HomeMy WebLinkAbout6859 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:$216.50 Page-1 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM Electronically Recorded King County,WA Return Address: Auburn City Clerk City of Auburn. 25 West Main St. Auburn,WA 98001 • RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title(s)(or transactions contained therein): Mamas 1. Vacation Ordinance No.6759 REQUESTED BY N TITLE COMPANY 2. Extension Ordinance No. 6823 AS ANACCOMMODATION ONLY 3. Extension Ordinance No.6859. Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: N/A ❑Additional reference#'s on page_of document Grantor(s)(Last name first,then first name and initials) City of Auburn • Grantee: (Last name first) The Public Legal Description(abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section,township, range) NW 18-21-05 ❑Additional legal is on page_of the document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: Parcel Numbers 5405100015,5405100025,0492000481, 0492000480,and 0492000482. ❑Assessor Tax#not yet assigned ENG-131,Revised 11/17 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:8216.50 Page-2 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA • ORDINANCE NO.6859 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORD. 6759 AND EXTENDING THE DEADLINE TO COMPLETE CONDITIONS ' ASSOCIATED WITH VACATING RIGHT-OF-WAY OF A PORTION OF THE ALLEY NORTH OF 3RD STREET NE BETWEEN B STREET-NE-AND-AUBURN-AVENUE-WITHIN—---- THE TREET-NE-ANDAUBURNAVENUE-WITHIN-----THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON WHEREAS,the City of Auburn,Washington("City"),passed Ordinance No.6759 on March 16, 2020,vacating its right-of-way located within a portion of the alley north of 3rd Street NE,between B Street NE and Auburn Avenue,within the City,subject to conditions outlined in that Ordinance;and, WHEREAS,Section 1, Paragraph G of Ordinance No.6759 required all conditions of the vacation to be completed by September 16, 2021 or the vacation and Ordinance would be null and void;and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Auburn City Code (ACC) 12.48.090 and before the September 16 deadline in Ordinance No.6759, the applicant requested additional time to complete the required vacation conditions in Ordinance No.6759. The City Council granted the request by passing Ordinance No.6823,which amended Ordinance No.6759 to extend . its vacation condition deadline to September 16, 2022. A copy of Ordinance No.6823 is attached as Exhibit A to this Ordinance;and, zs WHEREAS,by letter dated March 31,2022,the applicant has indicated that due to • factors outside the applicant's control, they will not be able to complete the vacation • conditions by the September 16,2022 deadline set by Ordinance No.6823. The applicant Ordinance No.6859 ROW Vacation V1-19 May 16,2022 Page 1 of 3 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:$216.50 Page-3 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA • requests additional time to complete the conditions, and estimates completion by April 30, 2023;and, WHEREAS,the City has determined that the applicant has made a good faith effort to meet the vacation conditions required by Ordinance 6759,and that the applicant's request to extend the condition completion deadline to April 30,2023 Is reasonable and in the public interest given the unforeseeable circumstances encountered by the applicant;and, WHERAS,the City Council has considered and approves the applicant's request for extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN as a non-codified ordinance as follows: Section 1. Amendment of City Ordinance. Section 1, 'paragraph 0 of Ordinance No.6759 is amended to read as follows: G. This vacation shall be effective upon completion of the provisions in paragraph E and F, above. The above described provisions 'must be • completed by April 30, 2023 or the vacation and Ordinance will be null and void. All other provisions of Ordinance No.6759 shall remain in full force and effect. Section 2. Constitutionality or.Invalidity. If any portion of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force • Ordinance No,6859 ROW Vacation V1-19 • May 16,2022 • Page 2 of 3 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rcc:S216.50 Page-4 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA five(5)days from and after passage,approval,and publication as provided by law. Section 5. Recordation. The City Clerk is directed to record this.Ordina.nce together with