECTOR, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT.DATE301506030' VACATEDHALF OFVIOLA STREETTHE MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF V ST. S.E.,AS THE BEARING OF N 00°55'46" W.AS MEASURED FROM 4TH ST SE (COA MON 811-002)TO 2ND ST SE (COA MON 811-008)BASIS OF BEARING(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL) PLT19 - 0007(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)VERTICAL DATUMNAVD 88PER FOUND 2" BRASS DISK W/PUNCH IN MONUMENT CASEAT THE INTERSECTION OF E. MAIN ST. AND M ST. SE.ELEV. = 85.43'PER CITY OF AUBURN SURVEY CONTROL (810-005)HORIZONTAL DATUMNAD 83WASHINGTON STATE PLAN COORDINATES, NORTH ZONE, 4601PER CITY OF AUBURN SURVEY CONTROL (811-008 & 811-002)SITE BENCHMARKTHE TOP OF A STONE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THEINTERSECTION OF V ST. SE. AND 2ND ST. SEELEV. = 76.61'LEGAL DESCRIPTIONCOA MON 811-008N 144792.41E 1300643.74FOUND HOLE IN STONE,DOWN 1.0' IN MONUMENTCASE. HELD FOR POSITIONCOA MON 811-002N 114137.42E 1300633.11FOUND 1 34" BRASS DISKW/"X" FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT.HELD FOR BEARINGMONUMENT TO BE SET PERCOA STANDARD T11.1 (TYP)N 00°55'46" E 655.15' BASIS OF BEARING N 00°55'46" E 306.11'COA MON 811-003FOUND HOLE IN STONE, DOWN 1.0' INMONUMENT CASE. HELD FOR POSITIONCOA MON 811-002FOUND 1 34" BRASS DISK W/"X" FLUSHWITH PAVEMENT. HELD FOR BEARINGCOA MON 811-008FROM FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO. COMMITMENT NO.: 4201-3033449 &4201-3033500 DATED: APRIL 20TH, 2018.215400-003509LOT 7, BLOCK 1, EAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEDIN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 98 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.EXCEPT THE WEST 13.19 FEET.215400-004002LOT 8, BLOCK 1, EAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEDIN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 98 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.TOGETHER WITH THE WEST HALF OF VACATED VIOLA STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT 8;SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KINGSTATE OF WASHINGTON.45 of 174 REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RT G NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE NORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen.dwg COVER SHEET NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.C1 PROJECT DATAENGINEER/CONTACTSURVEYOR1907 2ND STREET S.E.AUBURN, WASITE ADDRESSTAX PARCEL NO.S75,471 SF (1.73 AC)SITE AREAZONINGAPPLICANTNOT TO SCALEVICINITY MAPNR-7SHEET INDEXC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COVER SHEET AND GENERAL NOTESCONCEPTUAL SWPPP AND GRADING PLANSTREET, SITE & LANDSCAPING PLANSTORM DRAINAGE PLANCONCEPTUAL UTILITY PLANCONCEPTUAL UTILITY PROFILESTRANSPORTATION PLANEXISTING FEATURES PLANGRADING QUANTITIESDUFFCUTFILL1,800 C.Y.1,400 C.Y.1,400 C.Y.SITE215400-0035215400-0040PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:OWNERSOUND DESIGN ENGINEERING, INCROBERT NEHRING, P.E.10515 20TH STREET S.E.LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258(425) 773-9567bob.sdeng@gmail.comPACIFIC COAST SURVEYS, INCDARREN RIDDLE, PLSP.O. BOX 3286EVERETT, WA 98213(425) 508-4951darren@pcsurveys.netMNM, LLC10515 20TH ST SE #125LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258(425) 773-9567bob.sdeng@gmail.comGEOTECHEARTH SOLUTIONS NW1805 - 136TH PLACE NE, STE 201BELLEVUE, WA 98005(425) 449-4704HOLLIDAY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST (LOT 7) ANDHOLLIDAY FAMILY TRUST (LOT 8)1907 2ND ST SEAUBURN, WA 98002253-334-0212PLT19 - 0007THE MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF V ST. S.E.,AS THE BEARING OF N 00°55'46" W.BASIS OF BEARINGVERTICAL DATUMNAVD 88PER FOUND 2" BRASS DISK W/PUNCH IN MONUMENT CASEAT THE INTERSECTION OF E. MAIN ST. AND M ST. SE.ELEV. = 85.43'PER CITY OF AUBURN SURVEY CONTROL (810-005)HORIZONTAL DATUMNAD 83WASHINGTON STATE PLAN COORDINATES, NORTH ZONE, 4601PER CITY OF AUBURN SURVEY CONTROL (811-008 & 811-002)SITE BENCHMARKTHE TOP OF A STONE MONUMENT IN CASE AT THEINTERSECTION OF V ST. SE. AND 2ND ST. SEELEV. = 