HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-2020 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA PACKETPlanning Commission Meeting J uly 7, 2020 - 7:00 P M A GE NDA I .C AL L T O O RD E R I I .Virtual Participation Link A .Virtual Participation L ink The City of Auburn Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 7 at 7:00 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click the link or enter the meeting I D into the Zoom app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. P er the City of A uburn Resolution No. 5533 , the City of Auburn will hold all meetings virtually and telephonically until King County moves into the Governor's Phase 3 of the Covid 19 P andemic. J oin Z oom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98540977846 Meeting I D: 985 4097 7846 One tap mobile 12532158782 Dial by your location 888 475 4499 US Toll-free Meeting I D: 985 4097 7846 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abkserf Or B .RO L L C AL L/E S TAB L I S HM E NT O F Q UO RUM C.P L E D G E O F AL L E G I ANC E I I I .AP P RO VAL O F M INUT E S A .May 19, 2020 Draft Minutes from the P lanning Commission Regular Meeting I V.O T HE R B US I NE S S A .2020 Comprehensive P lan Annual Amendment Docket I nitial presentation of received and proposed comprehensive plan amendments for 2020. I ncludes three private applications and nine city-initiated applications for consideration. V.C O M M UNIT Y D E V E L O P M E NT RE P O RT Update on Community Development Services activities. Page 1 of 20 V I .AD J O URNM E NT The City of Auburn Planning Commission is a seven member advisory body that provides recommendations to the Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land use plans and related codes such as zoning. Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Actions taken by the Planning Commission, other than approvals or amendments to the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, are not final decisions; they are in the form of recommendations to the city council which must ultimately make the final decision. Page 2 of 20 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Virtual Participation Link Date: June 23, 2020 Department: Community Development Attachments: No Attachments Av ailable Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: Background Summary: Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Dixon Meeting Date:July 7, 2020 Item Number:ES.A Page 3 of 20 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: May 19, 2020 Draft Minutes from the Planning Commission Regular Meeting Date: June 23, 2020 Department: Community Development Attachments: May 19, 2020 Draft Minutes Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: Planning Commission review and approve the May 19, 2020 regular meeting minutes. Background Summary: Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Dixon Meeting Date:July 7, 2020 Item Number: Page 4 of 20 PLANNING COMMISSION May 19, 2020 DRAFT MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom Meeting due Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” initiative due to the Covid 19- Pandemic. a.) ROLL CALL/ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Commissioners present: Chair Judi Roland, Vice-Chair Lee, Commissioner Mason, Commissioner Moutzouris, Commissioner Khanal and Commissioner Stephens. Staff present: Planning Services Manager, Jeff Dixon; Senior Planner, Thaniel Gouk; Assistant City Attorney, Doug Ruth; Administrative Assistant, Jenn Oliver Members of the public present: No audience members were present. b.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. April 21, 2020 – Regular Meeting Minutes Vice Chair Lee moved and Commissioner Khanal seconded to approve the minutes from the April 21, 2020 meeting as written. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Commissioner Mason was excused from the April 21, 2020 meeting and did not vote. III. PUBLIC HEARING A. Proposed Code Amendments to Chapter 18.68 ACC, “Zoning Code and Map Amendments”, File No. ZOA20-0001. Due to the teleconference meeting format, Planning Services Manager, Jeff Dixon provided some explanation of the unique hearing procedures and how interested parties could provide documents during the hearing, or provide testimony afterwards if they contact the city by e-mail at planning@auburnwa.gov or by phone at 253-804-5035 if they have technical difficulties in participating during the virtual hearing this evening. Senior Planner, Thaniel Gouk provided a report for Proposed Code Amendments to Chapter 18.68 ACC, “Zoning Code and Map Amendments”. As a reminder to the Commission, staff previously presented an introductory memo to the Planning Commission on February 4, 2020 outlining the proposed changes. After it Page 5 of 20 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2020 Page 2 was discussed at the February regular planning commission meeting, Staff was then asked to proceed with preparing the proposed code amendments for a public hearing. Chapter 18.68 of the Auburn City Code (ACC) contains the City’s regulations for amending both the text of Title 18 (‘Zoning’) as well as amending the official Zoning Map (aka “rezones”). The last updates to this code section were some minor changes adopted in 1996. These changes are being originated by staff to address both clarifying the