Ordinance No.6823.and Ordinance No.6759 with the office of the King County Auditor only upon completion of those provisions•set forth in Ordinance No.6759.;.at which time the vacation pursuant to Ordinance No.6759 shall'be effective under Auburn City Code 12.48..060. INTRODUCED: JUN 0 6 2021 PASSED: JUN 0 6 202Z APPROVED: JUN 0 6 2022 CY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ • Ufa CMINNeet.tA Shawn Campbe ' MMCG, 'ity Cler. Ker)dra Comeau,City Attorney PUBLISHE , ate Ordinance No.6859 ROW Vacation V1-19 May 16,2022. Page 3 of 3 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:$216.50 Page-5 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA Exhibit A ORDINANCE NO,.:6823. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF NE CITY OF AUBURN:WASHINGTON, AMENDI.NO THE DEADLINE TO COMPLETE.CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH VACATING . RIGHT-OF-WAY OF A PORTION OF THE ALLEY NORTH OF 3RD STREET NE BETWEEN B STREET NE AND AUBURN.. AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON. WHEREAS,..the City of.Auburn,Washington'CCItyl, approvedOrdInance.No..-OM on March 1.6,2020,a-coPy.of Vi.hfch.ls'attacheci..as Exhibit AonicaIlhg rIghtiewaylocated- within'a portion of the.alley north .sttot NE,between B..Sfre.etNE and Auburn Avenue; within the City,subject to.conditiont.outlined in Ordinance.No.6759;MCI; _ _ _ WHEREAS, Section 1, Paragraph G of Ordinance No. .6759 required that alL _ . .. conditions of the vacation be completed by September 16, 2021 or the vacation and Ordinance will be null and void;and, WHEREAS;the appliCant hasrequested ad.ditionalitimetocoMpleteihose.provisions set forth in Se.dtiOri'L.:Paragraphs E,Ford:G.of Oftlihancallo..6759;:irldi WHEREAS, the City has 'determined that:the apPlicant's reqUest to have .until: September 16,2022,is reasonable In lightcif unforeseeable cliturnstances.antittuthe public interest to cOntihue thedeadlinc and„. WHERAS,the.CityCOuncll has.donsidered.The request for extension, • NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE. CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN as a non-:codified ordinance as:follows: Section 1. qxtensiint The:deadline for scompletion in'8ottlpnl,'Paragraph G of Ordinance NO.0.7.50 is continued to September 16,2022. . • Ordinance No.6823 • ROW Vacation vi-19 May 26,2021 • Page 1 of 2 . • • • Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:S216.50 Page-6 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA . . . • • • • • • Section 2. Constitutional!type InValidity. If any pOrtion of this.Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is•heild invalid,thereMainderof the Ordinance. or the application of the provisions to other persona or cirCUrnstances Shall!adt-Peaffected. Section 3. Implementation. The mayor is.autheriied to irdplerrieritsuch administrative procedures as may be necessary to gamyoutthe directives of this location. Section 4. Effective Date, This.Ordinance Shall take•effect and be.In force five(5)days from and after•paasage,.approval,and publicationlas provided*NW. Section.5.. Recordation. The City Clerkis directed to record this Ordinance together with Ordinance'No. 6759 with the office of the Xing County Auditor only upon —completion of-thos-er proViglOris7s6t forth OrthhiiceNb.6759,etwhtchtinirthie–vaeddn pursuant.to Ordinance No.•675:9 shall be effective under Auburn City:Coda 12,48;080. J. 2 1.2021 INTRODUCED:. • . PASSED: JIM 2.4..n2i • APPROVED:. . 1,7021. . . . . . • • • A ; •• NCYBAt,,f MAYOR. ATTEST:- • APPROVED AS TO FORM: • CANNIZIP, Shawn CaropbeMAMC,'Oity.Olotk Kendra Othneao,City Attorney PUElliSHEAWAt 941:2.01: ikAt6iitikr(*4 • • Ordinance No.6823 ROW Vacation V1-19 • • • • • May 26,2021 Page 2 of 2 • • • • • Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:5216.50 Page-7 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA Exhibit A ORDINANCE NO.¢Z6_9. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF*CITY OF AUBURN WASHINGTON,VACATING RIGHT-QFWAY OF A PORTION OF THE ALLEY NORTH OF 3R0 STRi<:ET NE BETWEEN B-STREET NE AND AUBURN..AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASHINGTON WHEREAS,the City of Auburn,WashIngton("City"),has received a.petitien•slgned by at leastritie-thirds::(2/3).btIhe.owners of;praperty abutting to.right-of-way located within a portion of the alley norrh of:3'5I;StreetNE;between B Street NE.and Auburrt:Avenue,within the City,requesting vacation ofithe right=of way;and, • WHEREAS,as required•byChapter 12.48 of the Auburn GityCode,a public hearing • was held in connection With the possible vacation, with notice having.been provided pursuant to statute;and, • • WHEREAS,.'the:City Council has considdered all matters presented et tha••public hearing on the proposed vacation,held on the 16th day of March;2020;at.theAuburn City Council Chambers En Auburn,Washington. NOW, THEREFORE,...THE •CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON cosORDAIN as a non-codified ordinance.as:foilows: Section 1. Vacations That-the right of way located at a portion of the Alley north of'V Street NE,between B Street NE and Auburn Avenue.located Within the City of • Aubum,•Washington,iegally described as follows:. • THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY,BEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH, ADJACENTTO'AND COINCIDENT WITH THE EAST LINE OF. LOTS 3•THROUGii 6,BLOCK 2 OF THE PLAN OF MEADOW ADDITION TO AUBURN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT Ordinance No.8739 ' • ROW Vacation V1-19 January 8,2020 . • • . . • • Page 1 of 8 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:S216.50 Page-8 of 14 •Record Datc:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 18 or PLATS,PAOli6& IN KING COUNTY; WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT:THE SOUTHWEST CORNEA OF LOT 6 OFSAID BLOCK•2 OF SAID PLAT; THENCE SOUTH.89°1'7'20"EAST,57.00 FEET ALONG•THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8' TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER-OF THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO•THE CITY.OF AUBURN FOR STREET PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING N0.7807_170275; _...__ _____ . __ .. _ _ _ _ THENCE NORTH 76°21'00°EAST,44.37 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN,BEING • THE WEST MARGIN OF SAID ALLEY AND THE TRUE.FQINT • OF•BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00°38'08" EAST, 169.00• FEET ALONG _SAIR'WE2T MAE GIN_TQ THE_N.QRTJ-IEA$T_COANER QF_ . _ _. . LOT 3 Off SAID-PLAN-OF MEADOW ADDITIONTO•AUBURN; 'THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY P.R'OLON'GATIOK.OF SAO LOT 3 SOUTH:$9°17'30"EAST,.10:00.FEET TO TFIE. EAST MARGIN.OF•SAID ALLEY; • • THENCE SOUTH 00°38'08" WEST, 165;00. FEET'ALONG SAID EAST 'MARGIN TO THE MOST WESTERLY NORTHWEST CORNER OF:THAT PORTION. CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR STREET PURPOSES BY. DEED:RECORDED•.UNDER RECORDING NO..7.807170274 • THENCE SOUTH.68°53'49° WEST, 10;77 FEET TO SAID NORTHEAST CORNER OF THAT PORTION:CONVEYEDTO THE:CI:TYOF AUBURN FOR STREETPURPOSES BYDEED . RECORDEO•:UNDER RECORDING NO. 78071.70276•AND THE WEST°MARGIN OF SAID ALLEY AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; • CONTAINS 1,870 SOUAft•E FEET, MORE OR LESS,.(0 038 ACRES+1-) (Also Identified as Exhibit"A",J and as shown on the atirvey,•a copy Of which Is attached,marked•Ekhiblt"ENS vaoated and the property lying In the tight-Of-way-described, shall inure and belong to••those persons Ordinance No.6755 • • • ROW VacationV1•19 January.6,2020 • Page 2 of 6 • Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rcc:$216.50 Page-9 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA entitled to receive the property in accordance with ROW 35.79.040i conditioned upon the following: • A, Reservation in favor of the' City of a perpetual :NoneXclUsive Easertentuncler;Wet,through and!across the vacated rigt*of,-Way•as described above for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and Installing.future and existing sanitary sewer facilities and including a reservation in favor of the City of the right to.grant easements for utilities over, under and on all portions of the vacated right-of-way as described above, The City sltallhave theabsOlute right,at times as may be necessary-for-immediate entry uporiaa Id gasernerit•Area for the purposeof.maIntenance„ihspettion:,Conettliction, repair or recoristru011en of the above Improvements without•lhourring-any legal Obligation or liability. • The City shall have the•absolute right to place•any type of craving surface within. said Easement Area deemed necessary by the City. The owners of the adjacent properties agree and shall net inanyway block,restrict or Impede access And egress to'or from said.Easement Area„and for In.any way block, restrict or impede full'Use:Cif the real property within.the Easernert Area by'the City for the above described purposes. No building, wall,-rockery, ferice„trees, or strUcture of