76.61'COA MON 811-008N 144792.41E 1300643.74FOUND HOLE IN STONE,DOWN 1.0' IN MONUMENTCASE. HELD FOR POSITIONCOA MON 811-002N 114137.42E 1300633.11FOUND 1 34" BRASS DISKW/"X" FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT.HELD FOR BEARINGLEGAL DESCRIPTIONFROM FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO. COMMITMENT NO.: 4201-3033449 &4201-3033500 DATED: APRIL 20TH, 2018.215400-003509LOT 7, BLOCK 1, EAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEDIN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 98 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.EXCEPT THE WEST 13.19 FEET.215400-004002LOT 8, BLOCK 1, EAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEDIN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 98 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.TOGETHER WITH THE WEST HALF OF VACATED VIOLA STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT 8;SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KINGSTATE OF WASHINGTON.46 of 174 215400-0044215400-0045172105-9236172105-9080172105-9160215400-0025215400-0028215400-0015LOT 2KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 1KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 4KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT 2KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT AKC BLA S92L0236AFN 9302111603LOT 1PLAT OFEAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTSVOL. 18, PG. 98BLOCK 2N 00°46'13" W 300.06'N 89°50'32" E 251.61'Block 1 Plat ofEast Auburn Garden TractsVol. 18, Pg. 98123412111056789Tract AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH7678N 00°44'16" W330.45'N 89°50'32" E1290.85'18TIE TO WEST QUARTERSECTION 17 PER PLAT OFVALLEY MEADOWS ADDITION17N89° 13' 47"E20.00'Tract B147.51'N 89°50'32" ELot 7East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0035Lot 8East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0040Tract C299.88'N 00°46'13" W ACCESS & UTILITYACCESS & UTILITY9 00 10 00 11 00 12 001300 00010020022529003000S0° 46' 13"E 174.80'N89° 53' 07"E130.59'CLEARING LIMITS (TYP)NSCALE: 1" = 30'NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.2nd Street SEV Street SE REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RTG NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE N ORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen SHEET CONCEPTUAL SWPP AND GRADING PLANC2 10/02/19DATE: FILE:River Glen Grading.dwg PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:U Street SE TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESILT FENCE (TYP)CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTIONREMOVE TREE (TYP)TEMPORARY SEDIMENT PONDTEMPORARY STOCKPILEDEMO EXISTING STRUCTURE(DEMO PERMIT REQUIRED, SEPTICDECOMMISSIONED AND WATER METER PULLEDPER CITY STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS)LIMITS OF DISTURBANCEEXISTING FLOW ARROW (TYP)12KEYED NOTES3456789C/LHARD SURFACE ROAD22' MIN50' MIN 20' RROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE2nd Street SE2'-6" 5'-0" 2'-0"6' MAX.SECTION12"MIN. 2'-0" 5'-0" 6"12" MIN DEPTH4"-6" QUARRYSPALLS OVERMIRAFI 140-N ORAPPROVED EQUALNOT TO SCALEFILTER FABRIC MATERIAL IN CONTINUOUSROLLS. USE STAPLES OR WIRE RINGS TOATTACH FABRIC TO WIREBURY BOTTOM OF FILTERMATERIAL IN 8" BY 12" TRENCHFILTER FABRICMATERIALPROVIDE WASHED GRAVELBACKFILL OR COMPACTED NATIVESOIL AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERBURY BOTTOM OF FILTERMATERIAL IN 8" BY 12" TRENCH2" X 2" WOOD POSTS,STANDARD OR BETTEROR EQUIVALENT2" X 2" WOOD POSTS,STANDARD OR BETTEROR EQUIVALENTNOT TO SCALESILT FENCE1777564822889PLT19 - 000747 of 174 WWWWWSSSSSSSSSS215400-0044215400-0045172105-9236172105-9080172105-9160215400-0025215400-0028215400-0015LOT 2KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 1KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 4KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT 2KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT AKC BLA S92L0236AFN 9302111603LOT 1PLAT OFEAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTSVOL. 18, PG. 98BLOCK 2N 00°46'13" W 300.06'N 89°50'32" E 251.61'SSSSSSSSBlock 1 Plat ofEast Auburn Garden TractsVol. 