procedural steps and categories of applications, as well as, the substantive issues such as the criteria for decision-making. Staff has proposed these changes to provide guidance to both the public, the Planning Commission/Hearing Examiner, as well as City Staff. This will be especially helpful for the public when submitting a zoning text amendment or rezone (map amendment) since it will provide criteria to respond to in the application materials that are provided for consideration. It will also provide an indication of the suitability of the requested application. The proposed code changes are shown by strikeout/underline code that were presented in the Planning Commission Packet as Exhibit 1, and a “clean” version, with all the proposed changes accepted as Exhibit 2. A narrative summary of the proposed amendments are as follows: • If the rezone request implements the Comprehensive Plan (Comp. Plan) (It is a zoning classification listed in the Comp. Plan as implementing the particular Comp. Plan Land Use Map designation (See Land Use Map)) then the request is forwarded to the Hearing Examiner for his consideration. The Hearing Examiner, after a public hearing, then makes a recommendation to the City Council, who make the final decision. Under the proposed changes this would be referred to as a “Site-Specific Rezone, Category 1”. An example of this would be a property zoned “R-10, Residential” which has a Comp. Plan Land Use Map designation of “Light Commercial”; the owner could submit a rezone application to change the zoning of the property to “C- 1, Light Commercial” as this request would be implementing the Comp. Plan. • If the rezone request does not implement the Comp. Plan (in other words, if in the above-described situation the Land Use Map designation was “Moderate Density Residential” instead of “Light Commercial”) then the owner would also have to simultaneously apply for a Comp. Plan amendment. This is the type of request that the Planning Commission is used to considering. Instead of the Hearing Examiner making the recommendation to the City Council, the Planning Commission does. Under the proposed changes this would be referred to as a “Site-Specific Rezone, Category 2”. • The third type of rezone is referred to as an “Area-Wide Rezone”. These are typically utilized when there have been changes in the Comp. Plan or the Zoning Code that necessitate all properties with a particular zoning classification to be changed. These are generally City-initiated and occur over a larger geographic area rather than one or a few parcels. The most Page 6 of 20 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2020 Page 3 recent instance of this was removal of the “EP, Environmental Park” zone from the Comp. Plan, which then resulted in an Area-Wide Rezone which the Planning Commission considered (and recommended approval of) in 2017. Lastly, there are currently there no decision-making criteria for rezone requests in the City’s Zoning Code; however, Staff for the last several years has used three criteria that are based on the results of case law. These three criteria that are based on past court decisions are proposed to be included in the changes under ACC 18.68.040, ‘Rezone Approval Criteria’. The changes proposed for Zoning Text Amendments include clarifying why/when City- initiated amendments are proposed and clarifying that the Mayor, as the executive of the City, can direct Staff to initiate an amendment. The Commission deliberated and had a question regarding Page 17 of 32 in the packet and to why the text amendments, Public Hearing Notices were crossed out. Staff explained that the particular section was deleted because it was duplicative and already addressed in a different section of City Code that talks about Public Notice requirements. Chair Roland opened the public hearing on May 19, 2020 at 7:27 p.m. Chair Roland asked three times for public testimony. With no public testimony, Chair Roland closed the public hearing at 7:29 p.m. Vice Chair Lee moved and Commissioner Stephens seconded to recommend Proposed Code Amendments to Chapter 18.68 ACC, “Zoning Code and Map Amendments” be moved forward to City Council for approval. IV. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPORT Planning Services Manager, Jeff Dixon advised the Planning Commission that under the current Covid-19 Pandemic situation, the Governor has suspended certain requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) that allows us to conduct business exclusively by Zoom, Teams, or whatever type of software program being used. Governor Inslee was sensitive about being able to give the public the opportunity to participate in public meetings and thus limited the topics to either those related to the Covid Pandemic or items judged “necessary and routine”. Community Development Reports would be an item on the Agenda that would have to be discussed once the requirements have been lifted for OPMA by the Governor. The Commission commented that it should be essential for the Planning Commission to know of any specific subjects that arise now as opposed to later. Staff agreed with his statement. One specific topic of information that was considered “essential” due to participation from some Commissioners was that the Sound Transit Design Workshop for the second parking garage has been postponed for now and has not