any kind shall 'be•Otected or plaited, nor shall.any fill Material be placed within the boundaries of said Easement Area,without•the expresswritten consent of the City. No excavation shall be rnadevithin'three feet of said facilities•and,the,surface lover Of the, ground within the Easement Area shall be maintained atthe: elevation as currently • Ordinance:No.'6759 ROW Vacation V1-16 • January 6,2020 Pape of 6 . • . . Instrument Number:20220928000047 Documcnt:ORD Rcc:8216.50 Page-10 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA • existing. . This easement shall be:a covenant.running with the adjacent property parcels and burden said real estate,and shall'be binding on the success.o.rs,.'heirs.and.assigns of all parties. •• B. Under the terms:•of the reservation set out in'Paragraph'A above and in. . accordance with RCW 35,79.030; the City grants a private utility.easement"to Puget: Sound Energy over,under,and upon the vacated right-of-way as.described above'for the construction,operation,maintenance, repair, replacement,Improvement and removal of electric distribution facilities. The owners of the adjacent.property shall not erect any structures on the: easement°and shall not place trees or other obstructions on the easement that Would Interfere With the exerciseof•Grantees`•rights: C. Under the terms.of the reservation set out ih Paragraph A above arid in accordance with ROW 35.7:9A30,the City grantsa private utility easement.to`CenturyLink• over, under and 'upon the vacated right-of-way as described above'orthe"construction, operation, maintenance; repair, replacement, improvement and removal :of wireline telecommunications facilities; The owners of,the adjacent properties shall not erect any • structures' on the: easement and,shall not place trees or other. •obstructions.on. the easement that would interfere with the:ekercise of:Grantee's'rights. D. it is provided; however that such reserved or granted utility and access easements as set out in Paragraphs A,B and C above may be rnodlfied.to accommodate a removal,relocation and sitting of the affected utility lines if the City and the property Ordinance No.6759 • ROW Vacation Vt-19: January.6,2020 • Page 4 of.6 Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:$216.50 Page-11 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA • owners oh Whose property the utility lines are located agree to tate removal.'relbcations and sitting:being:paid,by said,property-owners and withthe.r®moval'rel.•ocati'on acrd sitting being done In conformity with applicable standards. E. The property owners of Parcel- Nos: 540510.0015 and 5405100025 shall • reserve and grant a public.access easement across those parcels from the southern terminus of the existing•pibiie.alley-(following.vacation)to B Street:NE and shall:construct such public access easement to City standards-for thepurposes of allowing vehicular, pedestrian and.emergencyacceas:to end from•the southern terminus of the;exlsting public alley.(following vacation)to,and from B Street-NE. F. Direct access from the Vacation area to 3b Street NE. anal from Parcel. No: 0492000480 to Auburn Avenue shall be permanently closed. The Developer Will be required to remove curb cuts and driveways and replace with.sidewalks In accordance with City Standards :upon reservation and construction-of such: access.easement. In paragraph.E,above. G, This •vacation:shall•be effective upon c'ompletlen •of the provisions In paragraph E and 'F, above. The above:described;previsions must:be•cbrnpieted by September 16',2.021 or the vacation and Ordinance willbe null-and Vold. Section•2. Constitutionaiitv:orinvalidity, If any portion of this Ordinance•or its application to any person.or circumstances Is held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance or the application of the provisions to other persons or•circumstartces shalt not be affected. Section 3. •Implementation. The mayor Is authorized to implement such Ordinance'No.975.9 ' • • • ROW'Vacation V1.19. • January 6',2020 • . • Page 5 of 6 ' Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:S216.50 Page-12 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA administrative procedures as maybe necessary to carry Out the direotl'ves ofthis-location. Section 4. .. 