18, Pg. 9814686 SF24320 SF34320 SF44384 SF124790 SF114417 SF104388 SF54302 SF64512 SF74620 SF84483 SF94301 SFTract A7366 SFSSSSSSSSSS105.59'70.00'73.53'50.00'69.66' 39.41'40.01'110.40'40.00'43.20'40.00'40.00'105.97'47.81'40.60'106.00'40.60'54.88'96.01'49.00'45.00'45.00'45.00'45.00'39.90'86.91'96.69'S96.01'96.01'21.00 22.26 20.1342.2246.1429.91 22.26L=15.22R=12.0060.96'L=14.03R=9.00L=14.24R=9.00 20.80'108.49'111.91'118.96' 109.69'WSWSWSWSWSWSWSSDSDDD26.31'67.73'N 00°44'16" W330.45'N 89°50'32" E1290.85'18TIE TO WEST QUARTERSECTION 17 PER PLAT OFVALLEY MEADOWS ADDITION17N89° 13' 47"E20.00'DDDDDDDDHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTract BD29.37'80.21' 57.66'147.51'N 89°50'32" ELot 7East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0035Lot 8East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0040WSWS25.45'55.76'1635 SF1047 SFTract CS80.52'299.88'N 00°46'13" W ACCESS & UTILITYACCESS & UTILITYD9 00 10 00 11 0012001300000 10020022529003000S0° 46' 13"E174.80'N89° 53' 07"E130.59'N89° 52' 38"E0.00'REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RT G NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE NORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen.dwg STREET, SITE & LANDSCAPING PLAN ASPHALT RAMP TO GRADESTREET TREE (FLOWERING PLUM) (10 TYP)PER STD DETAIL T-06.23" BLACK BARKDUST GROUND COVERNATIVE TREES/VEGETATION TO SCREEN AND ENHANCEPOND PER SEC.3.2.1, VOL. 3 OF THE STORMWATERSUPPLEMENTPROPOSED MONUMENT PER T11.1(TYP)DROP APRON CUL-DE-SACSTREET LIGHT (TYPE F)BOLLARDS PER STD DTL T-03.2MAILBOX PER STD DTL T-07.15' SIDEWALK7' SIDEWALK7.5' SIDEWALK83' TAPER20' WIDE POND ACCESS ROAD20' WIDE PIPE OUTLET ACCESS ROADDRYWELL TO BE LOCATED PER CITY REQUIREMENTSCOA MONUMENT 811-008MONUMENT TO BE PROTECTED. DNR MONUMENTDESTRUCTION PERMIT REQUIRED IF CONSTRUCTIONACTIVITIES DISTURB MONUMENT12KEYED NOTES3NSCALE: 1" = 30'4NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.2nd Street SEV Street SE C3 PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:28.00'50.00'R=45'R=20'R=37.5'5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK11INFILTRATION POND/RECREATION AREA32U Street SE 455LEGENDEXISTING MONUMENTPROPOSED MONUMENTU STREET SE SECTION A-ANOT TO SCALE0.5'10' LANE0.5'R.O.W. 8.5' PLANTERSTRIP2H : 1V MAX5' SIDEWALKC/L R.O.W. C/L ROADWAY 10' LANE8' PARKINGR.O.W. 2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAXCURB & GUTTER2.O'7.5' SIDEWALK2.0'2%2%50'"NO PARKING" SIGNAA3015060BB 2ND STREET SE SECTION B-BNOT TO SCALE0.5'VARIES2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAXCURB & GUTTER5' SIDEWALK'5.5' PLANTER2%*5'30'R.O.W.14'C/L ROADWAY STREET TREE CENTERED INLANDSCAPE STRIP(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)SAWCUT 12" INSIDEEXISTING EDGE ANDSEAL JOINT679(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)8876(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)R=20'9101112131110121313PLT19 - 0007(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)30' VACATEDHALF OFVIOLA STREET8 X 256021514161415162'22'22'83' TAPER83' TAPER171748 of 174 WWWWWSSSSSSSSSS215400-0044215400-0045172105-9236172105-9080172105-9160215400-0025215400-0028215400-0015LOT 2KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 1KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 4KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT 2KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT AKC BLA S92L0236AFN 9302111603LOT 1PLAT OFEAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTSVOL. 18, PG. 98BLOCK 2N 00°46'13" W 300.06'N 89°50'32" E 251.61'SSSSSSBlock 1 Plat ofEast Auburn Garden TractsVol. 