been rescheduled as of now. Additional comments by Planning Services Manager Dixon was that originally Staff was going to present Building Code Updates for ACC Title 15 to the Commission in Page 7 of 20 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2020 Page 4 May but it has now been pushed out until August due to the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation 20-28.4. The Planning Commission and Planning Services Manager Dixon discussed the joint Council-Planning Commission Meeting that was to happen on June 8, 2020. After further discussion, the Commission determined that it would be beneficial to meet in person and decided to post-pone the meeting until further notice, even with the understanding that the meeting could possible not happen this year. Chair Roland asked when the Planning Commission would meet again. Per Mr. Dixon, there are no pending items for the regular meeting June 2, 2020 that are considered ”necessary and routine” l per the Governor’s OPMA Proclamation. Chair Roland asked the Commission to hold the second meeting date of the month open just in case. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland adjourned the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Page 8 of 20 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Annual Amendment Docket Date: June 23, 2020 Department: Community Development Attachments: Memorandum: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Intro 2020 Comprehensive Plan Docket Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: Background Summary: See Attached Memo. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Dixon Meeting Date:July 7, 2020 Item Number: Page 9 of 20 MEMORANDUM TO: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission Roger Lee, Vice-Chair, Planning Commission Planning Commission Members FROM: Anthony Avery, Senior Planner, Comm. Development Dept. Jeff Dixon, Planning Services Manager, Comm. Development Dept. DATE: June 22, 2020 RE: Discussion Topic: Introductory discussion of Docket of 2020 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments BACKGROUND: Annually the City amends its Comprehensive Plan (“Comp. Plan”). These are the “annual amendments” that the City considers routinely each year as distinguished from the periodic “major update” of the Comp Plan as required by the Growth Management Act (GMA) that was adopted at the end of year 2015. Side note: While the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.130) originally required the next periodic update be completed by the year 2023, the state legislature passed ESHB 2342 in 2020 that extends the timeframe for updates until 2024. Pushing this timetable aligns comprehensive plan update to coordinate with regional initiatives that are required to be considered in comprehensive plans and that are scheduled to be completed in 2023, for example, Puget Sound Regional Council’s Vision 2050. There are two types of amendments: A. Map; and B. Text. In addition, there are two sources for these annual amendments: 1. City-initiated amendments which are typically items that Staff, Planning Commission, or the City Council have identified as items or issues that should be addressed in the next Comp Plan Amendment cycle; and, 2. Private-initiated amendments, which are in response to applications that are submitted. For the 2020 Comp Plan Amendment cycle, three private amendment applications were submitted (two map amendments and one text amendment). Page 10 of 20 Page 2 of 9 DISCUSSION At the July 7, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, staff would like to introduce and briefly discuss: 1. The docket of annual comprehensive plan amendments is proposed to consist of the following: City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (CPA20 -0005) (each capital facilities plan is incorporated by reference) • P/T #1 – Auburn School District Capital Facilities Plan • P/T #2 – Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan • P/T #3 – Federal Way School District Capital Facilities Plan • P/T #4 – Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan • P/T #5 – City of Auburn (COA) Capital Facilities Plan • P/T #6 –Volume 5, Transportation Element (Separate document incorporated by reference). The changes the Transportation element consist of the following: • Update Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) information/project list; • Re-designate multiple capital projects from the TIP (funded) to the Comprehensive Plan (unfunded) to maintain continuity in the future transportation network conditions. • Update maps as needed to reflect current data and conditions (addressed by CMP#1, below); • Additional minor changes will relate to grammar, punctuation, choice of words, etc. • P/T #7 – Volume 7, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Element. Add language pertaining to equestrian trails. Language has been previously removed from transportation element and requires modification to meet the goals and mission of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Element. • P/T #8 – Volume 1, Land Use Element and Volume 5, Transportation Element (Plan). Amend comprehensive plan policies which do not sufficiently protect the operations of the Auburn Municipal Airport, and do not provide the City sufficient authority to ensure development around the airport is coordinated and