'Effective Date, This Ordinance shall take..effect.and be In force five(5)days from arid.after.passage,approval,and publication as.provlded by.law. Section 5? Recordation. The City Clerk is directed>torecordhthisOrdinance with the office.of The King County Auditor only upon completion of those provisions set forth In Section 1,Paragraphs E, F, and 0, above, at which timethe vacation pursuant to thl's Ordinance shall be effective under Auburn City Code'12A8.080, :INTRODUCED: MAR. 1 s' 2420 . PASSED: MR: 1,6.206,..... ...... • APPROVED: .MAR'.1. 6.202 : • - • :�C4 MAYYOR • ATTEST . mss+.,.•.+r!< a 5aN. Shawn Oampbell, Mity'Cletk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kendra Comeau,City Attorney PUBLISHED: Mp ih WI/ 'W') tr 111• eM 1t`C1YN�S - • Ordinance No.6759 • ROW Vacation V1-19 January 6,2020 Page 8 of 6 • Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:$216.50 Page-13 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA • • EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION • RIGHT•OF•WAY•VACATION • • THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY,BEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH,ADJACENT I'O.AND•COINCIDENT WITH THE EAST LINE OF LQT3 3 THROG.GH 6,RLOCK.2 OF THE PLAN OF MEADOW ADDITION.TO AUBURN,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDEOIN:VOLUME:48.OF PLATS,PAGE TR IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON.DESCRIBED-AS FOLLOWS, COMMENCIN.G.AT THE SOUTHWEST-CORNER OF.I,OT GOP SAID KOOK ZOF SAID.FLAT;. • .THENCE SOUTH•89'17!2Q"WTI;6.7AQ FEET AL,ONG-THE SOUTIi LINE.OF.SAI•D LOT OTO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER-OFTHAFPORTION CONVEYED TO.THE:CITY OF AUBURN.FOR-MEET PURPOSES'•BY.DEED RECORDED LINDERRECORDINGNO.780717027,6; THENCE-NORTH 78121.'00"EAST,4.4.37.FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE;.TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF'BAID•PORTION CONVEYED TO THECITY OF AUBURN,BEING THE WEST MARGIN OF SAID ALLEY AND THETRUEPOINT OF BEGINNIN.O;. • 7HENGE-NORTH 00°38'08"-EAST;189,00,FEET'-ALONG-SAID-WEST MARGIN-TO-THE NORTHEAST- • - - -. CORNER OF LOT 3.0E SAID.PLAN OF'MEAD•OWADDITION TO AUBURN; THENCE•ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID LOT 3,SOUTH 89°17'30"EAST, 10.00 FEETTO THE EAST MARGIN OF SAID ALLEY;• THENCE SOUTH:04°38'08'WEST,18.6.00 FEET ALONG MIDEAST MARGIN TOTHE MAST WESTERLY'4ORTHWEST-CORNER OF THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY'OF AUBURN FOR STREET PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED`UNDER RECORDING NO.7B07170274; THENCE.SOUTH 88°63'49"WEST;10.77 WEST;10.7t FEET TO SAID NORTHEAST•CORNER.OF THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO-THE;CITY OF AUBURN FOR STREET PURPOSES•BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING N0:7807170278.AND THEWEST MARGIN OF SAID ALLEY AND.THE.POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINS 1,670 SQUARE FEET,.MQRE.OR.LESS. (0.038 ACRES'+/•.) • Q wAsy ryAk. • �� ;3'333 �'.., :earo • ../. 9" •0/00%1 ? • ProJeofNamo:Mon11tSu0dInO. March 19;2Q't9. Revleod.Sepfember 193019. • Job Na.20440 • BOG tJSE . • 20440L.001.doo • • • • ' Instrument Number:20220928000047 Document:ORD Rec:$216.50 Page-14 of 14 Record Date:9/28/2022 7:44 AM King County,WA • . • . • . . .. • • • • . ' „ ' • EXHIBIT vB' • ob • • , ....._ ____ t , et4N • . RIO:LAOS% -s Ovr pc,IA : •X . • ul 00909"4 • ' —--r— W*0305 - —.-.1 , • 0 . cr, ——1 I . r 4069. LOT Z '' ' . . c4 • • '-!.. . • ct,I- .)...-.. I 4 i' ' ;S89'171301'10...00'• ' l' . 0111,0045 .-:' —-r .• •. • PORTION OF ALLEY .. .,s4 . . TO BE VACATED" /.1 r 8 °D° .- - - - - -..- — ' 28' ' LOT 3 li 14)1M 4'h,eo' . LOT 4 S, 048D • . a:i 1 PPO• 25 500) t: 0 .2 • • V ) :g . • — l ___ %., atIAL‘NC°CAIIIIIDIIR 6 t: _ 00.—i,, ?ma c$-,:. e 0-..vi 1 IV lot,1,.. 11.000,400040 • t.i..4: • (7,0 . I . 44 • .• p..o.,,,,,,,, x p : .,f-e ,--.A. . . LOT 5 / ' —— . ' • 'LOT 8 11.60' . • B! T.P:O.B. . 4., p.5ktg, . o •. AREA.CONIefED tn: A 1 OTE 4 ' • FOR STREET•PURPOSES: Ai _ 5891720% 141:-I ' I °ZOO' .0,..4... 1• REC.'NO. 7807170274 7 L' SI/813'49V 10',77,• 1. .P.O.C. ' AREA CONVEYED csi .‹. • I. . X• 3R-0"81:' N.E. FOR.STREET PURPOSES _ , ..... BY DEED REC; NO. 7807170275 .. itI •••••4....,,,.........,E - ,SCALE * •• For: 7.09 MOWER HORIZONTAL I VERTICAL N/tCITY OF ' 20449 0 HA 015215 72ND.AVENUE:SOUTH.' 41AUBURN 20449L.001.00C ojr..;x1V,ri, •1i„ ( 1251-022i . .... • - ‘t •4C: j; _1jk- ,: (425 251-8782.TAX Title: •SKEET 1 'POPPO .? CML ENGINEERING, LAND RIGHT OF WAY et• PLANNING, SURVEYING, VACATION •- . 1 1 /4T,.i14010 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES _ • DESIGNED,.......44- 1 Of Pt? Af iCIt'CKED.., DJS, A ppRom,.MG ,iDATE Call9/19. • • • .• ' •