18, Pg. 98123412111056789Tract ASSSSSSSSSSSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSSDSDDDN 00°44'16" W330.45'N 89°50'32" E1290.85'18TIE TO WEST QUARTERSECTION 17 PER PLAT OFVALLEY MEADOWS ADDITION17N89° 13' 47"E20.00'DDDDDDDDHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTract BD147.51'N 89°50'32" ELot 7East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0035Lot 8East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0040WSWSTract CS299.88'N 00°46'13" W ACCESS & UTILITYACCESS & UTILITYD9 00 10 00 11 0012001300000 10020022529003000S0° 46' 13"E174.80'N89° 53' 07"E130.59'0+00 (ROAD A)= 11+34.06 (2ND ST)556065707580859055606570758085900+00EG FG 78.950+50EG FG 78.381+00EG FG 78.121+50EG FG 78.512+00EG FG 79.012+25EG FG STA: 0+00.00 EL: 78.95 STA: 2+05.93 EL: 79.07 SSMH NO. 2RIM=78.74IE=65.18 (E)IE=65.28 (W,N)211 LF - 8"PVCS=2.71%1+74.80 C/L CUL-DE-SAC -1.14%1.00%PVI STA: 0+90.58PVI ELEV: 77.92K: 35.05LVC: 75.00BVCS: 0+53.08 BVCE: 78.34 EVCS: 1+28.08 EVCE: 78.29 LP STA: 0+93.03LP EL: 78.12CATCH BASIN NO. 1THRU CURB INLETRIM=77.84IE=75.34CATCH BASIN NO. 2THRU CURB INLETRIM=77.84IE=75.2126 LF - 12"INFILTRATION PONDIE=74.38S=0.5% 18 LF - 12" S=0.5%CATCH BASIN NO. 3MODULAR WETLAND OREQUAL ENHANCED WATERQUALITY DEVICERIM=77.84IE=75.12 (W)IE=74.62 (E)47 LF - 12" S=0.5%27 LF - 8" D.I.175 LF - 8" D.I.3'SSMH NO. 3RIM=79.00IE=71.00 (8"-S)IE=71.20 (6"-NE, NW)REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RT G NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE N ORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen.dwg STORM DRAINAGE PLANCATCH BASIN NO. 1THRU CURB INLET0+90.6, 10.0' LTCATCH BASIN NO. 2THRU CURB INLET0+90.6, 16.0' RTCATCH BASIN NO. 3MODULAR WETLAND OR EQUALENHANCED WATER QUALITY DEVICE12DRAINAGE STRUCTURES3NSCALE: 1" = 30'NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.2nd Street SEV Street SE C4 PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:1226 LF - 12"47 LF - 12"U Street SEDRYWELL (TYP)24' X 24' X 3' INFILTRATION POND W/6' SIGHTOBSCURING FENCELANDSCAPING TO BE PER SWMMWW AND CITY'SSUPPLEMENT20' WIDE POND ACCESS ROAD20' WIDE PIPE OUTLET ACCESS ROADDRYWELL TO BE LOCATED PER CITY REQUIREMENTSNOTES1222 LF - 12"S=0.5%233LEGENDCATCH BASIN TYPE 1DRYWELL - TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT BUILDINGPERMIT STAGE (60 CF GRAVEL/1000 SF ROOF)AC7318 LF - 12"D3 : 124'24'3015060U STREET SE PROFILESCALE: 1" = 30' (HORIZ) 1" = 5' (VERT)PLT19 - 0007145645649 of 174 WWWWWSSSSSSSSSS215400-0044215400-0045172105-9236172105-9080172105-9160215400-0028LOT 2KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297LOT 1KC SP 677082AFN 8203170297KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT 2KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT AKC BLA S92L0236AFN 9302111603LOT 1PLAT OFEAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTSVOL. 18, PG. 98BLOCK 2SSSSSSBlock 1 Plat ofEast Auburn Garden TractsVol. 18, Pg. 98123412111056789Tract ASSSSSSSSSSSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSSDSDDDN 00°44'16" W330.45'N 89°50'32" E1290.85'TIE TO WEST QUARTERSECTION 17 PER PLAT OFVALLEY MEADOWS ADDITION17N89° 13' 47"E20.00'DDDDDDDDHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTract BDLot 7East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0035Lot 8East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0040WSWSTract CSACCESS & UTILITYACCESS & UTILITYD9 00 10 00110012001300000 10020022529003000S0° 46' 13"E174.80'N89° 53' 07"E130.59'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIE=8" PVC(N)=62.2310 0026 302700280029003000N89° 53' 07"E130.59'N 00°55'46" E 655.15' BASIS OF BEARING SSMH NO. 110+05.9, 6.0' LTRIM=77.50IE=64.45 (S)IE=64.55 (W)SSMH NO. 211+22.5, 10.0' RTRIM=78.74IE=65.18 (E)IE=65.28 (W,N)SSMH NO. 32+00.9, 8.0' RTRIM=79.00IE=71.00 (8"-S)IE=71.20 (6"-NE, NW)SSMH NO. 412+51.5, 10.0' LTRIM=79.05IE=65.88 (E)INSTALL 6" OFFSITESIDE SEWER (5 - TYP)12SEWER NOTES3NSCALE: 1" = 30'4NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.2nd Street SEV Street SE V Street SE 2nd Street SESEEABOVE REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RT G NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE NORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen.dwg CONCEPTUAL UTILITY PLAN C5 PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:RIGHTSEEBELOW LEFTMATCH LINEMATCH LINE3210+12.51, 5.0' LTCONNECT TO EXISTING 8"D.I. WITH1 - 8" CUT-IN TEE (FL X MJ X MJ)1 - 8" RS GATE VALVE (FL X MJ)2 - 8" SPOOLS2 - 8" SLEEVESCONCRETE BLOCKING2+21.51, 5.0' RT1 - 8" X 6" TEE1 - 6" RS GATE VALVECONCRETE