consistent with the Airport Master Plan. Policies are currently being evaluated as to whether they: • Protect the operations of the Auburn Municipal Airport (the “airport”); Page 11 of 20 Page 3 of 9 • Prevent or promote incompatible land uses around the airport; • Ensure that development around the airport is coordinated and consistent with the Airport Master Plan; • Protect the airport from nonconforming uses and structures that pose a safety concern to airport operations; • Provide the authority to review the impact of development on air safety; • Are clearly defined and clearly understood, or open to a wide degree of interpretation; or • Use outdated language • P/T #9 – Volume 1: Land Use Element: Provide additional clarification as to appropriate utilization of development standards when applying a transition designation. Additional guidance on implementation to be considered. Private-Initiated Text Amendments • P/T #10 – CPA20 -0003 - Volume 1: Land Use Element. The Auburn Adventist Academy is making multiple updates to their Adopted Area documents to better address their current needs and long-term direction. Some changes to maps as part of the special area plan cannot be ruled out, and may be needed. No application to amend any maps have been received. Proposal Location Proposal location labeled "Academy" Page 12 of 20 Page 4 of 9 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments City-Initiated Map Amendments (CPA20-0004): • CPM#1 – Volume 5: Transportation Element: Several maps found throughout Volume 5 have been updated to reflect current conditions. A final list of maps and corresponding page numbers is under development by Transportation Planning. Page 13 of 20 Page 5 of 9 Private-Initiated Map Amendments: • CPM #2 – CPA20-0001 - Request by Auburn School District to change the designation of King County Parcel number 2121059042 totaling approximately 2.19 acres and located on the north side of Auburn Way South approximately 400 feet west of Noble Court SE from "Multiple-Family Residential" to "Institutional" and an associated rezone from “R-20, Residential 20 dwelling units per acre” to “P-1, Public Use”. The existing Chinook Elementary School, located on an adjacent parcel, is zoned P-1. The school district has purchased this additional site to incorporate into a redevelopment effort for the existing school. Proposal Location Page 14 of 20 Page 6 of 9 Existing Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation Page 15 of 20 Page 7 of 9 • CPM#3 – CPA20-0002: Request by Request by Westport Capital Investments to change the designation of King County Parcel numbers 0004200024, 0004200022, and 0004200003 totaling approximately 32.4 acres and located approximately 650 feet east of the intersection of I Street and 40th Street NE, from "Single Family Residential" to "Multiple-Family Residential" and an associated rezone from “R-7, Residential 7 dwelling units per acre” to “R-20, Residential”. The requested changes are not directly related to a project, however, if approved it would allow any use permitted in the R-20 Residential zone. This could include uses such as apartments, assisted living facilities, mixed-use buildings, etc. Proposal Location Page 16 of 20 Page 8 of 9 Existing Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation Page 17 of 20 Page 9 of 9 SUMMARY: Staff to is to provide an introductory overview of the subjects under consideration for amendments this year, including the 3 private applications received and that may be part of the “docket” of 2020 annual Comp Plan amendments. Additional information and more detailed analysis will be presented to the Planning Commission at future meetings. Page 18 of 20 CPM #Page Area to be changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning Map Change CPM #1 Map Numbers To Be Determined by Public Works Volume 5: Transportation Element and Appendix Update maps to reflect current projects and remove completed projects.Periodic evaluation of project status.Reflects current conditions.None Maps labeled within Transportation Element numbered separately from the remaining maps found throughout the comprehensive plan. A final list and map numbers are being produced by Transportation Planning Division. None CITY INITIATED MAP AMENDMENTS CPA20-0005 Page 19 of 20 File number & CPM # Page Area to be changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning Map Change CPA20-0001 CPM #2 Map Section Comprehensive Plan Map #1.1 Request by Auburn School District to change the designation of King Co. Parcel No. 2121059042 totaling approx. 2.19 acres and located on the north side of Auburn Way South approximately 400 feet west of Noble Court SE from "Multiple-Family Residential" to "Institutional" and an associated rezone from “R-20, Residential 20 dwelling units per acre” to “I, Institutional”. Chinook Elementary School currently sits on an adjacent parcel. The school district has purchased this additional site to incorporate into a redevelopment effort for the existing school. Applicant cited the following: Change the map designation to allow for the re-development and replacement of the adjacent existing school. Analysis Underway Analysis Underway Yes, change the zoning designation from “R-20, Residential” to “I, Institutional”. REZ20-0001 PRIVATE INITIATED MAP AMENDMENTS (See referenced CPA File Numbers ) Page 20 of 20