BLOCKING2+21.51.51, 11.0' LT1 - FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLYPER COA STD DTL W-07.2PROTECT FIRE HYDRANT WITH BOLLARDSWATER METER 34" (TYP)PER COA STD DTL W-13.2 & W-15.3IRRIGATION DCVA PER COA STD DTL W24.1WATER NOTES3112125 LF - 8"PVCS=0.50%120 LF - 8"PVCS=0.50%234334 LF - 8"PVC S=0.50% 27 LF - 8"D.I.209 LF - 8"D.I.454211 LF - 8"PVCS=2.71%CATCH BASIN NO. 1THRU CURB INLET0+90.6, 10.0' LTCATCH BASIN NO. 2THRU CURB INLET0+90.6, 16.0' RTCATCH BASIN NO. 3BIOCLEAN WATER QUALITY OR EQUALENHANCED WATER QUALITY DEVICEINFILTRATION PONDDRYWELL (TYP)VEHICLE ACCESS PADSIGHT OBSCURING NATIVEVEGETATION HEDGEPOND ACCESS ROADBOLLARDS (4 - TYP)STORM DRAINAGE NOTES1234520 LF - 12"18 LF - 12"12VERTICAL DATUMNAVD 88FOUND MON IN CASE WITH 5/8" HOLE IN CONC. ATTHE INTERSECTION OF 2ND ST. S.E. AND V ST. S.E.ELEV. = 76.61'PER GPS OBSERVATIONSU Street SE4347 LF - 12"566789879301506018' DWYMAX5' SIDEWALK5.5' PLANTEREX HYDAFTER APPROPRIATE FEE PAYMENT RECEIVED AND VERIFYINGTHAT DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (DCVA) HAS BEENINSTALLED (NOT BY CITY), THE CITY WILL INSTALL THE IRRIGATIONMETER INSIDE THE IRRIGATION METER BOX. THE PASSING TESTREPORT FOR THE DCVA MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY WITHIN24 HOURS OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE METERNOTE:EX HYD0+800+981+962+971+505PLT19 - 00075550 of 174 50556065707580859010+00EG 77.00 FG 77.0010+50EG 78.06 FG 78.0611+00EG 78.08 FG 78.0811+50EG 78.98 FG 78.9812+00EG 79.00 FG 79.0012+50EG 79.00 FG 79.00 11+25.00 (2ND ST)= 0+00 (ROAD A)116 LF - 8"PVCSSMH NO. 4RIM=79.05IE=65.88 (E)SSMH NO. 2RIM=78.74IE=65.18 (E)IE=65.28 (W,N)SSMH NO. 1RIM=77.50IE=64.45 (S)IE=64.55 (W)S=0.50%%129 LF - 8"PVCS=0.50%%10+00 (2ND ST)= 30+00 (V ST) 10+00.00 (2ND ST)=30+00.00 (V ST)SSMH NO. 1RIM=77.50IE=64.45 (S)IE=64.55 (W)334 LF - 8"PVCS=0.50%%IE=8" PVC(N)=62.230+00 (ROAD A)= 11+34.06 (2ND ST)556065707580859055606570758085900+00EG FG 78.950+50EG FG 78.381+00EG FG 78.121+50EGFG 78.512+00EGFG 79.012+25EGFG STA: 0+00.00 EL: 78.95 STA: 2+05.93EL: 79.07 SSMH NO. 2RIM=78.74IE=65.18 (E)IE=65.28 (W,N)211 LF - 8"PVCS=2.71%1+74.80C/L CUL-DE-SAC -1.14%1.00%PVI STA: 0+90.58PVI ELEV: 77.92K: 35.05LVC: 75.00BVCS: 0+53.08 BVCE: 78.34 EVCS: 1+28.08EVCE: 78.29 LP STA: 0+93.03LP EL: 78.12CATCH BASIN NO. 1THRU CURB INLETRIM=77.84IE=75.34CATCH BASIN NO. 2THRU CURB INLETRIM=77.84IE=75.2126 LF - 12"INFILTRATION PONDIE=74.38S=0.5% 18 LF - 12" S=0.5%CATCH BASIN NO. 3MODULAR WETLAND OREQUAL ENHANCED WATERQUALITY DEVICERIM=77.84IE=75.12 (W)IE=74.62 (E)47 LF - 12" S=0.5%27 LF - 8" D.I.175 LF - 8" D.I.3'SSMH NO. 3RIM=79.00IE=71.00 (8"-S)IE=71.20 (6"-NE, NW)NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RT G NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE N ORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen Utility.dwg CONCEPTUAL UTILITY PROFILES C6 PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:U STREET SE PROFILESCALE: 1" = 30' (HORIZ) 1" = 5' (VERT)2ND STREET PROFILESCALE: 1" = 30' (HORIZ) 1" = 5' (VERT)V STREET SE PROFILESCALE: 1" = 30' (HORIZ) 1" = 5' (VERT)PLT19 - 000780757065608075706560EXISTING ROAD51 of 174 215400-0044215400-0045215400-0025215400-0028LOT 4KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT 2KC SP 677172AFN 7803300833LOT AKC BLA S92L0236AFN 9302111603LOT 1PLAT OFEAST AUBURN GARDEN TRACTSVOL. 18, PG. 98BLOCK 2N 00°46'13" W 300.06'N 89°50'32" E 251.61'Block 1 Plat ofEast Auburn Garden TractsVol. 18, Pg. 98123412111056789Tract A105.59'70.00'73.53'50.00'69.66' 3 9 . 4 1 '40.01'110.40'40.00'43.20'40.00'40.00'105.97'47.81'40.60'106.00'40.60'54.88'96.01'49.00'45.00'45.00' 45.00'45.00'39.90'86.91'96.69'96.01'96.01'21.00 22.2 6 2 0.1342.2246.1429. 9 1 22.26L=15 .2 2R =12 . 0 060.96'L=14.03R=9.00L=14.24R=9 .00 20.80' 108.49' 111.91' 118.96' 109.69'26.31'67.73'HHHHHHHHHHHHHHTract B29.37'80.21' 5 7 . 6 6 '147.51'N 89°50'32" ELot 7East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-0035Lot 8East AuburnGarden Tracts215400-004025.45'55.76'Tract C80.52' 299.88' N 00°46'13" W ACCESS & UTILITYACCESS & UTILITY8 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 00010020022529003000N89° 52' 38"E0.00'REVISIONNO.DATE ENGINEERING, INC SOUND DESIGN ROBERT NEHRING, P.E. 10515 20th Street S.E., Lake Stevens, WA 98258 TEL: (425) 773-9567STATR E 31244 EGH NI R RT G NOEEEOIS S N LA IN G NSGI T E R E DE N ORPFREO R TEBO NB. F W A SHIRiver Glen10/02/19DATE: SHEET FILE:River Glen.dwg TRANSPORTATION PLANASPHALT RAMP TO GRADESTREET TREE (FLOWERING PLUM) (10 TYP)3" BLACK BARKDUST GROUND COVERPYRAMIDAL ARBORVITAE AROUND PERIMETER OFPOND @ 6' O.C.PROPOSED MONUMENT (TYP)ADA RAMP (TYP)83' TAPERSTREET LIGHT (TYPE F)12KEYED NOTES3NSCALE: 1" = 30'4NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec.17, T.21N., R.5E., W.M.2nd Street SEV Street SE C7 PROJECT REF:THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OFAUBURN'S ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSDEV. REVIEW ENGINEER:APPROVED BY:DATE APPROVED:28.00'50.00'R=45'R = 2 0 ' R= 3 7 . 5 '5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK 11INFILTRATION POND/RECREATION AREA32U Street SE 455LEGENDEXISTING MONUMENTPROPOSED MONUMENTU STREET SE SECTION A-ANOT TO SCALE0.5'10' LANE0.5'R.O.W. 8.5' PLANTERSTRIP2H : 1V MAX5' SIDEWALKC/L R.O.W.C/L ROADWAY10' LANE8' PARKINGR.O.W. 2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAXCURB & GUTTER2.O'7.5' SIDEWALK2.0'2%2%50'STREET TREE CENTEREDIN LANDSCAPE STRIP"NO PARKING" SIGNAADESIGNSPEED LIMIT30MPH660+00 (U STREET)=11+30.59 (2ND STREET)14.5'290' INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE335' INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE5'3015060BB (LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)77878PLT19 - 0007(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)130' INTERSECTION SPACING***NOTE: GRADE IS FLAT2ND STREET SE SECTION B-BNOT TO SCALE0.5'VARIES2H : 1V MAX2H : 1V MAXCURB & GUTTER5' SIDEWALK'5.5' PLANTER2%*5'30'R.O.W.14'C/L ROADWAY(LOCAL RESIDENTIAL)SAWCUT 12" INSIDEEXISTING EDGE ANDSEAL JOINT2'52 of 174 Beaver Creek Environmental Services, Inc. ----- POB 731695 • Puyallup WA 98373 ----- (253) 732-6515 MHeckert@Q.com April 10, 2018 Mr. John McCloud PPI Seattle 822 E Gwinn Pl. Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 805-1800 ofc john@ppiseattle.com RE: Critical Areas Designation (CAD) Parcel nos. 2154000035 and 2154000040 1907 2nd St. SE and adjacent east, City of Auburn, Washington Dear Mr. McCloud, As requested we have evaluated Parcels 2154000035 and 2154000040 for jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and required buffers. The CAD wetland delineation encompassed the entire site. Figure 1. Project Location & Vicinity map 53 of 174 2 PPI Auburn CAD Report Location and Existing Conditions The property is located north side of 2nd Street SE, east of T Street SE, in the City of Auburn, Washington, inside the Urban Growth Boundary. This property is rectangular, 76,995 sq. ft. [1.77 acre]. The site contains a single-family house in the southwest corner with the rest vacant. Figure 2. Existing Condition Methodology The site visit was conducted on April 6, 2018. A combination of field indicators, including: soils, vegetation, and hydrology, were used to determine whether wetlands were present. Onsite assessment followed the established criteria and methods as defined within the Corps of Engineers (CoE) Wetland Delineation Manual - 2010 Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast (WMVC) Regional Supplement, Revised Washington State Wetland Rating System(WSWRS), and city of Auburn Chapter 16.10 Critical Areas. Wetlands are transitional areas between aquatic and upland habitats. In general terms, wetlands are lands where the extent and duration of saturation with water is the primary factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface (Cowardin et al., 1979). Wetlands are generally defined as "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.”. (City of Auburn Code – Chap. 16) 54 of 174 3 PPI Auburn CAD Report Wetlands exhibit three (3) essential characteristics, all of which must be present for an area to meet the established criteria within the CoE Manual. These essential characteristics are: Hydrophytic Vegetation: Meaning a predominance of plants that are typically adapted for life in saturated soils, Hydric Soil: Meaning soil’s that are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper horizons, and Wetland Hydrology: Meaning permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation to the surface, at least seasonally. Streams are delineated by identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). The definition of the OHWM as defined by the Washington State Department of Ecology as a part of the Shoreline Management Act is: “the mark on all lakes, streams, and tidal water that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the department: Provided, That in any area where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found, the ordinary high water mark adjoining salt water shall be the line of mean higher high tide and the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water”. 55 of 174 4 PPI Auburn CAD Report Existing Documentation National Wetland Inventory (NWI) resources (fig. 3) identifies no wetlands or streams within, or adjacent to the project site. Figure 3. National Wetland Inventory Map 56 of 174 5 PPI Auburn CAD Report King County Critical Area & DNR Water Type data (fig. 4) identifies no wetland or drainage within, or adjacent to, the project site. Figure 4. King County Wetlands & DNR Aquatic Areas Map 57 of 174 6 PPI Auburn CAD Report The NRCS soils map (fig. 5) identify soils on the site as: Pilchuck fine silt loam – not listed as hydric. Figure 5. NRCS Soils map Field Observations Upland Areas The project site contains one primary upland habitat area. Vegetation: The site has a single-family house in the southwest. Major plant species are entirely pasture grasses through the majority of the site. The northern 60 ft. is dense himal blackberry interspersed with trees. Soils: The soils throughout the project area consist of Pilchuck fine sandy loam (Pk). The Pilchuck series consists of very deep, excessively drained and somewhat excessively drained soils that formed in gravelly and sandy alluvium. Pilchuck soils are on flood plains. Soil plot data for the south area was 0-18 in. 10YR 3/2 with no hydric soil indicators. Hydrology: Surface flow through the site is generally directed by topography to the north. 58 of 174 7 PPI Auburn CAD Report Wetlands Based on the criteria, no area was identified as meeting the characteristics for definition as wetland. Aquatic Areas No area was identified as meeting the characteristics for definition as a stream. Off Site No features within 315 ft. of the site meet criteria for definition as Critical Areas. Note: Wetland determination is only made by jurisdictional authority (City of Auburn). Prior to extensive site planning, this document should be reviewed and the wetland boundaries verified by the appropriate resource and permitting agencies. Wetland boundaries, wetland classifications, wetland ratings, and proposed buffers must be reviewed and approved by the City of Auburn Planning and Land Services and potentially other regulatory agencies. Beaver Creek Environmental Services, Inc. (BCES) has provided professional services that are in accordance with the degree of care and skill generally accepted in the nature of the work accomplished. No other warranties are expressed or implied. BCES is not responsible for design costs incurred before this document is approved by the appropriate resource and permitting agencies. If you have questions or need additional information please contact myself at 253.732.6515 or by email at mheckert@q.com. Respectfully Submitted, Mark Heckert, President 59 of 174 EarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC Geotechnical Engineering Construction Observation/Testing Environmental Services 1805 - 136th Place N.E., Suite 201 Bellevue, WA98005 (425) 449-4704 Fax (425) 449-4711 www.earthsolutionsnw.com GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PLAT RIVER GLEN 1907 - 2 STREET SOUTHEAST AUBURN, WASHINGTON ES-6511 ND 60 of 174 61 of 174 62 of 174 63 of 174 64 of 174 65 of 174 66 of 174 67 of 174 68 of 174 69 of 174 70 of 174 71 of 174 72 of 174 73 of 174 74 of 174 75 of 174 76 of 174 77 of 174 Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Observation/Testing and Environmental Services Drwn. CAM Checked SES Date Jan. 2019 Date 01/25/2019 Proj. No. 6511 Plate 1 Earth Solutions NWLLCEarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC Vicinity Map River Glen Auburn, Washington Reference: King County, Washington Map 746 By The Thomas Guide Rand McNally 32nd Edition NORTH NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. SITE 78 of 174 Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Observation/Testing and Environmental Services Drwn. CAM Checked SES Date Jan. 2019 Date 01/25/2019 Proj. No. 6511 Plate 2 Earth Solutions NWLLCEarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tract A 78 78 76 76 road a 2nd street s.e.v street s.e. TP-1 TP-2TP-3 TP-4 TP-5 TP-6 NOTE: This plate may contain areas of color. ESNW cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black & white reproductions of this plate. NOTE: The graphics shown on this plate are not intended for design purposes or precise scale measurements, but only to illustrate the approximate test locations relative to the approximate locations of existing and / or proposed site features. The information illustrated is largely based on data provided by the client at the time of our study. ESNW cannot be responsible for subsequent design changes or interpretation of the data by others. LEGEND Approximate Location of ESNW Test Pit, Proj. No. ES-6511, Jan. 2019 Subject Site Proposed Lot Number TP-1 NOT - TO - SCALE NORTH 7 Test Pit Location Plan River Glen Auburn, Washington 79 of 174 Drwn. CAM Checked SES Date Jan. 2019 Date 01/25/2019 Proj. No. 6511 Plate 3 Earth Solutions NWLLCEarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Observation/Testing and Environmental Services Retaining Wall Drainage Detail River Glen Auburn, Washington NOTES: Free-draining Backfill should consist of soil having less than 5 percent fines. Percent passing No. 4 sieve should be 25 to 75 percent. Sheet Drain may be feasible in lieu of Free-draining Backfill, per ESNW recommendations. Drain Pipe should consist of perforated, rigid PVC Pipe surrounded with 1-inch Drain Rock. LEGEND: Free-draining Structural Backfill 1-inch Drain Rock 18" Min. Structural Fill Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround in Drain Rock) SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING 80 of 174 Drwn. CAM Checked SES Date Jan. 2019 Date 01/25/2019 Proj. No. 6511 Plate 4 Earth Solutions NWLLCEarthSolutionsNWLLC EarthSolutions NW LLC Geotechnical Engineering,Construction Observation/Testing and Environmental Services Footing Drain Detail River Glen Auburn, Washington Slope Perforated Rigid Drain Pipe (Surround in Drain Rock) 18" Min. NOTES: Do NOT tie roof downspouts to Footing Drain. Surface Seal to consist of 12" of less permeable, suitable soil. Slope away from building. LEGEND: Surface Seal: native soil or other low-permeability material. 1-inch Drain Rock SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING 81 of 174 82 of 174 83 of 174 84 of 174 85 of 174 86 of 174 87 of 174 88 of 174 89 of 174 90 of 174 91 of 174 92 of 174 93 of 174 94 of 174 95 of 174 96 of 174 97 of 174 98 of 174 99 of 174 100 of 174 101 of 174 102 of 174 103 of 174 104 of 174 105 of 174 106 of 174 107 of 174 108 of 174 109 of 174 110 of 174 111 of 174 112 of 174 113 of 174 114 of 174 115 of 174 116 of 174 117 of 174 118 of 174 119 of 174 120 of 174 121 of 174 122 of 174 123 of 174 124 of 174 125 of 174 126 of 174 127 of 174 128 of 174 129 of 174 130 of 174 131 of 174 132 of 174 133 of 174 134 of 174 135 of 174 136 of 174 137 of 174 138 of 174 139 of 174 140 of 174 141 of 174 142 of 174 143 of 174 144 of 174 145 of 174 146 of 174 147 of 174 148 of 174 149 of 174 150 of 174 151 of 174 152 of 174 153 of 174 154 of 174 155 of 174 156 of 174 157 of 174 158 of 174 159 of 174 160 of 174 161 of 174 162 of 174 163 of 174 164 of 174 165 of 174 166 of 174 167 of 174 168 of 174 169 of 174 170 of 174 171 of 174 172 of 174 173 of 174 174 of 174